Federal Child Support Guidelines (SOR/97-175)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2024-02-01. Previous Versions
Income Information (continued)
Marginal note:Failure to comply
22 (1) Where a spouse fails to comply with section 21, the other spouse may apply
(a) to have the application for a child support order set down for a hearing, or move for judgment; or
(b) for an order requiring the spouse who failed to comply to provide the court, as well as the other spouse or order assignee, as the case may be, with the required documents.
Marginal note:Costs of the proceedings
(2) Where a court makes an order under paragraph (1)(a) or (b), the court may award costs in favour of the other spouse up to an amount that fully compensates the other spouse for all costs incurred in the proceedings.
Marginal note:Adverse inference
23 Where the court proceeds to a hearing on the basis of an application under paragraph 22(1)(a), the court may draw an adverse inference against the spouse who failed to comply and impute income to that spouse in such amount as it considers appropriate.
Marginal note:Failure to comply with court order
24 Where a spouse fails to comply with an order issued on the basis of an application under paragraph 22(1)(b), the court may
(a) strike out any of the spouse’s pleadings;
(b) make a contempt order against the spouse;
(c) proceed to a hearing, in the course of which it may draw an adverse inference against the spouse and impute income to that spouse in such amount as it considers appropriate; and
(d) award costs in favour of the other spouse up to an amount that fully compensates the other spouse for all costs incurred in the proceedings.
Marginal note:Continuing obligation to provide income information
25 (1) Every spouse against whom a child support order has been made must, on the written request of the other spouse or the order assignee, not more than once a year after the making of the order and as long as the child is a child within the meaning of these Guidelines, provide that other spouse or the order assignee with
(a) the documents referred to in subsection 21(1) for any of the three most recent taxation years for which the spouse has not previously provided the documents;
(b) as applicable, any current information, in writing, about the status of any expenses included in the order pursuant to subsection 7(1); and
(c) as applicable, any current information, in writing, about the circumstances relied on by the court in a determination of undue hardship.
Marginal note:Below minimum income
(2) Where a court has determined that the spouse against whom a child support order is sought does not have to pay child support because his or her income level is below the minimum amount required for application of the tables, that spouse must, on the written request of the other spouse, not more than once a year after the determination and as long as the child is a child within the meaning of these Guidelines, provide the other spouse with the documents referred to in subsection 21(1) for any of the three most recent taxation years for which the spouse has not previously provided the documents.
Marginal note:Obligation of receiving spouse
(3) Where the income information of the spouse in favour of whom a child support order is made is used to determine the amount of the order, the spouse must, not more than once a year after the making of the order and as long as the child is a child within the meaning of these Guidelines, on the written request of the other spouse, provide the other spouse with the documents and information referred to in subsection (1).
Marginal note:Information requests
(4) Where a spouse or an order assignee requests information from the other spouse under any of subsections (1) to (3) and the income information of the requesting spouse is used to determine the amount of the child support order, the requesting spouse or order assignee must include the documents and information referred to in subsection (1) with the request.
Marginal note:Time limit
(5) A spouse who receives a request made under any of subsections (1) to (3) must provide the required documents within 30 days after the request’s receipt if the spouse resides in Canada or the United States and within 60 days after the request’s receipt if the spouse resides elsewhere.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt
(6) A request made under any of subsections (1) to (3) is deemed to have been received 10 days after it is sent.
Marginal note:Failure to comply
(7) A court may, on application by either spouse or an order assignee, where the other spouse has failed to comply with any of subsections (1) to (3)
(a) consider the other spouse to be in contempt of court and award costs in favour of the applicant up to an amount that fully compensates the applicant for all costs incurred in the proceedings; or
(b) make an order requiring the other spouse to provide the required documents to the court, as well as to the spouse or order assignee, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Unenforceable provision
(8) A provision in a judgment, order or agreement purporting to limit a spouse’s obligation to provide documents under this section is unenforceable.
- SOR/97-563, s. 3(E)
Marginal note:Provincial child support service
26 For the purposes of the recalculation of child support under subsection 25.1(1) of the Act, a spouse or an order assignee may appoint a provincial child support service to act on their behalf for the purposes of requesting and receiving income information under any of subsections 25(1) to (3), as well as for the purposes of an application under subsection 25(7).
Coming into Force
Marginal note:Coming into force
27 These Guidelines come into force on May 1, 1997.
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