Canada Pension Plan (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-8)
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Act current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-17. Previous Versions
Canada Pension Plan
R.S.C., 1985, c. C-8
An Act to establish a comprehensive program of old age pensions and supplementary benefits in Canada payable to and in respect of contributors
Short Title
Marginal note:Short title
1 This Act may be cited as the Canada Pension Plan.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 1
Marginal note:Definitions
2 (1) In this Act,
- additional maximum pensionable earnings
additional maximum pensionable earnings of a person for a year has the meaning assigned by section 17.1; (maximum supplémentaire des gains ouvrant droit à pension)
- applicant
applicant means, in Part II,
(a) a person or an estate that has applied for a benefit,
(b) a person who has applied for a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55 or paragraph 55.1(1)(b) or (c), or
(c) a person in respect of whom a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings has been approved under paragraph 55.1(1)(a); (requérant)
- average monthly pensionable earnings
average monthly pensionable earnings of a person means an amount calculated in accordance with section 47 or 48; (moyenne mensuelle des gains ouvrant droit à pension)
- balance-due day
balance-due day of a person for a year means
(a) where the person died after October in the year and before May in the immediately following year, the day that is 6 months after the day of death, and
(b) in any other case, April 30 in the immediately following year; (date d’exigibilité du solde)
- base contribution
base contribution means a contribution under subsection 8(1), 9(1) or 10(1); (cotisation de base)
- base unadjusted pensionable earnings
base unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 53; (gains non ajustés de base ouvrant droit à pension)
- basic exemption
basic exemption of a person for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 19; (exemption de base)
- beneficiary
beneficiary means a person, estate or other body to whom a benefit has become payable; (bénéficiaire)
- benefit
benefit means a benefit payable under this Act and includes a pension; (prestation)
- business
business includes a profession, calling, trade, manufacture or undertaking of any kind whatever, and includes an adventure or concern in the nature of trade but does not include an office or employment; (entreprise)
- common-law partner
common-law partner, in relation to a contributor, means a person who is cohabiting with the contributor in a conjugal relationship at the relevant time, having so cohabited with the contributor for a continuous period of at least one year. For greater certainty, in the case of a contributor’s death, the relevant time means the time of the contributor’s death; (conjoint de fait)
- Consumer Price Index
Consumer Price Index means the Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act; (indice des prix à la consommation)
- contribution
contribution means a contribution under this Act; (cotisation)
- contribution rate
contribution rate, in respect of an employee, an employer and a self-employed person for a year, means the contribution rate for that employee, employer and self-employed person for the year determined in accordance with section 11.1; (taux de cotisation)
- contributor
contributor means a person who has made an employee’s contribution or a contribution in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, and includes a person the amount of whose earnings on which a contribution has been made for a year under this Act calculated as provided in subparagraph 53(1)(b)(i) exceeds zero and a person to whom unadjusted pensionable earnings have been attributed under section 55, 55.1 or 55.2; (cotisant)
- contributory period
contributory period of a contributor has, subject to paragraph 44(2)(b) and subsections 44(5) and 56(5), the meaning assigned by section 49; (période cotisable)
- contributory salary and wages
contributory salary and wages of a person for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 12; (traitement et salaire cotisables)
- contributory self-employed earnings
contributory self-employed earnings of a person for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 13; (gains cotisables provenant du travail qu’une personne exécute pour son propre compte)
- deduct
deduct includes withhold; (déduire)
- disabled
disabled has the meaning assigned by section 42; (invalide)
- employee
employee includes an officer; (employé)
- employer
employer means a person liable to pay salary, wages or other remuneration in relation to employment, and, in relation to an officer, includes the person from whom the officer receives their remuneration; (employeur)
- employment
employment means the state of being employed under an express or implied contract of service or apprenticeship, and includes the tenure of an office; (emploi)
- excepted employment
excepted employment means employment specified in subsection 6(2); (emploi excepté)
- first additional contribution
first additional contribution means a contribution under subsection 8(1.1), 9(1.1) or 10(1.1); (première cotisation supplémentaire)
- first additional contribution rate
first additional contribution rate, in respect of an employee, an employer and a self-employed person for a year, means the first additional contribution rate for that employee, employer and self-employed person for the year determined in accordance with section 11.2; (premier taux de cotisation supplémentaire)
- first additional contributory period
first additional contributory period of a contributor has the meaning assigned by section 49.1; (première période cotisable supplémentaire)
- first additional monthly pensionable earnings
first additional monthly pensionable earnings of a person means an amount calculated in accordance with section 48.1; (premiers gains mensuels supplémentaires ouvrant droit à pension)
- first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 53.1; (premiers gains non ajustés supplémentaires ouvrant droit à pension)
- maximum contributory earnings
maximum contributory earnings of a person for a year has the meaning assigned by section 16; (maximum des gains cotisables)
- maximum pensionable earnings
maximum pensionable earnings of a person for a year has the meaning assigned by section 17; (maximum des gains ouvrant droit à pension)
- office
office means the position of an individual entitling him to a fixed or ascertainable stipend or remuneration and includes a judicial office, the office of a minister of the Crown, the office of a lieutenant governor, the office of a member of the Senate or House of Commons, a member of a legislative assembly or a member of a legislative or executive council and any other office the incumbent of which is elected by popular vote or is elected or appointed in a representative capacity, and also includes the position of a corporation director, and officer means a person holding such an office; (fonction ou charge et fonctionnaire)
- pension
pension means a pension payable under this Act; (pension)
- Pension Appeals Board
Pension Appeals Board[Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 225]
- Pension Index
Pension Index has the meaning assigned by section 43; (indice de pension)
- pensionable employment
pensionable employment means employment specified in subsection 6(1); (emploi ouvrant droit à pension)
- prescribed
prescribed means
(a) in the case of a form or the information to be given on a form, authorized by the Minister having the control and direction of the administration of the Part of this Act to which the context extends, and
(b) in any other case, prescribed by regulation or determined in accordance with rules prescribed by regulation; (prescrit)
- Record of Earnings
Record of Earnings means the Record of Earnings established under section 95; (registre des gains)
- representative
representative means, in respect of any person, a guardian, curator, committee, executor, liquidator of a succession, administrator or other legal representative of that person; (représentant)
- Review Committee
Review Committee[Repealed, R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 1]
- Review Tribunal
Review Tribunal[Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 225]
- salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made
salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 15; (traitement et salaire sur lesquels a été versée une cotisation de base)
- salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made
salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 15.1; (traitement et salaire sur lesquels a été versée une première cotisation supplémentaire)
- salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made
salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 15.2; (traitement et salaire sur lesquels a été versée une deuxième cotisation supplémentaire)
- second additional contribution
second additional contribution means a contribution under subsection 8(1.2), 9(1.2) or 10(1.2); (deuxième cotisation supplémentaire)
- second additional contribution rate
second additional contribution rate, in respect of an employee, an employer and a self-employed person for a year, means the second additional contribution rate for that employee, employer and self-employed person for the year determined in accordance with section 11.2; (deuxième taux de cotisation supplémentaire)
- second additional contributory period
second additional contributory period of a contributor has the meaning assigned by section 49.2; (deuxième période cotisable supplémentaire)
- second additional monthly pensionable earnings
second additional monthly pensionable earnings of a person means an amount calculated in accordance with section 48.2; (deuxièmes gains mensuels supplémentaires ouvrant droit à pension)
- second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 53.2; (deuxièmes gains non ajustés supplémentaires ouvrant droit à pension)
- self-employed earnings
self-employed earnings of a person for a year means an amount calculated in accordance with section 14; (gains provenant du travail qu’une personne exécute pour son propre compte)
- Social Insurance Number
Social Insurance Number means a Social Insurance Number assigned to an individual under the authority of any Act of Parliament, and Social Insurance Number Card means a Social Insurance Number Card issued to an individual under that authority; (numéro d’assurance sociale et carte matricule d’assurance sociale)
- spouse
spouse[Repealed, 2000, c. 12, s. 42]
- total first additional pensionable earnings
total first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor means an amount calculated in accordance with section 50.1; (total des premiers gains supplémentaires ouvrant droit à pension)
- total pensionable earnings
total pensionable earnings of a contributor means an amount calculated in accordance with section 50; (total des gains ouvrant droit à pension)
- total pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to base contributions made under this Act
total pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to base contributions made under this Act[Repealed, 2018, c. 12, s. 361]
- total second additional pensionable earnings
total second additional pensionable earnings of a contributor means an amount calculated in accordance with section 50.2; (total des deuxièmes gains supplémentaires ouvrant droit à pension)
- unadjusted pensionable earnings
unadjusted pensionable earnings means base unadjusted pensionable earnings, first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings and second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings; (gains non ajustés ouvrant droit à pension)
- year
year means a calendar year; (année)
- Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings
Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings has the meaning assigned by section 18.1; (maximum supplémentaire des gains annuels ouvrant droit à pension)
- Year’s Basic Exemption
Year’s Basic Exemption has the meaning assigned by section 20; (exemption de base de l’année)
- Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings
Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings has the meaning assigned by section 18. (maximum des gains annuels ouvrant droit à pension)
Marginal note:When specified age deemed to be reached
(2) For the purposes of any provision of this Act in which reference is made to the reaching by a person of a specified age — other than a reference in paragraph 13(1)(c) or (e) or (1.2)(c), 17(c), 17.1(c), 19(c) or (d) or 44(3)(a), section 70 or subparagraph 72(a)(iii) — the person is deemed to have reached the specified age at the beginning of the month following the month in which the person actually reached that age, and in computing
(a) any period of months ending with the time when he reached a specified age, the month in which he actually reached that age shall be included; and
(b) any period of months commencing with the time when he reached a specified age, the month in which he actually reached that age shall not be included.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 2
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 1, c. 1 (4th Supp.), s. 45(F)
- 1991, c. 44, s. 1, c. 49, s. 203
- 1995, c. 33, s. 25
- 2000, c. 12, s. 42
- 2004, c. 25, s. 111
- 2009, c. 31, s. 25
- 2011, c. 24, s. 172
- 2012, c. 19, s. 225, c. 31, s. 193
- 2016, c. 14, s. 1
- 2018, c. 12, s. 361
- 2022, c. 10, s. 415
Application and Operation of Act
Marginal note:Definitions
3 (1) In this Act,
- province providing a comprehensive pension plan
province providing a comprehensive pension plan means a province prescribed by a regulation made on the recommendation of the Minister of Employment and Social Development for the purposes of this Act as a province
(a) the government of which has, on or before May 3, 1965, signified the intention of that province to provide for the establishment and operation in that province, in lieu of the operation therein of this Act, of a plan of old age pensions and supplementary benefits providing for the making of contributions thereunder commencing with the year 1966 and providing for the payment of benefits thereunder comparable to those provided by this Act, or
(b) the government of which has, at any time after May 3, 1965, given notice in writing to the Minister of Employment and Social Development of the intention of that province to provide
(i) for the establishment and operation in that province, in lieu of the operation therein of this Act, of a plan of old age pensions and supplementary benefits providing for the making of contributions thereunder commencing with the third year following the year in which the notice was given and providing for the payment of benefits thereunder comparable to those then provided by this Act or by any provincial pension plan other than that plan, and
(ii) for the assumption under that plan of all obligations and liabilities accrued or accruing to the first day of that third year with respect to the payment of benefits under this Act attributable to contributions made under this Act in respect of employment in that province or in respect of self-employed earnings of persons resident in that province; (province instituant un régime général de pensions)
- provincial pension plan
provincial pension plan means a plan of old age pensions and supplementary benefits for the establishment and operation of which provision has been made as described in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition province providing a comprehensive pension plan under a law of a province providing a comprehensive pension plan. (régime provincial de pensions)
Marginal note:Prescription of province after notice given
(2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1), where, not later than twelve months before the first day of the third year following the year in which notice in writing as described in paragraph (b) of the definition province providing a comprehensive pension plan in subsection (1) was given to the Minister of Employment and Social Development by the government of a province, the legislature of the province has provided by law for the establishment and operation in that province of a plan of old age pensions and supplementary benefits as described in that paragraph and for the assumption under that plan of all obligations and liabilities accrued or accruing as described in that paragraph, the Governor in Council shall, by regulation made on the recommendation of the Minister of Employment and Social Development for the purposes of this Act, prescribe that province as a province described in that paragraph.
Marginal note:Effective date of prescription
(3) Any regulation made pursuant to subsection (2) becomes effective on the first day of the third year following the year in which the notice referred to in that subsection was given to the Minister of Employment and Social Development.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 3
- 1996, c. 11, s. 95
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
Marginal note:Application in respect of province providing comprehensive pension plan
4 (1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, except as provided in subsection (2),
(a) the provisions of this Act with respect to the making of contributions by employees and employers in respect of pensionable employment and the provisions of Part III with respect to employees in pensionable employment do not apply in relation to employment in a province providing a comprehensive pension plan; and
(b) the provisions of this Act with respect to the making of contributions by persons for any year in respect of self-employed earnings do not apply in relation to persons who on the last day of that year were resident in a province providing a comprehensive pension plan.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subject to subsection (3), all of the provisions of this Act apply to
(a) employment by Her Majesty in right of Canada or by an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada in a province providing a comprehensive pension plan, and
(b) any employment in a province providing a comprehensive pension plan if and to the extent that the establishment and operation of the plan referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition province providing a comprehensive pension plan in subsection 3(1), as the case may be, in relation to persons employed in that employment is outside the legislative authority of the legislature of that province,
as though that employment were employment in a province other than a province providing a comprehensive pension plan.
Marginal note:Agreement with government of province providing comprehensive pension plan
(3) The Minister of Employment and Social Development, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may on behalf of the Government of Canada enter into an agreement with the government of a province providing a comprehensive pension plan whereby, in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be set out in the agreement, any persons employed in employment described in subsection (2), and any employers of any persons employed in such employment, with respect to any persons so employed, shall be subject to the provisions of the provincial pension plan of that province in all respects as though the establishment and operation of that plan in relation to any persons so employed were within the legislative authority of the legislature of that province, and with respect to any period while the agreement continues in force, the agreement has the force of law according to the provisions thereof.
Marginal note:Province in which person deemed employed
(4) For the purposes of this Act, a person shall be deemed to be employed in the province in which the establishment of his employer to which he reports for work is situated, and where the employee is not required to report for work at any establishment of his employer, he shall be deemed to be employed in the province in which the establishment of his employer from which his remuneration is paid is situated.
Marginal note:Reference to last day of year
(5) A reference in paragraph (1)(b) to the last day of a year shall, in the case of a person who resided in Canada at any time in that year but ceased to reside in Canada before the last day thereof, be deemed to be a reference to the last day in that year on which he resided in Canada.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 4
- 1996, c. 11, s. 95
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
Electronic Alternatives
Marginal note:Minister’s power
4.1 The Minister of National Revenue may use electronic means to create, communicate, make available, collect, receive, store or otherwise deal with documents or information under this Act.
- 2007, c. 11, s. 1
- 2012, c. 19, s. 226
PART IContributions
Marginal note:Definition of Minister
5 (1) In this Part, Minister means the Minister of National Revenue.
Marginal note:Delegation
(2) The Minister may authorize an officer or a class of officers to exercise powers or perform duties of the Minister under this Part.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 5
- 1998, c. 19, s. 251
DIVISION AContributions Payable
Pensionable Employment
Marginal note:Pensionable employment
6 (1) Pensionable employment is
(a) employment in Canada that is not excepted employment;
(b) employment in Canada under Her Majesty in right of Canada that is not excepted employment; or
(c) employment included in pensionable employment by a regulation made under section 7.
Marginal note:Excepted employment
(2) Excepted employment is
(a) employment in agriculture or an agricultural enterprise, horticulture, fishing, hunting, trapping, forestry, logging or lumbering by an employer who either pays the employee less than two hundred and fifty dollars in cash remuneration in a year or employs the employee, on terms providing for payment of cash remuneration, for a period of less than twenty-five working days in a year;
(b) employment of a casual nature otherwise than for the purpose of the employer’s trade or business;
(c) employment as a teacher on exchange from a country other than Canada;
(d) employment of a person by the person’s spouse or common-law partner, unless the remuneration paid to the person may be deducted under the Income Tax Act in computing the income of the spouse or common-law partner;
(e) employment of a member of a religious order who has taken a vow of perpetual poverty and whose remuneration is paid either directly or by the member to the order;
(f) employment for which no cash remuneration is paid where the person employed is the child of, or is maintained by, the employer;
(g) employment as a member of the Canadian Forces or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, except as provided by any other Act of Parliament;
(h) employment in Canada by an employer who employs persons in Canada but under the terms of a reciprocal agreement between the Government of Canada and the government of another country is exempt from liability to make the contributions imposed on an employer by this Act;
(i) employment by Her Majesty in right of a province or by an agent of Her Majesty in right of a province;
(j) employment in Canada by the government of a country other than Canada or by an international organization;
(j.1) employment of an Indian, as defined in the Indian Act, in respect of which the earnings are not included in computing income for purposes of the Income Tax Act; or
(k) employment excepted from pensionable employment by a regulation made under section 7.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 6
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 2
- 2000, c. 12, s. 43
- 2016, c. 14, s. 2
Marginal note:Regulations respecting employment to be included in pensionable employment
7 (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations for including in pensionable employment
(a) any employment outside Canada or partly outside Canada, being employment that would be pensionable employment if it were in Canada;
(b) the entire employment under one employer of a person who is engaged by the employer partly in pensionable employment and partly in other employment;
(c) any employment if it appears to the Governor in Council that the nature of the work performed is similar to the work performed by persons employed in pensionable employment;
(d) the performance of services for remuneration if it appears to the Governor in Council that the terms or conditions on which the services are performed and the remuneration is paid are analogous to a contract of service, whether or not they constitute a contract of service;
(e) pursuant to an agreement with the government of a province, employment in Canada by Her Majesty in right of the province or by an agent of Her Majesty in right of the province;
(f) pursuant to an agreement with the employing government or organization, employment in Canada by the government of a country other than Canada or by an international organization; and
(g) any excepted employment other than employment described in paragraph 6(2)(g) or (i).
Marginal note:Regulations respecting employment to be excepted from pensionable employment
(2) The Governor in Council may make regulations for excepting from pensionable employment
(a) any employment if it appears to the Governor in Council by reason of the laws of any country other than Canada that a duplication of contributions or benefits will result;
(b) any employment of a person by an employer resident outside Canada unless arrangements satisfactory to the Minister have been made for the payment of the contributions required by this Act to be made in respect of that employment;
(c) the entire employment under one employer of a person who is engaged by the employer partly in pensionable employment and partly in other employment;
(d) any employment if it appears to the Governor in Council that the nature of the work performed by persons employed in that employment is similar to the nature of the work performed by persons employed in employment that is not pensionable employment;
(e) any employment if it appears to the Governor in Council that the services are performed and the remuneration is paid in a manner analogous to the earning of income from the carrying on of a business; and
(f) any employment in which persons are ordinarily employed to an inconsiderable extent.
Marginal note:Extent of authority to make regulations
(3) A regulation made under subsection (1) or (2) may be conditional or unconditional, qualified or unqualified, and may be general or restricted to a specific area, a person or a group or class of persons, and the authority conferred by subsection (1) to make regulations to include in pensionable employment any employment described in that subsection includes authority to make such other regulations to provide for the manner in which the provisions of this Act shall apply with respect thereto, and to adapt the provisions of this Act with respect thereto, as appear to the Governor in Council to be necessary to give effect to the regulations made under that subsection.
Marginal note:Limitation
(4) No regulation under this section shall require the payment of an employer’s contribution by the government of a country other than Canada or by an international organization unless the regulation is made pursuant to an agreement referred to in paragraph (1)(f).
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 7
- 1974-75-76, c. 4, s. 3
Contributions by Employees and Employers in respect of Pensionable Employment
Marginal note:Employee’s base contribution
8 (1) Every employee who is employed by an employer in pensionable employment shall, by deduction as provided in this Act from the remuneration in respect of the pensionable employment paid to the employee by the employer, make an employee’s base contribution for the year in which the remuneration is paid to the employee of an amount equal to the product obtained when the contribution rate for employees for the year is multiplied by the lesser of
(a) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year paid by the employer, minus such amount as or on account of the basic exemption for the year as is prescribed, and
(b) the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year, minus the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the employee’s salary and wages paid by the employer on which a base contribution has been made for the year by the employee under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Employee’s first additional contribution
(1.1) For 2019 and each subsequent year, an employee referred to in subsection (1) shall also, by deduction as provided in this Act from the remuneration in respect of the pensionable employment paid to the employee by the employer, make an employee’s first additional contribution for the year in which the remuneration is paid to the employee of an amount equal to the product obtained when the first additional contribution rate for employees for the year is multiplied by the lesser of
(a) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year paid by the employer, minus the amount as or on account of the basic exemption for the year that is prescribed, and
(b) the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year, minus the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the employee’s salary and wages paid by the employer on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year by the employee under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Employee’s second additional contribution
(1.2) For 2024 and each subsequent year, an employee referred to in subsection (1) shall also, by deduction as provided in this Act from the remuneration in respect of the pensionable employment paid to the employee by the employer, make an employee’s second additional contribution for the year in which the remuneration is paid to the employee of an amount equal to the product obtained when the second additional contribution rate for employees for the year is multiplied by the amount equal to
(a) the amount by which the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year paid by the employer — not exceeding the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year — exceeds the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year,
(b) the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the employee’s salary and wages paid by the employer on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year by the employee under a provincial pension plan.
(1.3) [Repealed, 2016, c. 14, s. 3]
Marginal note:Excess amount
(2) An excess amount has been paid if the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of an employee for a year, whether by one or more employers, on account of the employee’s contributions for the year under this Act or under a provincial pension plan exceeds the sum obtained by adding the following amounts:
(a) the product obtained when the contribution rate for employees for the year under this Act is multiplied by the lesser of
(i) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, plus the employee’s contributory self-employed earnings for the year in the case of an individual who is described in section 10 and to whom the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, minus the prorated portion of the employee’s basic exemption for the year calculated under subsection (4), and
(ii) the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year calculated under subsection (5);
(a.1) for 2019 and each subsequent year, the product obtained when the first additional contribution rate for employees for the year under this Act is multiplied by the lesser of
(i) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, plus the employee’s contributory self-employed earnings for the year in the case of an individual who is described in section 10 and to whom the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, minus the prorated portion of the employee’s basic exemption for the year calculated under subsection (4), and
(ii) the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year calculated under subsection (5);
(a.2) for 2024 and each subsequent year, the product obtained when the second additional contribution rate for employees for the year under this Act is multiplied by the amount by which
(i) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, plus the employee’s contributory self-employed earnings for the year in the case of an individual who is described in section 10 and to whom the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply — not exceeding the prorated portion of the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year calculated under subsection (8),
(ii) the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year calculated under subsection (9);
(b) the product obtained when the base contribution rate for employees for the year under a provincial pension plan is multiplied by the lesser of
(i) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of a provincial pension plan apply, minus the prorated portion of the employee’s basic exemption for the year calculated under subsection (6), and
(ii) the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year calculated under subsection (7);
(c) for 2019 and each subsequent year, the product obtained when the first additional contribution rate for employees for the year under a provincial pension plan is multiplied by the lesser of
(i) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of the provincial pension plan apply, minus the prorated portion of the employee’s basic exemption for the year calculated under subsection (6), and
(ii) the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year calculated under subsection (7); and
(d) for 2024 and each subsequent year, the product obtained when the second additional contribution rate for employees for the year under a provincial pension plan is multiplied by the amount by which
(i) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of the provincial pension plan apply — not exceeding the prorated portion of the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year calculated under subsection (10),
(ii) the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year calculated under subsection (11).
Marginal note:Overpayment
(3) The overpayment made by the employee on account of the employee’s contributions for the year under this Act is the lesser of
(a) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that employee on account of the employee’s contributions under this Act for the year, minus the sum of the amounts determined under paragraphs (2)(a) to (a.2), and
(b) the excess amount calculated in accordance with subsection (2).
Marginal note:Prorated portion of employee’s basic exemption
(4) For the purposes of subparagraphs (2)(a)(i) and (a.1)(i), the prorated portion of the employee’s basic exemption for the year is the product obtained when the employee’s basic exemption is multiplied by the ratio that
(a) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, subject to
(i) for each year before 2024, the maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment, and
(ii) for 2024 and each subsequent year, the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment,
bears to
(b) the aggregate of the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply or to which the provisions of a provincial pension plan apply, subject to
(i) for each year before 2024, the maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment, and
(ii) for 2024 and each subsequent year, the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment.
Marginal note:Prorated portion of employee’s maximum contributory earnings
(5) For the purposes of subparagraphs (2)(a)(ii) and (a.1)(ii), the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year is the product obtained when the employee’s maximum contributory earnings is multiplied by the ratio that
(a) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, subject to
(i) for each year before 2024, the maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment, and
(ii) for 2024 and each subsequent year, the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment,
bears to
(b) the aggregate of the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply or to which the provisions of a provincial pension plan apply, subject to
(i) for each year before 2024, the maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment, and
(ii) for 2024 and each subsequent year, the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment.
Marginal note:Prorated portion of employee’s basic exemption
(6) For the purposes of subparagraphs (2)(b)(i) and (c)(i), the prorated portion of the employee’s basic exemption for the year is the difference between the employee’s basic exemption, determined without taking into account paragraphs 19(b) and (c), and the prorated portion calculated under subsection (4).
Marginal note:Prorated portion of employee’s maximum contributory earnings
(7) For the purposes of subparagraphs (2)(b)(ii) and (c)(ii), the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year is the difference between the employee’s maximum contributory earnings, determined without taking into account paragraphs 17(b) and (c) and 19(b) and (c), and the prorated portion calculated under subsection (5).
Marginal note:Prorated portions of employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings
(8) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(a.2)(i), the prorated portion of the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year is the product obtained when the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings is multiplied by the ratio that
(a) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, subject to the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment,
bears to
(b) the aggregate of the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply or to which the provisions of a provincial pension plan apply, subject to the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment.
Marginal note:Prorated portion of employee’s maximum pensionable earnings
(9) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(a.2)(ii), the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year is the product obtained when the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year is multiplied by the ratio that
(a) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply, subject to the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment,
bears to
(b) the aggregate of the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year in respect of pensionable employment to which the provisions of this Act relating to the making of contributions apply or to which the provisions of a provincial pension plan apply, subject to the additional maximum pensionable earnings in respect of each pensionable employment.
Marginal note:Prorated portion of employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings
(10) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(d)(i), the prorated portion of the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year is the difference between the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings, determined without taking into account paragraphs 17.1(b) and (c), and the prorated portion calculated under subsection (8).
Marginal note:Prorated portion of employee’s maximum pensionable earnings
(11) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(d)(ii), the prorated portion of the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year is the difference between the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings, determined without taking into account paragraphs 17(b) and (c), and the prorated portion calculated under subsection (9).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 8
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 3
- 1997, c. 40, s. 58
- 2011, c. 24, s. 173
- 2013, c. 33, s. 155
- 2016, c. 14, s. 3
- 2018, c. 12, s. 362
Marginal note:Employer’s base contribution
9 (1) Every employer shall, in respect of each employee employed by the employer in pensionable employment, make an employer’s base contribution for the year in which remuneration in respect of the pensionable employment is paid to the employee of an amount equal to the product obtained when the contribution rate for employers for the year is multiplied by the lesser of
(a) the contributory salary and wages of the employee for the year paid by the employer, minus such amount as or on account of the employee’s basic exemption for the year as is prescribed, and
(b) the maximum contributory earnings of the employee for the year, minus the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the employee’s salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for the year by the employer with respect to the employee under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Employer’s first additional contribution
(1.1) For 2019 and each subsequent year, an employer referred to in subsection (1) shall also, in respect of each employee employed by the employer in pensionable employment, make an employer’s first additional contribution for the year in which remuneration in respect of the pensionable employment is paid to the employee of an amount equal to the product obtained when the first additional contribution rate for employers for the year is multiplied by the lesser of
(a) the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year paid by the employer, minus the amount as or on account of the employee’s basic exemption for the year that is prescribed, and
(b) the employee’s maximum contributory earnings for the year, minus the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the employee’s salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year by the employer with respect to the employee under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Employer’s second additional contribution
(1.2) For 2024 and each subsequent year, an employer referred to in subsection (1) shall also, in respect of each employee employed by the employer in pensionable employment, make an employer’s second additional contribution for the year in which remuneration in respect of the pensionable employment is paid to the employee of an amount equal to the product obtained when the second additional contribution rate for employers for the year is multiplied by the amount equal to
(a) the amount by which the employee’s contributory salary and wages for the year paid by the employer — not exceeding the employee’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year — exceeds the employee’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year,
(b) the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the employee’s salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year by the employer with respect to the employee under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Succession of employers
(2) If one employer immediately succeeds another as the employer of an employee as a result of the formation or dissolution of a corporation or the acquisition — with the agreement of the former employer or by operation of law — of all or part of a business of the former employer, the successor employer may, for the application of subsections (1), (1.1) and (1.2) and 8(1), (1.1) and (1.2) and section 21, take into account the amounts paid, deducted, remitted or contributed under this Act by the former employer in respect of the year in relation to the employment of the employee as if they had been paid, deducted, remitted or contributed by the successor employer. If the employer takes those amounts into account with respect to the employer’s contributions, the employer shall also take them into account with respect to the employee’s contributions.
Marginal note:Self-employment succeeded by employment
(3) For the application of subsections (1), (1.1) and (1.2) and 8(1), (1.1) and (1.2) and section 21, if a person, in a year, is self-employed, ceases to be self-employed and becomes an employee of a corporation that is controlled by the person, the corporation may
(a) take into account the amount of contributory self-employed earnings of the person in the year as contributory salary and wages paid by the corporation to the employee in that year; and
(b) take into account one half of the contributions by the person in respect of self-employed earnings in the year as an amount deducted, remitted or contributed in relation to employee’s contributions for that year, and one half of that amount as an amount remitted or contributed in relation to employer’s contributions for that year.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 9
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 3
- 2004, c. 22, s. 15
- 2011, c. 24, s. 174
- 2016, c. 14, s. 4
- 2018, c. 12, s. 363
Contributions by Persons in respect of Self-Employed Earnings
Marginal note:Base contribution in respect of self-employed earnings
10 (1) Every individual who is resident in Canada for the purposes of the Income Tax Act during a year and who has contributory self-employed earnings for the year shall make a base contribution for the year of an amount equal to the product obtained when the contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year is multiplied by the lesser of
(a) the individual’s contributory self-employed earnings for the year, minus the amount by which the individual’s basic exemption for the year exceeds the aggregate of
(i) all amounts deducted as prescribed on account of the individual’s basic exemption for the year whether by one or more employers pursuant to section 8, and
(ii) all amounts deducted as prescribed by or under a provincial pension plan on account of any like exemption for the year whether by one or more employers pursuant to that plan, and
(b) the individual’s maximum contributory earnings for the year, minus the individual’s salary and wages, if any, on which a base contribution has been made for the year and the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the individual’s salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for the year by the individual under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:First additional contribution in respect of self-employed earnings
(1.1) For 2019 and each subsequent year, an individual referred to in subsection (1) shall also make a first additional contribution for the year of an amount equal to the product obtained when the first additional contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year is multiplied by the lesser of
(a) the individual’s contributory self-employed earnings for the year, minus the amount by which the individual’s basic exemption for the year exceeds the aggregate of
(i) all amounts deducted as prescribed on account of the individual’s basic exemption for the year whether by one or more employers under section 8, and
(ii) all amounts deducted as prescribed by or under a provincial pension plan on account of any like exemption for the year whether by one or more employers under that plan, and
(b) the individual’s maximum contributory earnings for the year, minus the individual’s salary and wages, if any, on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year and the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the individual’s salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year by the individual under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Second additional contribution in respect of self-employed earnings
(1.2) For 2024 and each subsequent year, an individual referred to in subsection (1) shall also make a second additional contribution for the year of an amount equal to the product obtained when the second additional contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year is multiplied by
(a) the amount by which the individual’s contributory self-employed earnings for the year — not exceeding the individual’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year — exceeds the individual’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year,
(b) the individual’s salary and wages, if any, on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year and the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the individual’s salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year by the individual under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Employment succeeded by self-employment
(2) For the application of subsections (1), (1.1) and (1.2), if a person, in a year, is an employee of a corporation that is controlled by the person, ceases to be employed by that corporation and becomes self-employed, the person may
(a) take into account the amount of contributory salary and wages paid by the corporation to the employee in the year as contributory self-employed earnings of the person in the year; and
(b) take into account the amounts deducted, remitted or contributed by the corporation in relation to the employee’s contributions and the employer’s contributions in respect of the person for the year as contributions by the person in respect of self-employment earnings in that year.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 10
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 3
- 2004, c. 22, s. 16
- 2016, c. 14, s. 5
- 2018, c. 12, s. 364
Marginal note:Election not to contribute in respect of self-employed earnings
11 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (5), section 10 does not apply with respect to any year in respect of any individual who, being a member of a religious sect or a division of a religious sect certified by the Minister pursuant to subsection (6), elects not to make a contribution with respect to that year.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) An election referred to in subsection (1) shall
(a) be made in such manner and form as may be prescribed;
(b) commence to have effect, if approved by the Minister, on and from January 1 of the year in which the election is filed with the Minister; and
(c) cease to have effect on January 1 of the year next following the day on which a revocation of the election made in prescribed manner is received by the Minister.
Marginal note:Minister to be satisfied
(3) The Minister shall approve an election referred to in subsection (1) where he is satisfied that
(a) the person making the election
(i) is a member of a religious sect or a division of a religious sect that has been certified pursuant to subsection (6), and
(ii) has been certified as such a member by a spokesman for that sect or division; and
(b) the spokesman
(i) has been authorized by the sect or division to certify persons as being members of the sect or division, and
(ii) has certified that the sect or division maintains tenets, teachings and practices of kinds referred to in subparagraphs (6)(a)(i) and (ii).
Marginal note:Return of contribution
(4) Any contribution made by a contributor with respect to a year for which he elects under this section not to make a contribution shall, on application, be returned to him.
Marginal note:Only one election permitted
(5) Where an individual who has elected not to make a contribution with respect to any year revokes the election, he may not make an election under this section with respect to any subsequent year.
Marginal note:Certification of religious sect or division
(6) The Minister shall certify a religious sect or a division of a religious sect for the purposes of this section where
(a) he is satisfied that the religious sect
(i) is a religious organization that has established tenets and teachings that oppose the acceptance of benefits from any private or public insurance that provides for payments in the event of death, disability, old age or retirement,
(ii) does, as a practice, make provisions for the support of dependent members that are reasonable in view of their general level of living, and
(iii) was in existence in Canada on January 1, 1966 and has been maintaining the tenets, teachings and practices referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) since that date; and
(b) the religious sect or division thereof has applied to him in prescribed form for certification.
- 1974-75-76, c. 4, s. 7
DIVISION BCalculation of Contributions
Contribution Rate
Marginal note:Contribution rate — 1966 to 1986
11.1 (1) The contribution rate for the years 1966 to 1986 is:
(a) for employees, 1.8% of contributory wages and salaries;
(b) for employers, 1.8% of contributory wages and salaries; and
(c) for self-employed persons, 3.6% of contributory self-employed earnings.
Marginal note:Contribution rates after 1986
(2) The contribution rate for employees, employers and self-employed persons for 1987 and subsequent years is as set out in Schedule 1, as amended from time to time under section 113.1.
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 4
- 1997, c. 40, s. 59
- 2016, c. 14, s. 6
First Additional Contribution Rate and Second Additional Contribution Rate
Marginal note:First and second additional contribution rates
11.2 The first additional contribution rate and the second additional contribution rate for employees, employers and self-employed persons for 2019 and subsequent years is as set out in Schedule 2, as amended from time to time under section 113.1.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 7
Contributory Salary and Wages
Marginal note:Amount of contributory salary and wages
12 (1) The amount of the contributory salary and wages of a person for a year is the person’s income for the year from pensionable employment, computed in accordance with the Income Tax Act, plus any deductions for the year made in computing that income otherwise than under paragraph 8(1)(c) of that Act, but does not include any such income received by the person
(a) before he reaches eighteen years of age;
(b) during any month that is excluded from that person’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability;
(c) after they reach sixty-five years of age if
(i) a retirement pension is payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, and
(ii) subject to subsection (1.1), they make an election to exclude the income; or
(d) after they reach seventy years of age.
Marginal note:Election
(1.1) An election referred to in subparagraph (1)(c)(ii)
(a) shall be made or revoked in the prescribed form and manner;
(b) shall commence to have effect on the first day of the month following the month in which it is made;
(c) shall cease to have effect on the first day of the month following the month in which it is revoked;
(d) may be made only once in a year;
(e) may not be revoked in the year in which it is made;
(f) may not be made in a year in which an election is revoked; and
(g) is deemed to be an election in respect of the person’s income from all pensionable employment and in respect of their self-employed earnings.
Marginal note:Calculation of contributory salary and wages
(1.2) If a person does not revoke — in respect of an employer — an election in the prescribed form and manner, the contributory salary and wages referred to in paragraphs 8(1)(a) and (1.1)(a), subsection 8(1.2), paragraphs 9(1)(a) and (1.1)(a) and subsection 9(1.2) do not, for the purposes of those provisions, include income from that employment. However, the person may — in respect of that income — make an election under subsection 13(3) and pay the contributions required under section 10 within one year after the person’s balance-due day.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) In the case of a person who is a contributor under the Public Service Superannuation Act, there shall be included in computing the amount of that person’s contributory salary and wages for a year the amount of his salary, as defined in that Act, that is not otherwise included in computing income for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.
Marginal note:Idem
(2.1) In the case of an Indian, as defined in the Indian Act, to the extent provided by regulations pursuant to subsection 7(1) and subject to any conditions prescribed by those regulations, there shall be included in computing the amount of that person’s contributory salary and wages for a year the amount of his income from employment that would otherwise be excepted pursuant to paragraph 6(2)(j.1).
Marginal note:Remuneration paid in respect of employment in province
(3) A reference in this Act to the contributory salary and wages of a person for a year shall, in relation to any remuneration paid to him in respect of pensionable employment in a province providing a comprehensive pension plan, be construed as a reference to his income for the year from that employment as that income is required to be computed under the provincial pension plan of that province.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 12
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 5
- 2001, c. 17, s. 254
- 2004, c. 22, s. 17(E)
- 2009, c. 31, s. 26
- 2016, c. 14, s. 8
- 2018, c. 12, s. 365
Contributory Self-Employed Earnings
Marginal note:Amount of contributory self-employed earnings
13 (1) The amount of the contributory self-employed earnings of a person for a year is the amount of the self-employed earnings except that,
(a) for a year in which the person reaches eighteen or seventy years of age, in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability or in which a disability pension ceases to be payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the self-employed earnings that the number of months in the year
(i) after
(A) they reach eighteen years of age, or
(B) the disability pension ceases to be payable, or
(ii) before
(A) they reach seventy years of age, or
(B) the month following the month in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability,
is of 12;
(b) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which a retirement pension is payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan and for which they make an election to exclude self-employed earnings, the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the self-employed earnings that the number of months in the year before the election is deemed to be made — minus the number of months that are excluded from the contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability — is of 12;
(c) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which a retirement pension is payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan and for which they revoke an election to exclude self-employed earnings, the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the self-employed earnings that the number of months in the year after the election is deemed to be revoked — minus the number of months after they reach seventy years of age — is of 12;
(d) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is made, the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the self-employed earnings that the number of months in the year before the election is made — minus the number of months that are excluded from the contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability — is of 12; and
(e) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is revoked, the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the self-employed earnings that the number of months in the year after the election is revoked — minus the number of months after they reach seventy years of age — is of 12.
Marginal note:Election
(1.1) An election referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or (c)
(a) shall be made or revoked in the prescribed form and manner;
(b) may be made only once for a year;
(c) may not be revoked for the year for which it is deemed to be made;
(d) may not be made for a year for which an election is revoked;
(e) is deemed to be made or revoked on the first day of the month referred to in the election or revocation, as the case may be; and
(f) may not be made for a year for which the person has income from pensionable employment.
Marginal note:Condition
(1.2) For the purposes of paragraph (1.1)(e), the month may not be
(a) before the one in which the person reaches sixty-five years of age;
(b) before the one in which the retirement pension becomes payable; or
(c) after the one in which they reach seventy years of age.
Marginal note:Excluded earnings
(2) Subject to subsection (1), the contributory self-employed earnings of a person do not include earnings for
(a) any period described in paragraph 12(1)(a), (b), (c) or (d); or
(b) any year that
(i) follows a year for which the person makes an election to exclude self-employed earnings, and
(ii) is not a year for which they revoke the election.
Marginal note:Election to include certain earnings — base contribution
(3) Despite subsection (1), the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings of a person for a year for the purposes of subsection 10(1) shall, if the person or their representative makes an election in the prescribed form and manner within one year from June 15 in the following year — or, in the case of an employee to whom the Minister refunds an amount under section 38, from the day on which the Minister refunds the amount — include any amount by which
(a) the lesser of
(i) his contributory salary and wages for the year, and
(ii) his maximum pensionable earnings for the year,
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the person’s salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for the year and the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the person’s salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for the year by the person under a provincial pension plan, and
(ii) the lesser of
(A) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as prescribed on account of his basic exemption for the year by one or more employers pursuant to section 8 and all amounts deducted as prescribed by or under a provincial pension plan on account of any like exemption for the year by one or more employers pursuant to such a plan, and
(B) his basic exemption for the year.
Marginal note:Earnings — first additional contribution
(3.1) For 2019 and each subsequent year, if a person or their representative makes an election under subsection (3), the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings of the person for a year for the purposes of subsection 10(1.1) shall include any amount by which
(a) the lesser of
(i) the person’s contributory salary and wages for the year, and
(ii) the person’s maximum pensionable earnings for the year,
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the person’s salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year and the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the person’s salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year by the person under a provincial pension plan, and
(ii) the lesser of
(A) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as prescribed on account of the person’s basic exemption for the year by one or more employers under section 8 and all amounts deducted as prescribed by or under a provincial pension plan on account of any like exemption for the year by one or more employers under that plan, and
(B) the person’s basic exemption for the year.
Marginal note:Earnings — second additional contribution
(3.2) For 2024 and each subsequent year, if a person or their representative makes an election under subsection (3), the amount of the contributory self-employed earnings of the person for a year for the purposes of subsection 10(1.2) shall include any amount by which
(a) the lesser of
(i) the person’s contributory salary and wages for the year, and
(ii) the person’s additional maximum pensionable earnings for the year,
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the person’s salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year and the person’s salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year,
(i.1) the amount, if any, that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the person’s salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year by the person under a provincial pension plan and the person’s salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year by the person under a provincial pension plan,
(ii) the lesser of
(A) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as prescribed on account of the person’s basic exemption for the year by one or more employers under section 8 and all amounts deducted as prescribed by or under a provincial pension plan on account of any like exemption for the year by one or more employers under that plan, and
(B) the person’s basic exemption for the year, and
(iii) the amount calculated under subsection (3) or (3.1), if any.
Marginal note:Self-employed earnings where resident in province
(4) A reference in this Act to the contributory self-employed earnings of a person for a year shall, in relation to any self-employed earnings of a person who was resident on the last day of the year in a province providing a comprehensive pension plan, be construed as a reference to his self-employed earnings for the year as such earnings are required to be computed under the provincial pension plan of that province.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 13
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 6
- 1997, c. 40, s. 60
- 2009, c. 31, s. 27
- 2016, c. 14, s. 9
- 2018, c. 12, s. 366
Marginal note:Amount of self-employed earnings for a year
14 The amount of the self-employed earnings of a person for a year is the aggregate of
(a) an amount equal to
(i) his income for the year from all businesses, other than a business more than fifty per cent of the gross revenue of which consisted of rent from land or buildings, carried on by him,
(ii) all losses sustained by him in the year in carrying on those businesses,
as such income and losses are computed under the Income Tax Act, except any such income or losses from the performance of services described in paragraph 7(1)(d) that has been included in pensionable employment by a regulation made under subsection 7(1) or by a regulation made under a provincial pension plan,
(b) his income for the year from employment described in paragraph 7(2)(e) that has been excepted from pensionable employment by a regulation made under subsection 7(2) or by a regulation made under a provincial pension plan, as that income is computed under the Income Tax Act, and
(c) in the case of an Indian, as defined in the Indian Act, to the extent provided by regulations and subject to any conditions prescribed by those regulations, his income for the year from self-employment on a reserve, as defined in the Indian Act, that is not otherwise included in computing income for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 14
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 7
Marginal note:Idem
14.1 For the purposes of paragraph 14(a), where a member of a family in a congregation is specified in an election under subsection 143(2) of the Income Tax Act for a year, such part of the total of all amounts allocated to the family under that subsection for the year as may reasonably be regarded as having been derived from a business carried on by the congregation shall be deemed to be the member’s income (as computed under that Act) from such a business carried on by the member.
- 1991, c. 49, s. 204
Salary and Wages on which Contribution made
Marginal note:Amount of salary and wages on which base contribution made
15 (1) The amount of a person’s salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for a year is the greater of the following amounts, divided by the contribution rate for employees for the year:
(a) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s base contribution for the year under this Act, minus the portion of those amounts that exceeds the amount determined under paragraph 8(2)(a), and
(b) an amount equal to
(i) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s base contribution for the year under this Act or under a provincial pension plan,
(ii) the sum of
(A) the amount determined under paragraph 8(2)(b), and
(B) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s base contribution for the year under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, minus the sum of the amounts determined under paragraphs 8(2)(a) and (b).
Marginal note:Employer’s failure to deduct amount
(1.1) For the purposes of subsection (1), if an employer has failed to deduct an amount as required from the person’s remuneration on account of the employee’s base contribution for the year and that person has, before June 30 of the following year, notified the Minister of the employer’s failure to so deduct that amount, an amount equal to the amount that should have been so deducted by the employer on account of that contribution is added to the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s base contribution for the year.
Marginal note:Effect of payment by employer of amount not deducted as required
(2) For the purposes of subsection 8(2) and this section, if an amount that an employer has failed to deduct as required from the remuneration of an employee on account of the employee’s base contribution for a year is paid by the employer on account of the employee’s base contribution for that year, the amount so paid is deemed to have been deducted by the employer on account of that contribution.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 15
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 8
- 2016, c. 14, s. 10
- 2018, c. 12, s. 367
Marginal note:Amount of salary and wages on which first additional contribution made
15.1 (1) The amount of a person’s salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for a year is the greater of the following amounts, divided by the first additional contribution rate for employees for the year:
(a) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s first additional contribution for the year under this Act, minus the portion of those amounts that exceeds the amount determined under paragraph 8(2)(a.1), and
(b) an amount equal to
(i) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s first additional contribution for the year under this Act or under a provincial pension plan,
(ii) the sum of
(A) the amount determined under paragraph 8(2)(c), and
(B) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s first additional contribution for the year under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, minus the sum of the amounts determined under paragraphs 8(2)(a.1) and (c).
Marginal note:Employer’s failure to deduct amount
(1.1) For the purposes of subsection (1), if an employer has failed to deduct an amount as required from the person’s remuneration on account of the employee’s first additional contribution for the year and that person has, before June 30 of the following year, notified the Minister of the employer’s failure to so deduct that amount, an amount equal to the amount that should have been so deducted by the employer on account of that contribution is added to the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s first additional contribution for the year.
Marginal note:Effect of payment by employer of amount not deducted as required
(2) For the purposes of subsection 8(2) and this section, if an amount that an employer has failed to deduct as required from the remuneration of an employee on account of the employee’s first additional contribution for a year is paid by the employer on account of the employee’s first additional contribution for that year, the amount so paid is deemed to have been deducted by the employer on account of that contribution.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 10
- 2018, c. 12, s. 368
Marginal note:Amount of salary and wages on which second additional contribution made
15.2 (1) The amount of a person’s salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for a year is an amount equal to the product obtained when the ratio referred to in subsection 8(8) is multiplied by the following amount, divided by the second additional contribution rate for employees for the year:
(a) the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s second additional contribution for the year under this Act or under a provincial pension plan and the amounts determined under clauses 15(1)(b)(ii)(B) and 15.1(1)(b)(ii)(B),
(b) the amount determined under subsection 8(2).
Marginal note:Employer’s failure to deduct amount
(1.1) For the purposes of subsection (1), if an employer has failed to deduct an amount as required from the person’s remuneration on account of the employee’s second additional contribution for the year and that person has, before June 30 of the following year, notified the Minister of the employer’s failure to so deduct that amount, an amount equal to the amount that should have been so deducted by the employer on account of that contribution is added to the aggregate of all amounts deducted as required from the remuneration of that person on account of the employee’s second additional contribution for the year.
Marginal note:Effect of payment by employer of amount not deducted as required
(2) For the purposes of subsection 8(2) and this section, if an amount that an employer has failed to deduct as required from the remuneration of an employee on account of the employee’s second additional contribution for a year is paid by the employer on account of the employee’s second additional contribution for that year, the amount so paid is deemed to have been deducted by the employer on account of that contribution.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 10
- 2018, c. 12, s. 369
Marginal note:Special rule applicable in prescribed circumstances
15.3 If an employer has filed a return in accordance with this Part showing an amount as the salary and wages on which contributions have been made by an employee for a year under this Act, the amount so shown, multiplied by the contribution rate, the first additional contribution rate or the second additional contribution rate, as the case may be, for employees for the year, may, in prescribed circumstances, be substituted for the amount shown in the return as the aggregate of the amounts deducted by that employer on account of the employee’s contributions for the year under this Act, in calculating the amount to be determined under subsection 15(1), 15.1(1) or 15.2(1).
- 2016, c. 14, s. 10
Maximum Contributory Earnings
Marginal note:Amount of maximum contributory earnings for a year
16 The amount of the maximum contributory earnings of a person for a year is the amount of his maximum pensionable earnings for the year, minus the amount of his basic exemption for the year.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 15
Maximum Pensionable Earnings
Marginal note:Amount of maximum pensionable earnings
17 The amount of the maximum pensionable earnings of a person for a year is the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings except that,
(a) for a year in which the person reaches eighteen or seventy years of age or die, in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability or in which a disability pension ceases to be payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the amount of the maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year
(i) after
(A) they reach eighteen years of age, or
(B) the disability pension ceases to be payable, or
(ii) before
(A) they reach seventy years of age,
(B) they die, or
(C) the month following the month in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability,
including, if they die, the month in which they die, is of 12;
(b) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is made or one referred to in paragraph 13(1)(b) is deemed to be made, the maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year before the election is made or deemed to be made, as the case may be — minus the number of months that are excluded from the contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability — is of 12; and
(c) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is revoked or one referred to in paragraph 13(1)(c) is deemed to be revoked, the maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year after the election is revoked or deemed to be revoked, as the case may be — minus the number of months after they reach seventy years of age or die, whichever is earlier — is of 12.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 17
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 9
- 2009, c. 31, s. 28
Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings
Marginal note:Amount of additional maximum pensionable earnings
17.1 The amount of the additional maximum pensionable earnings of a person for a year is the amount of the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings except that,
(a) for a year in which the person reaches 18 or 70 years of age or dies, in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability or in which a disability pension ceases to be payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the amount of the additional maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year
(i) after
(A) they reach 18 years of age, or
(B) the disability pension ceases to be payable, or
(ii) before
(A) they reach 70 years of age,
(B) they die, or
(C) the month following the month in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability,
including, if they die, the month in which they die, is of 12;
(b) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is made or one referred to in paragraph 13(1)(b) is deemed to be made, the additional maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year before the election is made or deemed to be made, as the case may be — minus the number of months that are excluded from the contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability — is of 12; and
(c) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is revoked or one referred to in paragraph 13(1)(c) is deemed to be revoked, the additional maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year after the election is revoked or deemed to be revoked, as the case may be — minus the number of months after they reach 70 years of age or die, whichever is earlier — is of 12.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 11
Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings
Marginal note:Amount of Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings
18 (1) The amount of a Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings is
(a) for 1987, $25,900;
(b) subject to subsection (2), for 1988, an amount calculated by multiplying the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for 1987 by the ratio that
(i) the average for the twelve month period ending on June 30, 1987 of the Wage Measure for each month in that period
bears to
(ii) the average for the twelve month period ending on June 30, 1986 of the Wage Measure for each month in that period; and
(c) subject to subsection (2), for 1989 and each subsequent year, an amount calculated by multiplying the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the preceding year, calculated without reference to subsections (2) and (3), by the ratio that
(i) the average for the twelve month period ending on June 30 of the preceding year of the Wage Measure for each month in that period
bears to
(ii) the average for the twelve month period ending on June 30 of the year immediately preceding the preceding year of the Wage Measure for each month in that period.
Marginal note:Rounding off
(2) Where the amount calculated in accordance with paragraph (1)(b) or (c) for any year is not a multiple of one hundred dollars, the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year is the amount that is the next multiple of one hundred dollars below that amount.
Marginal note:Minimum amount of Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings
(3) Where the amount calculated in accordance with paragraph (1)(b) or (c) in respect of any year is less than the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the preceding year, it shall be increased to the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the preceding year.
(4) [Repealed, 1991, c. 44, s. 2]
Marginal note:Wage Measure
(5) The Wage Measure for a month is the average weekly wages and salaries of
(a) the Industrial Aggregate in Canada for the month as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act; or
(b) in the event that the Industrial Aggregate ceases to be published, such other measure as is prescribed by regulation for the month as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act.
Marginal note:Idem
(6) For the purpose of calculating the amount of a Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings, where Statistics Canada has published any revisions of the Industrial Aggregate or the other measure referred to in paragraph (5)(b) for any month, the revision of the Industrial Aggregate or the other measure referred to in paragraph (5)(b) that has been published most recently prior to the calculation in respect of that month shall be used in calculating the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings.
Marginal note:Adjustment of Industrial Aggregate
(7) Where, at any time after the coming into force of this section, a new time or content basis is adopted by Statistics Canada in determining the Industrial Aggregate or the other measure referred to in paragraph (5)(b) for a month and the adoption of that new basis would cause a difference between
(a) the average for the twelve month period ending on June 30 of any year of the Industrial Aggregate or the other measure referred to in paragraph (5)(b) for each month in that period calculated pursuant to this section on the former time or content basis, as the case may be, and
(b) the average for that twelve month period of the Industrial Aggregate or the other measure referred to in paragraph (5)(b) for each month in that period calculated pursuant to this section on the new time or content basis, as the case may be,
of more than one per cent of the average for that twelve month period of the Industrial Aggregate or the other measure referred to in paragraph (5)(b) for each month in that period calculated pursuant to this section on the former time or content basis, the average for that twelve month period calculated on the new time or content basis shall be adjusted by the Minister, on the advice of the Chief Statistician of Canada, to reflect the former time or content basis, and any other averages that are calculated in determining the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year following that twelve month period shall be adjusted accordingly.
Marginal note:Limitation on adjustment
(8) Subsection (7) shall cease to apply when the Industrial Aggregate or the other measure referred to in paragraph (5)(b) for a month has been calculated on the new time or content basis referred to in that subsection for a period of twenty-four consecutive months ending on June 30 of a year.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 18
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 10
- 1991, c. 44, s. 2
Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings
Marginal note:Amount of Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings
18.1 (1) The amount of a Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings is
(a) for 2024, 1.07 multiplied by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year; and
(b) for 2025 and each subsequent year, 1.14 multiplied by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year.
Marginal note:Rounding
(2) If the amount calculated in accordance with subsection (1) for any year is not a multiple of $100, the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year is the amount that is the next multiple of $100 below that amount.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 12
Basic Exemption
Marginal note:Amount of basic exemption
19 The amount of the basic exemption of a person for a year is the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption except that,
(a) for a year in which the person reaches eighteen or seventy years of age or die, in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability or in which a disability pension ceases to be payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the amount of the basic exemption is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months in the year
(i) after
(A) they reach eighteen years of age, or
(B) the disability pension ceases to be payable, or
(ii) before
(A) they reach seventy years of age,
(B) they die, or
(C) the month following the month in which their contributory period ends under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability,
including, if they die, the month in which they die, is of 12;
(b) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is made or one referred to in paragraph 13(1)(b) is deemed to be made, the amount of the basic exemption is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months in the year before the election is made or deemed to be made, as the case may be — minus the number of months that are excluded from the contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability — is of 12;
(c) despite paragraph (a), for a year in which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) is revoked or one referred to in paragraph 13(1)(c) is deemed to be revoked, the amount of the basic exemption is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months in the year after the election is revoked or deemed to be revoked, as the case may be — minus the number of months after they reach seventy years of age or die, whichever is earlier — is of 12;
(d) despite paragraphs (a) to (c), for a year in which a retirement pension becomes payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the amount of the basic exemption is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months in the year before the retirement pension becomes payable — minus the number of months that are excluded from the contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability — is of 12 unless the aggregate of the contributory salary and wages and the contributory self-employed earnings exceeds the amount, adjusted by that proportion, of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings, in which case, the amount of the basic exemption is increased by the lesser of
(i) the product obtained by multiplying
(A) the Year’s Basic Exemption
(B) one-twelfth of the amount by which the number of months in the year for which a retirement pension is payable exceeds the greater of
(I) the number of months for which an election referred to in subparagraph 12(1)(c)(ii) or paragraph 13(1)(b) has effect, and
(II) the number of months after they reach seventy years of age or die, whichever is earlier, and
(ii) the amount by which the aggregate of the contributory salary and wages and the contributory self-employed earnings exceeds the product obtained by multiplying
(A) the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings
(B) one-twelfth of the amount by which the number of months in the year before the retirement pension becomes payable exceeds the number of months that are excluded from the contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 19
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 11
- 2009, c. 31, s. 29
Year’s Basic Exemption
Marginal note:Amount of Year’s Basic Exemption
20 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the amount of a Year’s Basic Exemption is the highest multiple of $100 that is less than or equal to 10% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year.
Marginal note:Limitation
(2) For each year after 1997 the amount of a Year’s Basic Exemption is $3,500.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 20
- 1997, c. 40, s. 61
DIVISION CCollection of Contributions
Employees and Employers
Marginal note:Amount to be deducted and remitted by employer
21 (1) Every employer paying remuneration to an employee employed by the employer at any time in pensionable employment shall deduct from that remuneration as or on account of the employee’s contributions for the year in which the remuneration in respect of the pensionable employment is paid to the employee any amount that is determined in accordance with prescribed rules and shall remit that amount, together with any amount that is prescribed with respect to the contributions required to be made by the employer under this Act, to the Receiver General at any time that is prescribed and, if at that prescribed time the employer is a prescribed person, the remittance shall be made to the account of the Receiver General at a financial institution (within the meaning that would be assigned by the definition financial institution in subsection 190(1) of the Income Tax Act if that definition were read without reference to its paragraphs (d) and (e)).
Marginal note:Exception — remittance to financial institution
(1.1) For the purpose of subsection (1), a prescribed person referred to in that subsection is deemed to have remitted an amount to the account of the Receiver General at a financial institution referred to in that subsection if the prescribed person has remitted the amount to the Receiver General at least one day before the day on which the amount is due.
Marginal note:Liability for failure to deduct and remit
(2) Subject to subsection (3), every employer who fails to deduct and remit an amount from the remuneration of an employee as and when required under subsection (1) is liable to pay to Her Majesty the whole amount that should have been deducted and remitted from the time it should have been deducted.
Marginal note:Subsequent decision — limit on liability
(3) An employer is not liable for any amount that the employer fails to deduct as required by this Act from the remuneration of an employee, or for any interest or penalties for that failure, if
(a) the employer is informed in writing in a ruling under section 26.1 that the employer is not required to make the deduction;
(b) the ruling is not based on information provided by the employer to the Minister that was incorrect in a material particular; and
(c) it is subsequently decided under subsection 27.2(3) or section 28 that the deduction should have been made.
Marginal note:Payment and deemed notification
(3.1) Once the decision under subsection 27.2(3) or section 28 is communicated to the employer, the employer is liable without interest or penalties under this Act to pay any contribution required to be paid by the employer with respect to the employee. On payment by the employer of any amount as or on account of that contribution, the employee is deemed to have notified the Minister as required by subsection 15(1.1), 15.1(1.1) or 15.2(1.1) of the employer’s failure to deduct the amount of that contribution from the remuneration of the employee.
Marginal note:Deduction from subsequent payment of remuneration
(4) Any employer who fails to deduct an amount that is required by subsection (1) to be deducted from a payment of remuneration to an employee may deduct an amount equal to the amount from any subsequent payment of remuneration made to the employee within 12 months after the making of the payment from which the amount was required to be deducted, but no employer may deduct from a payment of remuneration made to an employee, in addition to the amount required by subsection (1) to be deducted therefrom, any amount with respect to more than one such amount that the employer previously failed to deduct.
Marginal note:Amount deducted deemed received by employee
(5) Where an amount has been deducted under subsection (1), it shall be deemed for all purposes to have been received at that time by the employee to whom the remuneration was payable.
Marginal note:Interest on amounts not remitted
(6) Where an employer has failed to remit to the Receiver General an amount that the employer was required to remit at the time when he was required to do so, the employer shall pay to the Receiver General interest on that amount at the prescribed rate computed from the day on which the employer was so required to remit the amount to the day of remittance of the amount to the Receiver General.
Marginal note:Penalty for failure to remit
(7) Every employer who in a calendar year fails to remit to the Receiver General an amount that the employer is required to remit at the time when he is required to do so is liable to a penalty of
(a) subject to paragraph (b), if
(i) the Receiver General receives that amount on or before the day it was due, but that amount is not paid in the manner required, three per cent of that amount,
(ii) the Receiver General receives that amount
(A) no more than three days after it was due, three per cent of that amount,
(B) more than three days and no more than five days after it was due, five per cent of that amount, or
(C) more than five days and no more than seven days after it was due, seven per cent of that amount, or
(iii) that amount is not paid or remitted on or before the seventh day after it was due, ten per cent of that amount; or
(b) where at the time of the failure a penalty under this subsection was payable by the employer in respect of an amount that the employer was required to remit during the year and the failure was made knowingly or under circumstances amounting to gross negligence, twenty per cent of the amount.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 21
- R.S., 1985, c. 6 (1st Supp.), s. 1, c. 46 (4th Supp.), s. 1
- 1991, c. 49, s. 205
- 1993, c. 24, s. 143
- 1997, c. 40, s. 62
- 2008, c. 28, s. 38
- 2011, c. 24, s. 175
- 2016, c. 14, s. 13
- 2018, c. 12, s. 370
Marginal note:Excess payment — amount deemed not deducted
21.01 (1) Subject to subsection (2), an amount deducted by an employer under subsection 21(1) for a year after 2015 in respect of an excess payment that was paid — as a result of a clerical, administrative or system error — as remuneration to an employee in respect of pensionable employment is deemed not to have been deducted for the purposes of this Act if
(a) before the end of the third year after the calendar year in which the amount was deducted,
(i) the employer elects to have this section apply in respect of the amount, and
(ii) the employee has repaid, or made an arrangement to repay, the employer;
(b) the employer has not filed an information return correcting for the excess payment before making the election referred to in subparagraph (a)(i); and
(c) any additional conditions specified by the Minister are met.
Marginal note:Determination of amount
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the amount that is deemed not to have been deducted is the amount that was deducted by the employer or, if the amount determined by the following formula is less than the amount that was deducted by the employer, the amount determined by the formula
A − B
- A
- is the aggregate of all amounts that were deducted by the employer as the employee’s contributions for the year in question; and
- B
- is the aggregate of all amounts that would have been deducted by the employer as the employee’s contributions for that year had the employer not made the excess payment referred to in subsection (1).
Marginal note:Liability
21.1 (1) If an employer who fails to deduct or remit an amount as and when required under subsection 21(1) is a corporation, the persons who were the directors of the corporation at the time when the failure occurred are jointly and severally or solidarily liable, together with the corporation, to pay to Her Majesty that amount and any interest or penalties relating to it.
Marginal note:Application of Income Tax Act provisions
(2) Subsections 227.1(2) to (7) of the Income Tax Act apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require, in respect of a director of a corporation referred to in subsection (1).
Marginal note:Assessment provisions applicable to directors
(3) The provisions of this Act respecting the assessment of an employer for an amount payable by the employer under this Act and respecting the rights and obligations of an employer so assessed apply in respect of a director of a corporation in respect of an amount payable by the director under subsection (1) in the same manner and to the same extent as if the director were the employer referred to in those provisions.
- R.S., 1985, c. 6 (1st Supp.), s. 2
- 2004, c. 25, s. 112(E)
Marginal note:Minister may assess amount payable
22 (1) The Minister may assess an employer for an amount payable by him under this Act, or may re-assess the employer or make additional assessments as the circumstances require, and the expression assessment when used in this Act with reference to any action so taken by the Minister under this section includes any such re-assessment or additional assessment.
Marginal note:Notice of assessment and liability of employer
(2) After assessing an employer for an amount payable by him under this Act, the Minister shall send the employer a notice of assessment, and on that notice being sent to the employer, the assessment shall be deemed to be valid and binding, subject to being varied or vacated on appeal under this Act, and the employer is liable to pay to Her Majesty the amount thereof forthwith.
Marginal note:Limitation on assessments
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2), no assessment, re-assessment or additional assessment of an amount payable by an employer under this Act may be made by the Minister under this section after four years have elapsed from the earliest of the days on or before which any contribution in relation to which that amount is payable should have been paid, unless the employer has made any misrepresentation or committed any fraud in filing any return or in supplying any information pursuant to this Part in relation thereto.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 23
Marginal note:Recovery of contributions, etc., as debt due to Her Majesty
23 (1) All contributions, interest, penalties and other amounts payable by a person under this Act are debts due to Her Majesty and recoverable as such in the Federal Court or any other court of competent jurisdiction or in any other manner provided for by this Act.
Marginal note:Application of Income Tax Act provisions
(2) Section 160, subsections 161(11) and 220(3.1), (4) and (5), sections 221.1 and 223 to 224.3, subsections 227(9.1) and (10), sections 229, 236 and 244 (except subsections 244(1) and (4)) and subsections 248(7) and (11) of the Income Tax Act apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require, in relation to all contributions, interest, penalties and other amounts payable by a person under this Act, and for the purposes of this subsection,
(a) the reference in subsection 224(1.2) of that Act to “subsection 227(10.1) or a similar provision” shall be read as a reference to “section 22 of the Canada Pension Plan”; and
(b) subsection 224(1.2) of the Income Tax Act shall apply to employer’s contributions, employee’s contributions, and related interest, penalties or other amounts, subject to subsections 69(1) and 69.1(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and section 11.09 of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.
Marginal note:Where amount deducted not remitted
(3) Where an employer has deducted an amount from the remuneration of an employee as or on account of any contribution required to be made by the employee but has not remitted the amount to the Receiver General, the employer is deemed, notwithstanding any security interest (as defined in subsection 224(1.3) of the Income Tax Act) in the amount so deducted, to hold the amount separate and apart from the property of the employer and from property held by any secured creditor (as defined in subsection 224(1.3) of the Income Tax Act) of that employer that but for the security interest would be property of the employer, in trust for Her Majesty and for payment to Her Majesty in the manner and at the time provided under this Act.
Marginal note:Extension of trust
(4) Notwithstanding the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (except sections 81.1 and 81.2 of that Act), any other enactment of Canada, any enactment of a province or any other law, where at any time an amount deemed by subsection (3) to be held by an employer in trust for Her Majesty is not paid to Her Majesty in the manner and at the time provided under this Act, property of the employer and property held by any secured creditor (as defined in subsection 224(1.3) of the Income Tax Act) of that employer that but for a security interest (as defined in subsection 224(1.3) of the Income Tax Act) would be property of the employer, equal in value to the amount so deemed to be held in trust is deemed
(a) to be held, from the time the amount was deducted by the employer, separate and apart from the property of the employer, in trust for Her Majesty whether or not the property is subject to such a security interest, and
(b) to form no part of the estate or property of the employer from the time the amount was so deducted, whether or not the property has in fact been kept separate and apart from the estate or property of the employer and whether or not the property is subject to such a security interest
and is property beneficially owned by Her Majesty notwithstanding any security interest in such property or in the proceeds thereof, and the proceeds of such property shall be paid to the Receiver General in priority to all such security interests.
Marginal note:Meaning of security interest
(4.1) For the purposes of subsections (3) and (4), a security interest does not include a prescribed security interest.
Marginal note:Certificate before distribution
(5) Every person, other than a trustee in bankruptcy, who is an assignee, liquidator, receiver, receiver-manager, administrator, executor, liquidator of a succession or any other like person, in this section referred to as the “responsible representative” , administering, winding-up, controlling or otherwise dealing with a property, business or estate of another person, before distributing to one or more persons any property over which he or she has control in his or her capacity as the responsible representative, shall obtain a certificate from the Minister certifying that all amounts
(a) for which any employer is liable under this Act up to and including the date of distribution, and
(b) for the payment of which the responsible representative is or can reasonably be expected to become liable in his capacity as the responsible representative
have been paid or that security for the payment thereof has been accepted by the Minister.
Marginal note:Personal liability
(5.1) Where a responsible representative distributes to one or more persons property over which he has control in his capacity as the responsible representative, without obtaining a certificate under subsection (5) in respect of the amounts referred to in that subsection, the responsible representative is personally liable for the payment of those amounts to the extent of the value of the property distributed and the Minister may assess the responsible representative therefor in the same manner and with the same effect as an assessment made under section 22.
Marginal note:Trustee in bankruptcy
(6) Where an employer has become a bankrupt, the trustee in bankruptcy shall be deemed to be the agent of the bankrupt for all purposes of this Act.
(7) to (13) [Repealed, 1993, c. 24, s. 154]
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 23
- R.S., 1985, c. 5 (2nd Supp.), s. 1, c. 38 (3rd Supp.), s. 1
- 1991, c. 49, s. 206
- 1992, c. 27, s. 90
- 1993, c. 24, s. 154
- 1994, c. 21, s. 123
- 1997, c. 40, s. 63
- 1998, c. 19, s. 252
- 2000, c. 30, s. 155
- 2004, c. 25, s. 113
- 2005, c. 47, s. 137
- 2007, c. 36, s. 108
- 2016, c. 14, s. 14(F)
Marginal note:Books and records
24 (1) Every employer paying remuneration to an employee employed by him in pensionable employment shall keep records and books of account at his place of business or residence in Canada, or at such other place as may be designated by the Minister, in such form and containing such information as will enable any contributions payable under this Act or any contributions or other amounts that should have been deducted or paid to be determined, and where any such employer has failed to keep adequate records and books of account, the Minister may require him to keep such records and books of account as he may specify, and the employer shall thereafter keep records and books of account as so required.
Marginal note:Keeping of records and books of account
(2) Every employer required by this section to keep records and books of account shall retain those records and books of account and every account and voucher necessary to verify the information contained therein until the expiration of six years from the end of the year in respect of which those records and books of account are kept or until written permission for their prior disposal is given by the Minister.
Marginal note:Electronic records
(2.1) Every employer required by this section to keep records who does so electronically shall retain them in an electronically readable format for the retention period referred to in subsection (2).
Marginal note:Exemption
(2.2) The Minister may, on such terms and conditions as are acceptable to the Minister, exempt an employer or a class of employers from the requirement in subsection (2.1).
Marginal note:Retention for ruling or appeal
(3) If the employer or an employee of the employer is subject to a ruling under section 26.1 or has made an appeal to the Minister under section 27 or 27.1, the employer shall retain every record, book of account, account and voucher necessary for dealing with the ruling or the appeal until the ruling is made or the appeal is disposed of and any further appeal is disposed of or the time for filing a further appeal has expired.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 24
- 1991, c. 49, s. 207
- 1997, c. 40, s. 64
- 1998, c. 19, s. 253
Marginal note:Interpretation
25 (1) In this section,
- authorized person
authorized person means a person authorized by the Minister for the purposes of this section; (personne autorisée)
- documents
documents includes money, securities and any of the following, whether computerized or not: books, records, letters, telegrams, vouchers, invoices, accounts and statements (financial or otherwise); (documents)
- dwelling-house
dwelling-house means the whole or any part of a building or structure that is kept or occupied as a permanent or temporary residence and includes
(a) a building within the curtilage of a dwelling-house that is connected to it by a doorway or by a covered and enclosed passageway, and
(b) a unit that is designed to be mobile and to be used as a permanent or temporary residence and that is being used as such a residence; (maison d’habitation)
- judge
judge means a judge of a superior court having jurisdiction in the province where the matter arises or a judge of the Federal Court. (juge)
Marginal note:Inspections
(2) An authorized person may, at any reasonable time, for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, inspect, audit or examine any document that relates or may relate to the information that is or should be contained in the records or books of account or to the amount of any contribution payable under this Act and, for those purposes, the authorized person may
(a) subject to subsection (3), enter any premises or place where any records or books of account are or should be kept; and
(b) require the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises or place to give to the authorized person all reasonable assistance and to answer all proper questions relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act and, for that purpose, require the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises or place to attend at such premises or place with the authorized person.
Marginal note:Warrant required to enter dwelling-house
(3) Where a premises or place referred to in subsection (2) is a dwelling-house, an authorized person may not enter that dwelling-house without the consent of the occupant except under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (4).
Marginal note:Warrant or order
(4) Where, on ex parte application by the Minister, a judge is satisfied by information on oath
(a) that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a dwelling-house is a premises or place referred to in subsection (2),
(b) that entry into the dwelling-house is necessary for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, and
(c) that entry into the dwelling-house has been refused or that there are reasonable grounds for believing that entry thereto will be refused,
the judge shall issue a warrant authorizing an authorized person to enter that dwelling-house subject to such conditions as may be specified in the warrant but, where the judge is not satisfied that entry into that dwelling-house is necessary for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, the judge shall
(d) order the occupant of the dwelling-house to provide an authorized person with reasonable access to any document that is or should be kept therein, and
(e) make such other order as is appropriate in the circumstances to carry out the purposes of this Act
to the extent that access has been or may be expected to be refused and that the document is or may be expected to be kept in the dwelling-house.
Marginal note:Requirement to provide documents or information
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Minister may, subject to subsection (6), for any purpose related to the administration or enforcement of this Act, by notice served personally or by registered or certified mail, require that any person provide, within such reasonable time as is stipulated in the notice,
(a) any information or additional information, including a return of income or a supplementary return; or
(b) any document.
Marginal note:Unnamed persons
(6) The Minister shall not impose on any person, in this section referred to as a “third party”, a requirement under subsection (5) to provide information or any document relating to one or more unnamed persons unless the Minister first obtains the authorization of a judge under subsection (7).
Marginal note:Judicial authorization
(7) On ex parte application by the Minister, a judge may, subject to such conditions as the judge considers appropriate, authorize the Minister to impose on a third party a requirement under subsection (5) relating to an unnamed person or more than one unnamed person, in this section referred to as the “group”, where the judge is satisfied by information on oath that
(a) the person or group is ascertainable; and
(b) the requirement is made to verify compliance by the person or persons in the group with any duty or obligation under this Act.
(c) and (d) [Repealed, 1998, c. 19, s. 254]
Marginal note:Service of authorization
(8) Where an authorization is granted under subsection (7), the authorization shall be served together with the notice referred to in subsection (5).
Marginal note:Review of authorization
(9) Where an authorization is granted under subsection (7), a third party on whom a notice is served under subsection (5) may, within 15 days after the service of the notice, apply to the judge who granted the authorization or, where the judge is unable to act, to another judge of the same court for a review of the authorization.
Marginal note:Powers on review
(10) On hearing an application under subsection (9), a judge may cancel the authorization previously granted if the judge is not then satisfied that the conditions in paragraphs (7)(a) and (b) have been met and the judge may confirm or vary the authorization if satisfied that those conditions have been met.
Marginal note:Additional remedy
(11) Where a person is found guilty of an offence under subsection 41(2) for failing to comply with a requirement under subsection (5), the court may make such order as it deems proper in order to enforce compliance with the requirement.
Marginal note:Copies as evidence
(12) Where any document is inspected, audited, examined or provided under this section, the person by whom it is inspected, audited or examined or to whom it is provided or any officer of the Canada Revenue Agency may make, or cause to be made, one or more copies thereof and, in the case of an electronic document, make or cause to be made a print-out of the electronic document, and any document purporting to be certified by the Minister or an authorized person to be a copy of the document, or to be a print-out of an electronic document, made pursuant to this subsection is evidence of the nature and content of the original document and has the same probative force as the original document would have if it were proven in the ordinary way.
Marginal note:Compliance
(13) No person shall hinder, molest or interfere with any person doing anything that he is authorized to do by or pursuant to this section or prevent or attempt to prevent any person from doing any such thing and, notwithstanding any other Act or law, every person shall, unless he is unable to do so, do everything he is required to do by or pursuant to this section.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 25
- R.S., 1985, c. 5 (2nd Supp.), s. 2
- 1991, c. 49, s. 208
- 1994, c. 13, s. 8
- 1998, c. 19, s. 254
- 1999, c. 17, s. 111
- 2005, c. 38, s. 138
Marginal note:No action against person deducting
26 (1) No action lies against any person for deducting any sum of money in compliance or intended compliance with this Act.
Marginal note:Receipt of Minister sufficient discharge
(2) The receipt of the Minister for an amount deducted by any person as required by or under this Act is a good and sufficient discharge of the liability of any debtor to his creditor with respect thereto to the extent of the amount referred to in the receipt.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 27
Rulings and Appeals
Marginal note:Request for ruling
26.1 (1) The Minister of Employment and Social Development, an employer, an employee or a person claiming to be an employer or an employee may request an officer of the Canada Revenue Agency authorized by the Minister of National Revenue to make a ruling on any of the following questions:
(a) whether an employment is pensionable;
(b) how long an employment lasts, including the dates on which it begins and ends;
(c) what is the amount of any earnings from pensionable employment;
(d) whether a contribution is payable;
(e) what is the amount of a contribution that is payable; and
(f) who is the employer of a person in pensionable employment.
Marginal note:Time limit
(2) The Minister of Employment and Social Development may request a ruling at any time, but a request by any other person must be made before June 30 of the year after the year in respect of which the question relates.
Marginal note:Ruling
(3) The authorized officer shall make the ruling within a reasonable time after receiving the request.
Marginal note:Presumption
(4) Unless a ruling has been requested with respect to a person in pensionable employment,
(a) an amount deducted from the remuneration of the person or paid by an employer as a contribution for the person is deemed to have been deducted or paid in accordance with this Act; or
(b) an amount that has not been so deducted or paid is deemed not to have been required to be deducted or paid in accordance with this Act.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 65
- 1999, c. 17, s. 111
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67, c. 38, s. 138
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
Marginal note:Appeal of rulings
27 An appeal to the Minister from a ruling may be made by the Minister of Employment and Social Development at any time, and by any other person concerned within 90 days after the person is notified of the ruling.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 27
- 1993, c. 24, s. 144
- 1994, c. 13, s. 8
- 1997, c. 40, s. 65
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
Marginal note:Appeal of assessments
27.1 An employer who has been assessed under section 22 may appeal to the Minister for a reconsideration of the assessment, either as to whether an amount should be assessed as payable or as to the amount assessed, within 90 days after being notified of the assessment.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 65
Marginal note:Notification of appeal
27.2 (1) Where an appeal is made to the Minister under section 27 or 27.1, the Minister shall
(a) notify any person who may be affected by the appeal that the Minister intends to decide the appeal, including the Minister of Employment and Social Development in the case of an appeal of a ruling; and
(b) give the person an opportunity to provide information and to make representations to protect the person’s interests, as the circumstances require.
Marginal note:Where appeal to be sent
(2) An appeal shall be addressed to the Assistant Director of Appeals in a Tax Services Office of the Canada Revenue Agency and delivered or mailed to that office.
Marginal note:Decision
(3) The Minister shall decide the appeal within a reasonable time after receiving it and shall notify the affected persons of the decision in any manner that the Minister considers adequate.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 65
- 1999, c. 17, s. 111
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67, c. 38, s. 138
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
Marginal note:Minister’s authority not restricted
27.3 Nothing in sections 26.1 to 27.2 restricts the authority of the Minister to make a decision under this Part on the Minister’s own initiative or to make an assessment after the date mentioned in subsection 26.1(2).
- 1997, c. 40, s. 65
Marginal note:Appeal to Tax Court of Canada
28 (1) A person affected by a decision on an appeal to the Minister under section 27 or 27.1, or the person’s representative, may, within 90 days after the decision is communicated to the person, or within any longer time that the Tax Court of Canada on application made to it within 90 days after the expiration of those 90 days allows, appeal from the decision to that Court in accordance with the Tax Court of Canada Act and the applicable rules of court made thereunder.
Marginal note:Communication of decision
(1.1) The determination of the time at which a decision on an appeal to the Minister under section 27 or 27.1 is communicated to a person shall be made in accordance with the rule, if any, made under paragraph 20(1.1)(h.1) of the Tax Court of Canada Act.
Marginal note:Extension of time to appeal
(1.2) Section 167, except paragraph 167(5)(a), of the Income Tax Act applies, with such modifications as the circumstances require, in respect of applications made under subsection (1).
Marginal note:Decision of Court
(2) On an appeal under this section, the Tax Court of Canada may vacate, confirm or vary a decision on an appeal under section 27 or an assessment that is the subject of an appeal under section 27.1 or, in the case of an appeal under section 27.1, may refer the matter back to the Minister for reconsideration and reassessment, and shall without delay
(a) notify the parties to the appeal in writing of its decision; and
(b) give reasons for its decision, but, except where the Court deems it advisable in a particular case to give reasons in writing, the reasons given by it need not be in writing.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 28
- R.S., 1985, c. 51 (4th Supp.), s. 9
- 1993, c. 27, s. 212
- 1997, c. 40, s. 65
- 1998, c. 19, s. 255
Marginal note:Authority to decide questions
29 (1) The authority of the Minister or the Tax Court of Canada to decide an appeal under section 27, 27.1 or 28 includes the authority to decide any question of fact or law necessary to be decided in the course of the appeal and to decide whether a person is or may be affected by the decision of the appeal.
Marginal note:Decisions and rulings final
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the decision of the Minister or the Tax Court of Canada of an appeal under section 27, 27.1 or 28 and a ruling of an authorized officer under section 26.1 is final and binding for all purposes of this Act.
Marginal note:Allowance for attending appeal
(3) If, on an appeal to the Tax Court of Canada from a decision of the Minister, a person affected by the decision is requested by the Court to attend before it on the consideration of the appeal and so attends, the person shall be paid such travel and other allowances, including compensation for loss of remunerative time, as are approved by the Treasury Board.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 29
- R.S., 1985, c. 51 (4th Supp.), s. 9
- 1990, c. 8, ss. 45, 78
- 1997, c. 40, s. 65
DIVISION DCollection of Contributions in Respect of Self-Employed Earnings
Marginal note:Return to be filed
30 (1) Where a person is required to make a contribution for a year in respect of self-employed earnings, a return of the person’s self-employed earnings for the year shall, without notice or demand for it, be filed with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner and containing the prescribed information, by that person (or, if the person is unable for any reason to file the return, by their representative) on or before the day on or before which the person’s return of income under Part I of the Income Tax Act is required by that Part to be filed or would be required by that Part to be filed if tax under that Part were payable for the year.
Marginal note:Demand for return
(2) Whether or not he is liable to make a contribution for a year in respect of his self-employed earnings and whether or not a return has been filed under subsection (1), every person shall, on demand from the Minister, served personally or by registered letter, file with the Minister in prescribed form and containing prescribed information, within such reasonable time as may be stipulated in the demand, a return of his self-employed earnings for the year designated therein.
Marginal note:Return by trustee, etc.
(3) Every trustee in bankruptcy, assignee, liquidator, curator, receiver, trustee or committee and every agent or other person administering, managing, winding-up, controlling or otherwise dealing with the property, business, estate or income of a person who has not filed a return of his self-employed earnings for a year as required by this section shall file with the Minister a return in prescribed form of that person’s self-employed earnings for the year.
Marginal note:Identification of province of residence
(4) The prescribed information to be contained in any return of the self-employed earnings of a person for a year required by this section to be filed with the Minister shall identify the province in which that person was resident on the last day of that year.
Marginal note:Where no return filed within four years
(5) The amount of any contribution required by this Act to be made by a person for a year in respect of their self-employed earnings for the year is deemed to be zero where
(a) the return of those earnings required by this section to be filed with the Minister is not filed with the Minister before the day that is four years after the day on or before which the return is required by subsection (1) to be filed; and
(b) the Minister does not assess the contribution before the end of those four years.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 30
- 1991, c. 49, s. 209
- 1997, c. 40, s. 66
Marginal note:Estimate to be made
31 Every person who is required by section 30 to file a return of the person’s self-employed earnings shall in the return estimate the amount of the contributions to be made by the person in respect of those earnings.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 31
- 2016, c. 14, s. 15
Marginal note:Examination of return and notice of assessment
32 The Minister shall, with all due dispatch, examine each return of self-employed earnings and assess the contributions for the year in respect of those earnings and the interest and penalties, if any, payable, and, after the examination, shall send a notice of assessment to the person by whom the return was filed.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 32
- 2016, c. 14, s. 15
Marginal note:Payment of contributions
33 (1) If the amount of the contributions required to be made by a person for a year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings is $40 or less, or a person who is required by this Act to make contributions for a year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings is not required by section 155 or 156 of the Income Tax Act to pay instalments for that year in respect of the person’s income tax, the person shall, on or before the person’s balance-due day for the year, pay to the Receiver General the whole amount of the contributions.
Marginal note:Farmers and fishers
(2) Every person to whom section 155 of the Income Tax Act applies, other than a person to whom subsection (1) applies, shall pay to the Receiver General on or before December 31 in each year, two thirds of
(a) the contributions required to be made by the person for the year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, as estimated by the person; or
(b) the contributions required in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings for the preceding year.
Marginal note:Other persons
(3) Every person, other than a person to whom subsection (1) or (2) applies, shall pay to the Receiver General in respect of each year
(a) on or before March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15 in the year, an amount equal to one quarter of
(i) the contributions required to be made by the person for the year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, as estimated by the person, or
(ii) the contributions required in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings for the preceding year; or
(b) on or before
(i) March 15 and June 15 in the year, an amount equal to one quarter of the contributions required in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings for the second preceding year, and
(ii) September 15 and December 15 in the year, an amount equal to one half of the amount, if any, by which
(A) the contributions required in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings for the preceding year
(B) one half of the contributions required in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings for the second preceding year.
Marginal note:Payment of remainder of estimated contributions
(4) A person referred to in subsection (2) or (3) shall also pay to the Receiver General, on or before the person’s balance-due day for the year, the remainder of the contributions as estimated under section 31. However, paragraphs (2)(a) and (b) and (3)(a) and (b) do not require the payment of any amount in respect of the person that would otherwise become due after the person’s death.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 33
- 1991, c. 49, s. 210
- 1993, c. 24, s. 145
- 2016, c. 14, s. 15
Marginal note:Interest on unpaid contributions
34 (1) If the amount paid by a person on or before the person’s balance-due day for a year on account of contributions required to be made by the person for the year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings is less than the amount of the contributions required to be made by the person, interest at a prescribed rate per annum is payable by the person on the difference between those amounts from the balance-due day for the year to the day of payment.
Marginal note:Interest on instalments
(2) In addition to any interest payable under subsection (1), if a person, being required by section 33 to pay a part or instalment of the contributions required to be made by the person, has failed to pay all or any part of the contributions as required, the person shall, on payment of the amount that the person failed to pay, pay interest on the amount at a prescribed rate per annum from the day on or before which the person was required to make the payment to the day of payment or the beginning of the period in respect of which the person is liable to pay interest on the amount under subsection (1), whichever is the earlier.
Marginal note:Limitation for farmers and fishers
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), if a person is required by subsection 33(2) to pay a part or instalment of the contributions required to be made by the person in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, the person is deemed to have been liable to pay on or before the day referred to in subsection 33(2) a part or instalment that is equal to one of the following amounts, whichever gives rise to the least amount required to be paid by the person on or before that day:
(a) the contributions required to be made by the person for the year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, minus $40;
(b) the contributions required in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings for the preceding year;
(c) the amount stated to be the amount of the instalment payable by the person for the year in the notice, if any, sent to the person by the Minister.
Marginal note:Limitation for other persons
(4) For the purposes of subsection (2), if a person is required by subsection 33(3) to pay a part or instalment of the contributions required to be made by the person in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, the person is deemed to have been liable to pay on or before each day referred to in subsection 33(3) a part or instalment that is equal to one of the following amounts, whichever gives rise to the least total amount of those parts or instalments required to be paid by the person by that day:
(a) the contributions required to be made by the person for the year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, minus $40;
(b) the contributions required in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings for the preceding year;
(c) the amounts determined under paragraph 33(3)(b) in respect of the person for the year;
(d) the amounts stated to be the amounts of instalment payable by the person for the year in the notices, if any, sent to the person by the Minister.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 34
- 1991, c. 49, s. 211
- 1993, c. 24, s. 146
- 1994, c. 21, s. 124
- 2016, c. 14, s. 15
Marginal note:Failure to file a return
35 (1) Every person who fails to file a return of the person’s self-employed earnings for a year as and when required by section 30 is liable to a penalty of 5% of the part of the amount of the contributions required to be made by the person for the year in respect of the contributions that remained unpaid at the expiration of the time the return was required to be filed, except that, if that person is liable to a penalty under subsection 162(1) or (2) of the Income Tax Act in respect of the year, the Minister may reduce the penalty to which the person is liable under this section or may remit the penalty in whole or in part.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) Every person who fails to file a return as required by subsection 30(3) is liable to a penalty of five dollars for each day of default, but not exceeding in all fifty dollars.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 35
- 1991, c. 49, s. 212
- 2016, c. 14, s. 16
Marginal note:Application of Income Tax Act provisions
36 Subject to this Part and except as otherwise provided by regulation, the provisions of Divisions I and J of Part I of the Income Tax Act with respect to payment of tax, assessments, objections to assessments, appeals, interest, penalties and excess refunds, and the provisions of Part XV (except section 221) and subsections 248(7) and (11) of that Act apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, in relation to any amount paid or payable as or on account of the contributions for a year in respect of self-employed earnings as though that amount were an amount paid or payable as or on account of tax under that Act.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 36
- R.S., 1985, c. 38 (3rd Supp.), s. 2
- 1991, c. 49, s. 213
- 2016, c. 14, s. 17
Marginal note:Priority in which payment to be applied
37 If any payment is made by a person to the Minister on account of taxes specified in section 228 of the Income Tax Act and of contributions under this Act in respect of self-employed earnings, despite any direction made by the person making the payment with respect to its application, the part of the payment that would be applied under that section in payment of tax under the Income Tax Act shall be applied in payment of the contributions under this Act and is deemed to be a payment on account of those contributions, and to the extent of the amount so applied shall not discharge liability for tax under the Income Tax Act, and any amount then remaining shall be applied in payment of tax under the Income Tax Act and shall discharge the liability of the person making the payment for that tax to the extent of that amount.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 37
- 2016, c. 14, s. 17
Refunds of Overpayments
Marginal note:Refund of overpayment
38 (1) If an overpayment has been made by an employee on account of the employee’s contributions under this Act for a year, the Minister must, if application in writing is made to the Minister by the employee not later than four years — or, in the case of an employee who, in respect of a disability pension, is notified after September 1, 2010 of a decision under subsection 60(7) or 81(2), a decision under subsection 82(11) or 83(11) as those subsections read immediately before their repeal or a decision under section 54 or 59 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, 10 years — after the end of the year, refund to the employee the amount of the overpayment.
Marginal note:Refund after decision on appeal
(2) If an amount on account of contributions is deducted from the remuneration of an employee or is paid by an employer with respect to an employee, and it is decided by a decision on an appeal made under section 27, 27.1 or 28 that the amount exceeds the amount required by this Act to be deducted or paid, the Minister shall refund the excess if the employee or employer applies for it in writing to the Minister not later than 30 days after the decision is communicated to the employee or employer, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Refund of excess — employee
(3) Despite anything in this Part, if an employee applies to the Minister and satisfies the Minister that, for any year, the amount deducted from the employee’s remuneration exceeds the contributions for the year required of the employee under section 8, the Minister may refund the amount of the excess. The application must be made within four years — or, in the case of an employee who, in respect of a disability pension, is notified after September 1, 2010 of a decision under subsection 60(7) or 81(2), a decision under subsection 82(11) or 83(11) as those subsections read immediately before their repeal or a decision under section 54 or 59 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, 10 years — after the end of the year.
Marginal note:Refund of amount remitted in excess — employer
(3.1) Subject to subsection (3.2) but despite any other provision of this Part, if an employer applies to the Minister and satisfies the Minister that, for any year, the amount remitted by the employer as the employer’s contributions with respect to an employee exceeds the contributions for the year required of the employer under section 9 with respect to the employee, the Minister may refund the amount of the excess. The application must be made within four years after the end of the year.
Marginal note:No refund of employers’ contributions
(3.2) No refund may be made of any contribution required to be made as an employer’s contribution under section 9.
Marginal note:Refund — section 21.01 amounts
(3.3) If an amount remitted by an employer is deemed under section 21.01 not to have been deducted, the Minister may refund that amount to the employer if the employer applies to the Minister for the refund within four years after the end of the year for which the amount was remitted.
Marginal note:Refund of excess — self-employed person
(4) If a person has paid, on account of the contributions required to be made by the person for a year in respect of the person’s self-employed earnings, an amount in excess of the contributions, the Minister
(a) may refund that part of the amount so paid in excess of the contributions on sending the notice of assessment of the contributions, without any application having been made for the refund; and
(b) must make such a refund after sending the notice of assessment, if application is made in writing by the contributor not later than four years — or, in the case of a contributor who, in respect of a disability pension, is notified after September 1, 2010 of a decision under subsection 60(7) or 81(2), a decision under subsection 82(11) or 83(11) as those subsections read immediately before their repeal or a decision under section 54 or 59 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, 10 years — after the end of the year.
Marginal note:Refund after correction of record of earnings
(4.1) Where an amount on account of a contribution is paid by a person in respect of self-employed earnings or is deducted from the remuneration of an employee and the Minister determines, taking into consideration an amendment made under section 97 to the Record of Earnings, that the amount paid or deducted is in excess of the amount required by this Act to be paid or deducted, the Minister may refund the excess.
Marginal note:Recovery of amount refunded or credited on liability
(5) If an application under this section has been made to the Minister for a refund of any amount deducted on account of an employee’s contributions for a year and, whether on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information contained in the application or otherwise, the Minister has refunded an amount to the employee, or applied an amount to a liability of the employee to Her Majesty in right of Canada, in excess of the amount that should have been refunded or applied, the amount of the excess may be recovered at any time from the employee as a debt due to Her Majesty.
Marginal note:Application of refund to other debts
(6) Instead of making a refund that might otherwise be made under this section, the Minister may, where the person to whom the refund is payable is liable or about to become liable to make any payment to Her Majesty in right of Canada, apply the amount of the refund to that liability and notify the person of that action.
Marginal note:Interest on overpayments
(7) If an amount in respect of an overpayment is refunded or applied under this Act to any other liability, interest shall be paid or applied on the amount at a prescribed rate per annum under the circumstances and for the period or periods determined as prescribed, except that
(a) no interest shall be paid or applied if the amount of the interest is less than one dollar; and
(b) no interest shall be paid or applied on an amount that is refundable under subsection (4.1).
Marginal note:Non-application — subsection (7)
(8) Subsection (7) does not apply in respect of an amount referred to in subsection (3.3) that is refunded or applied under this Act to any other liability.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 38
- 1991, c. 49, s. 214
- 1997, c. 40, s. 67
- 2004, c. 22, s. 18
- 2009, c. 31, s. 30
- 2010, c. 25, s. 70
- 2012, c. 19, s. 227
- 2013, c. 40, s. 236
- 2016, c. 14, s. 18
- 2019, c. 29, s. 46
Marginal note:Refund of overpayment in accordance with agreement
39 (1) Despite anything in this Act, if an overpayment has been made by an employee on account of the employee’s contributions for a year under this Act, the Minister may, in accordance with any agreement that may be entered into by the Minister with the approval of the Governor in Council with the appropriate authority of a province having the administration of the provincial pension plan referred to in subsection 8(2), if application in writing is made to the Minister by the employee not later than four years after the end of the year, refund to the employee the whole amount of the excess referred to in that subsection, in which case the whole of that amount is deemed to be an overpayment made by the employee on account of the employee’s contributions for that year under this Act.
Marginal note:Saving
(2) If, in accordance with any agreement entered into under subsection (1), the appropriate authority of a province has refunded to an employee the whole amount of the excess referred to in subsection 8(2) with respect to that employee, the whole of that amount is deemed to be an overpayment made by the employee on account of the employee’s contributions for that year under the provincial pension plan referred to in that subsection.
Marginal note:Provision for making of financial adjustments
(3) Any agreement entered into under subsection (1) may provide for the making of any financial adjustments required to be made by reason of any payments made to employees in accordance with that agreement and for the crediting or charging of the amount of those adjustments to the Canada Pension Plan Account or the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, as the case may be.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 39
- 2016, c. 14, s. 19
Marginal note:Regulations
40 (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) prescribing or providing anything that, by this Part, is to be prescribed or is to be provided by regulations;
(b) requiring any class of persons to file information returns respecting any class of information required in connection with contributions under this Act, including information respecting contributions of employees of any such persons identified by the province in which the employees were employed;
(c) requiring a person who is, by a regulation made under paragraph (b), required to file an information return to supply a copy of the return or a prescribed portion thereof to the person or persons in respect of whose contributions the return or portion thereof relates;
(d) prescribing a penalty not exceeding ten dollars a day for each day of default and not exceeding in all two hundred and fifty dollars to which a person who fails to comply with a regulation made under paragraph (b) or (c) shall be liable;
(e) defining the expressions agriculture, agricultural enterprise, employment of a casual nature, forestry, horticulture, fishing, hunting, international organization, logging, lumbering, trapping or working days for the purposes of this Act;
(f) respecting the manner in which any provision of this Act that applies or extends to an employer of an employee shall apply or extend to any person by whom the remuneration of an employee in respect of pensionable employment is paid either wholly or in part, and to the employer of any such employee;
(f.1) providing for the right of a person to whom a provision of this Act applies or extends by virtue of a regulation made under paragraph (f) to recover from the employer any amounts that the person becomes liable to pay by virtue of that regulation;
(g) specifying the circumstances in which and the conditions on which a person shall be deemed to be or have been, or not to be or have been, a member of the Canadian Forces or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the purposes of paragraph 6(2)(g);
(h) authorizing the Minister on behalf of the Government of Canada to enter into any agreement for giving effect to the provisions of paragraph 6(2)(h) or paragraph 7(1)(e) or (f);
(i) regulating the procedure to be followed in the determination by the Minister of questions under this Part;
(j) respecting the terms and conditions governing the making of refunds in accordance with any agreement under subsection 39(1) that may be entered into by the Minister on behalf of the Government of Canada; and
(k) generally for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Part.
(2) [Repealed, 1998, c. 19, s. 256]
Marginal note:Effective date of regulations
(3) A regulation made under paragraph (1)(a) prescribing rules referred to in subsection 21(1) shall have effect from the day it is published in the Canada Gazette or from such earlier or later day as may be specified in the regulation.
Marginal note:Effective date of certain agreements
(4) Any agreement for giving effect to the provisions of paragraph 6(2)(h) or 7(1)(f) that is entered into by the Minister pursuant to regulations made under paragraph (1)(h) has effect with reference to a period before it was entered into if the agreement provides for that effect.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 40
- 1991, c. 49, s. 215
- 1998, c. 19, s. 256
- 2004, c. 22, s. 19
- 2018, c. 12, s. 371
Marginal note:Offence and punishment
41 (1) Every employer who fails to comply with subsection 21(1) or 23(3) is guilty of an offence and, in addition to any penalty otherwise provided, is liable on summary conviction to
(a) a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars; or
(b) both the fine described in paragraph (a) and imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) Every person who fails to comply with or contravenes section 24 or 25 is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Marginal note:Idem
(3) Every person who fails to comply with or contravenes section 30 or a regulation made under paragraph 40(1)(b) or (c) is guilty of an offence and, in addition to any penalty otherwise provided, is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars a day for each day of default, but not exceeding in all one thousand dollars.
Marginal note:Idem
(4) Every person who
(a) makes, or participates in, assents to or acquiesces in the making of, false or deceptive statements in a return, certificate, statement or answer filed or made as required by or under this Part or a regulation,
(b) to evade payment of a contribution imposed by this Act, destroys, alters, mutilates, secretes or otherwise disposes of the records or books of account of an employer,
(c) makes, or assents to or acquiesces in the making of, false or deceptive entries, or omits, or assents to or acquiesces in the omission, to enter a material particular, in records or books of account of an employer,
(d) wilfully, in any manner, evades or attempts to evade, compliance with this Act or payment of contributions imposed by this Act, or
(e) conspires with any person to commit an offence described in any of paragraphs (a) to (d),
is guilty of an offence and, in addition to any penalty otherwise provided, is liable on summary conviction to
(f) a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than five thousand dollars plus, in an appropriate case, an amount not exceeding double the amount of the contribution that should have been shown to be payable or that was sought to be evaded, or
(g) both the fine described in paragraph (f) and imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.
Marginal note:Saving provision
(5) Where a person has been convicted under this section of failing to comply with subsection 21(1) or a regulation made under paragraph 40(1)(b) or (c), he is not liable to pay any penalty imposed under section 21 or under any regulation made under section 40 for the same failure unless he was assessed for that penalty or that penalty was demanded from him before the information or complaint giving rise to the conviction was laid or made.
Marginal note:Information or complaint
(6) An information or complaint under this section may be laid or made by any officer of the Canada Revenue Agency, a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or any person thereunto authorized by the Minister and, where an information or complaint purports to have been laid or made under this section, it shall be deemed to have been laid or made by a person thereunto authorized by the Minister and shall not be called in question for lack of authority of the informant or complainant except by the Minister or a person acting for him or Her Majesty.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 41
- 1999, c. 17, s. 111
- 2005, c. 38, s. 138
PART IIPensions and Supplementary Benefits
Marginal note:Definitions
42 (1) In this Part,
- basic number of contributory months
basic number of contributory months, in the case of any contributor, means one hundred and twenty minus the number of months that were excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability; (nombre de base des mois cotisables)
- child
child of a contributor means a child of the contributor, whether born before or after the contributor’s death, and includes
(a) an individual adopted legally or in fact by the contributor while the individual was under twenty-one years of age, and
(b) an individual in respect of whom, either legally or in fact, the contributor had, or immediately before the individual reached 21 years of age did have, parenting time or decision-making responsibility,
but does not include a child of the contributor who is adopted legally or in fact by someone other than the contributor or the contributor’s spouse or common-law partner prior to the death or disability of the contributor, unless the contributor was maintaining the child, as defined by regulation; (enfant)
- decision-making responsibility
decision-making responsibility has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Divorce Act; (responsabilités décisionnelles)
- dependent child
dependent child of a contributor means a child of the contributor who
(a) is less than eighteen years of age,
(b) is 18 or more years of age but less than 25 years of age and
(i) is in full-time attendance at a school or university as defined by regulation, or
(ii) is in part-time attendance at a school or university as defined by regulation, or
(c) is a child other than a child described in paragraph (b), is eighteen or more years of age and is disabled, having been disabled without interruption since the time he reached eighteen years of age or the contributor died, whichever occurred later; (enfant à charge)
- disabled contributor’s child
disabled contributor’s child or any form of that expression of like import means a dependent child of a contributor who is disabled, but does not include a dependent child described in paragraph (c) of the definition dependent child in this section; (enfant d’un cotisant invalide)
- family allowance recipient
family allowance recipient means a person who received or is in receipt of an allowance or a family allowance pursuant to the Family Allowances Act, chapter F-1 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, as it read immediately before being repealed or the Family Allowances Act for that period prior to a child reaching seven years of age, and such other persons as may be prescribed by regulation; (bénéficiaire d’une allocation familiale)
- Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average
Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average, in respect of a contributor for a year, means the average of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year and
(a) where the year is before 1998 or the date of birth of the contributor is before January 1, 1933, the two previous years, or
(b) in any other case,
(i) where the year is 1998, the three previous years, and
(ii) where the year is after 1998, the four previous years; (maximum moyen des gains ouvrant droit à pension)
- Minister
Minister means the Minister of Employment and Social Development; (ministre)
- orphan
orphan of a contributor means a dependent child of a contributor who has died but does not include a dependent child described in paragraph (c) of the definition dependent child; (orphelin)
- parenting time
parenting time means the time that a child spends in the care of a person who is a parent of the child, who stands in the place of a parent or who intends to stand in the place of a parent, whether or not the child is physically with that person during that entire time; (temps parental)
- substantially gainful
substantially gainful, in respect of an occupation, has the meaning that may be prescribed; (véritablement rémunératrice)
- surviving spouse with dependent children
surviving spouse with dependent children[Repealed, 2000, c. 12, s. 44]
- survivor
survivor, in relation to a deceased contributor, means
(a) if there is no person described in paragraph (b), a person who was married to the contributor at the time of the contributor’s death, or
(b) a person who was the common-law partner of the contributor at the time of the contributor’s death; (survivant)
- survivor with dependent children
survivor with dependent children means a survivor of a contributor who wholly or substantially maintains one or more dependent children of the contributor; (survivant avec enfant à charge)
- wholly or substantially
wholly or substantially has such meaning as may be prescribed. (entièrement ou dans une large mesure)
Marginal note:When person deemed disabled
(2) For the purposes of this Act,
(a) a person shall be considered to be disabled only if he is determined in prescribed manner to have a severe and prolonged mental or physical disability, and for the purposes of this paragraph,
(i) a disability is severe only if by reason thereof the person in respect of whom the determination is made is incapable regularly of pursuing any substantially gainful occupation, and
(ii) a disability is prolonged only if it is determined in prescribed manner that the disability is likely to be long continued and of indefinite duration or is likely to result in death; and
(b) a person is deemed to have become or to have ceased to be disabled at the time that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the time when the person became or ceased to be, as the case may be, disabled, but in no case shall a person — including a contributor referred to in subparagraph 44(1)(b)(ii) — be deemed to have become disabled earlier than fifteen months before the time of the making of any application in respect of which the determination is made.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 42
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 12
- 1992, c. 1, s. 23
- 1996, c. 11, s. 95
- 1997, c. 40, s. 68
- 2000, c. 12, s. 44
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67
- 2009, c. 31, s. 31
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694, c. 31, s. 194
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
- 2024, c. 17, s. 187
Pension Index
Marginal note:Pension Index for subsequent years
43 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Pension Index for each year shall be calculated, in prescribed manner, as the average for the twelve month period ending October 31 in the preceding year of the Consumer Price Index for each month in that twelve month period.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) For any year for which the calculation required by subsection (1) yields a Pension Index that is less than the Pension Index for the preceding year, the Pension Index shall be taken to be the Pension Index for the preceding year.
Marginal note:Where basis of Consumer Price Index is changed
(3) Where at any time the Consumer Price Index is adjusted to reflect a new time basis or a new content basis with a resulting percentage adjustment being made in the figures for that Index, a corresponding percentage adjustment shall, at the time of the next calculation of the Pension Index, be made in all values then existing of the Pension Index.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 43
- 1991, c. 44, s. 3
DIVISION ABenefits Payable
Marginal note:Benefits payable
44 (1) Subject to this Part,
(a) a retirement pension shall be paid to a contributor who has reached sixty years of age;
(b) a disability pension shall be paid to a contributor who has not reached sixty-five years of age, to whom no retirement pension is payable, who is disabled and who
(i) has made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period,
(ii) is a contributor to whom a disability pension would have been payable at the time the contributor is deemed to have become disabled if an application for a disability pension had been received before the contributor’s application for a disability pension was actually received, or
(iii) is a contributor to whom a disability pension would have been payable at the time the contributor is deemed to have become disabled if a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings that was made under section 55 or 55.1 had not been made;
(iv) [Repealed, 1997, c. 40, s. 69]
(c) a death benefit shall be paid to the estate or succession of a deceased contributor who has made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period;
(d) a survivor’s pension shall be paid
(i) before 2019, to the survivor of a deceased contributor who has made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period, if the survivor
(A) has reached 65 years of age, or
(B) in the case of a survivor who has not reached 65 years of age,
(I) had at the time of the death of the contributor reached 35 years of age,
(II) was at the time of the death of the contributor a survivor with dependent children, or
(III) is disabled, and
(ii) after 2018, to the survivor of a deceased contributor who has made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period;
(e) a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit shall be paid to each child of a disabled contributor who
(i) has made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period,
(ii) is a contributor to whom a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit would have been payable at the time the contributor is deemed to have become disabled if an application for a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit had been received before the application was actually received, or
(iii) is a contributor to whom a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit would have been payable at the time the contributor is deemed to have become disabled if a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings that was made under section 55 or 55.1, had not been made;
(iv) [Repealed, 1997, c. 40, s. 69]
(f) an orphan’s benefit shall be paid to each orphan of a deceased contributor who has made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period;
(g) a post-retirement benefit shall be paid to a beneficiary of a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan who has made a contribution in respect of the post-retirement benefit; and
(h) a post-retirement disability benefit shall be paid to a beneficiary of a retirement pension who has not reached 65 years of age and is disabled if
(i) the beneficiary has made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period and that period ends after 2018,
(ii) the beneficiary is a contributor to whom a post-retirement disability benefit would have been payable at the time the contributor is deemed to have become disabled if an application for a post-retirement disability benefit had been received before the application was actually received, or
(iii) the beneficiary is a contributor to whom a post-retirement disability benefit would have been payable at the time the contributor is deemed to have become disabled if a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings that was made under section 55 or 55.1 had not been made.
(1.1) [Repealed, 2018, c. 12, s. 372]
Marginal note:Calculation of minimum qualifying period in case of disability pension and disabled contributor’s child’s benefit
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b) and, if a disability pension is payable to a contributor, paragraph (1)(e),
(a) a contributor is deemed to have made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period only if the contributor has made base contributions during the contributor’s contributory period on earnings that are not less than the contributor’s basic exemption, calculated without regard to subsection 20(2),
(i) for at least four of the last six calendar years included either wholly or partly in the contributor’s contributory period or, where there are fewer than six calendar years included either wholly or partly in the contributor’s contributory period, for at least four years,
(i.1) for at least 25 calendar years included either wholly or partly in the contributor’s contributory period, of which at least three are in the last six calendar years included either wholly or partly in the contributor’s contributory period, or
(ii) for each year after the month of cessation of the contributor’s previous disability benefit; and
(b) the contributory period of a contributor shall be the period
(i) commencing January 1, 1966 or when he reaches eighteen years of age, whichever is the later, and
(ii) ending with the month in which he is determined to have become disabled for the purpose of paragraph (1)(b),
but excluding
(iii) any month that was excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, and
(iv) in relation to any benefits payable under this Act for any month after December, 1977, any month for which the contributor was a family allowance recipient in a year for which the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings are less than the basic exemption of the contributor for the year, calculated without regard to subsection 20(2).
Marginal note:Proration — late applications for disability pensions
(2.1) For the purpose of determining the minimum qualifying period of a contributor referred to in subparagraph (1)(b)(ii), the basic exemption for the year in which they would have been considered to have become disabled, and in which the base unadjusted pensionable earnings are less than the relevant Year’s Basic Exemption for that year, is an amount equal to that proportion of the amount of that Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months that would not have been excluded from the contributory period by reason of disability is of 12.
Marginal note:Family allowance — late applications for disability pensions
(2.2) A contributor referred to in subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) is deemed to have made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period for the purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(i) if
(a) they became disabled in a month in which they were a family allowance recipient;
(b) in the year in which they became disabled
(i) the child in respect of which they were a family allowance recipient reached seven years of age, and
(ii) their base unadjusted pensionable earnings were less than their basic exemption, calculated without regard to subsection 20(2); and
(c) in the absence of this subsection, a disability pension would not be payable to them, but had they become disabled in the year immediately before the year in which they became disabled, a disability pension would have been payable to them under subparagraph (1)(b)(ii).
Marginal note:Calculation for other supplementary benefits
(3) For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(c), (d) and (f), a contributor is deemed to have made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period only if the contributor has made base contributions during their contributory period
(a) for at least one third of the total number of years included either wholly or partly within their contributory period, excluding from the calculation of that contributory period any month in a year after the year in which the contributor reaches 65 years of age and for which the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings were equal to or less than the contributor’s basic exemption for that year, but in no case for less than three years; or
(b) for at least ten years.
Marginal note:Calculation of minimum qualifying period — post-retirement disability benefit
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(h) and, if a post-retirement disability benefit is payable to a contributor, paragraph (1)(e), the contributor is deemed to have made base contributions for not less than the minimum qualifying period only if the contributor has made base contributions during their contributory period on earnings that are not less than the contributor’s basic exemption, calculated without regard to subsection 20(2),
(a) for at least four of the last six calendar years included either wholly or partly in the contributor’s contributory period;
(b) for at least 25 calendar years included either wholly or partly in the contributor’s contributory period, of which at least three are in the last six calendar years included either wholly or partly in the contributor’s contributory period; or
(c) for each year after the month of cessation of the contributor’s previous disability pension or post-retirement disability benefit.
Marginal note:Contributory period — post-retirement disability benefit
(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), the contributory period of a contributor is the period
(a) commencing when they reach 18 years of age, and
(b) ending with the month in which they are determined to have become disabled for the purpose of paragraph (1)(h),
but excluding
(c) any month that was excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, and
(d) in relation to any benefits payable under this Act for any month after December 1977, any month for which the contributor was a family allowance recipient in a year for which the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings are less than the contributor’s basic exemption for the year, calculated without regard to subsection 20(2).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 44
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 13
- 1991, c. 44, s. 4
- 1992, c. 2, s. 1
- 1997, c. 40, s. 69
- 2000, c. 12, ss. 45, 64
- 2007, c. 11, s. 2
- 2009, c. 31, s. 32
- 2012, c. 31, s. 195
- 2016, c. 14, s. 20
- 2018, c. 12, s. 372
- 2022, c. 10, s. 416
Marginal note:Survivor’s pension, death benefit or orphan’s benefit not payable
44.1 (1) Despite section 44, a survivor’s pension, death benefit or orphan’s benefit is not payable to an individual in the following circumstances:
(a) in the case of the survivor’s pension, the individual who otherwise would have been entitled to receive the survivor’s pension as a result of the death of the contributor is not so entitled if the Minister is informed and satisfied that the individual has been convicted of first or second degree murder or manslaughter of the contributor;
(b) in the case of the death benefit, the individual who otherwise would have been entitled to receive the death benefit under section 71 as a result of the death of the contributor is not so entitled if the Minister is informed and satisfied that the individual has been convicted of first or second degree murder or manslaughter of the contributor; and
(c) in the case of the orphan’s benefit, the individual who otherwise would have been entitled to receive the orphan’s benefit as a result of the death of the contributor is not so entitled if the Minister is informed and satisfied that the individual
(i) has been convicted of first or second degree murder or manslaughter of the contributor,
(ii) has received an adult sentence for that murder or manslaughter, and
(iii) is 18 years of age or older.
Marginal note:Conviction reversed
(2) If the Minister is informed and satisfied that an individual’s conviction for first or second degree murder or manslaughter of the contributor has been reversed, the charges have been withdrawn or the proceedings were stayed and not recommenced within the required time period and that all rights of appeal have been exhausted, the individual’s entitlement to the pension or benefit to which they would otherwise have been entitled under this Act shall be reinstated and any amount recovered from the individual shall be repaid.
Marginal note:Conviction outside Canada
(3) If an individual has been convicted by a court outside Canada in respect of an offence that, if it had been committed in Canada, would have constituted first or second degree murder or manslaughter, the Minister may deem that conviction to be a conviction of first or second degree murder or manslaughter for the purposes of this section.
Marginal note:Recovery of pension or benefits
(4) An individual who has received a pension or benefit referred to in this section and in respect of whom the Minister is subsequently informed and satisfied that the individual has been convicted of first or second degree murder or manslaughter of the contributor shall be deemed not to have been entitled to receive such pension or benefit, which shall constitute a debt due to Her Majesty under section 66 and the Minister shall recover those amounts, including any amounts paid before the date of the individual’s conviction.
Marginal note:Conviction prior to coming into force
(5) For greater certainty, this section applies in respect of any first or second degree murder or manslaughter conviction of which the Minister is informed before, on or after the coming into force of this section.
Marginal note:Definition of first or second degree murder
(6) For the purpose of this section, first or second degree murder means murder within the meaning of section 231 of the Criminal Code.
Marginal note:Definition of manslaughter
(7) For the purpose of this section, manslaughter means manslaughter within the meaning of the Criminal Code.
Marginal note:Exception — probation order
(8) This section does not apply to an individual who is convicted of manslaughter if the individual is released on the conditions prescribed in a probation order under paragraph 731(1)(a) of the Criminal Code.
- 2015, c. 17, s. 1
Marginal note:Survivor’s pension not payable
44.2 Despite paragraph 44(1)(d), a survivor’s pension is not payable to an individual as a result of a contributor’s death if, on or after January 1, 2025, a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings has taken place under paragraph 55.1(1)(b) between the contributor and that individual unless, at the time of the contributor’s death, that individual had been cohabiting with the contributor in a new conjugal relationship for a continuous period of at least one year.
DIVISION BCalculation of Benefits
Basic Amount and Annual Adjustment
Marginal note:Basic amount of benefit
45 (1) A reference in this Part to the basic amount of any benefit shall be construed as a reference to the amount thereof calculated as provided in this Part without regard to subsection (2).
Marginal note:Annual adjustments
(2) Where any benefit has become payable commencing with a month in any year, the basic monthly amount of the benefit shall be adjusted annually, in prescribed manner, so that the amount payable for a month in any following year is an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying
(a) the amount that would have been payable for that month if no adjustment had been made under this section with respect to that following year,
(b) the ratio that the Pension Index for that following year bears to the Pension Index for the year preceding that following year.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 45
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 14
Retirement Pension
Marginal note:Amount of retirement pension
46 (1) Subject to this section, a retirement pension payable to a contributor is a basic monthly amount equal to the aggregate of
(a) 25% of their average monthly pensionable earnings,
(b) 8.33% of their first additional monthly pensionable earnings, and
(c) 33.33% of their second additional monthly pensionable earnings.
Marginal note:Special case
(2) Subject to this section, the portion referred to in paragraph (1)(a) of the basic monthly amount of a retirement pension payable to a former disability pension recipient in respect of whom a division under section 55 or 55.1 is approved either before or after the commencement of the retirement pension, if the division reduces the retirement pension otherwise payable, is calculated by dividing
(a) the aggregate of
(i) the portion of the basic monthly amount of the retirement pension calculated in accordance with paragraph (1)(a) that would be payable to the contributor had their base unadjusted pensionable earnings not been subject to the division, multiplied by the number of months that have been excluded from the contributor’s contributory period by reason of disability, and
(ii) the portion of the basic monthly amount of the retirement pension calculated in accordance with paragraph (1)(a) that would be payable following the division, multiplied by the number of months in the contributor’s contributory period calculated in accordance with section 49
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the number of months that have been excluded from the contributor’s contributory period by reason of disability, and
(ii) the number of months in the contributor’s contributory period calculated in accordance with section 49.
Marginal note:Upward or downward adjustment factor — up to 2010
(3) Subject to subsections (4) to (6), a retirement pension that becomes payable after December 31, 1986 and before January 1, 2011 commencing with a month other than the month in which the contributor reaches 65 years of age is a basic monthly amount equal to the basic monthly amount calculated in accordance with subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, adjusted by a factor fixed by the Minister, on the advice of the Chief Actuary of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, to reflect the time interval between the month in which the retirement pension commences and the month in which the contributor reached, or would reach, 65 years of age, but the time interval is deemed never to exceed five years.
Marginal note:Upward or downward adjustment factor — after 2010
(3.1) Subject to subsections (4) to (6), a retirement pension that becomes payable after December 31, 2010 commencing with a month other than the month in which the contributor reaches 65 years of age is a basic monthly amount equal to the basic monthly amount calculated in accordance with subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, adjusted by a factor fixed under subsection (7).
Marginal note:Exception if division of unadjusted pensionable earnings increases retirement pension
(4) Subject to subsection (5), if, as a result of a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55 or 55.1, a retirement pension that was payable increases, the adjustment factor applicable after the increase to the basic monthly amount of the retirement pension calculated in accordance with subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, instead of the adjustment factor referred to in subsection (3) or (3.1), as the case may be, shall be determined by the formula
[(F1 × P1) + (F2 × E)] / P2
- F1
- is an amount equal to the adjustment factor referred to in subsection (3) or (3.1), as the case may be, at the time the retirement pension first became payable;
- P1
- is the basic monthly amount of the retirement pension calculated in accordance with subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, before the division;
- F2
- is the lesser of
(a) an amount equal to what the adjustment factor referred to in subsection (3) or (3.1), as the case may be, would have been if the retirement pension had commenced in the month in which the increase commences to be payable, and
(b) 1;
- E
- is equal to the excess of P2 over P1; and
- P2
- is the basic monthly amount of the retirement pension immediately following the division.
Marginal note:Exception if survivor’s pension reduced
(5) Unless otherwise provided by an agreement under section 80, if a person receives a retirement pension under this Act and a survivor’s pension under this Act and the survivor’s pension is at any time reduced from its full amount under subsection 58(2), any downward adjustment factor resulting from the application of subsection (3), (3.1) or (4) at that time shall not be applied to the whole of the basic monthly amount of the retirement pension calculated in accordance with subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, but only to the amount remaining when that basic monthly amount is reduced by the product obtained by multiplying
(a) the amount by which the survivor’s pension has been reduced
(b) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year in which the retirement pension first commenced to be payable bears to the Pension Index for the year in which the survivor’s pension is reduced.
Marginal note:Exception if division after age 65 precedes commencement of retirement pension
(6) If, after a person has reached 65 years of age but before the person commences to receive a retirement pension, a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings takes place under section 55 or 55.1 in respect of that person, the upward adjustment factor referred to in subsection (3) or (3.1), as the case may be, to be applied to any increase in the retirement pension that is attributable to the division shall be based on the time interval between the taking place of the division and the commencement of the retirement pension, and shall not take into account the time interval between the month in which the person reaches 65 years of age and the month in which the division takes place.
Marginal note:Regulations
(7) For the purposes of subsection (3.1), the Governor in Council may make regulations fixing one or more adjustment factors or the methods of calculating them — including factors or methods that may apply on specified dates — to reflect the time interval between the month in which the retirement pension commences and the month in which the contributor reached, or would reach, 65 years of age, but the time interval is deemed never to exceed five years.
Marginal note:Condition
(8) The Governor in Council may only make regulations under subsection (7) or repeal them on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance and only if the lieutenant governor in council of each of at least two thirds of the included provinces, as defined in subsection 114(1), having in total not less than two thirds of the population of all of the included provinces, has signified the consent of that province to the making or repeal of the regulations.
Marginal note:Amendment
(9) Regulations made under subsection (7) may only be amended in accordance with subsection 113.1(14).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 46
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 15, c. 18 (3rd Supp.), s. 29
- 1991, c. 44, s. 5
- 2009, c. 31, s. 33
- 2016, c. 14, s. 21
Marginal note:Amount of average monthly pensionable earnings
47 Where a retirement pension becomes payable to a contributor commencing with any month before January, 1976, his average monthly pensionable earnings are an amount calculated by dividing his total pensionable earnings by the basic number of contributory months.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 47
Marginal note:Average monthly pensionable earnings in case of pension commencing after December, 1975
48 (1) Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4), where a retirement pension becomes payable to a contributor commencing with any month after December, 1975, his average monthly pensionable earnings are an amount calculated by dividing his total pensionable earnings by the total number of months in his contributory period or by the basic number of contributory months, whichever is the greater.
Marginal note:Deductions in calculating average monthly pensionable earnings of certain months during child raising years
(2) In calculating the average monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor in accordance with subsection (1) for the purpose of calculating or recalculating benefits payable for a month commencing on or after January 1, 1978, there may be deducted
(a) from the total number of months in a contributor’s contributory period, those months during which he was a family allowance recipient and during which his pensionable earnings were less than his average monthly pensionable earnings calculated without regard to subsections (3) and (4), but no such deduction shall reduce the number of months in his contributory period to less than the basic number of contributory months, except
(i) for the purpose of calculating a disability benefit in respect of a contributor who is deemed to have become disabled for the purposes of this Act after December 31, 1997, in which case the words “the basic number of contributory months” shall be read as “48 months”,
(i.1) for the purpose of calculating a disability benefit in respect of a contributor who is deemed to have become disabled for the purposes of this Act in 1997, in which case the words “the basic number of contributory months” shall be read as “24 months”, and
(ii) for the purpose of calculating a death benefit and a survivor’s pension, in which case the words “the basic number of contributory months” shall be read as “thirty-six months”; and
(b) from his total pensionable earnings, the aggregate of his pensionable earnings attributable to the months deducted pursuant to paragraph (a).
Marginal note:Deductions allowed where contributory period ends after age 65
(3) Where a contributor’s contributory period ends after the month preceding the month in which he reaches sixty-five years of age and the total number of months in his contributory period remaining after the deduction under paragraph (2)(a) exceeds the basic number of contributory months, in calculating his average monthly pensionable earnings in accordance with subsection (1) there shall be deducted
(a) from the total number of months remaining in his contributory period, the number of months therein after he reached sixty-five years of age or by which the total exceeds the basic number of contributory months, whichever is the lesser; and
(b) from the contributor’s total pensionable earnings remaining after the deduction under paragraph (2)(b), the aggregate of the contributor’s pensionable earnings for a number of months equal to the number of months deducted under paragraph (a), for which months that aggregate is less than — or, if not less than, then equal to — the aggregate of the contributor’s pensionable earnings for any other like number of months in the contributor’s contributory period other than for months for which a deduction has already been made under subsection (2).
Marginal note:Deductions allowed where number of months remaining exceeds 120
(4) Where the number of months remaining after making any deduction under subsection (2) or (3) from the total number of months in the contributory period of a contributor exceeds one hundred and twenty, in calculating his average monthly pensionable earnings in accordance with subsection (1) there shall be deducted
(a) from the number of months remaining, a number of months equal to the lesser of
(i) subject to subsection (5), if the retirement pension or other benefit becomes payable commencing with a month before January 2012, fifteen per cent of the number remaining — and sixteen per cent commencing with a month after December 2011 and before January 2014 and seventeen per cent commencing with a month after December 2013 — and, if that per cent includes a fraction of a month, the fraction shall be taken to be a complete month, and
(ii) the number of months by which the number remaining exceeds one hundred and twenty; and
(b) from the contributor’s total pensionable earnings remaining after making any deduction under subsection (2) or (3), the aggregate of the contributor’s pensionable earnings for a number of months equal to the number of months deducted under paragraph (a), for which months that aggregate is less than — or, if not less than, then equal to — the contributor’s aggregate pensionable earnings for any like number of months in the contributor’s contributory period other than for months for which a deduction has already been made under subsection (2) or (3).
Marginal note:Exception — same percentage
(5) The percentage used in a calculation of the amount of average monthly pensionable earnings under subsection (4) is to be used in the calculation of other benefits based on that amount.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 48
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 16
- 1997, c. 40, s. 70
- 2009, c. 31, s. 34
- 2012, c. 31, s. 196
Marginal note:First additional monthly pensionable earnings
48.1 The first additional monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor are an amount calculated by
(a) in the case where their first additional contributory period is less than or equal to 480 months, dividing their total first additional pensionable earnings by 480; or
(b) in the case where their first additional contributory period exceeds 480 months, dividing the aggregate of their 480 highest first additional pensionable earnings for a month by 480.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 22
Marginal note:Second additional monthly pensionable earnings
48.2 The second additional monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor are an amount calculated by
(a) in the case where their second additional contributory period is less than or equal to 480 months, dividing their total second additional pensionable earnings by 480; or
(b) in the case where their second additional contributory period exceeds 480 months, dividing the aggregate of their 480 highest second additional pensionable earnings for a month by 480.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 22
Marginal note:Contributory period
49 The contributory period of a contributor is the period commencing January 1, 1966 or when he reaches eighteen years of age, whichever is the later, and ending
(a) where a benefit other than a disability pension commences before the end of 1986, when he reaches sixty-five years of age, or if he makes a contribution for earnings after he reaches sixty-five years of age, with the month for which he last made such a contribution, and in any case not later than the month in which he dies, or
(b) where a benefit other than a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit commences after the end of 1986, with the earliest of
(i) the month preceding the month in which he reaches seventy years of age,
(ii) the month in which he dies, or
(iii) the month preceding the month in which the retirement pension commences,
but excluding
(c) any month that was excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, and
(d) in relation to any benefits payable under this Act for any month after December, 1977, any month for which the contributor was a family allowance recipient in a year for which the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings were equal to or less than the contributor’s basic exemption for the year.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 49
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 17
- 2016, c. 14, s. 23
- 2022, c. 10, s. 417
Marginal note:First additional contributory period
49.1 The first additional contributory period of a contributor is the period commencing January 1, 2019 or when they reach 18 years of age, whichever is the later, and ending with the earliest of
(a) the month preceding the month in which they reach 70 years of age,
(b) the month in which they die, and
(c) the month preceding the month in which the retirement pension commences.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 24
Marginal note:Second additional contributory period
49.2 The second additional contributory period of a contributor is the period commencing January 1, 2024 or when they reach 18 years of age, whichever is the later, and ending with the earliest of
(a) the month preceding the month in which they reach 70 years of age,
(b) the month in which they die, and
(c) the month preceding the month in which the retirement pension commences.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 24
Marginal note:Total pensionable earnings
50 The total pensionable earnings of a contributor are the total for all months in his contributory period of his pensionable earnings for each month calculated as provided in section 51.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 50
Marginal note:Total first additional pensionable earnings
50.1 The total first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor are the total for all months in their first additional contributory period of their first additional pensionable earnings for each month calculated as provided in section 51.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 25
Marginal note:Total second additional pensionable earnings
50.2 The total second additional pensionable earnings of a contributor are the total for all months in their second additional contributory period of their second additional pensionable earnings for each month calculated as provided in section 51.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 25
Marginal note:Pensionable earnings, or first or second additional pensionable earnings, for month
51 (1) The pensionable earnings, first additional pensionable earnings or second additional pensionable earnings, as the case may be, of a contributor for a month (in this subsection referred to as the “particular month”) are an amount determined by the formula
A × B
- A
- is
(a) in the case of pensionable earnings, earnings for which the contributor is deemed by section 52 to have made a base contribution for the particular month;
(b) in the case of first additional pensionable earnings, earnings for which the contributor is deemed by section 52.1 to have made a first additional contribution for the particular month, except in the case where the contributor is considered to be disabled for the purposes of this Act or a provincial pension plan during the particular month, for the calculation of a pension or benefit other than a disability pension, the greatest of the following amounts:
(i) the value determined in accordance with section 51.1 multiplied by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year that includes the particular month, divided by 12,
(ii) the highest of any value determined in accordance with section 51.1 for any of the 72 months before the month in which the contributor was deemed to have become disabled, multiplied by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year that includes the particular month, divided by 12, and
(iii) the earnings for which the contributor is deemed by section 52.1 to have made a first additional contribution for the particular month; or
(c) in the case of second additional pensionable earnings, earnings for which the contributor is deemed by section 52.2 to have made a second additional contribution for the particular month except in the case where the contributor is considered to be disabled for the purposes of this Act or a provincial pension plan during the particular month, for the calculation of a pension or benefit other than a disability pension, the greatest of the following amounts:
(i) the value determined in accordance with section 51.2 multiplied by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year that includes the particular month, divided by 12,
(ii) the highest of any value determined in accordance with section 51.2 for any of the 72 months before the month in which the contributor was deemed to have become disabled, multiplied by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year that includes the particular month, divided by 12, and
(iii) the earnings for which the contributor is deemed by section 52.2 to have made a second additional contribution for the particular month; and
- B
- is
(a) where the contributor was born after December 31, 1932 and the contributor’s retirement pension did not commence before January 1, 1998 and, after the contributor’s 60th birthday, a month was excluded from the contributor’s contributory period by reason of disability, the product determined by the formula
(C/D) × (E/F)
- C
- is the contributor’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the year in which a benefit first became payable to the contributor under this Act or a provincial pension plan that caused a month after the contributor’s 60th birthday to be excluded from the contributor’s contributory period by reason of disability,
- D
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year that includes the particular month,
- E
- is the Pension Index for the year in which a benefit becomes payable to the contributor under this Act or a provincial pension plan, and
- F
- is the Pension Index for the year referred to in the description of C, and
(b) in any other case, the ratio
- G
- is the Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average in respect of the contributor for the year in which a benefit becomes payable to the contributor under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, and
- D
- is as described in paragraph (a).
Marginal note:First additional pensionable earnings — 2019 to 2022
(1.1) Despite subsection (1), the first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor for a month are an amount calculated as provided in subsection (1) multiplied
(a) for 2019, by 0.15;
(b) for 2020, by 0.3;
(c) for 2021, by 0.5; and
(d) for 2022, by 0.75.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), in the case of pensionable earnings, if the year referred to in the description of C is 1987 or earlier, the Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the year is calculated as if the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for a particular year before 1986 were calculated as the greatest multiple of $100 that is equal to or less than an amount calculated by multiplying the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for 1986, which are $25,800, by the ratio
- A
- is the average for the twelve month period ending on June 30 of the year preceding that particular year of the average weekly wages and salaries of the Industrial Composite in Canada as published by Statistics Canada for each month in that period, and
- B
- is the average for the twelve month period ending on June 30, 1985 of the average weekly wages and salaries of the Industrial Composite in Canada as published by Statistics Canada for each month in that period.
Marginal note:Pension Index before 1974
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), in the case of pensionable earnings, if the beginning of a period that is excluded from the contributor’s contributory period by reason of disability is in a year before 1974, in calculating the Pension Index for the year in which that period begins, paragraph 43.1(2)(a) of the Canada Pension Plan, R.S.C. 1970, c. C-5, as amended by section 24 of chapter 4 of the Statutes of Canada, 1974-75-76, is to be read without reference to the words “or 1.02 times the Pension Index for the preceding year, whichever is the lesser”.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 51
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 18
- 1997, c. 40, s. 71
- 2016, c. 14, s. 26
- 2018, c. 12, s. 373
Marginal note:Value determined — disabled contributor’s first additional contributory period
51.1 (1) For each month that was excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, a value shall be determined by the formula
[[(M1 × A) + (M2 × B) + (M3 × C) + (M4 × D) + (M5 × E) + (M6 × F) + (M7 × G)]/R] × 0.7
- A
- is, in respect of the sixth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that sixth year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that sixth year;
- B
- is, in respect of the fifth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that fifth year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that fifth year;
- C
- is, in respect of the fourth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that fourth year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that fourth year;
- D
- is, in respect of the third year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that third year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that third year;
- E
- is, in respect of the second year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that second year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that second year;
- F
- is, in respect of the year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that prior year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that prior year;
- G
- is, in respect of the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) the lesser of 1 and the number determined by the formula
H/[I × (M7/12)]
- H
- is the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year, and
- I
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that year;
- M1
- is the lesser of
(a) the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the sixth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, and
(b) the number of months determined by the formula
12 − M7
- M2
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the fifth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M3
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the fourth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M4
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the third year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M5
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the second year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M6
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M7
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled that are before the month following the month in which they were deemed to have become disabled; and
- R
- is the greater of 1 and the number of months determined by the formula
M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5 + M6 + M7
Marginal note:Year in which first additional contributory period begins
(2) For the purposes of the descriptions of A to F in subsection (1), if the contributor’s first additional contributory period begins in the six years before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which their first additional contributory period begins is replaced by the prorated portion determined by the formula
A × (M ÷ 12)
- A
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor’s first additional contributory period begins; and
- M
- is the number of months in that year that are included in the contributor’s first additional contributory period.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 374
- 2022, c. 10, s. 418
Marginal note:Value determined — disabled contributor’s second additional contributory period
51.2 (1) For each month that was excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, a value shall be determined by the formula
[[(M1 × A) + (M2 × B) + (M3 × C) + (M4 × D) + (M5 × E) + (M6 × F) + (M7 × G)]/R] × 0.7
- A
- is, in respect of the sixth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that sixth year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that sixth year;
- B
- is, in respect of the fifth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that fifth year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that fifth year;
- C
- is, in respect of the fourth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that fourth year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that fourth year;
- D
- is, in respect of the third year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that third year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that third year;
- E
- is, in respect of the second year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that second year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that second year;
- F
- is, in respect of the year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) a ratio calculated by dividing the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for that prior year by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that prior year;
- G
- is, in respect of the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the greater of
(a) the lesser of 1 and the number determined by the formula
H/[I × (M7/12)]
- H
- is the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year, and
- I
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year, and
(b) any value that was determined in accordance with this section for a month in that year;
- M1
- is the lesser of
(a) the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the sixth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, and
(b) the number of months determined by the formula
12 − M7
- M2
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the fifth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M3
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the fourth year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M4
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the third year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M5
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the second year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M6
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the year before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled;
- M7
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled that are before the month following the month in which they were deemed to have become disabled; and
- R
- is the greater of 1 and the number of months determined by the formula
M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5 + M6 + M7
Marginal note:Year in which second additional contributory period begins
(2) For the purposes of the descriptions of A to F in subsection (1), if the contributor’s second additional contributory period begins in the six years before the year in which they were deemed to have become disabled, the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which their second additional contributory period begins is replaced by the prorated portion determined by the formula
A × (M ÷ 12)
- A
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor’s second additional contributory period begins; and
- M
- is the number of months in that year that are included in the contributor’s second additional contributory period.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 374
- 2022, c. 10, s. 419
Marginal note:Time when contributor deemed disabled
51.3 For the purposes of sections 51.1 and 51.2 and despite paragraph 42(2)(b), a contributor is deemed to have become disabled at the time that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the time when the contributor became disabled, without regard to the time when their application was made.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 374
Marginal note:Earnings for which base contribution deemed to have been made for month
52 (1) For the purpose of calculating the pensionable earnings of a contributor for a month in any year for which they have made a base contribution, the base contribution is deemed to have been made for all months in the year, and the earnings for which the contributor is deemed to have made that contribution for each month in the year are an amount calculated by dividing their base unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year by 12, except that
(a) for a year in which the contributor reaches 18 years of age or in which a disability pension ceases to be payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the base contribution is deemed to have been made for earnings for the months in the year after they reached that age or after the pension ceased to be payable, as the case may be, and
(b) for a year in which the contributor reaches 70 years of age or dies, in which a retirement pension becomes payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan or in which any month is excluded from their contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, the base contribution is deemed to have been made for earnings for the months in the year before the contributor reached 70 years of age or died, before the retirement pension became payable or that were not so excluded, as the case may be.
If paragraph (a) or (b) applies, the earnings for which the contributor is deemed to have made a base contribution for each such month are an amount calculated by dividing the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year by the number of those months.
Marginal note:If no base contribution made
(2) For the purpose of calculating the pensionable earnings of a contributor for a month in any year for which the contributor made no base contribution, the amount of the earnings for which a base contribution is deemed to have been made for any month in the year is deemed to be zero.
Marginal note:When base contribution deemed to have been made
(3) For the purposes of this Part,
(a) a contributor is deemed to have made a base contribution for any year for which their base unadjusted pensionable earnings exceed their basic exemption for the year, and is deemed to have made no base contribution for any year for which their base unadjusted pensionable earnings do not exceed their basic exemption for the year; and
(b) a contributor is deemed to have made a base contribution for earnings for any month for which a base contribution is deemed by subsection (1) to have been made by them.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 52
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 19
- 2016, c. 14, s. 27
Marginal note:Earnings for which first additional contribution deemed for month
52.1 (1) For the purpose of calculating the first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor for a month in any year for which they have made a first additional contribution, that contribution is deemed to have been made for all months in the year, and the earnings for which the contributor is deemed to have made that contribution for each month in the year are an amount calculated by dividing their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year by 12, except that
(a) for a year in which the contributor reaches 18 years of age, the first additional contribution is deemed to have been made for earnings for the months in the year after they reached that age; and
(b) for a year in which the contributor reaches 70 years of age or dies or in which a retirement pension becomes payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the first additional contribution is deemed to have been made for earnings for the months in the year before they reached 70 years of age or died or before the retirement pension became payable, as the case may be.
If paragraph (a) or (b) applies, the earnings for which the contributor is deemed to have made a first additional contribution for each such month are an amount calculated by dividing their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year by the number of those months.
Marginal note:If no first additional contribution made
(2) For the purpose of calculating the first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor for a month in any year for which the contributor made no first additional contribution, the amount of the earnings for which that contribution is deemed to have been made for any month in the year is deemed to be zero.
Marginal note:When first additional contribution deemed to have been made
(3) For the purposes of this Part,
(a) a contributor is deemed to have made a first additional contribution for any year for which their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings exceed their basic exemption for the year, and is deemed to have made no first additional contribution for any year for which their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings do not exceed their basic exemption for the year; and
(b) a contributor is deemed to have made a first additional contribution for earnings for any month for which a first additional contribution is deemed by subsection (1) to have been made by them.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 27
- 2018, c. 12, s. 375
Marginal note:Earnings for which second additional contribution deemed for month
52.2 (1) For the purpose of calculating the second additional pensionable earnings of a contributor for a month in any year for which they have made a second additional contribution, that contribution is deemed to have been made for all months in the year, and the earnings for which the contributor is deemed to have made that contribution for each month in the year are an amount calculated by dividing their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year by 12, except that
(a) for a year in which the contributor reaches 18 years of age, the second additional contribution is deemed to have been made for earnings for the months in the year after they reached that age; and
(b) for a year in which the contributor reaches 70 years of age or dies or in which a retirement pension becomes payable to them under this Act or under a provincial pension plan, the second additional contribution is deemed to have been made for earnings for the months in the year before they reached 70 years of age or died or before the retirement pension became payable, as the case may be.
If paragraph (a) or (b) applies, the earnings for which the contributor is deemed to have made a second additional contribution for each such month are an amount calculated by dividing their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year by the number of those months.
Marginal note:If no second additional contribution made
(2) For the purpose of calculating the second additional pensionable earnings of a contributor for a month in any year for which the contributor made no second additional contribution, the amount of the earnings for which that contribution is deemed to have been made for any month in the year is deemed to be zero.
Marginal note:When second additional contribution deemed to have been made
(3) For the purposes of this Part, a contributor is deemed to have made a second additional contribution for earnings for any month for which a second additional contribution is deemed by subsection (1) to have been made by them.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 27
- 2018, c. 12, s. 376
Marginal note:Base unadjusted pensionable earnings for a year
53 (1) Subject to section 54, the base unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year are an amount equal to
(a) the aggregate of
(i) his contributory salary and wages for the year, and
(ii) his contributory self-employed earnings for the year in the case of an individual described in section 10,
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the contributor’s earnings on which a base contribution has been made for the year under this Act, calculated as the aggregate of
(A) the contributor’s salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for the year, and
(B) the amount of any base contribution required to be made by the contributor for the year in respect of the contributor’s self-employed earnings divided by the contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year,
(ii) the contributor’s earnings on which a base contribution has been made for the year under a provincial pension plan, calculated as the aggregate of
(A) the amount that is determined in the prescribed manner to be the contributor’s salary and wages on which a base contribution has been made for the year by the contributor under a provincial pension plan, and
(B) the amount of any base contribution required to be made by the contributor for the year under a provincial pension plan in respect of the contributor’s self-employed earnings divided by the contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year, and
(iii) his basic exemption for the year, or
(c) his maximum pensionable earnings for the year,
whichever is the least, except that if the amount calculated as provided in paragraph (a) is equal to or less than the amount of the contributor’s basic exemption for the year, the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year are deemed to be zero.
Marginal note:Year in which retirement pension commences
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), for the year in which a retirement pension becomes payable under this Act,
(a) the contributor’s basic exemption is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months in the year that are not excluded from the contributory period — and are before the retirement pension becomes payable — is of 12; and
(b) the contributor’s maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year that are not excluded from the contributory period — and are before the retirement pension becomes payable — is of 12.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 53
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 20
- 2009, c. 31, s. 35
- 2016, c. 14, s. 28
- 2018, c. 12, s. 377
Marginal note:First additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for a year
53.1 (1) Subject to sections 53.5 and 54.1, for 2019 and each subsequent year, the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year are an amount equal to the least of
(a) the aggregate of
(i) their contributory salary and wages for the year, and
(ii) their contributory self-employed earnings for the year in the case of an individual described in section 10,
(b) the aggregate of
(i) their earnings on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year calculated as the aggregate of
(A) their salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year, and
(B) the amount of any first additional contribution required to be made by the contributor for the year in respect of the contributor’s self-employed earnings divided by the first additional contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year,
(ii) their earnings on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year under a provincial pension plan, calculated as the aggregate of
(A) the amount that is determined in the prescribed manner to be their salary and wages on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year by them under a provincial pension plan, and
(B) the amount of any first additional contribution required to be made by the contributor for the year under a provincial pension plan in respect of the contributor’s self-employed earnings divided by the first additional contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year, and
(iii) their basic exemption for the year, and
(c) their maximum pensionable earnings for the year.
However, if the amount calculated as provided in paragraph (a) is equal to or less than the amount of their basic exemption for the year, their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year are deemed to be zero.
Marginal note:Year in which retirement pension becomes payable
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), for the year in which a retirement pension becomes payable under this Act,
(a) the contributor’s basic exemption is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months in the year that are before the retirement pension becomes payable is of 12; and
(b) the contributor’s maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year that are before the retirement pension becomes payable is of 12.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 29
- 2018, c. 12, s. 378
Marginal note:Second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for year
53.2 (1) Subject to sections 53.6 and 54.2, for 2024 and each subsequent year, the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year are an amount equal to the least of
(a) the aggregate of
(i) the amount by which their contributory salary and wages for the year — not exceeding the contributor’s additional maximum pensionable earnings — exceeds the contributor’s maximum pensionable earnings,
(ii) in the case of an individual described in section 10, the amount by which their contributory self-employed earnings for the year — not exceeding the contributor’s additional maximum pensionable earnings — exceeds the contributor’s maximum pensionable earnings,
(b) their earnings on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year calculated as the aggregate of
(i) their salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year,
(ii) their earnings on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year under a provincial pension plan, calculated as the aggregate of
(A) the amount that is determined in the prescribed manner to be their salary and wages on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year by them under a provincial pension plan, and
(B) the amount of any second additional contribution required to be made by the contributor for the year under a provincial pension plan in respect of the contributor’s self-employed earnings divided by the second additional contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year, and
(iii) the amount of any second additional contribution required to be made by the contributor for the year in respect of the contributor’s self-employed earnings divided by the second additional contribution rate for self-employed persons for the year, and
(c) the difference between the contributor’s additional maximum pensionable earnings and the contributor’s maximum pensionable earnings.
Marginal note:Year in which retirement pension becomes payable
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), for the year in which a retirement pension becomes payable under this Act,
(a) the contributor’s maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year that are before the retirement pension becomes payable is of 12; and
(b) the contributor’s additional maximum pensionable earnings is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings that the number of months in the year that are before the retirement pension becomes payable is of 12.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 29
- 2018, c. 12, s. 379
Marginal note:Attribution of amount for first additional contributory period — one child
53.3 (1) An amount, determined by the following formula, shall be attributed to a contributor for a year during which they were a family allowance recipient with respect to one child, if that amount is greater than their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year and is greater than their basic exemption for the year:
[[(M1 × A) + (M2 × B) + (M3 × C) + (M4 × D) + (M5 × E) + (M6 × F) + Q]/R] × T
- A
- is the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the fifth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that fifth year;
- B
- is the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the fourth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that fourth year;
- C
- is the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the third year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that third year;
- D
- is the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the second year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that second year;
- E
- is the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that prior year;
- F
- is,
(a) in the case where an amount has been previously attributed by this section for the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, that amount, or
(b) in any other case,
(i) if the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child in January, zero, or
(ii) in any other case, the lesser of 1 and the number determined by the formula
G/[H × (M6/12)]
- G
- is the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, and
- H
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M1
- is the lesser of
(a) the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the fifth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, and
(b) the number determined by the formula
12 − M6
- M2
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the fourth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M3
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the third year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M4
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the second year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M5
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M6
- is the number of months in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child that are before the month in which they became a family allowance recipient with respect to that child;
- Q
- is, as the case may be,
(a) if the sum of M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 and M6 is less than 36, the number determined by the formula
[36 − (M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5 + M6)] × 0.4
(b) in any other case, zero;
- R
- is the greater of 36 and the sum of M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 and M6; and
- T
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year for which the amount is to be attributed.
Marginal note:Attribution of amount for first additional contributory period — more than one child
(2) If the contributor is a family allowance recipient with respect to more than one child in a year, an amount shall be attributed to the contributor for that year that is the greater of each amount determined under subsection (1), calculated with respect to each child without regard to the other children.
Marginal note:Year in which retirement pension becomes payable
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), for the year in which a retirement pension becomes payable under this Act, the contributor’s basic exemption is equal to that proportion of the amount of the Year’s Basic Exemption that the number of months in the year that are before the retirement pension becomes payable is of 12.
Marginal note:Year in which first additional contributory period begins or ends
(4) For the purposes of subsection (1), for a year in which the contributor’s first additional contributory period begins or ends, the amount to be attributed to the contributor is equal to that proportion of the amount determined in accordance with subsection (1) that the number of months that are included in the contributor’s first additional contributory period in that year is of 12.
Marginal note:Year in which first additional contributory period begins
(5) For the purposes of the descriptions of A to E in subsection (1), if the contributor’s first additional contributory period begins in the five years before the year in which they became a family allowance recipient, the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which their first additional contributory period begins is replaced by the prorated portion determined by the formula
A × (M ÷ 12)
- A
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor’s first additional contributory period begins; and
- M
- is the number of months in that year that are included in the contributor’s first additional contributory period.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 380
- 2018, c. 27, s. 127
- 2022, c. 10, s. 420
Marginal note:Attribution of amount for second additional contributory period — one child
53.4 (1) An amount, determined by the following formula, shall be attributed to a contributor for a year during which they were a family allowance recipient with respect to one child, if that amount is greater than their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year:
[[(M1 × A) + (M2 × B) + (M3 × C) + (M4 × D) + (M5 × E) + (M6 × F)]/R] × T
- A
- is the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the fifth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the difference between the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings and the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings, for that fifth year;
- B
- is the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the fourth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the difference between the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings and the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that fourth year;
- C
- is the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the third year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the difference between the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings and the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that third year;
- D
- is the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the second year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the difference between the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings and the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that second year;
- E
- is the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, divided by the difference between the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings and the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that prior year;
- F
- is,
(a) in the case where an amount has been previously attributed by this section for the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, that amount, or
(b) in any other case
(i) if the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child in January, zero, or
(ii) in any other case, the lesser of 1 and the number determined by the formula
G/[H × (M6/12)]
- G
- is the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, and
- H
- is the difference between the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings and the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M1
- is the lesser of
(a) the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the fifth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child, and
(b) the number determined by the formula
12 − M6
- M2
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the fourth year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M3
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the third year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M4
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the second year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M5
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the year before the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child;
- M6
- is the number of months in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in the year in which the contributor became a family allowance recipient with respect to the child that are before the month in which they became a family allowance recipient with respect to that child;
- R
- is the greater of 36 and the sum of M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 and M6; and
- T
- is the difference between the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings and the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year for which the amount is to be attributed.
Marginal note:Attribution of amount for second additional contributory period — more than one child
(2) If the contributor is a family allowance recipient with respect to more than one child in a year, an amount shall be attributed to the contributor for that year that is the greater of each amount determined under subsection (1), calculated with respect to each child without regard to the other children.
Marginal note:Year in which second additional contributory period begins or ends
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), for a year in which the contributor’s second additional contributory period begins or ends, the amount to be attributed to the contributor is equal to that proportion of the amount determined in accordance with subsection (1) that the number of months that are included in the contributor’s second additional contributory period in that year is of 12.
Marginal note:Year in which second additional contributory period begins
(4) For the purposes of the descriptions of A to E in subsection (1), if the contributor’s second additional contributory period begins in the five years before the year in which they became a family allowance recipient,
(a) the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which their second additional contributory period begins is replaced by the prorated portion determined by the formula
A × (M ÷ 12)
- A
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor’s second additional contributory period begins, and
- M
- is the number of months in that year that are included in the contributor’s second additional contributory period; and
(b) the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which their second additional contributory period begins is replaced by the prorated portion determined by the formula
A × (M ÷ 12)
- A
- is the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor’s second additional contributory period begins, and
- M
- is the number of months in that year that are included in the contributor’s second additional contributory period.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 380
- 2018, c. 27, s. 128
- 2022, c. 10, s. 421
Marginal note:First additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for years of attribution
53.5 For each year in which there is an attribution of an amount under section 53.3, the amount of the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for the year determined under section 53.1 is to be replaced by that amount and that amount is considered to be the contributor’s first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 380
Marginal note:Second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for years of attribution
53.6 For each year in which there is an attribution of an amount under section 53.4, the amount of the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for the year determined under section 53.2 is to be replaced by that amount and that amount is considered to be the contributor’s second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for that year.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 380
Marginal note:Base unadjusted pensionable earnings for years of division
54 The amount of the base unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year determined under section 53 is to be adjusted for each year in which there is a division of base unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55 or 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 54
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 21
- 2016, c. 14, s. 29
- 2018, c. 12, s. 380
Marginal note:First additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for years of division
54.1 The amount of the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year determined under section 53.1 is to be adjusted for each year in which there is a division of those earnings under section 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 29
- 2018, c. 12, s. 380
Marginal note:Second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for years of division
54.2 The amount of the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year determined under section 53.2 is to be adjusted for each year in which there is a division of those earnings under section 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 29
- 2018, c. 12, s. 380
Division of Unadjusted Pensionable Earnings for Divorces and Annulments before the Coming into Force of section 55.1
Marginal note:Application for division
55 (1) Subject to this section, subsections 55.2(2), (3) and (4) and section 55.3, an application for a division of the unadjusted pensionable earnings of former spouses may be made in writing to the Minister by or on behalf of either former spouse, by the estate or succession of either former spouse or by any person that may be prescribed, within 36 months or, if both former spouses agree in writing, at any time after the date of a judgment granting a divorce or of a judgment of nullity of the marriage, rendered on or after January 1, 1978 and before January 1, 1987.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) For the purposes of this section,
(a) notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c), the former spouses must have cohabited for at least thirty-six consecutive months during the marriage before an application made under subsection (1) may be approved by the Minister;
(b) the marriage is deemed to have been solemnized or nullified or a divorce is deemed to have been made final on the last day of the year preceding the registered date of the marriage or the judgment of nullity or the effective date of the judgment granting a divorce; and
(c) the former spouses shall be deemed to have cohabited throughout the year in which the marriage was solemnized, and shall be deemed not to have cohabited at any time during the year of divorce or of annulment of the marriage.
Marginal note:Period of cohabitation
(3) In determining the period for which the unadjusted pensionable earnings of the former spouses shall be divided, only those months during which the former spouses cohabited during the marriage shall be considered and, for the purposes of this section, months during which former spouses cohabited shall be determined in the prescribed manner.
Marginal note:Division of unadjusted pensionable earnings
(4) On approval by the Minister of an application referred to in subsection (1), the unadjusted pensionable earnings for each former spouse for the period of cohabitation attributable to contributions made under this Act, determined in the same manner as the total pensionable earnings attributable to contributions made under this Act are determined in section 78, shall be added and then divided equally and the unadjusted pensionable earnings so divided shall be attributed to each former spouse.
Marginal note:On division unadjusted pensionable earnings under this Act
(5) Where there is a division under subsection (4) and under a provincial pension plan, for the purposes of benefit calculation and payment under this Act, the total unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year of division shall be the aggregate of his unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under subsection (4) and his unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:No division
(6) No division of unadjusted pensionable earnings for a period of cohabitation shall be made
(a) where the total unadjusted pensionable earnings of the former spouses in a year does not exceed twice the Year’s Basic Exemption;
(b) for the period before which one of the former spouses reached eighteen years of age or after which a former spouse reached seventy years of age;
(c) for the period in which one of the former spouses was a beneficiary of a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan; and
(d) for any month that is excluded from the contributory period of one of the former spouses under this Act or a provincial pension plan by reason of disability.
Marginal note:Benefits in pay
(7) Where an application referred to in subsection (1) has been approved and a benefit is payable under this Act to or in respect of either of the former spouses for any month commencing on or before the day of receipt of an application under subsection (1), the basic amount of the benefit shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with section 45 but subject to the division of unadjusted pensionable earnings made under this section and the adjusted benefit shall be paid effective the month following the month the application referred to in subsection (1) is received.
Marginal note:Notification of division
(8) On approval by the Minister of an application for division of unadjusted pensionable earnings, an applicant and the former spouse or the former spouse’s estate shall be notified in a manner prescribed by regulation and, where the applicant or the former spouse or the former spouse’s estate is dissatisfied with the division or the result thereof, the right of appeal as set out in this Part applies.
Marginal note:Regulations
(9) The Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing the time, manner and form of making applications for division of unadjusted pensionable earnings or withdrawal of applications for that division, the procedures to be followed in dealing with and approving those applications and the information and evidence to be furnished in connection therewith.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 55
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 22
- 1991, c. 44, s. 6
- 1995, c. 33, s. 26
- 2000, c. 12, s. 46
- 2012, c. 31, s. 197
Division of Unadjusted Pensionable Earnings
Marginal note:When mandatory division to take place
55.1 (1) Subject to this section and sections 55.2 and 55.3, a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings shall take place in the following circumstances:
(a) in the case of spouses, following a judgment granting a divorce or a judgment of nullity of the marriage, on the Minister’s being informed of the judgment and receiving the prescribed information;
(b) in the case of spouses, following the approval by the Minister of an application made by or on behalf of either spouse, by the estate or succession of either spouse or by any person that may be prescribed, if
(i) the spouses have been living separate and apart for a period of one year or more, and
(ii) in the event of the death of one of the spouses after they have been living separate and apart for a period of one year or more, the application is made within three years after the death; and
(c) in the case of common-law partners, following the approval by the Minister of an application made by or on behalf of either former common-law partner, by the estate or succession of one of those former common-law partners or by any person that may be prescribed, if
(i) the former common-law partners have been living separate and apart for a period of one year or more, or one of the former common-law partners has died during that period, and
(ii) the application is made within four years after the day on which the former common-law partners commenced to live separate and apart or, if both former common-law partners agree in writing, at any time after the end of that four-year period.
Marginal note:Calculation of period of separation
(2) For the purposes of this section,
(a) persons subject to a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings shall be deemed to have lived separate and apart for any period during which they lived apart and either of them had the intention to live separate and apart from the other; and
(b) a period during which persons subject to such a division have lived separate and apart shall not be considered to have been interrupted or terminated
(i) by reason only that either person has become incapable of forming or having an intention to continue to live separate and apart or of continuing to live separate and apart of the person’s own volition, if it appears to the Minister that the separation would probably have continued if the person had not become so incapable, or
(ii) by reason only that the two persons have resumed cohabitation during a period of, or periods totalling, not more than ninety days with reconciliation as its primary purpose.
Marginal note:Period of cohabitation
(3) For the purposes of this section, persons subject to a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings must have cohabited for a continuous period of at least one year in order for the division to take place, and, for the purposes of this subsection, a continuous period of at least one year shall be determined in a manner prescribed by regulation.
Marginal note:Period for purposes of division
(4) In determining the period for which the unadjusted pensionable earnings of the persons subject to a division shall be divided, only those months during which the two persons cohabited shall be considered, and, for the purposes of this subsection, months during which the two persons cohabited shall be determined in the prescribed manner.
Marginal note:Minister’s discretion
(5) Before a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings is made under this section, or within the prescribed period after such a division is made, the Minister may refuse to make the division or may cancel the division, as the case may be, if the Minister is satisfied that
(a) benefits are payable to or in respect of both persons subject to the division; and
(b) the amount of both benefits decreased at the time the division was made or would decrease at the time the division was proposed to be made.
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 23
- 1991, c. 44, s. 7
- 1995, c. 33, s. 27
- 1997, c. 40, s. 72
- 2000, c. 12, s. 47
- 2007, c. 11, s. 3
- 2012, c. 31, s. 198
Marginal note:Application of section 55.1
Footnote *55.11 Section 55.1 applies
(a) in respect of judgments granting a divorce and judgments of nullity of a marriage, rendered on or after January 1, 1987;
(b) in respect of spouses and former spouses who commence to live separate and apart on or after January 1, 1987 but before the coming into force of this section (spouse having in this paragraph the meaning that it had immediately before that coming into force); and
(c) in respect of spouses and former common-law partners who commence to live separate and apart after the coming into force of this section.
Return to footnote *[Note: Section 55.11 in force July 31, 2000, see SI/2000-76.]
- 2000, c. 12, s. 47
- 2012, c. 31, s. 199
55.2 (1) [Repealed, 2000, c. 12, s. 48]
Marginal note:Agreement or court order not binding on Minister
(2) Except as provided in subsection (3), where, on or after June 4, 1986, a written agreement between persons subject to a division under section 55 or 55.1 was entered into, or a court order was made, the provisions of that agreement or court order are not binding on the Minister for the purposes of a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55 or 55.1.
Marginal note:Agreement binding on Minister
(3) Where
(a) a written agreement between persons subject to a division under section 55 or 55.1 entered into on or after June 4, 1986 contains a provision that expressly mentions this Act and indicates the intention of the persons that there be no division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55 or 55.1,
(b) that provision of the agreement is expressly permitted under the provincial law that governs such agreements,
(c) the agreement was entered into
(i) in the case of a division under section 55 or paragraph 55.1(1)(b) or (c), before the day of the application for the division, or
(ii) in the case of a division under paragraph 55.1(1)(a), before the rendering of the judgment granting a divorce or the judgment of nullity of the marriage, as the case may be, and
(d) that provision of the agreement has not been invalidated by a court order,
that provision of the agreement is binding on the Minister and, consequently, the Minister shall not make a division under section 55 or 55.1.
Marginal note:Minister to notify parties
(4) The Minister shall, without delay after being informed of a judgment granting a divorce or a judgment of nullity of a marriage or after receiving an application under section 55 or paragraph 55.1(1)(b) or (c), notify each of the persons subject to the division, in the prescribed manner, of the periods of unadjusted pensionable earnings to be divided, and of any other information that the Minister considers necessary.
Marginal note:Division of base unadjusted pensionable earnings
(5) If there is a division under section 55.1, the base unadjusted pensionable earnings for each person subject to the division for the period of cohabitation attributable to base contributions made under this Act, determined in the same manner as the total pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to base contributions made under this Act are determined in section 78, are to be added and then divided equally, and the base unadjusted pensionable earnings so divided are to be attributed to each person.
Marginal note:Division of first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
(5.1) If there is a division under section 55.1, the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for each person subject to the division for the period of cohabitation attributable to first additional contributions made under this Act, determined in the same manner as the total first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to first additional contributions made under this Act are determined in section 78.1, are to be added and then divided equally, and the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings so divided are to be attributed to each person.
Marginal note:Division of second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
(5.2) If there is a division under section 55.1, the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for each person subject to the division for the period of cohabitation attributable to second additional contributions made under this Act, determined in the same manner as the total second additional pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to second additional contributions made under this Act are determined in section 78.2, are to be added and then divided equally, and the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings so divided are to be attributed to each person.
Marginal note:Effect of division of base unadjusted pensionable earnings
(6) If there is a division of base unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan, for the purposes of benefit calculation and payment under this Act, the total base unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year of division are the aggregate of their base unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under subsection (5) and their base unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Effect of division of first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
(6.1) If there is a division of first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan, for the purposes of benefit calculation and payment under this Act, the total first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year of division are the aggregate of their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under subsection (5.1) and their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Effect of division of second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
(6.2) If there is a division of second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan, for the purposes of benefit calculation and payment under this Act, the total second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor for a year of division are the aggregate of their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under subsection (5.2) and their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Provincial pension plans
(7) No division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55.1 is to be made for any month during which the persons subject to the division cohabited and for which either of them contributed to a provincial pension plan (and, for the purposes of this subsection, months during which the persons cohabited are to be determined in the prescribed manner), unless the unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed to the persons under the provincial pension plan are divided for that month in a manner substantially similar to that described in this section and section 55.1.
Marginal note:No division
(8) No division of base unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55.1 for a period of cohabitation of the persons subject to the division is to be made
(a) for a year in which the total base unadjusted pensionable earnings of the persons do not exceed twice the Year’s Basic Exemption;
(b) for the period before which one of the persons reached eighteen years of age or after which one of the persons reached seventy years of age;
(c) for the period in which one of the persons was a beneficiary of a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan; and
(d) for any month that is excluded from the contributory period of one of the persons under this Act or a provincial pension plan by reason of disability.
Marginal note:No division of first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
(8.1) No division of first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55.1 for a period of cohabitation of the persons subject to the division is to be made
(a) for a year in which the total first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the persons do not exceed twice the Year’s Basic Exemption;
(b) for the period before which one of the persons reached 18 years of age or after which one of the persons reached 70 years of age; and
(c) for the period in which one of the persons was a beneficiary of a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:No division of second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings
(8.2) No division of second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55.1 for a period of cohabitation of the persons subject to the division is to be made
(a) for the period before which one of the persons reached 18 years of age or after which one of the persons reached 70 years of age; and
(b) for the period in which one of the persons was a beneficiary of a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan.
Marginal note:Payment of benefit
(9) Where there is a division under section 55.1 and a benefit is or becomes payable under this Act to or in respect of either of the persons subject to the division for a month not later than the month following the month in which the division takes place, the basic amount of the benefit shall be calculated and adjusted in accordance with section 46 and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) but subject to the division, and the adjusted benefit shall be paid effective the month following the month in which the division takes place but in no case shall a benefit that was not payable in the absence of the division be paid in respect of the month in which the division takes place or any prior month.
Marginal note:Notification of division
(10) Where there is a division under section 55.1, both persons subject to the division, or their respective estates, shall be notified in the prescribed manner.
Marginal note:Regulations
(11) The Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing
(a) the time, manner and form of making applications for a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings or withdrawal of applications for such division;
(b) the procedures to be followed in dealing with and approving such applications and the information and evidence to be furnished in connection therewith; and
(c) the effective dates of the approval or taking place of a division and of the attribution of pensionable earnings following a division.
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 23
- 1991, c. 44, s. 8
- 1995, c. 33, s. 28
- 1997, c. 40, s. 73
- 2000, c. 12, s. 48
- 2012, c. 31, s. 200
- 2016, c. 14, s. 30
- 2018, c. 12, s. 381
Marginal note:Incapacity
55.3 (1) Where an application for a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings is made under subsection 55(1) or paragraph 55.1(1)(b) or (c) or the Minister receives the prescribed information referred to in paragraph 55.1(1)(a) and the Minister is satisfied, on the basis of evidence provided by or on behalf of a person subject to the division, that the person had been incapable of forming or expressing an intention to make an application or to provide the information to the Minister on the day on which the application was actually made or the information was actually received, the Minister may deem the application to have been made or the information to have been received in the first month in which a division could have taken place or in the month that the Minister considers the person’s last relevant period of incapacity to have commenced, whichever is the later.
Marginal note:Incapacity
(2) Where an application for a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings is made under subsection 55(1) or paragraph 55.1(1)(b) or (c) or the Minister receives the prescribed information referred to in paragraph 55.1(1)(a) and the Minister is satisfied, on the basis of evidence provided by or on behalf of a person subject to the division, that
(a) the person had been incapable of forming or expressing an intention to make an application or to provide the information to the Minister before the day on which the application was actually made or the information was actually received by the Minister,
(b) the person had ceased to be so incapable before that day, and
(c) the application was actually made or the information was actually received by the Minister
(i) within the period that begins on the day on which the person had ceased to be so incapable and that comprises the same number of days, not exceeding twelve months, as in the period of incapacity, or
(ii) where the period referred to in subparagraph (i) comprises fewer than thirty days, not more than one month after the month in which the person had ceased to be so incapable,
the Minister may deem the application to have been made or the information to have been received in the first month in which a division could have taken place or in the month in which the Minister considers the person’s last relevant period of incapacity to have commenced, whichever is the later.
Marginal note:Period of incapacity
(3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), a period of incapacity must be a continuous period except as otherwise prescribed.
Marginal note:Application
(4) This section applies only to individuals who were incapacitated on or after January 1, 1991.
- 1991, c. 44, s. 9
- 2000, c. 12, s. 49
Disability Pension
Marginal note:Amount of disability pension
56 (1) A disability pension payable to a contributor is a basic monthly amount consisting of
(a) a flat rate benefit, calculated as provided in subsection (2); and
(b) 75% of the amount of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as the aggregate of
(i) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3),
(ii) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.1), and
(iii) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.2).
Marginal note:Calculation of flat rate benefit
(2) The amount of the flat rate benefit mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) is
(a) in the case of a flat rate benefit commencing to be payable for a month in the year 1986, ninety-one dollars and six cents;
(b) in the case of a flat rate benefit payable for a month in the year 1987, an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) two hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-eight cents
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for 1987 bears to the Pension Index for 1986; and
(c) in the case of a flat rate benefit commencing to be payable for a month in the year 1988 or any subsequent year, an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) the amount of the flat rate benefit that would have been payable for a month in the year preceding that year
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year in which the benefit commences to be payable bears to the Pension Index for the year preceding that year.
Marginal note:Calculation for purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(i)
(3) The amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension that is to be used for the purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(i) is equal to 25% of their average monthly pensionable earnings calculated as provided in subsections (4) and (5).
Marginal note:Calculation for purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)
(3.1) The amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension that is to be used for the purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) is equal to 8.33% of their first additional monthly pensionable earnings calculated as provided in subsection (4.01).
Marginal note:Calculation for purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(iii)
(3.2) The amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension that is to be used for the purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(iii) is equal to 33.33% of the contributor’s second additional monthly pensionable earnings calculated as provided in subsection (4.02).
Marginal note:Average monthly pensionable earnings
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the average monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor who is deemed to have become disabled for the purposes of this Act after December 31, 1997 is, subject to subsections 48(2) and (4), the amount obtained by dividing
(a) the contributor’s total pensionable earnings
(b) the total number of months in the contributor’s contributory period or 48, whichever is greater.
Marginal note:First additional monthly pensionable earnings
(4.01) For the purpose of subsection (3.1), a contributor’s first additional monthly pensionable earnings are an amount calculated by
(a) in the case where their first additional contributory period is less than or equal to 480 months, dividing their total first additional pensionable earnings by 480; or
(b) in the case where their first additional contributory period exceeds 480 months, dividing the aggregate of their 480 highest first additional pensionable earnings for a month by 480.
Marginal note:Second additional monthly pensionable earnings
(4.02) For the purpose of subsection (3.2), a contributor’s second additional monthly pensionable earnings are an amount calculated by
(a) in the case where their second additional contributory period is less than or equal to 480 months, dividing their total second additional pensionable earnings by 480; or
(b) in the case where their second additional contributory period exceeds 480 months, dividing the aggregate of their 480 highest second additional pensionable earnings for a month by 480.
Marginal note:Average monthly pensionable earnings
(4.1) For the purposes of subsection (3), the average monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor who is deemed to have become disabled for the purposes of this Act in 1997 is, subject to subsections 48(2) and (4), the amount obtained by dividing
(a) the contributor’s total pensionable earnings
(b) the total number of months in the contributor’s contributory period or 24, whichever is greater.
Marginal note:Contributory period
(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), the contributory period of a contributor is the period
(a) commencing January 1, 1966 or when he reaches eighteen years of age, whichever is the later, and
(b) ending with the month in which he is determined to have become disabled for the purpose of paragraph 44(1)(b),
but excluding
(c) any month that was excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, and
(d) in relation to any benefits payable under this Act for any month after December, 1977, any month for which the contributor was a family allowance recipient in a year for which the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings were equal to or less than the contributor’s basic exemption for the year.
Marginal note:If division of unadjusted pensionable earnings occurs
(6) The amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension that is to be used for the purpose of subparagraph (1)(b)(i), in the case of a contributor in respect of whom a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings takes place either before or after the commencement of the disability pension, if the division reduces the disability pension otherwise payable, is to be calculated by dividing
(a) the aggregate of
(i) the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated in accordance with subsections (3), (4), (4.1) and (5) before the division, multiplied by the aggregate of
(A) the number of months that have been excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or a provincial pension plan by reason of disability, and
(B) the number of months remaining until the month in which the contributor reaches sixty-five years of age, and
(ii) the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated in accordance with subsections (3), (4), (4.1) and (5) following the division, multiplied by the number of months in the contributor’s contributory period calculated in accordance with subsection (5)
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the number of months that have been excluded from the contributor’s contributory period under this Act or under a provincial pension plan by reason of disability,
(ii) the number of months remaining until the month in which the contributor reaches sixty-five years of age, and
(iii) the number of months in the contributor’s contributory period calculated in accordance with subsection (5).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 56
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 24
- 1991, c. 44, s. 10
- 1997, c. 40, s. 74
- 2016, c. 14, s. 31
Death Benefit
Marginal note:Amount of death benefit
57 (1) A death benefit payable to the estate or succession of a contributor is a lump sum amount equal to
(a) if the contributor’s death occurs before January 1, 2019, the lesser of
(i) six times the amount of the contributor’s retirement pension, calculated as provided in subsection (2), and
(ii) ten per cent of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year in which the contributor died; or
(b) if the contributor’s death occurs after December 31, 2018, $2,500.
Marginal note:Maximum in cases of death after December 31, 1997
(1.1) Despite paragraph 57(1)(a), when the contributor’s death occurs after December 31, 1997, the lump sum referred to in that paragraph shall not exceed $2,500.
Marginal note:Additional amount
(1.2) Despite subsection (1), a death benefit payable to the estate or succession of a contributor is a lump sum amount equal to $5,000 if
(a) the contributor’s death occurs after December 31, 2024;
(b) a death benefit is payable to the contributor’s estate or succession under paragraph 44(1)(c);
(c) the contributor has not received a retirement pension or a disability pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan; and
(d) no survivor’s pension is payable under paragraph 44(1)(d) as a result of the contributor’s death.
Marginal note:Calculation of contributor’s retirement pension
(2) The amount of the contributor’s retirement pension to be used for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a) is
(a) in the case of a contributor who died before January 1, 1987 and to whom a retirement pension was payable for the month in which he died, the amount of such pension for that month, but where that contributor’s contributory period ended before January 1976, the amount is the amount of the retirement pension payable for the month in which he died multiplied by the ratio that the basic number of contributory months bears to the number of months in the contributor’s contributory period;
(b) in the case of a contributor who died before January 1, 1987 and to whom no retirement pension was payable for the month in which he died, an amount equal to twenty-five per cent of his average monthly pensionable earnings, calculated as provided in sections 46 to 53 except that, in making that calculation,
(i) subsections 46(3) to (6) and section 47 are not applicable,
(ii) subsection 48(1) shall be read as follows:
“48 (1) Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4), the average monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor are an amount calculated by dividing his total pensionable earnings by the total number of months in his contributory period.”, and
(iii) section 51 shall be read as though for the reference therein to the year in which a benefit becomes payable to the contributor there were substituted a reference to the year in which the contributor died; and
(c) in the case of a contributor who died on or after January 1, 1987,
(i) where a retirement pension was not payable for the month in which the contributor died, an amount equal to twenty-five per cent of his average monthly pensionable earnings, calculated as provided in subsection (3), or
(ii) where a retirement pension was payable for the month in which the contributor died, the product obtained by multiplying
(A) an amount equal to twenty-five per cent of his average monthly pensionable earnings, calculated as provided in subsection (3),
(B) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year that includes that month bears to the Pension Index for the year in which the retirement pension first became payable, calculated, where the year in which the retirement pension first became payable was prior to 1974, as if the Pension Index for that year had not been subject to the limitation referred to in paragraph 43.1(2)(a) of the Canada Pension Plan, chapter C-5 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, of 1.02 times the Pension Index for the preceding year.
Marginal note:Calculation of average monthly pensionable earnings
(3) Subject to subsections 48(2), (3) and (4), the average monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor is an amount calculated by dividing his total pensionable earnings by the total number of months in his contributory period or by thirty-six, whichever is greater, and
(a) in the case of a contributor to whom a retirement pension was payable for the month in which he died, section 51 applies; or
(b) in the case of a contributor to whom no retirement pension was payable for the month in which he died, section 51 applies but the reference therein to the year in which a benefit becomes payable to the contributor shall be read as a reference to the year in which the contributor died.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 57
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 25
- 1991, c. 44, s. 11
- 1997, c. 40, s. 75
- 2018, c. 12, s. 382
- 2024, c. 17, s. 189
Survivor’s Pension
Marginal note:Amount of survivor’s pension
58 (1) Subject to this section, a survivor’s pension payable to the survivor of a contributor is a basic monthly amount as follows:
(a) in the case of a survivor who has not reached 65 years of age and to whom no retirement pension is payable under this Act or a provincial pension plan, for any month before January 2019, a basic monthly amount consisting of
(i) a flat rate benefit, calculated as provided in subsection (1.1), and
(ii) 37.5% of the amount of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as the aggregate of
(A) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3),
(B) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.1), and
(C) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.4),
reduced, unless the survivor was at the time of the death of the contributor a survivor with dependent children or unless he is disabled, by 1/120 for each month by which the age of the survivor at the time of the death of the contributor is less than forty-five years, and reduced, if at any time after the death of the contributor the survivor ceases to be
(iii) a survivor with dependent children and is not at that time disabled, or
(iv) disabled and is not at that time a survivor with dependent children,
by 1/120 for each month by which the age of the survivor at that time is less than forty-five years;
(a.1) in the case of a survivor who has not reached 65 years of age and to whom no retirement pension is payable under this Act or a provincial pension plan, for any month after December 2018, a basic monthly amount consisting of
(i) a flat rate benefit, calculated as provided in subsection (1.1), and
(ii) 37.5% of the amount of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as the aggregate of
(A) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3),
(B) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.1), and
(C) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.4); and
(b) in the case of a survivor who has reached 65 years of age and to whom no retirement pension is payable under this Act or a provincial pension plan, a basic monthly amount equal to 60% of the amount of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as the aggregate of
(i) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3),
(ii) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.1), and
(iii) the amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.4).
Marginal note:Amount of flat rate benefit
(1.1) The amount of the flat rate benefit referred to in subparagraphs (1)(a)(i) and (a.1)(i) is
(a) in the year 1986, ninety-one dollars and six cents; or
(b) in the year 1987 or any subsequent year, an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) the amount of the flat rate benefit that would have been payable for a month in the year preceding that year
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year in which the flat rate benefit commences to be payable bears to the Pension Index for the year preceding that year.
Marginal note:Calculation of survivor’s pension where retirement pension payable
(2) Where a survivor’s pension under this Act and a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan are payable to the survivor of a contributor, the basic monthly amount of the survivor’s pension payable to the survivor is
(a) in the case of a survivor who has not reached sixty-five years of age and whose retirement pension commences to be payable after December 31, 1997, the aggregate of
(i) the aggregate of
(A) a flat rate benefit, calculated as provided in subsection (1.1), or, if a post-retirement disability benefit is payable to the survivor, the greater of
(I) the flat rate benefit, and
(II) the post-retirement disability benefit, and
(B) the lesser of
(I) the amount determined by the formula
C – D
- C
- is 37.5% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3), and
- D
- is the lesser of
(1) 40% of C, and
(2) 40% of the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(a), without regard to subsections 46(3) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2), and
(II) an amount that, when added to the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension that is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(a), without regard to subsections 46(3) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2), is equal to the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the survivor’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable,
(ii) the amount determined by the formula
C – D
- C
- is 37.5% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3.1), and
- D
- is the lesser of
(1) 40% of C, and
(2) 40% of the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(b), without regard to subsections 46(3.1) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2), and
(iii) the amount determined by the formula
C – D
- C
- is 37.5% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3.4), and
- D
- is the lesser of
(1) 40% of C, and
(2) 40% of the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(c), without regard to subsections 46(3.1) to (6) and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2);
(b) in the case of a survivor who has not reached sixty-five years of age and whose retirement pension commences to be payable before January 1, 1998, the aggregate of
(i) a flat rate benefit, calculated as provided in subsection (1.1), and
(ii) the lesser of
(A) 37.5% of the amount of the contributor’s retirement pension, calculated as provided in subsection (3), and
(B) an amount that, when added to the survivor’s retirement pension (calculated without regard to subsections 46(3) to (6) but in accordance with subsection 45(2)), is equal to the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the average of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable, and for each of the two preceding years, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable; or
(c) in the case of a survivor who has reached 65 years of age and who was born after December 31, 1932 and whose retirement pension commences to be payable after December 31, 1997, the aggregate of
(i) the lesser of
(A) the amount determined by the formula
A – B
- A
- is 60% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3), and
- B
- is the lesser of
(I) 40% of A, and
(II) 40% of the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(a), without regard to subsections 46(3) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2), and
(B) an amount that, when added to the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension that is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(a), without regard to subsections 46(3) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2), is equal to the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the survivor’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable,
(ii) the amount determined by the formula
A – B
- A
- is 60% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3.1), and
- B
- is the lesser of
(I) 40% of A, and
(II) 40% of the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(b), without regard to subsections 46(3.1) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2), and
(iii) the amount determined by the formula
A – B
- A
- is 60% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3.4), and
- B
- is the lesser of
(I) 40% of A, and
(II) 40% of the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(c), without regard to subsections 46(3.1) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2);
(d) in any other case, the aggregate of
(i) the lesser of
(A) 60% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3), and
(B) an amount that, when added to the amount of the portion of the survivor’s retirement pension that is calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(a), without regard to subsections 46(3) to (6), and adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2), is equal to the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the average of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable, and for each of the two preceding years, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s retirement pension commenced to be payable,
(ii) 60% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3.1), and
(iii) 60% of the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, which amount is calculated as provided in subsection (3.4).
Marginal note:Calculation of portion of contributor’s retirement pension
(3) The amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension that is to be used for the purposes of subsections (1) and (2) is an amount calculated as provided in paragraph 57(2)(a), (b) or (c), multiplied, for the purpose of calculating the monthly amount of the survivor’s pension for months commencing with the month in which
(a) a survivor’s pension became payable to the survivor by reason of a disability that began after the death of the contributor,
(b) the survivor reached sixty-five years of age, not having reached that age at the time of the death of the contributor,
(c) the survivor’s pension under this Act or the survivor’s retirement pension under this Act or a provincial pension plan commenced to be payable, whichever is the later,
(d) a survivor’s pension became payable to the survivor under this Act in circumstances other than those described in paragraph (a), (b) or (c), or
(e) the survivor has had an adjustment to the survivor’s retirement pension pursuant to subsection 55(7) or 55.2(9) following a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings,
by the ratio that the Pension Index for the year that includes that month bears to the Pension Index for the year in which the contributor died.
Marginal note:Calculation of portion of contributor’s retirement pension
(3.1) The amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension that is to be used for the purposes of subsections (1) and (2) is an amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.2), multiplied, for the purpose of calculating the monthly amount of the survivor’s pension for months commencing with the month in which one of the events described in paragraphs 3(a) to (e) has occurred, by the ratio that the Pension Index for the year that includes that month bears to the Pension Index for the year in which the contributor died.
Marginal note:Calculation for purpose of subsection (3.1)
(3.2) The amount to be calculated for the purpose of subsection (3.1) is equal to
(a) if a retirement pension was not payable for the month in which the contributor died, an amount equal to 8.33% of their first additional monthly pensionable earnings, or
(b) if a retirement pension was payable for the month in which the contributor died, an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying
(i) an amount equal to 8.33% of their first additional monthly pensionable earnings,
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year that includes that month bears to the Pension Index for the year in which the retirement pension first became payable.
Marginal note:Calculation of first additional monthly pensionable earnings
(3.3) For the purpose of subsection (3.2), the first additional monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor are an amount calculated as provided in section 48.1, and
(a) in the case of a contributor to whom a retirement pension was payable for the month in which they died, section 51 applies; or
(b) in the case of a contributor to whom no retirement pension was payable for the month in which they died, section 51 applies but the reference in that section to the year in which a benefit becomes payable to the contributor is to be read as a reference to the year in which the contributor died.
Marginal note:Calculation of portion of contributor’s retirement pension
(3.4) The amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension that is to be used for the purposes of subsections (1) and (2) is an amount calculated as provided in subsection (3.5), multiplied, for the purpose of calculating the monthly amount of the survivor’s pension for months commencing with the month in which one of the events described in paragraphs 3(a) to (e) has occurred, by the ratio that the Pension Index for the year that includes that month bears to the Pension Index for the year in which the contributor died.
Marginal note:Calculation for purpose of subsection (3.4)
(3.5) The amount that is to be calculated for the purpose of subsection (3.4) is equal to
(a) if a retirement pension was not payable for the month in which the contributor died, an amount equal to 33.33% of their second additional monthly pensionable earnings, or
(b) if a retirement pension was payable for the month in which the contributor died, an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying
(i) an amount equal to 33.33% of their second additional monthly pensionable earnings,
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year that includes that month bears to the Pension Index for the year in which the retirement pension first became payable.
Marginal note:Calculation of second additional monthly pensionable earnings
(3.6) For the purpose of subsection (3.5), the second additional monthly pensionable earnings of a contributor are an amount calculated as provided in section 48.2, and
(a) in the case of a contributor to whom a retirement pension was payable for the month in which they died, section 51 applies; or
(b) in the case of a contributor to whom no retirement pension was payable for the month in which they died, section 51 applies but the reference in that section to the year in which a benefit becomes payable to the contributor is to be read as a reference to the year in which the contributor died.
Marginal note:Pension Index limitation removed
(4) For the purpose of calculating the monthly amount of a survivor’s pension under subsection (3) in a case where the survivor’s pension commences with a month in a year after 1973 and is in respect of a contributor who died prior to 1974, the ratio referred to in that subsection shall be calculated as if the Pension Index for the year in which the contributor died had not been subject to the limitation referred to in paragraph 43.1(2)(a) of the Canada Pension Plan, chapter C-5 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, of 1.02 times the Pension Index for the preceding year.
Marginal note:Calculation of amount of retirement pension to survivor
(5) For the purposes of subsection (2), the monthly amount of the retirement pension payable to the survivor of a contributor shall be calculated without regard to any provision of the provincial pension plan referred to in that subsection that reduces the pensions of contributors who have reached sixty-five years of age or precludes the payment of pensions to those contributors by reason of their employment earnings.
Marginal note:Calculation of disability pension where survivor’s pension payable
(6) Subject to subsection (6.1), where a survivor’s pension under this Act and a disability pension under this Act are payable to the survivor of a contributor and either the date of death of the contributor or the date on which the survivor is deemed to have become disabled for the purposes of this Act is after December 31, 1997, the amount of the disability pension is an amount that, when added to the amount of the survivor’s pension for a month in the year in which the survivor’s pension or the disability pension commenced to be payable, whichever is the later, equals the aggregate of
(a) the aggregate of
(i) the greater of
(A) the flat rate benefit payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (a.1)(i), and
(B) the flat rate benefit payable under paragraph 56(1)(a), and
(ii) the lesser of
(A) the aggregate of
(I) the greater of
1 the amount that would have been payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii) if the amounts referred to in clauses (1)(a)(ii)(B) and (C) or (a.1)(ii)(B) and (C) had not been included in the calculation made under that subparagraph, and
2 the amount that would have been payable under paragraph 56(1)(b) if the amounts referred to in subparagraphs 56(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) had not been included in the calculation made under that paragraph, and
(II) 60% of the lesser of the amount described in sub-subclause (I)(1) and the amount described in sub-subclause (I)(2), and
(B) 75% of the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the survivor’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable,
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the greater of
(A) the amount that would have been payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii) if the amounts referred to in clauses (1)(a)(ii)(A) and (C) or (a.1)(ii)(A) and (C) had not been included in the calculation made under that subparagraph, and
(B) the amount that would have been payable under paragraph 56(1)(b) if the amounts referred to in subparagraphs 56(1)(b)(i) and (iii) had not been included in the calculation made under that paragraph, and
(ii) 60% of the lesser of the amount described in subclause (A) and the amount described in subclause (B), and
(c) the aggregate of
(i) the greater of
(A) the amount that would have been payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii) if the amounts referred to in clauses (1)(a)(ii)(A) and (B) or (a.1)(ii)(A) and (B) had not been included in the calculation made under that subparagraph, and
(B) the amount that would have been payable under paragraph 56(1)(b) if the amounts referred to in subparagraphs 56(1)(b)(i) and (ii) had not been included in the calculation made under that paragraph, and
(ii) 60% of the lesser of the amount described in subclause (A) and the amount described in subclause (B).
Marginal note:Saving
(6.1) Where subsection (6) applies and the aggregate amount of the survivor’s pension and the disability pension are less than the amount of the disability pension that would be payable if the survivor’s pension were not payable, the amount of the disability pension is the amount that results when
(a) the amount of the survivor’s pension
is subtracted from
(b) the amount of the disability pension that would be payable if the survivor’s pension were not payable.
Marginal note:Calculation of disability pension where survivor’s pension payable
(6.2) Where a survivor’s pension under this Act and a disability pension under this Act are payable to the survivor of a contributor and subsection (6) does not apply, the amount of the disability pension is an amount that, when added to the amount of the survivor’s pension for a month in the year in which the survivor’s pension or the disability pension commenced to be payable, whichever is the later, equals the aggregate of
(a) the greater of
(i) the flat rate benefit payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (a.1)(i), and
(ii) the flat rate benefit payable under paragraph 56(1)(a), and
(b) the lesser of
(i) the aggregate of the amounts payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii) and paragraph 56(1)(b), and
(ii) the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the average of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable, and for each of the two preceding years, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable.
Marginal note:Special case
(7) Notwithstanding subsection (6), the Minister may, in prescribed circumstances and on the written request of the applicant, if in the Minister’s opinion it would be to the applicant’s advantage, pay the applicant the full amount of the disability pension and calculate the amount of the applicant’s survivor’s pension in a manner similar to that set out in subsection (6) for the calculation of the disability pension, but in no case may the aggregate of the two pensions exceed what it would have been had subsection (6) applied.
Marginal note:Calculation of survivor’s pension when disability pension payable under provincial pension plan
(8) Except where otherwise provided by an agreement under section 80, where a survivor’s pension under this Act and a disability pension under a provincial pension plan are payable to the survivor of a contributor and either the date of death of the contributor or the date on which the survivor is deemed to have become disabled for the purposes of a provincial pension plan is after December 31, 1997, the amount of the survivor’s pension is an amount that, when added to the amount of the disability pension for a month in the year in which the survivor’s pension or the disability pension commenced to be payable, whichever is the later, equals the aggregate of
(a) the aggregate of
(i) the greater of
(A) the flat rate benefit payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (a.1)(i), and
(B) the flat rate benefit payable under the provincial pension plan in respect of disability, and
(ii) the lesser of
(A) the aggregate of
(I) the greater of
1 the amount that would have been payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii), as the case may be, if the amounts referred to in clauses (1)(a)(ii)(B) and (C) or (a.1)(ii)(B) and (C), as the case may be, had not been included in the calculation made under that subparagraph, and
2 the base portion of the contributor’s retirement pension payable to the survivor under the provincial pension plan in respect of disability, and
(II) 60% of the lesser of the amount described in subclause (I)(1) and the amount described in subclause (I)(2), and
(B) 75% of the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the survivor’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable,
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the greater of
(A) the amount that would have been payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii), as the case may be, if the amounts referred to in clauses (1)(a)(ii)(A) and (C) or (a.1)(ii)(A) and (C), as the case may be, had not been included in the calculation made under that subparagraph, and
(B) the first additional portion of the contributor’s retirement pension payable to the survivor under the provincial pension plan in respect of disability, and
(ii) 60% of the lesser of the amount described in subclause (A) and the amount described in subclause (B), and
(c) the aggregate of
(i) the greater of
(A) the amount that would have been payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii), as the case may be, if the amounts referred to in clauses (1)(a)(ii)(A) and (B) or (a.1)(ii)(A) and (B), as the case may be, had not been included in the calculation made under that subparagraph, and
(B) the second additional portion of the contributor’s retirement pension payable to the survivor under the provincial pension plan in respect of disability, and
(ii) 60% of the lesser of the amount described in subclause (A) and the amount described in subclause (B).
Marginal note:Calculation of survivor’s pension when disability pension payable under provincial pension plan
(8.1) Except where otherwise provided by an agreement under section 80, where a survivor’s pension under this Act and a disability pension under a provincial pension plan are payable to the survivor of a contributor and subsection (8) does not apply, the amount of the survivor’s pension is an amount that, when added to the amount of the disability pension for a month in the year in which the survivor’s pension or the disability pension commenced to be payable, whichever is the later, equals the aggregate of
(a) the greater of
(i) the flat rate benefit payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (a.1)(i), and
(ii) the flat rate benefit payable under the provincial pension plan in respect of disability, and
(b) the lesser of
(i) the aggregate of
(A) the amounts payable under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) or (a.1)(ii), and
(B) the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension payable to the survivor under the provincial pension plan in respect of disability, and
(ii) the amount of a benefit of 25% of 1/12 of the average of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable, and for each of the two preceding years, adjusted in accordance with subsection 45(2) as if the benefit had commenced to be payable in the later of the year in which the survivor first became qualified to receive the survivor’s pension and the year in which the survivor’s disability pension commenced to be payable.
Marginal note:Interpretation
(9) For the purposes of this section, a survivor first becomes qualified to receive a survivor’s pension in the month following the month in which the survivor first met the criteria of subsection 44(1) in relation to that pension.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 58
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 26
- 1991, c. 44, s. 12
- 1997, c. 40, s. 76
- 2000, c. 12, ss. 50, 64
- 2016, c. 14, s. 32
- 2018, c. 12, s. 383
Disabled Contributor’s Child’s Benefit and Orphan’s Benefit
Marginal note:Amount of benefit
59 (1) Except in the case of a dependent child described in subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition dependent child in subsection 42(1), a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit payable to the child of a disabled contributor and an orphan’s benefit payable to the orphan of a contributor, is a basic monthly amount consisting of
(a) in the year 1991, one hundred and thirteen dollars and fourteen cents;
(b) in the year 1992, the aggregate of
(i) one hundred and thirteen dollars and fourteen cents, multiplied by the ratio referred to in subparagraph (c)(ii), and
(ii) thirty-five dollars; or
(c) in the year 1993 or any subsequent year, an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) the amount of the benefit that would have been payable for a month in the year preceding that year
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year in which the benefit commences to be payable bears to the Pension Index for the year preceding that year.
Marginal note:Benefit — part-time student
(2) In the case of a dependent child described in subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition dependent child in subsection 42(1), a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit payable to the child of a disabled contributor and an orphan’s benefit payable to the orphan of a contributor, is a basic monthly amount equal to 50% of the amount that would otherwise be calculated under paragraph (1)(c).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 59
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 27
- 1991, c. 44, s. 13
- 2024, c. 17, s. 190
Post-retirement Benefit
Marginal note:Amount of post-retirement benefit
59.1 (1) A post-retirement benefit payable to a contributor is a basic monthly amount that is equal to the aggregate of the amounts calculated as provided in subsections (1.1), (3) and (5).
Marginal note:Calculation of portion of post-retirement benefit
(1.1) Subject to subsections (2) and (7), the amount that is to be used for the purpose of subsection (1) is determined by the formula
[(A × F/B) × C × D × E]/12
- A
- is the amount determined under subsection 53(1) for the year before the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- B
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year before the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- C
- is 0.00625;
- D
- is the Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- E
- is the adjustment factor referred to in subsection 46(3) or (3.1), as the case may be, based on the age of the contributor on January 1 of the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable; and
- F
- is the amount determined by the formula
- G
- is the amount of the earnings referred to in subparagraph 53(1)(b)(i), and
- H
- is the aggregate of the earnings referred to in subparagraph 53(1)(b)(i) and those referred to in subparagraph 53(1)(b)(ii).
Marginal note:Base unadjusted pensionable earnings for year retirement pension becomes payable
(2) For the purpose of the calculation under subsection (1.1), if the contributor’s base unadjusted pensionable earnings are earned in the year in which the contributory period ends under subparagraph 49(b)(iii), the amount determined for A in that subsection is the greater of
(a) zero, and
(b) the amount that is calculated by subtracting the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year — multiplied by the number of months in the year before the retirement pension becomes payable and divided by 12 — from the amount determined under subsection 53(1).
Marginal note:Calculation of portion of post-retirement benefit
(3) Subject to subsections (4) and (7), the amount that is to be used for the purpose of subsection (1) is determined by the formula
[(A × F/B) × C × D × E]/12
- A
- is the amount determined under subsection 53.1(1) for the year before the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable, except that
(a) if the post-retirement benefit commences in 2020, A is the amount for 2019, multiplied by 0.15,
(b) if the post-retirement benefit commences in 2021, A is the amount for 2020, multiplied by 0.3,
(c) if the post-retirement benefit commences in 2022, A is the amount for 2021, multiplied by 0.5, and
(d) if the post-retirement benefit commences in 2023, A is the amount for 2022, multiplied by 0.75;
- B
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year before the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- C
- is 0.00208;
- D
- is the Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- E
- is the adjustment factor referred to in subsection 46(3.1), based on the age of the contributor on January 1 of the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable; and
- F
- is the amount determined by the formula
- G
- is the amount of the earnings referred to in subparagraph 53.1(1)(b)(i), and
- H
- is the aggregate of the earnings referred to in subparagraph 53.1(1)(b)(i) and those referred to in subparagraph 53.1(1)(b)(ii).
Marginal note:First additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for year retirement pension becomes payable
(4) For the purpose of the calculation under subsection (3), if the contributor’s first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings are earned in the year in which the first additional contributory period ends under paragraph 49.1(c), the amount determined for A in that subsection is the greater of
(a) zero, and
(b) the amount that is calculated by subtracting the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year — multiplied by the number of months in the year before the retirement pension becomes payable and divided by 12 — from the amount determined under subsection 53.1(1).
Marginal note:Calculation of portion of post-retirement benefit
(5) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), the amount that is to be used for the purpose of subsection (1) is determined by the formula
[(A × F/B) × C × D × E]/12
- A
- is the amount determined under section 53.2 for the year before the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- B
- is the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings for the year before the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- C
- is 0.00833;
- D
- is the Maximum Pensionable Earnings Average for the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable;
- E
- is the adjustment factor referred to in subsection 46(3.1), based on the age of the contributor on January 1 of the year in which the post-retirement benefit commences to be payable; and
- F
- is the amount determined by the formula
- G
- is the amount of the earnings referred to in subparagraph 53.2(1)(b)(i), and
- H
- is the aggregate of the earnings referred to in subparagraph 53.2(1)(b)(i) and those referred to in subparagraph 53.2(1)(b)(ii).
Marginal note:Second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for year retirement pension becomes payable
(6) For the purpose of the calculation under subsection (5), if the contributor’s second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings are earned in the year in which the second additional contributory period ends under paragraph 49.2(c), the amount determined for A in that subsection is the greater of
(a) zero, and
(b) the amount that is calculated by subtracting the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings for that year — multiplied by the number of months in the year before the retirement pension becomes payable and divided by 12 — from the amount determined under section 53.2.
Marginal note:Adjustment factor for contributors — 70 years of age or older
(7) For the purposes of the calculations under subsections (1.1), (3) and (5), if the contributor is 70 years of age or older, the adjustment factor referred to in E in each of those subsections is that of a contributor who is 70 years of age.
- 2009, c. 31, s. 36
- 2016, c. 14, s. 33
- 2018, c. 12, s. 384
Post-retirement Disability Benefit
Marginal note:Amount of benefit
59.2 A post-retirement disability benefit payable to a contributor is a basic monthly amount that is
(a) in the case of a benefit payable for a month in the year 2019, an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) $485.20
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for 2019 bears to the Pension Index for 2018; and
(b) in the case of a benefit payable for a month in the year 2020 or any subsequent year, an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) the amount of the benefit that would have been payable for a month in the year preceding that year
(ii) the ratio that the Pension Index for the year in which the benefit is payable bears to the Pension Index for the year preceding that year.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 385
DIVISION CPayment of Benefits: General Provisions
Marginal note:Application for benefit
60 (1) No benefit is payable to any person under this Act unless an application therefor has been made by him or on his behalf and payment of the benefit has been approved under this Act.
Marginal note:Application for post-retirement benefit deemed to be made
(1.1) An application for a post-retirement benefit under subsection (1) is deemed to be made on January 1 of the year following the year of the unadjusted pensionable earnings referred to in section 76.1 if
(a) the person is a beneficiary of a retirement pension on that day; and
(b) the Minister has the information necessary to determine whether a post-retirement benefit is payable to them.
Marginal note:Application for retirement pension waived
(1.2) The Minister may waive the requirement under subsection (1) for an application for a retirement pension to be made by a person or on their behalf if the Minister is satisfied that
(a) the person is a contributor;
(b) the person is 70 years old or more; and
(c) at least one of the following applies in respect of the person:
(i) the person is in receipt of a benefit under this Act, the Old Age Security Act or a provincial pension plan, and
(ii) a return of income was filed by the person or on their behalf under the Income Tax Act in respect of the year before the year in which the Minister considers waiving the requirement.
Marginal note:Effect of waiver
(1.3) If the requirement for an application for a retirement pension is waived, the application is deemed to have been made and received on the day on which the requirement is waived.
Marginal note:Application for benefit by estate, etc.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, but subject to subsections (2.1) and (2.2), an application for a benefit, other than a death benefit, that would have been payable in respect of a month to a deceased person who, prior to the person’s death, would have been entitled on approval of an application to payment of that benefit under this Act may be approved in respect of that month only if it is made within 12 months after the death of that person by the estate, the representative or heir of that person or by any person that may be prescribed by regulation.
Marginal note:Certain applications may not be approved
(2.1) An application referred to in subsection (2) is not to be approved if it is made in respect of a post-retirement disability benefit or, if the application is received after December 31, 1997, a disability pension.
Marginal note:Restriction — retirement pension
(2.2) An application referred to in subsection (2) in respect of a retirement pension may only be approved in respect of a month after the deceased contributor had reached age 70.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) If a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit would, if the application had been approved, have been payable to a child of a disabled contributor on application made prior to the death of the child or an orphan’s benefit would, if the application had been approved, have been payable to an orphan of a contributor on application made prior to the death of the orphan and the child or orphan dies after December 31, 1977, not having reached 18 years of age, and no application has been made at the time of the death of the child or orphan, an application may be made within one year after the death by the person or agency having decision-making responsibility in respect of the child or orphan at the time of the death or, if there is at that time no such person or agency, by any person or agency that the Minister may direct.
Marginal note:Benefits payable to estate or other persons
(4) Where an application is made pursuant to subsection (2) or (3), a benefit that would have been payable to a deceased person referred to in subsection (2) or a deceased child or orphan referred to in subsection (3) shall be paid to the estate or such person as may be prescribed by regulation.
Marginal note:Application deemed to have been received on date of death
(5) Any application made pursuant to subsection (2) or (3) is deemed to have been received
(a) on the date of the death of a person who, prior to his death, would have been entitled, on approval of an application, to payment of a benefit under this Act; or
(b) on the date of the death of a child or an orphan referred to in subsection (3) if the person or agency having decision-making responsibility in respect of the child or orphan did not make an application prior to the death of the child or orphan.
Marginal note:How application to be made
(6) An application for a benefit shall be made to the Minister in prescribed manner and at the prescribed location.
Marginal note:Consideration of application and approval by Minister
(7) The Minister shall forthwith on receiving an application for a benefit consider it and may approve payment of the benefit and determine the amount thereof payable under this Act or may determine that no benefit is payable, and he shall thereupon in writing notify the applicant of his decision.
Marginal note:Incapacity
(8) Where an application for a benefit is made on behalf of a person and the Minister is satisfied, on the basis of evidence provided by or on behalf of that person, that the person had been incapable of forming or expressing an intention to make an application on the person’s own behalf on the day on which the application was actually made, the Minister may deem the application to have been made in the month preceding the first month in which the relevant benefit could have commenced to be paid or in the month that the Minister considers the person’s last relevant period of incapacity to have commenced, whichever is the later.
Marginal note:Idem
(9) Where an application for a benefit is made by or on behalf of a person and the Minister is satisfied, on the basis of evidence provided by or on behalf of that person, that
(a) the person had been incapable of forming or expressing an intention to make an application before the day on which the application was actually made,
(b) the person had ceased to be so incapable before that day, and
(c) the application was made
(i) within the period that begins on the day on which that person had ceased to be so incapable and that comprises the same number of days, not exceeding twelve months, as in the period of incapacity, or
(ii) where the period referred to in subparagraph (i) comprises fewer than thirty days, not more than one month after the month in which that person had ceased to be so incapable,
the Minister may deem the application to have been made in the month preceding the first month in which the relevant benefit could have commenced to be paid or in the month that the Minister considers the person’s last relevant period of incapacity to have commenced, whichever is the later.
Marginal note:Period of incapacity
(10) For the purposes of subsections (8) and (9), a period of incapacity must be a continuous period except as otherwise prescribed.
Marginal note:Application
(11) Subsections (8) to (10) apply only to individuals who were incapacitated on or after January 1, 1991.
Marginal note:Disabled contributor’s child’s benefit application
(11.1) If an application for a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit is deemed, under subsection (8) or (9), to have been made in a month that precedes the month in which it was actually made, the Minister may also deem the application for a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit to have been made on behalf of the contributor’s child in that same month.
Marginal note:Making claim or providing information in person
(12) The Minister may require an applicant or other person or a group or class of persons to be at a suitable place at a suitable time in order to make an application for benefits in person or to provide additional information about an application.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 60
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 28, c. 1 (4th Supp.), s. 44(E)
- 1991, c. 44, s. 14
- 1997, c. 40, s. 77
- 2009, c. 31, s. 37
- 2018, c. 12, s. 386
- 2019, c. 29, s. 153
- 2024, c. 17, s. 191
Marginal note:Approval of interim benefit
61 (1) Where application is made for a benefit and payment of the benefit would be approved except that the amount of the benefit cannot be finally calculated at the time the approval would otherwise be given, the Minister may approve payment of an interim benefit in such amount as he may fix and payment of the interim benefit may be made in a like manner as if the benefit had been approved.
Marginal note:Adjustment to be made when benefit subsequently approved
(2) Where an interim benefit has been paid under subsection (1) and payment of a benefit is subsequently approved,
(a) if the amount of the interim benefit was less than the amount of the benefit subsequently approved, the beneficiary shall be paid the additional amount that he would have been paid if the benefit had been approved at the time the interim benefit was approved; and
(b) if the amount of the interim benefit exceeded the amount of the benefit subsequently approved, the amount paid in excess thereof shall be deducted from subsequent payments of the benefit or otherwise recovered in such manner as the Minister may direct.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 60
Marginal note:Where payment approved after month of commencement
62 (1) Payment of a benefit for each month shall be made at such time during the month as the Minister directs, except that, where payment of a benefit is approved after the end of the month for which the first payment of the benefit is payable under this Part, monthly payments of the benefit shall be made for months commencing with the month following the month in which payment of the benefit is approved and payments of the benefit for months preceding that month for which the benefit is payable under this Part shall be paid in one sum during that month.
Marginal note:When benefit deemed to have become payable
(2) For the purposes of this Act, where a benefit is payable under this Part commencing with any month, the benefit shall be deemed to have become payable at the beginning of that month.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 62
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 29
Marginal note:Where spouse remarried before survivor’s pension payable
63 (1) Where a person whose spouse has died remarries at a time when no survivor’s pension is payable to him, no survivor’s pension is payable to that person during the period of his remarriage and if following the death of his spouse of that or any subsequent remarriage a survivor’s pension would be payable to him if he applied for such a pension, his deceased spouse for the purposes of this Act shall be deemed to be his spouse named in the application.
Marginal note:Discontinuance of survivor’s pension
(2) Where a person to whom a survivor’s pension is being paid remarries, the survivor’s pension shall be discontinued commencing with the month following the month in which that person was married.
Marginal note:Application for survivor’s pension
(3) Where the spouse of a person whose survivor’s pension has been discontinued under subsection (2) dies, that person may on application therefor be paid a survivor’s pension equal to the survivor’s pension that was discontinued under subsection (2) or the survivor’s pension that would have been payable by reason of the death of the spouse if no survivor’s pension had been previously payable to that person, whichever is the greater.
Marginal note:Payment of pension to former spouse
(4) Where the marriage of a person whose survivor’s pension has been discontinued under subsection (2) is terminated otherwise than by the death of his spouse, the survivor’s pension previously payable to that person shall thereupon become payable to him.
Marginal note:Calculation of basic amount of survivor’s pension
(5) Where a survivor’s pension payable to a person has been discontinued under subsection (2) and subsequently a survivor’s pension equal to the pension so discontinued becomes payable to that person or the pension so discontinued again becomes payable to him, the basic monthly amount of the pension thereupon payable to that person shall be calculated as though the pension discontinued under subsection (2) had not been discontinued.
Marginal note:Only one survivor’s pension payable
(6) Where, but for this subsection, more than one survivor’s pension would be payable concurrently to a person under this Act, or a survivor’s pension would be payable concurrently to a person under this Act and under a provincial pension plan, only one survivor’s pension shall be payable to that person, the amount of which shall be the greatest or greater of the survivor’s pensions that would, but for this subsection, be payable to that person.
Marginal note:Death within 1 year of marriage
(7) Where a contributor dies within one year after his marriage, no survivor’s pension is payable to his survivor if the Minister is not satisfied that the contributor was at the time of his marriage in such a condition of health as to justify him in having an expectation of surviving for at least one year thereafter.
Marginal note:When subsection (7) does not apply
(7.1) Subsection (7) does not apply if the aggregate of the following periods is one year or more:
(a) the period during which the contributor and the survivor had cohabited during the marriage; and
(b) the period during which the contributor and the survivor had cohabited in a conjugal relationship immediately before the marriage.
Marginal note:Application of subsection (3)
(8) Subsection (3) applies only to a person who has made an application pursuant to that subsection that is pending on the coming into force of section 63.1.
Marginal note:Application of subsection (4)
(9) Subsection (4) applies only to a person whose marriage is terminated as described in that subsection before the coming into force of section 63.1.
Marginal note:Subsection does not apply
(10) Subsection (5) does not apply in respect of a survivor’s pension that becomes payable pursuant to section 63.1.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 63
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 30
- 2000, c. 12, ss. 51, 64, 65(F)
Marginal note:Subsections do not apply
63.1 (1) Subsections 63(1) and (2) do not apply to a person who remarries after the coming into force of this section.
Marginal note:Application for commencement or reinstatement of survivor’s pension
(2) Where, before the coming into force of subsection (1),
(a) a survivor’s pension that, but for the operation of subsection 63(1), would have become payable to a person did not become payable to the person, or
(b) the payment of a survivor’s pension to a person was discontinued under subsection 63(2),
and the person is not being paid a survivor’s pension at the time that this section comes into force, an application in writing to the Minister for the commencement or reinstatement, as the case may be, of the survivor’s pension may be made by the person or on behalf of the person by such other person as may be prescribed.
Marginal note:Commencement of survivor’s pension
(3) On approval by the Minister of an application referred to in subsection (2), a survivor’s pension is payable to the applicant for each month commencing with the later of
(a) the month in which this section comes into force, and
(b) the eleventh month preceding the month in which the application is received by the Minister.
Marginal note:Basic monthly amount of survivor’s pension
(4) Where a survivor’s pension becomes payable under this section to a person, the basic monthly amount of the pension shall be calculated in accordance with section 58 as though
(a) in the case of a person referred to in paragraph (2)(a), the survivor’s pension that would have become payable to the person but for the operation of subsection 63(1) became payable at the time that it would have become payable but for that subsection; and
(b) in the case of a person referred to in paragraph (2)(b), payment of the survivor’s pension to the person had not been discontinued under subsection 63(2).
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 31
64 [Repealed, R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 32]
Marginal note:Benefit not to be assigned, etc.
65 (1) A benefit shall not be assigned, charged, attached, anticipated or given as security, and any transaction purporting to assign, charge, attach, anticipate or give as security a benefit is void.
Marginal note:Benefit not subject to seizure or execution
(1.1) A benefit is exempt from seizure and execution, either at law or in equity.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (1.1), where any provincial authority or municipal authority in a province pays a person any advance or assistance or welfare payment for a month or any portion of a month that would not be paid if a benefit under this Act had been paid for that period and subsequently a benefit becomes payable or payment of a benefit may be made under this Act to that person for that period, the Minister may, in accordance with any terms and conditions that may be prescribed, deduct from that benefit and pay to the provincial authority or municipal authority, as the case may be, an amount not exceeding the amount of the advance or assistance or welfare payment paid.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Despite subsections (1) and (1.1), if an administrator of a disability income program who is approved by the Minister makes a payment under that program to a person for a month or any portion of a month that would not have been made if a benefit under paragraph 44(1)(b) or (h) had been paid to that person for that period and subsequently a benefit becomes payable or payment of a benefit may be made under this Act to that person for that period, the Minister may, in accordance with any terms and conditions that may be prescribed, deduct from that benefit and pay to the administrator an amount not exceeding the amount of the payment made under that program.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 65
- 1991, c. 44, s. 15
- 1995, c. 33, s. 29
- 1997, c. 40, s. 78
- 2018, c. 12, s. 387
Marginal note:Assignment of retirement pension to spouse or common-law partner
65.1 (1) Notwithstanding subsection 65(1) but subject to this section, the Minister may approve the assignment of a portion of a contributor’s retirement pension to the contributor’s spouse or common-law partner, on application in prescribed manner and form by the contributor or the spouse or common-law partner, if the circumstances described in either subsection (6) or (7) exist.
(2) [Repealed, 2000, c. 12, s. 52]
Marginal note:Agreement or court order not binding on Minister
(3) Except as provided in subsection (4), where, on or after June 4, 1986, a written agreement between persons subject to an assignment under this section was entered into, or a court order was made, the provisions of that agreement or court order are not binding on the Minister for the purposes of an assignment under this section.
Marginal note:Agreement binding on Minister
(4) Where
(a) a written agreement between persons subject to an assignment under this section entered into on or after June 4, 1986 contains a provision that expressly mentions this Act and indicates the intention of the persons that there be no assignment under this section,
(b) that provision of the agreement is expressly permitted under the provincial law that governs such agreements,
(c) the agreement was entered into before the day of the application for the assignment, and
(d) that provision of the agreement has not been invalidated by a court order,
that provision of the agreement is binding on the Minister and, consequently, the Minister shall not approve an assignment under this section.
Marginal note:Minister to notify parties
(5) The Minister shall, forthwith after receiving an application from one spouse or from one common-law partner for an assignment under this section, notify the other spouse or common-law partner, in prescribed manner, that such an application has been made, and of such other information as the Minister deems necessary.
Marginal note:Double assignment
(6) Where
(a) a retirement pension is payable to both spouses or to both common-law partners under this Act, or
(b) a retirement pension is payable to one spouse or to one common-law partner under this Act and a retirement pension is payable to the other spouse or common-law partner under a provincial pension plan and an agreement under section 80 provides for an assignment in this circumstance,
the assignment shall be made in respect of both retirement pensions and, in the case described in paragraph (b), in accordance with the agreement.
Marginal note:Single assignment
(7) Where, in respect of spouses or common-law partners,
(a) one is a contributor under this Act and the other is not a contributor under either this Act or a provincial pension plan,
(b) a retirement pension is payable under this Act to the contributor, and
(c) the non-contributor has reached sixty years of age,
the assignment shall be made only in respect of the retirement pension of the contributor.
Marginal note:Definitions
(8) In subsection (9),
- first additional joint contributory period
first additional joint contributory period means the period commencing on January 1, 2019 or with the month in which the elder of the two spouses or of the two common-law partners reaches 18 years of age, whichever is later, and ending
(a) if both spouses or common-law partners are contributors, with the month in which the later of their respective first additional contributory periods ends; or
(b) if only one spouse or common-law partner is a contributor, with the later of
(i) the month in which the contributor’s first additional contributory period ends, and
(ii) the earlier of the month in which the non-contributor reaches 70 years of age and the month in which an application for an assignment of a retirement pension is approved; (première période cotisable conjointe supplémentaire)
- joint contributory period
joint contributory period means the period commencing on January 1, 1966 or with the month in which the elder of the two spouses or of the two common-law partners reaches eighteen years of age, whichever is later, and ending
(a) where both spouses or common-law partners are contributors, with the month in which the later of their respective contributory periods ends, or
(b) where only one spouse or common-law partner is a contributor, with the later of
(i) the month in which the contributor’s contributory period ends, and
(ii) the earlier of the month in which the non-contributor reaches seventy years of age and the month in which an application for an assignment of a retirement pension is approved,
but excluding, where subsection (6) applies, any month that is excluded from the contributory period of both spouses or common-law partners pursuant to paragraph 49(c) or (d); (période cotisable conjointe)
- period of cohabitation
period of cohabitation has the prescribed meaning, but in all cases shall be deemed to end with the month in which the joint contributory period ends; (période de cohabitation)
- second additional joint contributory period
second additional joint contributory period means the period commencing on January 1, 2024 or with the month in which the elder of the two spouses or of the two common-law partners reaches 18 years of age, whichever is later, and ending
(a) if both spouses or common-law partners are contributors, with the month in which the later of their respective second additional contributory periods ends; or
(b) if only one spouse or common-law partner is a contributor, with the later of
(i) the month in which the contributor’s second additional contributory period ends, and
(ii) the earlier of the month in which the non-contributor reaches 70 years of age and the month in which an application for an assignment of a retirement pension is approved. (deuxième période cotisable conjointe supplémentaire)
Marginal note:Portion of pension assignable
(9) The portion of a contributor’s retirement pension to be assigned to the contributor’s spouse or common-law partner under this section is an amount equal to the aggregate of
(a) an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(a) and adjusted in accordance with section 45, by
(ii) 50% of the ratio that the number of months in the period of cohabitation bears to the number of months in the joint contributory period,
(b) an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(b) and adjusted in accordance with section 45, by
(ii) 50% of the ratio that the number of months in the period of cohabitation bears to the number of months in the first additional joint contributory period, and
(c) an amount calculated by multiplying
(i) the amount of the portion of the contributor’s retirement pension, calculated as provided in paragraph 46(1)(c) and adjusted in accordance with section 45, by
(ii) 50% of the ratio that the number of months in the period of cohabitation bears to the number of months in the second additional joint contributory period.
Marginal note:When assignment commences
(10) An assignment under this section commences with the month following the month in which the application for the assignment is approved.
Marginal note:When assignment ceases
(11) An assignment under this section ceases with the earliest of
(a) the month in which either spouse or either common-law partner dies,
(b) the twelfth month following the month in which the spouses or the common-law partners commence to live separate and apart within the meaning of paragraphs 55.1(2)(a) and (b) (and in those paragraphs a reference to “persons subject to a division” shall be read as a reference to “spouses or common-law partners”),
(c) where subsection (7) applies, the month in which the non-contributor spouse or the non-contributor common-law partner becomes a contributor,
(d) the month in which a decree absolute of divorce, a judgment granting a divorce under the Divorce Act or a judgment of nullity of a marriage is issued, and
(e) the month following the month in which the Minister approves a request or requests in writing from both spouses or both common-law partners that the assignment be cancelled.
Marginal note:Request for reinstatement
(11.1) Where paragraph (11)(e) applies, either spouse or either common-law partner may make a request in writing to the Minister to have the assignment reinstated.
Marginal note:When reinstatement effective
(11.2) An assignment shall be reinstated on the first day of the month following the month in which the Minister approves the request referred to in subsection (11.1).
Marginal note:Notification of assignment
(12) On approval by the Minister of an assignment under this section, both spouses or both common-law partners shall be notified in the prescribed manner.
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 33
- 1991, c. 44, s. 16
- 1995, c. 33, s. 30
- 1997, c. 40, s. 79
- 2000, c. 12, s. 52
- 2016, c. 14, s. 34
Marginal note:Return of benefit where recipient not entitled
66 (1) A person or estate that has received or obtained by cheque or otherwise a benefit payment to which the person or estate is not entitled, or a benefit payment in excess of the amount of the benefit payment to which the person or estate is entitled, shall forthwith return the cheque or the amount of the benefit payment, or the excess amount, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Recovery of amount of payment
(2) If a person has received or obtained a benefit payment to which the person is not entitled, or a benefit payment in excess of the amount of the benefit payment to which the person is entitled, the amount of the benefit payment or the excess amount, as the case may be, constitutes a debt due to Her Majesty and is recoverable at any time in the Federal Court or any other court of competent jurisdiction or in any other manner provided by this Act.
Marginal note:Recovery of amount of interest
(2.01) Interest payable under this Part constitutes a debt due to Her Majesty and is recoverable at any time in the Federal Court or any other court of competent jurisdiction or in any other manner provided by this Act.
Marginal note:Recovery of amount of penalty
(2.02) The amount of a penalty imposed on a person under section 90.1 constitutes a debt due to Her Majesty and is recoverable at any time in the Federal Court or any other court of competent jurisdiction or in any other manner provided by this Act.
Marginal note:Set-off
(2.1) Where any amount is or becomes payable to the person or the person’s estate or succession under this Act or any other Act or program administered by the Minister, that indebtedness may, in the prescribed manner, be deducted and retained out of the amount payable.
Marginal note:Certificates
(2.2) All or part of the amount of that indebtedness that has not been recovered may be certified by the Minister
(a) without delay, if in the Minister’s opinion the person liable to pay the amount is attempting to avoid payment; and
(b) in any other case, on the expiration of 30 days after the default.
Marginal note:Judgment
(2.3) On production to the Federal Court, the certificate shall be registered in the Court. When it is registered, it has the same force and effect, and all proceedings may be taken, as if the certificate were a judgment obtained in the Court for a debt of the amount specified in the certificate.
Marginal note:Judgment
(2.4) A certificate registered under subsection (2.3) may also be registered in the superior court of a province as if it were a document evidencing a judgment of that court.
Marginal note:Costs
(2.5) All reasonable costs and charges for the registration of the certificate are recoverable in the same way as if they had been certified and the certificate registered under this section.
Marginal note:Charge on land
(2.6) A document issued by the Federal Court or by a superior court of a province evidencing a certificate in respect of a debtor registered under subsection (2.3) or (2.4) may be recorded for the purpose of creating security, or a charge, lien or legal hypothec, on land in a province, or on an interest in land in a province, held or owned by the debtor, in the same manner as a document evidencing a judgment of the superior court of the province against a person for a debt owing by the person may be recorded in accordance with the law of the province to create security, or a charge, lien or legal hypothec, on land, or an interest in land, held or owned by the person.
Marginal note:Garnishment
(2.7) If the Minister knows or suspects that a person is or is about to become indebted or liable to make a payment to a person liable to make a payment to Her Majesty under this Part, the Minister may, by a notice served personally or by confirmed delivery service, require the first person to pay the money otherwise payable to the second person in whole or in part to the Receiver General on account of the second person’s liability.
Marginal note:Debt due to the Crown
(2.8) An amount not paid as required by a notice under subsection (2.7) is a debt due to Her Majesty.
Marginal note:Proof of personal service
(2.9) If provision is made by this Act or the regulations for personal service of a request for information or a notice or demand, an affidavit of the person effecting service stating that
(a) the person has charge of the appropriate records and has knowledge of the facts in the particular case,
(b) such a request, notice or demand was served personally on a named day on the person to whom it was directed, and
(c) the person identifies as an exhibit attached to the affidavit a true copy of the request, notice or demand,
is evidence of the personal service and of the request, notice or demand.
Marginal note:Remission of amount owing
(3) Notwithstanding paragraph 61(2)(b) and subsections (1) and (2) of this section, where a person has received or obtained a benefit payment to which he is not entitled, or a benefit payment in excess of the amount of the benefit payment to which he is entitled, and the Minister is satisfied that
(a) the amount or excess of the benefit payment cannot be collected within the reasonably foreseeable future,
(b) the administrative costs of collecting the amount or excess of the benefit payment are likely to equal or exceed the amount to be collected,
(c) repayment of the amount or excess of the benefit payment would cause undue hardship to the debtor, or
(d) the amount or excess of the benefit payment is the result of erroneous advice or administrative error on the part of the Minister or an official of the Department of Employment and Social Development acting in an official capacity in the administration of this Act,
the Minister may, unless that person has been convicted of an offence under any provision of this Act or of the Criminal Code in connection with the obtaining of the benefit payment, remit all or any portion of the amount or excess of the benefit payment.
Marginal note:Where person denied benefit due to departmental error, etc.
(4) Where the Minister is satisfied that, as a result of erroneous advice or administrative error in the administration of this Act, any person has been denied
(a) a benefit, or portion thereof, to which that person would have been entitled under this Act,
(b) a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55 or 55.1, or
(c) an assignment of a retirement pension under section 65.1,
the Minister shall take such remedial action as the Minister considers appropriate to place the person in the position that the person would be in under this Act had the erroneous advice not been given or the administrative error not been made.
Marginal note:When person denied division
(5) Where the Minister is satisfied that a person has been denied a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under section 55 or 55.1 as a result of the provisions of a written agreement entered into or a court order made before June 4, 1986, the Minister shall take such remedial action as the Minister considers appropriate to place the person in the position that the person would be in under this Act had the division been approved, including attributing to that person the earnings that would have been attributed had the division been approved, if
(a) the agreement or order does not indicate that there be no division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under this Act; and
(b) all other criteria specified by or under this Act respecting divisions are met.
Marginal note:Exclusion of Financial Administration Act
(6) Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act does not apply in relation to amounts owing to Her Majesty under this Part.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 66
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 34
- 1991, c. 14, s. 1, c. 44, s. 17
- 1995, c. 33, s. 31
- 1996, c. 11, s. 97
- 1997, c. 40, s. 80
- 2000, c. 12, s. 53
- 2001, c. 4, s. 67
- 2005, c. 35, s. 66
- 2007, c. 11, s. 4
- 2012, c. 19, s. 695
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
Marginal note:Request to cancel benefit
66.1 (1) A beneficiary may, in prescribed manner and within the prescribed time interval after payment of a benefit has commenced, request cancellation of that benefit.
Marginal note:Exception
(1.1) Subsection (1) does not apply to the cancellation of a retirement pension in favour of a disability benefit where an applicant for a disability benefit under this Act or under a provincial pension plan is in receipt of a retirement pension and the applicant is deemed to have become disabled for the purposes of entitlement to the disability benefit in or after the month for which the retirement pension first became payable.
Marginal note:Effect of cancellation
(2) Where a request made under subsection (1) or under a substantially similar provision of a provincial pension plan is granted and the amount of the benefits paid is repaid within the prescribed time or, in the case of a provincial pension plan, the time provided thereunder, that benefit shall be deemed for all purposes of this Act not to have been payable during the period in question.
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 35
- 1997, c. 40, s. 81
DIVISION DPayment of Benefits: Special Rules Applicable
Retirement Pension
Marginal note:Commencement of retirement pension
67 (1) For a retirement pension that commences to be payable before January 1, 1987, subject to section 62, where an applicant, other than an estate, has reached sixty-five years of age and payment of the retirement pension is approved, the pension is payable for each month commencing with
(a) the month in which the applicant reached sixty-five years of age,
(b) the latest of the eleventh month preceding the month in which the application was received, the month following the month in which the contributor last worked and for which a contribution was made under this Act or a provincial pension plan and the month following the last month for which unadjusted pensionable earnings have been attributed under section 55, or
(c) the month for which the applicant applied for the pension to commence,
whichever is the latest.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) For a retirement pension that commences to be payable on or after January 1, 1987 and where the applicant is not an estate, subject to section 62, where payment of the retirement pension is approved, the pension is payable for each month commencing with the latest of
(a) the month in which the applicant reached sixty years of age,
(b) the month following the month in which the applicant applied, if he was under seventy years of age when he applied,
(c) the month following the month in which the applicant wholly or substantially ceased to be engaged in paid employment or self-employment, if he is then under sixty-five years of age,
(d) the month in which the applicant reached sixty-five years of age, if he has not wholly or substantially ceased to be engaged in paid employment or self-employment,
(e) the twelfth month preceding the month following the month in which the applicant applied, if he was over seventy years of age when he applied,
(f) the month in which the applicant reached seventy years of age, if he applied after reaching that age,
(g) the month of January 1987, if the applicant has reached sixty years of age but not sixty-five years of age before that month, and
(h) the month chosen by the applicant in his application.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Where a person who has applied to receive a retirement pension attains the age of sixty-five years before the day on which the application is received, the pension is payable commencing with the latest of
(a) the twelfth month before the month after the month in which the applicant applied or the month of January 1995, whichever is later,
(b) the month in which the applicant reaches the age of sixty-five years, or
(c) the month chosen by the applicant in the application.
Marginal note:Commencement of retirement pension — on or after January 1, 2012
(3.1) For a retirement pension that commences to be payable on or after January 1, 2012 and if the applicant is not an estate, subject to section 62, if payment of the retirement pension is approved, the pension is payable for each month commencing with the latest of
(a) the month in which the applicant reached sixty years of age,
(b) the month following the month in which the application was received if they were under sixty-five years of age when they applied,
(c) the eleventh month preceding the month in which the application was received if they have reached sixty-five years of age when they applied, but in no case earlier than the month in which they reached sixty-five years of age, and
(d) the month chosen by the applicant in their application.
Marginal note:Retirement pension — application waived
(3.2) For a retirement pension in respect of which the requirement to make the application was waived under subsection 60(1.2), if payment of the retirement pension is approved, the pension is payable for each of the following months:
(a) each month after the month in which the requirement was waived; and
(b) each of the 12 months in which the beneficiary had reached the age of 70 — including the month in which they reached that age — before the first month referred to in paragraph (a).
Marginal note:Deemed application where disability pension ceased
(4) Where a disability pension is no longer payable because a decision that the person was disabled has been reversed or because the person has ceased to be disabled, and on or before the day that is 90 days after the day on which the person is notified that the disability pension has ceased, or within any longer period that the Minister may either before or after the expiration of those 90 days allow, the person applies for a retirement pension, that application is deemed to have been received in the latest of
(a) the month in which the disability pension application was made,
(b) the last month for which the disability pension was payable, and
(c) the month before the month in which the contributor reached the age of 60 years.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 67
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 36, c. 1 (4th Supp.), s. 5
- 1995, c. 33, s. 32
- 1997, c. 40, s. 82
- 2009, c. 31, s. 38
- 2019, c. 29, s. 154
Marginal note:Duration of payment
68 Subject to this Act, a retirement pension shall continue to be paid during the lifetime of the beneficiary, and shall cease with the payment for the month in which the beneficiary dies.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 67
68.1 [Repealed, 2009, c. 31, s. 39]
Disability Pension and Post-retirement Disability Benefit
Marginal note:Commencement of pension
69 Subject to section 62, where payment of a disability pension is approved, the pension is payable for each month commencing with the fourth month following the month in which the applicant became disabled, except that where the applicant was, at any time during the five year period next before the month in which the applicant became disabled as a result of which the payment is approved, in receipt of a disability pension payable under this Act or under a provincial pension plan,
(a) the pension is payable for each month commencing with the month next following the month in which the applicant became disabled as a result of which the payment is approved; and
(b) the reference to “fifteen months” in paragraph 42(2)(b) shall be read as a reference to “twelve months”.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 69
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 38
Marginal note:When pension ceases to be payable
70 (1) A disability pension ceases to be payable with the payment
(a) for the month in which the beneficiary ceases to be disabled;
(b) for the month immediately preceding the month in which the beneficiary commences to receive a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan;
(c) for the month in which the beneficiary reaches sixty-five years of age; or
(d) for the month in which the beneficiary dies.
Marginal note:Application for retirement pension deemed to have been made
(2) Where a disability pension ceases to be payable to a person by reason of his having reached sixty-five years of age, an application under section 60 shall be deemed to have been made by and received from that person, in the month in which he reached that age, for a retirement pension to commence with the month following that month.
Marginal note:Effect of receiving a retirement pension
(3) A person who commences to receive a retirement pension under this Act or under a provincial pension plan is thereafter ineligible to apply or re-apply, at any time, for a disability pension under this Act, except as provided in section 66.1 or in a substantially similar provision of a provincial pension plan, as the case may be.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 70
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 39
Marginal note:Commencement of benefit
70.01 Subject to section 62, if payment of a post-retirement disability benefit is approved, the benefit is payable for each month commencing with the fourth month following the month after December 2018 in which the applicant became disabled, except that if the applicant was, at any time during the five-year period next before the month in which the applicant became disabled as a result of which the payment is approved, in receipt of a disability pension payable under this Act or under a provincial pension plan or a post-retirement disability benefit,
(a) the benefit is payable for each month commencing with the month next following the month after December 2018 in which the applicant became disabled as a result of which the payment is approved; and
(b) the reference to “fifteen months” in paragraph 42(2)(b) shall be read as a reference to “twelve months”.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 389
Marginal note:When benefit ceases to be payable
70.02 A post-retirement disability benefit ceases to be payable with the payment
(a) for the month in which the beneficiary ceases to be disabled;
(b) for the month in which the beneficiary reaches 65 years of age; or
(c) for the month in which the beneficiary dies.
- 2018, c. 12, s. 389
Marginal note:Reinstatement of disability pension or post-retirement disability benefit
70.1 (1) Subject to this section, a person who has ceased to receive a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit because they have returned to work is entitled to have that pension or benefit reinstated if, within two years after the month in which they ceased to receive it, they become incapable again of working.
Marginal note:Request for reinstatement
(2) A request by a person for reinstatement of a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit shall be made to the Minister in accordance with the regulations. Subsections 60(2), (4), (5) and (8) to (12) apply to the request, with any modifications that the circumstances require.
Marginal note:Consideration and approval of request by Minister
(3) The Minister shall approve a request made by a person under subsection (2) if the Minister is satisfied that
(a) the person has a severe and prolonged mental or physical disability that is the same as, or is related to, the disability that entitled the person to receive the disability pension or post-retirement disability benefit that is the subject of the request;
(b) not more than two years have elapsed from the month in which the person ceased to receive the disability pension or post-retirement disability benefit to the month when they became incapable again of working; and
(c) the person had not reached 65 years of age and, if the request is for reinstatement of a disability pension, was not receiving a retirement pension in the month in which they became incapable again of working.
Marginal note:Reinstatement of disabled contributor’s child benefit
(4) On reinstatement of a pension or benefit under subsection (3), the Minister shall approve the reinstatement of a disabled contributor’s child benefit that had been payable to the child of the person whose pension or benefit is reinstated if the Minister is satisfied that the child meets the requirements under this Act for payment of a disabled contributor’s child benefit.
Marginal note:Notification of decision — disability pension or post-retirement disability benefit
(5) The Minister shall in writing inform a person who makes the request for reinstatement of a pension or benefit of the Minister’s decision whether or not to approve the request.
Marginal note:Notification of decision — disabled contributor’s child benefit
(6) The Minister shall in writing inform the person who has made the request for reinstatement of a pension or benefit, a child of that person or, in relation to that child, a person or agency referred to in section 75 of the Minister’s decision whether or not to approve a disabled contributor’s child benefit.
Marginal note:Application of provisions — reinstated pension or benefit
(7) The provisions of this Act that apply to a disability pension or a post-retirement disability benefit, as the case may be, except paragraphs 42(2)(b), 44(1)(b) and (h) and (2)(a) and subsection 44(4) and sections 69 and 70.01, apply to a pension or benefit that is reinstated under this section, with any modifications that the circumstances require.
Marginal note:Application of provisions — disabled contributor’s child benefit
(8) The provisions of this Act that apply to a disabled contributor’s child benefit, except paragraphs 44(1)(e) and 44(2)(a) and subsections 44(4) and 74(2), apply to a disabled contributor’s child benefit that is reinstated under this section, with such modifications as the circumstances require.
Marginal note:Amount of disability pension and survivor’s pension
(9) Despite subsection (7) and subject to any division of unadjusted pensionable earnings under sections 55 to 55.3, the basic monthly amount of a disability pension that is reinstated, and the monthly amount of any survivor’s pension under this Act that is payable to the person whose disability pension is reinstated, shall not be less than the amount that was payable for the month immediately preceding the month in which the pension ceased to be payable, adjusted annually in accordance with subsection 45(2).
Marginal note:Commencement of payments
(10) A disability pension, post-retirement disability benefit or disabled contributor’s child benefit that is reinstated pursuant to a request under this section is payable commencing with the month following the month in which the person who made the request under this section became incapable again of working.
- 2004, c. 22, s. 20
- 2018, c. 12, s. 390
Death Benefit
Marginal note:Payable to estate
71 (1) Where payment of a death benefit is approved, the Minister shall, except as provided in subsections (2) and (3), pay the death benefit to the estate of the contributor.
Marginal note:Exceptions
(2) The Minister may direct payment of a death benefit in whole or in part to such person or body as is prescribed where
(a) he is satisfied, after making reasonable inquiries, that there is no estate;
(b) the estate has not applied for the death benefit within the prescribed time interval following the contributor’s death; or
(c) if the contributor’s death occurs before January 1, 2019, the amount of the death benefit is less than the prescribed amount.
Marginal note:No double payment
(3) Where a payment has been made pursuant to subsection (2), the Minister is not liable to make that payment to any subsequent applicant.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 71
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 40
- 2018, c. 12, s. 391
Survivor’s Pension
Marginal note:Commencement of pension
72 Subject to section 62, if payment of a survivor’s pension is approved, the pension is payable for each month commencing with,
(a) if subparagraph 44(1)(d)(i) applies, the month following the month in which
(i) the contributor died, in the case of a survivor who at the time of the death of the contributor had reached 35 years of age or was a survivor with dependent children,
(ii) the survivor became a survivor who, not having reached 65 years of age, is disabled, in the case of a survivor other than a survivor described in subparagraph (i), or
(iii) the survivor reached 65 years of age, in the case of a survivor other than a survivor described in subparagraph (i) or (ii); or
(b) if subparagraph 44(1)(d)(ii) applies, the month following the month in which the contributor died.
However, in no case is the pension payable earlier than for the twelfth-month preceding the month following the month in which the application was received.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 72
- 2000, c. 12, ss. 54, 64
- 2018, c. 12, s. 392
Marginal note:Duration of payment
73 (1) Subject to this Act, a survivor’s pension shall continue to be paid during the lifetime of the beneficiary, and shall cease with the payment for the month in which the beneficiary dies.
Marginal note:Special case
Footnote *(2) If
(a) a contributor died on or after January 1, 1998 but before the coming into force of this subsection, and
(b) a survivor’s pension was, immediately before that coming into force, payable to a survivor who had been married to the contributor at the time of the contributor’s death,
the approval of payment of a survivor’s pension, in respect of that contributor’s death, to a survivor who was the contributor’s common-law partner at the time of the contributor’s death and was not a person described in subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition spouse in subsection 2(1) as that definition read at that time, does not affect the right of the survivor referred to in paragraph (b) to continue to receive the survivor’s pension in accordance with subsection (1).
Return to footnote *[Note: Subsection 73(2) in force July 31, 2000, see SI/2000-76.]
Marginal note:Cessation of payment
(3) Despite subsection (1), a survivor’s pension shall cease with the payment for the month of the effective date of the approval of a division of unadjusted pensionable earnings between the survivor and the contributor under paragraph 55.1(1)(b) unless, at the time of the contributor’s death, the survivor had been cohabiting with the contributor in a new conjugal relationship for a continuous period of at least one year.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 73
- 2000, c. 12, s. 55
- 2024, c. 17, s. 192
Disabled Contributor’s Child’s Benefit and Orphan’s Benefit
Marginal note:Persons by whom application may be made
74 (1) An application for a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit or orphan’s benefit may be made on behalf of a disabled contributor’s child or orphan by the child or orphan or by any other person or agency to whom the benefit would, if the application were approved, be payable under this Part.
Marginal note:Commencement of payment of benefit
(2) Subject to section 62, where payment of a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit or orphan’s benefit in respect of a contributor is approved, the benefit is payable for each month commencing with,
(a) in the case of a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit, the later of
(i) the month commencing with which a disability pension is payable to the contributor under this Act or under a provincial pension plan or a post-retirement disability benefit is payable under this Act, and
(ii) the month next following the month in which the child was born or otherwise became a child of the contributor, and
(b) in the case of an orphan’s benefit, the later of
(i) the month following the month in which the contributor died, and
(ii) the month next following the month in which the child was born,
but in no case earlier than the twelfth month preceding the month following the month in which the application was received.
Marginal note:No benefit in respect of more than two contributors
(3) Where a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit has become payable to a child under this Act or under a provincial pension plan in respect of any contributor thereunder or an orphan’s benefit has become payable to an orphan under this Act or under a provincial pension plan in respect of any contributor thereunder, no disabled contributor’s child’s benefit or orphan’s benefit is payable to that person under this Act in respect of any other such contributor except another parent of that person, and in no case shall such a benefit be paid to that person in respect of more than two contributors.
Marginal note:Meaning of parent
(3.1) In subsection (3), parent has the reciprocal meaning to that of “child”.
(4) [Repealed, 1991, c. 44, s. 18]
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 74
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 41
- 1991, c. 44, s. 18
- 2018, c. 12, s. 393
Marginal note:Payment of benefit
75 (1) If a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit is payable to a child of a disabled contributor or an orphan’s benefit is payable to an orphan of a contributor and the child or orphan has not reached 18 years of age, payment of the benefit must be made to the person or agency having decision-making responsibility for the child or orphan, or, if there is no person or agency having decision-making responsibility for the child or orphan, to any person or agency that the Minister may direct.
Marginal note:Presumption — decision-making responsibility
(2) For the purposes of this Part, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the following person is presumed to have decision-making responsibility for the child or orphan, as the case may be:
(a) the contributor, in relation to a disabled contributor’s child, except if the contributor has less than 20% of the parenting time in respect of the child; and
(b) the survivor, if any, of the contributor, in relation to an orphan, except if the survivor has less than 20% of the parenting time in respect of the orphan.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 75
- 2000, c. 12, s. 56
- 2024, c. 17, s. 193
Marginal note:When disabled contributor’s child’s benefit ceases to be payable
76 (1) A disabled contributor’s child’s benefit ceases to be payable with the payment for the month in which
(a) the child ceases to be a dependent child;
(b) the child dies;
(c) the contributor’s disability pension or post-retirement disability benefit ceases to be payable for any reason other than that the contributor has reached 65 years of age;
(d) the child is adopted legally or in fact by someone other than the disabled contributor or the disabled contributor’s spouse or common-law partner, unless the disabled contributor is maintaining the child, as defined by regulation; or
(e) the disabled contributor ceases to have parenting time or decision-making responsibility in respect of the child, if the child is a child as defined in subsection 42(1) by reason of the disabled contributor having had that parenting time or decision-making responsibility.
Marginal note:When orphan’s benefit ceases to be payable
(2) An orphan’s benefit ceases to be payable with the payment for the month in which the child ceases to be a dependent child or dies.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Where, by reason of the death of a contributor, a disabled contributor’s child’s benefit ceases to be payable to a person who is 18 years of age or older at the time of that death, an application under section 60 for an orphan’s benefit shall be deemed to have been made by that person in the month in which the contributor died.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 76
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 42
- 1991, c. 44, s. 19
- 2000, c. 12, s. 57
- 2018, c. 12, s. 394
- 2024, c. 17, s. 194
Post-retirement Benefit
Marginal note:Commencement of benefit
76.1 Subject to section 62, a post-retirement benefit is payable to a beneficiary of a retirement pension for each month commencing with January 1 of the year following the year of a contributor’s earnings if
(a) a contribution has been made in respect of those earnings;
(b) those earnings exceed the contributor’s basic exemption; and
(c) those earnings are for a period that
(i) begins after 2011 and after the contributory period ends under subparagraph 49(b)(iii), and
(ii) ends with the month preceding the month in which the contributor reaches seventy years of age.
- 2009, c. 31, s. 40
Marginal note:Duration of payment
76.2 Subject to this Act, a post-retirement benefit shall continue to be paid during the lifetime of the beneficiary and shall cease with the payment for the month in which the beneficiary dies.
- 2009, c. 31, s. 40
DIVISION EPayment of Benefits: Amount Payable Under Canada Pension Plan
Marginal note:Amount of benefit payable under Act
77 Where, by virtue of any provision of this Act other than this section, a benefit is payable under this Act to or in respect of any contributor, notwithstanding anything in this Part except as provided in section 80, the amount of the benefit that is payable under this Act is an amount equal to that proportion of the amount of the benefit payable to or in respect of the contributor, calculated as provided in this Part without regard to this section, that
(a) the aggregate of the contributor’s total pensionable earnings, total first additional pensionable earnings and total second additional pensionable earnings attributable to contributions made under this Act,
is to
(b) the aggregate of the contributor’s total pensionable earnings, total first additional pensionable earnings and total second additional pensionable earnings.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 77
- 2016, c. 14, s. 35
- 2018, c. 12, s. 395
Marginal note:Total pensionable earnings attributable to base contributions made under Act
78 The total pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to base contributions made under this Act are an amount equal to the amount that their total pensionable earnings would be if the base unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for a year were that proportion of their base unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year that
(a) the contributor’s earnings on which a base contribution has been made for the year under this Act, calculated as provided in subparagraph 53(1)(b)(i),
are of
(b) the aggregate of the amount mentioned in paragraph (a) and the contributor’s earnings on which a base contribution has been made for the year under a provincial pension plan, calculated as provided in subparagraph 53(1)(b)(ii).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 78
- 2012, c. 31, s. 201
- 2016, c. 14, s. 36
- 2018, c. 12, s. 396
Marginal note:Total first additional pensionable earnings attributable to first additional contributions made under Act
78.1 The total first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to first additional contributions made under this Act are an amount equal to the amount that their total first additional pensionable earnings would be if the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for a year were that proportion of their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year that
(a) the contributor’s earnings on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year under this Act, calculated as provided in subparagraph 53.1(1)(b)(i),
are of
(b) the aggregate of the amount mentioned in paragraph (a) and the contributor’s earnings on which a first additional contribution has been made for the year under a provincial pension plan, calculated as provided in subparagraph 53.1(1)(b)(ii).
- 2018, c. 12, s. 397
Marginal note:Total second additional pensionable earnings attributable to second additional contributions made under Act
78.2 The total second additional pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to second additional contributions made under this Act are an amount equal to the amount that their total second additional pensionable earnings would be if the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for a year were that proportion of their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year that
(a) the contributor’s earnings on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year under this Act, calculated as provided in subparagraph 53.2(1)(b)(i),
are of
(b) the aggregate of the amount mentioned in paragraph (a) and the contributor’s earnings on which a second additional contribution has been made for the year under a provincial pension plan, calculated as provided in subparagraph 53.2(1)(b)(ii).
- 2018, c. 12, s. 397
Marginal note:Total pensionable earnings attributable to base contributions made under Act as a result of division
79 For a year of a division as determined under section 55 or 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan, the total pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to base contributions made under this Act are an amount equal to the amount that their total pensionable earnings would be if the base unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the year were that proportion of their base unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year that
(a) their base unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under subsection 55(4) or 55.2(5)
are of
(b) their total base unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year determined under subsection 55(5) or 55.2(6).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 79
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 43
- 2016, c. 14, s. 37
Marginal note:Total first additional pensionable earnings attributable to first additional contributions made under Act as a result of division
79.1 For a year of a division as determined under section 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan, the total first additional pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to first additional contributions made under this Act are an amount equal to the amount that their total first additional pensionable earnings would be if the first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the year were that proportion of their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year that
(a) their first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under subsection 55.2(5.1)
are of
(b) their total first additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year determined under subsection 55.2(6.1).
- 2018, c. 12, s. 398
Marginal note:Total second additional pensionable earnings attributable to second additional contributions made under Act as a result of division
79.2 For a year of a division as determined under section 55.1 and under a provincial pension plan, the total second additional pensionable earnings of a contributor attributable to second additional contributions made under this Act are an amount equal to the amount that their total second additional pensionable earnings would be if the second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor for the year were that proportion of their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year that
(a) their second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings attributed under subsection 55.2(5.2)
are of
(b) their total second additional unadjusted pensionable earnings for the year determined under subsection 55.2(6.2).
- 2018, c. 12, s. 398
Marginal note:Agreements with provinces
80 (1) Notwithstanding section 77, the Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may on behalf of the Government of Canada enter into an agreement with the appropriate authority of a province providing a comprehensive pension plan to provide for the administration and coordination of this Act and the provincial pension plan in respect of persons who are contributors under this Act or the provincial plan or both, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
(a) the determination and payment of any benefit, or portion thereof, payable under this Act or under the provincial pension plan;
(b) the determination, processing and approval of divisions of unadjusted pensionable earnings under this Act and under the provincial pension plan;
(c) the determination, processing and approval of applications for assignments, under this Act or under the provincial pension plan, of a retirement pension to the spouse or common-law partner of a contributor;
(d) the exchange of such information obtained under this Act or under the provincial pension plan as is necessary to give effect to the agreement; and
(e) the payment under this Act in accordance with the agreement of the whole amount of any benefit payable to or in respect of a contributor, calculated as provided in this Part without regard to section 77, in which case the whole amount of that benefit shall be deemed to be payable under this Act to or in respect of that contributor.
Marginal note:Saving
(2) Where, in accordance with any agreement entered into under subsection (1), the whole amount of any benefit payable to or in respect of a contributor, calculated in a manner similar to that described in paragraph (1)(e), is payable under the provincial pension plan referred to in that subsection, the whole amount of that benefit shall be deemed to be payable under the provincial pension plan to or in respect of that contributor.
Marginal note:Provision for making of financial adjustments
(3) Any agreement entered into under subsection (1) may provide for the making of any financial adjustments required to be made by reason of any payments made to or in respect of a contributor in accordance with that agreement, and for the crediting or charging of the amount of those adjustments to the Canada Pension Plan Account or the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, as the case may be.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 80
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 44
- 2000, c. 12, s. 58
- 2016, c. 14, s. 38
Marginal note:Agreements respecting the apportionment of payments
80.1 (1) The Minister may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, on behalf of the Government of Canada enter into an agreement with any person or body responsible for the administration of
(a) any other Act of Parliament,
(b) an Act of the legislature of a province, or
(c) a federal or provincial activity established other than under an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province,
that provides for periodic payments to persons in respect of accidents, injuries, illnesses and occupational diseases for the purpose of limiting the total amount that is payable to a beneficiary as a disability benefit under this Act and as periodic payments under that other law or activity.
Marginal note:Apportionment of payments
(2) The agreement shall provide rules for determining how much, if any, of the total amount payable to a beneficiary shall be payable under this Act and how much, if any, shall be payable under that other law or activity.
Marginal note:Effect of agreement
(3) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, but subject to subsection (4), where an agreement entered into pursuant to subsection (1) applies in respect of a beneficiary, the only amounts that may be payable as disability benefits to the beneficiary under this Act are the amounts provided for by the agreement.
Marginal note:Limitation
(4) An agreement may not
(a) change a person’s eligibility to receive a benefit as a disabled contributor’s child or the amount of that benefit;
(b) change the determination of months that are excluded from a beneficiary’s contributory period by reason of disability;
(c) result in a beneficiary receiving, in respect of any month, disability benefits under this Act and payments under the other law or activity that are less than the disability benefits that would be otherwise payable under this Act for the month if there were no such agreement; or
(d) result in a beneficiary receiving, in respect of any month, disability benefits under this Act that are greater than the disability benefits that would otherwise be payable under this Act if there were no agreement.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 83
DIVISION FReconsiderations and Appeals
Marginal note:Appeal to Minister
81 (1) Where
(a) a spouse, former spouse, common-law partner, former common-law partner or estate is dissatisfied with any decision made under section 55, 55.1, 55.2 or 55.3,
(b) an applicant is dissatisfied with any decision made under section 60,
(c) a beneficiary is dissatisfied with any determination as to the amount of a benefit payable to the beneficiary or as to the beneficiary’s eligibility to receive a benefit,
(d) a beneficiary or the beneficiary’s spouse or common-law partner is dissatisfied with any decision made under section 65.1, or
(e) a person who made a request under section 70.1, a child of that person or, in relation to that child, a person or agency referred to in section 75 is dissatisfied with any decision made under section 70.1,
the dissatisfied party or, subject to the regulations, any person on behalf thereof may, within ninety days after the day on which the dissatisfied party was notified in the prescribed manner of the decision or determination, or within such longer period as the Minister may either before or after the expiration of those ninety days allow, make a request to the Minister in the prescribed form and manner for a reconsideration of that decision or determination.
Marginal note:Reconsideration where penalty assessed
(1.1) A person to whom a penalty has been assessed under section 90.1 or, subject to the regulations, any person on their behalf, who is dissatisfied with the decision to impose a penalty or with the amount of the penalty may, within 90 days after the day on which the person is notified in the prescribed manner of the decision or determination, or within any longer period that the Minister may, either before or after the expiration of those 90 days, allow, request, in the prescribed form and manner, that the Minister reconsider that decision or determination.
Marginal note:Reconsideration by Minister and decision
(2) The Minister shall reconsider without delay any decision or determination referred to in subsection (1) or (1.1) and may confirm or vary it, and may approve payment of a benefit, determine the amount of a benefit or determine that no benefit is payable, and shall notify in writing the party who made the request under subsection (1) or (1.1) of the Minister’s decision and of the reasons for it.
Marginal note:Rescission or amendment of decision
(3) The Minister may, on new facts, rescind or amend a decision made by him or her under this Act.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 81
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 45
- 1991, c. 44, s. 20
- 1995, c. 33, s. 34
- 1997, c. 40, s. 84
- 2000, c. 12, s. 59
- 2004, c. 22, s. 21
- 2012, c. 19, s. 228
Marginal note:Appeal to Social Security Tribunal
82 A party who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Minister made under section 81, including a decision in relation to further time to make a request, or, subject to the regulations, any person on their behalf, may appeal the decision to the Social Security Tribunal established under section 44 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 82
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 45
- 1991, c. 44, s. 21
- 1995, c. 33, s. 35
- 1997, c. 40, s. 85
- 2000, c. 12, ss. 60, 64
- 2010, c. 12, s. 1668
- 2012, c. 19, s. 229
- 2013, c. 40, s. 236
Marginal note:Stay of benefits pending judicial review
83 If a decision is made by the Social Security Tribunal established under section 44 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act in respect of a benefit, the Minister may stay payment of the benefit until the latest of
(a) the expiry of the period allowed for making an application for leave to appeal to the Appeal Division of that Tribunal,
(b) the expiry of the period allowed for making an application under the Federal Courts Act for judicial review of the decision, and
(c) if Her Majesty has made an application under the Federal Courts Act for judicial review of the decision, the month in which all proceedings in relation to the judicial review have been completed.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 83
- R.S., 1985, c. 41 (1st Supp.), s. 12, c. 27 (2nd Supp.), s. 7, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 45
- 1991, c. 44, s. 22
- 1995, c. 33, s. 36
- 1997, c. 40, s. 85.1
- 2000, c. 12, ss. 61, 64
- 2002, c. 8, s. 121
- 2010, c. 12, s. 1669
- 2012, c. 19, s. 229
- 2013, c. 40, s. 236
84 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 229]
85 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 229]
86 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 229]
86.1 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 229]
Marginal note:Census information
87 Subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, for the purpose of ascertaining the age of any applicant or beneficiary, or of an applicant’s or a beneficiary’s spouse or common-law partner or former spouse or former common-law partner, the Minister is entitled to obtain from Statistics Canada, on request, any information respecting that person’s age that is contained in the returns of any census taken more than thirty years before the date of the request.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 87
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 47
- 2000, c. 12, s. 62
Marginal note:Presumption as to death
88 (1) Where a contributor or beneficiary, or a contributor’s or beneficiary’s spouse or common-law partner or former spouse or former common-law partner, has, either before or after the coming into force of this section, disappeared under circumstances that, in the opinion of the Minister, raise beyond a reasonable doubt a presumption that the person is dead, the Minister may determine the date for the purposes of this Act on which that person’s death is presumed to have occurred, and thereupon that person shall be deemed for all purposes of this Act to have died on that date.
Marginal note:Change of date
(2) If, after having determined the date of a person’s death pursuant to subsection (1), the Minister is satisfied from new information or evidence that the date of death is different from that determined, the Minister may determine a different date of death, in which case the person shall be deemed for all purposes of this Act to have died on that different date and the Minister shall forthwith cause to be paid any benefit that would have been payable if the determination of death had not been made.
Marginal note:Where person appears
(3) If, after having determined the date of a person’s death pursuant to subsection (1), the Minister is satisfied from new information or evidence that the person is alive, the Minister shall forthwith cause to be paid any benefit that would have been payable in respect of the person had that determination not been made.
Marginal note:Benefits cease
(4) Where any benefit has been paid to any person as a result of the determination of another person’s death pursuant to this section and the Minister is satisfied from new information or evidence that that other person is alive, the benefit shall forthwith cease to be payable and any such benefit paid prior to the Minister’s being satisfied that the person is alive shall be deemed to have been validly paid.
Marginal note:Death certificates issued by other authorities
(5) For the purposes of this section, the Minister is not bound by the issuance or revocation of a death certificate by any other authority.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 88
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 48
- 2000, c. 12, s. 63
Marginal note:Regulations
89 (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) prescribing or defining anything that, by this Part, is to be prescribed or defined by regulations;
(b) prescribing the time, manner and form of making applications for benefits, the information and evidence to be furnished in connection therewith and the procedures to be followed in dealing with and approving applications;
(b.1) prescribing the time and manner for making requests for reinstatement of a disability pension or post-retirement disability benefit under section 70.1, and the information and evidence to be furnished in connection with requests;
(b.2) prescribing the information and evidence to be furnished in connection with the reinstatement of disabled contributor’s child benefits under section 70.1;
(c) setting out the circumstances in which the Minister may allow a longer period to make a request under subsection 81(1) or (1.1);
(d) providing for the making of an application or appeal by and the payment of a benefit to any person or agency on behalf of any other person or beneficiary where it is established in such manner and by such evidence as may be prescribed that the other person or beneficiary is by reason of infirmity, illness, insanity or other causes incapable of managing his own affairs, and prescribing the manner in which any benefit authorized to be paid to any such person or agency on behalf of a beneficiary shall be administered and expended for the benefit of the beneficiary and accounted for;
(e) respecting the determination of disability subject to this Part and the conditions on which any amount as or on account of a benefit in respect of the disability of a person shall be paid or shall continue to be paid, including the initial and subsequent periodic or other assessments of that disability and the reasonable rehabilitation measures to be undergone by that person, and providing for the payment out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the cost of any such assessments of disability and rehabilitation measures and for the charging of the amount of the payment to the Canada Pension Plan Account or the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, as the case may be, as a cost of administration of this Act;
(f) providing that the failure of a person to undergo any assessment of disability or reasonable rehabilitation measure as required by any regulation made under paragraph (e), without good cause as defined by regulation, shall be a ground on which that person may be determined to have ceased to be disabled;
(g) providing, in the case of any benefit that becomes payable to a person to whom no pension is then payable under the Old Age Security Act, the basic monthly amount of which benefit is less than such amount, not exceeding ten dollars, as may be prescribed, for the commutation of such benefit in such circumstances and in accordance with such methods and bases as may be prescribed and for the payment to that person in the place of that benefit of an amount equal to the commuted value thereof, or for the payment of that benefit at prescribed intervals less frequent than monthly;
(h) respecting the payment of any amount on account of a benefit under this Act that remains unpaid at any time after the death of the beneficiary;
(i) respecting the terms and conditions governing the payment of benefits in accordance with any agreement under subsection 80(1) that may be entered into by the Minister on behalf of the Government of Canada;
(j) providing, in any case or class of cases not covered by the provisions of an agreement under subsection 80(1), for the issue of cheques by the Government of Canada in the amount of any benefit payable under this Act to or in respect of a contributor and in the amount of any like benefit payable under a provincial pension plan to or in respect of the same contributor, or for the payment by other means by the Government of Canada of such an amount, if arrangements satisfactory to the Governor in Council have been made with the government of that province for the issue of cheques, or for the payment by other means, by that government on a reciprocal basis and for the making of any financial adjustments by that government required to be made by reason of those arrangements, and providing for the making of any financial adjustments by the Government of Canada required to be made by reason of those arrangements and for the crediting or charging of the amount of the adjustments to the Canada Pension Plan Account or the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, as the case may be;
(k) [Repealed, 2018, c. 12, s. 399]
(l) providing for the conditions under which the payment of benefits may be withheld pending the furnishing of the Minister with information, evidence and documentation required under this Act and the regulations;
(l.1) and (l.2) [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 230]
(m) generally for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Part.
Marginal note:Regulations — payment of interest
(2) The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the payment of interest on amounts owing to Her Majesty under this Part, including regulations prescribing
(a) the circumstances in which interest is payable;
(b) rates of interest or the manner of calculating rates of interest;
(c) terms and conditions for the imposition and payment of interest; and
(d) terms and conditions under which the Minister may waive, reduce or remit the interest payable.
(3) [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 230]
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 89
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 49
- 1991, c. 44, s. 23
- 1995, c. 33, s. 39
- 2004, c. 22, s. 22
- 2007, c. 11, s. 5
- 2012, c. 19, s. 230
- 2016, c. 14, s. 39
- 2018, c. 12, s. 399
Marginal note:Offence and punishment
90 (1) Every person who
(a) knowingly makes a false or misleading statement in any application or declaration or makes any application or declaration that by reason of any non-disclosure of facts is false or misleading, or obtains any benefit payment by false pretences,
(b) being the payee thereof, negotiates or attempts to negotiate any cheque for a benefit to which he is not entitled, or
(c) knowingly fails to return any cheque or the amount of any benefit payment or any excess amount as required by section 66,
is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Marginal note:Limitation period
(2) Any proceedings under this Act in respect of an offence may be commenced at any time within, but not later than, five years after the Minister becomes aware of the subject-matter of the proceedings.
Marginal note:Saving
(3) No proceeding shall be commenced under this section or the Criminal Code for an act or omission if a penalty for that act or omission has been imposed under section 90.1.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 90
- 1991, c. 44, s. 24
- 1997, c. 40, s. 86
Administrative Monetary Penalties
Marginal note:Penalty for misrepresentation, etc.
90.1 (1) The Minister may impose on a person a penalty for each of the following acts or omissions if the Minister becomes aware of facts that in the Minister’s opinion establish that the person has
(a) made a statement or declaration, in an application or otherwise, that the person knew was false or misleading;
(b) made a statement or declaration, in an application or otherwise, that the person knew was false or misleading because of the non-disclosure of facts;
(c) knowingly failed to declare to the Minister all or some of the person’s earnings for a period for which the person received disability benefits;
(d) received or obtained by cheque or otherwise a benefit payment to which the person knew that they were not entitled, or a benefit payment that the person knew was in excess of the amount of the benefit payment to which they were entitled, and did not return the cheque or the amount of the benefit payment, or the excess amount, as the case may be, without delay; or
(e) participated in, assented to or acquiesced in an act or omission mentioned in any of paragraphs (a) to (d).
Marginal note:Purpose of penalty
(1.1) The purpose of the penalty is to promote compliance with this Act and not to punish.
Marginal note:Maximum penalty
(2) The Minister may set the amount of the penalty for each act or omission at not more than $10,000.
Marginal note:Limitation on imposition of penalties
(3) A penalty shall not be imposed on a person under subsection (1) if
(a) a prosecution for the act or omission has been initiated against the person; or
(b) five years have passed since the day on which the Minister became aware of the act or omission.
Marginal note:Rescission, etc., of penalty
(4) The Minister may rescind the imposition of a penalty under subsection (1), or reduce the penalty,
(a) on the presentation of new facts;
(b) on being satisfied that the penalty was imposed without knowledge of, or on the basis of a mistake as to, some material fact;
(c) on being satisfied that the penalty cannot be collected within the reasonably foreseeable future; or
(d) on being satisfied that payment of the penalty would cause undue hardship to the debtor.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 87
- 2007, c. 11, s. 7
Administration and Enforcement
Marginal note:Interpretation
90.2 (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.
- document
document includes moneys, securities, books, records, letters, accounts, statements (financial or otherwise), correspondence, memoranda, film, microform, videotape, photographs, machine-readable records and other documentary material, regardless of form or characteristics, and any copy or printout of any of them. (document)
- dwelling-house
dwelling-house means the whole or a part of a building or structure that is kept or occupied as a permanent or temporary residence and includes
(a) a building within the yard of a dwelling-house that is connected to it by a doorway or by a covered and enclosed passageway; and
(b) a unit that is designed to be mobile and to be used as a permanent or temporary residence and that is being used as such a residence. (maison d’habitation)
- judge
judge means a judge of a superior court having jurisdiction in the province where the matter arises or a judge of the Federal Court. (juge)
Marginal note:Inspections
(2) The Minister may, at any reasonable time, for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, examine any document that relates or may relate to the entitlement of a person to a benefit or the amount of a benefit and, for that purpose, the Minister may
(a) subject to subsection (3), enter any premises or place where the Minister believes that a document relating to the entitlement of a person to a benefit or the amount of a benefit is or should be kept; and
(b) require the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises or place to give the Minister all reasonable assistance and to answer all proper questions relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act and, for that purpose, require the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises or place to attend at those premises or that place with the Minister.
Marginal note:Warrant required to enter dwelling-house
(3) Where the premises or place referred to in subsection (2) is a dwelling-house, the Minister may not enter that dwelling-house without the consent of the occupant except under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (4).
Marginal note:Warrant
(4) On ex parte application by the Minister, a judge may issue a warrant authorizing the Minister to enter a dwelling-house subject to the conditions that may be specified in the warrant, if the judge is satisfied by information on oath that
(a) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the dwelling-house is a premises or place referred to in subsection (2);
(b) entry into the dwelling-house is necessary for a purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act; and
(c) entry into the dwelling-house has been refused or that there are reasonable grounds to believe that entry will be refused.
Marginal note:Other access to document
(5) Where the judge is not satisfied that entry into that dwelling-house is necessary for a purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act but is satisfied that access to a document that is or should be kept in the dwelling-house has been or may be expected to be refused, the judge may
(a) order the occupant of the dwelling-house to provide the Minister with reasonable access to the document; and
(b) make any other order that is appropriate in the circumstances to carry out the purposes of this Act.
Marginal note:Requirement to provide documents or information
(6) Despite any other provision of this Act, the Minister may, subject to subsection (7), for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, by notice served personally or by confirmed delivery service, require that any person provide, within the reasonable time that is stipulated in the notice, any information or additional information or any document.
Marginal note:Unnamed persons
(7) The Minister shall not impose on a person, in this section referred to as a “third party”, a requirement under subsection (6) to provide information or a document relating to one or more unnamed persons unless the Minister first obtains the authorization of a judge under subsection (8).
Marginal note:Judicial authorization
(8) On ex parte application by the Minister, a judge may, subject to the conditions that the judge considers appropriate, authorize the Minister to impose on a third party a requirement under subsection (6) relating to one or more unnamed persons, in this section referred to as the “group”, where the judge is satisfied by information on oath that
(a) the person or group is ascertainable; and
(b) the requirement is made to verify compliance by the person or persons in the group with a duty or obligation under this Act.
Marginal note:Service of authorization
(9) Where an authorization is granted under subsection (8), the authorization shall be served together with the notice referred to in subsection (6).
Marginal note:Review of authorization
(10) Where an authorization is granted under subsection (8), a third party on whom a notice is served under subsection (6) may, not later than 15 days after the service of the notice, apply to the judge who granted the authorization or, if that judge is unable to act, to another judge of the same court for a review of the authorization.
Marginal note:Powers on review
(11) On hearing an application under subsection (10), a judge may cancel the authorization previously granted if the judge is not then satisfied that the conditions in paragraphs (8)(a) to (d) have been met, and the judge may confirm or vary the authorization if the judge is satisfied that those conditions have been met.
Marginal note:Copies as evidence
(12) Where a document is inspected, examined or provided in accordance with this section, the person by whom it is inspected or examined or to whom it is provided may make, or cause to be made, one or more certified copies of it and any such copy is evidence of the nature and content of the original document and has the same probative force as the original document would have if it were proven in the ordinary way.
Marginal note:Compliance
(13) No person shall interfere with any person doing anything that the person is authorized under this section to do or prevent or attempt to prevent any person from doing any such thing.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 87
PART IIIAdministration
Marginal note:Definitions
91 The following definitions apply in this Part.
- additional Canada Pension Plan
additional Canada Pension Plan means the part of the Canada Pension Plan relating to the portions of benefits that are referred to in paragraphs 46(1)(b) and (c), subparagraphs 56(1)(b)(ii) and (iii), clauses 58(1)(a)(ii)(B) and (C) and (a.1)(ii)(B) and (C), subparagraphs 58(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) and subsections 59.1(3) and (5) and all contributions in respect of those portions of benefits. (régime de pensions supplémentaire du Canada)
- base Canada Pension Plan
base Canada Pension Plan means the part of the Canada Pension Plan relating to benefits and contributions under this Act, other than the portions of those benefits and contributions that are included in the additional Canada Pension Plan. (régime de pensions de base du Canada)
- Investment Board
Investment Board means the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board established by section 3 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act. (Office)
- Minister
Minister means the Minister of Employment and Social Development. (ministre)
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 91
- 1996, c. 11, s. 95
- 2003, c. 5, s. 1
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
- 2016, c. 14, s. 40
- 2018, c. 12, s. 400
Marginal note:Administration of Act
92 (1) The Minister has the control and direction of the administration of this Act other than Part I.
Marginal note:Duties of Minister of National Revenue
(2) The Minister of National Revenue has the control and direction of the administration of Part I and shall from time to time each year report to the Minister
(a) such information obtained under this Act with respect to the earnings and contributions of any contributor as is required by the Minister to permit the calculation of the amount of the unadjusted pensionable earnings to be shown to the account of the contributor in the Record of Earnings established under section 95, and to identify in the Record of Earnings the unadjusted pensionable earnings of contributors, according to information contained in returns made pursuant to Part I;
(b) such information obtained with respect to the earnings of any person as is required by the Minister to permit the determination of the amount of any benefit that may be payable under this Act to or in respect of that person or of the amount of any benefit that may be payable to or in respect of that person by reason of which any financial adjustment may be required to be made pursuant to any agreement entered into under subsection 80(1); and
(c) such statistical and other general information as is necessary for the administration of this Act including the conduct of actuarial and other studies relating to the operation of this Act.
Marginal note:Information provided by Minister of National Revenue
(3) Despite any other Act or law, the Minister of National Revenue or any person that he or she designates may make available to the Minister a report providing information that is necessary for the purpose of policy analysis, research or evaluation related to the administration of this Act.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 92
- 2023, c. 26, s. 280
Marginal note:Duty of Minister of Public Works and Government Services
93 The Minister of Public Works and Government Services shall furnish the Minister with such assistance in the administration of this Act as the Governor in Council may direct.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 93
- 1996, c. 16, s. 60
Marginal note:Duty of Canada Employment Insurance Commission
94 The Canada Employment Insurance Commission shall furnish the Minister and the Minister of National Revenue with such assistance in the administration of this Act as the Governor in Council may direct.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 94
- 1996, c. 11, s. 99
Records and Information
Marginal note:Record of Earnings
95 The Minister shall cause to be established such records, to be known as the Record of Earnings, of information obtained under this Act with respect to the earnings and contributions of contributors, including information obtained pursuant to any agreement entered into under section 105 with respect to those earnings and contributions, as are necessary to permit
(a) the determination of the amount of any benefit that may be payable under this Act to or in respect of any contributor;
(b) the calculation of the amount of any financial adjustment that may be required to be made pursuant to any agreement entered into under subsection 80(1); and
(c) the identification of the unadjusted pensionable earnings of contributors, according to information contained in returns made pursuant to Part I.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 97
- 1980-81-82-83, c. 47, s. 4
Marginal note:Application for statement of earnings and request for reconsideration
96 (1) Subject to the provisions of any agreement entered into under section 105, every contributor may require the Minister, by application made in the prescribed manner, to furnish or make available to the contributor a statement of the unadjusted pensionable earnings shown to the contributor’s account in the Record of Earnings, and if a contributor is not satisfied with the statement, they may request that it be reconsidered by the Minister.
Marginal note:Application of sections 81 and 82
(2) Sections 81 and 82 apply with any modifications that the circumstances require to any request made under subsection (1) as though it were an application for a benefit.
(3) [Repealed, 1995, c. 33, s. 40]
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 96
- 1995, c. 33, s. 40
- 2007, c. 11, s. 9
- 2012, c. 19, s. 231
Marginal note:Entry in record of earnings presumed to be accurate
97 (1) Notwithstanding section 96, except as provided in this section, any entry in the Record of Earnings relating to the earnings or a contribution of a contributor shall be conclusively presumed to be accurate and may not be called into question after four years have elapsed from the end of the year in which the entry was made.
Marginal note:Rectification of Record in certain cases
(2) If
(a) from information furnished by or obtained from the records of an employer or a former employer, or an employee or a former employee of an employer, or a person required to make a contribution in respect of this self-employed earnings, after the time specified in subsection (1), or
(b) for any other reason,
it appears to the Minister that the amount of the unadjusted pensionable earnings shown in the Record of Earnings to the account of an employee or former employee of that employer or to the account of that person is less than the amount that should be so shown in that Record, the Minister may cause the Record of Earnings to be rectified in order to show the amount of the unadjusted pensionable earnings of the contributor that should be so shown therein.
Marginal note:Removal of entry
(2.1) If, from information furnished pursuant to an agreement referred to in paragraph 105(1)(a), it appears to the Minister that an amount that is shown in the Record of Earnings to the account of a person as being a contribution under this Act relates instead to a contribution under the provincial pension plan of that province, the Minister may, at any time after that information is furnished, authorize the removal of that entry from the Record of Earnings.
Marginal note:Idem
(3) Where the amount of the unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor shown to his account in the Record of Earnings is increased pursuant to subsection (2) and it appears to the Minister that the earnings and contributions with respect to which that amount is so increased have been incorrectly shown in the Record to the account of another contributor, the Minister may cause the Record of Earnings to be rectified by reducing the amount of the unadjusted pensionable earnings shown in the Record to the account of that other contributor by such part of that amount as has been incorrectly so shown therein.
Marginal note:Notice of rectification to be given
(4) Whenever any reduction is made in the amount of the unadjusted pensionable earnings of a contributor shown to their account in the Record of Earnings, whether under subsection (3) or otherwise, and it appears from the Record of Earnings that before the making of the reduction the contributor had been informed under section 96 of the amount of the earnings shown to their account in the Record of Earnings, the Minister must notify the contributor in prescribed manner of his or her action and if the contributor is not satisfied with the amount of the reduction so made, they may request that such action be reconsidered by the Minister and sections 81 and 82 apply with any modifications that the circumstances require to that request as though it were an application for a benefit.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 97
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 50
- 1995, c. 33, s. 41
- 2012, c. 19, s. 232
Marginal note:Application for assignment of Social Insurance Number
98 (1) Every individual who applies for a division under section 55 or 55.1 shall, within thirty days of the date of application for such division, if he has not earlier been assigned a Social Insurance Number, file an application with the Minister, in such form and manner as may be prescribed, for the assignment to him of a Social Insurance Number.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) Every individual who reaches eighteen years of age and is or becomes employed in pensionable employment on or after reaching that age shall, within thirty days after he reaches eighteen years of age or becomes employed in pensionable employment, as the case may be, if he has not earlier been assigned a Social Insurance Number, file an application with the Minister, in such form and manner as may be prescribed, for the assignment to him of a Social Insurance Number.
Marginal note:Application — individual with self-employed earnings
(3) Every individual who is required by section 30 to file a return of their self-employed earnings for a year, other than an individual to whom subsection (1) or (2) applies, shall on or before the first day on or before which they are required by section 33 to pay any amount as or on account of the contributions required to be made by them for that year in respect of those earnings, if they have not earlier been assigned a Social Insurance Number, apply to the Minister, in the form and manner that may be prescribed, for the assignment to them of a Social Insurance Number.
Marginal note:Assignment of Number
(4) The Minister shall, on application by an individual to whom a Social Insurance Number has not earlier been assigned, cause a Social Insurance Number to be assigned to the individual and a Social Insurance Number Card may be issued to the individual.
Marginal note:Employer to maintain record of Social Insurance Number
(5) Every employer who employs an employee in pensionable employment shall, in the case of an employee to whom subsection (2) applies, within 30 days after the day on which the employee reaches 18 years of age or becomes employed in pensionable employment, whichever is the later, require the employee to inform the employer of their Social Insurance Number, and the employer shall maintain a record of the Social Insurance Number of each employee.
Marginal note:Employee to provide Social Insurance Number
(6) Every employee who is required under subsection (5) to inform the employer of their Social Insurance Number shall do so within 30 days after the day on which they are required to do so by the employer.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 98
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 51
- 2012, c. 19, s. 305
- 2016, c. 14, s. 41
Marginal note:Application to be signed by applicant
99 (1) An application for a Social Insurance Number shall be signed by the applicant in his own hand but where the applicant is unable to sign his own name, he may attest the application by making his mark in the presence of two witnesses whose names and signatures shall be shown thereon.
Marginal note:Change of name
(2) When the name of an individual to whom a Social Insurance Number has been assigned changes, by reason of marriage or otherwise, the individual shall inform the Minister of their new name, unless they have already so informed another authority empowered to receive that information,
(a) if the individual is employed in pensionable employment, within 60 days after the day on which the change of name becomes effective; or
(b) if the individual is not employed in pensionable employment but later becomes so employed, or is required to make a contribution under this Act in respect of their self-employed earnings, within 60 days after the day on which the individual becomes so employed or after the first day on or before which they are required under section 33 to pay any amount as or on account of the contributions required to be made by them in respect of those earnings, as the case may be.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 99
- 2012, c. 19, s. 306
- 2016, c. 14, s. 42
Marginal note:Agreement respecting assignment of Social Insurance Numbers
100 (1) The Minister may, on behalf of the Government of Canada, enter into an agreement with the government of a province providing a comprehensive pension plan under which the Minister may cause Social Insurance Numbers to be assigned to persons to whom Social Insurance Numbers have not earlier been assigned, on the basis of applications made by those persons to the appropriate authority in that province.
Marginal note:Numbers deemed to have been assigned under Act
(2) Any Social Insurance Numbers caused to be assigned by the Minister under any agreement entered into under subsection (1) shall be deemed for all purposes of this Act to have been assigned under this Act.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 103
Marginal note:Regulations
101 (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) requiring employers to distribute to their employees applications and other material relating to applications for Social Insurance Numbers;
(b) prescribing districts for purposes of assigning Social Insurance Numbers, in which persons who reside therein may file their applications for Social Insurance Numbers and, having regard to the public convenience, the place or places within each district at which those persons may apply;
(c) prescribing the conditions on which and manner in which Social Insurance Number Cards that have been lost or destroyed may be replaced;
(d) authorizing the Minister and the Minister of National Revenue to cause a Social Insurance Number to be assigned and a Social Insurance Number Card to be issued to any individual who has not earlier been assigned a Social Insurance Number;
(d.1) prescribing or defining anything that, by this Part, is to be prescribed or defined;
(d.2) and (d.3) [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 233]
(e) generally for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Part.
(2) [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 233]
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 101
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 52
- 1995, c. 33, s. 42
- 2007, c. 11, s. 10
- 2012, c. 19, s. 233
Marginal note:Offence and punishment
102 (1) Every person who, in his application for a Social Insurance Number, knowingly furnishes any false or misleading information is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Marginal note:Idem
(2) Every person who has been assigned a Social Insurance Number and who knowingly makes application again to be assigned a Social Insurance Number, whether giving the same or different information in that application as in his previous application, and whether or not he is assigned a Social Insurance Number again, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Marginal note:Idem
(3) Every employer who fails to comply with subsection 98(5) or any regulation made under paragraph 101(1)(a) is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.
- R.S., c. C-5, s. 105
Marginal note:Limitation period
103 (1) A prosecution for an offence under this Act may be commenced at any time within, but not later than, five years after the time when the subject-matter of the prosecution arose.
Marginal note:Officers, etc., of corporations
(2) Where a corporation commits an offence under this Act, every officer, director or agent of the corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and is liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence whether or not the corporation has been prosecuted or convicted.
Marginal note:Information or complaint
(3) Subsection 41(6) applies with respect to an information or complaint under any of the provisions of this Act other than Part I, as though for the reference therein to the Canada Revenue Agency and the Minister thereof there were substituted a reference to the Department of Employment and Social Development and the Minister.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 103
- 1996, c. 11, s. 97
- 1999, c. 17, s. 111
- 2005, c. 35, s. 66, c. 38, s. 138
- 2012, c. 19, s. 695
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
Availability of Information
Marginal note:Definitions
104 (1) The following definitions apply in this section and sections 104.1 and 105.
- administration
administration includes the development, operation, evaluation and enforcement of policies and programs. (mise en oeuvre)
- federal institution
federal institution means a department or any other body referred to in Schedule I, I.1, II or III to the Financial Administration Act. (institution fédérale)
- public officer
public officer means an officer or employee of a federal institution, or a prescribed individual or a member of a prescribed class of individuals. (fonctionnaire public)
Marginal note:Interpretation
(2) The definition of a word or expression in subsection (1) does not affect its interpretation in any other provision of this Act.
(3) [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 293]
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 104
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 53, c. 18 (3rd Supp.), s. 30
- 1991, c. 44, s. 25
- 1992, c. 1, s. 25, c. 48, s. 28
- 1995, c. 33, s. 43
- 1996, c. 11, ss. 49, 97, c. 16, s. 61, c. 23, ss. 187, 189
- 1997, c. 40, s. 88
- 2003, c. 22, s. 129
- 2005, c. 35, s. 45
- 2012, c. 19, s. 293
104.01 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.02 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.03 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.04 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.05 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.06 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.07 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.08 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.09 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
Marginal note:Availability of information within federal institutions
104.1 (1) Despite any other Act or law, any information obtained by a public officer of the Canada Revenue Agency, the Department of Finance, the Department of Public Works and Government Services or the Department of Citizenship and Immigration for the purpose of the administration of this Act may be made available to a public officer of the Department of Employment and Social Development, the Canada Revenue Agency, the Department of Finance, the Department of Public Works and Government Services, the Department of Citizenship and Immigration or the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions for the purpose of the administration of this Act.
Marginal note:Secondary release of information
(2) Information obtained under this section shall not be made available to any other person or body unless the information is made available only for the same purpose and on any conditions that the Minister may specify.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 88
- 2012, c. 19, s. 294
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
104.101 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.102 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
104.11 [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 294]
Agreements with Provinces
Marginal note:Agreement with province for exchange of records and furnishing of information
105 The Minister may, on behalf of the Government of Canada, enter into an agreement with the government of a province providing a comprehensive pension plan
(a) under which any information obtained under this Act, including records of any amounts that are shown in the Record of Earnings to the accounts of individuals who have made contributions under this Act and under the provincial pension plan of that province and that relate to the contributions made by those individuals under this Act, may be made available under prescribed conditions to the appropriate authority of that province having the administration of the provincial pension plan, and under which any information obtained under the provincial pension plan may be made available on a reciprocal basis to the Minister; and
(b) under which the Minister or the appropriate authority of that province, in accordance with any terms and conditions that may be specified in the agreement, may make available to any individual who has made contributions under this Act and under the provincial pension plan a statement of any amounts shown in the Record of Earnings or the appropriate records established under the provincial pension plan, as the case may be, to the account of that individual, and may act on or give effect to any request made by that individual for reconsideration by the Minister or the appropriate authority, as the case may be, of any statement made available to the individual.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 105
- 1991, c. 44, s. 26
- 1996, c. 11, s. 97
- 1997, c. 40, s. 88
Oaths, Affidavits, Declarations and Affirmations
Marginal note:Commissioners for oaths
106 (1) A person who
(a) is employed in the administration or enforcement of Part I or any regulations made thereunder and is authorized by the Minister of National Revenue for the purpose, or
(b) is employed in the administration or enforcement of this Part and Part II or any regulations made thereunder and is authorized by the Minister for the purpose,
may, in the course of their employment and subject to any other Act of Parliament or any Act of the legislature of a province, administer oaths and take and receive affidavits, declarations and solemn affirmations and every person so authorized has, with respect to any such oath, affidavit, declaration or solemn affirmation, all the powers of a commissioner for taking affidavits.
Marginal note:Acceptance of oaths, etc.
(2) For the purposes of the administration of
(a) Part I or any regulations made under that Part, any person described in paragraph (1)(a), or
(b) this Part or Part II or any regulations made under either of those Parts, any person described in paragraph (1)(b)
may accept any oath administered or affidavit, declaration or solemn affirmation given by any officer or employee of any department in, or other portion of, the federal public administration specified in Schedule I, IV or V to the Financial Administration Act or of any department of the government of a province who has all the powers of a commissioner for taking affidavits.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 106
- 1995, c. 33, s. 44
- 2003, c. 22, s. 130
Reciprocal Agreements with Other Countries
Marginal note:Reciprocal arrangements re administration, etc.
107 (1) Where, under any law of a country other than Canada, provision is made for the payment of old age or other benefits including survivors’ or disability benefits, the Minister may, on behalf of the Government of Canada, on such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Governor in Council, enter into an agreement with the government of that country for the making of reciprocal arrangements relating to the administration or operation of that law and of this Act, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, arrangements relating to
(a) the exchange of such information obtained under that law or this Act as may be necessary to give effect to any such arrangements,
(b) the administration of benefits payable under this Act to persons resident in that country, the extension of benefits to and in respect of persons under that law or this Act and the increase or decrease in the amount of the benefits payable under that law or this Act to and in respect of persons employed in or resident in that country, and
(c) the administration of benefits payable under that law to persons resident in Canada, the extension of benefits to and in respect of persons under that law or this Act and the increase or decrease in the amount of the benefits payable under that law or this Act to and in respect of persons employed in or resident in Canada,
and, subject to subsection (4), any such agreement may extend to and include similar arrangements with respect to any provincial pension plan.
(2) [Repealed, R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 54]
Marginal note:Regulations for giving effect to agreements
(3) For the purpose of giving effect to any agreement entered into under subsection (1), the Governor in Council may make any regulations respecting the manner in which this Act is to apply to any case or class of cases affected by the agreement, and for adapting this Act to any such case or class of cases, that appear to the Governor in Council to be necessary for that purpose, and any regulations so made may provide for the making of any financial adjustments required under the agreement and for the crediting or charging of the amount of any of those adjustments to the Canada Pension Plan Account or the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Agreements with respect to provincial pension plan
(4) Where the government of a province providing a comprehensive pension plan requests the Government of Canada to enter into an agreement under this section with the government of a country under any law of which provision is made for the payment of old age or other benefits including survivors’ or disability benefits, the Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may enter into an agreement with the government of that country for the making of reciprocal arrangements relating to any of the matters referred to in subsection (1) with respect to the provincial pension plan of that province, if that plan makes provision for entering into such an agreement and for the carrying out of the provisions thereof, including the making of any financial adjustment required to be made for that purpose and the crediting or charging of the amount of any such adjustment to the appropriate account or accounts established under that plan.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 107
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 54
- 2016, c. 14, s. 43
Financial Provisions
Marginal note:Donations
107.1 The Minister may acquire money, securities or other property by gift, bequest or otherwise and shall dispose of such securities or other property subject to the terms, if any, on which such money, securities or other property is given, bequeathed or otherwise made available to the Minister.
- 1995, c. 33, s. 45
Marginal note:Canada Pension Plan Account
108 (1) There is hereby established in the accounts of Canada an account to be known as the Canada Pension Plan Account.
Marginal note:Amounts to be credited to Account
(2) There shall be paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund and credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account
(a) all amounts received under this Act as or on account of contributions under subsections 8(1), 9(1) and 10(1) or otherwise on account of the base Canada Pension Plan;
(b) all amounts required to be credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to any agreement entered into under subsection 39(1) or 80(1) or pursuant to any regulation made under paragraph 89(1)(j) or subsection 107(3);
(c) [Repealed, 2016, c. 14, s. 44]
(d) any amount of money received under section 107.1 on account of the base Canada Pension Plan and any proceeds from the disposition of any securities or other property received under that section on account of the base Canada Pension Plan;
(e) all amounts charged for the use of resources that are associated with the administration of this Act in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan;
(f) any interest or administrative charge collected in relation to money payable under this Act in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan; and
(g) all amounts received under subsection 56(1) of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act.
(2.1) [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 234]
Marginal note:Amounts to be charged to Account
(3) There shall be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account
(a) all amounts payable under this Act in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan as or on account of benefits or otherwise;
(b) all amounts required to be charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to any agreement entered into under subsection 39(1) or 80(1) or pursuant to any regulation made under paragraph 89(1)(j) or subsection 107(3);
(b.1) all amounts credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to paragraph (2)(e);
(c) the costs of administration of this Act in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan, under the authority of Parliament;
(d) all amounts required to be charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to section 57 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act; and
(e) the costs, in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan, of administering Part 5 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act in respect of appeals respecting this Act.
Marginal note:Limitation
(4) No payment shall be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under this section in excess of the total of
(a) the amount of the balance to the credit of the Canada Pension Plan Account, and
(b) the fair market value of the assets of the Investment Board less its liabilities, in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 108
- 1995, c. 33, s. 46
- 1997, c. 40, s. 89
- 2003, c. 5, s. 2
- 2012, c. 19, s. 234
- 2013, c. 40, s. 236
- 2016, c. 14, s. 44
Marginal note:Management of Account
108.1 (1) Any amounts standing to the credit of the Canada Pension Plan Account that exceed the immediate obligations of that Account shall be transferred to the Investment Board, unless any agreement entered into under section 111.1 provides otherwise. The amounts shall be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account.
Marginal note:Payment by Investment Board
(2) The Minister may, by notice, and in accordance with any agreement entered into under section 111.1, require the Investment Board to pay into the Consolidated Revenue Fund any amount necessary to offset amounts charged or required to be charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account under subsection 108(3) and any interest charged under subsection 110(1).
Marginal note:Interest
(3) The Minister of Finance shall credit interest to the Canada Pension Plan Account at market rates, as determined by that Minister, on any amount standing to the credit of that Account. The interest shall be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
- 2003, c. 5, s. 3
- 2016, c. 14, s. 45
Marginal note:Additional Canada Pension Plan Account
108.2 (1) There is established in the accounts of Canada an account to be known as the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account.
Marginal note:Amounts to be credited to Account
(2) There is to be paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund and credited to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account
(a) all amounts received under this Act as or on account of contributions under subsections 8(1.1) and (1.2), 9(1.1) and (1.2) and 10(1.1) and (1.2) or otherwise on account of the additional Canada Pension Plan;
(b) all amounts required to be credited to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account under any agreement entered into under subsection 39(1) or 80(1) or under any regulation made under paragraph 89(1)(j) or subsection 107(3);
(c) any amount of money received under section 107.1 on account of the additional Canada Pension Plan and any proceeds from the disposition of any securities or other property received under that section on account of the additional Canada Pension Plan;
(d) all amounts charged for the use of resources that are associated with the administration of this Act in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan;
(e) any interest or administrative charge collected in relation to money payable under this Act in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan; and
(f) all amounts received under subsection 56(1.1) of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act.
Marginal note:Amounts to be charged to Account
(3) There is to be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and charged to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account
(a) all amounts payable under this Act in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan as or on account of benefits or otherwise;
(b) all amounts required to be charged to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account under any agreement entered into under subsection 39(1) or 80(1) or under any regulation made under paragraph 89(1)(j) or subsection 107(3);
(c) all amounts credited to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account under paragraph (2)(d);
(d) the costs of administration of this Act in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan, under the authority of Parliament;
(e) all amounts required to be charged to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account under section 57.1 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act; and
(f) the costs, in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan, of administering Part 5 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act in respect of appeals respecting this Act.
Marginal note:Limitation
(4) No payment is to be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under this section in excess of the total of
(a) the amount of the balance to the credit of the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, and
(b) the fair market value of the assets of the Investment Board less its liabilities, in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 46
Marginal note:Management of Account
108.3 (1) Any amounts standing to the credit of the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account that exceed the immediate obligations of that Account are to be transferred to the Investment Board, unless any agreement entered into under section 111.1 provides otherwise. The amounts are to be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and charged to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account.
Marginal note:Payment by Investment Board
(2) The Minister may, by notice, and in accordance with any agreement entered into under section 111.1, require the Investment Board to pay into the Consolidated Revenue Fund any amount necessary to offset amounts charged or required to be charged to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account under subsection 108.2(3) and any interest charged under subsection 110(2).
Marginal note:Interest
(3) The Minister of Finance shall credit interest to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account at market rates, as determined by that Minister, on any amount standing to the credit of that Account. The interest is to be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
- 2016, c. 14, s. 46
109 [Repealed, 2003, c. 5, s. 4]
Marginal note:Interest — Canada Pension Plan Account
110 (1) The Minister of Finance shall charge interest to the Canada Pension Plan Account at market rates, as determined by that Minister, on any amount paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under subsection 108(3) that exceeds the balance to the credit of the Canada Pension Plan Account. Interest is to be charged for the period beginning on the day on which the amount is paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under subsection 108(3) and ending on the day on which the Investment Board pays that amount into the Consolidated Revenue Fund under subsection 56(1) of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act.
Marginal note:Interest — Additional Canada Pension Plan Account
(2) The Minister of Finance shall charge interest to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account at market rates, as determined by that Minister, on any amount paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under subsection 108.2(3) that exceeds the balance to the credit of the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account. Interest is to be charged for the period beginning on the day on which the amount is paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under subsection 108.2(3) and ending on the day on which the Investment Board pays that amount into the Consolidated Revenue Fund under subsection 56(1.1) of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 110
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 55
- 1997, c. 40, s. 90
- 2000, c. 14, s. 45
- 2003, c. 5, s. 5
- 2016, c. 14, s. 47
111 [Repealed, 2003, c. 5, s. 6]
Marginal note:Administration agreement
111.1 (1) The Minister of Finance may, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Minister, enter into an agreement with the Investment Board with respect to the administration of any matter referred to in sections 107.1 to 110, including the payment of amounts out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund to the Investment Board, and the payment of amounts by the Investment Board into the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Marginal note:Administration agreement
(2) The Minister of Finance may enter into an agreement with the Investment Board with respect to the administration of any matter referred to in section 113.
- 1997, c. 40, s. 91
- 2003, c. 5, s. 7
Marginal note:Annual financial statements
112 (1) The Minister shall, as soon as possible after the end of each fiscal year, prepare one set of annual financial statements for the Canada Pension Plan in respect of that year setting out
(a) a statement combining the amounts credited to or charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account, the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account and the accounts of the Investment Board during the year;
(b) a schedule combining the amounts credited to or charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account and the accounts of the Investment Board in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan during the year;
(c) a schedule combining the amounts credited to or charged to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account and the accounts of the Investment Board in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan during the year;
(d) a statement combining the accounts of the Canada Pension Plan Account, the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account and the Investment Board as at the end of the year;
(e) a schedule combining the accounts of the Canada Pension Plan Account and the Investment Board in relation to the base Canada Pension Plan as at the end of the year;
(f) a schedule combining the accounts of the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account and the Investment Board in relation to the additional Canada Pension Plan as at the end of the year; and
(g) any other accounts and information that the Minister considers appropriate to present fairly the financial transactions and the financial position of the Canada Pension Plan for the year.
Marginal note:Reliance
(2) In preparing the annual financial statements, the Minister may rely on the annual financial statements prepared under subsection 39(4) of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act.
Marginal note:Audit
(3) The annual financial statements of the Canada Pension Plan shall be audited annually by the Auditor General of Canada and a report of the audit shall be made to the Minister.
Marginal note:Duty to provide information
(4) The Investment Board and its auditor shall provide the Auditor General of Canada with any records, accounts, statements or other information that in the opinion of the Auditor General of Canada are necessary to audit the annual financial statements of the Canada Pension Plan.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 112
- 1997, c. 40, s. 91
- 2003, c. 5, s. 8
- 2016, c. 14, s. 48
Marginal note:Effect of regulation made under subsection 3(2)
113 (1) Where any regulation has been made under subsection 3(2) prescribing a province as a province described in paragraph (b) of the definition province providing a comprehensive pension plan in subsection 3(1),
(a) all obligations and liabilities accrued or accruing as described in that paragraph, for the assumption of which under the provincial pension plan of that province provision has been made by any law of that province, shall, from and after the day on which the regulation became effective, cease to be obligations or liabilities accrued or accruing with respect to the payment of benefits under this Act attributable to contributions made under this Act in respect of employment in that province or in respect of self-employed earnings of persons resident in that province; and
(b) the Minister of Finance shall pay an amount calculated as provided in subsection (2) to the government of that province, by the transfer to that government in the first instance and to the extent necessary for that purpose, of securities of that province that are designated securities as defined in section 2 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act, and in the second instance and to the extent necessary for that purpose, of securities of Canada that are designated securities as defined in section 2 of that Act, and by the payment to that government of any balance then remaining in any manner that may be prescribed.
Marginal note:Transfer by Investment Board
(1.1) The Minister of Finance may, by notice, and in accordance with any agreement entered into under section 111.1, require the Investment Board to pay to that Minister any amount, and to transfer to that Minister any securities of the province or of Canada referred to in paragraph (1)(b), that are necessary for the purposes of subsection (1).
(1.2) [Repealed, 2003, c. 5, s. 9]
Marginal note:Amount to be paid to government of province
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the amount to be calculated as provided in this subsection in the case of any province shall be calculated by the Minister of Finance as the amount obtained by adding
(a) the total amount of all contributions credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account and the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, to the day on which the regulation referred to in subsection (1) became effective, in respect of employment in that province or in respect of self-employed earnings of persons resident in that province, and
(b) the part of the net investment return of the Investment Board and all interest credited to or accrued to the credit of the Canada Pension Plan Account and the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, to the day on which the regulation referred to in subsection (1) became effective, that is derived from the contributions referred to in paragraph (a),
and subtracting from the total so obtained
(c) such part of all amounts paid as or on account of benefits under this Act as would not have been payable under this Act if that province had been a province described in paragraph (a) of the definition province providing a comprehensive pension plan in subsection 3(1), and
(d) the part of the costs of administration of this Act, to the day on which the regulation referred to in subsection (1) became effective, that is equal to the proportion of those costs that the total amount of the contributions referred to in paragraph (a) is of the total amount of all contributions credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account and the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account to that day.
Marginal note:Agreement respecting assumption of obligations and liabilities
(3) Where notice in writing has been given to the Minister by the government of a province as described in the definition province providing a comprehensive pension plan in subsection 3(1), the Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may on behalf of the Government of Canada enter into an agreement with the government of that province,
(a) for the furnishing of that government under prescribed conditions with any information obtained under this Act, including records of any amounts that are shown in the Record of Earnings to the accounts of persons who have made contributions under this Act in respect of employment in that province or as persons resident in that province in respect of self-employed earnings; and
(b) generally for the making of all such arrangements as may be necessary to permit provision to be made for the assumption, under the provincial pension plan referred to in the notice, of all obligations and liabilities accrued or accruing as described in paragraph (b) of the definition province providing a comprehensive pension plan in subsection 3(1).
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 113
- 1997, c. 40, s. 92
- 2003, c. 5, s. 9
- 2016, c. 14, s. 49
Financial Review of the Canada Pension Plan
Marginal note:Review every three years
113.1 (1) Once every three years after 1997, the Minister of Finance and ministers of the Crown from the included provinces shall review the financial state of the Canada Pension Plan and may make recommendations as to whether benefits, contribution rates, first additional contribution rates or second additional contribution rates should be changed.
Marginal note:Review of adjustment factors
(2) When the Chief Actuary of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions specifies adjustment factors in his or her report according to subsection 115(1.11), the Minister of Finance and ministers of the Crown from the included provinces shall, as part of their review, also review the adjustment factors fixed under subsection 46(7) and may make recommendations as to whether they should be changed.
Marginal note:Completion of review
(3) If possible, the review in each three year period must be completed in time to permit the Minister of Finance to make recommendations to the Governor in Council before the end of the second year of the three year period.
Marginal note:Factors to be considered
(4) In conducting any review required by this section and in making any recommendations, ministers shall consider
(a) the most recent report prepared by the Chief Actuary pursuant to section 115 and any changes between that report and earlier reports prepared by the Chief Actuary;
(b) any more recent estimates of the Chief Actuary in respect of
(i) the outstanding balance of the Canada Pension Plan Account and the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account,
(ii) the projected revenues into and payments out of the Canada Pension Plan Account and the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account,
(iii) the ratio of the projected assets over the projected expenditures of the base Canada Pension Plan and the additional Canada Pension Plan, and
(iv) the changes, if any, to the amounts and ratios projected at the previous review under this section attributable to changing demographic and economic circumstances or to changes to the base Canada Pension Plan or the additional Canada Pension Plan affecting payments or contributions under the Canada Pension Plan;
(c) the financing objective, for the base Canada Pension Plan, of having a contribution rate, without taking into account the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph (e) for which the contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph 115(1.1)(c)(ii) exceeds zero, that is no lower than the rate
(i) that, beginning with the year 2003, is the lowest constant rate that can be maintained over the foreseeable future, and
(ii) that results in the ratio of the projected assets of the base Canada Pension Plan at the end of any given year over the projected expenditures of the base Canada Pension Plan in the following year being generally constant;
(d) the financing objective, for the additional Canada Pension Plan, of having additional contribution rates, without taking into account the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph (e) for which the additional contribution rates most recently calculated under subparagraphs 115(1.1)(d)(ii) and (e)(ii) exceed zero, that are no lower than the rates
(i) that, beginning with the year 2024, are the lowest constant rates that can be maintained over the foreseeable future, and
(ii) that result in projected contributions and investment income that are sufficient to fully pay the projected expenditures of the additional Canada Pension Plan over the foreseeable future; and
(e) that changes to the Act that increase benefits or add new benefits must be accompanied by a permanent increase in the contribution rates under this Act to cover the extra costs of the increased or new benefits and by a temporary increase in the contribution rates under this Act for a number of years that is consistent with common actuarial practice to fully pay any unfunded liability resulting from the increased or new benefits.
Marginal note:Recommendations made on completion of review
(5) On the completion of a review required by subsection (1), the Minister of Finance may recommend to the Governor in Council that the Governor in Council make regulations under subsection (6) to amend Schedule 1 or 2 to give effect to any recommendations made under subsection (1). If the recommendations made under subsection (1) are that no changes be made to benefits, contribution rates, first additional contributions rates or second additional contribution rates, the Minister of Finance shall cause those recommendations to be published in the Canada Gazette.
Marginal note:Regulation to change rates
(6) Subject to subsections (7) and (8), the Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance made under subsection (5), by regulation amend Schedule 1 or 2 to change the contribution rates, first additional contribution rates or second additional contribution rates for any or all of the years following the review.
Marginal note:Limitation on changes
(7) The following shall apply with respect to any changes to and setting of the rates under subsection (6):
(a) the rates for employees and employers for a year must be identical;
(b) the rates for self-employed persons for a year must be equal to the sum of the rates for employees and employers for that year;
(c) no rate for employees and employers for a year may be increased by more than one-tenth of a percentage point above the rate for the previous year; and
(d) no rate for self-employed persons for a year may be increased by more than two-tenths of a percentage point above the rate for the previous year.
Marginal note:Coming into force of regulation
(8) Where a review takes place in a three year period as required by subsection (1) and the Governor in Council before October 1 of the third year of that period makes a regulation under subsection (6), the regulation shall, by order made by the Governor in Council, come into force, or is deemed to have come into force, on January 1 of the year after that period.
Marginal note:Provincial consent required
(8.1) An order made under subsection (8) may not be made unless the lieutenant governor in council of each of at least two thirds of the included provinces, having in total not less than two thirds of the population of all of the included provinces, has, before the October 1 date referred to in that subsection, signified the consent of that province to the coming into force of the regulation.
Marginal note:Exemption from Statutory Instruments Act
(9) A regulation made pursuant to subsection (6) is exempt from the application of sections 3, 5 and 11 of the Statutory Instruments Act.
Marginal note:Publication in Canada Gazette
(10) Forthwith on the coming into force of any regulation made pursuant to subsection (6), the Minister of Finance shall cause a copy thereof to be published in the Canada Gazette.
(11) to (11.04) [Repealed, 2007, c. 11, s. 12]
Marginal note:Insufficient rates
(11.05) Subject to subsections (11.12) and (11.13), if, at October 1 of the year before a three-year period for which a review is required by subsection (1), the contribution rate for self-employed persons for the years in that three-year period less the contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph 115(1.1)(c)(ii) is less than the contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph 115(1.1)(c)(i) for self-employed persons for those years,
(a) the amount of the benefits payable in respect of the base Canada Pension Plan in the three-year period shall be determined as if the ratios referred to in paragraphs 45(2)(b) and 56(2)(c), subsection 58(1.1) and subparagraph 59(c)(ii) were each 1; and
(b) Schedule 1 is deemed to have been amended as of the next day after that October 1
(i) to increase the contribution rate for employees and employers for each year after that October 1 to the rate determined under subsections (11.07) to (11.11) for that year, and
(ii) to increase the contribution rate for self-employed persons for each year after that October 1 to twice the contribution rate determined under subsections (11.07) to (11.11) for employers for that year.
Marginal note:Interpretation
(11.06) In the calculations under subsections (11.07) to (11.11),
- A
- is one half of the contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph 115(1.1)(c)(i) for self-employed persons for the years in the three-year period referred to in subsection (11.05);
- B
- is the contribution rate for employees and employers at October 1 of the third year of the last three-year period for which contribution rates were set for employees and employers, by an Act of Parliament or by a regulation made under subsection (6), on the recommendation of ministers under subsection (1);
- C
- is one half of the contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph 115(1.1)(c)(ii) for self-employed persons for the years in the three-year period referred to in subsection (11.05); and
- D
- is the difference between B and C.
Marginal note:Determination of rate — 1st case
(11.07) If neither A nor D is greater than 4.95% and A is greater than D, the contribution rate for employees and employers for each year after the October 1 date referred to in subsection (11.05) is A plus C.
Marginal note:Determination of rate — 2nd case
(11.08) If A is greater than 4.95%, D is less than or equal to 4.95% and the percentage determined by the formula
1/2(A - D)
is less than or equal to 0.1%, then the contribution rate for employees and employers for each year after the October 1 date referred to in subsection (11.05) is the rate determined by the formula
4.95% + 1/2(A - 4.95%) + C
Marginal note:Determination of rate — 3rd case
(11.09) If A is greater than 4.95%, D is less than or equal to 4.95% and the percentage determined by the formula
1/2(A - D)
is greater than 0.1%, then the contribution rate for employees and employers is
(a) for the first year after the October 1 date referred to in subsection (11.05), the rate determined by the formula
4.95% + 1/6(A - 4.95%) + C
(b) for the next year, the rate determined by the formula
4.95% + 1/3(A - 4.95%) + C
(c) for each subsequent year, the rate determined by the formula
4.95% + 1/2(A - 4.95%) + C
Marginal note:Determination of rate — 4th case
(11.1) If subsections (11.07) to (11.09) do not apply and the percentage determined by the formula
1/2(A - D)
is less than or equal to 0.1%, then the contribution rate for employees and employers for each year after the October 1 date referred to in subsection (11.05) is the rate determined by the formula
D + 1/2(A - D) + C
Marginal note:Determination of rate — 5th case
(11.11) If subsections (11.07) to (11.1) do not apply, then the contribution rate for employees and employers is
(a) for the first year after the October 1 date referred to in subsection (11.05), the rate determined by the formula
D + 1/6(A - D) + C
(b) for the next year, the rate determined by the formula
D + 1/3(A - D) + C
(c) for each subsequent year, the rate determined by the formula
D + 1/2(A - D) + C
Marginal note:Where paragraph (11.05)(a) does not apply
(11.12) Paragraph (11.05)(a) does not apply if subsection (11.07) applies.
Marginal note:Where subsection (11.05) does not apply
(11.13) Subsection (11.05) does not apply where
(a) a recommendation was made under subsection (1) in the three years before the three year period referred to in subsection (11.05) that the contribution rates for one or more of the years in that three year period be increased and the rates were increased before October 1 of the year before that three year period, by an Act of Parliament or by a regulation made under subsection (6), to give effect to that recommendation; or
(b) a recommendation was made under subsection (1) in the three years before the three year period referred to in subsection (11.05) that the contribution rates for the years in that three year period not be increased and the Minister of Finance before October 1 of the year before that three year period has caused that recommendation to be published in the Canada Gazette.
Marginal note:Adjustment
(11.14) If a contribution rate determined under any of subsections (11.07) to (11.11) is not a multiple of 0.005%, the contribution rate is to be rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.005%.
Marginal note:Deemed changes to rates — additional Canada Pension Plan
(11.141) Subject to subsection (11.143), if, at October 1 of the year before a three-year period for which a review is required by subsection (1), any of the following conditions is met, Schedule 2 is deemed to have been amended as of the next day after that October 1 to change the first additional contribution rates or second additional contribution rates for each year after that October 1, if required, in accordance with the calculations set out in the regulations:
(a) the difference obtained by subtracting the first additional contribution rate specified in the most recent report prepared for the purpose of subsection 115(1) from the first additional contribution rate for self-employed persons set out in Schedule 2, for the year after that October 1, is within a range set out in the regulations for the purpose of this paragraph;
(b) the following differences are within the same range set out in the regulations for the purpose of this paragraph:
(i) the difference obtained by subtracting the first additional contribution rate specified in the most recent report prepared for the purpose of subsection 115(1) from the first additional contribution rate for self-employed persons set out in Schedule 2, for the year after that October 1, and
(ii) the difference obtained by subtracting the first additional contribution rate specified in the report prepared for the purpose of section 115 that precedes the report referred to in subparagraph (i), from the first additional contribution rate for self-employed persons set out in Schedule 2, for the year that is two years before that October 1;
(c) the difference obtained by subtracting the second additional contribution rate specified in the most recent report prepared for the purpose of subsection 115(1) from the second additional contribution rate for self-employed persons set out in Schedule 2, for the year after that October 1, is within a range set out in the regulations for the purpose of this paragraph; or
(d) the following differences are within the same range set out in the regulations for the purpose of this paragraph:
(i) the difference obtained by subtracting the second additional contribution rate specified in the most recent report prepared for the purpose of subsection 115(1) from the second additional contribution rate for self-employed persons set out in Schedule 2, for the year after that October 1, and
(ii) the difference obtained by subtracting the second additional contribution rate specified in the report prepared for the purpose of section 115 that precedes the report referred to in subparagraph (i), from the second additional contribution rate for self-employed persons set out in Schedule 2, for the year that is two years before that October 1.
Marginal note:Determination of benefits — additional Canada Pension Plan
(11.142) Subject to subsection (11.143), if, at October 1 of the year before a three-year period for which a review is required by subsection (1), any of the conditions set out in paragraphs (11.141)(a) to (d) is met, the portions of benefits under this Act in respect of the additional Canada Pension Plan, for each year after that October 1, shall be determined in accordance with the regulations.
Marginal note:Non-application of subsections (11.141) and (11.142)
(11.143) Subsections (11.141) and (11.142) do not apply if
(a) a recommendation was made under subsection (1) in the three years before the three-year period referred to in subsection (11.141) that the first additional contribution rates or second additional contribution rates for one or more of the years in that three-year period be changed and the rates were changed before October 1 of the year before that three-year period, by an Act of Parliament or by a regulation made under subsection (6), to give effect to that recommendation; or
(b) a recommendation was made under subsection (1) in the three years before the three-year period referred to in subsection (11.141) that the first additional contribution rates or second additional contribution rates for the years in that three-year period not be changed and the Minister of Finance before October 1 of the year before that three-year period has caused that recommendation to be published in the Canada Gazette.
Marginal note:Regulations
(11.144) The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, make regulations respecting
(a) the calculation of deemed changes to rates for the purposes of subsection (11.141);
(b) the determination of the ranges referred to in paragraphs (11.141)(a) to (d); and
(c) the determination of portions of benefits for the purposes of subsection (11.142).
Marginal note:Provincial consent
(11.145) Regulations under subsection (11.144) may only be made if the lieutenant governor in council of each of at least two thirds of the included provinces, having in total not less than two thirds of the population of all of the included provinces, has signified the consent of that province.
Marginal note:Review of regulations
(11.146) In the first review required by subsection (1) after 2027 and every third review that follows, the Minister of Finance and ministers of the Crown from the included provinces shall, as part of the review, also review the regulations made under subsection 113.1(11.144) and the regulations made for the purposes of paragraphs 115(1.1)(d) and (e), and may make recommendations as to whether any of those regulations should be amended.
Marginal note:Rates to be published
(11.15) The Minister of Finance shall publish in the Canada Gazette any amendment to Schedule 1 or 2 deemed to have been made under this section.
Marginal note:Non-application of subsection 114(2)
(12) For greater certainty, subsection 114(2) does not apply to any amendment to Schedule 1 or 2 made under subsection (6), (11.05) to (11.11) or (11.141).
Marginal note:Recommendation — adjustment factors
(13) On the completion of a review required by subsection (2), the Minister of Finance may recommend to the Governor in Council that the Governor in Council amend the regulations made under subsection 46(7) to give effect to any recommendations made under subsection (2). If the recommendations are that no changes be made to the adjustment factors, the Minister of Finance shall cause those recommendations to be published in the Canada Gazette.
Marginal note:Changes to adjustment factors — regulations
(14) The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance made under subsection (13), amend the regulations to change one or more adjustment factors or the methods of calculating them.
Marginal note:Provincial consent
(15) The regulations may only be amended if the lieutenant governor in council of each of at least two thirds of the included provinces, having in total not less than two thirds of the population of all of the included provinces, has signified the consent of that province to the amendment.
Marginal note:Definition of included province
(16) In this section, included province has the same meaning as in subsection 114(1).
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 56
- 1991, c. 44, s. 27
- 1997, c. 40, s. 94
- 2007, c. 11, s. 12
- 2009, c. 31, s. 41
- 2016, c. 14, s. 50
- 2018, c. 12, s. 401
Amendments to Act
Marginal note:Definition of included province
114 (1) In this section, included province means a province other than Yukon, the Northwest Territories or Nunavut, except a province providing a comprehensive pension plan unless at the time in respect of which the description is relevant there is in force an agreement entered into under subsection 4(3) with the government of that province.
Marginal note:Effective date of major amendments
(2) If any enactment of Parliament contains any provision that alters, or the effect of which is to alter, either directly or indirectly and either immediately or in the future, the general level of benefits provided by this Act or the contribution rate, first additional contribution rate or second additional contribution rate for employees, employers or self-employed persons for any year, it shall be deemed to be a term of that enactment, whether or not it is expressly stated in the enactment, that the provision shall come into force only on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council, which day shall not in any case be earlier than the first day of the third year following the year in which any notice of intention to introduce a measure containing a provision to that effect was laid before Parliament.
Marginal note:Notice
(3) A notice of intention described in subsection (2) shall be in such form as is sufficient to indicate the nature of the provision contained or proposed to be contained in the measure referred to in subsection (2) to the effect described in that subsection, and on any such notice being laid before Parliament the Minister shall forthwith cause a copy thereof to be sent to the lieutenant governor in council of each included province.
Marginal note:Coming into force of other amendments of substance
(4) Where any enactment of Parliament contains any provision that alters, or the effect of which is to alter, either directly or indirectly and either immediately or in the future,
(a) the general level of benefits provided by this Act,
(b) the classes of benefits provided by this Act,
(c) the contribution rate, first additional contribution rate or second additional contribution rate for employees, employers or self-employed persons for any year,
(d) the formulae for calculating the contributions and benefits payable under this Act,
(e) the management or operation of the Canada Pension Plan Account or the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account, or
it shall be deemed to be a term of that enactment, whether or not it is expressly stated in the enactment, that the provision shall come into force only on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council, which order may not be made and shall not in any case have any force or effect unless the lieutenant governor in council of each of at least two thirds of the included provinces, having in the aggregate not less than two thirds of the population of all of the included provinces, has signified the consent of that province to the enactment.
Marginal note:Exception
(4.1) Subsections (2) and (4) do not apply in respect of changes under any of subsections 113.1(11.05) to (11.11), (11.141) or (11.142) to benefits, contribution rates, first additional contribution rates or second additional contribution rates.
Marginal note:Determination of population
(5) For the purposes of this section, the population of a province at any time in a year in respect of which the determination thereof is relevant means the population thereof on June 1 of that year, as estimated by the Chief Statistician of Canada.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 114
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 57
- 1993, c. 28, s. 78
- 1997, c. 40, s. 95
- 2002, c. 7, s. 111(E)
- 2003, c. 5, s. 10
- 2007, c. 11, s. 13
- 2016, c. 14, s. 51
Report of Chief Actuary
Marginal note:Report of Chief Actuary
115 (1) The Chief Actuary of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions shall, during the first year of each three-year period for which a review is required by subsection 113.1(1), prepare a report setting out, as at a date not earlier than December 31 of the year before the three-year period, the results of an actuarial examination of the operation of this Act based on the state of the Canada Pension Plan Account, the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account and the investments of the Investment Board.
Marginal note:Contents of report
(1.1) The Chief Actuary shall, in the report,
(a) state, for each of the 30 years immediately following the date of the examination,
(i) the estimated revenues of the Canada Pension Plan Account and the estimated investment income of the Investment Board in respect of the base Canada Pension Plan, and the estimated amount of all payments under subsection 108(3), and
(ii) the estimated revenues of the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account and the estimated investment income of the Investment Board in respect of the additional Canada Pension Plan, and the estimated amount of all payments under subsection 108.2(3);
(b) state, for each fifth year of a period of not less than 75 years from the date of the examination, an estimate of the percentage of total contributory salaries and wages and contributory self-employed earnings that would be required to provide for all payments under subsection 108(3) in that year if there were no balance in the Canada Pension Plan Account at the commencement of that year and the Investment Board had no investments;
(c) in respect of the base Canada Pension Plan, specify a contribution rate calculated, in respect of self-employed persons for each year of a period of not less than 75 years after the three-year period in which the report is prepared, by combining
(i) a contribution rate, calculated in the prescribed manner, without taking into account the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph 113.1(4)(e) for which the contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph (ii) exceeds zero, and
(ii) a contribution rate calculated in the prescribed manner in respect of the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph 113.1(4)(e) in respect of the base Canada Pension Plan;
(c.1) [Repealed, 2016, c. 14, s. 52]
(d) in respect of the additional Canada Pension Plan, specify a first additional contribution rate calculated, in respect of self-employed persons for each year of a period of not less than 75 years after the three-year period in which the report is prepared, by combining
(i) a first additional contribution rate, calculated in the prescribed manner, without taking into account the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph 113.1(4)(e) for which the first additional contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph (ii) exceeds zero, and
(ii) a first additional contribution rate calculated in the prescribed manner in respect of the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph 113.1(4)(e) that affect the first additional contribution rate;
(e) in respect of the additional Canada Pension Plan, specify a second additional contribution rate calculated, in respect of self-employed persons for each year of a period of not less than 75 years after the three-year period in which the report is prepared, by combining
(i) a second additional contribution rate, calculated in the prescribed manner, without taking into account the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph 113.1(4)(e) for which the second additional contribution rate most recently calculated under subparagraph (ii) exceeds zero, and
(ii) a second additional contribution rate calculated in the prescribed manner in respect of the changes, if any, referred to in paragraph 113.1(4)(e) that affect the second additional contribution rate;
(f) specify the rates referred to in subparagraphs (c)(i) and (ii), (d)(i) and (ii) and (e)(i) and (ii) and set out the manner in which those rates were calculated.
Marginal note:Adjustment factors
(1.11) In the first report prepared after 2015 and in every third report that follows, the Chief Actuary shall specify, in reference to the adjustment factors fixed under subsection 46(7), the factors as calculated according to a methodology that he or she considers appropriate; the Chief Actuary may also, if he or she considers it necessary, specify the factors in any report prepared under subsection (1) after 2015.
Marginal note:Relationship between rates
(1.2) For the purposes of the calculations referred to in paragraphs (1.1)(c) to (e),
(a) the rates for employees and employers for a year must be identical; and
(b) the rates for self-employed persons for a year must be equal to the sum of the rates for employees and employers for that year.
Marginal note:Application of subsection 114(4)
(1.3) Subsection 114(4) applies, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to the making of the regulations prescribing the manner of the calculation referred to in paragraphs (1.1)(c) to (e) and to the making of any regulation changing that manner of calculation.
Marginal note:Report when certain Bills introduced
(2) In addition to any report required under subsection (1) and in accordance with a request of the Minister of Finance, whenever any Bill is introduced in the House of Commons to amend this Act in a manner that would in the opinion of the Chief Actuary materially affect any of the estimates contained in the most recent report made under that subsection, the Chief Actuary shall prepare a report as set out in subsection (3).
Marginal note:Contents of report
(3) A report that is prepared under subsection (2) in respect of a Bill shall set out the extent to which the Bill would, if enacted by Parliament, materially affect any of the estimates contained in the most recent report made under subsection (1), using the same actuarial assumptions and basis that were used in that report and using, in addition, other actuarial assumptions and another basis if the Chief Actuary is of the opinion that these other actuarial assumptions and the other basis more accurately reflect a change in demographic or economic circumstances since the most recent report made under subsection (1) was prepared.
(4) to (7) [Repealed, 1997, c. 40, s. 96]
Marginal note:Report to be laid before House of Commons
(8) Forthwith on the completion of any report under this section, the Chief Actuary shall transmit the report to the Minister of Finance, who shall cause the report to be laid before the House of Commons forthwith on its receipt if Parliament is then sitting, or if Parliament is not then sitting, on any of the first five days next thereafter that Parliament is sitting, and if at the time any report under this section is received by the Minister of Finance Parliament is then dissolved, the Minister of Finance shall forthwith cause a copy of the report to be published in the Canada Gazette.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 115
- R.S., 1985, c. 13 (2nd Supp.), s. 10, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 58, c. 18 (3rd Supp.), s. 32
- 1997, c. 40, s. 96
- 2007, c. 11, s. 14
- 2009, c. 31, s. 42
- 2012, c. 31, s. 203
- 2016, c. 14, s. 52
116 [Repealed, 1997, c. 40, s. 97]
Annual Report to Parliament and the Provinces
Marginal note:Annual report to be made by Ministers
117 (1) The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Employment and Social Development shall, as soon as possible after the end of each fiscal year, together prepare a report on the administration of this Act during that year, including
(a) the annual financial statements for that year prepared under section 112 and the report of the Auditor General of Canada on those statements;
(b) the number of contributors during that year and the number of persons to whom benefits were payable during that year; and
(c) any other information that the Ministers, and the appropriate provincial Ministers of the participating provinces, as defined in section 2 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act, consider appropriate.
Marginal note:Tabling in Parliament
(2) The Ministers shall cause the report to be laid before each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting after the report is prepared.
Marginal note:Presentation to provinces
(3) As soon as possible after the report is prepared, the Ministers shall send the report to the appropriate provincial Minister of every province.
Marginal note:Definition of appropriate provincial Minister
(4) In this section, appropriate provincial Minister, in respect of a province, means the province’s minister of the Crown who has primary responsibility for that province’s finances.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 117
- 1997, c. 40, s. 97
- 2003, c. 5, s. 11
- 2005, c. 35, s. 67
- 2012, c. 19, s. 694
- 2013, c. 40, s. 238
Government Employees
Marginal note:Government contributions — Canada Pension Plan Account
118 (1) There is to be charged to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account an amount equal to
(a) the contributions required to be made by Her Majesty in right of Canada under subsection 9(1) in respect of persons in employment under Her Majesty in right of Canada that is not excepted employment under this Act, and
(b) the amount required by subsection 21(2) to be paid by Her Majesty in right of Canada as a result of the failure to deduct and remit, in accordance with this Act, the required amount as or on account of contributions required to be made under subsection 8(1) by persons referred to in paragraph (a).
Marginal note:Government contributions — Additional Canada Pension Plan Account
(1.1) There is to be charged to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and credited to the Additional Canada Pension Plan Account an amount equal to
(a) the contributions required to be made by Her Majesty in right of Canada under subsections 9(1.1) and (1.2) in respect of persons in employment under Her Majesty in right of Canada that is not excepted employment under this Act, and
(b) the amount required by subsection 21(2) to be paid by Her Majesty in right of Canada as a result of the failure to deduct and remit, in accordance with this Act, the required amount as or on account of contributions required to be made under subsections 8(1.1) and (1.2) by persons referred to in paragraph (a).
Marginal note:Contributions under agreement
(2) There shall be charged to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and paid to the appropriate authority in a province with which an agreement has been entered into under subsection 4(3) an amount equal to
(a) the contributions required to be paid by Her Majesty in right of Canada under that agreement as employer’s contributions, and
(b) the amount required to be paid by Her Majesty in right of Canada as a result of the failure to deduct and remit, in accordance with the agreement, the required amount as or on account of the employee’s contributions,
in respect of persons employed by Her Majesty in right of Canada in employment designated in the agreement.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 118
- 2016, c. 14, s. 53
SCHEDULE 1(Subsections 11.1(2) and 113.1(5) and (6), paragraph 113.1(11.05)(b) and subsections 113.1(11.15) and (12))
Contribution Rates
For Employees | For Employers | For Self-employed Persons | |
Year | (%) | (%) | (%) |
1987 | 1.9 | 1.9 | 3.8 |
1988 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 4.0 |
1989 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 4.2 |
1990 | 2.2 | 2.2 | 4.4 |
1991 | 2.3 | 2.3 | 4.6 |
1992 | 2.4 | 2.4 | 4.8 |
1993 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 5.0 |
1994 | 2.6 | 2.6 | 5.2 |
1995 | 2.7 | 2.7 | 5.4 |
1996 | 2.8 | 2.8 | 5.6 |
1997 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 6.0 |
1998 | 3.2 | 3.2 | 6.4 |
1999 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 7.0 |
2000 | 3.9 | 3.9 | 7.8 |
2001 | 4.3 | 4.3 | 8.6 |
2002 | 4.7 | 4.7 | 9.4 |
2003 and each subsequent year | 4.95 | 4.95 | 9.9 |
- R.S., 1985, c. 30 (2nd Supp.), s. 60
- 1991, c. 44, s. 28
- SOR/91-455
- 1997, c. 40, s. 98
- 2016, c. 14, ss. 54, 55
SCHEDULE 2(Section 11.2 and subsections 113.1(5), (6), (11.141), (11.15) and (12))First and Second Additional Contribution Rates
First Additional Contribution Rates
For Employees | For Employers | For Self-employed Persons | |
Year | (%) | (%) | (%) |
2019 | 0.15 | 0.15 | 0.3 |
2020 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.6 |
2021 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 1.0 |
2022 | 0.75 | 0.75 | 1.5 |
2023 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 |
2024 and each subsequent year | 1.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 |
Second Additional Contribution Rates
For Employees | For Employers | For Self-employed Persons | |
Year | (%) | (%) | (%) |
2024 and each subsequent year | 4.0 | 4.0 | 8.0 |
- 2016, c. 14, s. 56
- Date modified: