Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987 (SOR/87-509)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-04-01. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE VI(Subsection 2(3))
Common and Scientific Names
Item | Column I | Column II |
Common Name | Scientific Name | |
1 | Arctic char | Salvelinus alpinus |
2 | Arctic grayling | Thymallus arcticus |
2.1 | Bigmouth buffalo | Ictiobus cyprinellus |
2.2 | Black bullhead | Ameiurus melas |
3 | Black crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus |
3.1 | Bluegill | Lepomis macrochirus |
4 | Bowfin | Amia calva |
5 | Brook trout | Salvelinus fontinalis |
5.1 | Brown bullhead | Ameiurus nebulosus |
6 | Brown trout | Salmo trutta |
6.1 | Burbot | Lota lota |
7 | [Repealed, SOR/2023-28, s. 29] | |
8 | Catfish | members of the family Ictaluridae |
9 | Channel catfish | Ictalurus punctatus |
10 | Ciscoes | members of the subgenus Leucichthys of the trout family Salmonidae |
10.1 | Common carp | Cyprinus carpio (not including members of the subspecies koi) |
11 | Crayfish | members of the family Cambaridae |
12 | Cutthroat trout | Oncorhynchus clarki |
13 | Darters | members of the subfamily Etheostomatinae |
13.01 | Freshwater drum | Aplodinotus grunniens |
13.1 | Freshwater mussels | members of the family Unionidae |
14 | Gars | members of the family Lepisosteidae |
15 | Gizzard shad | Dorosoma cepedianum |
16 | Goldeye | Hiodon alosoides |
17 | Goldfish | Carassius auratus |
18 | Grass carp | Ctenopharyngodon idella |
19 | Herrings | members of the family Clupeidae |
20 | Kokanee | Oncorhynchus nerka |
21 | Lake sturgeon | Acipenser fulvescens |
22 | Lake trout | Salvelinus namaycush |
23 | Lake whitefish | Coregonus clupeaformis |
24 | Largemouth bass | Micropterus salmoides |
25 | Leeches | members of the class Hirudinae |
26 | Minnows | members of the family Cyprinidae |
27 | Mooneye | Hiodon tergisus |
28 | Mudminnows | members of the family Umbridae |
29 | Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy |
30 | Northern pike | Esox lucius |
31 | Paddlefish | Polyodon spathula |
32 | Pallid sturgeon | Scaphyrhynchus albus |
32.1 | Pumpkinseed | Lepomis gibbosus |
33 | Rainbow trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
34 | Rock bass | Ambloplites rupestris |
35 | Salamanders | members of the order Caudata |
36 | Sauger | Sander canadensis |
37 | Sculpins | members of the family Cottidae |
38 | Shortnose sturgeon | Acipenser brevirostrum |
39 | Shovelnose sturgeon | Scaphyrhynchus platorynchus |
40 | Smallmouth bass | Micropterus dolomieu |
41 | Smelts | members of the family Osmeridea |
42 | Splake | Brook trout X Lake trout (hybrid) |
43 | Sticklebacks | members of the family Gasterosteidae |
44 | Suckers | members of the family Catostomidae |
45 | Trout-perches | members of the family Percopsidae |
46 | Utah chub | Gila atraria |
47 | Walleye | Sander vitreus |
48 | Walking catfish | Clarais batrachus |
48.1 | White bass | Morone chrysops |
49 | Yellow perch | Perca flavescens |
50 | Zebra mussel | Dreissena polymorpha |
- SOR/90-302, s. 16
- SOR/92-174, s. 7
- SOR/92-450, s. 5
- SOR/94-55, ss. 8, 9
- SOR/99-189, s. 7(F)
- SOR/2023-28, s. 29
- SOR/2023-28, s. 30
- SOR/2023-28, s. 31
- Date modified: