Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1120)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2018-11-23. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE IV(Section 20 and Schedule II)

Park Waters Closed To Fishing

1Banff National Park of Canada
  • (a) Forty Mile Creek, in the vicinity of the water intake reservoir located on the access road behind the public stables

  • (b) Agnes Lake

  • (c) That portion of Marvel Lake downstream from a line drawn between the Fisheries Boundary Markers located at the mouth of Marvel Creek to the confluence of Marvel and Bryant Creeks

  • (d) That portion of Luellen Lake downstream from a line drawn between the Fisheries Boundary Markers located at the mouth of the unnamed stream to the confluence of that stream and Johnston’s Creek

  • (e) The two Fish Lakes nearest Campsite “MO 18” at kilometre 18 on the Molar Creek Trail

  • (f) All tributaries and associated lakes in the Clearwater and Siffleur River Systems, excluding Isabella Lake

  • (g) Cave and Basin Marsh

  • (h) The upper portion of the Castleguard River located in the Castleguard Caves Zone I Preservation Area in the east side of the upper drainage of the Castleguard River

2Jasper National Park of Canada
  • (a) [Repealed, SOR/2003-54, s. 58]

  • (b) All streams emptying into Amethyst Lake

  • (c) That part of Amethyst Lake situated within a 180 m radius from a point in the middle of the outlet stream from the southeast end of Amethyst Lake

  • (d) That part of the Astoria River situated between Amethyst Lake and a point 400 m downstream from Amethyst Lake

  • (e) The outlet stream from Moab Lake to its junction with the Whirlpool River including that part of Moab Lake situated within a 180 m radius of a point in the middle of the outlet stream where it leaves Moab Lake

  • (f) The outlet stream from Beaver Lake to its junction with the Maligne Lake Road

  • (g) Osprey Lake

  • (h) Maligne River, that portion including the part of Maligne Lake within a 100 m radius of a point in the middle of the Maligne River where it leaves Maligne Lake, to a point 420 m downstream from the Maligne Lake Outlet bridge

  • (i) Jacques Lake and Jacques Lake Outlet stream between Jacques Lake and the Rocky River

  • (j) Mile 9 (Km 15) Lake, Hwy 16 (East)

3Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada
  • (a) Buffalo Lake and all other waters within the confines of Buffalo Paddock

  • (b) The north fork of the Belly River and all of its tributaries

4Prince Albert National Park of Canada
  • (a) The first or most easterly Heart Lake

  • (b) Waskesiu River

  • (c) Mud Creek

  • (c.1) Amiskowan Lake

  • (d) The Kingsmere River between Kingsmere Lake and Waskesiu Lake

  • (e) That part of Waskesiu Lake adjacent to the outlet from Mud Creek and within a 500 yard radius from a point in the middle of Mud Creek where it discharges into Waskesiu Lake

  • (f) That part of Waskesiu Lake adjacent to the outlet from the Kingsmere River and within a 500 m radius from a point in the middle of the Kingsmere River where it discharges into Waskesiu Lake

  • (g) That part of Kingsmere Lake within a 500 m radius of a point known locally as Clare Point

  • (h) Kapesiwin Creek

  • (i) That part of Halkett Lake adjacent to the outlet of Kapesiwin Creek and within a 500 m radius from a point in the middle of Kapesiwin Creek where it discharges into Halkett Lake

5Riding Mountain National Park of Canada
  • (a) [Repealed, SOR/98-268, s. 28]

  • (b) South Lake and outlet stream

  • (c) [Repealed, SOR/90-4, s. 36]

6Terra Nova National Park of CanadaBlue Hills Pond and Rocky Pond
7Kejimkujik National Park of Canada
  • (a) Joe Rogers Brook from the park boundary to the Mersey River

  • (b) Grafton Brook from Grafton Lake to Kejimkujik Lake

  • (c) Pebbleloggitch Lake

  • (d) Beaverskin Lake

  • (e) Mountain Lake

  • (f) Cobreille Lake

8Kluane National Park of CanadaThe stream from Upper Kathleen Lake to and including Sockeye Lake
9Fundy National Park of Canada
  • (a) The Point Wolfe River from tidewater to the west boundary including Bennett Brook upstream to the lower falls on Bennett Brook

  • (b) The Upper Salmon River and its tributaries, more specifically the Upper Salmon (Alma) River north from Lake Brook and the tributaries Forty Five River, Broad River, Haley Brook to the park boundary, Laverty Brook to Laverty Falls, Second Vault Brook to the Laverty Road and Third Vault Brook to Third Vault Falls

10Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
  • (a) That area of the Chéticamp River known locally as The Barrel

  • (b) [Repealed, SOR/99-352, s. 29]

11La Mauricie National Park of Canada
  • (a) Alice Lake

  • (b) Dion Lake

  • (c) Éclair Lake

  • (d) De l’Est Lake

  • (e) Étienne Lake

  • (f) Français Lake

  • (g) Du Guide Lake

  • (h) Guilinette Lake

  • (i) Messieurs Lake

  • (j) Du Portage Lake

  • (k) Sud-Est Lake

  • (l) Théode Lake

  • (m) William Lake

  • (n) The westernmost bay, from headland to headland, of Lac Baie-des-Onze-Îles

  • (o) Rivière à la Pêche

12Forillon National Park of CanadaAll fresh waters
13Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks of CanadaAll rivers and streams
14Point Pelee National Park of CanadaFrom the second Saturday in May to the last Friday in June: Redhead Pond in its entirety including the connecting channel to Lake Pond and that portion of Lake Pond within 50 metres of its eastern shoreline
15Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve of CanadaAll waters
16Tuktut Nogait National Park of Canada
  • (a) That part of the Hornaday River situated between the park boundary and the La Roncière Falls

  • (b) Seven Islands Lake and stream emptying into the Hornaday River

17Gros Morne National Park of Canada
  • (a) All waters of the Western Brook drainage basin, including Western Brook, Western Brook Pond and Stag Brook

  • (b) Ten Mile Feeder between Ten Mile Pond and Deer Arm Pond

  • SOR/80-403, s. 2
  • SOR/82-523, s. 3
  • SOR/86-378, s. 19
  • SOR/90-4, ss. 35, 36
  • SOR/91-402, s. 18
  • SOR/93-33, ss. 31, 32
  • SOR/94-314, ss. 17, 18
  • SOR/96-245, ss. 31 to 36
  • SOR/98-268, ss. 27 to 29
  • SOR/99-352, s. 29
  • SOR/2003-54, ss. 57 to 60, 67, 69 to 77, 79
  • SOR/2005-206, s. 8
  • SOR/2010-140, s. 1

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