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Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006 (S.C. 2006, c. 13)

Act current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2016-06-17. Previous Versions

General Provisions Concerning Charges and Other Amounts Payable (continued)

Refunds (continued)

Marginal note:Refund of payment

  •  (1) If a person has paid an amount as or on account of, or that was taken into account as, a charge, a penalty, interest or other obligation under this Act in circumstances where the amount was not payable by the person, whether the amount was paid by mistake or otherwise, the Minister shall, subject to subsections (2) and (3), pay a refund of that amount to the person.

  • Marginal note:Restriction

    (2) A refund in respect of an amount shall not be paid under subsection (1) to a person to the extent that the Minister has assessed the person for the amount under section 50.

  • Marginal note:Application for refund

    (3) A refund in respect of an amount shall not be paid under subsection (1) to a person unless the person files, in the prescribed manner, an application for the refund in prescribed form and containing prescribed information within two years after the day on which the amount was paid by the person.

  • Marginal note:Extension

    (3.1) Despite subsection (3), the Minister may at any time extend, in writing, the time for filing an application for a refund for the payment of the increase of the amount of the charge referred to in subsection 14(1).

  • Marginal note:One application per reporting period

    (4) Subject to subsection (5), not more than one application for a refund under this section may be made by a person in any reporting period.

  • Marginal note:Application by branches and divisions

    (5) If a person who is entitled to a refund under this section is engaged in one or more activities in separate branches or divisions and is authorized under subsection 30(2) to file separate returns in relation to a branch or division, the person may file separate applications under this section in respect of the branch or division but not more than one application for a refund under this section in respect of the branch or division may be made by the person in any reporting period.

  • 2006, c. 13, s. 41
  • 2011, c. 24, s. 109

Marginal note:Restriction

  •  (1) A refund of an amount under this Act shall not be paid to a person to the extent that it can reasonably be regarded that

    • (a) the amount has previously been refunded, remitted, applied or paid to that person under this or any other Act of Parliament;

    • (b) the person has applied for a refund, payment or remission of the amount under any other Act of Parliament; or

    • (c) the amount has been or will be refunded to the person under this Act.

  • Marginal note:Single application

    (2) Only one application may be made under this Act for a refund with respect to any matter.

Marginal note:Restriction — trustees

 If a trustee is appointed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act to act in the administration of the estate of a bankrupt, a refund under this Act that the bankrupt was entitled to claim before the appointment shall not be paid after the appointment unless all returns required under this Act to be filed before the appointment have been filed and all amounts required under this Act to be paid by the bankrupt have been paid.

Marginal note:Overpayment of refunds, etc.

  •  (1) If an amount is paid to, or applied to a liability of, a person as a refund under this Act and the person is not entitled to the amount or the amount paid or applied exceeds the refund or other payment to which the person is entitled, the person shall pay to the Receiver General an amount equal to the refund, payment or excess on the day on which the amount is paid to, or applied to a liability of, the person.

  • Marginal note:Effect of reduction of refund, etc.

    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), if a refund or other payment has been paid to a person in excess of the amount to which the person was entitled and the amount of the excess has, by reason of section 42, reduced the amount of any other refund or other payment to which the person would, but for the payment of the excess, be entitled, the person is deemed to have paid the amount of the reduction to the Receiver General.

Bankruptcies and Corporate Reorganizations

Marginal note:Definitions

  •  (1) The following definitions apply in this section.


    bankrupt has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. (failli)


    business includes a part of a business. (entreprise)


    receiver means a person who

    • (a) under the authority of a debenture, bond or other debt security, of a court order or of an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, is empowered to manage or operate a business or a property of another person;

    • (b) is appointed by a trustee under a trust deed in respect of a debt security to exercise the authority of the trustee to manage or operate a business or a property of the debtor under the debt security;

    • (c) is appointed by a bank to act as an agent or mandatary of the bank in the exercise of the authority of the bank under subsection 426(3) of the Bank Act in respect of property of another person;

    • (d) is appointed as a liquidator to liquidate the assets of a corporation or to wind up the affairs of a corporation; or

    • (e) is appointed as a committee, guardian, curator, tutor or mandatary in case of incapacity with the authority to manage and care for the affairs and assets of an individual who is incapable of managing those affairs and assets.

    It includes a person who is appointed to exercise the authority of a creditor under a debenture, bond or other debt security to manage or operate a business or a property of another person, but, if a person is appointed to exercise the authority of a creditor under a debenture, bond or other debt security to manage or operate a business or a property of another person, it does not include that creditor. (séquestre)

    relevant assets

    relevant assets of a receiver means

    • (a) if the receiver’s authority relates to all the properties, businesses, affairs and assets of a person, all those properties, businesses, affairs and assets; and

    • (b) if the receiver’s authority relates to only part of the properties, businesses, affairs or assets of a person, that part of the properties, businesses, affairs or assets. (actif pertinent)


    representative means a person, other than a trustee in bankruptcy or a receiver, who is administering, winding up, controlling or otherwise dealing with any property, business, estate or succession. (représentant)

  • Marginal note:Trustee’s obligations

    (2) For the purposes of this Act, if on a particular day a person becomes a bankrupt,

    • (a) the trustee in bankruptcy, and not the person, is liable for the payment of any amount (other than an amount that relates solely to activities in which the person begins to engage on or after the particular day and to which the bankruptcy does not relate) that becomes payable by the person under this Act during the period beginning on the day immediately after the day on which the trustee became the trustee in bankruptcy of the person and ending on the day on which the discharge of the trustee is granted under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, except that

      • (i) the trustee is liable for the payment of any amount that became payable by the person after the particular day in respect of reporting periods that ended on or before the particular day, or of any amount that became payable by the person after the particular day, only to the extent of the property of the person in possession of the trustee available to satisfy the liability,

      • (ii) the trustee is not liable for the payment of any amount for which a receiver is liable under subsection (3), and

      • (iii) the payment by the person of an amount in respect of the liability shall discharge the liability of the trustee to the extent of that amount;

    • (b) if, on the particular day the person is registered under section 23, the registration continues in relation to the activities of the person to which the bankruptcy relates as though the trustee in bankruptcy were the registered person in respect of those activities and ceases to apply to the activities of the person in which the person begins to engage on or after the particular day and to which the bankruptcy does not relate;

    • (c) the reporting period of the person begins and ends on the day on which it would have begun and ended if the bankruptcy had not occurred, except that

      • (i) the reporting period of the person during which the person becomes a bankrupt shall end on the particular day and a new reporting period of the person in relation to the activities of the person to which the bankruptcy relates shall begin on the day immediately after the particular day, and

      • (ii) the reporting period of the person, in relation to the activities of the person to which the bankruptcy relates, during which the trustee in bankruptcy is discharged under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act shall end on the day on which the discharge is granted;

    • (d) subject to paragraph (f), the trustee in bankruptcy shall file with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner all returns in respect of the activities of the person to which the bankruptcy relates for the reporting periods of the person ending in the period beginning on the day immediately after the particular day and ending on the day on which the discharge of the trustee is granted under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and that are required under this Act to be filed by the person, as if those activities were the only activities of the person;

    • (e) subject to paragraph (f), if the person has not on or before the particular day filed a return required under this Act to be filed by the person for a reporting period of the person ending on or before the particular day, the trustee in bankruptcy shall, unless the Minister waives in writing the requirement for the trustee to file the return, file with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner a return for that reporting period of the person; and

    • (f) if there is a receiver with authority in respect of any business, property, affairs or assets of the person, the trustee in bankruptcy is not required to include in any return any information that the receiver is required under subsection (3) to include in a return.

  • Marginal note:Receiver’s obligations

    (3) For the purposes of this Act, if on a particular day a receiver is vested with authority to manage, operate, liquidate or wind up any business or property, or to manage and care for the affairs and assets, of a person,

    • (a) if the relevant assets of the receiver are a part and not all of the person’s businesses, properties, affairs or assets, the relevant assets of the receiver are deemed to be, throughout the period during which the receiver is acting as receiver of the person, separate from the remainder of the businesses, properties, affairs or assets of the person as though the relevant assets were businesses, properties, affairs or assets, as the case may be, of a separate person;

    • (b) the person and the receiver are jointly and severally or solidarily liable for the payment of any amount that becomes payable by the person under this Act before or during the period during which the receiver is acting as receiver of the person to the extent that the amount can reasonably be considered to relate to the relevant assets of the receiver or to the businesses, properties, affairs or assets of the person that would have been the relevant assets of the receiver if the receiver had been acting as receiver of the person at the time the amount became payable, except that

      • (i) the receiver is liable for the payment of any amount that became payable before that period only to the extent of the property of the person in possession or under the control and management of the receiver after

        • (A) satisfying the claims of creditors whose claims ranked, on the particular day, in priority to the claim of the Crown in respect of the amount, and

        • (B) paying any amounts that the receiver is required to pay to a trustee in bankruptcy of the person,

      • (ii) the person is not liable for the payment of any amount payable by the receiver, and

      • (iii) the payment by the person or the receiver of an amount in respect of the liability shall discharge the joint and several or solidary liability to the extent of that amount;

    • (c) the reporting period of the person begins and ends on the day on which it would have begun and ended if the vesting had not occurred, except that

      • (i) the reporting period of the person, in relation to the relevant assets of the receiver, during which the receiver begins to act as receiver of the person, shall end on the particular day and a new reporting period of the person in relation to the relevant assets shall begin on the day immediately after the particular day, and

      • (ii) the reporting period of the person, in relation to the relevant assets, during which the receiver ceases to act as receiver of the person, shall end on the day on which the receiver ceases to act as receiver of the person;

    • (d) the receiver shall file with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner all returns in respect of the relevant assets of the receiver for reporting periods of the person ending in the period during which the receiver is acting as receiver and that are required under this Act to be made by the person, as if the relevant assets were the only businesses, properties, affairs and assets of the person; and

    • (e) if the person has not on or before the particular day filed a return required under this Act to be filed by the person for a reporting period of the person ending on or before the particular day, the receiver shall, unless the Minister waives in writing the requirement for the receiver to file the return, file with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner a return for that reporting period that relates to the businesses, properties, affairs or assets of the person that would have been the relevant assets of the receiver if the receiver had been acting as receiver of the person during that reporting period.

  • Marginal note:Certificates for receivers and representatives

    (4) Every receiver and representative who controls property of another person who is required to pay any amount under this Act shall, before distributing the property to any person, obtain a certificate from the Minister certifying that the following amounts have been paid or that security for the payment of them has, in accordance with this Act, been accepted by the Minister:

    • (a) all amounts that are payable by the other person under this Act in respect of the reporting period during which the distribution is made, or any previous reporting period; and

    • (b) all amounts that are, or can reasonably be expected to become, payable under this Act by the representative or receiver in that capacity in respect of the reporting period during which the distribution is made, or any previous reporting period.

  • Marginal note:Liability for failure to obtain certificate

    (5) Any receiver or representative who distributes property without obtaining a certificate in respect of the amounts referred to in subsection (4) is personally liable for the payment of those amounts to the extent of the value of the property so distributed.

Marginal note:Amalgamations

 If two or more corporations (each of which is referred to in this section as a “predecessor”) are merged or amalgamated to form one corporation (in this section referred to as the “new corporation”), the new corporation is deemed to be a separate person from each of the predecessors for the purposes of this Act except that, for the purposes of sections 26 to 45 and 48 to 98, the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor.


Marginal note:Member of a partnership

  •  (1) For the purposes of this Act, anything done by a person as a member of a partnership is deemed to have been done by the partnership in the course of the partnership’s activities and not to have been done by the person.

  • Marginal note:Joint and several or solidary liability

    (2) A partnership and each member or former member (each of which is referred to in this subsection as the “member”) of the partnership, other than a member who is a limited partner and is not a general partner, are jointly and severally or solidarily liable for

    • (a) the payment of all amounts that become payable by the partnership under this Act before or during the period during which the member is a member of the partnership or, if the member was a member of the partnership at the time the partnership was dissolved, after the dissolution of the partnership, except that

      • (i) the member is liable for the payment of amounts that become payable before the period only to the extent of the property and money that is regarded as property or money of the partnership under the relevant laws of general application in force in a province relating to partnerships, and

      • (ii) the payment by the partnership or by any member of the partnership of an amount in respect of the liability discharges the joint liability to the extent of that amount; and

    • (b) all other obligations under this Act that arose before or during that period for which the partnership is liable or, if the member was a member of the partnership at the time the partnership was dissolved, the obligations that arose upon or as a consequence of the dissolution.

  • Marginal note:Continuation of partnership

    (3) If a partnership would, but for this subsection, be regarded as having ceased to exist, the partnership is deemed for the purposes of this Act not to have ceased to exist until the registration of the partnership is cancelled.

  • Marginal note:Continuation of predecessor partnership by new partnership

    (4) Where

    • (a) a partnership (in this subsection referred to as the “predecessor partnership”) would, but for this section, be regarded as having ceased at any time to exist,

    • (b) a majority of the members of the predecessor partnership that together had, at or immediately before that time, more than a 50% interest in the capital of the predecessor partnership become members of another partnership of which they comprise more than half of the members, and

    • (c) the members of the predecessor partnership who become members of the other partnership transfer to the other partnership all or substantially all of the property distributed to them in settlement of their capital interests in the predecessor partnership,

    the other partnership is deemed to be a continuation of and the same person as the predecessor partnership, except where the other partnership is registered under section 23 or applies for registration under section 22.


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