Marine Machinery Regulations (SOR/90-264)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE VIISteering Systems, Shipside Components and Windlasses
PART I(Section 4)Design Specifications
DIVISION ISteering Systems
Item | Requirements |
1 | A steering gear compartment shall
2 | All components and, in particular, non-duplicated essential components, shall be of sound and reliable construction, of adequate strength and protected against shock loading. |
3 | For essential components, bearings that are permanently lubricated or provided with lubrication fittings shall be utilized where required for the safe operation of the ship. |
4 | The pressure of the fluid for calculations to determine the scantlings of piping and steering gear components subjected to internal hydraulic pressure shall be at least 1.25 times the design working pressure under the operating conditions set out in item 9, taking into account any pressure that may exist in the low-pressure side of the system. |
5 | Where, due to dynamic loads on piping and steering gear components, pulsating pressures occur, the system design shall be such that fatigue does not cause material failure. |
6 | Relief valves shall be fitted to any part of the hydraulic system that can be isolated and in which pressure can be generated from the power source or from external forces. |
7 | Relief valve settings shall not exceed the design working pressure of the fluid set out in item 4 and the valves shall be of adequate size and arranged to avoid an undue rise in pressure above the design working pressure of the fluid. |
Steering Gears | |
8 | Subject to items 19 and 20, the installation shall consist of totally independent main and auxiliary steering gears. |
9 | The main steering gear shall be designed, where the ship is at its deepest sea-going draft and
10 | A main steering gear shall be power-operated
11 | The auxiliary steering gear shall be designed, where the ship is at its deepest sea-going draft and running ahead one-half its maximum service speed or 7 knots, whichever is the greater, to put the rudder over from 15 degrees on one side to 15 degrees on the other side in not more than 60 seconds. |
12 | The auxiliary steering gear shall have the capacity to be brought safely and rapidly into action in an emergency. |
13 | An auxiliary steering gear shall be power-operated
14 | A power-operated auxiliary steering gear unit and its associated control system and rudder angle indicator shall, where the rudder stock is required to be over 230 mm in diameter, excluding strengthening for navigation in ice, be provided automatically with an alternative power source within 45 seconds of the failure of the main power source, from
15 | The alternative power source referred to in item 14 shall
16 | Main and auxiliary steering gear power units shall be
17 | Hydraulic power-operated main and auxiliary steering gears shall be equipped with the following:
18 | Electric and electrohydraulic power-operated main and auxiliary steering gears shall meet the following requirements:
19 | An auxiliary steering gear is not required where main steering gear power units and connections are fitted in duplicate if
20 | An auxiliary steering gear is not required for double-ended ships with two independent steering systems, one fore and one aft, if in the case of failure of one of the steering systems the corresponding rudder can be safely and rapidly brought back to the centre line and kept steady in that position. |
21 | For every tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 tons gross tonnage or more and every other ship of 70,000 tons gross tonnage or more, the main steering gear shall comprise two or more identical power units that meet the requirements of item 19. |
22 | Subject to item 23, every tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 tons gross tonnage or more shall meet the following requirements:
23 | For tankers, chemical tankers or gas carriers of 10,000 tons gross tonnage or more, but of less than 100,000 tonnes deadweight, in the event of a single failure referred to in item 22 of a rudder actuator, the requirements set out in that item are not required to be met if
DIVISION IINon-Duplicated Rudder Actuators for Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas Carriers of 10,000 Tons Gross Tonnage or more but less than 100,000 Tonnes Deadweight
Item | Requirements |
1 | Components that are subject to internal hydraulic pressure or that transmit mechanical forces to the rudder stock shall be made
2 | The design working pressure shall be at least equal to the greater of
3 | In determining the scantlings of components of rudder actuators subject to internal hydraulic pressure, the following stresses are permitted: Sm shall not exceed S1 shall not exceed Sb shall not exceed S1 + Sb shall not exceed Sm + Sb shall not exceed where
A and B are as follows: |
4 | Pressure-retaining components not requiring fatigue analysis and fracture mechanics analysis in accordance with subitem 7(d) of Division I of Part II are acceptable on the basis of a certified burst test and in that case, the detailed stress analysis required by subitem 7(c) of Division I of Part II is not required. |
5 | The minimum bursting pressure shall be calculated as follows: Pb = P. A sBa/SB where
6 | The construction shall minimize local concentrations of stress and all welded joints within the pressure boundary of a rudder actuator or connecting parts transmitting mechanical loads shall be of the full penetration type or of an equivalent strength. |
7 | Oil seals between non-moving components, forming part of the external pressure boundary, shall be of the metal-on-metal type or of an equivalent type. |
8 | Oil seals between moving components, forming part of the external pressure boundary, shall be duplicated, so that the failure of one seal does not render the actuator inoperative, or shall have sealing arrangements providing equivalent protection against leakage. |
9 | Isolating valves shall be fitted at the connection of pipes to the actuator and shall be directly mounted on the actuator. |
10 | Relief valves for protecting the rudder actuator against over-pressure as required by items 6 and 7 of Division I shall meet the following requirements:
11 | The rudder actuator shall be subjected to non-destructive testing in accordance with rules or codes to detect both surface flaws and volumetric flaws, and fracture mechanics analysis may be used for determining maximum allowable flaw size. |
DIVISION IIISteering Controls
Item | Requirements |
1 | Steering-wheels or lever pointers shall
2 | A rudder direction and angle indicator, independent of the remote steering gear control system, shall be fitted on the bridge where the main steering system is power-operated or the length of the ship exceeds 20 m. |
3 | Main steering gears shall be controllable from the bridge and from an alternative location in the steering gear compartment or other suitable location taking into account operational and risk factors. |
4 | A rudder angle indicator shall be fitted at the alternative location referred to in item 3. |
5 | Subject to item 6, two independent remote control systems, not including the steering-wheel or lever, shall be fitted where a duplicate main steering gear system is fitted. |
6 | Except in a tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 tons gross tonnage or more a second independent control system is not required to be fitted where the control system is a hydraulic telemotor. |
7 | The auxiliary steering gear shall be controllable from the steering gear compartment and, if power-operated, shall be operable from the bridge and independent of the main steering gear control system. |
8 | Any main and auxiliary steering gear control system operable from the bridge shall meet the following requirements:
9 | Duplicate steering gear control systems, including pipes, electric power circuits and their components shall be separated, as far as practicable, throughout their length. |
DIVISION IVShipside Components
Item | Requirements |
1 | For ships required to operate in ice-covered waters where ice may choke sea-water inlets, maintenance of essential sea-water supply shall be maintained by
DIVISION VWindlasses
Item | Requirements |
1 | None. |
PARTS II to IV[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 75]
- SOR/2015-161, ss. 10(E), 11, 12(E), 13(E), 14(F), 15(E), 16(E)
- SOR/2021-135, s. 75
- Date modified: