Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Health of Animals Regulations (C.R.C., c. 296)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2024-06-17. Previous Versions

PART XIITransport of Animals (continued)

Feed, Safe Water and Rest (continued)

  •  (1) No person shall load, confine or transport an animal in or unload an animal from a conveyance or container, or cause one to be so loaded, confined, transported or unloaded, unless the person provides the animal with feed, safe water and rest at intervals that do not exceed the following:

    • (a) 12 hours for any compromised animals;

    • (b) in the case of safe water, 24 hours for broiler chickens, spent laying hens and rabbits and in the case of feed and rest for those animals, 28 hours;

    • (c) 28 hours for equines and porcines; and

    • (d) 36 hours for all other animals.

  • (2) Despite subsection (1), no person shall load, confine or transport newly hatched poultry in or unload such animals from a conveyance or container, or cause them to be so loaded, confined, transported or unloaded, unless the person provides them with feed, safe water and rest within 72 hours after the time of hatching.

  • (3) Despite subsection (1), no person shall load, confine or transport ruminants that are too young to be fed exclusively on hay and grain and livestock, camelids or cervids of eight days of age or less in or unload such animals from a conveyance or container, or cause them to be so loaded, confined, transported or unloaded, unless the person provides them with feed, safe water and rest within 12 hours after the time they were last provided with feed, safe water and rest prior to loading.

  • (4) For the purposes of subsection (1), an interval begins

    • (a) in the case of feed, when the animal was last fed;

    • (b) in the case of safe water, when the animal was last given safe water; and

    • (c) in the case of rest, when the animal was last rested for a minimum of eight consecutive hours.

 Every person who loads, confines or transports an animal in or unloads an animal from a conveyance or container shall ensure that the following conditions are met whenever the conveyance is stopped for the purpose of providing feed, safe water and rest to the animal:

  • (a) equipment that is designed, constructed and maintained to feed and water the animal is used;

  • (b) sufficient space is provided to allow the animal to lie down without lying on top of other animals;

  • (c) floors that are well-drained and clean are provided so that the animal is not likely to trip, slip, fall, suffer, sustain an injury or die;

  • (d) sufficient straw or other bedding is provided so that the animal is not likely to suffer, sustain an injury or die;

  • (e) sufficient straw or other bedding is provided so that the animal is kept clean and dry;

  • (f) protection from meteorological and environmental conditions is provided so that the animal is not likely to suffer, sustain an injury or die; and

  • (g) adequate ventilation is provided so that the animal is not likely to suffer, sustain an injury or die.

  •  (1) Section 152.2 does not apply in the case of an animal that is loaded, confined or transported in a conveyance if the conveyance meets the following conditions:

    • (a) it is equipped with a dispensing system that is designed, constructed and maintained so that feed is available to the animal as required;

    • (b) it is equipped with a dispensing system that is designed, constructed and maintained so that safe water is available to the animal at all times;

    • (c) it is equipped with forced ventilation that is designed, constructed, maintained and used so that adequate ventilation is provided to the animal at all times;

    • (d) it is equipped with a rigid exterior with adjustable venting that is designed, constructed, maintained and used so that adequate ventilation is provided to the animal and the animal is protected from meteorological and environmental conditions at all times;

    • (e) it is equipped with a system that electronically monitors and records temperatures and humidity in the parts of the conveyance where the animal is most likely to be exposed to temperatures and humidity that would likely cause the animal to suffer, sustain an injury or die;

    • (f) it is equipped with a system that alerts the person operating the conveyance when a set high or low temperature or humidity reading in the conveyance is reached;

    • (g) it has sufficient space to allow the animal to lie down without lying on top of other animals;

    • (h) it has floors that are well-drained and clean so that the animal is not likely to trip, slip, fall, suffer, sustain an injury or die;

    • (i) it has sufficient straw or other bedding so that the animal is not likely to suffer, sustain an injury or die; and

    • (j) it has sufficient straw or other bedding so that the animal is kept clean and dry.

  • (2) Section 152.2 does not apply in the case of an animal that is loaded, confined or transported in a container that is in a conveyance that meets the conditions set out in subsection (1) if the container meets the following conditions:

    • (a) it is designed, constructed and maintained so that the animal in the container is able to access the feed dispensed by the feed dispensing system on the conveyance;

    • (b) it is designed, constructed and maintained so that the animal in the container is able to access, at all times, the safe water dispensed by the safe water dispensing system on the conveyance;

    • (c) it is designed, constructed and maintained so that the animal in the container is provided with adequate ventilation at all times;

    • (d) it has sufficient space to allow the animal to lie down without lying on top of other animals;

    • (e) it has floors that are well-drained and clean so that the animal is not likely to trip, slip, fall, suffer, sustain an injury or die;

    • (f) except in the case of rabbits and poultry, it has sufficient straw or other bedding so that the animal is not likely to suffer, sustain an injury or die; and

    • (g) it has sufficient straw or other bedding so that the animal is kept clean and dry.

Transfer of Care

  •  (1) No person who transports an animal shall leave the animal at a slaughter establishment or assembly centre unless the person has provided the consignee with a written notice that the animal has arrived at the slaughter establishment or assembly centre and a document that contains the following information:

    • (a) the condition of the animal on arrival;

    • (b) the date and time when and the place where the animal was last fed, watered and rested; and

    • (c) the date and time of arrival of the animal at the slaughter establishment or assembly centre.

  • (2) The responsibility for the care of the animal is transferred from the person who transports the animal to the consignee as soon as the consignee acknowledges receipt of the notice and document.

  • (3) For greater certainty, the consignee who assumes responsibility for the care of an animal shall comply with the requirements with respect to feed, water and rest set out in sections 152.1 and 152.2.


  •  (1) Every commercial carrier and any other person who transports animals in the course of business or for financial benefit shall, for each shipment of animals, make a record at the time of loading the animals that includes the following information:

    • (a) the name and address of the shipper, consignee and person operating the conveyance in which the animals are transported;

    • (b) the identifying number or registration number of the conveyance;

    • (c) the number of square metres or square feet of floor area available to the animals in the conveyance or, if the animals are in a container, in the container;

    • (d) the date and time when and the place where the conveyance or container was last cleaned and disinfected;

    • (e) the date and time when and the place where the animals are loaded;

    • (f) the number, description and weight of the animals; and

    • (g) the date and time when the animals were last fed, watered and rested prior to loading.

  • (2) Every person referred to in subsection (1) shall, as soon as possible, include in the record any changes to the information provided in subsection (1) and add the following information to the record:

    • (a) the date and time when and the place where the animals are fed, watered and rested; and

    • (b) the date, time and place of arrival of the animals at the destination.

  • (3) Every person referred to in subsection (1) shall, with each shipment of animals being transported, keep on board the original record or a copy of the record.

Dead and Seriously Injured Animals

 Every air carrier and sea carrier that transports an animal from Canada shall, as soon as possible after arrival at the destination, send a document to the veterinary inspector at the port of embarkation respecting every animal that was seriously injured, has died or was killed during transport, stating in each case the cause of the injury or death.

 [Repealed, SOR/2019-38, s. 2]

 [Repealed, SOR/2019-38, s. 2]

 [Repealed, SOR/2019-38, s. 2]

 [Repealed, SOR/2019-38, s. 2]

PART XIIIPermits and Licences

Form and Conditions

  •  (1) Any application for a permit or licence required under the Act shall be in a form approved by the Minister.

  • (1.1) The Minister shall issue a permit or licence required under the Act if the Minister determines that the activity for which the permit or licence is issued would not, or would not be likely to, result in the introduction into or spread within Canada of a vector, disease or toxic substance or its introduction into another country from Canada.

  • (1.2) A permit or licence issued by the Minister under these Regulations may be issued as a general permit or licence to owners or persons having the possession, care or control of an animal or thing for which the permit or licence is issued.

  • (2) Any permit or licence required under the Act shall

    • (a) be in a form approved by the Minister; and

    • (b) contain such conditions as are necessary to prevent the introduction of communicable disease into Canada or into any other country from Canada and the spread of communicable disease within Canada.

  • (3) The Minister may cancel or suspend a permit or licence issued under the Act if he or she has reason to believe that

    • (a) any condition under which the permit or licence was issued or any condition contained in the permit or licence has not been complied with;

    • (b) any provision of the Act or these Regulations has not been complied with; or

    • (c) failure to do so could result in the introduction into or spread within Canada of a vector, disease or toxic substance or its introduction into another country from Canada.

  • SOR/79-839, s. 34
  • SOR/92-23, s. 3
  • SOR/92-650, s. 4
  • SOR/93-159, s. 17
  • SOR/95-475, s. 4(F)
  • SOR/2004-80, s. 17
  • SOR/2006-147, s. 19
  • SOR/2012-286, s. 60
  • SOR/2017-94, s. 14
  • SOR/2019-99, s. 14

 Every person who is subject to a permit or licence issued under the Act shall comply with the conditions contained in the permit or licence.

Issue of Licences by an Inspector

  •  (1) An inspector may issue a licence authorizing the marketing, selling, disposing, exposing for sale or transporting of animals or things affected with or suffering from or suspected of being affected with or suffering from infectious or contagious disease.

  • (2) A licence issued pursuant to subsection (1) may state how, when and where animals or things affected with or suffering from or suspected of being affected with or suffering from infectious or contagious disease may be marketed, sold, disposed of, exposed for sale or transported.

  • (3) A licence issued pursuant to subsection (1) is valid only when used by the person to whom it is issued.

  • (4) No person shall sell or transfer a licence issued pursuant to subsection (1) to any other person.

  • SOR/78-597, s. 16


 The Minister may, whether on his or her own initiative or on the application of the holder, amend a permit or licence issued under the Act if the amendment is made as the result of new information, or a change in circumstance, that has been brought to the Minister’s attention and does not increase the risk of the introduction into or spread within Canada of a vector, disease or toxic substance or its introduction into another country from Canada.

PART XIVFood for Ruminants, Livestock and Poultry, Rendering Plants, Fertilizers and Fertilizer Supplements

  • SOR/2006-147, s. 20

Prohibited Material

  •  (1) In this Part, prohibited material means anything that is, or that contains any, protein that originated from a mammal, other than

    • (a) a porcine or equine;

    • (b) milk or products of milk;

    • (c) gelatin derived exclusively from hides or skins or products of gelatin derived exclusively from hides or skins;

    • (d) blood or products of blood; or

    • (e) rendered fats, derived from ruminants, that contain no more than 0.15% insoluble impurities or their products.

  • (2) Prohibited material that has been treated in a manner approved by the Minister to inactivate the agents that cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is no longer prohibited material.

  • SOR/97-362, s. 4
  • SOR/2006-147, s. 21
  •  (1) A person who identifies prohibited material by means of adding to it a marker or tracer substance that has been approved by the Minister in the manner specified in that approval, is not required to keep the records referred to in subsections 165(2) and 166(2) and section 171.

  • (2) Every person who identifies prohibited material in accordance with subsection (1) shall maintain a record of the manner in which the marker or tracer substance was added to the prohibited material.

  • SOR/97-362, s. 4

Feeding Prohibited Material to a Ruminant.

 No person shall feed prohibited material to a ruminant.

  • SOR/97-362, s. 4

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