Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Hull Construction Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1431)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-08 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions

PART I (continued)

Side and Other Openings above the Margin Line

 In every ship side scuttles, gangway ports, cargo ports, coaling ports and other openings in the shell plating above the margin line, and their means of closing, shall be of efficient design and construction and of sufficient strength having regard to the spaces in which they are fitted and their positions relative to the deepest subdivision load water line, and to the intended service of the ship.

Weather Deck

 In every ship the bulkhead deck or a deck above the bulkhead deck shall be weathertight; all openings in a weathertight deck shall have coamings of adequate height and strength and shall be provided with efficient and rapid means of closing so as to make them weathertight; freeing ports or scuppers shall be provided for clearing such deck of water under all weather conditions.

Subdivision Load Lines

  •  (1) Every ship shall be marked on its sides amidships with the subdivision load lines assigned to it by the Board; the marks shall consist of horizontal lines 25 mm in breadth, and 230 mm in length in the case of a ship that is a load line ship and 305 mm in length in the case of any other ship; the marks shall be painted in white or yellow on a dark ground or in black on a light ground, and shall also be cut in or centre-punched on iron or steel ships, and cut into the planking on wood ships.

  • (2) The subdivision load lines shall be identified with the letter C, measuring about 115 mm by 75 mm; the identifying letters and numerals shall in every case be painted and cut or centre-punched, as the case may be, on the sides of the ship in the same manner as the lines to which they relate, and

    • (a) in the case of ships of Class I and Class II with consecutive numbers beginning from the deepest subdivision load line that shall be marked C1;

    • (b) in the case of ships of Class III and Class IV,

      • (i) if there is only one subdivision load line, it shall be identified with the letter C, and

      • (ii) if there is more than one subdivision load line, the subdivision load lines shall be identified with the letter C and with consecutive letters beginning from the deepest subdivision load line, which shall be marked CA;

    • (c) where in the case of any ship the subdivision load line marks assigned are located below the lowest of the ordinary load lines, the latter load lines, if the owner so desires, need not be placed on the ship’s sides; for such cases the ship’s sides shall be marked with the deck line, the disc, the horizontal line through the centre of the disc, the subdivision load line or lines and the fresh water load line; the fresh water load line mark shall be placed at the same distance above the disc as if the disc were in its normal position; the fresh water mark shall be designated by the letter F at its after end and the forward end of this load line and that of the subdivision load line or lines shall be connected by a vertical line; the centre of the disc shall be placed at the level of the top edge of the highest subdivision load line; and

    • (d) in the case of ships that are not required to have ordinary load lines assigned, the subdivision line or lines shall be marked directly under the deck line and if more than one subdivision load line is marked on the ship’s sides the forward ends shall be joined by a vertical line.

  • (3) In the case of a ship of Class III, IV, VI or VII that is 150 tons, gross tonnage, or over, a combined subdivision load line and inspection certificate shall be issued over the signature of the steamship inspector or inspectors concerned with the inspection of the ship.

  • 1987, c. 7, s. 84(F)
  • SOR/95-254, s. 32


Application of Part

 This Part applies to the following classes of ships that carry more than 12 passengers:

  • (a) Group A comprising

    • (i) all ships of Class III and Class IV that are 50 tons, gross tonnage, and less than 150 tons, gross tonnage,

    • (ii) all ships of Class VI and Class VII that are 75 tons, gross tonnage, or over, and

    • (iii) ships of Class V and Class VIII that are not ferry vessels and are 75 tons, gross tonnage, or over; and

  • (b) Group B comprising all ships of Class V and Class VIII that are ferry vessels.

Standard of Subdivision

  •  (1) Every Group A ship, whether or not specifically required by this section to meet at least a one-compartment standard of subdivision, shall be fitted with at least three transverse watertight bulkheads.

  • (2) Every Group A ship shall be subdivided as follows:

    • (a) if carrying more than 49 passengers and not more than 400, it shall be so subdivided that with any one main compartment flooded, the margin line will not be submerged;

    • (b) if carrying more than 400 and not more than 600 passengers, it shall, in addition to the requirements of paragraph (a), be so subdivided that with the forepeak and the adjacent main compartment flooded, the margin line will not be submerged;

    • (c) if carrying more than 600 and not more than 800 passengers, it shall, in addition to the requirements of paragraph (a), be so subdivided that with any two adjacent main compartments flooded within at least 40 per cent of the ship’s length from the forward perpendicular, the margin line will not be submerged;

    • (d) if carrying more than 800 and not more than 1 000 passengers, it shall, in addition to the requirements of paragraph (a), be so subdivided that with any two adjacent compartments flooded within 60 per cent of the ship’s length from the forward perpendicular, the margin line will not be submerged; and

    • (e) if carrying more than 1 000 passengers, it shall be so subdivided by main transverse watertight bulkheads that with any two adjacent main compartments flooded, the margin line will not be submerged.

  • (3) Every Group B ship

    • (a) that is not over 45.7 m in water line length shall be so subdivided by main transverse bulkheads that with any one main compartment flooded the margin line will not be submerged;

    • (b) that is over 45.7 m but not over 61 m in water line length shall, in addition to one compartment subdivision, be so subdivided that, with either of the peak compartments and its adjacent main compartment flooded, the margin line will not be submerged; and

    • (c) that is over 61 m in water line length shall be so subdivided by main transverse watertight bulkheads that with any two adjacent main compartments flooded, the margin line will not be submerged.

  • SOR/95-254, s. 32

 In making subdivision calculations, the volume shall be calculated to the margin line and the assumed average permeability of spaces shall be as follows:

Machinery spaces blank line85

Tanks, chain lockers and spaces normally filled with cargo stores, mail or baggage, in the full load condition blank line60

All other spaces blank line95

 To be considered effective, watertight bulkheads abaft the collision bulkhead shall be spaced not less than 3.05 m plus three per cent of the load water line length, but in the case of ships of Group B this minimum spacing shall be applicable between peak bulkheads.

  • SOR/95-254, s. 32

 Watertight bulkheads shall not be stepped unless additional subdivision is provided in way of the step to maintain the same measure of safety as that obtained by a plane bulkhead; where a ship can withstand flooding of the two adjacent compartments separated by a stepped bulkhead and no part of such bulkhead is nearer to either of the other bulkheads bounding the adjacent compartments than is permitted by section 26, the step will be acceptable.

  •  (1) If watertight bulkheads are recessed, the recess shall be inboard from the ship’s side by at least one-fifth the beam amidships measured at right angles to the centre line at the level of the load water line; otherwise, the bulkhead shall comply with the requirements for a stepped bulkhead.

  • (2) In the case of ships that operate solely on the Great Lakes, where the maximum moulded beam at the deck and at the load water line differ appreciably, the inboard damage penetration may be assumed at a mean position between that corresponding to one-fifth of the maximum moulded beam at the deck, measured inboard at the deck, and that corresponding to one-fifth the maximum moulded beam at the load water line measured inboard at the load water line.

 Where a main transverse bulkhead is recessed or stepped, an equivalent plane bulkhead shall be used in determining the subdivision.

 The requirements for double bottoms as specified in section 11 of Part I apply to the ships of this Part.

 The requirements for peak and machinery space bulkheads as specified in section 10 of Part I apply to ships to which this Part applies, except that the requirements for afterpeak bulkheads specified in subsection 10(2) apply only to ships over 150 tons, gross tonnage.

 The requirements for damaged stability calculations as set out in Schedule II shall apply to all ships required by this Part to have at least a one-compartment standard of subdivision.

 The requirements for shaft tunnels as specified in subsection 10(3) of Part I apply to ships in excess of 150 tons, gross tonnage, to which this Part applies.

 The requirements of sections 14 to 18 respecting

  • (a) openings in watertight bulkheads,

  • (b) means of closing openings in watertight bulkheads, etc.,

  • (c) means of operating sliding watertight doors,

  • (d) signals and communications for watertight doors, and

  • (e) construction of watertight doors

apply to all ships to which this Part applies, except that, in the case of ships that are less than 150 tons, gross tonnage, that operate on the Great Lakes or on the sea coasts and that do not proceed more than 20 nautical miles from land, and in the case of all ships on inland waters, other than the Great Lakes, hinged watertight doors complying with subsection 15(3) and (4) may be permitted within accommodation and working spaces, if it is practical to keep such doors closed at all times except when actually being used for transit; in the case of those ships where an emergency generator is not required to be fitted, the requirements for two sources of power prescribed in subsection 16(6) of Part I need not be complied with.

  • SOR/95-254, s. 32

 The requirements for openings in shell plating below the margin line, as specified in section 19 of Part I apply to the ships to which this Part applies.

 The requirements for side and other openings above the margin line and for weather decks, as specified in sections 20 and 21 of Part I, apply to the ships to which this Part applies.

Subdivision Load Line Certificates

  •  (1) The provisions specified in subsection 22(3) of Part I relating to issuance of subdivision load line certificates shall apply to ships of Class VI and Class VII that are 150 tons, gross tonnage, or over to which this Part applies.

  • (2) The requirements for marking of subdivision load lines as specified in subsection 22(2) of Part I shall apply to ships of Class VI and Class VII that are 150 tons, gross tonnage, or over, except that references in paragraph 22(2)(c) to “the disc” shall read “the disc or diamond”; ships of Class VI and Class VII that make voyages to the United States on the Great Lakes shall be marked in similar manner to that specified in paragraphs 22(2)(a) and (b).

  • (3) Subdivision load line certificates will not be issued to ships of Class III, IV, VI or VII that are less than 150 tons, gross tonnage, nor shall such certificates be issued to any ship of Class V or Class VIII regardless of gross tonnage; in the case of such ships, a letter stating the maximum load draft at which the ship is permitted to operate will be issued; this letter shall be posted in the wheel house, under glass, adjacent to the inspection certificate.

  • 1987, c. 7, s. 84(F)

PART III[Repealed, SOR/2017-14, s. 402]

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