Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Cargo, Fumigation and Tackle Regulations (SOR/2007-128)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2021-10-31. Previous Versions

PART 3Tackle (continued)

DIVISION 1Cargo Gear (continued)

Safe Working Loads (continued)

Reduction of Safe Working Loads
  •  (1) When a lifting appliance is operated on a vessel that is not sheltered from the action of waves, its safe working load shall be considered to be reduced

    • (a) as provided for in a table provided by its manufacturer with respect to the safe working load to be adopted under those conditions; or

    • (b) if the manufacturer has not provided the table and the visually determined vertical range between the hook and the load attachment point resulting from the vessel’s motion in the waves is within the range set out in column 1 of the table to this paragraph, by the percentage set out in column 2.


    Column 1Column 2
    ItemRange (m)Reduction to SWL (%)
    10.2 – 0.530
    20.5 – 1.550
    31.5 – 2.570
  • (2) A copy of the table referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b), as the case may be, shall be posted at a location that is visible from the appliance’s control position.

  • (3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if the appliance automatically compensates for the vessel’s motion in waves.

Rigging Plans

  •  (1) A rigging plan and any other information necessary to safely rig the lifting appliances installed on a vessel shall be kept on board the vessel.

  • (2) The rigging plan shall show

    • (a) the position of the pulley blocks and guys;

    • (b) the resultant load on pulley blocks, guys, wire ropes and booms;

    • (c) any identifying marks on main accessory gear or loose gear; and

    • (d) the working range of the appliances.

  • (3) An additional rigging plan shall be kept on board the vessel if lifting appliances installed on the vessel are coupled in any combination to each other or to other lifting appliances. The additional rigging plan shall show the information set out in subsection (2) for the manner in which the appliances are coupled.

  • (4) The lifting appliances shall be rigged in accordance with the rigging plan and, if applicable, the additional rigging plan.


Operation in Union Purchase
  •  (1) If a derrick is marked with a safe working load for operation in union purchase under subsection 323(3), a stress diagram or position-setting data shall be provided to the operator of the derrick.

  • (2) If two derricks are operated in union purchase but are not marked under subsection 323(3),

    • (a) the derricks shall both be rigged in single purchase or both be rigged in double purchase;

    • (b) the load lifted shall not be in excess of one-half the safe working load of the derricks as rigged; and

    • (c) the angle formed by the cargo runners shall not exceed 120°.

 If opposite sets of derricks are rigged for operation in union purchase so that both the inner and outer derricks are served by common runners with running pulley blocks on them and the blocks are shackled to the lifting hook, the safe working load is twice the safe working load with single purchase of the set of derricks with the smaller safe working load.

Boom Angle

 If a derrick’s boom is tested at an angle exceeding 15° above the horizontal, the angle at which it was tested shall be marked on it and the boom shall not be operated at a lower angle.

  •  (1) A derrick with a fixed boom shall, unless the special design of the derrick renders preventer guys unnecessary, be fitted with preventer guys that are

    • (a) secured to the head of the boom and independent of other fittings;

    • (b) made from wire or chains; and

    • (c) strong enough to take working stresses without assistance from the derrick’s fibre guys.

  • (2) A derrick’s guys shall be secured only to eye pads or other fittings that are sufficiently strong to withstand the working stresses.

Preventing Accidental Lifting

 No derrick shall be used unless measures have been taken to prevent the foot of the derrick from being accidentally lifted out of its socket or support.

Category 4 Lifting Appliances on Canadian Vessels Other Than Restricted Vessels


 Sections 335 to 341 apply in respect of category 4 lifting appliances on Canadian vessels that are not restricted vessels.

  •  (1) A category 4 lifting appliance shall not be used unless

    • (a) its manufacturer has specified conditions for its operation on a vessel, such as

      • (i) the maximum heel that may occur in the direction of the boom,

      • (ii) the maximum side load, if any, to which it may be exposed, expressed in terms of the angle that the cable may make normal to the plane of the boom, and

      • (iii) the manner in which it is to be secured to the vessel to ensure the appliance’s stability and safety;

    • (b) it is operated in accordance with the specified conditions;

    • (c) when the appliance is operated on a vessel, its authorized representative has the manufacturer’s load radius chart for the safe working load of the appliance;

    • (d) the Department of Transport Marine Safety Office nearest to the vessel has been provided with

      • (i) a drawing that indicates the details of the installation, including how and where on the vessel the appliance is secured,

      • (ii) sufficient information to demonstrate that the points at which the appliance is secured and the supporting structure would be sufficiently strong to withstand the resulting loads on the structure if the appliance were used to lift the maximum load at the maximum radius at which it was tested under subsection 303(1), and

      • (iii) sufficient stability data to demonstrate that the vessel constitutes a safe platform for the appliance when it is being used.

  • (2) Despite subsection (1), a category 4 lifting appliance may be used if

    • (a) its design and its installation on the vessel are approved by a classification society in accordance with its regulations, rules or codes;

    • (b) after it is tested under paragraph 303(1)(a), a certificate referred to in subsection 312(1) is signed by a surveyor employed by the classification society;

    • (c) it is operated in accordance with any conditions specified by the classification society in accordance with its regulations, rules or codes; and

    • (d) the classification society has provided the authorized representative with a load radius chart for the safe working load of the appliance when operated on a vessel.

Load Moment Indicator Systems
  •  (1) A load moment indicator system that meets the requirements set out in Schedule 7 shall be installed on a category 4 lifting appliance unless it

    • (a) handles bulk commodities or cargo by means of a magnet or a clamshell bucket; or

    • (b) is used to handle or hold hoses in connection with the transfer of bulk liquids or other products handled by hoses.

  • (2) A manufacturer’s manual that contains the instructions for the operation and maintenance of the system shall be available to the operator of the appliance.

  • (3) A certificate or document that sets out the following and is issued by the installer of the system shall be attached to the register referred to in section 311:

    • (a) the model numbers and serial numbers of the appliance and the system; and

    • (b) confirmation that the system is in good working order after installation and that the values indicated on the load radius chart for the appliance are correctly indicated by the system.

  • (4) The operator of the appliance and the officer in charge of material handling shall have successfully completed training in the safe operation of the system and shall each hold a certificate or document furnished by his or her employer or the company that installed the system attesting to the successful completion of the training.

  •  (1) A category 4 lifting appliance shall not be used unless it is installed by securing it to the vessel with anti-tipping lashings at four points in a manner that does not jeopardize the watertight integrity of the vessel.

  • (2) On any open sea passage, a category 4 lifting appliance shall be lashed and chocked as well as secured to the vessel with anti-tipping lashings.

Safe Navigation

 A category 4 lifting appliance shall not obstruct the visibility from the navigation bridge or otherwise impair the safe navigation of the vessel.

Use of Appliances

 A vessel’s master shall ensure that

  • (a) a category 4 lifting appliance is not used to lift

    • (i) a load that exceeds the maximum load with which it was tested in accordance with subsection 6(1) of Schedule 4, or

    • (ii) a load at a radius greater than the maximum radius at which it was tested in accordance with subsection 6(1) of Schedule 4;

  • (b) when a category 4 lifting appliance is used, the vessel does not heel more than 5° or any lower angle that is set out in the conditions specified by the manufacturer or the classification society, as the case may be; and

  • (c) if there are tanks containing liquids on the vessel, the effects of free surface in the tanks are taken into consideration when a category 4 lifting appliance is used and are minimized when it is used to lift loads that could cause the vessel to heel more than 2°.


 A durable placard that sets out the following in clearly legible letters and figures shall be securely fixed to a category 4 lifting appliance’s cab in a location easily visible to an operator seated at the control position:

  • (a) the load radius chart for the safe working load of the appliance when operated on a vessel;

  • (b) the appliance’s model number and serial number;

  • (c) the length of the appliance’s boom; and

  • (d) any conditions specified by the manufacturer or the classification society, as the case may be.

Inspection and Maintenance
  •  (1) Category 4 lifting appliances shall be inspected and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

  • (2) The requirements of clauses 4.1 to 4.3, 4.5 and 4.6 of the Safety Code on Mobile Cranes shall be met in respect of mobile cranes.

  • (3) For the purposes of subsection (2),

    • (a) the reference to “owner” in clauses, 4.3.1 and of the Safety Code on Mobile Cranes shall be read as a reference to “the authorized representative of the vessel on which the crane is installed”; and

    • (b) the wording of clause of the Safety Code on Mobile Cranes shall be replaced by the following: “The log shall be kept on board the vessel on which the crane is installed.”

Category 4 Lifting Appliances Onshore or on Restricted Vessels


 Sections 343 to 346 apply in respect of category 4 lifting appliances onshore or on restricted vessels in Canadian waters.

Load Moment Indicator Systems
  •  (1) A load moment indicator system that meets the requirements set out in Schedule 7 shall be installed on a category 4 lifting appliance unless it

    • (a) handles bulk commodities or cargo by means of a magnet or a clamshell bucket;

    • (b) is used to handle or hold hoses in connection with the transfer of bulk liquids or other products handled by hoses;

    • (c) is used exclusively to handle material if the total gross mass of a load never exceeds 5 tonnes and the gross mass of every package and of every article of unpackaged material is marked on the package or the article, as the case may be; or

    • (d) is a gantry-type crane that is being used within its capacity limits to handle containers known to be and identified as empty or loaded or to handle other loads by means of a lifting beam supplied by the crane’s manufacturer to be used with the crane.

  • (2) A manufacturer’s manual that contains the instructions for the operation and maintenance of the system shall be available to the operator of the appliance.

  • (3) A certificate or document that sets out the following and is issued by the installer of the system shall be attached to the register referred to in section 311:

    • (a) the model numbers and serial numbers of the appliance and the system; and

    • (b) confirmation that the system is in good working order after installation and that the values indicated on the load radius chart are correctly indicated by the system.

  • (4) The operator of the appliance shall have successfully completed training in the safe operation of the system and shall hold a certificate or document furnished by his or her employer or the installer of the system attesting to the successful completion of the training.


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