Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations (SOR/93-55)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2022-09-27. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE III(Section 20)

General Gear Restrictions

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
WatersMethodClose Time
Nova Scotia
Annapolis County
1Annapolis River, upstream from a line drawn from Oak Point to Schafners Point.Nets of any kind, except dip netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Antigonish County
2Antigonish Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 86246013 to grid reference 86306000. Refer to map Antigonish 11 F/12.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
3Pomquet Harbour, east of a line drawn from grid reference 94305470 to grid reference 94415461. Refer to map Antigonish 11 F/12.Nets of any kind, except dip netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
4Tracadie Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 06355322 to grid reference 06665354. Refer to map Antigonish 11 F/12.Nets of any kind, except dip netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Cape Breton County
5Catalone LakeSmelt gill nets and smelt dip netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
6Sydney River, from a line drawn from Battery Point to Amelia Point, upstream to the Sysco Dam.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Colchester County
7Chiganois River, from the Highway 2 bridge upstream to the CN Railway bridge at Belmont.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
8Debert River, from Cobequid Bay upstream to the CN Railway bridge.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
9Economy River, from the highway bridge at Economy upstream to Callaghan Brook.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
10Folly River, upstream to the CN Railway bridge.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
11Great Village River, from the aboiteau at the dyke upstream to Spencers Brook.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
12North River, from its confluence with the Salmon River upstream to the West Branch North River.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
13Portapique River, from the highway bridge at Portapique upstream to Matheson Brook.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
14Salmon River, from the Highway 102 bridge upstream to Greenfield Brook.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
15Stewiacke River, from the CN Railway bridge near McKay Siding upstream to the highway bridge in Middle Stewiacke.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
16Stewiacke River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 70509810 to grid reference 70509835 (Stewiacke Landing). Refer to map Shubenacadie 11 E/3.Gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
17Shubenacadie River, upstream from the Highway 102 bridge at Shubenacadie East.Gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Cumberland County
18Maccan River, from the highway bridge at Maccan upstream to the highway bridge at Southampton.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
19Pugwash River, from the highway bridge at Pugwash upsteam to the highway bridge at Conns Mills.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
20River Hébert, from the highway bridge at River Hébert upstream to the bridge near the tree nursery in the Chignecto Game Sanctuary.AnglingApr. 15 to May 10
21River Philip, from the highway bridge at Port Philip upstream to the foot of Hannons Falls.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
22Shinimicas River, from the highway bridge at Northport upstream to the highway bridge at Lower Shinimicas.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
23Tidnish River, from the highway bridge at Tidnish Bridge upstream to its confluence with the West Branch Tidnish River.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
24Wallace River, from the highway bridge at Wallace Bridge upstream to the CN Railway bridge.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Guysborough County
25Ecum Secum Harbour, inside of a line drawn from grid reference 68607850 on Davidson Point, thence to grid reference 65407550 on Ball Gut Island and thence to grid reference 65057575. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16.Gill netsJune 15 to Sept. 30
26Giant Lake.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
27Liscomb Harbour, inside a line drawn from Redman Head to Smoke Point.Gill nets and trap netsJune 15 to Aug. 31
28Magginist Lake.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
29St. Marys River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 87108825 on Black Head to grid reference 87858870. Refer to map Country Harbour 11 F/4.Gill nets and trap netsJune 15 to Aug. 31
30Sullivan Lake.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Hants County
31Avon River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 08808450 to grid reference 10608450. Refer to map Wolfville 21 H/1.Drift netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Halifax County
32Chezzetcook River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 80505360 to grid reference 80505350. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11.Gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
33Cole Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 66604335 to grid reference 67354370. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11.Gill nets, except smelt gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
34East River Sheet Harbour, from the power house at Ruth Falls downstream 200 m.AnglingJune 1 to Sept. 30
35Ingram River, from a point 23 m downstream from the Highway 3 bridge to a point 23 m upstream from that bridge.Any methodJan. 1 to Dec. 31
36Kirby River, from a point 15 m downstream from the Highway 24 bridge to a point 15 m upstream from that bridge.AnglingJune 1 to Sept. 30
37Kirby River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 42906710 to grid reference 42806710. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16.Gill netsJune 1 to Oct. 31
38Musquodoboit Harbour, The Narrows between a line drawn from grid reference 90855350 to grid reference 91205350 and a line from grid reference 90555386 to grid reference 91205386. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11.Gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
39Musquodoboit River, upstream from a line north of Chapel Island drawn from grid reference 89955932 to grid reference 90105940. Refer to map Musquodoboit 11 D/14.Nets of any kind, except dip netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
40Necum Teuch Bay and Necum Teuch Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 62307690 to grid reference 58107570. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16.Gill netsJune 1 to Sept. 30
41Nine Mile River, upstream from a line drawn in Shad Bay from grid reference 37303130 to grid reference 36803130. Refer to map Halifax 11 D/12.Gill nets, except smelt gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
42Porters Lake and waters within a 180 m radius of any outlet or entrance connecting that lake to the Atlantic Ocean.Gill nets, except smelt gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
43Sackville River, upstream from the CN Railway bridge.Gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
44Salmon River (Port Dufferin), upstream from a line drawn across Port Dufferin from grid reference 48487280 to grid reference 48907250. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16.Gill nets, except smelt gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
45Sheet Harbour, East River Sheet Harbour and West River Sheet Harbour inside a line drawn from grid reference 40586560 on Sober Island to grid reference 36506445 on Malagash Island. See maps Ecum Secum 11 D/16 and Tangier 11 D/15.Gill netsJune 15 to Sept. 30
46West River Sheet Harbour, upstream from the Killag Road bridge, not including tributaries.AnglingJune 1 to Sept. 30
Inverness County
46.1Mabou Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 17620470 to grid reference 17700490. Refer to map Lake Ainslie 11 K/3.Nets of any kind, except smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
47Margaree River, from the breakwater at Margaree Harbour upstream to the highway bridges at East Margaree.Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
48Northeast Margaree River, upstream from the bridges at Big Intervale, not including tributaries.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
49River Denys, inside a line drawn from grid reference 48158110 to grid reference 47808029. Refer to map Whycocomagh 11 F/14.Nets of any kindJan. 1 to Dec. 31
50Seal Cove, Denys Basin, inside a line drawn from grid reference 47308200 to grid reference 47378223. Refer to map Whycocomagh 11 F/14.Nets of any kind, except smelt gill netsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
51Trout Brook, upstream from a point 96 m upstream from the highway bridge.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Kings County
52Gaspereau River, from a point 152 m downstream from the highway bridge at White Rock to a point 213 m upstream from that bridge.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
53Gaspereau River, from the White Rock power station upstream to the first highway bridge.Any methodJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Lunenburg County
54Gold River, from a point 200 m upstream from the Highway 3 bridge upstream to the Larder River.AnglingApril 1 to May 9
55Gold River, the Dipping Pool located between the Cable Pool and the Kill Devil Pool.AnglingMay 10 to Aug. 15
56LaHave River, from Silver Hill Brook, located 825 m downstream from the CN Railway bridge, upstream to the south end of Wentzells Lake.AnglingApril 1 to May 9
57LaHave River, from Morgans Falls downstream 90 m.AnglingJune 1 to Dec. 31
58New Germany Lake.AnglingApril 1 to April 30
59Petite Rivière, from the Highway 331 bridge upstream to Hebb Lake, not including Fancy Lake.AnglingApril 1 to June 14
60Texas Lake.AnglingApril 1 to April 30
61Wallace Brook, from the Petite Rivière at Crousetown upstream 180 m.AnglingApril 1 to Sept. 30
62Wentzells Lake.AnglingApril 1 to April 30
Pictou County
63East River of Pictou, not including tributaries, from the bridge on George Street in New Glasgow upstream to the highway bridge in Springville.AnglingApril 15 to May 14
64East River of Pictou, from a line drawn from Dunbar Point to Pine Point, upstream to the bridge on George Street in New Glasgow.Nets of any kindApril 1 to Nov. 30
65Pictou Harbour, tidal waters inside of the Harvey A. Venoit causeway.Nets of any kind, except dip nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
66River John, from the highway bridge in River John upstream to the CN Railway bridge.Nets of any kind, except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Queens County
67Medway River, from a point 90 m upstream of the highway bridge at Harmony upstream to but excluding McGowan Lake.AnglingJune 1 to Dec. 31
Victoria County
68Ingonish River, upstream from the Cabot Trail highway bridge.AnglingApril 15 to May 15
69Middle River, from the Forks Pool upstream to the Cabot Trail highway bridge near Finlayson.Angling, except with a single-hook lure or with an artificial flyJune 1 to Sept. 30
70Middle River, upstream from the Cabot Trail highway bridge near Finlayson.AnglingApril 15 to Sept. 30
71North River, upstream from the highway bridge at North River Bridge to a point at the benches marked by a fishery officer.AnglingApril 15 to May 31
72North River, upstream from a point at the benches marked by a fishery officer.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Yarmouth County
73Eel Lake and La Grande Passe, within 365 m of the Highway 3 bridge at Ste. Anne du Ruisseau.Nets of any kindJan. 1 to Dec. 31
74Tusket River, from the highway bridge crossing the canal at the southern end of Lake Vaughan downstream to the power house dam.AnglingApril 1 to June 30
New Brunswick
Carleton County
75Saint John River, from Beechwood Dam downstream approximately 0.8 km to a point marked by a fishery officer.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
76Saint John River, from a point 50 m downstream from Upper Guisiguit Brook to a point 50 m upstream from Upper Guisiguit Brook.AnglingJuly 1 to Dec. 31
77Saint John River, from the highway bridge at Grafton to the railway bridge at Upper Woodstock.AnglingJune 15 to Dec. 31
Gloucester County
78Bathurst Harbour, inside a line drawn from Carron Point (Caron Point) to Youghall Point (Alston Point).Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
79Caraquet River, upstream from a line drawn across the river from grid reference 45009350 to grid reference 45209290 (approximately 1.2 km downstream from the Highway 11 bridge). Refer to map Grande-Anse 21 P/14.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
80Chaleur Bay, inside of a line drawn from grid reference 99208522 at Millstream Gully, thence to the fairway buoy in Bathurst Harbour and thence to Belloni Point. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12.Nets of any kindJune 1 to Dec. 31
81Chaleur Bay, in waters that are less than 7.3 m in depth at low tide between the wharf at Grande-Anse, Gloucester County, and the ferry wharf at Dalhousie, Restigouche County.Nets of any kindJune 1 to Dec. 31
82Nepisiguit River, from the head of Pabineau Falls Pool downstream 45 m.AnglingMay 1 to Oct. 8
83Nepisiguit River, within 100 m of the Nepisiguit counting fence.AnglingMay 1 to Dec. 31
84Pokemouche River, upstream from the CN Railway bridge at Inkerman.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
85Rivière du Nord, upstream from a line drawn across the river from grid reference 44909483 to grid reference 44859412 (approximately 1.2 km downstream from the Highway 11 bridge). Refer to map Grande-Anse 21 P/14.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
86Big Tracadie River, upstream from the Pont-Lafrance bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
87Little Tracadie River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Kent County
88Buctouche River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
89Little Buctouche River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
90Cocagne River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
91Kouchibouguacis River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
92Richibucto River, upstream from the Bass River at grid reference 42475570. Refer to map Rogersville 21 I/11.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Kings County
93Palmer Brook, from the Hammond River upstream 200 m.AnglingJuly 7 to Oct. 31
Northumberland County
94Bartholomew River, not including tributaries.AnglingJune 20 to Dec. 31
95Bartibog River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
96Black River, upstream from the old Victoria Bridge at grid reference 31921118. Refer to map Chatham 21 P/3.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
97Miramichi River, upstream from a line drawn from Oyster River to Point aux Carr.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
98Northwest Miramichi River, within 100 m of the Highway 430 bridge (Miner’s Bridge).AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
99Stewart Brook, from its confluence with the Northwest Miramichi River upstream to a point 90 m upstream of the Miramichi water supply dam.Any methodJan. 1. to Dec. 31
100Tabusintac River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 44874642 to grid reference 44904669. Refer to map Tabusintac River 21 P/16.Nets of any kindJan. 1 to Dec. 31
101Tabusintac River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 51784445 on Point of Marsh to grid reference 51464477 on MacEacherns Point to a line drawn from grid reference 44874642 to grid reference 44904669. Refer to maps Tabusintac River 21 P/16 and Wishart Point 21 P/7.
  • (a) Eel pots and eel traps

  • (a) Dec. 1 to July 31

  • (b) Longlines, set lines and nets other than eel traps, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters

  • (b) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

Restigouche County
102Jacquet River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 21351245 to grid reference 22141255. Refer to map Charlo 20 O/16.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
103Restigouche River, upstream from a line drawn from the ferry wharf at Dalhousie to the ferry wharf at Miguasha, Quebec.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
104Restigouche River, from the Van Horne Bridge in Campbellton upstream to a line drawn from grid reference 61631743 to grid reference 61631836 (Morrissey Rock). Refer to map Atholville 21 O/15.Spears, lights and torchesApr. 15 to Nov. 15
105Northwest Upsalquitch River, upstream from Mill Brook, located at grid reference 64857515, not including tributaries of that river. Refer to map Upsalquitch Forks 21 O/10.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
106Southeast Upsalquitch River, from grid reference 81007970 at Boars Head Pool upstream to the bridge above the dam at Simpsons Field. Refer to map Upsalquitch Forks 21 O/10.AnglingJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Victoria County
107Right Hand Branch Tobique River (Campbell River), from the Mamozekel River upstream to the mouth of Tom Pole Brook, located 200 m upstream from the Tobique Salmon Enhancement Project holding fence.AnglingJuly 1 to Dec. 31
108Tobique River, from a line drawn from grid reference 12107980 at the mouth of Finnemore Brook to grid reference 12008095 at Gladwyn, upstream to a line drawn from grid reference 13728200 to grid reference 13678212. Refer to map Aroostook 21 J/13.AnglingJune 15 to Dec. 31
Westmorland County
109Scoudouc River, upstream from the Highway 15 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
110Shediac River, upstream from the old Highway 11 bridge.Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those watersJan. 1 to Dec. 31
York County
111Nashwaak River, from a point 150 m downstream from Porters Brook to a point 30 m upstream from Porters Brook.AnglingJune 15 to Dec. 31
112Nashwaak River, Big Basin Pool at grid reference 49422894. Refer to map Coldstream 21 J/6.AnglingJune 15 to Dec. 31
113Nashwaak River and Youngs Brook, within 15 m of their confluence.AnglingJune 15 to Dec. 31
Prince Edward Island
Kings County
114Basin Head Harbour, upstream from Basin Head Bridge at grid reference 67503707. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
115Big Brook, upstream from the Fortune River at grid reference 43913272. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
116Black Pond, upstream from its confluence with the Northumberland Strait at grid reference 64813494. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
117Brudenell River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 31301549 to grid reference 31571610. Refer to map Montague 11 L/2.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
118Boughton River, upstream from the highway bridge at Bridgetown.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
119Cardigan River, upstream from the causeway on Highway 311.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
120Diligent Pond, upstream from its confluence with the Northumberland Strait at grid reference 77584335. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
121East Lake, upstream from its confluence with the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 75904579. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
122Fortune River, upstream from the Highway 2 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
123Fox River, upstream from the Highway 348 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
124Grahams Pond, upstream from the Highway 17 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
125Greek River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 35609958 to grid reference 35569928. Refer to map Montague 11 L/2.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
126MacVanes Pond, upstream from the Highway 16 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
127McAskill River, upstream from its confluence with the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 35404594. Refer to map Mount Stewart 11 L/7.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
128Mink River, upstream from the Highway 17 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
129Mitchell River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 34281898 to grid reference 34601900. Refer to map Montague 11 L/2.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
130Montague River, upstream from the Main Street bridge at Montague.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
131Murray Harbour, inside the Highway 18 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
132Murray River, upstream from the Highway 4 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
133Naufrage River, upstream from the Highway 16 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
134North Lake, upstream from the Highway 16 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
135Seal River, upstream from the Highway 311 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
136Schooner Creek, upstream from its confluence with the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 25534490. Refer to map Mount Stewart 11 L/7.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
137Souris River, upstream from the culvert on the Gowan Brae Road at grid reference 53653677. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
138St. Peters Lake and St. Peters River, upstream from a point in the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 17094274. Refer to map Mount Stewart 11 L/7.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
139Sturgeon River, upstream from the Highway 17 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
Queens County
140Belle River, upstream from the Highway 1 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
141Desable River, upstream from the Highway 1 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
142Hillsborough River, upstream from the CN Railway bridge at Mount Stewart.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
143MacPhersons Creek, upstream from its confluence with the Northumberland Strait at grid reference 25208954. Refer to map Pictou Island 11 E/15.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
144North River, upstream from the causeway on Highway 1.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
145Savage Harbour, upstream from the Highway 350 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
146Seal River, upstream from the Highway 1 bridge.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
147Vernon River, upstream from the Vernon Causeway on Highway 1.Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel trapsJan. 1 to Dec. 31
  • SOR/2001-452, ss. 35, 36, 37(F)

Date modified: