Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (S.C. 2018, c. 12, s. 186)

Act current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2024-06-20. Previous Versions

PART 1Fuel Charge (continued)

DIVISION 5Miscellaneous (continued)

SUBDIVISION BAmalgamation and Winding-up (continued)

Marginal note:Winding-up

  •  (1) If at a particular time a particular corporation is wound up and not less than 90% of the issued shares of each class of the capital stock of the particular corporation were, immediately before the particular time, owned by another corporation, except for prescribed purposes, the other corporation is, for the purposes of this part, deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, the particular corporation.

  • Marginal note:Registration

    (2) If a registration of the particular corporation referred to in subsection (1) is not compatible under Division 4 of this Part with a registration of the other corporation referred to in that subsection, the other corporation must apply for registration or apply for cancellation of a registration under that Division, as the case may be.

  • Marginal note:Reporting period

    (3) If the other corporation referred to in subsection (1) is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, the particular corporation referred to in that subsection

    • (a) the reporting period of the particular corporation that includes the particular time referred to in that subsection ends on the day that includes the particular time; and

    • (b) a reporting period of the other corporation begins on the day following the day that includes the particular time and ends on the last day of the reporting period of the other corporation, if that reporting period were determined in the absence of this subsection, that includes the particular time.

SUBDIVISION CPartnerships and Joint Ventures

Marginal note:Partnerships

  •  (1) For the purposes of this Part, anything done by a person as a member of a partnership is deemed to have been done by the partnership in the course of the partnership’s activities and not to have been done by the person.

  • Marginal note:Joint and several or solidary liability

    (2) A partnership and each member or former member (each of which is referred to in this subsection as the “member”) of the partnership (other than a member that is a limited partner and is not a general partner) are jointly and severally, or solidarily, liable for

    • (a) the payment of all amounts that are required to be paid by the partnership under this Part before or during the period during which the member is a member of the partnership or, if the member was a member of the partnership at the time the partnership was dissolved, after the dissolution of the partnership, except that

      • (i) the member is liable for the payment of amounts that become payable before the period only to the extent of the property that is regarded as property of the partnership under the relevant laws of general application in force in a province relating to partnerships, and

      • (ii) the payment by the partnership or by any member of the partnership of an amount in respect of the liability discharges their liability to the extent of that amount; and

    • (b) all other obligations under this Part that arose before or during that period for which the partnership is liable or, if the member was a member of the partnership at the time the partnership was dissolved, the obligations that arose upon or as a consequence of the dissolution.

Marginal note:Joint ventures

  •  (1) For the purposes of this Part, anything done by a participant in a joint venture, or by an operator of the joint venture, in the course of the activities for which the joint venture agreement was entered into are deemed to have been done by the joint venture in the course of the joint venture’s activities and not to have been done by the participant or operator.

  • Marginal note:Joint and several or solidary liability

    (2) A joint venture and each participant in, or operator of, the joint venture (each of which is referred to in this subsection as the “member”) are jointly and severally, or solidarily, liable for

    • (a) the payment of all amounts that become payable by the joint venture under this Part before or during the period during which the member is a participant in, or operator of, the joint venture, except that the payment by the joint venture or by any member of an amount in respect of the liability discharges their liability to the extent of that amount; and

    • (b) all other obligations under this Part that arose before or during that period for which the joint venture is liable.

SUBDIVISION DAnti-avoidance

Marginal note:Definitions

  •  (1) The following definitions apply in this section.


    benefit means a reduction, an avoidance or a deferral of a charge or other amount payable by a person under this Part or an increase in a rebate or other amount payable to a person under this Part. (avantage)

    charge-related consequences

    charge-related consequences to a person means the amount of charge, net charge, rebate, net charge rebate, or other amount payable by, or payable to, the person under this Part, or any other amount that is relevant to the purposes of computing that amount. (attribut lié à la redevance)


    transaction includes an arrangement or event. (opération)

  • Marginal note:General anti-avoidance provision

    (2) If a transaction is an avoidance transaction, the charge-related consequences to a person must be determined as is reasonable in the circumstances in order to deny a benefit that, but for this section, would result directly or indirectly from that transaction or from a series of transactions that include that transaction.

  • Marginal note:Avoidance transaction

    (3) An avoidance transaction means any transaction

    • (a) that, but for this section, would result directly or indirectly in a benefit, unless the transaction may reasonably be considered to have been undertaken or arranged primarily for bona fide purposes other than to obtain the benefit; or

    • (b) that is part of a series of transactions, which series, but for this section, would result directly or indirectly in a benefit, unless the transaction may reasonably be considered to have been undertaken or arranged primarily for bona fide purposes other than to obtain the benefit.

  • Marginal note:Provision not applicable

    (4) For greater certainty, subsection (2) does not apply in respect of a transaction if it may reasonably be considered that the transaction would not result directly or indirectly in a misuse of the provisions of this Part or in an abuse having regard to the provisions of this Part (other than this section) read as a whole.

  • Marginal note:Determination of charge-related consequences

    (5) Without restricting the generality of subsection (2), in determining the charge-related consequences to a person, as is reasonable in the circumstances, in order to deny a benefit that would, but for this section, result directly or indirectly from an avoidance transaction

    • (a) any rebate or any deduction in net charge may be allowed or disallowed, in whole or in part;

    • (b) any rebate or deduction referred to in paragraph (a) may, in whole or in part, be allocated to any person;

    • (c) the nature of any payment or other amount may be recharacterized; and

    • (d) the effects that would otherwise result from the application of other provisions of this Part may be ignored.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (6) Despite any other provision of this Part, the charge-related consequences to any person following the application of this section must only be determined through an assessment, reassessment or additional assessment involving the application of this section.

Marginal note:Definitions

  •  (1) The following definitions apply in this section.


    benefit has the meaning assigned by subsection 82(1). (avantage)

    rate change

    rate change means any change in any rate in respect of a type of fuel, or in respect of combustible waste, for a listed province. (modification de taux)


    transaction has the meaning assigned by subsection 82(1). (opération)

  • Marginal note:Rate change — transactions

    (2) If

    • (a) a transaction, or a series of transactions, involving property is made between two or more persons, all of whom are not dealing with each other at arm’s length at the time any of those transactions are made;

    • (b) the transaction, any of the transactions in the series of transactions or the series of transactions would in the absence of this section result directly or indirectly in a benefit to one or more of the persons involved in the transaction or series of transactions; and

    • (c) it may not reasonably be considered that the transaction, or the series of transactions, has been undertaken or arranged primarily for bona fide purposes other than to obtain a benefit, arising from a rate change, for one or more of the persons involved in the transaction or series of transactions;

    the amount of charge, net charge, rebate, net charge rebate or other amount payable by, or payable to, any of those persons under this Part, or any other amount that is relevant for the purposes of computing that amount must be determined as is reasonable in the circumstances in order to deny the benefit to any of those persons.

  • Marginal note:Denying benefit on transactions

    (3) Despite any other provision of this Part, a benefit must only be denied under subsection (2) through an assessment, reassessment or additional assessment.

DIVISION 6Administration and Enforcement


Marginal note:Person resident in Canada

 For the purposes of this Division, a person is deemed to be resident in Canada at any time

  • (a) in the case of a corporation, if the corporation is incorporated or continued in Canada and not continued elsewhere;

  • (b) in the case of a partnership, a joint venture, an unincorporated society, a club, an association or an organization, or a branch thereof, if the member or participant, or a majority of the members or participants, having management and control thereof is or are resident in Canada at that time;

  • (c) in the case of a labour union, if it is carrying on activities as such in Canada and has a local union or branch in Canada at that time; or

  • (d) in the case of an individual, if the individual is deemed under any of paragraphs 250(1)(b) to (f) of the Income Tax Act to be resident in Canada at that time.

Marginal note:Set-off of rebates

 If, at any time, a person files a return under section 69 in which the person reports an amount that is required to be paid under this Part by the person and the person claims a rebate under section 49 payable to the person under this Part at that time, in the return or in another return, or in a separate application filed under this Part with the return, the person is deemed to have paid at that time, and the Minister is deemed to have rebated at that time, an amount equal to the lesser of the amount required to be paid and the amount of the rebate.

Marginal note:Definition of electronic payment

  •  (1) In this section, electronic payment means any payment to the Receiver General that is made through electronic services offered by a person described in any of paragraphs (2)(a) to (d) or by any electronic means specified by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Electronic payment

    (2) Every person that is required under this Part to pay an amount to the Receiver General must, if the amount is $10,000 or more, make the payment by way of electronic payment, unless the person cannot reasonably pay the amount in that manner, to the account of the Receiver General at or through

    • (a) a bank;

    • (b) a credit union;

    • (c) a corporation that is authorized under the laws of Canada or a province to carry on the business of offering its services as a trustee to the public; or

    • (d) a corporation that is authorized under the laws of Canada or a province to accept deposits from the public and that carries on the business of lending money on the security of real property or immovables or investing in indebtedness on the security of mortgages on real property or hypothecs on immovables.

Marginal note:Small amounts owing

  •  (1) If, at any time, the total of all unpaid amounts owing by a person to the Receiver General under this Part does not exceed $2.00, the amount owing by the person is deemed to be nil.

  • Marginal note:Small amounts payable

    (2) If, at any time, the total of all amounts payable by the Minister to a person under this Part does not exceed $2.00, the Minister may apply those amounts against any amount owing, at that time, by the person to Her Majesty in right of Canada. However, if the person, at that time, does not owe any amount to Her Majesty in right of Canada, those amounts payable are deemed to be nil.

Marginal note:Authority for separate returns

  •  (1) A person that engages in one or more activities in separate branches or divisions may file an application, in the prescribed form and manner, with the Minister for authority to file separate returns and applications for rebates under this Part in respect of a branch or division specified in the application.

  • Marginal note:Authorization by Minister

    (2) On receipt of the application, the Minister may, in writing, authorize the person to file separate returns and applications for rebates in relation to the specified branch or division, subject to any conditions that the Minister may at any time impose, if the Minister is satisfied that

    • (a) the branch or division can be separately identified by reference to its location or the nature of the activities engaged in by it; and

    • (b) separate records, books of account and accounting systems are maintained in respect of the branch or division.

  • Marginal note:Revocation of authorization

    (3) The Minister may revoke an authorization if

    • (a) the person, in writing, requests the Minister to revoke the authorization;

    • (b) the person fails to comply with any condition imposed in respect of the authorization or any provision of this Part;

    • (c) the Minister is no longer satisfied that the requirements of subsection (2) in respect of the person are met; or

    • (d) the Minister considers that the authorization is no longer required.

  • Marginal note:Notice of revocation

    (4) If the Minister revokes an authorization, the Minister must send a notice in writing of the revocation to the person and must specify in the notice the effective date of the revocation.

Marginal note:Definition of electronic filing

  •  (1) For the purposes of this section, electronic filing means using electronic media in a manner specified in writing by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Electronic filing of return

    (2) A person that is required to file with the Minister a return under this Part, and that meets the criteria specified in writing by the Minister for the purposes of this section, may file the return by way of electronic filing.

  • Marginal note:Mandatory filing of return by electronic transmission

    (3) If a person is, in respect of a reporting period of the person, a prescribed person, a person of a prescribed class or a person meeting prescribed conditions, the person must file its return for the reporting period by way of electronic filing in the manner specified by the Minister for the person.

  • Marginal note:Deemed filing

    (4) For the purposes of this Part, if a person files a return by way of electronic filing, the return is deemed to be a return made in the prescribed form filed with the Minister on the day the Minister acknowledges acceptance of it.


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