Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Vessel Pollution and Dangerous Chemicals Regulations (SOR/2012-69)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2021-06-23. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 2(Section 83)

Designated Sewage Areas

ItemName and Location of Body of Water (Gazetteer of Canada reference system)
British Columbia
1Shuswap Lake (50°56′ N, 119°17′ W), north of Salmon Arm
2Mara Lake (50°47′ N, 119°00′ W), east of Salmon Arm
3Okanagan Lake (49°45′ N, 119°44′ W), west of Kelowna
4Christina Lake (49°07′ N, 118°15′ W), east of Grand Forks
5Horsefly Lake (52°23′ N, 121°10′ W), east of Horsefly
6Kalamalka Lake (50°10′ N, 119°21′ W), south of Vernon
7Pilot Bay (49°38′20′′ N, 116°52′15′′ W), Kootenay Lake, east of Nelson
8Stuart Lake (54°36′ N, 124°40′ W), northwest of Fort St. James. Portion of the lake south of Jennie Chow Island (District Lot 7114, Coast Land District), including a three-kilometre buffer from the mouth of the Tachie River
9Carrington Bay (50°09′ N, 125°00′ W), on the northwest coast of Cortes Island, in the Strait of Georgia. All water east of a line extending from the southern point of land to the northern point of land at the mouth of Carrington Bay, including Carrington Lagoon
10Cortes Bay (50º04′ N, 124º55′ W), on the east coast of Cortes Island, in the Strait of Georgia. All water west of a line drawn across the narrowest point of the harbour entrance
11Manson’s Landing and Gorge Harbour (50°04′ N, 124°59′ W), on the southwest coast of Cortes Island, in the Strait of Georgia. All water east of a line extending from the southern boundary of Manson’s Landing Provincial Park to the western headland defining the entrance to Gorge Harbour, including Manson’s Landing Provincial Marine Park, Deadman Island and Gorge Harbour
12Montague Harbour (48°53′ N, 123°24′ W), on the southwest coast of Galiano Island, in the Strait of Georgia. Northern approach: all water south of a line extending southeast from Ballingall Islet to Galiano Island and east of a line extending from Ballingall Islet to Wilmot Head on Parker Island. Western approach: all water east of a line connecting Parker Island to Philmore Point on Galiano Island, including Julia Island. Montague Harbour includes Montague Harbour Marine Provincial Park
13Pilot Bay (49°12′ N, 123°51′ W), on the north coast of Gabriola Island, in the Strait of Georgia, east of Nanaimo. All water south of a line extending east from Tinson Point to the main shoreline of Gabriola Island, including the marine area within Gabriola Sands Provincial Park
14Prideaux Haven (50°09′ N, 124°41′ W), in Desolation Sound, northeast of Lund. All marine waters in the area within the following boundaries: from a point located at a bearing of 263° and a distance of 2 080 m from the southwest corner of District Lot 4354, Group One, New Westminster District, along a line drawn due north at a distance of 350 m to the southeasterly shores of Eveleigh Island, thence along the said southeasterly shores to the most easterly point of said Island, at Lucy Point, thence on a bearing of 77° and a distance of 1 180 m to Copplestone Point, thence along the shores of Laura Cove, Melanie Cove, the southeasterly shores of Prideaux Haven and Eveleigh Anchorage to the point of commencement
15Roscoe Bay (50°10′ N, 124°46′ W). All marine waters of a bay on the east side of West Redonda Island, including all water west of a line drawn due north from Marylebone Point to the opposite shore on West Redonda Island
16Smuggler Cove (49°31′ N, 123°58′ W), southwest of Secret Cove. All marine water east of a line drawn from the westernmost point of Isle Capri to the westernmost point of Wibraham Point enclosed within the boundaries of Smuggler Cove Marine Park
17Squirrel Cove (50°08′ N, 124°55′ W), on the east coast of Cortes Island, in the Strait of Georgia. All water in the basin northwest of Protection Island
18Red River, from the Canada–USA border to Lake Winnipeg
19Assiniboine River, from Red River upstream to St. James Bridge in the city of Winnipeg
20Shoal Lake, Manitoba portion (49°37′ N, 95°10′ W)
21Gimli Harbour within the limits of the breakwater (50°38′ N, 96°59′ W)
Nova Scotia
22Bras d’Or Lake (45°50′ N, 60°50′ W) and all connected waters inside a line joining Carey Point to Noir Point in Great Bras d’Or, southwards of Alder Point in Little Bras d’Or and northwards of the seaward end of St. Peters Canal

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