Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Contraventions Regulations (SOR/96-313)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2024-11-29. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE I.1(Sections 1 to 4)Canada Shipping Act, 2001


Canada Shipping Act, 2001

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemProvision of Canada Shipping Act, 2001Short-Form DescriptionFine ($)
1129(1)Failing to report running down, movement, damaging or destruction of aid to navigation500
2129(2)Failing to report uncharted hazard to navigation or missing, out of position or malfunctioning aid to navigation500
3148(b)Failing, after a collision, to give name of vessel or name and address of authorized representative to master or person in charge of other vessel250
  • (a) Failing to report possession of wreck to receiver of wreck when owner of wreck unknown

  • (b) Failing to provide information or documents requested by receiver of wreck

5155(1)(b)Failing to take measures directed by receiver of wreck400
  • (a) Possessing unreported wreck

  • (b) Concealing unreported wreck

  • (c) Destroying unreported wreck

  • (d) Selling unreported wreck

7187Discharging a prescribed pollutant250
8196(5)(a)Failing to give officer or inspector reasonable assistance — owner, person in charge or person on board pleasure craft250
9196(5)(b)Failing to produce document or information to officer or inspector — Owner, person in charge or person on board pleasure craft250
10197(2)Selling pleasure craft in the course of a commercial enterprise without required plate or label500
11198(2)Failing to give officer or inspector reasonable assistance — importer, manufacturer or vendor of pleasure craft or owner or person in charge of place where pleasure craft is located500
12198(2)Failing to produce document or information to officer or inspector — importer, manufacturer or vendor of pleasure craft or owner or person in charge of place where pleasure craft is located500
  • (a) Operating unlicensed pleasure craft — owner

  • (b) Permitting operation of unlicensed pleasure craft — owner

  • (a) Operating pleasure craft without transferring licence — new owner

  • (b) Permitting operation of pleasure craft without transferring licence — new owner

  • (a) Operating licensed pleasure craft on which licence number not marked and maintained in the specified form and manner

  • (b) Permitting operation of licensed pleasure craft on which licence number not marked and maintained in the specified form and manner

  • (a) Defacing licence number on pleasure craft

  • (b) Altering licence number on pleasure craft

  • (c) Concealing licence number on pleasure craft

  • (d) Removing licence number on pleasure craft


PART I.1[Repealed, SOR/2010-15, s. 2]


Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemProvision of Vessel Operation Restriction RegulationsShort-Form DescriptionFine ($)
12(1)Operating vessel where prohibited200
22(2)Operating power-driven or electrically propelled vessel where prohibited200
32(3)Operating power-driven vessel or electrically propelled vessel that has an aggregate maximum power greater than 7.5 kW where prohibited200
42(4)Operating power-driven or electrically propelled vessel with more engine power than maximum specified200
52(5)Operating power-driven or electrically propelled vessel over maximum speed specified200
62(6)Operating power-driven or electrically propelled vessel for the purpose of towing a person on any water sport equipment, or allowing a person to wake surf, outside permitted hours200
72(7)Operating power-driven vessel at a speed over 10 km/h within 30 m of shore in specified waters200
85Placing sign restricting vessel operation250
96(2)(b)Failing to maintain sign in required form250
9.17Failing to remove unauthorized sign250
9.28(1)Failing to ensure sign is in proper form250
9.310(a)Removing authorized sign250
  • (a) Altering authorized sign

  • (b) Concealing authorized sign

  • (c) Damaging authorized sign

  • (d) Destroying authorized sign

1110(c)Using authorized sign or support erected for authorized sign as mooring250
11.111(1)Holding event or activity in prescribed waters that interferes with safe and efficient navigation250
11.211(2)Holding event or activity in prescribed waters without permit500
11.311(3)Holding event or activity during which speed limit exceeded in prescribed waters without permit500
11.414(1)Anchoring in False Creek without permit longer than 8 hours during day or outside permitted hours250
11.515(1)Operating vessel in an unsafe manner500
11.615(2)Operating vessel in a manner that interferes with an event or activity250
1219Allowing a person under 12 years of age to operate a pleasure craft with engine power greater than 7.5 kW250
  • (a) Operating a pleasure craft with more than 30 kW engine power — person under 16 years of age

  • (b) Allowing a person under 16 years of age to operate a pleasure craft with more than 30 kW engine power

  • (a) Operating a personal watercraft — person under 16 years of age

  • (b) Allowing a person under 16 years of age to operate a personal watercraft



Private Buoy Regulations

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemProvision of Private Buoy RegulationsShort-Form DescriptionFine ($)
  • (a) Place a private buoy that interferes with navigation

  • (b) Place a private buoy that is likely to interfere with navigation

  • (c) Place a private buoy that misleads operator of vessel

  • (d) Place a private buoy likely to mislead operator of vessel

24(1)(a)Place a private buoy that does not show the required dimensions above the water50
34(1)(b)Place a private buoy without displaying “PRIV” in the required manner50
44(1)(c)Place a private buoy that does not comply with the requirements set out in Canadian Aids to Navigation50
54(1)(d)Place a private buoy that does not display required information in the required manner50
  • (a) Place a private buoy not constructed in a manner that ensures requirements are met

  • (b) Place a private buoy not maintained in a manner that ensures requirements are met

  • (c) Place a private buoy not constructed with materials that ensure requirements are met

  • (d) Place a private buoy not maintained with materials that ensure requirements are met

  • (a) Place a private buoy with anchor not constructed in a manner that ensures anchor remains in position

  • (b) Place a private buoy with anchor not maintained in a manner that ensures anchor remains in position

  • (c) Place a private buoy with anchor not constructed with materials that ensure anchor remains in position

  • (a) Place a private buoy equipped with a light that fails to remain lit throughout the night

  • (b) Place a private buoy equipped with a light that does not meet the requirements of the Canadian Aids to Navigation



Small Vessel Regulations

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemProvision of Small Vessel RegulationsShort-Form DescriptionFine ($)
13 and 5(1)(a)
  • (a) Operating vessel with safety equipment not in good working order

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel with safety equipment not in good working order

23 and 5(1)(b)
  • (a) Operating vessel with safety equipment not readily accessible and available for immediate use

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel with safety equipment not readily accessible and available for immediate use

33 and 5(1)(c)
  • (a) Operating vessel with safety equipment not maintained or replaced in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel with safety equipment not maintained or replaced in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations

43 and 7(1)
  • (a) Operating vessel with life-saving appliance not bearing a mark or label indicating approval by the Minister

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel with life-saving appliance not bearing a mark or label indicating approval by the Minister

59Altering personal flotation device or lifejacket in a way that compromises its original structural integrity or diminishes the integrity or readability of its markings200
  • (a) Failing to wear personal flotation device or lifejacket in open vessel if device or lifejacket is of inflatable type

  • (b) Failing to wear personal flotation device or lifejacket on deck or in cockpit of vessel that is not open if device or lifejacket is of inflatable type

73 and 10(3)
  • (a) Operating personal watercraft without all required personal flotation devices or lifejackets on board being inherently buoyant

  • (b) Permitting person to operate personal watercraft without all required personal flotation devices or lifejackets on board being inherently buoyant

  • (a) Operating pleasure craft that is not licensed

  • (b) Permitting person to operate pleasure craft that is not licensed

  • (a) Operating pleasure craft without copy of licence on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate pleasure craft without copy of licence on board

  • (a) Operating pleasure craft if owner’s name and address on licence are not accurate

  • (b) Permitting person to operate pleasure craft if owner’s name and address on licence are not accurate

  • (a) Owner operating pleasure craft marked with a number that could be confused with a licence number or registration number

  • (b) Owner permitting person to operate pleasure craft marked with a number that could be confused with a licence number or registration number

12201Operator of a pleasure craft failing to take all reasonable steps to ensure safety of craft and of persons on board300
133 and 204(a)
  • (a) Operating non-human-powered pleasure craft without personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board

200 plus 100 for each additional device or lifejacket missing
  • (b) Permitting person to operate non-human-powered pleasure craft without personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board

200 plus 100 for each additional device or lifejacket missing
143 and 204(b)
  • (a) Operating non-human-powered pleasure craft without reboarding device on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate non-human-powered pleasure craft without reboarding device on board

153 and 204(c)
  • (a) Operating non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed additional personal life-saving appliances on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed additional personal life-saving appliances on board

163 and 205
  • (a) Operating non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed visual signals on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed visual signals on board

173 and 206
  • (a) Operating non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed vessel safety equipment on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed vessel safety equipment on board

183 and 207
  • (a) Operating non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed navigation equipment on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed navigation equipment on board

193 and 208
  • (a) Operating non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed firefighting equipment on board

200 plus 100 for each additional piece of equipment missing
  • (b) Permitting person to operate non-human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed firefighting equipment on board

200 plus 100 for each additional piece of equipment missing
203 and 209(1)
  • (a) Operating human-powered pleasure craft without personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board

200 plus 100 for each additional device or lifejacket missing
  • (b) Permitting person to operate human-powered pleasure craft without personal flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board

200 plus 100 for each additional device or lifejacket missing
213 and 209(2)
  • (a) Operating human-powered pleasure craft in whitewater with personal flotation device or lifejacket that is not inherently buoyant

200 plus 100 for each additional device or lifejacket of inappropriate type
  • (b) Permitting person to operate human-powered pleasure craft in whitewater with personal flotation device or lifejacket that is not inherently buoyant

200 plus 100 for each additional device or lifejacket of inappropriate type
223 and 210
  • (a) Operating human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed life-saving appliances on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed life-saving appliances on board

233 and 211
  • (a) Operating human-powered pleasure craft without prescribed vessel safety and navigation equipment on board

  • (b) Permitting person to operate human powered pleasure craft without prescribed vessel safety and navigation equipment on board

24604(1) or 721(1)Installing fuel-burning appliance or system on vessel without conforming to recommended practices and standards250
25604(3) or 721(3)Installing fuel-burning appliance or system that uses gaseous fuel, liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas or naphtha on vessel in a manner that permits ingress or trapping of the fuel or vapours below deck250
26605 or 723
  • (a) Installing fuel tank or fuel system on vessel in a manner that permits leakage or spillage of fuel

  • (b) Maintaining fuel tank or fuel system on vessel in a manner that permits leakage or spillage of fuel

27607 or 722
  • (a) Installing below deck on vessel a gasoline-fuelled inboard engine without the carburetor or throttle body fuel injector being fitted with a flame arrestor

  • (b) Enclosing by boxing on vessel a gasoline-fuelled inboard engine without the carburetor or throttle body fuel injector being fitted with a flame arrestor

28717(4)Builder, manufacturer, rebuilder or importer of a vessel failing to provide end user or reseller with document setting out design limitations250
29801(4)(a)Builder, manufacturer, rebuilder or importer of a vessel not fitted with a compliance notice failing to provide owner with compliance notice250
  • (a) Builder, manufacturer, rebuilder or importer of a vessel fitted with an inaccurate compliance notice failing to inform Minister

  • (b) Builder, manufacturer, rebuilder or importer of a vessel fitted with an inaccurate compliance notice failing to provide owner with accurate compliance notice

31803(2)Builder, manufacturer, rebuilder or importer of a vessel failing to provide declaration of conformity to reseller or end user and to Minister250
32803(4)Reseller of a vessel failing to provide a declaration of conformity to another reseller or end user250
  • (a) Remove or alter a compliance notice on a vessel

  • (b) Remove or alter a builder’s plate on a personal watercraft

34810(b)Defacing a compliance notice350
35810(c)Unlawfully attaching a notice, plate or label to vessel that indicates vessel meets the construction requirements350
36810(d)Attaching to vessel a compliance notice that contains untrue information500
37901Person who operates or permits another person to operate a vessel failing to ensure that it is marked with hull serial number250
  • (a) Altering hull serial number

  • (b) Defacing hull serial number

  • (c) Removing hull serial number

39903(2)Builder, manufacturer or rebuilder of a vessel failing to permanently mark hull serial number on hull of vessel before first sale to reseller or end user250
40903(3)Importer of a vessel failing to ensure a hull serial number is permanently marked on hull of vessel before first sale to reseller or end user250
  • (a) Builder, manufacturer, rebuilder or importer of a vessel failing to provide owner with hull serial number on a plate or label on request

  • (b) Builder, manufacturer, rebuilder or importer of a vessel failing to permanently mark hull serial number on vessel on request

42903(13)Builder, manufacturer or rebuilder of a vessel using the same hull serial number on more than one vessel500
  • (a) Operating power-driven vessel without a muffler that is in good working order

  • (b) Permitting person to operate power-driven vessel without a muffler that is in good working order

  • (a) Operating vessel with a muffler cut-out or by-pass that is not visibly disconnected

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel with a muffler cut-out or by-pass that is not visibly disconnected

451001Starting gasoline-powered vessel without operating engine space blower for at least four minutes immediately before starting engine250
461002(1)Permitting leakage of fuel within or from vessel500
471002(2)Permitting fuel or oil to be discharged from vessel500
481002(3)(a)Fuelling vessel equipped with a portable fuel tank while dockside or beached without first removing the tank from the vessel250
491002(3)(b)Fuelling vessel equipped with a fixed fuel tank while dockside or beached unless person fuelling is only person on board250
501002(4)Fuelling vessel equipped with a fixed fuel tank without switching off all electrical equipment, closing all doors, windows and ports, shutting off all engines and extinguishing all open flames250
511002(5)Carrying gaseous fuel, naphtha, liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas on vessel that is carrying passengers250
521002(6)Carrying fuel on board vessel in a portable container not designed for fuel250
531003(a)Using portable fuel-burning equipment or appliance on vessel other than in a well-ventilated location in an open space or on an open deck250
541003(b)Failing to secure portable fuel-burning equipment or appliance while in use on vessel250
551003(c)Failing to store portable fuel-burning equipment or appliance in a well-ventilated location250
  • (a) Operating vessel to tow a person on water or in air without a person on board other than the operator keeping watch on every person being towed

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel to tow a person on water or in air without a person on board other than the operator keeping watch on every person being towed

  • (a) Operating vessel to tow a person on water or in air without seating space on board for every person being towed

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel to tow a person on water or in air without seating space on board for every person being towed

  • (a) Operating vessel to tow a person on water or in air without a personal flotation device or lifejacket on board for every person being towed

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel to tow a person on water or in air without a personal flotation device or lifejacket on board for every person being towed

  • (a) Operating vessel to tow a person on the water or in the air during periods of restricted visibility or during the period beginning one hour after sunset and ending at sunrise

  • (b) Permitting person to operate vessel to tow a person on the water or in the air during periods of restricted visibility or during the period beginning one hour after sunset and ending at sunrise

601006(a)Towing oneself by vessel operated with a remote control350
611006(b)Operating propeller-driven surfboard-type vessel350
621007Operating vessel in a careless manner, without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons350


Collision Regulations

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemRule of Schedule 1 to Collision RegulationsShort-Form DescriptionFine ($)
  • (a) Exhibiting, from sunset to sunrise, light that can be mistaken for prescribed lights

  • (b) Exhibiting, from sunset to sunrise, light that impairs visibility or distinctive character of prescribed lights

  • (c) Exhibiting, from sunset to sunrise, light that interferes with keeping of proper look-out

223(a)(i)Failing to exhibit masthead light forward on power-driven vessel underway150
323(a)(iii)Failing to exhibit sidelights on power-driven vessel underway150
423(a)(iv)Failing to exhibit sternlight on power-driven vessel underway150
525(a)(i)Failing to exhibit sidelights on sailing vessel underway150
625(a)(ii)Failing to exhibit sternlight on sailing vessel underway150
725(c)Exhibiting red and green all-round lights in a vertical line in conjunction with a combined lantern on sailing vessel150
825(e)Failing to exhibit forward conical shape, apex downward on vessel under sail also propelled by machinery150
927(e)(i)Failing to exhibit, during diving operations, three all-round lights in vertical line in prescribed manner150
1027(e)(ii)Failing to exhibit, during diving operations, rigid replica of International Code flag “A”, visible all-round, in prescribed manner150
1130(a)(i)Failing to exhibit, at anchor, all-round white light or one ball where it can best be seen in fore part150
1230(a)(ii)Failing to exhibit, at anchor, all-round white light at or near stern in prescribed manner150
  • (a) Failing to have prescribed whistle — vessel 12 m or more

  • (b) Failing to have prescribed bell or other equipment having the same sound characteristics — vessel 20 m or more

1433(b)Failing to have whistle or efficient sound signal — vessel less than 12 m150
15Annex IV, s. 2
  • (a) Using prescribed distress signal for purpose other than to indicate distress or need of assistance

  • (b) Using signal that may be confused with prescribed distress signal



Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemProvision of Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft RegulationsShort-Form DescriptionFine ($)
13(1)(a)Operate a pleasure craft without prescribed competency250
23(1)(b)Failure to have proof of competency on board a pleasure craft250
2.13(2.1)Allow a person to operate a pleasure craft without the prescribed competency and proof of competency on board, or who does not benefit from an exception to those requirements to operate a pleasure craft.250
2.2[Repealed, SOR/2016-299, s. 6]
33(3)Failure by a non-resident to have on board a proof of residency250
4[Repealed, SOR/2016-200, s. 33]
  • SOR/97-161, s. 2
  • SOR/97-208, ss. 2 to 6
  • SOR/97-469, s. 1
  • SOR/98-254, ss. 1 to 3
  • SOR/98-255, s. 1
  • SOR/98-383, ss. 1, 2
  • SOR/99-257, ss. 1 to 3
  • SOR/2000-381, ss. 2 to 6, 7(F), 8
  • err.(E), Vol. 135, No. 8
  • SOR/2001-517, ss. 2 to 4
  • SOR/2002-181, ss. 1 to 3
  • SOR/2004-189, ss. 1 to 14
  • SOR/2005-111, s. 1(F)
  • SOR/2009-144, ss. 1 to 3
  • SOR/2010-15, ss. 1 to 9
  • SOR/2010-92, s. 1
  • SOR/2016-200, ss. 32, 33
  • SOR/2016-299, ss. 4 to 6
  • SOR/2018-286, s. 11
  • SOR/2020-86, s. 3
  • SOR/2021-132, s. 1

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