Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (SOR/2001-286)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2024-10-25. Previous Versions

PART 11Marine (continued)

Marine Transport — Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations

 A person who imports, offers for transport, handles or transports dangerous goods by vessel must comply with these Regulations if the dangerous goods are in transport between

  • (a) two points in Canada on a voyage during which the vessel is always within 120 nautical miles from shore and

    • (i) on the Atlantic coast, the vessel does not go south of the port of New York, and

    • (ii) on the Pacific coast, the vessel does not go south of Portland, Oregon; or

  • (b) Canada and another country, if the voyage is an inland voyage or a sheltered waters voyage that is within the waters described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition inland voyage in section 1 of the Vessel Safety Certificates Regulations.

Transporting Dangerous Goods from One Country through Canada to Another Country

 A person who transports dangerous goods by vessel from one country through Canada to another country must comply with the IMDG Code and Part 8 (Reporting Requirements) of these Regulations.

  • SOR/2016-95, s. 41
  • SOR/2017-253, s. 52

 [Repealed, SOR/2017-253, s. 23]

PART 12Air

International and Domestic Transport by Aircraft

General Requirements

  •  (1) A person who handles, offers for transport or transports dangerous goods by aircraft between Canada and another country must do so in accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions and the following provisions of these Regulations:

    • (a) in Part 1 (Coming into Force, Repeal, Interpretation, General Provisions and Special Cases),

      • (i) section 1.7, Safety requirements, documents, safety marks,

      • (ii) paragraphs 1.8(a) and (b), Prohibition: explosives,

      • (iii) [Repealed, SOR/2017-137]

      • (iv) [Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 46]

      • (v) [Repealed, SOR/2023-155, s. 46]

      • (vi) [Repealed, SOR/2002-306]

      • (vii) section 1.20, National Defence, and

      • (viii) section 1.43, Class 7, Radioactive Materials;

    • (b) in Part 2 (Classification),

      • (i) section 2.2, Responsibility for classification,

      • (ii) section 2.36, Infectious substances,

      • (iii) section 2.37, General, Class 7, Radioactive Materials, and

      • (iv) subparagraphs 2.43(b)(iv) and (v), concerning classifying in Class 9 dangerous goods that are environmentally hazardous substances;

    • (c) in Part 3 (Documentation),

      • (i) section 3.1, Consignor responsibilities,

      • (ii) subsections 3.2(1), (2), (3), (5) and (6), Carrier responsibilities,

      • (iii) subsection 3.4(1), Legibility and language,

      • (iv) paragraph 3.5(1)(f) and subsection 3.5(2), concerning a 24-hour number on a shipping document,

      • (v) subsections 3.6(1) and (2), which require the ERAP reference number and telephone number on a shipping document, and

      • (vi) section 3.11, Keeping shipping document information;

    • (d) in Part 4 (Dangerous Goods Safety Marks),

      • (i) section 4.2, Misleading dangerous goods safety marks,

      • (ii) section 4.4, Consignor responsibilities,

      • (iii) subsection 4.5(1), Carrier responsibilities,

      • (iv) subsection 4.7(1), Labels and placards: size and orientation, and

      • (v) section 4.9, Removal of dangerous goods safety marks;

    • (e) in Part 5 (Means of Containment),

      • (i) section 5.2, Requirements for a standardized means of containment to be in standard,

      • (ii) section 5.3, Certification safety marks on a means of containment,

      • (iii) section 5.6, UN standardized means of containment, and

      • (iv) section 5.10, Means of containment for Class 2, Gases;

    • (f) Part 6 (Training);

    • (g) Part 7 (Emergency Response Assistance Plan);

    • (h) Part 8 (Reporting Requirements);

    • (i) Part 13 (Protective Direction); and

    • (j) Part 14 (Permit for Equivalent Level of Safety).

  • (2) A person who handles, offers for transport or transports dangerous goods by aircraft within Canada must do so in accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions and the provisions of these Regulations referred to in subsection (1).

  • (3) Despite subsection (2), a person may handle, offer for transport or transport dangerous goods by aircraft within Canada in accordance with the requirements of sections 12.4 to 12.17.

  • SOR/2002-306, s. 39
  • SOR/2008-34, s. 93
  • SOR/2016-95, s. 41
  • SOR/2017-137, s. 59
  • SOR/2019-101, s. 22
  • SOR/2023-155, s. 46

Shipping Document

 The shipping document for dangerous goods transported by aircraft must

  • (a) be completed in accordance with Chapter 4, Documentation, of Part 5, Shipper’s Responsibilities, of the ICAO Technical Instructions; and

  • (b) show the information required for the dangerous goods by the ICAO Technical Instructions on a document that has, on the left and right margins, red hatchings that are oriented to the right or to the left.

  • SOR/2002-306, s. 40
  • SOR/2008-34, s. 94

Information to Pilot-in-command

 Despite subsection 12.1(1), the following text replaces subsection 4.1.6 in section 4.1, Information to the pilot-in-command, of Chapter 4, Provision of information, of Part 7, Operator’s Responsibilities, of the ICAO Technical Instructions:

“4.1.6 The information provided to the pilot-in-command must be presented on a dedicated form and not by means of air waybills, dangerous goods transport documents, invoices, etc.”

  • SOR/2002-306, s. 41
  • SOR/2014-152, s. 29
  • SOR/2017-253, s. 24

Domestic Transport by Aircraft

Explosives, Class 1.4S

  •  (1) A person may handle, offer for transport or transport by aircraft within Canada explosives included in Class 1.4S if

    • (a) the person complies with the ICAO Technical Instructions, other than Part 4, Packing Instructions, and sections 1.1 to 1.3 of Chapter 1, General, sections 2.1 to 2.4.1 and 2.4.3 to 2.5 of Chapter 2, Marking, Chapter 3, Labelling, and Chapter 4, Documentation, of Part 5, Shipper’s Responsibilities;

    • (b) when the consignor is not the air carrier, the consignor notifies the air carrier of the presence of the explosives before offering them for transport;

    • (c) the explosives are one or more of the explosives set out in the following table:


      UN NumberShipping Name
    • (d) the calibre of cartridges with the UN number UN0012 or UN0014 is

      • (i) less than 50 calibres, in the case of cartridges for rifles or pistols, or

      • (ii) greater than or equal to 8 gauge, in the case of cartridges for shotguns;

    • (e) the gross mass of each means of containment is less than or equal to 25 kg;

    • (f) the explosives are placed in an inner means of containment that is a box, in metal or plastic clips or in partitions that fit snugly in an outer means of containment that is designed, constructed, filled, closed, secured and maintained so that under normal conditions of transport, including handling, there will be no accidental release of the dangerous goods that could endanger public safety;

    • (g) the primers are protected from accidental initiation; and

    • (h) each of the outer means of containment is marked with the gross mass in kilograms and the words “Explosives — Excepted” or “Explosifs — Exceptés”, in letters at least 25 mm high and in a colour that contrasts with the background colour of the means of containment.

  • (2) Despite the restrictions that apply to item 19 of Table 8-1 to Chapter 1, Provisions for dangerous goods carried by passengers or crew, of Part 8, Provisions Concerning Passengers and Crew, of the ICAO Technical Instructions, ammunition, or ammunition loaded in a firearm, with the UN number and shipping name UN0012, CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS, INERT PROJECTILE or UN0012, CARTRIDGES, SMALL ARMS or UN0014, CARTRIDGES FOR WEAPONS, BLANK or UN0014, CARTRIDGES, SMALL ARMS, BLANK or UN0014, CARTRIDGES FOR TOOLS, BLANK, may be transported on board an aircraft by a peace officer as defined in section 3 of the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012, by a Canadian in-flight security officer or by a person described in item 22, column 1, of the table to subsection 78(2) of the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012.

  • SOR/2002-306, s. 42
  • SOR/2003-400, s. 3(F)
  • SOR/2008-34, s. 95
  • SOR/2014-152, s. 30
  • SOR/2017-253, s. 25
  • SOR/2022-268, s. 9

Forbidden Explosives

  •  (1) A person may handle, offer for transport or transport by aircraft within Canada explosives that are forbidden for transport in any of columns 10 to 13 of Table 3-1, Dangerous Goods List, in Chapter 2, Arrangement of the dangerous goods list (Table 3-1), of Part 3, Dangerous Goods List, Special Provisions and Limited and Excepted Quantities, of the ICAO Technical Instructions if

    • (a) the person complies with

      • (i) paragraphs 12.1(1)(a) to (j),

      • (ii) the quantity limits and the packing instructions set out in columns 10 to 13 of Table S-3-1, Supplementary Dangerous Goods List, in Chapter 2, Supplementary Dangerous Goods List (Class 1), of Part S-3, Dangerous Goods List, Special Provisions and Quantity Limitations, of the Supplement to the ICAO Technical Instructions, and

      • (iii) the requirements of the ICAO Technical Instructions;

    • (b) the explosives are

      • (i) UN0030, DETONATORS, ELECTRIC for blasting,

      • (ii) UN0042, BOOSTERS without detonator,

      • (iii) UN0059, CHARGES, SHAPED without detonator,

      • (iv) UN0065, CORD, DETONATING, flexible,

      • (v) UN0081, EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE A,

      • (vi) UN0082, EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE B,

      • (vii) UN0083, EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE C,

      • (viii) UN0084, EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE D,

      • (ix) UN0241, EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE E,



      • (xii) UN0360, DETONATOR ASSEMBLIES, NON-ELECTRIC for blasting;

    • (c) the explosives

      • (i) are not included in compatibility group A,

      • (ii) have not deteriorated or been damaged,

      • (iii) do not have an active means of initiation and are not primed for use, and

      • (iv) are in a means of containment that is required for them by the packing instructions set out in Chapter 3, Class 1 — Explosives, of Part S-4, Packing Instructions, of the Supplement to the ICAO Technical Instructions; and

    • (d) there are no other dangerous goods transported on board the aircraft at the same time as the explosives.

  • (2) The consignor of the explosives must

    • (a) notify the air carrier, in writing, of the shipping name, UN number, primary class and compatibility group of the explosives at least 48 hours before the explosives are loaded on the aircraft;

    • (b) keep a copy of the notification to the air carrier for two years after the date the notification is sent to the air carrier; and

    • (c) notify the consignee at least 24 hours before the explosives are transported of the expected time of transport unless the consignor and the air carrier agree that the air carrier will notify the consignee of the expected time of transport when the air carrier gives the consignor written agreement to transport the explosives.

  • (3) The air carrier must, at least 24 hours before transporting the explosives,

    • (a) give the consignor written agreement to transport the explosives and keep a copy of this agreement for two years after the date the notification referred to in paragraph (2)(a) is sent to the consignor; and

    • (b) notify each aerodrome operator listed on the flight plan of the intended time of departure, arrival and technical stops, if any.

  • (4) The notification referred to in paragraph (2)(a) and the agreement referred to in paragraph (3)(a) are valid for any subsequent transport of the explosives for two years beginning on the date that the notification and the agreement were made unless any of the information required in them changes.

  • SOR/2002-306, s. 43
  • SOR/2014-152, s. 31
  • SOR/2017-253, s. 26

 [Repealed, SOR/2017-253, s. 27]

 [Repealed, SOR/2008-34, s. 97]

Packing Instruction Y963

  • SOR/2014-152, s. 32
  •  (1) A person may handle, offer for transport or transport by aircraft within Canada dangerous goods that are aerosols included in Class 2.1 or 2.2, are UN3175, SOLIDS CONTAINING FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S., or are included in Class 3 and Packing Group II or III or in Class 6.1 and Packing Group III, if

    • (a) the person complies with

      • (i) paragraphs 12.1(1)(a) to (j), and

      • (ii) the ICAO Technical Instructions, other than Chapter 2, Markings, Chapter 3, Labelling, and Chapter 4, Documentation, of Part 5, Shipper’s Responsibilities, and paragraphs (j) and (l) of Packing Instruction Y963 of Chapter 11, Class 9 — Miscellaneous dangerous goods, of Part 4, Packing Instructions;

    • (b) when the dangerous goods are liquid,

      • (i) the quantity for Class 3, Packing Group II, is less than or equal to

        • (A) 1 L in a metal inner means of containment, except for UN1263, PAINT or PAINT RELATED MATERIAL, in which case the quantity may be less than or equal to 5 L, or

        • (B) 500 mL in a glass, earthenware or plastic inner means of containment, and

      • (ii) the quantity for Class 3, Packing Group III, and for Class 6.1, Packing Group III, is less than or equal to

        • (A) 5 L in a metal inner means of containment, or

        • (B) 500 mL in a glass, earthenware or plastic inner means of containment; and

    • (c) when the dangerous goods are solid, the quantity is less than or equal to 5 kg in an inner means of containment.

  • (2) The person who offers for transport the dangerous goods must, on each small means of containment that contains the dangerous goods,

    • (a) mark the words “Air Transport, 12.8, Consumer commodity” or “Transport aérien, 12.8, produit de consommation” in letters at least 25 mm high and in a colour that contrasts with the background colour of the means of containment; and

    • (b) for liquids, except flammable liquids in a quantity less than or equal to 120 mL, display on two opposite sides of the means of containment a package orientation label illustrated in Figure 5-29 of Chapter 3, Labelling, of Part 5, Shipper’s Responsibilities, of the ICAO Technical Instructions.

  • (3) Despite subsection (2), the dangerous goods safety marks that are required by that subsection to be marked or displayed on a small means of containment are not required to be marked or displayed on a small means of containment that is inside another small means of containment if the other small means of containment is not opened during loading or unloading or while the dangerous goods are in transport.

  • SOR/2002-306, s. 46
  • SOR/2003-273, s. 9
  • SOR/2017-253, s. 28

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