Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations (SOR/99-53)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2020-10-06. Previous Versions

Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations



Registration 1999-01-15

Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations

P.C. 1999-11  1999-01-15

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, pursuant to section 562Footnote a of the Canada Shipping Act, hereby makes the annexed Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations.


 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations.

accredited course

accredited course means a series of lessons in respect of boating safety that has been accredited by the Department of Transport under section 6. (cours agréé)

accredited test

accredited test means a test referred to in paragraph 7(4)(c). (examen agréé)

Boating Safety Course Completion Card

Boating Safety Course Completion Card means a card issued, by a person who provided a boating safety course in Canada, to a person who successfully completed the course before April 1, 1999. (carte de réussite d’un cours de sécurité nautique)


candidate means a person presenting themselves at a test site to take the test or a person taking the test for a Pleasure Craft Operator Card. (candidat)

CCG-accredited course

CCG-accredited course[Repealed, SOR/2007-124, s. 1]

CCG-accredited test

CCG-accredited test[Repealed, SOR/2007-124, s. 1]

course provider

course provider means a person who has obtained the accreditation of a boating safety course in accordance with section 6. (prestataire de cours)

enforcement officer

enforcement officer[Repealed, SOR/2013-234, s. 1]


operate means the action of controlling the speed and course of a pleasure craft. (conduire)

Pleasure Craft Operator Card

Pleasure Craft Operator Card means a card issued by a course provider that attests that the cardholder has received a mark of at least 75 per cent on a test. (carte de conducteur d’embarcation de plaisance)

proof of age

proof of age means a Pleasure Craft Operator Card, birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport, driver’s licence or other official document that sets out the person’s date of birth. (preuve d’âge)

proof of competency

proof of competency means a Pleasure Craft Operator Card, a Boating Safety Course Completion Card, a rental boat safety checklist, proof of the successful completion of a boating safety course, or a certificate or other document pertaining to boating safety knowledge, as required under section 4. (preuve de compétence)

proof of residency

proof of residency means a passport, driver’s licence or other official government document that sets out a person’s place of residence. (preuve de résidence)


test means a boating safety test that meets the requirements of section 7 taken for the purpose of obtaining a Pleasure Craft Operator Card. (examen)

  • SOR/2002-18, s. 1
  • SOR/2007-124, s. 1, err., Vol. 141, No. 15
  • SOR/2013-234, s. 1


  •  (1) These Regulations apply in respect of pleasure craft that are fitted with a motor and that are operated for recreational purposes in Canadian waters, other than the waters of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

  • (2) These Regulations do not apply in respect of seaplanes.


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall operate a pleasure craft unless the person

    • (a) is competent to operate the pleasure craft in accordance with section 4; and

    • (b) has proof of competency on board.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who

    • (a) is operating the pleasure craft under the supervision of an instructor as part of an accredited course;

    • (b) is not a resident of Canada and whose pleasure craft is in Canada for less than 45 consecutive days; or

    • (c) has proof on board that the person holds a certificate of competency, training certificate, endorsement or other equivalency listed in the schedule.

    • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2013-234, s. 2]

  • (2.1) No person in charge of a pleasure craft shall allow another person to operate the pleasure craft unless that other person is a person referred to in subsection (1) or (2).

  • (3) A person referred to in paragraph (2)(b) or 4(2)(b) shall not operate a pleasure craft without proof of residency on board the pleasure craft.

  • (4) Except where replacing a previously issued card or issuing a card to a person providing proof that the person holds a certificate of competency, training certificate, endorsement or other equivalency listed in the schedule, no course provider shall issue a Pleasure Craft Operator Card to a candidate unless the provider or their agent has administered to the candidate a test that meets the requirements of section 7.

  • SOR/2002-18, s. 2
  • SOR/2007-124, s. 2, err., Vol. 141, No. 15
  • SOR/2013-234, s. 2


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person is competent to operate a pleasure craft

    • (a) if the person has received a mark of at least 75 per cent on a test and has been issued a Pleasure Craft Operator Card;

    • (b) if the person had successfully completed a recreational boating safety course in Canada before April 1, 1999 and has a Boating Safety Course Completion Card or other written proof of that completion; or

    • (c) in the case of a pleasure craft rented from a rental agency or from a representative of a rental agency,

      • (i) if the person meets the condition set out in paragraphs (a) or (b), or

      • (ii) if the person and the agency or representative complete and sign, before the pleasure craft is operated, a rental boat safety checklist that contains the information referred to in section 8 and the person operates the pleasure craft only during the rental period.

  • (2) A person who is not a resident of Canada is competent to operate a pleasure craft if the person

    • (a) has proof of competency as set out in subsection (1); or

    • (b) has been issued a certificate or other similar document that meets the requirements of the person’s state or country.

  • SOR/2007-124, s. 3, err., Vol. 141, No. 15
  • SOR/2013-234, s. 3

 [Repealed, SOR/2007-124, s. 4, err., Vol. 141, No. 15]

Accredited Courses

  • SOR/2007-124, s. 5, err., Vol. 141, No. 15
  •  (1) A person shall apply for the accreditation of a boating safety course by making a written request and submitting 4 copies of the course to the Department of Transport.

  • (2) The Department of Transport may accredit, as an accredited course, a course that

    • (a) defines boating terms and expressions;

    • (b) describes the responsibilities of the operators of pleasure craft, including the requirement to have the appropriate equipment and charts, maps and other documents on board the pleasure craft;

    • (c) sets out safety procedures to be followed by operators and occupants of pleasure craft, including appropriate responses to boating emergencies and other situations;

    • (d) sets out general boating safety knowledge; and

    • (e) reviews these Regulations and the provisions of the following statutes and regulations relating to the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c), as applicable:

  • (3) The Department of Transport may

    • (a) suspend the accreditation of any boating safety course where the course no longer meets the criteria set out in subsection (2); and

    • (b) reinstate the accreditation where the reasons for the suspension have been remedied.

Test Administered Under an Approved Protocol

  •  (1) Subject to section 7.1, a course provider or their agent may administer a test only if the test

    • (a) is administered in accordance with the course provider’s test protocol submitted to and approved by the Minister; and

    • (b) meets the requirements of subsections (3) and (4).

  • (2) The Minister shall approve a test protocol if it contains procedures ensuring that

    • (a) the identity and age of each candidate are verified;

    • (b) each candidate receives clear instructions, before the test begins, on

      • (i) the maximum duration of the test,

      • (ii) the passing grade, and

      • (iii) the procedures to be followed to complete the test;

    • (c) during the test, no candidate

      • (i) communicates with any person other than the person administering the test,

      • (ii) has access to documentation other than the test and the instructions that relate to it,

      • (iii) copies, removes from the test site or sends to anyone the test or any portion of it, or

      • (iv) consumes alcoholic beverages;

    • (d) the test site is a site

      • (i) that is designated solely for the use of the person administering the test, candidates and, if applicable, agents of the Department of Transport, for the duration of the test,

      • (ii) that is owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by the course provider but that is in no way under the control of a candidate taking the test such as a site that is the residence of a candidate taking the test,

      • (iii) in respect of which the course provider has undertaken to permit access, on request, to any agents of the Department of Transport,

      • (iv) that conforms to the description furnished by the course provider in their test protocol, and

      • (v) that, in the case of a test site situated within a space where a commercial or sporting activity occurs concurrently with the test, is delineated by walls or partitions in such a manner that the candidates are incapable of seeing anything outside the test site during the taking of the test except through a window;

    • (e) no candidate may take a test more than once in one day;

    • (f) any candidate who does not comply with the requirements of paragraph (c) is removed from the test site and their answers automatically rejected for that test;

    • (g) the ratio of candidates to persons administering the test shall not exceed 20 to 1; and

    • (h) a copy of the test protocol shall be available at the test site for consultation, including an inspection by an agent of the Department of Transport.

  • (3) All tests shall be supervised throughout their duration by the person administering the test and can be provided to a candidate only at a test site and in one of the following formats:

    • (a) in paper format;

    • (b) electronically by computer; or

    • (c) by one of the following means if the candidate is the sole candidate present:

      • (i) in the case of a candidate who does not fluently read English or French or is deaf or mute, by the person administering the test asking the questions orally, if necessary through a competent and independent interpreter, and

      • (ii) in any other specific case, by any other method of communication that meets the needs generated by a candidate’s documented health problem.

  • (4) The following requirements apply to the type of test specified:

    • (a) every test shall be composed of 36 items or questions distributed as follows:

      • (i) 9 items or questions on the matters referred to in paragraph 6(2)(a) and the provisions referred to in paragraph 6(2)(e) that are applicable to those matters,

      • (ii) 9 items or questions on the matters referred to in paragraph 6(2)(b) and the provisions referred to in paragraph 6(2)(e) that are applicable to those matters,

      • (iii) 12 items or questions on the matters referred to in paragraph 6(2)(c) and the provisions referred to in paragraph 6(2)(e) that are applicable to those matters, and

      • (iv) 6 items or questions on the matters referred to in paragraph 6(2)(d);

    • (b) in the case of a test other than one referred to in paragraph (c) and in the case of all tests administered by computer, the items or questions shall be randomly selected from the most recent bank of questions provided by the Department of Transport to course providers who have had their test protocols approved under subsection (2); and

    • (c) in the case of a test accredited before July 24, 2003 and administered by the person who obtained the accreditation or their agent, the test shall not have been altered since that accreditation.

  • SOR/2007-124, s. 7, err., Vol. 141, No. 15
  • SOR/2013-234, s. 5

Suspension of Accreditation or Approval

  •  (1) If a course provider issues a Pleasure Craft Operator Card without having complied with subsection 3(4), if a test is not administered in accordance with the test protocol approved under subsection 7(2) and applicable to it or it is demonstrated that a course is being given or a test is being administered to a candidate in such a manner that, on completion of the course or the test, the person’s knowledge of the matters referred to in subsection 6(2) is doubtful, the Department of Transport may do any or all of the following:

    • (a) suspend the accreditation of an accredited course;

    • (b) suspend the accreditation of an accredited test; and

    • (c) suspend the approval of a test protocol under subsection 7(2).

  • (2) The Department of Transport shall reinstate an accreditation or approval suspended under subsection (1) if the situation that justified the suspension has been remedied.

  • (3)  No person shall administer a course whose accreditation has been suspended or a test whose accreditation or whose test protocol approval has been suspended, except where an accreditation or approval has been reinstated.

  • SOR/2002-18, s. 4
  • SOR/2007-124, s. 7, err., Vol. 141, No. 15

Rental Boat Safety Checklist

 A rental agency or a representative of a rental agency shall include, in the rental boat safety checklist for a pleasure craft, a statement that the agency or representative has given to every person who will operate the pleasure craft information pertaining to

  • (a) the operation of the pleasure craft;

  • (b) the principal boating safety rules; and

  • (c) the geographic features and hazards in the area in which the pleasure craft will be operated.

  • SOR/2013-234, s. 6

 [Repealed, SOR/2013-234, s. 7]

 [Repealed, SOR/2013-234, s. 7]

 [Repealed, SOR/2007-124, s. 8, err., Vol. 141, No. 15]

Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on April 1, 1999.

SCHEDULE(Paragraph 3(2)(c) and subsection 3(4))List of Certificates of Competency, Training Certificates, Endorsements and Other Equivalencies

PART 1Issued by Department of Transport

  • Barge Supervisor, MOU/Self-elevating

    Superviseur de barge, UML/auto-élévatrice

  • Barge Supervisor, MOU/Surface

    Superviseur de barge, UML/surface

  • Bridge Watchman

    Homme de quart à la passerelle

  • Bridge Watch Rating

    Matelot de quart à la passerelle

  • Certificate of Service as Master of a fishing vessel of less than 60 gross tonnage

    Brevet de service de capitaine de bâtiment de pêche, jauge brute de moins de 60

  • Certificate of Service as Master of a fishing vessel of not more than 100 tons, gross tonnage

    Brevet de service de capitaine de bateau de pêche d’au plus 100 tonneaux de jauge brute

  • Certificate of Service as Master of a ship of not more than 1600 tons, gross tonnage

    Brevet de service de capitaine de navire d’au plus 1 600 tonneaux de jauge brute

  • Certificate of Service as Master of a steamship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage

    Brevet de service de capitaine de navire à vapeur d’au plus 350 tonneaux de jauge brute ou Brevet de service de capitaine de navire à vapeur d’une jauge brute maximale de 350 tonneaux

  • Certificate of Service as Watchkeeping Mate of a fishing vessel of less than 24 metres in length

    Brevet de service d’officier de pont de quart de bâtiment de pêche d’une longueur hors-tout de moins de 24 mètres

  • Certificate of Service as Watchkeeping Mate of a fishing vessel of less than 100 gross tonnage

    Brevet de service d’officier de pont de quart de bâtiment de pêche d’une jauge brute de moins de 100

  • Chief Mate

    Premier officier de pont

  • Chief Mate 150 Gross Tonnage, Domestic

    Premier officier de pont, jauge brute de 150, navigation intérieure

  • Chief Mate 500 Gross Tonnage, Domestic

    Premier officier de pont, jauge brute de 500, navigation intérieure

  • Chief Mate, Limited for a vessel of 60 gross tonnage or more

    Premier officier de pont, avec restrictions, bâtiment d’une jauge brute de 60 ou plus

  • Chief Mate, Limited for a vessel of less than 60 gross tonnage

    Premier officier de pont, avec restrictions, bâtiment d’une jauge brute de moins de 60

  • Chief Mate, Near Coastal

    Premier officier de pont, à proximité du littoral

  • First Mate, Foreign-going

    Premier lieutenant d’un navire à vapeur au long cours

  • First Mate, Home Trade

    Premier lieutenant d’un navire à vapeur de cabotage

  • First Mate Home Trade, Second Mate Foreign-going

    Premier lieutenant au cabotage, deuxième lieutenant au long cours

  • First Mate, Inland Waters

    Premier lieutenant, eaux intérieures

  • First Mate, Intermediate Run Ferry

    Premier lieutenant de transbordeur à trajet intermédiaire

  • First Mate, Intermediate Voyage

    Premier officier de pont, voyage intermédiaire

  • First Mate, Limited

    Premier officier de pont, avec restrictions

  • First Mate, Limited for an intermediate run ferry

    Premier officier de pont, avec restrictions, pour un traversier parcourant des distances intermédiaires

  • First Mate, Limited for a short run ferry

    Premier officier de pont, avec restrictions, pour un traversier parcourant de courtes distances

  • First Mate, Local Voyage

    Premier officier de pont, voyage local

  • First Mate, Long Run Ferry

    Premier lieutenant de transbordeur à trajet long

  • First Mate, Short Run Ferry

    Premier lieutenant de transbordeur à trajet court

  • Fishing Master

    Capitaine de bateau de pêche

  • Fishing Master, First Class

    Capitaine de bâtiment de pêche, première classe ou Capitaine de pêche, première classe

  • Fishing Master, Fourth Class

    Capitaine de bâtiment de pêche, quatrième classe ou Capitaine de pêche, quatrième classe

  • Fishing Master, Restricted

    Capitaine de bateau de pêche, avec restrictions

  • Fishing Master, Second Class

    Capitaine de bâtiment de pêche, deuxième classe ou Capitaine de pêche, deuxième classe

  • Fishing Master, Third Class

    Capitaine de bâtiment de pêche, troisième classe ou Capitaine de pêche, troisième classe

  • Fishing Mate

    Lieutenant de bateau de pêche

  • Master 150 Gross Tonnage, Domestic

    Capitaine, jauge brute de 150, navigation intérieure

  • Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Domestic

    Capitaine, jauge brute de 500, navigation intérieure

  • Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Domestic

    Capitaine, jauge brute de 3 000, navigation intérieure

  • Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Domestic, Limited to a Near Coastal Voyage, Class 2 if the voyage is a minor waters voyage as defined in the Canada Shipping Act, in the version that was in force immediately before the coming into force of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001

    Capitaine, jauge brute de 3 000, navigation intérieure, limité aux voyages à proximité du littoral, classe 2, s’il s’agit de voyages en eaux secondaires au sens de la Loi sur la marine marchande du Canada, dans sa version en vigueur avant l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi de 2001 sur la marine marchande du Canada

  • Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal

    Capitaine, jauge brute de 500, à proximité du littoral

  • Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal

    Capitaine, jauge brute de 3 000, à proximité du littoral

  • Master, Foreign-going

    Capitaine d’un navire à vapeur au long cours

  • Master, Foreign-going Certificate of Service

    Brevet de service de capitaine d’un navire à vapeur au long cours

  • Master, Home Trade

    Capitaine au cabotage

  • Master Home Trade, First Mate Foreign-going

    Capitaine au cabotage, premier lieutenant au long cours

  • Master, Inland Waters

    Capitaine, eaux intérieures

  • Master, Intermediate Run Ferry

    Capitaine de transbordeur à trajet intermédiaire

  • Master, Intermediate Voyage

    Capitaine, voyage intermédiaire

  • Master, Limited

    Capitaine, avec restrictions

  • Master, Limited for an intermediate run ferry

    Capitaine, avec restrictions, pour un traversier parcourant des distances intermédiaires

  • Master, Limited for a pleasure yacht of more than 20 metres in length

    Capitaine, avec restrictions, pour un yacht de plaisance de plus de 20 mètres de longueur

  • Master, Limited for a short run ferry

    Capitaine, avec restrictions, pour un traversier parcourant de courtes distances

  • Master, Limited for a vessel of 60 gross tonnage or more

    Capitaine, avec restrictions, bâtiment d’une jauge brute de 60 ou plus

  • Master, Limited for a vessel of less than 60 gross tonnage

    Capitaine, avec restrictions, bâtiment d’une jauge brute de moins de 60

  • Master, Local Voyage

    Capitaine, voyage local

  • Master, Long Run Ferry

    Capitaine de transbordeur à trajet long

  • Master Mariner

    Capitaine au long cours

  • Master, Minor Waters

    Capitaine d’eaux secondaires

  • Master, Near Coastal

    Capitaine, à proximité du littoral

  • Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade or inland waters

    Capitaine d’un navire d’au plus 350 tonneaux, jauge brute, ou d’un remorqueur, cabotage ou eaux intérieures

  • Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage

    Capitaine, navire d’au plus 350 tonneaux de jauge brute ou remorqueur, cabotage ou Capitaine de navire d’une jauge brute maximale de 350 tonneaux ou de remorqueur affecté à un voyage au cabotage ou Capitaine d’un navire d’au plus 350 tonneaux, jauge brute, ou d’un remorqueur, cabotage

  • Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, inland waters voyage

    Capitaine, navire d’au plus 350 tonneaux de jauge brute ou remorqueur, eaux intérieures ou Capitaine de navire d’une jauge brute maximale de 350 tonneaux ou de remorqueur affecté à un voyage en eaux intérieures

  • Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, local voyage

    Capitaine, navire d’au plus 350 tonneaux de jauge brute ou remorqueur, voyage local

  • Master, Short Run Ferry

    Capitaine de transbordeur à trajet court

  • Offshore Installation Manager, MOU/Self-elevating

    Chef d’installation au large, UML/auto-élévatrice

  • Offshore Installation Manager, MOU/Surface

    Chef d’installation au large, UML/surface

  • Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats

    Aptitude à l’exploitation des canots de secours rapides

  • Proof of at least seven fishing seasons, with no two of those seasons occurring in the same year, as master of a fishing vessel of up to 15 gross tonnage or not more than 12 metres in overall length, acquired before July 1, 2007, in the form of a signed declaration or a Transport Canada card that is issued in respect of the signed declaration

    Preuve d’au moins sept saisons de pêche, dont deux ne peuvent survenir dans une même année, à titre de capitaine d’un bâtiment de pêche d’une jauge brute d’au plus 15 ou d’une longueur hors-tout d’au plus 12 mètres obtenue avant le 1er juillet 2007, sous forme de déclaration signée ou d’une carte de Transports Canada délivrée à l’égard de la déclaration signée

  • Proof of at least seven fishing seasons, with no two of those seasons occurring in the same year, as officer in charge of deck watch of a fishing vessel of up to 15 gross tonnage or not more than 12 metres in overall length, acquired before July 1, 2007, in the form of a signed declaration or a Transport Canada card that is issued in respect of the signed declaration

    Preuve d’au moins sept saisons de pêche, dont deux ne peuvent survenir dans une même année, à titre d’officier de pont de quart d’un bâtiment de pêche d’une jauge brute d’au plus 15 ou d’une longueur hors-tout d’au plus 12 mètres obtenue avant le 1er juillet 2007, sous forme de déclaration signée ou d’une carte de Transports Canada délivrée à l’égard de la déclaration signée

  • Restricted Watchkeeping Mate, Ship

    Officier de pont de quart de navire, avec restrictions

  • Second Mate, Foreign-going

    Deuxième lieutenant d’un navire à vapeur au long cours

  • Second Mate, Home Trade

    Deuxième lieutenant d’un navire à vapeur au cabotage

  • Second Mate, Inland Waters

    Deuxième lieutenant, eaux intérieures

  • Watchkeeping Mate

    Officier de pont de quart ou Officier de pont de quart de navire

  • Watchkeeping Mate, Fishing

    Lieutenant de quart de navire de pêche

  • Watchkeeping Mate, MODU/Inland

    Officier de pont de quart, UMFM/eaux internes

  • Watchkeeping Mate, MODU/Self-elevating

    Officier de pont de quart, UMFM/auto-élévatrice

  • Watchkeeping Mate, MODU/Surface

    Officier de pont de quart, UMFM/surface

  • Watchkeeping Mate, Near Coastal

    Officier de pont de quart, à proximité du littoral

  • Watchkeeping Mate of a fishing vessel of less than 24 metres in length overall

    Officier de pont de quart de bâtiment de pêche d’une longueur hors-tout de moins de 24 mètres

  • Watchkeeping Mate, Ship

    Officier de pont de quart de navire

  • Watchkeeping Officer of a fishing vessel of not more than 150 gross tonnage and less than 24 metres in overall length

    Officier de quart d’un bâtiment de pêche d’une jauge brute d’au plus 150 et d’une longueur hors-tout de moins de 24 mètres

PART 2Issued by Canadian Coast Guard

  • Coast Guard Command Certificate

    Brevet de commandement de la flotte de la Garde côtière canadienne

  • Coast Guard Command Endorsement

    Attestation de commandement de la flotte de la Garde côtière canadienne

  • Coast Guard Small Vessel Command Certificate

    Brevet de commandement de petits navires de la Garde côtière canadienne

  • Coast Guard Small Vessel Command Endorsement

    Attestation de commandement de petits navires de la Garde côtière canadienne

  • Coast Guard Watchkeeping Certificate

    Brevet d’officier de quart de la Garde côtière canadienne

  • Coast Guard Watchkeeping Endorsement

    Attestation d’officier de quart de la Garde côtière canadienne

  • Fast Rescue Craft Course

    Formation pour embarcation rapide de sauvetage

  • Rigid Hull Inflatable Operator Training

    Formation pour opérateur d’embarcation à coque pneumatique rigide

  • Small Craft Operator – Advanced

    Formation d’opérateur de petite embarcation — niveau avancé

  • Small Craft Operator – Basic

    Formation d’opérateur de petite embarcation de base

  • Small Craft Training

    Formation pour les petites embarcations

PART 3Issued by Department of National Defence

  • Bridge Watchkeeping

    Officier de quart à la passerelle

  • Deep Draught Officer or Fleet Navigating Officer

    Officier navigateur de haute mer ou de flotte

  • Destroyer Navigating Officer

    Officier navigateur de destroyer

  • Minor War Vessel or Surface Ship Command (delivered after 1997)

    Capitaine d’un petit bâtiment de guerre ou de surface (délivré après 1997)

  • Patrol Vessel Command

    Capitaine de bâtiment de patrouille

  • Royal Canadian Navy Boat Coxswain Course

    Cours de timonier de la Marine royale canadienne

  • Surface Ship Command

    Capitaine d’un navire de surface

  • Upper Deck Watchkeeping

    Quart à la passerelle

PART 4Issued by Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland

  • Small Vessel Operator – Commercial/Fishing Vessels

    Conducteur de petits bâtiments – Bâtiments de pêche commerciale

PART 5Issued by Professional Fish Harvesters Certification Board of Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Basic Safety For Fish Harvesters (5 Days)

    Cours de sécurité de base pour pêcheurs (cinq jours)

PART 6Issued by Recognized Institution

  • Basic Safety and Operator Proficiency for Small Non-Pleasure Craft in Sheltered Waters (MED A4)

    Certificat de cours élémentaire de sécurité et compétences des conducteurs de petits bâtiments avec autres que des embarcations de plaisance en eaux abritées (FUM A4)

  • Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP) training certificate

    Certificat de formation de conducteur de petits bâtiments

  • SOR/2013-234, s. 8

Date modified: