Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Quebec Fishery Regulations, 1990 (SOR/90-214)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2024-10-23. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 5(Subsections 2(1) and 3(4), paragraph 5(1)(a), subsection 5(3), paragraph 11(a), subsection 15(2), paragraphs 16(e) and (f), section 19, subsections 21(2) and 23(2) and (3), sections 24 and 25.1, subsections 29(1) and 42(1), sections 47 and 48 and subsections 49(1) and 50(1))


Sport Fishing Licences

ItemType of Licence

Sport fishing licence for species other than Atlantic salmon

  • (a) resident 65 years of age and over (annual)

  • (b) resident under 65 years of age (annual)

  • (c) resident (3 consecutive days)

  • (d) resident with mandatory release (annual)

  • (e) non-resident (annual)

  • (f) non-resident (7 consecutive days)

  • (g) non-resident (3 consecutive days)

  • (h) non-resident (1 day)

  • (i) non-resident with mandatory release (annual)


Sport fishing licence for Atlantic salmon

  • (a) resident (annual)

  • (b) resident (3 consecutive days)

  • (c) resident with mandatory release (annual)

  • (d) non-resident (annual)

  • (e) non-resident (3 consecutive days)

  • (f) non-resident with mandatory release (annual)


Burbot fishing licence

  • (a) resident (annual)

  • (b) non-resident (annual)

4Replacement licence


Commercial and Special Licences and Licence Fees

Column 1Column 2
ItemType of LicenceFee ($)
1Commercial Fishing
(1) Seine licence for bait fish
  • (a) for each 30 cm of seine

(a) 1.00
  • (b) minimum fee

(b) 25.00
(2) Bait trap licence for bait fish
  • (a) for each bait trap

(a) 10.00
  • (b) minimum fee

(b) 25.00
(3) Fish trap licence for bait fish
  • (a) for each fish trap

(a) 10.00
  • (b) minimum fee

(b) 25.00
(4) Landing net licence for bait fish, for each net25.00
(5) Lift net licence for bait fish, for each net25.00
(6) Night line licence
  • (a) for the first 100 hooks

(a) 5.00
  • (b) for each additional 100 hooks or fewer

(b) 3.00
(7) Rainbow smelt seine licence, for each seine5.00
(8) Seine licence for species other than rainbow smelt, for each fathom of net0.25
(9) Hoop net licence
  • (a) for each net

(a) 2.00
  • (b) for each fathom of wing or leader

(b) 0.25
(10) Gill net licence for rainbow smelt, in the Magdalen Islands, for each fathom of net0.40
(11) Gill net licence for rainbow smelt, other than in the Magdalen Islands, for each net10.00
(12) Gill net licence for anadromous brook trout, for each fathom of net0.25
(13) Gill net licence, for species other than rainbow smelt and anadromous brook trout, for each fathom of net0.25
(14) Trap net or box net licence for rainbow smelt, for each net10.00
(15) Pound net licence, for each fathom of wing or leader0.25
(16) American eel trap licence, for each trap2.00
(17) Crayfish trap licence, for each trap1.00
(18) Licence to operate unregistered fishing gear10.00
(19) Assistant fisherman’s licence10.00
(20) Experimental fishing licence200.00
2(1) Food fishing licence for an Indian, Inuit, Indian Community or Inuit Communityn/a
(2) Licence to fish for scientific, educational or wildlife management purposesn/a

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