Health of Animals Regulations (C.R.C., c. 296)
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Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2024-06-17. Previous Versions
Health of Animals Regulations
C.R.C., c. 296
Regulations Respecting the Health of Animals
Short Title
1 These Regulations may be cited as the Health of Animals Regulations.
- SOR/91-525, s. 2
2 In these Regulations,
- abattoir
abattoir includes a mobile abattoir; (abattoir)
- accredited veterinarian
accredited veterinarian means a veterinarian who is authorized to perform certain duties or functions under an agreement made under section 34 of the Act; (vétérinaire accrédité)
- Act
Act means the Health of Animals Act; (Loi)
- advertisement
advertisement includes any representation by any means whatever for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale or disposal of a veterinary biologic; (publicité)
- Agency
Agency means the Canadian Food Inspection Agency established by section 3 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act; (Agence)
- air carrier
air carrier means the owner or operator of an aircraft engaged in the transportation of animals by air; (transporteur aérien)
- animal by-product
animal by-product means an animal by-product that originated from a bird or from any mammal except a member of the orders Rodentia, Cetacea, Pinnipedia and Sirenia; (sous-produit animal)
- animal embryo
animal embryo[Repealed, SOR/2001-210, s. 1]
- animal embryo transfer centre
animal embryo transfer centre[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- animal food
animal food means food containing an animal product or animal by-product for chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites, game birds, ruminants, swine or horses; (aliments pour animaux)
- animal glands and organs
animal glands and organs includes ox gall or bile, rennet and similar substances derived from domestic animals; (glandes et organes d’animaux)
- animal pathogen
animal pathogen includes any animal pathogen derived through biotechnology; (agent zoopathogène)
- animal product
animal product means an animal product that originated from a bird or from any mammal except a member of the orders Rodentia, Cetacea, Pinnipedia and Sirenia; (produit animal)
- animal semen distribution centre
animal semen distribution centre means an establishment or vehicle from which animal semen is distributed; (centre de distribution de sperme animal)
- animal semen production centre
animal semen production centre means an establishment where semen from ruminants or swine is collected or processed; (centre de production de sperme animal)
- antibiotic
antibiotic[Repealed, SOR/2002-438, s. 6]
- approved disinfection establishment
approved disinfection establishment means any factory, plant or other place approved by the Minister for the cleaning, disinfection or treatment of any animal by-product or any other thing; (établissement de désinfection approuvé)
- approved laboratory
approved laboratory means an establishment or vehicle approved by the Minister for carrying out examinations or tests of animals; (laboratoire approuvé)
- assigned name
assigned name means, with reference to a veterinary biologic, the name, in English or French, specified in a permit to import a veterinary biologic or in a product licence; (nom assigné)
- association
association[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- bee product
bee product includes bee pollen, bee propolis, royal jelly, beeswax and honey; (produit d’abeille)
- biotechnology
biotechnology means the application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms or parts or products of living organisms in their natural or modified forms; (biotechnologie)
- bird of the parrot family
bird of the parrot family means parrot, Amazon, Mexican double head, African grey, cockatoo, macaw, love-bird, lorie, lorikeet, and any other member of the species psittacidae; (psittacidés)
- blood meal
blood meal means dried blood of an animal; (farine de sang)
- bone meal
bone meal means ground animal bones, hoofs or horns which may include pieces of hide, flesh or sinew; (farine d’os)
- bovine
bovine means cattle or bison domestically raised or kept, but for the purposes of the import reference document does not include a bison that has ever been in contact with or part of a wild herd; (bovin)
- brucellosis-accredited area
brucellosis-accredited area[Repealed, SOR/2019-99, s. 1]
- brucellosis-free area
brucellosis-free area[Repealed, SOR/2019-99, s. 1]
- brucellosis free listed herd
brucellosis free listed herd[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- brucellosis free region
brucellosis free region[Repealed, SOR/93-159, s. 1]
- brucellosis low incidence region
brucellosis low incidence region[Repealed, SOR/93-159, s. 1]
- brucellosis region
brucellosis region[Repealed, SOR/93-159, s. 1]
- calf
calf[Repealed, SOR/2001-210, s. 1]
- carrier
carrier means air carrier, sea carrier, motor carrier or railway company; (transporteur)
- cattle
cattle means animals of the species Bos taurus or Bos indicus; (boeuf)
- certified brucellosis-free herd
certified brucellosis-free herd[Repealed, SOR/78-205, s. 1]
- chick
chick means, in relation to any species, a bird up to 72 hours of age that has not been fed or watered; (poussin)
- communicable disease
communicable disease means an infectious or contagious disease; (maladie transmissible)
- country of origin
country of origin means
(a) with respect to an animal, the country from which the animal was imported into Canada, where the animal has lived for no less than 60 days in that country in association with other animals of its own species and, in any other case, means the country in which the animal was born,
(b) with respect to an animal embryo, animal product or animal by-product, the country in which the animal embryo, animal product or animal by-product was taken from an animal, or
(c) with respect to an animal product or animal by-product — other than non-fertilized ova, semen and meat — that has undergone processing that would prevent the introduction of any reportable disease, any disease referred to in Schedule VII and any serious epizootic disease to which the species from which the product or by-product was derived is susceptible and that can be transmitted by the product or by-product, the country in which the product or by-product underwent that processing; (pays d’origine)
- disease
disease means, for the purposes of Parts III and IV, any reportable disease or other serious epizootic disease to which an animal or germplasm is susceptible and which can be transmitted by the animal or germplasm; (maladie)
- domestic cat
domestic cat means the animal felis domesticus; (chat domestique)
- domestic dog
domestic dog means the animal canis domesticus; (chien domestique)
- egg product
egg product means any of the following, namely, whole egg, egg shells, egg yolk, egg albumen or any mix of these, in a liquid, dried, frozen or fresh form; (produit d’oeuf)
- equine
equine means a horse, ass, mule or zebra; (équidés)
- eradication area
eradication area[Repealed, SOR/79-295, s. 1]
- establishment licence
establishment licence means a licence issued by the Minister in respect of an establishment; (permis d’établissement)
- expiration date
expiration date means a date designating the end of the period during which a veterinary biologic, when properly stored and handled, may be expected to be effective; (date de péremption)
- fertilizer
fertilizer has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Fertilizers Act; (engrais)
- fertilizer supplement
fertilizer supplement has the same meaning as the word supplement in section 2 of the Fertilizers Act; (supplément d’engrais)
- flock of origin
flock of origin or herd of origin means the flock or herd of which an animal was a member, where the animal was a member of that flock or herd for not less than 60 days immediately preceding its importation into Canada and in any other case means the flock or herd in which it was born; (troupeau de provenance)
- fowl plague
fowl plague means highly pathogenic avian influenza; (peste aviaire)
- game bird
game bird means a wild bird kept in captivity and includes pheasants, partridges, quail, grouse, guinea fowl and pea fowl, but does not include doves, pigeons, ducks, geese, birds of the parrot family or songbirds; (gibier à plumes)
- gluestock
gluestock means the hair, bones, hoofs, horns, fleshings, hide cuttings or parings of an animal or any other part of an animal that may be used in the manufacture of glue; (carnasse)
- hatching eggs
hatching eggs means the fertilized eggs of poultry; (oeufs d’incubation)
- Health of Animals Branch
Health of Animals Branch[Repealed, SOR/82-590, s. 1]
- herd
herd[Repealed, SOR/91-525, s. 3]
- herd
herd or flock, in respect of ruminants, means all ruminants
(a) that are owned by, or are in the possession or under the care or control of, any person and are kept
(i) on one or more parts of any single premises, or
(ii) on two or more premises that are geographically separate, where the ruminants have been interchanged or have had contact, or
(b) that are kept on a community pasture, grazing association unit or other common premises where the ruminants of more than one owner are kept, and includes any ruminants owned by the owners of those ruminants that are kept on any other premises and that are under the care or control of any of those owners; (troupeau)
- herd of negative status
herd of negative status[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- inspect
inspect includes test; (inspecter)
- inspection
inspection means an inspection carried out by an inspector, except where a customs officer carries out an inspection pursuant to section 16 of the Act; (inspection)
- inspection port
inspection port means a place listed in Schedule II where facilities exist to inspect animals; (poste d’inspection)
- inspector
inspector[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- label
label includes any legend, word or mark attached to, included in, belonging to or accompanying any veterinary biologic or package; (étiquette)
- level 2 containment laboratory
level 2 containment laboratory means a laboratory that meets or exceeds the criteria for the containment of pathogens at containment level 2 according to the Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines published by the Public Health Agency of Canada on its Internet site, as amended from time to time; (laboratoire de niveau de confinement 2)
- licensed establishment
licensed establishment means a place consisting of one or more rooms or buildings for which an establishment licence has been issued by the Minister; (établissement agréé)
- livestock
livestock means animals of the bovine, caprine, equine, ovine and porcine species; (animaux de ferme)
- livestock dealer
livestock dealer[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- manufacture
manufacture includes prepare; (fabriquer)
- manure
manure includes guano, feces with or without urine and anything containing feces from any bird, ruminant or porcine; (fumier)
- meat
meat means the edible part of a carcass that is the muscle associated with the skeleton, tongue, diaphragm, heart, gizzard or mammalian oesophagus, with or without accompanying and overlying fat, together with those parts of the bones, skin, sinews, nerves, blood vessels and other tissues that normally accompany the muscle and are not ordinarily removed in dressing a carcass, but does not include the muscle associated with the lips, snout, scalp or ears; (viande)
- meat meal
meat meal or tankage means the rendered and dried carcass or part of the carcass of an animal; (farine de viandeorrésidus de graisse)
- milk
milk means the lacteal secretion obtained from the mammary gland of any ruminant, in concentrated, dried, frozen, reconstituted or fresh form; (lait)
- milk product
milk product means any of the following, namely, partly-skimmed milk, skim milk, cream, butter, buttermilk, butter oil, whey, whey butter or whey cream, in concentrated, dried, frozen or reconstituted or fresh form, but does not include milk proteins, milk sugars and milk enzymes; (produit du lait)
- Minister
Minister means the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food; (ministre)
- motor carrier
motor carrier means the owner or operator of a motor vehicle engaged in the transportation of animals by motor vehicle; (transporteur routier)
- non-ambulatory animal
non-ambulatory animal means livestock, poultry, rabbits or an animal of the cervid or camelid species that is unable to stand without assistance or to move without being dragged or carried. (animal non ambulatoire)
- non-designated region
non-designated region[Repealed, SOR/85-545, s. 1]
- official vaccinate
official vaccinate[Repealed, SOR/2001-210, s. 1]
- official veterinarian
official veterinarian of a country means, for the purposes of all Parts except Part II, a veterinarian employed by the government of that country; (vétérinaire officiel)
- package
package includes anything in which any veterinary biologic is wholly or partly contained, placed or packed; (emballage)
- part of a country
part of a country[Repealed, SOR/2001-210, s. 1]
- poultry
poultry means domestic fowl and pigeons and includes any bird that is in captivity; (volaille)
- product licence
product licence means a licence issued by the Minister to manufacture the veterinary biologic described in the licence; (permis de fabrication)
- product outline
product outline means a detailed description of
(a) the process followed in preparing a veterinary biologic and any diluent to be used therewith,
(b) the methods and procedures to be employed in handling, storing, administering and testing a veterinary biologic and any diluent to be used therewith, and
(c) the tests used to establish the purity, safety, potency and efficacy of a veterinary biologic, and the purity and safety of any diluent to be used therewith, and the results of all such tests; (données générales sur le produit)
- purebred
purebred[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- quarantine port
quarantine port means a place listed in Schedule I where facilities exist to quarantine animals; (poste de quarantaine)
- railway company
railway company means a railway company engaged in the transportation of livestock by rail; (compagnie de chemin de fer)
- raw wool, hair or bristles
raw wool, hair or bristles means wool, hair or bristles taken from an animal but does not include wool tops, wool waste, wool noils, wool laps, small trade samples of wool, lime pulled wool and hair, scoured wool and hair and carbonized wool and hair; (laine, poils et soies bruts)
- registered processed egg station
registered processed egg station[Repealed, SOR/2018-108, s. 403]
- ruminant
ruminant means an animal of the suborder Ruminatiae and includes an animal of the family Camelidae; (ruminant)
- sea carrier
sea carrier means the owner or operator of a vessel engaged in the transportation of animals by water; (transporteur maritime)
- serious epizootic disease
serious epizootic disease[Repealed, SOR/2007-24, s. 1]
- song bird
song bird means canary, finch, oriole, cardinal and any other songster; (oiseau chanteur)
- tag
tag means an ear tag stamped with the letters “H of A” and includes any device used for the identification of an animal pursuant to the Act and these Regulations; (bague)
- test
test includes
(a) the collection of body tissue or fluid from an animal, and
(b) the injection of an animal for the purpose of determining that animal’s freedom from or infection with disease; (épreuve)
- tuberculosis-accredited advanced area
tuberculosis-accredited advanced area[Repealed, SOR/2019-99, s. 1]
- tuberculosis-accredited area
tuberculosis-accredited area[Repealed, SOR/2019-99, s. 1]
- tuberculosis-accredited herd
tuberculosis-accredited herd[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- tuberculosis-free area
tuberculosis-free area[Repealed, SOR/2019-99, s. 1]
- United States
United States means the states of the United States that are on the mainland of the North American continent and the state of Hawaii; (États-Unis)
- untanned hide or skin
untanned hide or skin means the outer covering of ruminants, ratites, equines and porcines that is raw and has not been chemically processed into a permanent and durable form of leather; (peau ou cuir non tannés)
- veterinarian
veterinarian means a person duly qualified to practice veterinary medicine under the laws of the place where he practises; (vétérinaire)
- veterinary biologic
veterinary biologic includes any veterinary biologic derived through biotechnology. (produit biologique vétérinaire)
- Veterinary Inspection, Operations
Veterinary Inspection, Operations[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- veterinary inspector
veterinary inspector[Repealed, SOR/97-85, s. 1]
- SOR/78-69, s. 1
- SOR/78-205, s. 1
- SOR/78-597, s. 1
- SOR/79-295, s. 1
- SOR/79-839, s. 1
- SOR/80-516, s. 1
- SOR/82-590, s. 1
- SOR/82-777, s. 1
- SOR/84-139, s. 1(F)
- SOR/84-828, s. 1
- SOR/85-545, s. 1
- SOR/86-543, s. 1
- SOR/91-525, s. 3
- SOR/92-585, s. 2
- SOR/93-159, s. 1
- SOR/94-491, s. 1
- SOR/95-54, ss. 1, 6(F)
- SOR/95-473, s. 1
- SOR/95-475, s. 4
- SOR/97-85, s. 1
- SOR/97-292, s. 27
- SOR/97-478, s. 1
- SOR/98-409, s. 1
- SOR/2001-210, s. 1
- SOR/2002-438, s. 6
- SOR/2002-444, s. 1
- SOR/2004-80, s. 14
- SOR/2005-181, s. 1
- SOR/2006-147, s. 11
- SOR/2007-24, s. 1
- SOR/2009-18, s. 3
- SOR/2014-23, s. 1
- SOR/2018-79, s. 4
- SOR/2018-108, s. 403
- SOR/2019-38, s. 1
- SOR/2019-99, s. 1
- Date modified: