Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Corrections and Conditional Release Act (S.C. 1992, c. 20)

Act current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2024-06-20. Previous Versions

Marginal note:Disciplinary offences

 An inmate commits a disciplinary offence who

  • (a) disobeys a justifiable order of a staff member;

  • (b) is, without authorization, in an area prohibited to inmates;

  • (c) wilfully or recklessly damages or destroys property that is not the inmate’s;

  • (d) commits theft;

  • (e) is in possession of stolen property;

  • (f) is disrespectful toward a person in a manner that is likely to provoke them to be violent or toward a staff member in a manner that could undermine their authority or the authority of staff members in general;

  • (g) is abusive toward a person or intimidates them by threats that violence or other injury will be done to, or punishment inflicted on, them;

  • (h) fights with, assaults or threatens to assault another person;

  • (i) is in possession of, or deals in, contraband;

  • (j) without prior authorization, is in possession of, or deals in, an item that is not authorized by a Commissioner’s Directive or by a written order of the institutional head;

  • (k) takes an intoxicant into the inmate’s body;

  • (l) fails or refuses to provide a urine sample when demanded pursuant to section 54 or 55;

  • (m) creates or participates in

    • (i) a disturbance, or

    • (ii) any other activity

    that is likely to jeopardize the security of the penitentiary;

  • (n) does anything for the purpose of escaping or assisting another inmate to escape;

  • (o) offers, gives or accepts a bribe or reward;

  • (p) without reasonable excuse, refuses to work or leaves work;

  • (q) engages in gambling;

  • (r) wilfully disobeys a written rule governing the conduct of inmates;

  • (r.1) knowingly makes a false claim for compensation from the Crown;

  • (r.2) throws a bodily substance towards another person; or

  • (s) attempts to do, or assists another person to do, anything referred to in paragraphs (a) to (r).

  • 1992, c. 20, s. 40
  • 2012, c. 1, s. 62

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