Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1120)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2018-11-23. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE II(Sections 3, 9, 20.1 and 35)

Open Seasons

Column IColumn IIColumn III
Park WatersSpecies of FishOpen Season
The following waters in Banff National Park of Canada
1Bow River, from Bow Lake Outlet to east Park boundary blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
1.1All the tributaries of the Bow River, except the Cascade River and its tributaries and associated lakes above Lake Minnewanka blank lineAllJuly 1 to August 31
2Lake Minnewanka, Ghost Lakes, Two Jack Lake, Johnson Lake and Johnson Creek beaver ponds, the Three Vermilion Lakes and connecting streams and beaver ponds, Copper Lake, Kingfisher Lake and Pilot Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
3All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Jasper National Park of Canada blank line
4Sunwapta River, Athabaska River (upstream of Athabaska Falls) blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
5Athabaska River (upstream of 12 Mile Bridge on Hwy 16 East to Athabaska Falls), Fiddle River, Maligne River (below Maligne Canyon), Miette River, Rocky River, Snake Indian River, Snaring River blank lineAllApril 1 to Labour Day and November 1 to March 31
6Athabaska River (downstream of 12 Mile Bridge on Hwy 16 East to east park boundary, including all side channels, Pocahontas Ponds and other connected wetlands) blank lineAllJune 1 to Labour Day and November 1 to March 31
7Annette Lake, Beaver Lake, Dragon Lake, Long Lake, Lorraine Lake, Moab Lake, Mona Lake, No Name Lake (Hwy 93 south Km 48), Pyramid Lake, Lakes Three, Four and Five in the Valley of the Five blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
7.1Maligne Lake, Talbot Lake, Edna Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 30
7.2Maligne River, from a point 420 m downstream from the Maligne Lake Outlet bridge to Medicine Lake including that part of Medicine Lake within a 180 m radius of a point in the middle of the Maligne River where it enters Medicine Lake blank lineAllAugust 1 to October 1
7.3All other rivers and streams except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to Labour Day
7.4All other lakes except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada
8The Dardanelles, Knights Lake, Waterton River, Maskinonge Lake blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
9Waterton Lakes, Cameron Lake and Creek, Crandell Lake, Akamina Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
10All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
10.1Blakiston (Bauerman) Creek and all its tributaries blank lineAllJuly 1 to August 31
The following waters in Kootenay National Park of Canada
11Kootenay River and Vermilion River blank lineAllJune 15 to October 31
12Cobb Lake and Olive Lake blank lineAllMay 20 to September 4
12.1Dog Lake and Kaufman Lake blank lineAllJuly 1 to September 4
13All other waters blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Yoho National Park of Canada
14Kicking Horse River downstream from the confluence of the Kicking Horse River and the Yoho River to the West Park boundary blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
15McArthur Lake, Ottertail Lake, Sink Lake, Summit Lake and Wapta Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
15.1The north bay of Lake O’Hara and Cataract Brook for 1.6 km downstream from Lake O’Hara blank lineAllJuly 15 to October 31
16All other waters blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks of Canada
17All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllJuly 1 to October 31
The following waters in Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada
18All waters blank lineAllVictoria Day to October 15
The following waters in Prince Albert National Park of Canada
19Waskesiu Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to March 31
20Wassegam Lake and Kingsmere Lake blank lineAllVictoria Day to Labour Day
20.1Crean Lake blank lineAll except Lake TroutVictoria Day to Labour Day
21All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 30
The following waters in Riding Mountain National Park of Canada
22Clear Lake and Lake AudyAllMay 15 to March 31
23All other waters except as specified in Schedule IVAllMay 15 to September 30
The following waters in Georgian Bay Islands National Park of Canada
24All waters blank lineAllJuly 1 to September 30
25[Repealed, SOR/96-245, s. 24]
The following waters in Terra Nova National Park of Canada
26Dunphy’s Pond (also known as Duncan’s Pond) blank lineTrout (other than ice fishing)Victoria Day to the third Sunday of August
Trout (ice fishing)Third Saturday of February to the fourth Sunday of March
26.1North West River blank lineAllFourth Saturday of June to the third Sunday of August
27All other waters, except as specified in Schedule IV or Schedule VI blank lineAllVictoria Day to the third Sunday of August
The following waters in Fundy National Park of Canada
28. and 28.1 [Repealed, SOR/96-245, s. 26]
29All waters except as specified in Schedule IV or Schedule VI blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 15
The following waters in Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada
30All waters blank lineAllApril 15 to September 30
The following waters in Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
30.1All waters blank lineBrook, speckled or sea troutOctober 1 to August 31
31Chéticamp River from the park boundary at the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the lower end of the Terre Rouge pool blank lineAll except SalmonApril 15 to September 30
SalmonVictoria Day to September 30
31.1Chéticamp River and tributaries from the lower end of the Terre Rouge Pool upstream to, and including, the Fence Pool blank lineAll except salmonVictoria Day to September 30
SalmonVictoria Day to October 31
32Chéticamp River and tributaries upstream from the Fence Pool blank lineAllVictoria Day to September 30
32.1Freshwater Lake blank lineAllApril 15 to September 30 and January 15 to March 1
32.2North Aspy River blank lineAll except salmonVictoria Day to September 30
SalmonAugust 15 to September 30
32.3Clyburn Brook from the park boundary at the Cabot Strait to the lower end of the A Frame Pool blank lineAll except salmonApril 15 to September 30
SalmonAugust 15 to October 31
32.4Clyburn Brook and tributaries upstream from the lower end of the A Frame Pool blank lineAll except salmonVictoria Day to September 30
SalmonAugust 15 to October 31
33All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV or Schedule VI blank lineAll except salmonApril 15 to September 30
SalmonVictoria Day to September 30
The following waters in Kejimkujik National Park of Canada
34All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllApril 1 to August 31
The following waters in Kluane National Park of Canada and Kluane National Park Reserve of Canada
35All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in Auyuittuq National Park of Canada
36All waters blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
37All waters blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in La Mauricie National Park of Canada
38All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineBassJune 24 to Labour Day
38.1All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineOther speciesLast Saturday in May to Labour Day
The following waters in Point Pelee National Park of Canada
39[Repealed, SOR/98-268, s. 12]
40All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllSecond Saturday of May to the second Sunday of September
The following waters in Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada
41All waters blank lineTroutApril 15 to September 15
42All waters blank lineAmerican eel (with the use of a spear)December 1 to August 31
American eel (with the use of angling equipment)April 15 to September 15
42.1All waters blank lineStriped bassJuly 1 to October 31
42.2All waters blank lineSoft-shell clamMay 15 to September 15
43All waters blank lineOther speciesApril 15 to November 30
The following waters in Ivvavik National Park of Canada
44All waters blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
The following waters in Quttinirpaaq National Park of Canada
45All waters blank lineAllAll seasons
The following waters in Tuktut Nogait National Park of Canada
46All waters except as specified in Schedule IV blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
The following waters in Aulavik National Park of Canada
47All waters blank lineAllApril 1 to March 31
The following waters in Gros Morne National Park of Canada
48Trout River, Lomond River, East Lomond River (including any body of water connected to that River that is within 90 metres of the River’s entrance to, or outlet from, the park, and any other body of water connected to the River through which salmon travel), Deer Arm BrookSalmonJune 15 to September 7
49All other waters except as specified in Schedule IV.All other speciesFebruary 1 to April 15 and May 15 to September 7
  • SOR/78-562, ss. 1 to 3
  • SOR/79-333, s. 2
  • SOR/80-51, s. 10
  • SOR/80-403, s. 1
  • SOR/81-689, s. 4
  • SOR/82-523, s. 1
  • SOR/83-280, s. 3
  • SOR/86-378, s. 17
  • SOR/90-4, ss. 18 to 24
  • SOR/91-402, ss. 3 to 6
  • SOR/93-33, ss. 15(F), 16 and 17
  • SOR/94-314, ss. 11, 12, 19
  • SOR/96-245, ss. 20 to 29
  • SOR/98-268, ss. 7 to 12
  • SOR/99-352, ss. 19 to 22
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 27 to 44, 67, 68, 70 to 79
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 5
  • SOR/2009-322, ss. 6(F), 8(F)

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