Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-20 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions

Part II — Aircraft Identification and Registration and Operation of a Leased Aircraft by a Non-Registered Owner (continued)

Subpart 1 — Identification of Aircraft and Other Aeronautical Products (continued)

Engine Identification

  •  (1) The manufacturer of an aircraft engine or an aircraft engine module shall place thereon, in accordance with subsections (2) and 201.05(2), the identification information required by section 201.08.

  • (2) Identification information or an identification plate that contains such information shall be placed on an aircraft engine or on an aircraft engine module in an accessible location where it is not likely to become damaged, destroyed, lost or detached during normal operation or in an accident.

Propeller Identification

  •  (1) The manufacturer of a fixed pitch propeller, a propeller blade or a propeller hub shall place thereon, in accordance with subsections (2) and 201.05(2), the identification information required by section 201.08.

  • (2) Identification information or an identification plate that contains such information shall be placed on a fixed pitch propeller, a propeller blade or a propeller hub in an accessible location where it is not likely to become damaged, destroyed, lost or detached during normal operation or in an accident.

Information Relating to Aircraft Engines and Propellers

 The identification information that shall be placed on an aircraft engine, aircraft engine module, fixed pitch propeller, propeller blade and propeller hub is

  • (a) the name of the manufacturer and, if the manufacturer is an entity, its legal name;

  • (b) the manufacturer’s model designation as described in the type certificate or equivalent document;

  • (c) the type certificate number or equivalent designation;

  • (d) the aeronautical product serial number; and

  • (e) in the case of an aircraft engine, the power rating established for the engine by the manufacturer.

  • SOR/2000-405, s. 4

Life-limited Component Identification

  •  (1) The manufacturer of a component for which a life limitation has been established by type design shall place thereon, in accordance with subsection 201.05(2), the identification information referred to in subsection (2).

  • (2) The identification information that shall be placed on a component is

    • (a) the part number of the component or an equivalent series of identifying characters; and

    • (b) the serial number of the component or an equivalent series of identifying characters.

Appliance and Part Identification

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the manufacturer of an appliance or a part — including a part approved through the issuance of a part design approval — shall place on it, in the manner specified in subsection 201.05(2), the following identification information:

    • (a) the name, trademark or symbol identifying the manufacturer and, if the manufacturer is an entity, its legal name;

    • (b) the manufacturer’s approval number; and

    • (c) the part number of the appliance or part.

  • (2) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the manufacturer of an appliance or a part for which a Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) design approval has been issued under section 521.109 shall place on it, in the manner specified in subsection 201.05(2), the following additional identification information:

    • (a) the manufacturer’s address;

    • (b) the name, type or model designation of the appliance or part, if any;

    • (c) the serial number or the date of manufacture of the appliance or part;

    • (d) the letters “CAN-TSO” followed by the applicable CAN-TSO number; and

    • (e) any additional markings required by the applicable CAN-TSO.

  • (3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), the manufacturer of an appliance or a part for which a type certificate has been issued by the Minister shall place on it, in the manner specified in subsection 201.05(2), the following additional identification information:

    • (a) the manufacturer’s address;

    • (b) the name, type or model designation of the appliance or part, if any;

    • (c) the serial number or the date of manufacture of the appliance or part; and

    • (d) the type certificate designation or a reference to the applicable standard of airworthiness.

  • (4) The manufacturer of an auxiliary power unit shall, in the manner specified in subsection 201.05(2), place the identification information specified in subsection (1) on the unit in an accessible location where it is not likely to become damaged, destroyed, lost or detached during normal operation or in an accident.

  • (5) If an appliance or a part is too small or if it is otherwise impractical to place on it some or all of the information required by subsection (1), (2) or (3), the information that cannot be placed on the appliance or part shall be placed on its container or on the authorized release certificate referred to in section 561.10 of Standard 561 — Standard for Approved Manufacturers.

  • SOR/2000-405, s. 5
  • SOR/2009-280, s. 20

Balloon Basket and Burner Assembly Identification

  •  (1) The manufacturer of a balloon basket or a burner assembly for a balloon shall place thereon, in accordance with subsection 201.05(2), the identification information referred to in subsection (2).

  • (2) The identification information that shall be placed on a balloon basket and on a burner assembly is

    • (a) the name of the manufacturer and, if the manufacturer is an entity, its legal name;

    • (b) the part number of the basket or the burner assembly or an equivalent series of identifying characters; and

    • (c) the serial number of the basket or the burner assembly or an equivalent series of identifying characters.

  • SOR/2000-405, s. 6

Removal and Replacement of Identification Plates and Alteration of Identification Information on Aeronautical Products Other Than Aircraft

  •  (1) No person shall remove or replace an identification plate attached to an aeronautical product that is not an aircraft or alter the identification information that is required by section 201.06, 201.07, 201.09, 201.10 or 201.11 to be on an aeronautical product that is not an aircraft unless a written application is submitted to the Minister, including evidence that establishes the identity of the aeronautical product, and a written authorization is issued by the Minister pursuant to subsection (4).

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who

    • (a) removes an identification plate from an aeronautical product that is not an aircraft for the purpose of performing work on the aeronautical product; or

    • (b) removes or replaces an identification plate or alters the identification information on an aeronautical product that is not an aircraft if the removal, replacement or alteration is made necessary by a modification or repair to the aeronautical product that is performed in accordance with section 571.06.

  • (3) Any person who removes or replaces an identification plate or alters any identification information under subsection (2) shall, before the aeronautical product is used in flight, replace the identification plate or alter the identification information in accordance with section 201.06, 201.07, 201.09, 201.10 or 201.11, as applicable.

  • (4) On receipt of an application referred to in subsection (1) that includes evidence that establishes the identity of the aeronautical product, the Minister shall issue a written authorization to the applicant that permits the applicant to remove or replace an identification plate or alter the identification information required to be on the aeronautical product pursuant to section 201.06, 201.07, 201.09, 201.10 or 201.11.

  • (5) Where an authorization is issued by the Minister pursuant to subsection (4), the applicant shall, before the aeronautical product is used in flight, remove or replace the identification plate or alter the identification information required to be on the aeronautical product pursuant to section 201.06, 201.07, 201.09, 201.10 or 201.11.

  • SOR/2009-280, s. 21

Subpart 2 — Aircraft Marking and Registration

Division I — Aircraft Marks

Requirements for Marks on Aircraft
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall operate an aircraft in Canada unless its marks are visible and are displayed

    • (a) in the case of a Canadian aircraft, in accordance with the requirements of the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards; and

    • (b) in the case of an aircraft registered in a foreign state, in accordance with the laws of that foreign state.

  • (2) On receipt of an application in writing, the Minister shall issue a written authorization permitting the operation in Canada of an aircraft that does not display its marks if the aircraft is to be operated for the purpose of an exhibition, air show, motion picture production or television production.

  • (3) The Minister may specify conditions in the authorization governing the operation of an aircraft referred to in subsection (2) as are necessary for its safe and proper operation.

  • (4) No person shall operate an aircraft pursuant to an authorization issued under subsection (2) unless the authorization is on board and the aircraft is operated in accordance with any conditions specified therein.

Application for Issuance or Reservation of a Registration Mark
  •  (1) The Minister shall, on receipt of an application made in accordance with the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards, issue to or reserve a registration mark or a special registration mark for an applicant.

  • (2) A registration mark or a special registration mark issued pursuant to subsection (1) is cancelled if the aircraft is not registered in Canada within 12 months after the day on which the registration mark was issued.

  • (3) The reservation of a registration mark or a special registration mark pursuant to subsection (1) expires 12 months after the day on which the mark was reserved.

  • (4) A registration mark or a special registration mark that is reserved under subsection (1) may be applied to an aircraft that is registered on a foreign register but shall be kept covered until the mark is issued to that aircraft.

  • SOR/2000-405, s. 7
Aircraft Marks
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the nationality mark in respect of a Canadian aircraft is the letter “C” and the registration mark in respect of the aircraft is a combination of four letters specified by the Minister.

  • (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), where an aircraft was registered in Canada before January 1, 1974 or is a vintage aircraft,

    • (a) the nationality mark in respect of the aircraft is the letters “CF” and the registration mark in respect of the aircraft is a combination of three letters specified by the Minister; or

    • (b) the nationality mark in respect of the aircraft is the letter “C” and the registration mark in respect of the aircraft is a combination of four letters specified by the Minister.

  • (3) Where the owner of an aircraft, other than a vintage aircraft, that has the letters “CF” as its nationality mark and a combination of three letters as its registration mark repaints the aircraft, the owner shall, prior to operating the aircraft, change the nationality mark to the letter “C” and the registration mark to the letter “F” followed by the combination of three letters.

  • (4) Where the owner of an aircraft changes its marks under subsection (3) or the owner of a vintage aircraft changes its nationality mark from “C” to “CF” or from “CF” to “C”, followed by the appropriate registration mark, the owner shall, before operating the aircraft, notify the Minister in writing of the change.

  • (5) On receipt of the notice, the Minister shall change the marks accordingly in the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register and issue a new registration certificate to reflect the change.

Removal or Change of Marks after Issuance of Continuing Registration
  •  (1) If a continuing certificate of registration has been issued in respect of an aircraft under paragraph 202.25(1)(d), no person shall remove the marks that are displayed on the aircraft unless

    • (a) the aircraft is permanently withdrawn from service;

    • (b) the aircraft is being exported from Canada;

    • (c) the aircraft is undergoing or has undergone a transfer of legal custody and control to a person who is not qualified to be the registered owner of a Canadian aircraft;

    • (d) it is necessary to remove the marks for a maintenance operation;

    • (e) the marks are removed and repainted on the aircraft under subsection 202.03(3) or (4);

    • (f) the Minister requests that the marks be removed under section 202.61;

    • (g) the Minister requests that the marks be removed because they are unseemly or embarrassing;

    • (h) the Minister authorizes the removal of the marks under subsection 202.01(2); or

    • (i) the Minister permits the change of the marks under subsection (3).

  • (2) If a continuing certificate of registration has been issued in respect of an aircraft under paragraph 202.25(1)(d), the owner may write to the Minister for permission to change the marks.

  • (3) On receipt of a request to change marks, the Minister shall permit the change if the owner continues to meet the requirements of these Regulations.

  • SOR/2000-405, s. 8
  • SOR/2003-271, s. 3
Variance from the Specifications for Marks for Former Military Aircraft and Replicas
  •  (1) Where an aircraft is a former military aircraft or a replica of a military aircraft, the Minister shall, on receipt of an application in accordance with the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards, authorize an alternative size, location or colour for the display of its marks.

  • (2) Where, pursuant to subsection (1), the Minister authorizes an alternative size, location or colour for the display of the marks of an aircraft, the marks shall be displayed accordingly.

Alternative Mark Size or Location
  •  (1) Where the structural configuration of an aircraft precludes its marks from being displayed in accordance with section 202.01 or 202.07, the Minister shall, on receipt of an application in accordance with the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards, authorize an alternative size or one or more alternative locations for the display of its marks.

  • (2) Where, pursuant to subsection (1), the Minister authorizes an alternative size or one or more alternative locations for the display of the marks of an aircraft, the marks shall be displayed accordingly.

Use of Marks Assigned to a Manufacturer
  •  (1) Where a manufacturer operates an aircraft within Canada for the purpose of a production test flight, a customer acceptance flight or a flight undertaken to complete the manufacturing process or to export the aircraft, in accordance with an authorization issued by the Minister pursuant to subsection 202.14(1), the manufacturer shall

    • (a) affix the marks once to each side of the aircraft fuselage or cabin by a means, such as paint or decals, that

      • (i) ensures that the marks will not be detached or erased while the aircraft is in operation, and

      • (ii) allows the marks to be removed after the operation;

    • (b) prior to the operation of the aircraft, inform the Minister in writing of

      • (i) the marks that have been affixed to the aircraft,

      • (ii) the manufacturer’s model designation, and

      • (iii) the serial number of the aircraft; and

    • (c) after the completion of the operation of the aircraft for the purpose specified in this subsection,

      • (i) remove the marks, and

      • (ii) notify the Minister in writing of their removal.

  • (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Minister may reserve a block of marks for a manufacturer.

[202.08 to 202.12 reserved]

Division II — Aircraft Registration

Registration of Aircraft — General
  •  (1) This section does not apply in respect of an aircraft that is

    • (a) a hang glider; or

    • (b) a parachute.

  • (2) Except as otherwise authorized under subsection 202.14(1) or 202.43(1), no person shall operate an aircraft in Canada unless it is registered in Canada, in a contracting state or in a foreign state that has an agreement in force with Canada that allows an aircraft that is registered in that foreign state to be operated in Canada.

  • SOR/2000-405, s. 9
  • SOR/2003-271, s. 4

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