Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Yarmouth Airport Zoning Regulations (C.R.C., c. 125)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22

SCHEDULE(Section 2)

PART IAirport Reference Point

Being a point distant six hundred (600) feet measured northwesterly at right angles to the centre line of runway 06-24, from a point distant three thousand five hundred (3,500) feet measured southeasterly along the said centre line from the southwesterly end of the said runway; said point being at a distance of one thousand seven hundred and sixteen (1,716) feet measured in a straight line on a bearing S. 17°36′ E. from a point at the intersection of the southwesterly boundary of Forest Street and the southeasterly boundary of McConnell Street where there is a concrete monument.

PART IIDimensions of Strips

  • 1 The strip associated with runway 06-24 is twelve hundred (1,200) feet in width, six hundred (600) feet being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and six thousand six hundred (6,600) feet in length as shown on Plan No. MT-0150 (A, B, C), dated November 6, 1967, on record in the Department of Transport at Ottawa.

  • 2 The strip associated with runway 15-33 is one thousand (1,000) feet in width, five hundred (500) feet being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and five thousand four hundred (5,400) feet in length as shown on Plan No. MT-0150 (A, B, C), dated November 6, 1967, on record in the Department of Transport at Ottawa.


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