Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (SOR/2002-227)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2025-01-31. Previous Versions
Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations
Registration 2002-06-11
Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations
C.P. 2002-997 2002-06-11
Whereas, pursuant to subsection 5(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection ActFootnote a, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has caused a copy of the proposed Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations to be laid before each House of Parliament, substantially in the form set out in the annexed Regulations;
Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and the Treasury Board, pursuant to subsection 5(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Acta and paragraphs 19(1)(a)Footnote b and 19.1(a)b and subsection 20(2) of the Financial Administration Act, and, considering that it is in the public interest to do so, subsection 23(2.1)Footnote c of that Act, hereby makes the annexed Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.
Return to footnote aS.C. 2001, c. 27
Return to footnote bS.C. 1991, c. 24, s. 6
Return to footnote cS.C. 1991, c. 24, s. 7(2)
PART 1Interpretation and Application
DIVISION 1Interpretation
Marginal note:Definitions
1 (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in the Act and in these Regulations.
- common-law partner
common-law partner means, in relation to a person, an individual who is cohabiting with the person in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year. (conjoint de fait)
- excessive demand
excessive demand means
(a) a demand on health services or social services for which the anticipated costs exceed triple the average Canadian per capita health services and social services costs over a period of five consecutive years following the most recent medical examination required under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act; or
(b) a demand on health services or social services that would add to existing waiting lists and would increase morbidity or the mortality rate in Canada as a result of an inability to provide timely services to Canadian citizens or permanent residents. (fardeau excessif)
- health services
health services means any health services – including the provision of devices related to the services, laboratory services and the supply of pharmaceuticals – for which more than half of the funds are contributed by governments, either directly or through publicly funded agencies. (services de santé)
- social services
social services means residential or institutional care, including the provision of devices related to the care, that is recommended by a health professional and for which more than half of the funds are contributed by governments, either directly or through publicly funded agencies. (services sociaux)
- student
student[Repealed, SOR/2014-14, s. 1]
- studies
studies[Repealed, SOR/2014-14, s. 1]
- study permit
study permit[Repealed, SOR/2014-14, s. 1]
Marginal note:Interpretation — common-law partner
(2) For the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, an individual who has been in a conjugal relationship with a person for at least one year but is unable to cohabit with the person, due to persecution or any form of penal control, shall be considered a common-law partner of the person.
Definition of family member
(3) For the purposes of the Act, other than section 12 and paragraph 38(2)(d), and for the purposes of these Regulations, other than paragraph 7.1(3)(a) and sections 159.1 and 159.5, family member in respect of a person means
(a) the spouse or common-law partner of the person;
(b) a dependent child of the person or of the person’s spouse or common-law partner; and
(c) a dependent child of a dependent child referred to in paragraph (b).
- SOR/2004-217, s. 1
- SOR/2009-163, s. 1(E)
- SOR/2012-154, s. 1
- SOR/2014-14, s. 1
- SOR/2014-140, s. 1(F)
- SOR/2015-77, s. 1
- SOR/2022-39, s. 1
Marginal note:Definition of agent — section 148 of the Act
1.1 (1) For the purposes of section 148 of the Act, agent includes any person — whether or not an independent contractor — who provides services as a representative of a vehicle owner, operator or charterer.
Marginal note:Definition of agent — paragraph 148(1)(d) of the Act
(2) For the purposes of paragraph 148(1)(d) of the Act, agent includes, in addition to a person referred to in subsection (1), a charterer and an owner or operator of a reservation system.
- SOR/2016-37, s. 1
Marginal note:Interpretation
2 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations.
- Act
Act means the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. (Loi)
- administration fee
administration fee means a portion of the average cost incurred by Her Majesty in right of Canada in respect of foreign nationals referred to in subsection 279(1), and includes the costs relating to
(a) examinations;
(b) detention;
(c) investigations and admissibility hearings in respect of inadmissible foreign nationals;
(d) fingerprinting, photographing and the verification of documents with other governments and national or international police agencies;
(e) translation and interpretation; and
(f) proceedings before the Immigration Division. (frais administratifs)
- agent
agent[Repealed, SOR/2016-37, s. 2]
- authorized representative
authorized representative[Repealed, SOR/2011-129, s. 1]
- Canadian citizen
Canadian citizen means a citizen referred to in subsection 3(1) of the Citizenship Act. (citoyen canadien)
- Canadian Language Benchmarks
Canadian Language Benchmarks means, for the English language, the Canadian Language Benchmarks: English as a Second Language for Adults developed by the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, as amended from time to time. (Canadian Language Benchmarks)
- commercial transporter
commercial transporter means a transporter who operates a commercial vehicle. (transporteur commercial)
- commercial vehicle
commercial vehicle means a vehicle that is used for commercial purposes. (véhicule commercial)
- conjugal partner
conjugal partner means, in relation to a sponsor, a foreign national residing outside Canada who is in a conjugal relationship with the sponsor and has been in that relationship for a period of at least one year. (partenaire conjugal)
- COVID-19
COVID-19 means coronovirus disease 2019. (COVID-19)
- Department
Department means the Department of Citizenship and Immigration. (ministère)
- dependent child
dependent child, in respect of a parent, means a child who
(a) has one of the following relationships with the parent, namely,
(i) is the biological child of the parent, if the child has not been adopted by a person other than the spouse or common-law partner of the parent, or
(ii) is the adopted child of the parent; and
(b) is in one of the following situations of dependency, namely,
(i) is less than 22 years of age and is not a spouse or common-law partner, or
(ii) is 22 years of age or older and has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before attaining the age of 22 years and is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition. (enfant à charge)
- guardianship
guardianship[Repealed, SOR/2005-61, s. 1]
- Hague Convention on Adoption
Hague Convention on Adoption means the Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Inter-Country Adoption that was concluded on May 29, 1993 and came into force on May 1, 1995. (Convention sur l’adoption)
- Indian
Indian means any person registered as an Indian under the Indian Act. (Indien)
- in-flight security officer
in-flight security officer means a person who is on board a commercial passenger aircraft and whose duty it is to protect the passengers and the members of the crew as well as the aircraft itself. (agent de sécurité aérien)
- in-transit passenger
in-transit passenger means a person who arrives by aircraft at a Canadian airport from another country for the sole purpose of reboarding their flight or boarding a connecting flight departing from that airport to a country other than Canada. (passager en transit)
- in-transit preclearance passenger
in-transit preclearance passenger means an in-transit passenger who is subject to a preclearance procedure in accordance with the Preclearance Act, 2016. (passager en transit bénéficiant d’un précontrôle)
- live-in caregiver
live-in caregiver[Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 1]
- marriage
marriage, in respect of a marriage that took place outside Canada, means a marriage that is valid both under the laws of the jurisdiction where it took place and under Canadian law. (mariage)
- minimum necessary income
minimum necessary income means the amount identified, in the most recent edition of the publication concerning low income cut-offs that is published annually by Statistics Canada under the Statistics Act, for urban areas of residence of 500,000 persons or more as the minimum amount of before-tax annual income necessary to support a group of persons equal in number to the total number of the following persons:
(a) a sponsor and their family members,
(b) the sponsored foreign national, and their family members, whether they are accompanying the foreign national or not, and
(c) every other person, and their family members,
(i) in respect of whom the sponsor has given or co-signed an undertaking that is still in effect, and
(ii) in respect of whom the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner has given or co-signed an undertaking that is still in effect, if the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner has co-signed with the sponsor the undertaking in respect of the foreign national referred to in paragraph (b). (revenu vital minimum)
- Minister
Minister means the Minister referred to in section 4 of the Act. (ministre)
- National Occupational Classification
National Occupational Classification means the National Occupational Classification implemented by the Department of Employment and Social Development, as amended from time to time. (Classification nationale des professions)
- Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens
Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens means, for the French language, the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens : français langue seconde pour adultes developed by the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, as amended from time to time. (Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens)
- officer
officer means a person designated as an officer by the Minister under subsection 6(1) of the Act. (agent)
- port of entry
port of entry means
(a) [Repealed, SOR/2020-55, s. 1]
(b) a place designated by the Minister under section 26 as a port of entry, on the dates and during the hours of operation designated for that place by the Minister. (point d’entrée)
- relative
relative means a person who is related to another person by blood or adoption. (membre de la parenté)
- social assistance
social assistance means any benefit in the form of money, goods or services provided to or on behalf of a person by a province under a program of social assistance, including a program of social assistance designated by a province to provide for basic requirements including food, shelter, clothing, fuel, utilities, household supplies, personal requirements and health care not provided by public health care, including dental care and eye care. (assistance sociale)
- sterile transit area
sterile transit area means an area in an airport where in-transit passengers, in-transit preclearance passengers or goods that are in transit or precontrolled are physically separated from other passengers and goods. (espace de transit isolé)
- study permit
study permit means a written authorization to engage in academic, professional, vocational or other education or training in Canada that is issued by an officer to a foreign national. (permis d’études)
- TEER Category
TEER Category means a category representing the level of training, formal education and experience required to gain entry into an occupation, and the responsibilities related to the occupation, as set out in the National Occupational Classification. (catégorie FÉER)
- time of departure
time of departure means
(a) in the case of a commercial vehicle that carries persons or goods by air, the time of take-off from the last point of embarkation of persons before the vehicle arrives in Canada; and
(b) in the case of a commercial vehicle that carries persons or goods by water or land, the time of departure from the last point of embarkation of persons before the vehicle arrives in Canada. (moment du départ)
- transporter
transporter means
(a) a person who owns, operates, charters or manages a vehicle or fleet of vehicles;
(b) a person who owns or operates an international tunnel or bridge;
(c) a designated airport authority as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Airport Transfer (Miscellaneous Matters) Act; or
(d) an agent for a person or authority referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c). (transporteur)
- vehicle
vehicle means a means of transportation that may be used for transportation by water, land or air. (véhicule)
- vessel
vessel means a vessel within the meaning of section 2 of the Canada Shipping Act. (bâtiment)
- work
work means an activity for which wages are paid or commission is earned, or that is in direct competition with the activities of Canadian citizens or permanent residents in the Canadian labour market. (travail)
- work permit
work permit means a written authorization to work in Canada issued by an officer to a foreign national. (permis de travail)
- SOR/2004-59, s. 1
- SOR/2004-167, s. 1
- SOR/2005-61, s. 1
- SOR/2010-172, s. 5
- SOR/2010-253, s. 1
- SOR/2011-129, s. 1
- SOR/2012-274, s. 1
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2014-14, s. 2
- SOR/2014-133, s. 1
- SOR/2014-140, s. 2(F)
- SOR/2016-37, s. 2
- SOR/2016-136, s. 1(E)
- SOR/2017-60, s. 1
- SOR/2017-78, s. 1
- SOR/2019-183, s. 11
- SOR/2020-55, s. 1
- SOR/2020-91, s. 1
- SOR/2022-220, s. 1
Marginal note:Interpretation — member of a crew
3 (1) For the purposes of these Regulations,
(a) member of a crew means a person who is employed on a means of transportation to perform duties during a voyage or trip, or while in port, related to the operation of the means of transportation or the provision of services to passengers or to other members of the crew, but does not include
(i) any person whose fare is waived in exchange for work to be performed during the voyage or trip,
(ii) any person who performs maintenance or repairs under a service contract with a transporter during the voyage or trip or while the means of transportation is in Canada,
(iii) any other person who is on board the means of transportation for a purpose other than to perform duties that relate to the operation of the means of transportation or to provide services to passengers or members of the crew, or
(iv) any in-flight security officer; and
(b) a person ceases to be a member of a crew if
(i) they have deserted;
(ii) an officer believes on reasonable grounds that they have deserted;
(iii) they have been hospitalized and have failed to return to the means of transportation or leave Canada after leaving the hospital, or
(iv) they have been discharged or are otherwise unable or unwilling to perform their duties as a member of a crew and failed to leave Canada after the discharge or after they first became unable or unwilling to perform those duties.
Marginal note:Interpretation — adoption
(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, adoption, for greater certainty, means an adoption that creates a legal parent-child relationship and severs the pre-existing legal parent-child relationship.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 2
- SOR/2010-253, s. 2
DIVISION 2Family Relationships
Marginal note:Bad faith
4 (1) For the purposes of these Regulations, a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner of a person if the marriage, common-law partnership or conjugal partnership
(a) was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act; or
(b) is not genuine.
Marginal note:Adopted children
(2) A foreign national shall not be considered an adopted child of a person if the adoption
(a) was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act; or
(b) did not create a genuine parent-child relationship.
Marginal note:Sponsorship of adopted children
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to adoptions referred to in paragraph 117(1)(g) and subsections 117(2) and (4).
- SOR/2004-167, s. 3(E)
- SOR/2010-208, s. 1
- SOR/2018-251, s. 1(F)
Marginal note:New relationship
4.1 For the purposes of these Regulations, a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner of a person if the foreign national has begun a new conjugal relationship with that person after a previous marriage, common-law partnership or conjugal partnership with that person was dissolved primarily so that the foreign national, another foreign national or the sponsor could acquire any status or privilege under the Act.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 4
Marginal note:Excluded relationships
5 For the purposes of these Regulations, a foreign national shall not be considered
(a) the spouse or common-law partner of a person if the foreign national is under the age of 18 years;
(b) the spouse of a person if
(i) the foreign national or the person was, at the time of their marriage, the spouse of another person, or
(ii) the person has lived separate and apart from the foreign national for at least one year and is the common-law partner of another person; or
(c) the spouse of a person if at the time the marriage ceremony was conducted either one or both of the spouses were not physically present unless the person was not physically present at the ceremony as a result of their service as a member of the Canadian Forces and the marriage is valid both under the laws of the jurisdiction where it took place and under Canadian law.
- SOR/2015-139, s. 1
PART 2General Requirements
DIVISION 1Documents Required Before Entry
Marginal note:Permanent resident
6 A foreign national may not enter Canada to remain on a permanent basis without first obtaining a permanent resident visa.
Marginal note:Temporary resident
7 (1) A foreign national may not enter Canada to remain on a temporary basis without first obtaining a temporary resident visa.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a foreign national who
(a) is exempted under Division 5 of Part 9 from the requirement to have a temporary resident visa;
(b) holds a temporary resident permit issued under subsection 24(1) of the Act;
(c) is authorized under the Act or these Regulations to re-enter Canada to remain in Canada; or
(d) [Repealed, SOR/2023-106, s. 1]
Marginal note:When certificat d’acceptation du Québec required
(3) In addition to any visa required under this section, a foreign national who is seeking to enter and remain in Canada on a temporary basis to receive medical treatment in the Province of Quebec must hold a certificat d’acceptation du Québec if the laws of that Province require the foreign national to hold that document.
- SOR/2018-109, s. 1
- SOR/2023-106, s. 1
Marginal note:Nationals of certain countries
7.01 (1) Despite subsection 7(1), a foreign national who is a citizen of a country listed in the table to this subsection and who is seeking to enter Canada by air may not enter Canada to remain on a temporary basis without first obtaining a temporary resident visa or an electronic travel authorization.
Country Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Brazil Costa Rica Mexico Morocco Panama Philippines Seychelles St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Marginal note:Application for electronic travel authorization — conditions
(2) A foreign national referred to in subsection (1) may only make an application for an electronic travel authorization if they
(a) have held a temporary resident visa at any time during the 10-year period immediately preceding the day on which they make their application; or
(b) hold a valid United States nonimmigrant visa on the day on which they make their application.
- SOR/2017-53, s. 1
- SOR/2017-246, s. 1
- SOR/2023-106, s. 2
- SOR/2024-34, s. 1
Marginal note:Electronic travel authorization
7.1 (1) A foreign national referred to in paragraph 7(2)(a) who is exempt from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa and who is seeking to enter Canada by air to remain on a temporary basis is required to obtain an electronic travel authorization before entering Canada, unless they are exempt from that requirement under subsection (3).
Marginal note:Holder of temporary resident visa
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a foreign national who holds a temporary resident visa.
Marginal note:Exempt persons
(3) The following persons are exempt from the requirement to obtain an electronic travel authorization:
(a) Her Majesty in right of Canada and any member of the Royal Family;
(b) a national of the United States or a person who has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence;
(c) a foreign national referred to in paragraph 190(2)(a);
(d) a foreign national seeking to enter and remain in Canada solely
(i) as a member of a crew of a means of transportation that may be used for transportation by air or to become a member of such a crew, or
(ii) to transit through Canada after working, or to work, as a member of a crew of a means of transportation that may be used for transportation by air, if they possess a ticket for departure from Canada within 24 hours after their arrival in Canada;
(e) a citizen of France who is a resident of St. Pierre and Miquelon who seeks to enter Canada directly from St. Pierre and Miquelon; and
(f) a foreign national referred to in any of paragraphs 190(3)(b), (b.1), (c), (d), (f), (g) or (h).
- SOR/2015-77, s. 2
- SOR/2017-53, s. 2
- SOR/2018-109, s. 2
- SOR/2019-212, s. 10(F)
- SOR/2022-80, s. 1
- SOR/2023-106, s. 3
Marginal note:Work permit
8 (1) A foreign national may not enter Canada to work without first obtaining a work permit.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a foreign national who is authorized under section 186 to work in Canada without a work permit.
Marginal note:Study permit
9 (1) A foreign national may not enter Canada to study without first obtaining a study permit.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a foreign national who is authorized under section 188 or 189 to study in Canada without a study permit.
DIVISION 1.1Use of Electronic Means
Marginal note:Electronic means
9.1 (1) Despite section 10, when an application, request or claim is made, a document or information is submitted electronically, or a signature by electronic means is provided, it must be made, submitted or provided using the electronic means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
Marginal note:Supporting documents for electronic applications
(2) When an application, request or claim is made by electronic means, any required information, documents or evidence of payment required in these Regulations must be submitted by the same means.
Marginal note:Application by electronic means
9.2 The following applications must be made by the electronic means made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose:
(a) an application for an extension of an authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident;
(b) an application that is made in Canada for a work or study permit or for renewal of such a permit;
(c) an application for the restoration of temporary resident status;
(d) an application that is made pursuant to a youth mobility arrangement entered into by Canada.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt by the Minister
9.3 (1) Any application, request, claim, document or information sent by a foreign national, an individual or an entity using electronic means is deemed to have been received by the Minister at the time and on the date indicated by the electronic means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt by recipient
(2) Any notice, request, decision, determination, document or information sent by the Minister using electronic means is deemed to have been received by the intended recipient at the time and on the date it was sent by the Minister as indicated by the electronic means that is used or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
Marginal note:Exception — use of other means
9.4 Despite other provisions of these Regulations, the Minister may require a foreign national, an individual or an entity to make an application, request or claim, submit any document or information or provide a signature by any other means made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose if the Minister determines that
(a) the infrastructure in a country is inadequate or incompatible with the electronic means made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose; or
(b) a natural disaster, political turmoil or other situation prevents or impedes the use of electronic means or makes using them unreliable.
Marginal note:Disability
9.5 A foreign national or an individual who, because of a disability is unable to meet a requirement to make an application, request or claim, submit any document or provide a signature or information using electronic means, may do so by any other means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
Marginal note:Payment of fees
9.6 (1) Any fees to be paid or evidence of payment of fees referred to in these Regulations must be paid or provided by the electronic means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose except in the following circumstances:
(a) if services for the collection of payment are provided by an entity under an agreement or arrangement with Canada for that purpose; or
(b) if fees may be paid at a port of entry by other means.
Marginal note:Payment in exceptional circumstances
(2) Despite subsection (1), the required fees may be paid or evidence of payment provided by any other means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose if the Minister determines that
(a) the infrastructure in a country is inadequate or incompatible with the electronic means made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose; or
(b) a natural disaster, political turmoil or other situation prevents or impedes the use of electronic means or makes using them unreliable.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt
(3) Any fee paid by electronic means is deemed to be paid on the date and at the time recorded by the electronic means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
Marginal note:Exception — disability
(4) A foreign national or an individual who, because of a disability is unable to pay the required fees referred to in subsection (1) by electronic means, may do so by other means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
DIVISION 2Applications
Marginal note:Form and content of application
10 (1) Subject to paragraphs 28(b) to (d) and 139(1)(b), an application under these Regulations shall
(a) be made in writing using the form, if any, provided by the Department or, in the case of an application for a declaration of relief under subsection 42.1(1) of the Act, by the Canada Border Services Agency;
(b) be signed by the applicant;
(c) include all information and documents required by these Regulations, as well as any other evidence required by the Act;
(d) be accompanied by evidence of payment of the applicable fee, if any, set out in these Regulations; and
(e) if there is an accompanying spouse or common-law partner, identify who is the principal applicant and who is the accompanying spouse or common-law partner.
Marginal note:Required information
(2) The application shall, unless otherwise provided by these Regulations,
(a) contain the name, birth date, address, nationality and immigration status of the applicant and of all family members of the applicant, whether accompanying or not, and a statement whether the applicant or any of the family members is the spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner of another person;
(b) indicate whether they are applying for a visa, permit or authorization;
(c) indicate the class prescribed by these Regulations for which the application is made;
(c.1) if the applicant is represented in connection with the application, include the name, postal address and telephone number, and fax number and electronic mail address, if any, of any person or entity — or a person acting on its behalf — representing the applicant;
(c.2) if the applicant is represented, for consideration in connection with the application, by a person referred to in any of paragraphs 91(2)(a) to (c) of the Act, include the name of the body of which the person is a member and their membership identification number;
(c.3) if the applicant has been advised, for consideration in connection with the application, by a person referred to in any of paragraphs 91(2)(a) to (c) of the Act, include the information referred to in paragraphs (c.1) and (c.2) with respect to that person;
(c.4) if the applicant has been advised, for consideration in connection with the application, by an entity — or a person acting on its behalf — referred to in subsection 91(4) of the Act, include the information referred to in paragraph (c.1) with respect to that entity or person; and
(d) include a declaration that the information provided is complete and accurate.
Marginal note:Exception — adoption
(2.1) An application to sponsor and the accompanying application for permanent residence for a person described in paragraph 117(1)(b) involving an international adoption or another person referred to in paragraph 117(1)(g) can be submitted without the information referred to in paragraph 10(2)(a) concerning that person but that information must be provided before the application is approved.
Marginal note:Clarification
(2.2) For greater certainty, neither the information referred to in subparagraphs 12.3(b)(i) and (ii) nor the fee referred to in section 315.1 form part of the application.
Marginal note:Application of family members
(3) The application is considered to be an application made for the principal applicant and their accompanying family members.
Marginal note:Application — sponsorship
(4) An application made by a foreign national as a member of the family class must be accompanied by a sponsorship application referred to in paragraph 130(1)(c).
Marginal note:Multiple applications
(5) No sponsorship application may be filed by a sponsor in respect of a person if the sponsor has filed another sponsorship application in respect of that same person and a final decision has not been made in respect of that other application.
Marginal note:Invalid sponsorship application
(6) A sponsorship application that is not made in accordance with subsection (1) is considered not to be an application filed in the prescribed manner for the purposes of subsection 63(1) of the Act.
- SOR/2004-59, s. 2
- SOR/2004-167, s. 5
- SOR/2011-129, s. 2
- SOR/2012-225, s. 1
- SOR/2017-38, s. 1
- SOR/2018-128, s. 1
- SOR/2019-174, s. 2
- SOR/2023-249, s. 3
Marginal note:Application — other means
11 If an application is not made by electronic means it must be submitted to the address specified by the Minister, including the address specified on the Department’s website for that purpose.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 6
- SOR/2012-154, s. 2
- SOR/2012-225, s. 2
- SOR/2019-174, s. 3
Marginal note:Return of application
12 Subject to section 140.4, if the requirements of sections 10 and 11 are not met, the application and all documents submitted in support of it, except the information referred to in subparagraphs 12.3(b)(i) and (ii), shall be returned to the applicant.
- SOR/2012-225, s. 3
- SOR/2018-128, s. 2
Marginal note:Request or application at port of entry
12.001 Subject to sections 198 and 214, a person — who under section 10.01 of the Act is required to provide their biometric information — may only make a request for a temporary resident permit under subsection 24(1) of the Act or an application for a work or study permit at a port of entry if that port of entry provides collection services for biometric information.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 2
Marginal note:Invitation — application for permanent residence
12.01 An application for permanent residence that is made in response to an invitation issued by the Minister under Division 0.1 of the Act must be made by the electronic means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
- SOR/2014-256, s. 1
- SOR/2019-174, s. 4
12.02 [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 4]
12.03 [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 4]
Marginal note:Electronic travel authorization — application by electronic means
12.04 (1) Despite section 10, an application for a travel authorization under subsection 11(1.01) of the Act must be made by the electronic system that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose.
(2) [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 5]
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 5]
Marginal note:Required information
(4) The application must contain the following information:
(a) the applicant’s name;
(b) the applicant’s date and place of birth;
(c) the applicant’s gender;
(d) the applicant’s address;
(e) the applicant’s nationality;
(f) the number of the applicant’s passport or other travel document, together with its date of issue and its expiry date and the country or the authority that issued it;
(g) if the applicant is an applicant referred to in any of paragraphs 10(2)(c.1) to (c.4), the information required under that paragraph;
(h) if the applicant is making the application by the electronic system referred to in subsection (1), the applicant’s e-mail address;
(h.1) in the case of a foreign national referred to in paragraph 7.01(2)(b), the valid United States nonimmigrant visa number; and
(i) a declaration that the information provided in the application is complete and accurate.
Marginal note:Combined applications — foreign nationals referred to in subsection 7.01(1)
(5) An application for a renewal of a work permit or study permit that is made by a foreign national referred to in subsection 7.01(1) is considered to constitute an application for an electronic travel authorization.
Marginal note:Combined applications — foreign nationals referred to in subsection 7.1(1)
(6) An application for a work permit or study permit or for renewal of a work permit or study permit that is made by a foreign national who is required under subsection 7.1(1) to obtain an electronic travel authorization is considered to constitute an application for an electronic travel authorization.
- SOR/2015-77, s. 3
- SOR/2017-53, s. 3
- SOR/2019-174, s. 5
- SOR/2019-174, s. 6
Marginal note:Period of validity
12.05 (1) An electronic travel authorization is valid for a period of five years from the day on which it is issued to the applicant or until the earliest of the following days, if they occur before the end of that period:
(a) the day on which the applicant’s passport or other travel document, in respect of which the electronic travel authorization was issued, expires,
(b) the day on which the electronic travel authorization is cancelled,
(c) the day on which a new electronic travel authorization, in respect of the same passport or the same travel document, is issued to the applicant,
(d) the day on which the country or authority referred to in paragraph 190(1)(a) that issued the passport or other travel document in respect of which the electronic travel authorization was issued is no longer referred to in that paragraph, and
(e) the day on which the country referred to in subsection 7.01(1) that issued the passport or other travel document in respect of which the electronic travel authorization was issued is no longer referred to in that subsection, unless that country is listed in Schedule 1.1.
Marginal note:United States lawful permanent residents
(1.1) Any electronic travel authorization that is issued to a citizen of a country other than those listed in Schedule 1.1 on the basis of their lawful admission to the United States for permanent residence ceases to be valid at 08:00:00 Eastern daylight time on April 26, 2022.
Marginal note:Exception — Mexico
(1.2) Paragraph (1)(d) does not apply to an electronic travel authorization issued to a foreign national who is a citizen of Mexico if, on the same day referred to in that paragraph, the foreign national holds a work permit or study permit.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Paragraph (1)(d) does not apply to an electronic travel authorization that is issued in respect of a machine-readable passport that contains a contactless integrated circuit chip and that is issued by Romania.
- SOR/2015-77, s. 3
- SOR/2017-53, s. 4
- SOR/2017-147, s. 1
- SOR/2017-246, s. 2(F)
- SOR/2018-109, s. 3
- SOR/2022-80, s. 2
- SOR/2023-106, s. 4
- SOR/2024-34, s. 2
Marginal note:Ineligibility
12.06 A foreign national who holds an electronic travel authorization becomes ineligible to hold such an authorization if, following its issuance,
(a) they are the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act;
(b) they were issued a temporary resident permit under subsection 24(1) of the Act;
(c) they are the subject of a report prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Act;
(d) they are the subject of a removal order made under subsection 44(2) or paragraph 45(d) of the Act;
(e) they withdrew their application to enter Canada under subsection 42(1);
(f) they were refused a temporary resident visa because they did not meet the requirement set out in paragraph 179(b);
(g) they were refused a work permit because they did not meet the requirement set out in paragraph 200(1)(b);
(h) they were refused a study permit because they did not meet the requirement set out in paragraph 216(1)(b);
(i) in the case of a foreign national referred to in subsection 7.01(1), it is established that, on the day on which they made their application for an electronic travel authorization, they did not meet either of the conditions set out in paragraphs 7.01(2)(a) and (b);
(j) an officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the foreign national will not leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2 of Part 9; or
(k) they were refused a work permit or study permit in the course of an application for or renewal of a work permit or study permit referred to in subsection 12.04(6).
- SOR/2015-77, s. 3
- SOR/2017-53, s. 5
- SOR/2025-11, s. 1
Marginal note:Cancellation
12.07 An officer may cancel an electronic travel authorization that was issued to a foreign national if
(a) the foreign national is inadmissible;
(b) the foreign national becomes ineligible to hold such an authorization under section 12.06; or
(c) the officer is satisfied that the electronic travel authorization was issued based on an administrative error.
- SOR/2017-53, s. 5
- SOR/2025-11, s. 2
Marginal note:Cancellation
12.08 An electronic travel authorization that was issued to a foreign national is cancelled if
(a) the foreign national becomes a permanent resident;
(b) the passport or other travel document in respect of which the electronic travel authorization was issued is lost, stolen or destroyed;
(c) the passport or other travel document in respect of which the electronic travel authorization was issued is abandoned by the foreign national; or
(d) the foreign national is deceased.
DIVISION 2.1Collection and Verification of Biometric Information
Marginal note:Collection — claims, applications, and requests
12.1 Section 10.01 of the Act does not apply to claims, applications and requests under the Act, other than the following:
(a) an application for a permanent resident visa;
(b) an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident;
(c) an application for permanent resident status made by a person who, when they made their claim for refugee protection outside Canada, was exempted, under section 12.8, from providing their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act;
(d) an application for a temporary resident visa;
(e) an application for an extension of authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident;
(f) a request for a temporary resident permit;
(g) an application for restoration of temporary resident status;
(h) an application for a work permit or renewal of a work permit;
(i) an application for a study permit or renewal of a study permit;
(j) an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, made in Canada by a protected person, within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act;
(k) a claim for refugee protection, made in Canada;
(l) a claim for refugee protection, made outside Canada; and
(m) an application for a new permanent resident card made for the first time by a person, 14 years of age or older, who, when they made an application referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (c), was exempted under paragraph 12.2(1)(a) from providing their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act.
- SOR/2013-73, s. 1
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Non-application — persons
12.2 (1) Section 10.01 of the Act does not apply to
(a) a person who is under the age of 14;
(b) a person who is over the age of 79, unless that person makes a claim in Canada for refugee protection;
(c) a person who makes an application or request referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(e) to (i) if they are
(i) Her Majesty in right of Canada and any member of the Royal Family, or
(ii) a national of the United States;
(d) a person who makes an application referred to in paragraph 12.1(h) or (i) if they are
(i) in Canada and have made a claim for refugee protection that has not yet been determined by the Refugee Protection Division,
(ii) in Canada and have had refugee protection conferred on them, or
(iii) a member of the Convention refugees abroad class or a member of a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class;
(e) a person who is a head of state or head of government who makes an application or request referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(d) to (i);
(f) a person who seeks to enter Canada in the course of official duties as a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member;
(g) a person who is a family member of a person referred to in paragraph (f);
(h) a person who holds a valid United States entry visa, is destined to or returning from that country and seeks to enter Canada for a period of less than 48 hours and who
(i) is travelling by transporter’s vehicle to a destination other than Canada, or
(ii) is transiting through or stopping over in Canada for refuelling or for the continuation of their journey in another vehicle of a transporter;
(i) a foreign national referred to in paragraph 7(2)(a) who makes an application for temporary resident status as a member of the visitor class; or
(j) a foreign national referred to in subsection 7.01(1) who is the holder of an electronic travel authorization and makes an application for temporary resident status as a member of the visitor class.
Marginal note:Determination of age
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the age of a person shall be determined as of the date on which the application, claim or request is made.
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2018-128, s. 3]
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
- SOR/2023-249, s. 10(F)
Marginal note:Procedure for collection of biometric information
12.3 For the purposes of section 10.01 of the Act, the procedure for the collection of biometric information is the following:
(a) the person who makes a claim, application or request shall present themself at:
(i) a location where services for the collection of biometric information are provided by an entity under an agreement or arrangement with the Minister for that purpose, or
(ii) at an immigration office, a port of entry or another location, if authorized or directed by an officer to do so, for
(A) reasons relating to the national interest,
(B) reasons relating to operational requirements, or
(C) any other reason that may be necessary in the circumstances; and
(b) they shall have their photograph taken — showing the person’s face unobscured by sunglasses or any other object — and fingerprints captured, at any location referred to in subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii), for the collection of the following information:
(i) photograph, and
(ii) fingerprints.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Processing of biometric information
12.4 For the purposes of section 10.01 of the Act, a biometric template may be created, and the information collected under paragraph 12.3(b) may be converted into a digital biometric format by using the template.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Verification of biometric information — procedure
12.5 For the purposes of section 10.01 of the Act, the procedure for the verification of biometric information to be followed by a person who has made a claim, application or request referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(a) to (m) is that, on seeking to enter Canada and when directed by an officer or by alternative means of examination referred to in paragraph 38(b), the person shall provide the information listed in subparagraphs 12.3(b)(i) and (ii) by means of an electronic device made available for that purpose, in order to verify the biometric information that they provided under paragraph 12.3(b).
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Exemption — multiple applications or requests
12.6 A person who makes more than one application or request before providing their biometric information referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(d) to (i) is not required to provide their biometric information more than once with respect to those applications or requests.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Exemption — biometric information previously provided
12.7 (1) Subject to section 12.9, a person who makes an application or request referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(d) to (i) is not required to provide their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act if
(a) they had already provided it — under subsection 12.1(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations as they read immediately before the coming into force of this paragraph — in support of an application referred to in that subsection, within the 10-year period before the day on which they make the current application;
(b) they had already provided it — under section 10.01 of the Act — in support of an application or request referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(d) to (i), within the 10-year period before the day on which they make the current application or request; or
(c) subject to subsection (2), they had already provided it under section 10.01 of the Act when they made a claim or application referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(a) to (c) or (j) to (l) and that claim or application is still pending on the day on which they make an application or request referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(d) to (i).
Marginal note:Limitation
(2) Paragraph (1)(c) ceases to apply on the latest of the expiry dates of any work permit or study permit — including any renewal of them — any temporary resident visa or any temporary resident permit having an expiry date that was issued to the person if that person made the application for the permit or visa during the processing of their claim or application, referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(a) to (c) or (j) to (l), and the claim or application referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(a) to (c) or (j) to (l) is refused.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Exemption — collection of biometric information impossible or not feasible
12.8 A person who makes a claim, application or request referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(a) to (m) is not required to provide, with respect to the claim, application or request in question, the information referred to in subparagraph 12.3(b)(i) or (ii), as the case may be, if the collection is impossible or not feasible.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Exception
12.9 Paragraph 12.7(1)(b) does not apply to
(a) a person referred to in paragraph 12.7(1)(b) who was exempted under section 12.8 from providing certain biometric information for a reason relating to a temporary situation if the situation no longer exists; and
(b) a person referred to in paragraph 12.7(1)(c).
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
Marginal note:Clarification
12.91 For greater certainty, despite sections 12.7 to 12.9, a person may choose to provide their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act in support of their claim, application or request.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 3
DIVISION 3Documents and Certified Copies
Marginal note:Production of documents
13 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a requirement of the Act or these Regulations to produce a document is met
(a) by producing the original document;
(b) by producing a certified copy of the original document; or
(c) in the case of an application, if there is an application form on the Department’s website, by completing and producing the form printed from the website or by completing and submitting the form on-line, if the website indicates that the form can be submitted on-line.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Unless these Regulations provide otherwise, a passport, a permanent resident visa, a permanent resident card, a temporary resident visa, a temporary resident permit, a work permit or a study permit may be produced only by producing the original document.
DIVISION 4Disclosure of Information
Marginal note:Authorized disclosure
13.1 If a member of the Board or an officer determines that the conduct of a person referred to in any of paragraphs 91(2)(a) to (c) of the Act in connection with a proceeding — other than a proceeding before a superior court — or application under the Act is likely to constitute a breach of the person’s professional or ethical obligations, the Department, the Canada Border Services Agency or the Board, as the case may be, may disclose the following information to a body that is responsible for governing or investigating that conduct or to a person who is responsible for investigating that conduct:
(a) any information referred to in paragraphs 10(2)(c.1) to (c.3); and
(b) any information relating to that conduct, but — in the case of any information that could identify any other person — only to the extent necessary for the complete disclosure of that conduct.
- SOR/2012-77, s. 1
DIVISION 4.1Use and Disclosure of Biometric Information and Related Personal Information
Marginal note:Disclosure of information
13.11 (1) Any biometric information and related personal information set out in subsection (2) that is collected under the Act and provided to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police may be used or disclosed by it to a law enforcement agency in Canada for the following purposes, if there is a potential match between fingerprints collected under the Act and fingerprints collected by it or submitted to it by a law enforcement agency in Canada:
(a) to establish or verify the identity of a person in order to prevent, investigate or prosecute an offence under any law of Canada or a province; and
(b) to establish or verify the identity of a person whose identity cannot reasonably be otherwise established or verified because of a physical or mental condition or because of their death.
Marginal note:Information that may be used or disclosed
(2) The following information in respect of a foreign national or a permanent resident may be used or disclosed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police under subsection (1):
(a) their fingerprints and the date on which they were taken;
(b) their surname and first name;
(c) their other names and aliases, if any;
(d) their date of birth;
(e) their gender; and
(f) any file number associated with the biometric information or related personal information.
- SOR/2013-73, s. 2
- SOR/2014-83, s. 1
- SOR/2019-212, s. 1
DIVISION 5Designated Body — Information Requirements
Marginal note:General requirement
13.2 (1) A body that is designated under subsection 91(5) of the Act must provide to the Minister, within 90 days after the end of each of its fiscal years, the following information and documents:
(a) its most recent annual report;
(b) its most recent financial statement and the auditor’s report on that financial statement;
(c) its instrument of incorporation, with an indication of any changes that have been made to that document since the last time it provided that document to the Minister in accordance with this section;
(d) its by-laws, with an indication of any changes that have been made to those by-laws since the last time it provided them to the Minister in accordance with this section;
(e) the minutes of each of the general meetings of its members that has been held during its last completed fiscal year;
(f) the terms of reference of its board of directors, if any, with an indication of any changes that have been made to those terms of reference since the last time it provided them to the Minister in accordance with this section;
(g) the conflict of interest code for its directors, if any, with an indication of any changes that have been made to that code since the last time it provided the code to the Minister in accordance with this section;
(h) the name, professional qualifications and term of office of each of its directors, with any change in the board of director’s composition that has occurred since the last time it provided the names of its directors to the Minister in accordance with this section;
(i) the minutes of each meeting of its board of directors that has been held during its last completed fiscal year;
(j) the name, terms of reference and composition of each of its executive committees, if any, as well as the name and professional qualifications of each of their members;
(k) the minutes of each meeting of its executive committees, if any, that has been held during its last completed fiscal year;
(l) any sums disbursed to its directors and officers as remuneration and any cash benefits or financial advantages granted to them, during its last completed fiscal year;
(m) the name and membership number of each of its members;
(n) the rules that govern the conduct of its members, with an indication of any changes that have been made to those rules since the last time it provided them to the Minister in accordance with this section;
(o) information, made anonymous, concerning the number and type of any complaints that it received during its last completed fiscal year in relation to the conduct of any of its members, including the distribution of those complaints by type, country of origin and, in the case of Canada, province of origin, the measures that it took to deal with those complaints and any decision that it rendered and sanction that it imposed as a consequence of those complaints;
(p) information in aggregate form, made anonymous, concerning any investigation by it, during its last completed fiscal year, into the conduct of any of its members if that conduct likely constitutes a breach of their professional or ethical obligations;
(q) the amount of any fees charged by it to its members, including its membership fees, with any change in those fees that has occurred since the last time it provided that information to the Minister in accordance with this section;
(r) the nature and amount of its entertainment, hospitality, meal, transport, accommodation, training and incidental expenses, if any, that were incurred by any person during its last completed fiscal year, as well as the name of the person;
(s) any training requirements that it imposes on its members; and
(t) information concerning any training made available by it to its members during its last completed fiscal year, including
(i) the professional qualifications required of trainers,
(ii) the identification of the mandatory courses from among those on offer,
(iii) any evaluation methods and applicable completion standards, and
(iv) the name and professional qualifications of each trainer.
Marginal note:Special requirement
(2) If the ability of the designated body to govern its members in a manner that is in the public interest so that they provide professional and ethical representation and advice appears to be compromised, the body must provide to the Minister — within 10 business days after the day on which the body receives from the Minister a notice indicating the existence of such a situation and setting out any information or documents from among those referred to in paragraphs (1)(c) to (t) that are necessary to assist the Minister to evaluate whether the body governs its members in a manner that is in the public interest so that they provide professional and ethical representation and advice — the documents or information set out in the notice.
Marginal note:Redacted information
(3) The information and documents set out in subsections (1) and (2) may be provided in redacted form to exclude from them information that is subject to litigation privilege or solicitor-client privilege or, in civil law, to immunity from disclosure or professional secrecy of advocates and notaries.
Marginal note:Electronic means
(4) Despite subsection 13(1), any information or document set out in subsection (1) or (2) may be provided to the Minister by electronic means.
- SOR/2012-77, s. 1
DIVISION 6Cancellation of Visas or Other Documents
Marginal note:Clarification
13.3 For greater certainty, nothing in these Regulations affects any other lawful authority to cancel a visa or any other document, including an electronic travel authorization, temporary resident visa, work permit and study permit.
PART 3Inadmissibility
DIVISION 1Determination of Inadmissibility
Marginal note:Application of par. 34(1)(c) of the Act
14 For the purpose of determining whether a foreign national or permanent resident is inadmissible under paragraph 34(1)(c) of the Act, if either the following determination or decision has been rendered, the findings of fact set out in that determination or decision shall be considered as conclusive findings of fact:
(a) a determination by the Board, based on findings that the foreign national or permanent resident has engaged in terrorism, that the foreign national or permanent resident is a person referred to in section F of Article 1 of the Refugee Convention; or
(b) a decision by a Canadian court under the Criminal Code concerning the foreign national or permanent resident and the commission of a terrorism offence.
Marginal note:Application of par. 35(1)(a) of the Act
15 For the purpose of determining whether a foreign national or permanent resident is inadmissible under paragraph 35(1)(a) of the Act, if any of the following decisions or the following determination has been rendered, the findings of fact set out in that decision or determination shall be considered as conclusive findings of fact:
(a) a decision concerning the foreign national or permanent resident that is made by any international criminal tribunal that is established by resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations, or the International Criminal Court as defined in the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act;
(b) a determination by the Board, based on findings that the foreign national or permanent resident has committed a war crime or a crime against humanity, that the foreign national or permanent resident is a person referred to in section F of Article 1 of the Refugee Convention; or
(c) a decision by a Canadian court under the Criminal Code or the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act concerning the foreign national or permanent resident and a war crime or crime against humanity committed outside Canada.
- SOR/2018-251, s. 2(F)
Marginal note:Application of paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Act
16 For the purposes of paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Act, a prescribed senior official is a person who, by virtue of the position they hold or held, is or was able to exert significant influence on the exercise of government power or is or was able to benefit from their position, and includes
(a) heads of state or government;
(b) members of the cabinet or governing council;
(c) senior advisors to persons described in paragraph (a) or (b);
(d) senior members of the public service;
(e) senior members of the military and of the intelligence and internal security services;
(f) ambassadors and senior diplomatic officials; and
(g) members of the judiciary.
- SOR/2016-136, s. 2
Marginal note:Application of paragraphs 37(1)(a) and (b) of the Act
16.1 For the purpose of determining whether a foreign national or permanent resident is inadmissible under paragraph 37(1)(a) or (b) of the Act, if either of the following decisions has been rendered, the findings of fact set out in that decision shall be considered as conclusive findings of fact:
(a) a decision by a Canadian court under section 467.11, 467.111, 467.12 or 467.13 of the Criminal Code concerning the foreign national or permanent resident; or
(b) a sentencing decision by a Canadian court concerning the foreign national or permanent resident, made in accordance with the principle set out under subparagraph 718.2(a)(iv) of the Criminal Code.
Marginal note:Prescribed period
17 For the purposes of paragraph 36(3)(c) of the Act, the prescribed period is five years
(a) after the completion of an imposed sentence, in the case of matters referred to in paragraphs 36(1)(b) and (2)(b) of the Act, if the person has not been convicted of a subsequent offence other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Young Offenders Act; and
(b) after committing an offence, in the case of matters referred to in paragraphs 36(1)(c) and (2)(c) of the Act, if the person has not been convicted of a subsequent offence other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Young Offenders Act.
Marginal note:Rehabilitation
18 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 36(3)(c) of the Act, the class of persons deemed to have been rehabilitated is a prescribed class.
Marginal note:Members of the class
(2) The following persons are members of the class of persons deemed to have been rehabilitated:
(a) persons who have been convicted outside Canada of no more than one offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament, if all of the following conditions apply, namely,
(i) the offence is punishable in Canada by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than 10 years,
(ii) at least 10 years have elapsed since the day after the completion of the imposed sentence,
(iii) the person has not been convicted in Canada of an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament,
(iv) the person has not been convicted in Canada of any summary conviction offence within the last 10 years under an Act of Parliament or of more than one summary conviction offence before the last 10 years, other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act,
(v) the person has not within the last 10 years been convicted outside Canada of an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament, other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act,
(vi) the person has not before the last 10 years been convicted outside Canada of more than one offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute a summary conviction offence under an Act of Parliament, and
(vii) the person has not committed an act described in paragraph 36(2)(c) of the Act, other than the one for which they have been convicted;
(b) persons convicted outside Canada of two or more offences that, if committed in Canada, would constitute summary conviction offences under any Act of Parliament, if all of the following conditions apply, namely,
(i) at least five years have elapsed since the day after the completion of the imposed sentences,
(ii) the person has not been convicted in Canada of an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament,
(iii) the person has not within the last five years been convicted in Canada of an offence under an Act of Parliament, other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act,
(iv) the person has not within the last five years been convicted outside Canada of an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament, other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act,
(v) the person has not before the last five years been convicted in Canada of more than one summary conviction offence under an Act of Parliament, other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act,
(vi) the person has not been convicted of an offence referred to in paragraph 36(2)(b) of the Act that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an indictable offence, and
(vii) the person has not committed an act described in paragraph 36(2)(c) of the Act; and
(c) persons who have committed no more than one act outside Canada that is an offence in the place where it was committed and that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament, if all of the following conditions apply, namely,
(i) the offence is punishable in Canada by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than 10 years,
(ii) at least 10 years have elapsed since the day after the commission of the offence,
(iii) the person has not been convicted in Canada of an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament,
(iv) the person has not been convicted in Canada of any summary conviction offence within the last 10 years under an Act of Parliament or of more than one summary conviction offence before the last 10 years, other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act,
(v) the person has not within the last 10 years been convicted outside of Canada of an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament, other than an offence designated as a contravention under the Contraventions Act or an offence under the Youth Criminal Justice Act,
(vi) the person has not before the last 10 years been convicted outside Canada of more than one offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute a summary conviction offence under an Act of Parliament, and
(vii) the person has not been convicted outside of Canada of an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an indictable offence under an Act of Parliament.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 7
- SOR/2019-212, s. 2
Marginal note:Prescribed class
18.1 (1) The class of foreign nationals who are inadmissible solely on the basis of having been convicted in Canada of two or more offences that may only be prosecuted summarily, under any Act of Parliament, is a prescribed class for the application of paragraph 36(2)(a) of the Act.
Marginal note:Exemption
(2) A member of the class prescribed in subsection (1) is exempt from the application of paragraph 36(2)(a) of the Act if it has been at least five years since the day after the completion of the imposed sentences.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 8
Marginal note:Transborder criminality
19 (1) For the purposes of subsection 36(2.1) of the Act, the prescribed offences are
(a) any indictable offence under the Criminal Code;
(b) any indictable offence under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
(c) any offence under section 106, 107 or 110 of the Firearms Act;
(d) any offence under subsection 159(1) of the Customs Act with respect to the following goods:
(i) child pornography, as defined in subsection 163.1(1) of the Criminal Code,
(ii) an automatic firearm, imitation firearm, non-restricted firearm, prohibited ammunition, prohibited device, prohibited firearm, prohibited weapon, replica firearm, restricted firearm or restricted weapon, as those terms are defined in subsection 84(1) of the Criminal Code,
(iii) a substance listed in any of Schedules I to VI of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or a device listed in Schedule IX of that Act, or
(iv) cannabis, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Cannabis Act;
(e) any offence under subsection 160(1) of the Customs Act that is
(i) a contravention of section 12 of that Act with respect to the following goods:
(A) child pornography, as defined in subsection 163.1(1) of the Criminal Code,
(B) an automatic firearm, imitation firearm, non-restricted firearm, prohibited ammunition, prohibited device, prohibited firearm, prohibited weapon, replica firearm, restricted firearm or restricted weapon, as those terms are defined in subsection 84(1) of the Criminal Code, or
(C) a substance listed in any of Schedules I to VI of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, or
(ii) a contravention of section 156 of the Customs Act;
(f) any offence under section 4, 5, 6 or 7.1 of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or any offence under section 46 of that Act that is a contravention of subsection 46.3(1) of that Act; and
(g) any offence under Division 1 of Part 1 of the Cannabis Act, except an offence under section 12 of that Act.
Marginal note:Punishable by way of indictment
(2) For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(a) and (b), an offence that may be prosecuted either summarily or by way of indictment is deemed to be an offence punishable by way of indictment, even if it has been prosecuted summarily.
- SOR/2018-170, s. 1
- 2023, c. 32, s. 67
- SOR/2024-128, s. 1
Marginal note:Inadmissibility on health grounds
20 (1) An officer shall determine that a foreign national is inadmissible on health grounds if the officer determines that the foreign national’s health condition is likely to be a danger to public health or public safety or, except for a foreign national referred to in subsection 38(2) of the Act, might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand.
Marginal note:Danger to public health or public safety
(2) Before determining that the foreign national’s health condition is likely to be a danger to public health or public safety, the officer shall consider any opinions of an officer who is assessing the foreign national’s health condition.
Marginal note:Excessive demand
(3) Before determining that the foreign national’s health condition might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand, the officer shall consider
(a) any opinions of an officer who is assessing the foreign national’s health condition; and
(b) any relevant non-medical factors, including
(i) the foreign national’s intent and financial ability to mitigate any excessive demand, and
(ii) the feasibility of a mitigation plan, if any, submitted by the foreign national.
Marginal note:Financial reasons
21 Protected persons within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act are exempted from the application of section 39 of the Act.
Marginal note:Misrepresentation
22 Persons who have claimed refugee protection, if disposition of the claim is pending, and protected persons within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act are exempted from the application of paragraph 40(1)(a) of the Act.
Marginal note:Application of paragraph 41(a) of the Act
22.1 For the purpose of determining whether a foreign national is inadmissible under paragraph 41(a) of the Act for having failed to comply with the condition set out in paragraph 43(1)(e) or 183(1)(d) of these Regulations, if the foreign national has been convicted for having contravened an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act, the facts on which the conviction is based shall be considered to be conclusively established.
Marginal note:Prescribed circumstances — family members
23 For the purposes of paragraph 42(1)(a) of the Act, the prescribed circumstances in which the foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of an inadmissible non-accompanying family member are that
(a) the foreign national is a temporary resident or has made an application for temporary resident status, an application for a permanent resident visa or an application to remain in Canada as a temporary or permanent resident; and
(b) the non-accompanying family member is
(i) the spouse of the foreign national, except where the relationship between the spouse and foreign national has broken down in law or in fact,
(ii) the common-law partner of the foreign national,
(iii) a dependent child of the foreign national and either the foreign national or an accompanying family member of the foreign national has custody of that child or is empowered to act on behalf of that child by virtue of a court order or written agreement or by operation of law, or
(iv) a dependent child of a dependent child of the foreign national and the foreign national, a dependent child of the foreign national or any other accompanying family member of the foreign national has custody of that child or is empowered to act on behalf of that child by virtue of a court order or written agreement or by operation of law.
- SOR/2014-269, ss. 1, 6
Marginal note:Exception
24 (1) The exception set out in paragraph 38(2)(a) of the Act does not apply to a child who is not a dependent child of the sponsor.
Marginal note:Prescribed family members
(2) The following family members of a foreign national referred to in paragraph 38(2)(a) of the Act are prescribed for the purpose of paragraph 38(2)(d) of the Act:
(a) the dependent child of the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner;
(b) the dependent child of the dependent child referred to in paragraph (a); and
(c) the dependent child of the sponsor’s dependent child.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Paragraph 38(1)(c) of the Act does not apply to a foreign national who has been determined to be a member of the family class and is
(a) the conjugal partner of a sponsor;
(b) the dependent child of the conjugal partner referred to in paragraph (a);
(c) the dependent child of the dependent child referred to in paragraph (b); or
(d) a person referred to in paragraph 117(1)(g).
- SOR/2005-61, s. 2
- SOR/2019-212, s. 3
- SOR/2023-249, s. 4(E)
DIVISION 2Application for Declaration of Relief Under Subsection 42.1(1) of the Act
Marginal note:Application
24.1 (1) A foreign national may apply for a declaration of relief under subsection 42.1(1) of the Act if a decision has been made to refuse their application for permanent or temporary resident status, or a removal order has been issued against them, on the basis of a determination of inadmissibility under section 34, paragraph 35(1)(b) or subsection 37(1) of the Act.
Marginal note:Judicial review
(2) However, if the foreign national has filed an application for leave to commence an application for judicial review under subsection 72(1) of the Act with respect to a decision or removal order referred to in subsection (1), the foreign national may only make an application under subsection (1) after the earliest of the following:
(a) the Federal Court refuses the application for leave,
(b) if the application for leave is granted, the Federal Court refuses the application for judicial review and no question is certified for the Federal Court of Appeal,
(c) if a question is certified for the Federal Court of Appeal,
(i) an appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal is not filed within the time limit, or
(ii) the Federal Court of Appeal dismisses the appeal and an application to the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal from that decision is not filed within the time limit,
(d) if an application is filed with the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal,
(i) the application is refused,
(ii) the application is granted and an appeal is not filed within the time limit, or
(iii) the Supreme Court of Canada dismisses the appeal, and
(e) the foreign national discontinues their application for leave to commence an application for judicial review, application for judicial review, appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal, application to the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal or appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, as the case may be.
- SOR/2017-38, s. 3
- 2023, c. 19, s. 16
Marginal note:Required information
24.2 (1) An application under subsection 42.1(1) of the Act must include the following information in respect of the applicant:
(a) their place of birth, gender and marital status and the names of any former spouses or common-law partners;
(b) their telephone number and email address, if any;
(c) their former countries of citizenship or former countries of nationality;
(d) their education, including the name and address of all elementary and secondary schools and post-secondary, technical and vocational institutions attended and the start and end dates for the periods during which they attended each school or institution;
(e) their work history, including volunteer work, from the age of 16 years, including start and end dates for each period of work, their job title and job description and the employer’s name and address;
(f) their international travel history from the age of 16 years, including a list of the countries visited, the purpose of the visits, the dates and duration of the visits and any immigration status sought from or granted by any country visited; and
(g) the provision of the Act under which they were determined to be inadmissible — section 34, paragraph 35(1)(b) or subsection 37(1) — as well as the date on which and the city and country in which the determination was made and whether the determination resulted in a decision or removal order referred to in subsection 24.1(1).
Marginal note:Non-application of paragraphs 10(2)(b) and (c)
(2) Paragraphs 10(2)(b) and (c) do not apply to an application under subsection 42.1(1) of the Act.
- SOR/2017-38, s. 3
- 2023, c. 19, s. 17
Marginal note:Return of application
24.3 If the requirements of sections 24.1 and 24.2 are not met, the application is not accepted for processing and the application and all documents submitted in support of it are returned to the applicant.
- SOR/2017-38, s. 3
- SOR/2018-251, s. 3(F)
Marginal note:Closing of file
24.4 The processing of the application is discontinued and the applicant’s file is closed if
(a) a notice has been sent to the applicant requiring that they confirm their intention to proceed with their application and the applicant fails to respond to the notice within 60 calendar days after the day on which it was sent;
(b) the applicant has acquired permanent resident status;
(c) the applicant withdraws their application in writing; or
(d) the applicant has, since making their application, filed an application for leave to commence an application for judicial review under subsection 72(1) of the Act with respect to a decision or removal order referred to in subsection 24.1(1).
- SOR/2017-38, s. 3
Marginal note:Change in information
24.5 The applicant must notify the Minister without delay of any change in their address, telephone number or email address and, if the applicant is represented, the address, telephone number, fax number or email address of their representative.
- SOR/2017-38, s. 3
PART 4Procedures
DIVISION 0.1Expiry Date
Marginal note:Limitation
24.6 (1) The expiry date of any work permit, study permit — including any renewal of them — temporary resident permit having an expiry date, temporary resident visa, or document that indicates the temporary resident status of a person who is a member of the visitor class, issued to a person who is required to provide their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act, must not be later than 10 years after the latest day on which the person provided their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act.
Marginal note:Determination of latest day
(2) The latest day on which the person provided their biometric information is determined at the time of the issuance of the permit, visa or other document.
- SOR/2018-128, s. 4
DIVISION 1Visa Issuance
Marginal note:When unenforced removal order
25 A visa shall not be issued to a foreign national who is subject to an unenforced removal order.
Marginal note:General rule — one-step process
25.1 (1) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who is a member of any of the classes set out in these Regulations, other than in those cases referred to in subsections (2) to (9), and who makes an application under Division 5, 6 or 7 of Part 5 is the date on which the application is made.
Marginal note:Certificat de sélection — distressful situation
(2) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who is referred to in section 71, to whom a Certificat de sélection du Québec has been issued declaring that that person is in a particularly distressful situation and who makes an application under Division 6 of Part 5 is the date on which the application for selection was made to Quebec.
Marginal note:Quebec economic candidate
(3) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who is referred to in section 86, 90, 97 or 101, to whom a Certificat de sélection du Québec has been issued and who makes an application under Division 6 of Part 5 is the date on which the application for selection was made to Quebec.
Marginal note:Provincial nominee
(4) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who is a member of the provincial nominee class, who is nominated by the province and who makes an application under Division 6 of Part 5 is the date on which the application for nomination was made to the province.
Marginal note:Atlantic economic candidate
(5) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who is a member of the Atlantic immigration class and who makes an application under Division 6 of Part 5 is the date on which the application for endorsement was made to the province.
Marginal note:Sponsorship — refugee
(6) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who is referred to in paragraph 139(1)(h), who makes an application under Division 6 of Part 5 and in respect of whom an undertaking application is made by a sponsor who meets the requirements of sponsorship set out in section 158 is the date on which the undertaking application was made to Quebec.
Marginal note:Refugee
(7) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who submits an application for a permanent resident visa under Division 1 of Part 8 along with one of the referrals set out in section 140.3 is the date on which the referral was made.
Marginal note:Family member who does not accompany applicant
(8) For the purposes of determining whether a child who submits an application under paragraph 141(1)(b) is the dependent child of a person who has submitted an application under paragraph 139(1)(b), the lock-in date for the age of that child is the date on which that person submitted the application.
Marginal note:Refugee protection
(9) For the purposes of determining whether a child is a dependent child, the lock-in date for the age of a child of a person who has submitted a claim for refugee protection inside Canada under subsection 99(3) of the Act, who has acquired protected person status and who has made an application for permanent residence is the date on which the claim for refugee protection was made.
- SOR/2014-133, s. 2
- SOR/2016-316, s. 1
- SOR/2017-78, s. 2
- SOR/2021-242, s. 1
DIVISION 1.1Issuance of Electronic Travel Authorization
Marginal note:Electronic travel authorization not to be issued
25.2 An electronic travel authorization shall not be issued to a foreign national who is subject to an unenforced removal order.
- SOR/2015-77, s. 4
DIVISION 2Authorization to Enter Canada
Marginal note:Designation of ports of entry
26 The Minister may, on the basis of the following factors, designate a place as a port of entry as well as the port of entry’s dates and hours of operation:
(a) the frequency or anticipated frequency of persons arriving from abroad in the area under consideration;
(b) the need for the services of the Canada Border Services Agency in that area;
(c) the operational requirements of commercial transporters;
(d) administrative arrangements with other departments or agencies of the Government of Canada;
(e) the operational capacity of the Canada Border Services Agency; and
(f) any order or regulation made by the Governor in Council under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act that prohibits the entry of certain persons into Canada.
- SOR/2017-214, s. 1
- SOR/2020-55, s. 2
Marginal note:Services at port of entry
26.1 (1) The Minister may, on the basis of the factors set out in section 26, specify whether the services provided at a port of entry include the following:
(a) the collection of biometric information under section 12.3;
(b) the reception of a permanent resident visa that a foreign national presents, under section 71.1, in order to become a permanent resident;
(c) the reception of an application for an extension of an authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident under section 181;
(d) the reception of an application for the restoration of temporary resident status under section 182;
(e) the reception of an application for a work permit under subsection 198(1);
(f) the reception of an application for the renewal of a work permit under section 201;
(g) the reception of an application for a study permit under section 214; and
(h) the reception of an application for the renewal of a study permit under section 217.
Marginal note:Class of foreign nationals
(2) The Minister may also, on the basis of those factors, specify whether a service set out in subsection (1) is provided to a specified class of foreign nationals at a specified port of entry.
Marginal note:Obligation on entry
27 (1) Unless these Regulations provide otherwise, for the purpose of the examination required by subsection 18(1) of the Act, a person must appear without delay before an officer at a port of entry.
Marginal note:Seeking entry at a place other than a port of entry
(2) Unless these Regulations provide otherwise, a person who seeks to enter Canada at a place other than a port of entry must appear without delay for examination at the port of entry that is nearest to that place.
Marginal note:Refused entry elsewhere
(3) For the purposes of section 18 of the Act, every person who has been returned to Canada as a result of the refusal of another country to allow that person entry is a person seeking to enter Canada.
DIVISION 3Conduct of Examination
Marginal note:Examination
28 For the purposes of subsection 15(1) of the Act, a person makes an application in accordance with the Act by
(a) submitting an application in writing;
(b) seeking to enter Canada;
(c) seeking to transit through Canada as provided in section 35; or
(d) making a claim for refugee protection.
Marginal note:Medical examination
29 For the purposes of paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act, a medical examination includes any or all of the following:
(a) physical examination;
(b) mental examination;
(c) review of past medical history;
(d) laboratory test;
(e) diagnostic test; and
(f) medical assessment of records respecting the applicant.
Marginal note:Exemptions from medical examination requirement
30 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act, the following foreign nationals are exempt from the requirement to submit to a medical examination:
(a) foreign nationals other than
(i) subject to paragraph (g), foreign nationals who are applying for a permanent resident visa or applying to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, as well as their family members, whether accompanying or not,
(ii) foreign nationals who are seeking to work in Canada in an occupation in which the protection of public health is essential,
(iii) foreign nationals who
(A) are seeking to enter Canada or applying for renewal of their work or study permit or authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident for a period in excess of six consecutive months, including an actual or proposed period of absence from Canada of less than 14 days, and
(B) have resided or stayed for a period of six consecutive months, at any time during the one-year period immediately preceding the date that they sought entry or made their application, in an area that the Minister determines, after consultation with the Minister of Health, has a higher incidence of serious communicable disease than Canada,
(iv) foreign nationals who an officer, or the Immigration Division, has reasonable grounds to believe are inadmissible under subsection 38(1) of the Act,
(v) foreign nationals who claim refugee protection in Canada, and
(vi) foreign nationals who are seeking to enter or remain in Canada and who may apply to the Minister for protection under subsection 112(1) of the Act, other than foreign nationals who have not left Canada since their claim for refugee protection or application for protection was rejected;
(b) a person described in paragraph 186(b) who is entering or is in Canada to carry out official duties, unless they seek to engage or continue in secondary employment in Canada;
(c) a family member of a person described in paragraph 186(b), unless that family member seeks to engage or continue in employment in Canada;
(d) a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state as defined in the Visiting Forces Act, who is entering or is in Canada to carry out official duties, other than a person who has been designated as a civilian component of those armed forces, unless that member seeks to engage or continue in secondary employment in Canada;
(e) a family member of a protected person, if the family member is not included in the protected person’s application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident; and
(f) a non-accompanying family member of a foreign national who has applied for refugee protection outside Canada.
(g) [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 3]
Marginal note:Subsequent examination
(2) Every foreign national who has undergone a medical examination as required under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act must submit to a new medical examination before entering Canada if, after being authorized to enter and remain in Canada, they have resided or stayed for a total period in excess of six months in an area that the Minister determines, after consultation with the Minister of Health, has a higher incidence of serious communicable disease than Canada.
Marginal note:Medical certificate
(3) Every foreign national who must submit to a medical examination, as required under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act, and who seeks to enter Canada must hold a medical certificate — based on the most recent medical examination to which they were required to submit under that paragraph and which took place within the previous 12 months — that indicates that their health condition is not likely to be a danger to public health or public safety and, unless subsection 38(2) of the Act applies, is not reasonably expected to cause excessive demand.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 9
- SOR/2010-78, s. 1
- SOR/2012-154, s. 3
- SOR/2017-78, s. 3
Marginal note:Public health
31 Before opining whether a foreign national’s health condition is likely to be a danger to public health, an officer who is assessing the foreign national’s health condition shall consider
(a) any report made by a health practitioner or medical laboratory with respect to the foreign national;
(b) the communicability of any disease that the foreign national is affected by or carries; and
(c) the impact that the disease could have on other persons living in Canada.
Marginal note:Conditions
32 In addition to the conditions that are imposed on a foreign national who makes an application as a member of a class, an officer may impose, vary or cancel the following conditions in respect of any foreign national who is required to submit to a medical examination under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act:
(a) to report at the specified times and places for medical examination, surveillance or treatment; and
(b) to provide proof, at the specified times and places, of compliance with the conditions imposed.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 4
Marginal note:Public safety
33 Before opining whether a foreign national’s health condition is likely to be a danger to public safety, an officer who is assessing the foreign national’s health condition shall consider
(a) any reports made by a health practitioner or medical laboratory with respect to the foreign national; and
(b) the risk of a sudden incapacity or of unpredictable or violent behaviour of the foreign national that would create a danger to the health or safety of persons living in Canada.
Marginal note:Excessive demand
34 (1) An officer who is assessing a foreign national’s health condition shall analyze all relevant medical factors that apply to a determination of whether the foreign national’s health condition might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand and shall prepare an opinion based on their analysis.
Marginal note:Medical factors
(2) Medical factors referred to in subsection (1) include
(a) any reports made by a health practitioner or medical laboratory with respect to the foreign national;
(b) any condition identified by a medical examination required under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act;
(c) the availability of and anticipated costs for health services and social services arising from the foreign national’s health status; and
(d) a consideration of whether a mitigation plan, if any, submitted by the foreign national would provide for appropriate treatment for the health condition and would be permitted under the rules regulating the delivery of health care in Canada.
Marginal note:Non-medical factors
(3) The officer shall not consider non-medical factors, including
(a) the foreign national’s intent and financial ability to mitigate any excessive demand; and
(b) the feasibility of a mitigation plan, if any, submitted by the foreign national.
Marginal note:Transit
35 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the following persons are not seeking to enter Canada but are making an application under subsection 15(1) of the Act to transit through Canada:
(a) in airports where there are United States’ in-transit preclearance facilities, in-transit preclearance passengers; and
(b) in any airport, passengers who are arriving from any country and who are transiting to a country other than Canada and remain in a sterile transit area.
Marginal note:Obligatory examination
(2) Any person seeking to leave a sterile transit area must appear immediately for examination.
Marginal note:Actions not constituting a complete examination
36 An inspection carried out aboard a means of transportation bringing persons to Canada or the questioning of persons embarking on or disembarking from a means of transportation, or the examination of any record or document respecting such persons before they appear for examination at a port of entry, is part of an examination but does not constitute a complete examination.
Marginal note:End of examination
37 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the examination of a person who seeks to enter Canada, or who makes an application to transit through Canada, ends only when
(a) a determination is made that the person has a right to enter Canada, or is authorized to enter Canada as a temporary resident or permanent resident, the person is authorized to leave the port of entry at which the examination takes place and the person leaves the port of entry;
(b) if the person is an in-transit passenger, the person departs from Canada;
(c) the person is authorized to withdraw their application to enter Canada and an officer verifies their departure from Canada; or
(d) a decision in respect of the person is made under subsection 44(2) of the Act and the person leaves the port of entry.
Marginal note:End of examination — claim for refugee protection
(2) The examination of a person who makes a claim for refugee protection at a port of entry or inside Canada other than at a port of entry ends when the later of the following occurs:
(a) an officer determines that their claim is ineligible under section 101 of the Act or the Refugee Protection Division accepts or rejects their claim under section 107 of the Act;
(b) a decision in respect of the person is made under subsection 44(2) of the Act and, in the case of a claim made at a port of entry, the person leaves the port of entry.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 10(F)
- SOR/2016-136, s. 3(F)
- SOR/2018-60, s. 1
Alternative Means of Examination
Marginal note:Means
38 For the purposes of subsection 18(1) of the Act, the following persons may — unless otherwise directed by an officer — be examined by the means indicated as alternative to appearing for an examination by an officer at a port of entry:
(a) persons who have previously been examined and hold an authorization issued under section 11.1 of the Customs Act, in which case examination is effected by the presentation of the authorization by those persons at a port of entry;
(b) persons who are seeking to enter Canada at a port of entry where facilities are in place for automatic screening of persons seeking to enter Canada, in which case examination is performed by automatic screening;
(c) persons who leave Canada and proceed directly to a marine installation or structure to which the Oceans Act applies, and who return directly to Canada from the installation or structure without entering the territorial waters of a foreign state, in which case examination is conducted by an officer by telephone or other means of telecommunication;
(d) members of a crew of a ship that transports oil or liquid natural gas and that docks at a marine installation or structure to which the Oceans Act applies, for the purpose of loading oil or liquid natural gas, in which case examination is conducted by an officer by telephone or other means of telecommunication;
(e) members of a crew of a ship registered in a foreign country, other than members of a crew referred to in paragraph (d), in which case examination is conducted by an officer by telephone or other means of telecommunication;
(f) members of a crew of a ship registered in Canada, in which case examination is conducted by an officer by telephone or other means of telecommunication;
(g) citizens or permanent residents of Canada or the United States who are seeking to enter Canada at remote locations where no officer is assigned or where there are no means by which the persons may report for examination, in which case examination is conducted by an officer by telephone or other means of telecommunication; and
(h) citizens or permanent residents of Canada or the United States who seek to enter Canada at places, other than a port of entry, where no officer is assigned, in which case examination is conducted by an officer by telephone or other means of telecommunication.
Permitted Entry
Marginal note:Entry permitted
39 An officer shall allow the following persons to enter Canada following an examination:
(a) persons who have been returned to Canada as a result of a refusal of another country to allow them entry after they were removed from or otherwise left Canada after a removal order was made against them;
(b) persons returning to Canada under a transfer order made under the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act and who, immediately before being transferred to a foreign state under the transfer order, were subject to an unenforced removal order; and
(c) persons who are in possession of refugee travel papers issued to them by the Minister that are valid for return to Canada.
- SOR/2015-46, s. 1
Conduct of Examination Measures
Marginal note:Direction to leave
40 (1) Except in the case of protected persons within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act and refugee protection claimants, an officer who is unable to examine a person who is seeking to enter Canada at a port of entry shall, in writing, direct the person to leave Canada.
Marginal note:Service
(2) A copy of the direction shall be served on the person as well as on the owner or person in control of the means of transportation, if any, that brought the person to Canada.
Marginal note:Ceasing to have effect
(3) The direction ceases to have effect when the person appears again at a port of entry and an officer proceeds to examine the person.
Marginal note:Direct back
41 Unless an authorization has been given under section 23 of the Act, an officer who examines a foreign national who is seeking to enter Canada from the United States shall direct them to return temporarily to the United States if
(a) no officer is able to complete an examination;
(b) the Minister is not available to consider, under subsection 44(2) of the Act, a report prepared with respect to the person;
(c) an admissibility hearing cannot be held by the Immigration Division; or
(d) the foreign national is prohibited from entering Canada by an order or regulation made by the Governor in Council under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act.
Marginal note:Withdrawing application
42 (1) Subject to subsection (2), an officer who examines a foreign national who is seeking to enter Canada and who has indicated that they want to withdraw their application to enter Canada shall allow the foreign national to withdraw their application and leave Canada.
Marginal note:Exception — report
(2) If a report is being prepared or has been prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Act in respect of a foreign national who indicates that they want to withdraw their application to enter Canada, the officer shall not allow the foreign national to withdraw their application or leave Canada unless the Minister decides either not to make a removal order or not to refer the report to the Immigration Division for an admissibility hearing.
Marginal note:Obligation to confirm departure
(3) A foreign national who is allowed to withdraw their application to enter Canada must appear without delay before an officer at a port of entry to confirm their departure from Canada.
- SOR/2018-5, s. 1
Application of Section 23 of the Act
Marginal note:Conditions
43 (1) An officer must impose the following conditions on every person authorized to enter Canada under section 23 of the Act:
(a) to report in person at the time and place specified for the completion of the examination or the admissibility hearing;
(b) to not engage in any work in Canada;
(c) to not attend any educational institution in Canada;
(d) to report in person to an officer at a port of entry if the person withdraws their application to enter Canada; and
(e) to comply with all requirements imposed on them by an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act.
Marginal note:Effect of authorization to enter
(2) A foreign national who is authorized to enter Canada under section 23 of the Act does not, by reason only of that authorization, become a temporary resident or a permanent resident.
Obligation to Appear at an Admissibility Hearing
Marginal note:Class
44 (1) The class of persons who are the subject of a report referred for an admissibility hearing under subsection 44(2) of the Act is prescribed as a class of persons.
Marginal note:Members
(2) The members of the class of persons who are the subject of a report referred for an admissibility hearing under subsection 44(2) of the Act are the persons who are the subject of such a report.
Marginal note:Obligation
(3) Every member of the class prescribed under subsection (1) must appear at their admissibility hearing before the Immigration Division if they are given notice of the hearing by the Division.
Deposits or Guarantees
Marginal note:Deposit or guarantee required on entry
45 (1) An officer can require, in respect of a person or group of persons seeking to enter Canada, the payment of a deposit or the posting of a guarantee, or both, to the Minister for compliance with any conditions imposed.
Marginal note:Amount
(2) The amount of the deposit or guarantee is fixed by an officer on the basis of
(a) the financial resources of the person or group;
(b) the obligations that result from the conditions imposed;
(c) the costs that would likely be incurred to locate and arrest the person or group, to detain them, to hold an admissibility hearing and to remove them from Canada; and
(d) in the case of a guarantee, the costs that would likely be incurred to enforce it.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 11(F)
Marginal note:Application
46 Sections 47 to 49 apply to deposits and guarantees required under subsections 44(3), 56(1), 58(3) and 58.1(3) of the Act and section 45 of these Regulations.
Marginal note:General requirements
47 (1) A person who pays a deposit or posts a guarantee
(a) must not have signed or co-signed another guarantee that is in default; and
(b) must have the capacity to contract in the province where the deposit is paid or the guarantee is posted.
Marginal note:Requirements if guarantee posted
(2) A person who posts a guarantee must
(a) be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, physically present and residing in Canada;
(b) be able to ensure that the person or group of persons in respect of whom the guarantee is required will comply with the conditions imposed; and
(c) present to an officer evidence of their ability to fulfil the obligation arising from the guarantee.
Marginal note:Money illegally obtained
(3) If an officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a sum of money offered by a person as a deposit was not legally obtained, or that a sum of money that a person may be obliged to pay under a guarantee would not be legally obtained, the officer shall not allow that person to pay a deposit or post a guarantee.
Marginal note:Factors to consider
(4) An officer, the Immigration Division or the Minister must consider the following factors in assessing whether the person who posts a guarantee has the ability to ensure that the person or group of persons in respect of whom the guarantee is required will comply with the conditions imposed:
(a) their relationship to the person or group of persons in respect of whom the guarantee is required;
(b) their financial situation;
(c) any previous history posting a guarantee;
(d) their criminal record; and
(e) any other relevant factor in determining their ability to ensure that the person or group of persons in respect of whom the guarantee is required will comply with the conditions imposed.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 12(F)
- SOR/2020-92, s. 2
Marginal note:Conditions if guarantee posted
48 (1) In addition to any other conditions that are imposed, the following conditions are imposed on a person or group of persons in respect of whom a guarantee is required:
(a) to provide the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency, depending on which one requires the information, with the address of the person posting the guarantee and to advise the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency, as the case may be, before any change in that address; and
(b) to present themself or themselves at the time and place that an officer or the Immigration Division requires them to appear to comply with any obligation imposed on them under the Act.
Marginal note:Conditions if deposit paid
(2) In addition to any other conditions that are imposed, the following conditions are imposed on a person or group of persons in respect of whom a deposit is required:
(a) to provide the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency, depending on which one requires the information, with their address and to advise the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency, as the case may be, before any change in that address; and
(b) to present themself or themselves at the time and place that an officer or the Immigration Division requires them to appear to comply with any obligation imposed on them under the Act.
- SOR/2010-195, s. 1(F)
- SOR/2017-214, s. 2
Marginal note:Acknowledgment of consequences of failure to comply with conditions
49 (1) A person who pays a deposit or posts a guarantee must acknowledge in writing
(a) that they have been informed of the conditions imposed; and
(b) that they have been informed that non-compliance with any conditions imposed will result in the forfeiture of the deposit or enforcement of the guarantee.
Marginal note:Receipt
(2) An officer shall issue a receipt for the deposit or a copy of the guarantee, and a copy of the conditions imposed.
Marginal note:Return of deposit
(3) If an officer determines that the person or group of persons in respect of whom the deposit was required has complied with the conditions imposed, the deposit shall be returned.
Marginal note:Breach of condition
(4) A sum of money deposited is forfeited, or a guarantee posted becomes enforceable, on the failure of the person or any member of the group of persons in respect of whom the deposit or guarantee was required to comply with a condition imposed.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 13(F)
- SOR/2017-214, s. 3
Documents Required
Marginal note:Documents — permanent residents
50 (1) In addition to the permanent resident visa required of a foreign national who is a member of a class referred to in subsection 70(2), a foreign national seeking to become a permanent resident must hold
(a) a passport, other than a diplomatic, official or similar passport, that was issued by the country of which the foreign national is a citizen or national;
(b) a travel document that was issued by the country of which the foreign national is a citizen or national;
(c) an identity or travel document that was issued by a country to non-national residents, refugees or stateless persons who are unable to obtain a passport or other travel document from their country of citizenship or nationality or who have no country of citizenship or nationality;
(d) a travel document that was issued by the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, to enable and facilitate emigration;
(e) a passport or travel document that was issued by the Palestinian Authority;
(f) an exit visa that was issued by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to its citizens who were compelled to relinquish their Soviet nationality in order to emigrate from that country;
(g) a passport issued by the United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas), as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong;
(h) a passport issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China; or
(i) a passport issued by the United Kingdom to a British Subject.
Marginal note:Exception — protected persons
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is a protected person within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act and holds a permanent resident visa when it is not possible for the person to obtain a passport or an identity or travel document referred to in subsection (1).
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2010-54, s. 1]
- SOR/2008-253, s. 1
- SOR/2010-54, s. 1
- SOR/2011-125, s. 1
- SOR/2014-139, s. 1(F)
- SOR/2016-298, s. 1(F)
Marginal note:Designation of unreliable travel documents
50.1 (1) The Minister may designate, individually or by class, passports or travel or identity documents that do not constitute reliable proof of identity or nationality.
Marginal note:Factors
(2) The Minister shall consider the following factors in determining whether to designate any passport or travel or identity document, or class of passport or travel or identity document, as not being reliable proof of identity or nationality:
(a) the adequacy of security features incorporated into the passport or document for the purpose of deterring its misuse or unauthorized alteration, reproduction or issuance; and
(b) information respecting the security or integrity of the process leading to the issuance of the passport or document.
Marginal note:Effect of designation
(3) A passport or travel or identity document that has been designated under subsection (1) is not a passport or travel or identity document for the purpose of subsection 50(1) or 52(1).
Marginal note:Public notice
(4) The Minister shall make available to the public a list of all passports or travel or identity documents designated under subsection (1).
- SOR/2010-54, s. 2
Marginal note:Examination — permanent residents
51 A foreign national who holds a permanent resident visa and is seeking to become a permanent resident must, at the time of their examination,
(a) inform the officer if
(i) the foreign national has become a spouse or common-law partner or has ceased to be a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner after the visa was issued, or
(ii) material facts relevant to the issuance of the visa have changed since the visa was issued or were not divulged when it was issued; and
(b) establish that they and their family members, whether accompanying or not, meet the requirements of the Act and these Regulations.
- SOR/2008-253, s. 2
Marginal note:Documents — temporary residents
52 (1) In addition to the other requirements of these Regulations, a foreign national seeking to become a temporary resident must hold one of the following documents that is valid for the period authorized for their stay:
(a) a passport that was issued by the country of which the foreign national is a citizen or national, that does not prohibit travel to Canada and that the foreign national may use to enter the country of issue;
(b) a travel document that was issued by the country of which the foreign national is a citizen or national, that does not prohibit travel to Canada and that the foreign national may use to enter the country of issue;
(c) an identity or travel document that was issued by a country, that does not prohibit travel to Canada, that the foreign national may use to enter the country of issue and that is of the type issued by that country to non-national residents, refugees or stateless persons who are unable to obtain a passport or other travel document from their country of citizenship or nationality or who have no country of citizenship or nationality;
(d) a laissez-passer that was issued by the United Nations;
(e) a passport or travel document that was issued by the Palestinian Authority;
(f) a document that was issued by the Organization of American States and is entitled “Official Travel Document”;
(g) a passport issued by the United Kingdom to a British Overseas Citizen;
(h) a passport issued by the United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas), as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong;
(i) a passport issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China;
(j) a passport issued by the United Kingdom to a British Subject; or
(k) a laissez-passer that was issued by the European Union.
(1.1) [Repealed, SOR/2003-260, s. 1]
Marginal note:Exceptions
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to
(a) citizens of the United States;
(b) persons seeking to enter Canada from the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon who have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence;
(c) residents of Greenland seeking to enter Canada from Greenland;
(d) persons seeking to enter Canada from St. Pierre and Miquelon who are citizens of France and residents of St. Pierre and Miquelon;
(e) members of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act who are seeking entry in order to carry out official duties, other than persons who have been designated as a civilian component of those armed forces;
(f) persons who are seeking to enter Canada as, or in order to become, members of a crew of a means of air transportation and who hold an airline flight crew licence or crew member certificate issued in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization specifications; or
(g) persons seeking to enter Canada as members of a crew who hold a seafarer’s identity document issued under International Labour Organization conventions and are members of the crew of the vessel that carries them to Canada.
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2010-54, s. 3]
- SOR/2003-197, s. 1
- SOR/2003-260, s. 1
- SOR/2004-167, s. 14(F)
- SOR/2010-54, s. 3
- SOR/2010-195, s. 2(F)
- SOR/2011-125, s. 2
- SOR/2023-199, s. 1
PART 5Permanent Residents
DIVISION 1Permanent Resident Cards
Marginal note:Document indicating status
53 (1) For the purposes of subsection 31(1) of the Act, the document indicating the status of a permanent resident is a permanent resident card that is
(a) provided by the Department to a person who has become a permanent resident under the Act; or
(b) issued by the Department, on application, to a permanent resident who has become a permanent resident under the Act or a permanent resident who obtained that status under the Immigration Act, chapter I-2 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, as it read immediately before the coming into force of section 31 of the Act.
Marginal note:Property of Her Majesty
(2) A permanent resident card remains the property of Her Majesty in right of Canada at all times and must be returned to the Department on the Department’s request.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 15
Marginal note:Period of validity
54 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a permanent resident card is valid for five years from the date of issue.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) A permanent resident card is valid for one year from the date of issue if, at the time of issue, the permanent resident
(a) is subject to the process set out in paragraph 46(1)(b) of the Act;
(b) is the subject of a report prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Act;
(c) is subject to a removal order made by the Minister under subsection 44(2) of the Act and the period for filing an appeal from the decision has not expired or, if an appeal is filed, there has been no final determination of the appeal; or
(d) is the subject of a report referred to the Immigration Division under subsection 44(2) of the Act and the period for filing an appeal from the decision of the Immigration Division has not expired or, if an appeal is filed, there has been no final determination of the appeal.
Marginal note:Delivery
55 A permanent resident card shall only be provided or issued in Canada.
56 (1) [Repealed, SOR/2008-188, s. 1]
Marginal note:Application for a card
(2) An application for a permanent resident card must be made in Canada and include
(a) an application form that contains the following information, namely,
(i) the applicant’s name and date and place of birth,
(ii) the applicant’s gender, height and eye colour,
(iii) the date on which and the place where the applicant became a permanent resident,
(iv) the applicant’s mailing address,
(v) the addresses of all of the applicant’s places of residence during the previous five years,
(vi) the names and addresses of the applicant’s employers and educational institutions attended, during the previous five years,
(vii) the periods during the previous five years that the applicant was absent from Canada,
(viii) [Repealed, SOR/2008-188, s. 1]
(ix) whether a report under subsection 44(1) of the Act has been made in respect of the applicant or whether a decision was made outside of Canada that they have failed to comply with the residency obligation under section 28 of the Act, and
(x) whether the applicant has lost their permanent resident status or has been issued a removal order;
(b) [Repealed, SOR/2008-188, s. 1]
(c) a copy of
(i) any document described in paragraphs 50(1)(a) to (h) — or, if the applicant does not hold one of those documents, any document described in paragraphs 178(1)(a) and (b) — that is currently held by the applicant or was held by the applicant at the time they became a permanent resident,
(ii) a certificate of identity issued in Canada to the applicant by the Minister, or
(iii) refugee travel papers issued in Canada to the applicant by the Minister;
(d) a copy of
(i) the form IMM1000, entitled “Record of Landing”, held by the applicant,
(ii) a provincial driver’s license held by the applicant,
(iii) a photo-identity card held by the applicant and issued by a province,
(iv) a student card held by the applicant and issued by a provincially accredited college or university, or
(v) the most recent notice of assessment within the meaning of the Income Tax Act received in relation to the applicant’s income tax return; and
(e) two identical photographs that
(i) were taken not more than 12 months before the application was made,
(ii) [Repealed, SOR/2008-188, s. 1]
(iii) are in black and white or colour on paper,
(iv) show a full front view of the applicant’s head and shoulders and have a white background,
(v) have a view of the applicant’s head that is at least 25 mm (one inch) and at most 35 mm (1.375 inches) in length,
(vi) show the applicant’s face unobscured by sunglasses or any other object, and
(vii) have a dimension of 35 mm (1.375 inches) by 45 mm (1.75 inches).
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2008-188, s. 1]
- SOR/2004-167, s. 16
- SOR/2008-188, s. 1
- SOR/2015-46, s. 1
Marginal note:Applicants
57 (1) Subject to subsection (3), every person who applies for a permanent resident card must make and sign the application on their own behalf.
Marginal note:Minor applicants 14 years of age or more
(2) The application of a child who is 14 years of age or more but less than 18 years of age must be signed by the applicant and one of their parents unless
(a) a Canadian court has made another person responsible for the child, in which case that person must co-sign the application; or
(b) the parents are deceased, in which case the person legally responsible for the child must co-sign the application.
Marginal note:Minor applicants less than 14 years of age
(3) The application of a child who is less than 14 years of age must be signed by one of their parents unless
(a) a Canadian court has made another person responsible for the child, in which case that person must sign the application; or
(b) the parents are deceased, in which case the person legally responsible for the child must sign the application.
Marginal note:Providing address within 180 days
58 (1) In order to allow the Department to provide a permanent resident card, a permanent resident referred to in paragraph 53(1)(a) must provide to the Department, within 180 days after the day on which they become a permanent resident, their address in Canada and, on the request of an officer,
(a) a photograph of the permanent resident that satisfies the requirements of subparagraphs 56(2)(e)(i) and (iii) to (vii); and
(b) the signature of the permanent resident or, if the permanent resident is a child less than 14 years of age, the signature of one of their parents unless
(i) a Canadian court has made another person responsible for the child, in which case the signature of that person must be provided, or
(ii) the parents are deceased, in which case the signature of the person legally responsible for the child must be provided.
Marginal note:Issuance after 180 days
(2) If the permanent resident does not comply with subsection (1), they must make an application for a permanent resident card in accordance with section 56.
Marginal note:Attendance required
(3) A permanent resident who applies for a permanent resident card under section 56 must, in order to be provided with the card, attend at the time and place specified in a notice mailed by the Department. If the permanent resident fails to attend within 180 days after the Department first mails a notice, the card shall be destroyed and the applicant must make a new application in order to be issued a permanent resident card.
Marginal note:Document verification
(4) When attending in accordance with subsection (3), a permanent resident must produce the original documents copies of which were included in their application as required by paragraphs 56(2)(c) and (d).
- SOR/2004-167, s. 17
- SOR/2014-139, s. 2
Marginal note:Issuance of new permanent resident card
59 (1) An officer shall, on application, issue a new permanent resident card if
(a) the applicant has not lost permanent resident status under subsection 46(1) of the Act;
(b) the applicant has not been convicted under section 123 or 126 of the Act for an offence related to the misuse of a permanent resident card, unless a pardon has been granted and has not ceased to have effect or been revoked under the Criminal Records Act;
(c) the applicant complies with the requirements of sections 56 and 57 and subsection 58(4);
(c.1) in the case of an applicant referred to in paragraph 12.1(m) who is 14 years of age or older, the applicant has provided their biometric information in support of their application; and
(d) the applicant returns their last permanent resident card, unless the card has been lost, stolen or destroyed, in which case the applicant must produce all relevant evidence in accordance with subsection 16(1) of the Act.
Marginal note:Issuance of new permanent resident card — effect
(2) A previously issued permanent resident card is revoked on the issuance of a new permanent resident card.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 18
- SOR/2018-128, s. 5
Marginal note:Revocation
60 A permanent resident card is revoked if
(a) the permanent resident becomes a Canadian citizen or otherwise loses permanent resident status;
(b) the permanent resident card is lost, stolen or destroyed; or
(c) the permanent resident is deceased.
DIVISION 1.1Collection and Disclosure of Information
Marginal note:Collection of social insurance number
60.1 (1) The Minister may collect the social insurance number of a permanent resident card applicant or a travel document applicant to verify that the applicant has complied with the obligation set out in section 28 of the Act.
Marginal note:Disclosure of social insurance number
(2) The Minister may disclose the social insurance number of the applicant to the Canada Revenue Agency for the purpose set out in subsection (1) if the Minister has entered into an arrangement with the Agency for the disclosure of that information.
- SOR/2015-138, s. 1
DIVISION 2Residency Obligation
Marginal note:Canadian business
61 (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purposes of subparagraphs 28(2)(a)(iii) and (iv) of the Act and of this section, a Canadian business is
(a) a corporation that is incorporated under the laws of Canada or of a province and that has an ongoing operation in Canada;
(b) an enterprise, other than a corporation described in paragraph (a), that has an ongoing operation in Canada and
(i) that is capable of generating revenue and is carried on in anticipation of profit, and
(ii) in which a majority of voting or ownership interests is held by Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or Canadian businesses as defined in this subsection; or
(c) an organization or enterprise created under the laws of Canada or a province.
Marginal note:Exclusion
(2) For greater certainty, a Canadian business does not include a business that serves primarily to allow a permanent resident to comply with their residency obligation while residing outside Canada.
Marginal note:Employment outside Canada
(3) For the purposes of subparagraphs 28(2)(a)(iii) and (iv) of the Act, the expression employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada or of a province means, in relation to a permanent resident, that the permanent resident is an employee of, or under contract to provide services to, a Canadian business or the public service of Canada or of a province, and is assigned on a full-time basis as a term of the employment or contract to
(a) a position outside Canada;
(b) an affiliated enterprise outside Canada; or
(c) a client of the Canadian business or the public service outside Canada.
Marginal note:Accompanying outside Canada
(4) For the purposes of subparagraphs 28(2)(a)(ii) and (iv) of the Act and this section, a permanent resident is accompanying outside Canada a Canadian citizen or another permanent resident — who is their spouse or common-law partner or, in the case of a child, their parent — on each day that the permanent resident is ordinarily residing with the Canadian citizen or the other permanent resident.
Marginal note:Compliance
(5) For the purposes of subparagraph 28(2)(a)(iv) of the Act, a permanent resident complies with the residency obligation as long as the permanent resident they are accompanying complies with their residency obligation.
Marginal note:Child
(6) For the purposes of subparagraphs 28(2)(a)(ii) and (iv) of the Act, child means a child who is not a spouse or common-law partner and is less than 22 years of age.
- SOR/2009-290, s. 1(E)
- SOR/2014-133, s. 3
- SOR/2017-60, s. 2
Marginal note:Calculation — residency obligation
62 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the calculation of days under paragraph 28(2)(a) of the Act in respect of a permanent resident does not include any day after
(a) a report is prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Act on the ground that the permanent resident has failed to comply with the residency obligation; or
(b) a decision is made outside of Canada that the permanent resident has failed to comply with the residency obligation.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) If the permanent resident is subsequently determined to have complied with the residency obligation, subsection (1) does not apply.
- SOR/2014-139, s. 3(F)
DIVISION 3Permit Holders
Marginal note:Period of permit’s validity
63 A temporary resident permit is valid until any one of the following events occurs:
(a) the permit is cancelled under subsection 24(1) of the Act or under section 243.1;
(b) the permit holder leaves Canada without obtaining prior authorization to re-enter Canada;
(c) the period of validity specified on the permit expires; or
(d) a period of three years elapses from its date of validity.
DIVISION 4Permit Holders Class
Marginal note:Permit holder class
64 The permit holder class is prescribed as a class of foreign nationals who may become permanent residents on the basis of the requirements of this Division.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 19(E)
Marginal note:Member of class
65 A foreign national is a permit holder and a member of the permit holder class if
(a) they have been issued a temporary resident permit under subsection 24(1) of the Act;
(b) they have continuously resided in Canada as a permit holder for a period of
(i) at least three years, if they
(A) are inadmissible on health grounds under subsection 38(1) of the Act,
(B) are inadmissible under paragraph 42(1)(a) of the Act on grounds of an accompanying family member who is inadmissible under subsection 38(1) of the Act, or
(C) are inadmissible under paragraph 42(1)(b) of the Act on grounds of being an accompanying family member of a foreign national who is inadmissible
(I) under subsection 38(1) of the Act, or
(II) under paragraph 42(1)(a) of the Act on grounds of an accompanying family member who is inadmissible under subsection 38(1) of the Act,
(ii) at least five years, if they are inadmissible on any other grounds under the Act, except sections 34 to 35.1 and subsections 36(1) and 37(1) of the Act;
(c) they have not become inadmissible on any ground since the permit was issued; and
(d) in the case of a foreign national who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec and is not a member of the family class or a person whom the Board has determined to be a Convention refugee, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national meets the selection criteria of the Province.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 20
- SOR/2014-269, ss. 6, 7
- 2023, c. 19, s. 18
Marginal note:Becoming a permanent resident
65.1 (1) A foreign national in Canada who is a permit holder and a member of the permit holder class becomes a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) they have applied to remain in Canada as a permanent resident as a member of that class;
(b) they are in Canada to establish permanent residence;
(c) they meet the selection criteria and other requirements applicable to that class;
(d) they hold
(i) subject to subsection (4), a document described in any of paragraphs 50(1)(a) to (h), and
(ii) a medical certificate — based on the most recent medical examination to which they were required to submit under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act and which took place within the previous 12 months — that indicates that their health condition is not likely to be a danger to public health or public safety and is not reasonably expected to cause excessive demand; and
(e) they and their family members, whether accompanying or not, are not inadmissible on any ground other than the grounds on which an officer, at the time the permit was issued, formed the opinion that the foreign national was inadmissible.
Marginal note:Criteria in the Province of Quebec
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), the selection criterion applicable to a foreign national who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec as a permanent resident and who is not a person whom the Board has determined to be a Convention refugee is met by evidence that the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national meets the selection criteria of the Province.
Marginal note:Foreign nationals without a passport or other travel document
(3) The following foreign nationals who are not holders of a document described in any of paragraphs 50(1)(a) to (h) may submit with their application a document described in paragraph 178(1)(a) or (b):
(a) a protected person within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act;
(b) a person who was determined to be a Convention refugee seeking resettlement under the Immigration Regulations, 1978, as enacted by Order in Council P.C. 1978-486 dated February 23, 1978 and registered as SOR/78-172, if under the Act or section 69.2 of the former Act, within the meaning of section 187 of the Act,
(i) no determination has been made to vacate that determination, or
(ii) no determination has been made that the person ceased to be a Convention refugee; and
(c) a member of the country of asylum class or the source country class under the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations, as enacted by Order in Council P.C. 1997-477 dated April 8, 1997 and registered as SOR/97-183.
Marginal note:Alternative documents
(4) A document submitted under subsection (3) shall be accepted in lieu of a document described in any of paragraphs 50(1)(a) to (h) if it satisfies the requirements of paragraphs 178(2)(a) or (b).
- SOR/2004-167, s. 21
- SOR/2012-154, s. 5
DIVISION 5Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations
Marginal note:Request
66 A request made by a foreign national under subsection 25(1) of the Act must be made as an application in writing accompanied by an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident or, in the case of a foreign national outside Canada, an application for a permanent resident visa.
Marginal note:Applicant outside Canada
67 If an exemption from paragraphs 70(1)(a), (c) and (d) is granted under subsection 25(1), 25.1(1) or 25.2(1) of the Act with respect to a foreign national outside Canada who has made the applications referred to in section 66, a permanent resident visa shall be issued to the foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national meets the requirement set out in paragraph 70(1)(b) and
(a) in the case of a foreign national who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec and is not a member of the family class, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national meets the selection criteria of the Province;
(b) the foreign national is not otherwise inadmissible; and
(c) the family members of the foreign national, whether accompanying or not, are not inadmissible.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 80(F)
- SOR/2010-252, s. 3
Marginal note:Applicant in Canada
68 If an exemption from paragraphs 72(1)(a), (c) and (d) is granted under subsection 25(1), 25.1(1) or 25.2(1) of the Act with respect to a foreign national in Canada who has made the applications referred to in section 66, the foreign national becomes a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national meets the requirements set out in paragraphs 72(1)(b) and (e) and
(a) in the case of a foreign national who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec and is not a member of the family class or a person whom the Board has determined to be a Convention refugee, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national meets the selection criteria of the Province;
(b) the foreign national is not otherwise inadmissible; and
(c) the family members of the foreign national, whether accompanying or not, are not inadmissible.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 22
- SOR/2010-252, s. 3
Marginal note:Accompanying family member outside Canada
69 (1) A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a foreign national to whom a permanent resident visa is issued under section 67 shall be issued a permanent resident visa if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the accompanying family member is not inadmissible; and
(b) in the case of an accompanying family member who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec and is not a member of the family class or a person whom the Board has determined to be a Convention refugee, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the family member meets the selection criteria of the Province.
Marginal note:Accompanying family member in Canada
(2) A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a foreign national who becomes a permanent resident under section 68 shall become a permanent resident if the accompanying family member is in Canada and, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the accompanying family member is not inadmissible; and
(b) in the case of an accompanying family member who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec and is not a member of the family class or a person whom the Board has determined to be a Convention refugee, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the family member meets the selection criteria of the Province.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 23
Marginal note:Requirements — family member
69.1 Subject to subsection 25.1(1), to be considered a family member of the applicant, a person shall be a family member of an applicant both at the time the application under section 66 is made and at the time of the determination of the application.
- SOR/2014-133, s. 4
DIVISION 6Permanent Resident Visa
Marginal note:Issuance
70 (1) An officer shall issue a permanent resident visa to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the foreign national has applied in accordance with these Regulations for a permanent resident visa as a member of a class referred to in subsection (2);
(b) the foreign national is coming to Canada to establish permanent residence;
(c) the foreign national is a member of that class;
(d) the foreign national meets the selection criteria and other requirements applicable to that class; and
(e) the foreign national and their family members, whether accompanying or not, are not inadmissible.
Marginal note:Classes
(2) The classes are
(a) the family class;
(b) the economic class, consisting of the federal skilled worker class, the Quebec skilled worker class, the provincial nominee class, the Canadian experience class, the federal skilled trades class, the Atlantic immigration class, the Quebec investor class, the Quebec entrepreneur class, the start-up business class, the self-employed persons class and the Quebec self-employed persons class; and
(c) the Convention refugees abroad class and the country of asylum class.
Marginal note:Criteria in the Province of Quebec
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), the selection criterion for a foreign national who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec as a permanent resident and is not a member of the family class is met by evidence that the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national complies with the provincial selection criteria.
Marginal note:Accompanying family members
(4) A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a foreign national who is issued a permanent resident visa shall be issued a permanent resident visa if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the accompanying family member is not inadmissible; and
(b) in the case of a family member who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec and is not a member of the family class, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the family member complies with the provincial selection criteria.
Marginal note:Family member
(5) If a permanent resident visa is not issued to a child as an accompanying family member of a foreign national or the foreign national’s spouse or common-law partner, a permanent resident visa shall not be issued to a child of that child as an accompanying family member of the foreign national.
- SOR/2003-383, s. 1
- SOR/2008-254, s. 1
- SOR/2011-222, s. 1
- SOR/2012-274, s. 2
- SOR/2016-316, s. 2
- SOR/2018-72, s. 1
- SOR/2019-174, s. 7
- SOR/2021-242, s. 2
Marginal note:Issuance — particular Quebec selection cases
71 An officer shall issue a permanent resident visa to a foreign national outside Canada who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec as a permanent resident and does not satisfy the requirements of paragraphs 70(1)(a), (c) and (d) if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the foreign national has applied for a permanent resident visa in accordance with these Regulations, other than paragraph 10(2)(c);
(b) the foreign national may not be issued a permanent resident visa under subsection 176(2) and is not a member of any class of persons prescribed by these Regulations who may become permanent residents or be issued permanent resident visas;
(c) the foreign national is named in a Certificat de sélection du Québec issued by that Province indicating that the foreign national, under the regulations made under An Act respecting immigration to Québec, R.S.Q., c. I-0.2, as amended from time to time, is a foreign national in a particularly distressful situation; and
(d) the foreign national and their family members, whether accompanying or not, are not inadmissible.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 24(F)
DIVISION 7Becoming a Permanent Resident
Marginal note:Foreign nationals outside Canada
71.1 (1) A foreign national who is a member of a class referred to in subsection 70(2) and is outside Canada must, to become a permanent resident, present their permanent resident visa to an officer at a port of entry.
Marginal note:Foreign nationals in Canada as temporary residents
(2) A foreign national who is a member of a class referred to in paragraph 70(2)(a) or (b) and who is a temporary resident in Canada must, to become a permanent resident, present their permanent resident visa to an officer at a port of entry or at an office of the Department in Canada.
- SOR/2008-253, s. 3
Marginal note:Obtaining status
72 (1) A foreign national in Canada becomes a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) they have applied to remain in Canada as a permanent resident as a member of a class referred to in subsection (2);
(b) they are in Canada to establish permanent residence;
(c) they are a member of that class;
(d) they meet the selection criteria and other requirements applicable to that class;
(e) except in the case of a foreign national who has submitted a document accepted under subsection 178(2) or of a member of the protected temporary residents class,
(i) they and their family members, whether accompanying or not, are not inadmissible,
(ii) they hold a document described in any of paragraphs 50(1)(a) to (h), and
(iii) they hold a medical certificate — based on the most recent medical examination to which they were required to submit under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act and which took place within the previous 12 months — that indicates that their health condition is not likely to be a danger to public health or public safety and, unless subsection 38(2) of the Act applies, is not reasonably expected to cause excessive demand; and
(f) in the case of a member of the protected temporary residents class, they are not inadmissible.
Marginal note:Classes
(2) The classes are
(a) [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 4]
(b) the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class; and
(c) the protected temporary residents class.
Marginal note:Criteria in the Province of Quebec
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), the selection criterion applicable to a foreign national who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec as a permanent resident, and who is not a member of the family class or a person whom the Board has determined to be a Convention refugee, is met by evidence that the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national meets the selection criteria of the Province.
Marginal note:Accompanying family members
(4) A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a foreign national who becomes a permanent resident under this section shall be issued a permanent resident visa or become a permanent resident, as the case may be, if following an examination it is established that
(a) the accompanying family member is not inadmissible;
(b) in the case of a family member who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec and is not a member of the family class or a person whom the Board has determined to be a Convention refugee, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the family member meets the selection criteria of the Province.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 26
- SOR/2008-253, s. 5
- SOR/2012-154, s. 6
- SOR/2017-78, s. 4
DIVISION 8[Repealed, SOR/2017-56, s. 1]
72.1 [Repealed, SOR/2017-56, s. 1]
72.2 [Repealed, SOR/2017-56, s. 1]
72.3 [Repealed, SOR/2017-56, s. 1]
72.4 [Repealed, SOR/2017-56, s. 1]
DIVISION 9Application to Renounce Permanent Resident Status
Marginal note:Separate application
72.5 Despite subsection 10(3), a separate application must be made for each family member that would like to renounce their permanent resident status.
- SOR/2014-269, s. 2
Marginal note:Application — conditions
72.6 An officer may approve a person’s application to renounce their permanent resident status if
(a) the person has provided evidence of their citizenship, nationality or permanent legal resident status in another country; and
(b) in the case of an application in respect of a person who is less than 18 years of age, the application is signed by every person who has custody of that person or who is empowered to act on their behalf by virtue of a court order or written agreement or by operation of law, unless otherwise ordered by a court.
- SOR/2014-269, s. 2
Marginal note:Sponsorship application suspended
72.7 If a permanent resident makes an application to renounce their permanent resident status, any sponsorship application made by them is suspended until a decision is made on the application to renounce permanent residence.
- SOR/2014-269, s. 2
PART 6Economic Classes
DIVISION 0.1General
Marginal note:Requirements — family member
72.8 Subject to subsections 25.1(3) to (5) and for the purposes of this Part, to be considered a family member of an applicant, a person must be a family member of the applicant both at the time the application under Division 6 of Part 5 is made and at the time of the determination of the application.
- SOR/2014-133, s. 5
- SOR/2017-78, s. 5
- SOR/2021-242, s. 3
DIVISION 1Skilled Workers
Marginal note:Definitions
73 (1) The following definitions apply in this Division.
- Atlantic province
Atlantic province means Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland and Labrador. (province de l’Atlantique)
- Canadian educational credential
Canadian educational credential means any secondary school diploma or any post-secondary diploma, certificate or credential that is issued on the completion of a Canadian program of study or training at an educational or training institution that is recognized by the provincial authorities responsible for registering, accrediting, supervising and regulating such institutions. (diplôme canadien)
- educational credential
educational credential[Repealed, SOR/2012-274, s. 3]
- equivalency assessment
equivalency assessment means a determination, issued by an organization or institution designated under subsection 75(4), that a foreign diploma, certificate or credential is equivalent to a Canadian educational credential and an assessment, by the organization or institution, of the authenticity of the foreign diploma, certificate or credential. (attestation d’équivalence)
- former Regulations
former Regulations has the same meaning as in subsection 316(1). (ancien règlement)
- full-time work
full-time work means at least 30 hours of work over a period of one week. (travail à temps plein)
- language skill area
language skill area means speaking, oral comprehension, reading or writing. (habileté langagière)
- restricted occupation
restricted occupation means an occupation designated as a restricted occupation by the Minister, taking into account labour market activity on both an area and a national basis, following consultation with the Department of Employment and Social Development, provincial governments and any other relevant organizations or institutions. (profession d’accès limité)
Marginal note:Definition work
(2) Despite the definition work in section 2, for the purposes of this Division, work means an activity for which wages are paid or commission is earned.
- SOR/2003-383, s. 2
- SOR/2008-254, s. 2
- SOR/2010-172, s. 5
- SOR/2010-195, s. 3(F)
- SOR/2012-274, s. 3
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2016-298, s. 2
- SOR/2021-242, s. 4
Marginal note:Criteria
74 (1) For the purposes of paragraphs 75(2)(d), 79(3)(a), 87.1(2)(d) and (e), 87.2(3)(a) and 87.3(2)(f), the Minister shall fix, by class prescribed by these Regulations or by occupation, and make available to the public, minimum language proficiency thresholds on the basis of
(a) the number of applications in all classes under this Part that are being processed;
(b) the number of immigrants who are projected to become permanent residents according to the report to Parliament referred to in section 94 of the Act; and
(c) the potential, taking into account the applicants’ linguistic profiles and economic and other relevant factors, for the establishment in Canada of applicants under the federal skilled worker class, the Canadian experience class, the federal skilled trades class and the Atlantic immigration class.
Marginal note:Minimum language proficiency thresholds
(2) The minimum language proficiency thresholds fixed by the Minister shall be established in reference to the benchmarks described in the Canadian Language Benchmarks and the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens.
Marginal note:Evaluation of language proficiency
(3) The Minister may designate, for any period he or she specifies, any organization or institution to be responsible for evaluating language proficiency and approve the language test to be used to evaluate that proficiency if the organization or institution
(a) has expertise in evaluating language proficiency; and
(b) has provided the Minister with an equivalency between its language test results and the benchmarks set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Public notice
(4) The Minister shall make available to the public the names of the designated organizations or institutions and the approved language tests.
Definition service agreement
(5) For the purpose of subsection (6), service agreement means an agreement concluded between the Government of Canada and an organization or institution for the purpose of having the organization or institution supply the service of evaluating the language proficiency of foreign nationals.
Marginal note:Revocation
(6) The Minister may revoke a designation of an organization or institution or the approval of a language test if
(a) the organization or institution no longer meets the criteria set out in subsection (3);
(b) the organization or institution submitted false, misleading or inaccurate information or has contravened any provision of a federal or provincial law or regulation that is relevant to the service provided by the organization or institution; or
(c) either the Government of Canada or the organization or institution has terminated the service agreement.
Marginal note:Conclusive evidence
(7) The results of an evaluation of language proficiency by a designated organization or institution using an approved language test are conclusive evidence of an applicant’s language proficiency in respect of the federal skilled worker class, the Canadian experience class, the federal skilled trades class or the Atlantic immigration class, as the case may be.
- SOR/2012-274, s. 4
- SOR/2016-298, s. 3
- SOR/2021-242, s. 5
Federal Skilled Workers
Federal Skilled Worker Class
Marginal note:Class
75 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the federal skilled worker class is hereby prescribed as a class of persons who are skilled workers and who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada and who intend to reside in a province other than the Province of Quebec.
Marginal note:Skilled workers
(2) A foreign national is a skilled worker if
(a) within the 10 years before the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made, they have accumulated, over a continuous period, at least one year of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work, in the occupation that they identified in their application as their primary occupation, other than a restricted occupation, that is listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the National Occupational Classification;
(b) during that period of employment they performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification;
(c) during that period of employment they performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, including all of the essential duties;
(d) they have submitted the results of a language test that is approved under subsection 74(3), which results must be provided by an organization or institution that is designated under that subsection, must be less than two years old on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and must indicate that they have met or exceeded the applicable language proficiency threshold in either English or French that is fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1) for each of the four language skill areas; and
(e) they have submitted one of the following:
(i) their Canadian educational credential, or
(ii) their foreign diploma, certificate or credential and the equivalency assessment, which assessment must be less than five years old on the date on which their application is made.
Marginal note:If professional body designated
(2.1) If a professional body has been designated under subsection (4) in respect of the occupation identified by the foreign national in their application as their primary occupation, the foreign diploma, certificate or credential submitted by the foreign national must be relevant to that occupation and the equivalency assessment — which must be less than five years old on the date on which their application is made and must be issued by the designated professional body — must establish that the foreign diploma, certificate or credential is equivalent to the Canadian educational credential required to practise that occupation in at least one of the provinces in which the equivalency assessments issued by this professional body are recognized.
Marginal note:Minimal requirements
(3) If the foreign national fails to meet the requirements of subsection (2), the application for a permanent resident visa shall be refused and no further assessment is required.
Marginal note:Designation for equivalency assessment
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(e) and subsection (2.1), the Minister may designate, for a period specified by the Minister, any organization or institution to be responsible for issuing equivalency assessments
(a) if the organization or institution has the recognized expertise to assess the authenticity of foreign diplomas, certificates and credentials and their equivalency to Canadian educational credentials; and
(b) if, in the case of a professional body, its equivalency assessments are recognized by at least two provincial professional bodies that regulate an occupation listed in TEER Category 1, 2 or 3 of the National Occupational Classification for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required.
Marginal note:Public notice
(5) The Minister shall make available to the public a list of the designated organizations or institutions.
Definition service agreement
(6) For the purpose of subsection (7), service agreement means an agreement concluded between the Government of Canada and an organization or institution for the purpose of having the organization or institution supply the service of assessing the authenticity of foreign diplomas, certificates and credentials and their equivalency to Canadian educational credentials.
Marginal note:Revocation of designation
(7) The Minister may revoke a designation if
(a) the organization or institution no longer meets the criteria set out in subsection (4);
(b) the organization or institution submitted false, misleading or inaccurate information or has contravened any provision of federal or provincial legislation relevant to the service provided by the organization or institution; or
(c) either the Government of Canada or the organization or institution has terminated the service agreement.
Marginal note:Conclusive evidence
(8) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(e), subsection (2.1) and section 78, an equivalency assessment is conclusive evidence that the foreign diplomas, certificates or credentials are equivalent to Canadian educational credentials.
- SOR/2004-167, ss. 27, 80(F)
- SOR/2012-274, s. 5
- SOR/2016-298, s. 4
- SOR/2022-220, s. 2
Marginal note:Selection criteria
76 (1) For the purpose of determining whether a skilled worker, as a member of the federal skilled worker class, will be able to become economically established in Canada, they must be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:
(a) the skilled worker must be awarded not less than the minimum number of required points referred to in subsection (2) on the basis of the following factors, namely,
(i) education, in accordance with section 78,
(ii) proficiency in the official languages of Canada, in accordance with section 79,
(iii) experience, in accordance with section 80,
(iv) age, in accordance with section 81,
(v) arranged employment, in accordance with section 82, and
(vi) adaptability, in accordance with section 83; and
(b) the skilled worker must
(i) have in the form of transferable and available funds, unencumbered by debts or other obligations, an amount equal to one half of the minimum necessary income applicable in respect of the group of persons consisting of the skilled worker and their family members, or
(ii) be awarded points under paragraph 82(2)(a), (b) or (d) for arranged employment, as defined in subsection 82(1), in Canada.
Marginal note:Number of points
(2) The Minister shall fix and make available to the public the minimum number of points required of a skilled worker, on the basis of
(a) the number of applications by skilled workers as members of the federal skilled worker class currently being processed;
(b) the number of skilled workers projected to become permanent residents according to the report to Parliament referred to in section 94 of the Act; and
(c) the potential, taking into account economic and other relevant factors, for the establishment of skilled workers in Canada.
Marginal note:Circumstances for officer’s substituted evaluation
(3) Whether or not the skilled worker has been awarded the minimum number of required points referred to in subsection (2), an officer may substitute for the criteria set out in paragraph (1)(a) their evaluation of the likelihood of the ability of the skilled worker to become economically established in Canada if the number of points awarded is not a sufficient indicator of whether the skilled worker may become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Concurrence
(4) An evaluation made under subsection (3) requires the concurrence of a second officer.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 28
- SOR/2010-195, s. 4(F)
- SOR/2012-274, s. 6
Marginal note:Conformity — applicable times
77 For the purposes of Part 5, the requirements and criteria set out in sections 75 and 76 must be met on the date on which an application for a permanent resident visa is made and on the date on which it is issued.
- SOR/2012-274, s. 7
Selection Grid
Marginal note:Education (25 points)
78 (1) Points shall be awarded, to a maximum of 25, for a skilled worker’s Canadian educational credential or equivalency assessment submitted in support of an application, as follows:
(a) 5 points for a secondary school credential;
(b) 15 points for a one-year post-secondary program credential;
(c) 19 points for a two-year post-secondary program credential;
(d) 21 points for a post-secondary program credential of three years or longer;
(e) 22 points for two or more post-secondary program credentials, one of which must be a credential issued on completion of a post-secondary program of three years or longer;
(f) 23 points for a university-level credential at the master’s level or an entry-to-practice professional degree for an occupation listed in TEER Category 1 of the National Occupational Classification for which licensing by a provincial regulatory body is required; and
(g) 25 points for a university-level credential at the doctoral level.
Marginal note:More than one educational credential
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), points
(a) except as set out in paragraph (1)(e), shall not be awarded cumulatively on the basis of more than one educational credential; and
(b) shall be awarded on the basis of the Canadian educational credentials or equivalency assessments submitted in support of an application for a permanent resident visa that result in the highest number of points.
- SOR/2010-195, s. 5(F)
- SOR/2012-274, s. 7
- SOR/2022-220, s. 3
Marginal note:Official languages
79 (1) A skilled worker must identify in their application for a permanent resident visa which language — English or French — is to be considered their first official language in Canada. They must have their proficiency in that language evaluated by an organization or institution that is designated under subsection 74(3) using a language test that is approved under that subsection.
Marginal note:Proficiency in second language
(2) If the skilled worker wishes to claim points for proficiency in their second official language, they must submit, in support of the application for a permanent resident visa, the results of a language test that is approved under subsection 74(3) , which results must be provided by an organization or institution that is designated under that subsection and must be less than two years old on the date on which their application is made.
Marginal note:Proficiency in English and French (28 points)
(3) Points for proficiency in the official languages of Canada shall be awarded up to a maximum of 24 points for the skilled worker’s first official language and a maximum of 4 points for the applicant’s second official language based on benchmarks set out in Canadian Language Benchmarks and the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens, as follows:
(a) for the four language skill areas in the skilled worker’s first official language,
(i) 4 points per language skill area if the skilled worker’s proficiency meets the threshold fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1) for that language skill area,
(ii) 5 points per language skill area if the skilled worker’s proficiency exceeds the threshold fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1) for that language skill area by one benchmark level, and
(iii) 6 points per language skill area if the skilled worker’s proficiency exceeds the threshold fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1) for that language skill area by at least two benchmark levels; and
(b) for the four language skill areas in the skilled worker’s second official language, 4 points if the skilled worker’s proficiency in that language meets or exceeds benchmark level 5 in each of the four language skill areas.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 29
- SOR/2008-253, s. 7
- SOR/2010-195, s. 6(F)
- SOR/2011-54, s. 1
- SOR/2012-274, ss. 7, 8
- SOR/2016-298, s. 5
Marginal note:Experience (15 points)
80 (1) Points shall be awarded, up to a maximum of 15 points, to a skilled worker for full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work, within the 10 years before the date on which their application is made, as follows:
(a) 9 points for one year of work experience;
(b) 11 points for two to three years of work experience;
(c) 13 points for four to five years of work experience; and
(d) 15 points for six or more years of work experience.
Marginal note:Listed occupation
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), points are awarded for work experience in occupations, other than a restricted occupation, that are listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the National Occupational Classification.
Marginal note:Occupational experience
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), a skilled worker is considered to have experience in an occupation, regardless of whether they meet the employment requirements of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, if they performed
(a) the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification; and
(b) at least a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, including all the essential duties.
Marginal note:Work in excess
(4) A period of work experience in one occupation that exceeds 30 hours per week, or simultaneous periods of work experience in more than one full-time occupation, is to be evaluated as a single period of full-time work experience in a single occupation.
Marginal note:Classification code
(5) A skilled worker must specify in their application for a permanent resident visa the five-digit code in the National Occupational Classification that corresponds to each of the occupations that is engaged in by the applicant and that constitutes the skilled worker’s work experience.
Marginal note:Officer’s duty
(6) An officer is not required to consider occupations that have not been specified in the application.
(7) [Repealed, SOR/2012-274, s. 9]
- SOR/2010-195, s. 7
- SOR/2012-274, s. 9
- SOR/2022-220, s. 4
- SOR/2023-249, s. 5
Marginal note:Age (12 points)
81 Points shall be awarded, up to a maximum of 12, for a skilled worker’s age on the date on which their application is made, as follows:
(a) 12 points for a skilled worker 18 years of age or older but less than 36 years of age;
(b) 11 points for a skilled worker 36 years of age;
(c) 10 points for a skilled worker 37 years of age;
(d) 9 points for a skilled worker 38 years of age;
(e) 8 points for a skilled worker 39 years of age;
(f) 7 points for a skilled worker 40 years of age;
(g) 6 points for a skilled worker 41 years of age;
(h) 5 points for a skilled worker 42 years of age;
(i) 4 points for a skilled worker 43 years of age;
(j) 3 points for a skilled worker 44 years of age;
(k) 2 points for a skilled worker 45 years of age;
(l) 1 point for a skilled worker 46 years of age; and
(m) 0 points for a skilled worker under 18 years of age or 47 years of age or older.
- SOR/2012-274, s. 10
Marginal note:Definition of arranged employment
82 (1) In this section, arranged employment means an offer of employment that is made by a single employer other than an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada or an employer who is referred to in subparagraphs 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii), that is for continuous full-time work in Canada having a duration of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued and that is with respect to an occupation that is listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the National Occupational Classification.
Marginal note:Arranged employment (10 points)
(2) Ten points shall be awarded to a skilled worker for arranged employment if they are able to perform and are likely to accept and carry out the employment and
(a) the skilled worker is in Canada and holds a work permit that is valid on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and, on the date on which the visa is issued, holds a valid work permit or is authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and
(i) the work permit was issued based on a positive determination made by an officer under subsection 203(1) with respect to the skilled worker’s employment with their current employer in an occupation that is listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the National Occupational Classification and the assessment by the Department of Employment and Social Development on the basis of which the determination was made is not suspended or revoked,
(ii) the skilled worker is working for an employer specified on the work permit, and
(iii) that employer has offered arranged employment to the skilled worker;
(b) the skilled worker is in Canada and holds a work permit that was issued under the circumstances described in paragraph 204(a) or (c) or in section 205 and is valid on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and, on the date on which the visa is issued, holds a valid work permit or is authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and
(i) the skilled worker is working for an employer specified on the work permit,
(ii) that employer has offered an arranged employment to the skilled worker, and
(iii) the skilled worker has accumulated at least one year of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work, over a continuous period of work for that employer;
(c) the skilled worker does not hold a valid work permit, is not authorized to work in Canada under section 186 on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and
(i) an employer has offered arranged employment to the skilled worker, and
(ii) an officer has approved the offer of employment based on a valid assessment — provided to the officer by the Department of Employment and Social Development, on the same basis as an assessment provided for the issuance of a work permit, at the request of the employer or an officer — that the requirements set out in subsection 203(1) with respect to the offer have been met; or
(d) on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and on the date on which the visa is issued, the skilled worker holds a valid work permit or is authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and
(i) the circumstances referred to in subparagraph (a)(ii) or (iii) do not apply,
(ii) the circumstances referred to in paragraph (b) do not apply, and
(iii) the circumstances referred to in subparagraphs (c)(i) and (ii) apply.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 30
- SOR/2010-172, s. 5
- SOR/2012-274, s. 11
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2013-245, s. 1
- SOR/2015-144, s. 1
- SOR/2015-147, s. 1
- SOR/2016-298, s. 6
- SOR/2022-142, s. 1
- SOR/2022-220, s. 5
Marginal note:Adaptability (10 points)
83 (1) A maximum of 10 points for adaptability shall be awarded to a skilled worker on the basis of any combination of the following elements:
(a) for the language proficiency of the skilled worker’s accompanying spouse or common-law partner, other than a permanent resident residing in Canada or a Canadian citizen, in either official language, evaluated at at least benchmark level 4 for each of the four language skill areas, as set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens, and demonstrated by the results of a language test that is approved under subsection 74(3) from an organization or institution designated under that subsection, which results must be less than two years old on the date on which the application for a permanent resident visa is made, 5 points;
(b) for a period of full-time study in Canada by the skilled worker of at least two academic years in a program of at least two years in duration whether or not they obtained an educational credential for completing the program and during which period they remained in good academic standing as defined by the institution, 5 points;
(b.1) for a period of full-time study in Canada by the skilled worker’s accompanying spouse or common-law partner, other than a permanent resident residing in Canada or a Canadian citizen, of at least two academic years in a program of at least two years in duration whether or not the accompanying spouse or common-law partner obtained an educational credential for completing the program, and during which period the accompanying spouse or common-law partner remained in good academic standing as defined by the institution, 5 points;
(c) for any previous period of full-time work under a work permit or authorized under section 186 of at least one year in Canada by the skilled worker in an occupation that is listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the National Occupational Classification, 10 points;
(c.1) for any previous period of full-time work under a work permit or authorized under section 186 of at least one year in Canada by the skilled worker’s accompanying spouse or common-law partner, other than a permanent resident residing in Canada or a Canadian citizen, 5 points;
(d) for being related to, or for having an accompanying spouse or accompanying common-law partner who is related to, a person living in Canada who is described in subsection (5), 5 points; and
(e) for being awarded points for arranged employment in Canada under subsection 82(2), 5 points.
Marginal note:Full-time study
(2) For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(b) and (b.1), full-time study means at least 15 hours of instruction per week during the academic year, authorized under a study permit or under section 188, at a secondary or post-secondary institution in Canada that is recognized by the provincial authorities responsible for registering, accrediting, supervising and regulating such institutions, including any period of training in the workplace that forms part of the course of instruction.
(3) and (4) [Repealed, SOR/2012-274, s. 12]
Marginal note:Family relationships in Canada
(5) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), a skilled worker shall be awarded 5 points if
(a) the skilled worker or the skilled worker’s accompanying spouse or accompanying common-law partner is related by blood, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption to a person who is 18 years or older, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Canada and who is
(i) their father or mother,
(ii) the father or mother of their father or mother,
(iii) their child,
(iv) a child of their child,
(v) a child of their father or mother,
(vi) a child of the father or mother of their father or mother, other than their father or mother, or
(vii) a child of the child of their father or mother.
(b) [Repealed, SOR/2012-274, s. 12]
- SOR/2012-274, s. 12
- SOR/2014-140, s. 3
- SOR/2016-298, s. 7
- SOR/2022-220, s. 6
84 [Repealed, SOR/2008-202, s. 1]
Marginal note:Permanent resident status
85 A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a person who makes an application as a member of the federal skilled worker class shall become a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the person who made the application has become a permanent resident; and
(b) the foreign national is not inadmissible.
- SOR/2008-202, s. 1
Transitional Federal Skilled Workers
Transitional Federal Skilled Worker Class
85.1 [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 8]
85.2 [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 8]
85.3 [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 8]
85.4 [Repealed, SOR/2008-253, s. 8]
85.5 [Repealed, SOR/2008-202, s. 2]
85.6 [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 8]
Quebec Skilled Worker Class
Marginal note:Class
86 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Quebec skilled worker class is hereby prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Member of the class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the Quebec skilled worker class if they
(a) intend to reside in the Province of Quebec; and
(b) are named in a Certificat de sélection du Québec issued to them by that Province.
(3) and (4) [Repealed, SOR/2008-253, s. 9]
Marginal note:Requirements for accompanying family members
(5) A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a person who makes an application as a member of the Quebec skilled worker class shall become a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the person who made the application has become a permanent resident; and
(b) the foreign national is not inadmissible.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 80(F)
- SOR/2008-202, s. 3
- SOR/2008-253, s. 9
Provincial Nominee Class
Marginal note:Class
87 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the provincial nominee class is hereby prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Member of the class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the provincial nominee class if
(a) subject to subsection (5), they are named in a nomination certificate issued by the government of a province under a provincial nomination agreement between that province and the Minister; and
(b) they intend to reside in the province that has nominated them.
Marginal note:Substitution of evaluation
(3) If the fact that the foreign national is named in a certificate referred to in paragraph (2)(a) is not a sufficient indicator of whether they may become economically established in Canada and an officer has consulted the government that issued the certificate, the officer may substitute for the criteria set out in subsection (2) their evaluation of the likelihood of the ability of the foreign national to become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Concurrence
(4) An evaluation made under subsection (3) requires the concurrence of a second officer.
Marginal note:Exclusion
(5) Subject to subsection (6), a foreign national who is named in a certificate referred to in paragraph (2)(a) shall not be considered a member of the provincial nominee class if
(a) the nomination was based on the provision of capital by the foreign national; or
(b) the foreign national intends to participate in, or has participated in, an immigration-linked investment scheme.
Marginal note:Exception
(6) Subsection (5) does not apply if
(a) the capital is provided by the foreign national to a business in the province that nominated them, other than a business operated primarily for the purpose of deriving investment income such as interest, dividends or capital gains;
(b) the foreign national controls or will control
(i) a percentage of equity in the business equal to or greater than 33 1/3 per cent, or
(ii) an equity investment in the business of at least $1,000,000;
(c) the foreign national provides or will provide active and ongoing management of the business from within the province that nominated them; and
(d) the terms of the investment in the business do not include a redemption option.
(7) and (8) [Repealed, SOR/2008-253, s. 10]
Marginal note:Definitions
(9) The following definitions apply in this section.
- immigration-linked investment scheme
immigration-linked investment scheme means a strategy or plan
(a) where one of the objectives of the strategy or plan is to facilitate immigration to Canada and one of the objectives of the promoters of the strategy or plan is to raise capital; or
(b) where the agreement or arrangement in respect of the strategy or plan was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring a status or privilege under the Act. (projet de placement lié à l’immigration)
- percentage of equity
percentage of equity means
(a) in respect of a sole proprietorship, 100% of the equity of the sole proprietorship controlled by a foreign national or their spouse or common-law partner;
(b) in respect of a corporation, the percentage of the issued and outstanding voting shares of the capital stock of the corporation controlled by a foreign national or their spouse or common-law partner; and
(c) in respect of a partnership or joint venture, the percentage of the profit or loss of the partnership or joint venture to which a foreign national or their spouse or common-law partner is entitled. (pourcentage des capitaux propres)
Marginal note:Non-application
(10) Subsections (5), (6) and (9) do not apply in respect of a foreign national who is issued a nomination certificate referred to in paragraph (2)(a) before September 2, 2008.
Marginal note:Transitional
(11) Subsections (5) and (6) as they read immediately before September 2, 2008 apply in respect of a foreign national referred to in subsection (10).
Marginal note:Requirements for accompanying family members
(12) A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a person who makes an application as a member of the provincial nominee class shall become a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
a) the person who made the application has become a permanent resident; and
b) the foreign national is not inadmissible.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 80(F)
- SOR/2008-202, ss. 4, 5
- SOR/2008-253, s. 10
- SOR/2009-164, s. 1
- SOR/2010-195, s. 8(F)
- SOR/2016-316, s. 3
- SOR/2019-212, s. 4(F)
Canadian Experience Class
Marginal note:Class
87.1 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Canadian experience class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada, their experience in Canada, and their intention to reside in a province other than the Province of Quebec.
Marginal note:Member of the class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the Canadian experience class if
(a) they have acquired in Canada, within the three years before the date on which their application for permanent residence is made, at least one year of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work experience, in one or more occupations, other than a restricted occupation, that are listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2 or 3 of the National Occupational Classification;
(b) during that period of employment they performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification;
(c) during that period of employment they performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, including all of the essential duties;
(d) they have had their proficiency in the English or French language evaluated by an organization or institution that is designated under subsection 74(3) using a language test that is approved under that subsection, the results of which must indicate that the foreign national has met the applicable threshold that is fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1) for each of the four language skill areas; and
(e) in the case where they have acquired the work experience referred to in paragraph (a) in more than one occupation, they meet the threshold for proficiency in the English or French language, fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1), for the occupation in which they have acquired the greater amount of work experience in the three years referred to in paragraph (a).
Marginal note:Application
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2),
(a) any period of employment during which the foreign national was engaged in full-time study shall not be included in calculating a period of work experience;
(b) any period of self-employment or unauthorized work shall not be included in calculating a period of work experience; and
(c) the foreign national must have had temporary resident status during their period of work experience.
(d) to (g) [Repealed, SOR/2012-274, s. 13]
(4) and (5) [Repealed, SOR/2012-274, s. 13]
- SOR/2008-254, s. 3
- SOR/2011-54, s. 2
- SOR/2012-274, s. 13
- SOR/2016-298, s. 8
- SOR/2021-242, s. 6(E)
- SOR/2022-220, s. 7
Federal Skilled Trades Class
Marginal note:Definition of skilled trade occupation
87.2 (1) In this section, skilled trade occupation means an occupation, other than a restricted occupation, in any of the following groups listed in the National Occupational Classification:
(a) Major Group 72, technical trades and transportation officers and controllers, excluding Sub-major Group 726, transportation officers and controllers;
(b) Major Group 73, general trades;
(c) Major Group 82, supervisors in natural resources, agriculture and related production;
(d) Major Group 83, occupations in natural resources and related production;
(e) Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and utilities operators and controllers;
(f) Major Group 93, central control and process operators and aircraft assembly assemblers and inspectors, excluding Sub-major Group 932, aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors;
(g) Minor Group 6320, cooks, butchers and bakers; and
(h) Unit Group 62200, chefs.
Marginal note:Class
(2) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the federal skilled trades class is prescribed as a class of persons who are skilled trades workers and who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada in a skilled trade occupation and their intention to reside in a province other than the Province of Quebec.
Marginal note:Member of class
(3) A foreign national is a member of the federal skilled trades class if
(a) they have had their proficiency in the English or French language evaluated by an organization or institution that is designated under subsection 74(3) using a language test that is approved under that subsection, the results of which must indicate that the foreign national has met the applicable threshold that is fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1) for each of the four language skill areas;
(b) they have, during the five years before the date on which their permanent resident visa application is made, acquired at least two years of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work, in the skilled trade occupation specified in the application after becoming qualified to independently practice the occupation, and during that period of employment has performed
(i) the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, and
(ii) a substantial number of the main duties listed in the description of the occupation set out in the National Occupational Classification, including all of the essential duties;
(c) they have met the relevant employment requirements of the skilled trade occupation specified in the application as set out in the National Occupational Classification, except for the requirement to obtain a certificate of qualification issued by a competent provincial authority; and
(d) they meet at least one of the following requirements:
(i) they hold a certificate of qualification issued by a competent provincial or federal authority in the skilled trade occupation specified in the application for a permanent resident visa,
(ii) they are in Canada and hold a work permit that is valid on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and, on the date on which the visa is issued, hold a valid work permit or are authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and
(A) the work permit was issued based on a positive determination made by an officer under subsection 203(1) with respect to their employment with their current employer in a skilled trade occupation and the assessment by the Department of Employment and Social Development on the basis of which the determination was made is not suspended or revoked,
(B) they are working for an employer specified on the work permit,
(C) they have an offer of employment that is for continuous full-time work having a total duration of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued and that is in the skilled trade occupation that is specified in the application and is in the same minor group set out in the National Occupational Classification as the occupation specified on their work permit, and
(D) the offer is made by up to two employers who are specified on the work permit, none of whom is an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada or an employer who is referred to in subparagraph 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii),
(iii) they are in Canada and hold a work permit that was issued under the circumstances described in paragraph 204(a) or (c) or in section 205 and that is valid on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and, on the date on which the visa is issued, hold a valid work permit or are authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and
(A) they are working for an employer specified on the work permit,
(B) they have an offer of employment that is for continuous full-time work having a total duration of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued and that is in the skilled trade occupation that is specified in the application and is in the same minor group set out in the National Occupational Classification as the occupation specified on their work permit,
(C) the offer is made by up to two employers who are specified on the work permit, none of whom is an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada or an employer who is referred to in subparagraph 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii), and
(D) they have accumulated at least one year of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work, over a continuous period of work for the employers who made the offer,
(iv) they do not hold a valid work permit, are not authorized to work in Canada under section 186 on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and
(A) they have an offer of employment that is for continuous full-time work having a total duration of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued and that is in the skilled trade occupation specified in the application,
(B) the offer is made by up to two employers, none of whom is an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada or an employer who is referred to in subparagraph 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii), and
(C) an officer has approved the offer of employment based on a valid assessment — provided to the officer by the Department of Employment and Social Development, on the same basis as an assessment provided for the issuance of a work permit, at the request of up to two employers or an officer — that the requirements set out in subsection 203(1) with respect to the offer have been met, and
(v) on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and on the date on which it is issued, they either hold a valid work permit or are authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and
(A) the circumstances referred to in clause (ii)(B) or (C) do not apply,
(B) the circumstances referred to in subparagraph (iii) do not apply, and
(C) the circumstances referred to in clauses (iv)(A), (B) and (C) apply.
Marginal note:Substitution of officer’s evaluation
(4) If the requirements referred to in subsection (3), whether or not they are met, are not sufficient indicators of whether the foreign national will become economically established in Canada, an officer may substitute their evaluation for the requirements. This decision requires the concurrence of another officer.
Marginal note:Requirement for funds
(5) With the exception of the foreign nationals referred to in subparagraphs (3)(d)(ii), (iii) and (v), the foreign national must have, in the form of transferable and available funds, unencumbered by debts or other obligations, an amount equal to one half of the minimum necessary income applicable in respect of the group of persons consisting of the skilled trades worker and their family members.
- SOR/2012-274, s. 14
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2013-245, s. 2
- SOR/2015-144, s. 2
- SOR/2015-147, s. 1
- SOR/2016-298, s. 9
- SOR/2021-242, s. 7
- SOR/2022-142, s. 2
- SOR/2022-220, s. 8
Atlantic Immigration Class
Marginal note:Class
87.3 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Atlantic immigration class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Member of class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the Atlantic immigration class if they
(a) are named in an endorsement certificate issued by the government of an Atlantic province — on or after the day on which this section comes into force — under an Atlantic immigration agreement between that province and the Minister, which must be valid on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and must not subsequently have been revoked;
(b) intend to reside in the Atlantic province that issued the endorsement certificate;
(c) meet either the work experience requirements set out in subsections (3) and (4) or the recent graduate requirements set out in subsection (5);
(d) have an offer of employment that meets the requirements set out in subsections (6) and (7);
(e) meet the educational requirements set out in subsection (9);
(f) have had their proficiency in the English or French language evaluated by an organization or institution that is designated under subsection 74(3) using a language test that is approved under that subsection, the results of which must be less than two years old on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and must indicate that the foreign national has met the applicable threshold that is fixed by the Minister under subsection 74(1) for each of the four language skill areas; and
(g) have — unless they are authorized to work and already working in Canada — in the form of transferable and available funds, unencumbered by debts or other obligations, an amount equal to one eighth of the amount identified, in the most recent edition of the publication concerning low-income cut-offs published annually by Statistics Canada under the Statistics Act, for urban areas of residence of 500,000 persons or more, as the minimum amount of before-tax annual income that is necessary to support a group of persons equal in number to the total number of the applicant and their family members.
Marginal note:Work experience
(3) A foreign national meets the work experience requirements if
(a) they have acquired, within the five years before the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made, at least one year of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work experience, in at least one of the occupations, other than a restricted occupation, that are listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the National Occupational Classification;
(b) during that period of employment they performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification; and
(c) during that period of employment they performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification, including all of the essential duties.
Marginal note:Excluded work experience
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(a),
(a) any period of self-employment is not included in calculating a period of work experience; and
(b) any period of work acquired in Canada is not included in calculating a period of work experience, unless the foreign national was authorized to work and had temporary resident status during that period.
Marginal note:Recent graduate
(5) A foreign national meets the recent graduate requirements if they
(a) obtained, as a full-time student, within the two years before the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made, a post-secondary educational credential issued by an institution in an Atlantic province that is set out in the document entitled Recognized Post-Secondary Institutions – Atlantic Immigration Program, published by the Minister, as amended from time to time, on the completion of a program of study that was
(i) of at least two years in duration,
(ii) not devoted primarily to the study of English or French as a second language, and
(iii) undertaken primarily as in-person learning;
(b) were physically present in the Atlantic province for at least 16 months during the two years preceding the day on which that credential was issued;
(c) had temporary resident status for the entire period of study working toward the credential and any work or study completed during that period was authorized; and
(d) were not in receipt of a scholarship or fellowship that was conditional on their return to another country at the conclusion of their studies.
Marginal note:Offer of employment
(6) The offer of employment must meet the following requirements:
(a) it must be for continuous full-time work having a duration that is
(i) indeterminate, in the case of an offer for employment in an occupation that is listed in TEER Category 4 of the National Occupational Classification, or
(ii) of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued, in any other case;
(b) it must be for employment that the foreign national is able to perform and is likely to accept and carry out;
(c) it must be made by the employer named in the endorsement certificate, and that employer must not be referred to in any of subparagraphs 200(3)(h)(i) to (iii) or more than 50% owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the foreign national or their spouse or common-law partner; and
(d) it must be for employment in an occupation that
(i) is listed in TEER Category 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the National Occupational Classification, in the case of a foreign national who meets the recent graduate requirements,
(ii) corresponds to unit group 33102 or 44101 of the National Occupational Classification, in the case of a foreign national who meets the work experience requirements set out in paragraph (3)(a) based on experience in an occupation that corresponds to unit group 31301 or 32101 of the National Occupational Classification, or
(iii) is listed in a TEER category in the National Occupational Classification that is at the same level or a higher level than the occupation in which most of the work experience relied on for the purpose of paragraph (3)(a) was acquired, in any other case.
(e) [Repealed, SOR/2022-220, s. 9]
Marginal note:TEER category hierarchy
(7) For the purposes of subparagraph (6)(d)(iii),
(a) TEER Category 0 in the National Occupational Classification is at a higher level than TEER Category 1;
(b) TEER Category 1 is at a higher level than TEER Categories 2 and 3;
(c) TEER Categories 2 and 3 are at the same level; and
(d) TEER Categories 2 and 3 are at a higher level than TEER Category 4.
(8) [Repealed, SOR/2022-220, s. 9]
Marginal note:Educational requirements
(9) A foreign national meets the educational requirements if
(a) in the case of a foreign national who has an offer of employment in an occupation that is listed in TEER Category 0 or 1 of the National Occupational Classification, they hold a post-secondary Canadian educational credential from a program of study of a duration of at least one year or a foreign diploma, certificate or credential supported by an equivalency assessment — which must be less than five years old on the date on which their application is made — establishing that the foreign diploma, certificate or credential is equivalent to such a Canadian educational credential; or
(b) in the case of a foreign national who has an offer of employment in an occupation that is listed in TEER Category 2, 3 or 4 of the National Occupational Classification, they hold a Canadian educational credential or a foreign diploma, certificate or credential supported by an equivalency assessment, which must be less than five years old on the date on which their application is made.
DIVISION 2Business Immigrants
Marginal note:Definitions
88 (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Division.
- agent
agent[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- allocation period
allocation period[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- approved fund
approved fund[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- business experience
business experience[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- debt obligation
debt obligation[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- entrepreneur
entrepreneur[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- entrepreneur selected by a province
entrepreneur selected by a province[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- former Regulations
former Regulations has the same meaning as in subsection 316(1). (ancient règlement)
- full-time job equivalent
full-time job equivalent[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- fund
fund[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- investment
investment[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- investor
investor[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- investor selected by a province
investor selected by a province[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- language skill area
language skill area means speaking, oral comprehension, reading or writing. (habileté langagière)
- minimum net worth
minimum net worth[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- net assets
net assets[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- net income
net income[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- net worth
net worth[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- percentage of equity
percentage of equity[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- provincial allocation
provincial allocation[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- qualifying business
qualifying business[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- qualifying Canadian business
qualifying Canadian business[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- relevant experience
relevant experience, in respect of
(a) a self-employed person, other than a self-employed person selected by a province, means a minimum of two years of experience, during the period beginning five years before the date of application for a permanent resident visa and ending on the day a determination is made in respect of the application, consisting of
(i) in respect of cultural activities,
(A) two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in cultural activities,
(B) two one-year periods of experience in participation at a world class level in cultural activities, or
(C) a combination of a one-year period of experience described in clause (A) and a one-year period of experience described in clause (B),
(ii) in respect of athletics,
(A) two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in athletics,
(B) two one-year periods of experience in participation at a world class level in athletics, or
(C) a combination of a one-year period of experience described in clause (A) and a one-year period of experience described in clause (B), and
(iii) in respect of the purchase and management of a farm, two one-year periods of experience in the management of a farm; and
(b) a self-employed person selected by a province, has the meaning provided by the laws of the province. (expérience utile)
- self-employed person
self-employed person means a foreign national who has relevant experience and has the intention and ability to be self-employed in Canada and to make a significant contribution to specified economic activities in Canada. (travailleur autonome)
- self-employed person selected by a province
self-employed person selected by a province[Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- specified economic activities
specified economic activities, in respect of
(a) a self-employed person, other than a self-employed person selected by a province, means cultural activities, athletics or the purchase and management of a farm; and
(b) a self-employed person selected by a province, has the meaning provided by the laws of the province. (activités économiques déterminées)
(2) and (3) [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 4]
- SOR/2003-383, s. 4
- SOR/2004-167, s. 31
- SOR/2010-218, s. 1
- SOR/2011-124, s. 1
- SOR/2012-274, s. 15
- SOR/2016-316, s. 4
Marginal note:Artificial transactions
89 For the purposes of this Division, an applicant in the self-employed persons class or an applicant in the start-up business class is not considered to have met the applicable requirements of this Division if the fulfillment of those requirements is based on one or more transactions that were entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring a status or privilege under the Act rather than
(a) in the case of an applicant in the self-employed class, for the purpose of self-employment; and
(b) in the case of an applicant in the start-up business class, for the purpose of engaging in the business activity for which a commitment referred to in paragraph 98.01(2)(a) was intended.
- SOR/2016-316, s. 5
- SOR/2018-72, s. 2
Marginal note:Permanent resident status
89.1 A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a person who makes an application as a member of the Quebec investor class, the Quebec entrepreneur class, the start-up business class, the self-employed persons class or the Quebec self-employed persons class shall become a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the person who made the application has become a permanent resident; and
(b) the foreign national is not inadmissible.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 2
Quebec Investor Class
Marginal note:Class
90 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Quebec investor class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Member of class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the Quebec investor class if they
(a) intend to reside in Quebec; and
(b) are named in a Certificat de sélection du Québec issued by Quebec.
- SOR/2016-316, s. 5
91 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 5]
92 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 5]
93 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 5]
94 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 5]
95 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 5]
96 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 5]
Quebec Entrepreneur Class
Marginal note:Class
97 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Quebec entrepreneur class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Member of class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the Quebec entrepreneur class if they
(a) intend to reside in Quebec; and
(b) are named in a Certificat de sélection du Québec issued by Quebec.
- SOR/2016-316, s. 6
98 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 6]
Start-up Business Class
Marginal note:Class
98.01 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the start-up business class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada, who meet the requirements of subsection (2) and who intend to reside in a province other than Quebec.
Marginal note:Member of class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the start-up business class if
(a) they have obtained a commitment that is made by one or more entities designated under subsection 98.03(1), that is less than six months old on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and that meets the requirements of section 98.04;
(b) they have submitted the results of a language test that is approved under subsection 102.3(4), which results must be provided by an organization or institution that is designated under that subsection, be less than two years old on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and indicate that the foreign national has met at least benchmark level 5 in either official language for all four language skill areas, as set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens, as applicable;
(c) they have, excluding any investment made by a designated entity into their business, transferable and available funds unencumbered by debts or other obligations of an amount that is equal to one half of the amount identified, in the most recent edition of the publication concerning low income cut-offs published annually by Statistics Canada under the Statistics Act, for urban areas of residence of 500,000 persons or more, as the minimum amount of before-tax annual income that is necessary to support a group of persons equal in number to the total number of the applicant and their family members; and
(d) they have started a qualifying business within the meaning of section 98.06.
Marginal note:Size
(3) No more than five applicants are to be considered members of the start-up business class in respect of the same business.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Agreements with organizations
98.02 (1) The Minister may enter into an agreement with an organization to provide for any matter related to the start-up business class, including
(a) the making of recommendations and the provision of advice to the Minister on the designation of an entity and on the revocation of those designations;
(b) the establishment of criteria, standards of conduct and best practices for the making of commitments or the performance of other activities related to the start-up business class by an entity;
(c) the making of recommendations and the provision of advice to the Minister on the operation of these Regulations with respect to the start-up business class;
(d) the establishment of peer review panels referred to in section 98.09; and
(e) the submission of reports to the Minister on the activities of designated entities.
Marginal note:Requirements
(2) In order to exercise the functions referred to in paragraphs (1)(a), (b), (d) and (e), the organization must have expertise in relation to the type of entity in question, namely,
(a) business incubators;
(b) angel investor groups; or
(c) venture capital funds.
Marginal note:Conditions
(3) An organization may exercise the functions referred to in subsection (1) only when the following conditions apply:
(a) the organization is in compliance with the agreement and the agreement remains in force;
(b) subject to subsections 98.12(2) and 98.13(4), the organization complies with requirements imposed under subsection 98.12(1) and paragraphs 98.13(2)(b), (c), and (f) and requests made under subsection 98.13(3);
(c) the organization is in compliance with these Regulations; and
(d) the organization has expertise in relation to at least one of the entity types referred to in paragraphs (2)(a) to (c).
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Designation
98.03 (1) The Minister must designate the entities referred to in subsection 98.01(2) according to the following categories:
(a) business incubators;
(b) angel investor groups; and
(c) venture capital funds.
Marginal note:Requirements
(2) The Minister may only designate an entity if
(a) it is recognized for its expertise in assessing the potential for and assisting in the success of start-up business opportunities in Canada; and
(b) it has the ability to assess the potential for and assist in the success of start-up business opportunities in Canada.
Marginal note:Conditions
(3) A designated entity must respect the following conditions:
(a) it must continue to meet the requirements of subsection (2);
(b) it must enter only into commitments that respect these Regulations;
(c) it must provide the Minister upon request with information on its activities related to the start-up business class, including information on foreign nationals with whom it has made commitments and the businesses referred to in those commitments;
(d) it must, subject to subsections 98.12(2) and 98.13(4), comply with requirements imposed under subsection 98.12(1) and paragraphs 98.13(2)(b), (c) and (f) and requests made under subsection 98.13(3);
(e) it must comply with the terms of its commitments and with these Regulations; and
(f) it must comply with any federal or provincial law or regulation relevant to the service it provides.
Marginal note:Suspension
(4) If there is reason to suspect that an entity does not meet the conditions or has submitted false, misleading or inaccurate information to the Minister, the Minister may
(a) suspend the entity’s ability to make commitments; and
(b) refuse to consider applications associated with commitments made by that entity.
Marginal note:Duration
(5) An action taken under subsection (4) comes into force on the day on which the Minister issues a notice of the action to the entity and remains in effect until the earlier of the day on which the situation is resolved and the day that is nine months after the day on which the notice is issued.
Marginal note:Revocation
(6) If there are reasonable grounds to believe that an entity does not meet the conditions set out in subsection (3) or has submitted false, misleading or inaccurate information to the Minister, the Minister may revoke the entity’s designation.
Marginal note:Public notice
(7) The Minister must publish on the Department’s website a list of all entities that are designated and those that are suspended under subsection (4).
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Form of commitment
98.04 (1) A commitment must be in a written or electronic form that is acceptable to the Minister and must be provided by a person who has the authority to bind the designated entity.
Marginal note:No fee for commitment
(2) A commitment does not respect these Regulations if the entity that made it charges a fee to review and assess the business proposal or to assess the business.
Marginal note:Multiple applicants
(3) If there is more than one applicant in respect of a commitment, the commitment must
(a) include information on each applicant; and
(b) identify those applicants that the entity making the commitment considers essential to the business.
Marginal note:Conditional commitment
(4) If there is more than one applicant in respect of a commitment, the commitment may be conditional on the issuance of a permanent resident visa to one or more of those applicants.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Minimum investment
98.05 (1) The Minister must establish the minimum total amount that the designated entities involved in the commitment must invest by buying shares or other forms of equity in the applicant’s business.
Marginal note:Types of entities
(2) The Minister may establish different minimum investment amounts based on whether the commitment was made by a business incubator, an angel investor group or a venture capital fund and, for commitments involving more than one type of entity, may specify different minimum investment amounts for commitments involving different combinations of entity types.
Marginal note:Factors
(3) The Minister must establish the minimum investment amount on the basis of the following factors:
(a) the number or projected number of start-up business class applicants and designated entities;
(b) the proportion per year of start-up business class applications approved, withdrawn or refused, as well as the grounds for refusal;
(c) the amount of investment received per year by start-up business class applicants from designated entities as part of a commitment;
(d) the number, type and industry sector of businesses started in Canada by approved start-up business class applicants per year and the average investment needs of start-up businesses of those types in those industry sectors;
(e) the average amount of investment and number of investments made in start-up companies in Canada per year;
(f) the level of investment usually required for a business started in Canada by a member of the start-up business class to be successful and for the member of the class to become economically established in Canada; and
(g) industry standards and best practices, as determined in consultation with organizations referred to in section 98.02, designated entities or other relevant stakeholders.
Marginal note:Public notice
(4) The Minister must publish the amounts established under subsection (1) on the Department’s website.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Qualifying business
98.06 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 98.01(2)(d), a qualifying business with respect to an applicant is one
(a) in which the applicant provides active and ongoing management from within Canada;
(b) for which an essential part of its operations is conducted in Canada;
(c) that is incorporated in Canada; and
(d) that has an ownership structure that complies with the percentages established under subsection (3).
Marginal note:Exception — intention
(2) A business that fails to meet one or more of the requirements of paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) is nevertheless a qualifying business if the applicant intends to have it meet those requirements after they have been issued a permanent resident visa.
Marginal note:Ownership structure
(3) The Minister must establish
(a) the minimum percentage of voting rights that are attached to all the outstanding shares of the corporation that must be held by the applicant; and
(b) the maximum percentage of the total amount of the voting rights attached to all the outstanding shares of the corporation that may be held by persons or entities, other than qualified participants.
Marginal note:Qualified participant
(4) For the purpose of paragraph (3)(b), a qualified participant is
(a) an applicant in respect of the business;
(b) a foreign national who has been issued a permanent resident visa as a member of the start-up business class in respect of the business; or
(c) a designated entity.
Marginal note:Factors
(5) The Minister must establish the percentages referred to in subsection (3) on the basis of the following factors:
(a) the number or projected number of start-up business class applicants and designated entities;
(b) the proportion per year of start-up business class applications approved, withdrawn or refused, as well as the grounds for refusal;
(c) the average size of businesses for which commitments are made and the average percentage of voting rights held by applicants and designated entities;
(d) the average size of start-up companies in Canada and the average percentage of voting rights held by the founders of those companies and other investors in those companies;
(e) the number, type and industry sector of businesses successfully started in Canada by approved start-up business class applicants per year and the most common ownership structures for businesses of those types in those industry sectors;
(f) the ownership share usually required for a business started in Canada by a member of the start-up business class to be successful and for the member of the class to become economically established in Canada; and
(g) industry standards and best practices, as determined in consultation with organizations referred to in section 98.02, designated entities or other relevant stakeholders.
Marginal note:Public notice
(6) The Minister must publish the percentages established under subsection (3) on the Department’s website.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Documentation
98.07 (1) An applicant must provide documentation to establish that they are a member of the start-up business class, including
(a) written or electronic evidence, provided by an entity that was designated on the day on which the application is made, that indicates that the entity made a commitment with the applicant;
(b) the results of a language proficiency evaluation referred to in paragraph 98.01(2)(b); and
(c) written or electronic evidence that they have the funds required under paragraph 98.01(2)(c).
Marginal note:Production of other documents
(2) In evaluating an application in the start-up business class, an officer may, in addition to these documents, require the production of documents that are in the possession or control of the applicant or of the entity making the commitment and that relate to the applicant, the commitment or the business.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Assessment of commitment
98.08 (1) If the officer is not satisfied that the entity assessed the applicant and the applicant’s business in a manner consistent with industry standards or is not satisfied that the terms of the commitment are consistent with industry standards, the officer may refuse to issue the permanent resident visa.
Marginal note:Multiple applicants
(2) If there is more than one applicant in respect of the same business and one of the applicants who was identified in the commitment as being essential to the business is refused a permanent resident visa for any reason or withdraws their application, the other applicants must be considered not to have met the requirements of subsection 98.01(2) and their permanent resident visa must also be refused.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Peer review
98.09 (1) An officer may request that a commitment, the applicants and designated entities party to the commitment and the qualifying business to which the commitment relates be independently assessed by a peer review panel established under an agreement referred to in section 98.02 by an organization that has expertise with respect to the type of entity making the commitment.
Marginal note:Grounds for request
(2) The request may be made if the officer is of the opinion that an independent assessment would assist in the application process. The request may also be made on a random basis.
Marginal note:Independent assessment
(3) The peer review panel’s assessment must be independent and take industry standards into account.
Marginal note:Assessment not binding
(4) An officer who requests an independent assessment is not bound by it.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Substituted evaluation
98.10 (1) An officer may substitute their evaluation of the applicant’s ability to become economically established in Canada for the requirements set out in subsection 98.01(2), if meeting or failing to meet those requirements is not a sufficient indicator of whether the applicant will become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) However, a substitute evaluation must not be conducted for an applicant who did not have a commitment from a designated entity on the day on which they made their application.
Marginal note:Concurrence
(3) A substitute evaluation made under subsection (1) requires the written concurrence of a second officer.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Inspections — organization
98.11 (1) An officer may inspect any organization that has entered into an agreement referred to in subsection 98.02(1) in any of the following circumstances:
(a) the officer has a reason to suspect that the organization is not complying or has not complied with any of the conditions set out in subsection 98.02(3);
(b) the organization has not complied with those conditions in the past;
(c) the organization is chosen as part of a random verification of compliance with those conditions; and
(d) as part of routine monitoring activities, the organization is monitored to ensure that it respects those conditions.
Marginal note:Inspections — designated entity
(2) An officer may inspect an entity designated under subsection 98.03(1) in any of the following circumstances:
(a) the officer has a reason to suspect that the entity is not complying or has not complied with any of the conditions set out in subsection 98.03(3);
(b) the entity has not complied with those conditions in the past;
(c) the entity is chosen as part of a random verification of compliance with those conditions; and
(d) as part of routine monitoring activities, the entity is monitored to ensure that it respects those conditions.
Marginal note:Other inspection
(3) In addition, the powers set out in sections 98.12 and 98.13 may be exercised with respect to
(a) a designated entity, if an officer is inspecting an organization in accordance with subsection (1) and an inspection of the designated entity is necessary to verify that the organization is in compliance with the conditions set out in subsection 98.02(3); or
(b) an organization that has entered into an agreement referred to in subsection 98.02(1), if an officer is inspecting a designated entity in accordance with subsection (2) and an inspection of the organization is necessary to verify that the designated entity is in compliance with the conditions set out in subsection 98.03(3).
Marginal note:Inspections — business
(4) The powers set out in sections 98.12 and 98.13 may be exercised with respect to a business that is the subject of a commitment by a designated entity with respect to the start-up business class if an officer is inspecting that designated entity in accordance with subsection (2) and an inspection of the business is necessary to verify that the designated entity is in compliance with the conditions set out in subsection 98.03(3).
Marginal note:Inspections — third party
(5) The powers set out in section 98.12 may be exercised with respect to a third party if an officer is inspecting an organization in accordance with subsection (1) or a designated entity in accordance with subsection (2) and an inspection of the third party is necessary to verify that that organization or that designated entity is in compliance with the conditions set out in subsection 98.02(3) or 98.03(3), as the case may be.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Answering questions and providing documents
98.12 (1) When conducting an inspection in accordance with section 98.11, an officer may, for the purpose of verifying that the organization or designated entity is in compliance with the relevant conditions,
(a) require the organization, the designated entity, a business that is the subject of a commitment or a third party to provide the officer with any relevant document; and
(b) require any employee or representative of the organization, designated entity, or a business that is the subject of a commitment or a third party to report at any specified time and place to answer questions and provide relevant documents.
Marginal note:Justification
(2) A failure to comply with an obligation under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) is justified if the person, organization, entity or business made all reasonable efforts to comply with the obligation or if the failure results from anything done or omitted to be done by them in good faith.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
Marginal note:Entry to verify compliance
98.13 (1) Subject to subsection (7), when conducting an inspection in accordance with section 98.11, an officer may, for the purpose of verifying that the organization or designated entity is in compliance with the relevant conditions, enter and inspect any premises or place in which business is conducted by the organization, the designated entity or a business that is the subject of a commitment.
Marginal note:Powers in place or on premises
(2) When on the premises or in the place the officer may
(a) ask any relevant questions of an employee or representative of the organization, designated entity or business that is the subject of a commitment;
(b) require from the organization, the designated entity or the business that is the subject of a commitment any relevant documents found in the premises or the place for examination;
(c) use copying equipment, or require that the organization, the designated entity or the business that is the subject of a commitment provide copies of those documents to be examined away from the premises or the place or, if it is not possible to make copies in the premises or the place, remove the relevant documents to make copies;
(d) take photographs and make video or audio recordings;
(e) examine anything in the premises or the place;
(f) require the organization, the designated entity or the business that is the subject of a commitment to use any computer or other electronic device in the premises or the place to allow the officer to examine any relevant document contained in or available to it; and
(g) be accompanied or assisted in the premises or the place by any person required by the officer.
Marginal note:Obligation
(3) An organization, entity, or a business that is the subject of a commitment, must, on request, provide an employee or representative to attend any inspection referred to in subsection (1), to give all reasonable assistance to the officer conducting that inspection and to provide that officer with any document or information that the officer requires.
Marginal note:Justification
(4) A failure to comply with an obligation under paragraph (2)(b), (c) or (f) or subsection (3) is justified if the organization, entity, or a business that is the subject of a commitment made all reasonable efforts to comply with the obligation or if the failure results from anything done or omitted to be done by them in good faith.
Marginal note:Entering private property
(5) An officer and any person accompanying the officer may enter on and pass through private property, other than a dwelling-house, to gain entry to the premises or the place. For greater certainty, they are not liable for doing so.
Marginal note:Person accompanying officer
(6) A person may, at an officer’s request, accompany the officer to assist them to access the premises or the place.
Marginal note:Dwelling-house
(7) In the case of a dwelling-house, an officer may enter it without the occupant’s consent only under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (8).
Marginal note:Issuance of warrant
(8) On ex parte application, a justice of the peace may issue a warrant authorizing an officer who is named in it to enter a dwelling-house, subject to any conditions specified in the warrant, if the justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath that
(a) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the dwelling-house is a premises or place referred to in subsection (1);
(b) entry into the dwelling-house is necessary to verify compliance with the conditions set out in subsection 98.02(3) or 98.03(3), as the case may be; and
(c) entry was refused by the occupant or there are reasonable grounds to believe that entry will be refused or that consent to entry cannot be obtained from the occupant.
- SOR/2018-72, s. 3
99 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 6]
Self-employed Persons
Self-employed Persons Class
Marginal note:Members of the class
100 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the self-employed persons class is hereby prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada and who are self-employed persons within the meaning of subsection 88(1).
Marginal note:Minimal requirements
(2) If a foreign national who applies as a member of the self-employed persons class is not a self-employed person within the meaning of subsection 88(1), the application shall be refused and no further assessment is required.
Quebec Self-employed Persons Class
Marginal note:Class
101 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Quebec self-employed persons class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Member of class
(2) A foreign national is a member of the Quebec self-employed persons class if they
(a) intend to reside in Quebec; and
(b) are named in a Certificat de sélection du Québec issued by Quebec.
- SOR/2004-167, ss. 36, 80(F)
- SOR/2016-316, s. 7
Selection Criteria
Marginal note:Criteria
102 (1) For the purpose of determining whether a foreign national, as a member of the self-employed persons class, and their family members will be able to become economically established in Canada, an officer shall assess the foreign national on the basis of the following factors:
(a) age, in accordance with section 102.1;
(b) education, in accordance with section 102.2;
(c) proficiency in the official languages of Canada, in accordance with section 102.3;
(d) experience, in accordance with section 103; and
(e) adaptability, in accordance with section 105.
Marginal note:Units of assessment
(2) A foreign national who is assessed on the basis of the factors set out in paragraphs (1)(a) to (e) shall be awarded the applicable number of assessment points for each factor set out in the provision referred to in each of those paragraphs, subject to the maximum number set out in that provision for that factor.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 37
- SOR/2012-274, s. 16
- SOR/2016-316, s. 8
Marginal note:Age (10 points)
102.1 Points shall be awarded, up to a maximum of 10, for a foreign national’s age on the date on which their application is made, as follows:
(a) 10 points for a foreign national 21 years of age or older but less than 50 years of age;
(b) 8 points for a foreign national 20 or 50 years of age;
(c) 6 points for a foreign national 19 or 51 years of age;
(d) 4 points for a foreign national 18 or 52 years of age;
(e) 2 points for a foreign national 17 or 53 years of age; and
(f) 0 points, for a foreign national under 17 years of age or 54 years of age or older.
- SOR/2012-274, s. 17
Marginal note:Definitions
102.2 (1) The following definitions apply in this section.
- full-time
full-time means, in relation to a program of study leading to an educational credential, at least 15 hours of instruction per week during the academic year, including any period of training in the workplace that forms part of the course of instruction. (temps plein)
- full-time equivalent
full-time equivalent means, in respect of part-time or accelerated studies, the number of years that would have been required to complete the equivalent of those studies on a full-time basis. (équivalent temps plein)
Marginal note:Education (25 points)
(2) Points shall be awarded, to a maximum of 25, for a foreign national’s education as follows:
(a) 5 points for a secondary school educational credential;
(b) 12 points for a one-year post-secondary educational credential, other than a university educational credential, and a total of at least 12 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies;
(c) 15 points for
(i) a one-year post-secondary educational credential, other than a university educational credential, and a total of at least 13 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies, or
(ii) a one-year university educational credential at the bachelor’s level and a total of at least 13 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies;
(d) 20 points for
(i) a two-year post-secondary educational credential, other than a university educational credential, and a total of at least 14 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies, or
(ii) a two-year university educational credential at the bachelor’s level and a total of at least 14 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies;
(e) 22 points for
(i) a three-year post-secondary educational credential, other than a university educational credential, and a total of at least 15 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies, or
(ii) two or more university educational credentials at the bachelor’s level and a total of at least 15 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies; and
(f) 25 points for a university educational credential at the master’s or doctoral level and a total of at least 17 years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies.
Marginal note:More than one educational credential
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), points
(a) shall not be awarded cumulatively on the basis of more than one educational credential; and
(b) shall be awarded
(i) for the purposes of paragraphs (2)(a) to (d), subparagraph (2)(e)(i) and paragraph (2)(f), on the basis of the educational credential that results in the highest number of points, and
(ii) for the purposes of subparagraph (2)(e)(ii), on the basis of the combined educational credentials referred to in that paragraph.
Marginal note:Special circumstances
(4) For the purposes of subsection (2), if a foreign national has an educational credential referred to in any of paragraphs (2)(b) to (f), but not the total number of years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies required, the foreign national shall be awarded the same number of points as the number of years of completed full-time or full-time equivalent studies set out in the paragraph.
- SOR/2012-274, s. 17
Marginal note:Official languages
102.3 (1) A foreign national must specify in their application for a permanent resident visa which language — English or French — is to be considered their first official language in Canada.They must have their proficiency in that language evaluated by an organization or institution designated under subsection (4).
Marginal note:Proficiency in second language
(2) If the foreign national wishes to claim points for proficiency in their second official language they must, with the application for a permanent resident visa, submit the results of an evaluation — which must be less than two years old on the date on which their application is made — of their proficiency by an organization or institution designated under subsection (4).
Marginal note:Proficiency in English and French (24 points)
(3) Points for proficiency in the official languages of Canada shall be awarded up to a maximum of 24 points based on the benchmarks referred to in the Canadian Language Benchmarks and the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens, as follows:
(a) for high proficiency
(i) in the first official language, 4 points for each language skill area if the foreign national’s proficiency corresponds to a benchmark of 8 or higher, and
(ii) in the second official language, 2 points for each language skill area if the foreign national’s proficiency corresponds to a benchmark of 8 or higher;
(b) for moderate proficiency
(i) in the first official language, 2 points for each language skill area if the foreign national’s proficiency corresponds to a benchmark of 6 or 7, and
(ii) in the second official language, 2 points for each language skill area if the foreign national’s proficiency corresponds to a benchmark of 6 or 7;
(c) for basic proficiency in either official language, 1 point for each language skill area, up to a maximum of 2 points, if the foreign national’s proficiency corresponds to a benchmark of 4 or 5; and
(d) for no proficiency in either official language, 0 points if the foreign national’s proficiency corresponds to a benchmark of 3 or lower.
Marginal note:Evaluation of language proficiency
(4) The Minister may designate, for any period he or she specifies, any organization or institution to be responsible for evaluating language proficiency and approve the language test to be used to evaluate that proficiency if the organization or institution
(a) has expertise in evaluating language proficiency; and
(b) has provided the Minister with an equivalency between its language test results and the benchmarks set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Public notice
(5) The Minister must make available to the public the names of the designated organizations or institutions and the approved language tests.
Marginal note:Definition service agreement
(6) For the purposes of subsection (7), service agreement means an agreement concluded between the Government of Canada and an organization or institution for the purpose of having the organization or institution supply the service of evaluating the language proficiency of foreign nationals.
Marginal note:Revocation of designation
(7) The Minister may revoke a designation of an organization or institution or the approval of a language test if
(a) the organization or institution no longer meets the criteria set out in subsection (4);
(b) the organization or institution submitted false, misleading or inaccurate information or has contravened any provision of a federal or provincial law or regulation that is relevant to the service provided by the organization or institution; or
(c) either the Government of Canada or the organization or institution has terminated the service agreement.
Marginal note:Conclusive evidence
(8) The results of an evaluation of language proficiency by a designated organization or institution using an approved language test are conclusive evidence of an applicant’s language proficiency for the purposes of subsection (1) and of paragraph 98.01(2)(b).
- SOR/2012-274, s. 17
- SOR/2018-72, s. 4
103 (1) and (2) [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 9]
Self-employed person
(3) A member of the self-employed persons class shall be awarded assessment points up to a maximum of 35 points for relevant experience during the period beginning five years before the date of their application for a permanent resident visa and ending on the day a determination is made in respect of the application as follows:
(a) 20 points for
(i) two one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(i)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or a combination of two one-year periods of such experience,
(ii) two one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(ii)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or a combination of two one-year periods of such experience, or
(iii) two one-year periods of experience described in subparagraph (a)(iii) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1);
(b) 25 points for
(i) three one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(i)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or any combination of three one-year periods of such experience,
(ii) three one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(ii)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or any combination of three one-year periods of such experience, or
(iii) three one-year periods of experience described in subparagraph (a)(iii) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1);
(c) 30 points for
(i) four one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(i)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or any combination of four one-year periods of such experience,
(ii) four one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(ii)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or any combination of four one-year periods of such experience, or
(iii) four one-year periods of experience described in subparagraph (a)(iii) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1); and
(d) 35 points for
(i) five one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(i)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or any combination of five one-year periods of such experience,
(ii) five one-year periods of experience described in clause (a)(ii)(A) or (B) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1) or any combination of five one-year periods of such experience, or
(iii) five one-year periods of experience described in subparagraph (a)(iii) of the definition relevant experience in subsection 88(1).
- SOR/2004-167, s. 38
- SOR/2016-316, s. 9
104 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 10]
Marginal note:Self-employed person
105 (1) A member of the self-employed persons class shall be awarded assessment points up to a maximum of 6 points for adaptability on the basis of any combination of the following elements:
(a) for the educational credentials of the member’s accompanying spouse or common-law partner, 3, 4 or 5 points determined in accordance with subsection (2);
(b) for any previous period of study in Canada by the member or their spouse or common-law partner, 5 points;
(c) for any previous period of work in Canada by the member or their spouse or common-law partner, 5 points; and
(d) for being related to, or for having an accompanying spouse or accompanying common-law partner who is related to, a person living in Canada who is described in subsection (5), 5 points.
Marginal note:Educational credentials of spouse or common-law partner
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), an officer shall evaluate the educational credentials of the accompanying spouse or accompanying common-law partner of the member of the self-employed persons class as if the spouse or common-law partner were the member, and shall award points to the member as follows:
(a) for a spouse or common-law partner who would be awarded 25 points, 5 points;
(b) for a spouse or common-law partner who would be awarded 20 or 22 points, 4 points; and
(c) for a spouse or common-law partner who would be awarded 12 or 15 points, 3 points.
Marginal note:Previous study in Canada
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), a member of the self-employed persons class shall be awarded 5 points if the member or their accompanying spouse or accompanying common-law partner, on or after their 17th birthday, completed a program of full-time study of at least two years’ duration at a post-secondary institution in Canada under a study permit, whether or not they obtained an educational credential for completing that program.
Marginal note:Previous work in Canada
(4) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(c), a member of the self-employed persons class shall be awarded 5 points if the member or their accompanying spouse or accompanying common-law partner engaged in at least one year of full-time work in Canada under a work permit.
Marginal note:Family relationships in Canada
(5) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(d), a member of the self-employed persons class shall be awarded 5 points if
(a) the member or their accompanying spouse or accompanying common-law partner is related by blood, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption to a person who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Canada and who is
(i) their father or mother,
(ii) the father or mother of their father or mother,
(iii) their child,
(iv) a child of their child,
(v) a child of their father or mother,
(vi) a child of the father or mother of their father or mother, other than their father or mother, or
(vii) a child of the child of their father or mother; or
(b) the member has a spouse or common-law partner who is not accompanying them and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Canada.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 39
- SOR/2014-140, s. 5
106 [Repealed, SOR/2008-202, s. 6]
107 [Repealed, SOR/2018-72, s. 5]
Marginal note:Application for visa
108 (1) Subject to subsection (5), if a foreign national makes an application as a member of the Quebec investor class, the Quebec entrepreneur class, the start-up business class, the self-employed persons class or the Quebec self-employed persons class for a permanent resident visa, an officer may only issue the visa to the foreign national and their accompanying family members if they meet the requirements of subsection 70(1) and, if applicable,
(a) in the case of a foreign national who has made an application under the self-employed persons class and their accompanying family members, who intend to reside in a place in Canada other than a province whose government has, under subsection 8(1) of the Act, entered into an agreement referred to in subsection 9(1) of the Act with the Minister under which the province has sole responsibility for selection, the foreign national is awarded the minimum number of points referred to in subsection (4); and
(b) in the case of a foreign national and their accompanying family members, who intend to reside in a province whose government has, under subsection 8(1) of the Act, entered into an agreement referred to in subsection 9(1) of the Act with the Minister under which the province has sole responsibility for selection, the foreign national is named in a selection certificate issued by that province.
(2) and (3) [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 12]
Marginal note:Minimum points — self-employed persons
(4) The Minister shall fix and make available to the public the minimum number of points required of a self-employed person, on the basis of
(a) the number of applications by members of the self-employed persons class currently being processed;
(b) the number of self-employed persons projected to become permanent residents according to the report to Parliament referred to in section 94 of the Act; and
(c) the potential, taking into account economic and other relevant factors, for the establishment of self-employed persons in Canada.
Marginal note:Federal-provincial agreement
(5) A permanent resident visa shall not be issued to a foreign national as a member of the Quebec investor class, or to their accompanying family members, if the Minister is engaged in consultations with the province in respect of the interpretation or implementation of the agreement, referred to in subsection 9(1) of the Act and entered into under subsection 8(1) of the Act, between the province and the Minister in respect of the selection of investors and the consultations have not been successfully completed.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 40
- SOR/2014-140, s. 6(F)
- SOR/2016-316, s. 12
- SOR/2018-72, s. 6
Marginal note:Substitution of evaluation
109 (1) Whether or not a foreign national has been awarded the minimum number of required points referred to in subsection 108(1), an officer may substitute for the factors set out in subsection 102(1) their evaluation of the likelihood of the foreign national’s ability to become economically established in Canada if the number of points awarded is not a sufficient indicator of whether the foreign national may become economically established in Canada.
Marginal note:Concurrence
(2) An evaluation made under subsection (1) requires the concurrence of a second officer.
- SOR/2010-195, s. 10(F)
109.1 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 13]
109.2 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 13]
109.3 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 13]
109.4 [Repealed, SOR/2008-202, s. 7]
109.5 [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 13]
110 [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 6]
111 [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 6]
112 [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 6]
113 [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 6]
114 [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 6]
114.1 [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 6]
115 [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 6]
PART 7Family Classes
DIVISION 1Family Class
Marginal note:Family class
116 For the purposes of subsection 12(1) of the Act, the family class is hereby prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of the requirements of this Division.
Marginal note:Member
117 (1) A foreign national is a member of the family class if, with respect to a sponsor, the foreign national is
(a) the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner;
(b) a dependent child of the sponsor;
(c) the sponsor’s mother or father;
(d) the mother or father of the sponsor’s mother or father;
(e) [Repealed, SOR/2005-61, s. 3]
(f) a person whose parents are deceased, who is under 18 years of age, who is not a spouse or common-law partner and who is
(i) a child of the sponsor’s mother or father,
(ii) a child of a child of the sponsor’s mother or father, or
(iii) a child of the sponsor’s child;
(g) a person under 18 years of age whom the sponsor intends to adopt in Canada if
(i) the adoption is not being entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act,
(ii) where the adoption is an international adoption, the country in which the person resides is a party to the Hague Convention on Adoption and the Convention applies to their province of intended destination, the competent authority of the country and of the province have approved the adoption in writing as conforming to that Convention, and
(iii) where the adoption is an international adoption and the country in which the person resides is not a party to the Hague Convention on Adoption or the Convention does not apply to the person’s province of intended destination
(A) the person has been placed for adoption in the country in which they reside or is otherwise legally available in that country for adoption and there is no evidence that the intended adoption is for the purpose of child trafficking or undue gain within the meaning of the Hague Convention on Adoption, and
(B) the competent authority of the person’s province of intended destination has stated in writing that it does not object to the adoption; or
(h) a relative of the sponsor, regardless of age, if the sponsor does not have a spouse, a common-law partner, a conjugal partner, a child, a mother or father, a relative who is a child of that mother or father, a relative who is a child of a child of that mother or father, a mother or father of that mother or father or a relative who is a child of the mother or father of that mother or father
(i) who is a Canadian citizen, Indian or permanent resident, or
(ii) whose application to enter and remain in Canada as a permanent resident the sponsor may otherwise sponsor.
Marginal note:Adoption — under 18
(2) A foreign national who is the adopted child of a sponsor and whose adoption took place when the child was under the age of 18 shall not be considered a member of the family class by virtue of the adoption unless
(a) the adoption was in the best interests of the child within the meaning of the Hague Convention on Adoption; and
(b) the adoption was not entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act.
Marginal note:Best interests of the child
(3) The adoption referred to in subsection (2) is considered to be in the best interests of a child if it took place under the following circumstances:
(a) a competent authority has conducted or approved a home study of the adoptive parents;
(b) before the adoption, the child’s parents gave their free and informed consent to the child’s adoption;
(c) the adoption created a genuine parent-child relationship;
(d) the adoption was in accordance with the laws of the place where the adoption took place;
(e) the adoption was in accordance with the laws of the sponsor’s place of residence and, if the sponsor resided in Canada at the time the adoption took place, the competent authority of the child’s province of intended destination has stated in writing that it does not object to the adoption;
(f) if the adoption is an international adoption, the country in which the adoption took place is a party to the Hague Convention on Adoption and the Convention applies to the child’s province of intended destination, the competent authority of the country and of the province have stated in writing that they approve the adoption as conforming to that Convention; and
(g) if the adoption is an international adoption and the country in which the adoption took place is not a party to the Hague Convention on Adoption or the Convention does not apply to the child’s province of intended destination, there is no evidence that the adoption is for the purpose of child trafficking or undue gain within the meaning of that Convention.
Marginal note:Adoption — over 18
(4) A foreign national who is the adopted child of a sponsor and whose adoption took place when the child was 18 years of age or older shall not be considered a member of the family class by virtue of that adoption unless it took place under the following circumstances:
(a) the adoption was in accordance with the laws of the place where the adoption took place and, if the sponsor resided in Canada at the time of the adoption, the adoption was in accordance with the laws of the province where the sponsor then resided, if any, that applied in respect of the adoption of a child 18 years of age or older;
(b) a genuine parent-child relationship existed at the time of the adoption and existed before the child reached the age of 18; and
(c) the adoption was not entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act.
(5) and (6) [Repealed, SOR/2005-61, s. 3]
Marginal note:Provincial statement
(7) If a statement referred to in clause (1)(g)(iii)(B) or paragraph (3)(e) or (f) has been provided to an officer by the competent authority of the foreign national’s province of intended destination, that statement is, except in the case of an adoption that was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act, conclusive evidence that the foreign national meets the following applicable requirements:
(a) [Repealed, SOR/2005-61, s. 3]
(b) in the case of a person referred to in paragraph (1)(g), the requirements set out in clause (1)(g)(iii)(A); and
(c) in the case of a person referred to in paragraph (1)(b) who is an adopted child described in subsection (2), the requirements set out in paragraphs (3)(a) to (e) and (g).
Marginal note:New evidence
(8) If, after the statement is provided to the officer, the officer receives evidence that the foreign national does not meet the applicable requirements set out in paragraph (7)(b) or (c) for becoming a member of the family class, the processing of their application shall be suspended until the officer provides that evidence to the competent authority of the province and that authority confirms or revises its statement.
Marginal note:Excluded relationships
(9) A foreign national shall not be considered a member of the family class by virtue of their relationship to a sponsor if
(a) the foreign national is the sponsor’s conjugal partner and is under 18 years of age;
(b) the foreign national is the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, the sponsor has an existing sponsorship undertaking in respect of a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and the period referred to in subsection 132(1) in respect of that undertaking has not ended;
(c) the foreign national is the sponsor’s spouse and
(i) the sponsor or the foreign national was, at the time of their marriage, the spouse of another person, or
(ii) the sponsor has lived separate and apart from the foreign national for at least one year and
(A) the sponsor is the common-law partner of another person or the sponsor has a conjugal partner, or
(B) the foreign national is the common-law partner of another person or the conjugal partner of another sponsor; or
(c.1) the foreign national is the sponsor’s spouse and if at the time the marriage ceremony was conducted either one or both of the spouses were not physically present unless the foreign national was marrying a person who was not physically present at the ceremony as a result of their service as a member of the Canadian Forces and the marriage is valid both under the laws of the jurisdiction where it took place and under Canadian law;
(d) subject to subsection (10), the sponsor previously made an application for permanent residence and became a permanent resident and, at the time of that application, the foreign national was a non-accompanying family member of the sponsor and was not examined.
Marginal note:Exception
(10) Subject to subsection (11), paragraph (9)(d) does not apply in respect of a foreign national referred to in that paragraph who was not examined because an officer determined that they were not required by the Act or the former Act, as applicable, to be examined.
Marginal note:Application of par. (9)(d)
(11) Paragraph (9)(d) applies in respect of a foreign national referred to in subsection (10) if an officer determines that, at the time of the application referred to in that paragraph,
(a) the sponsor was informed that the foreign national could be examined and the sponsor was able to make the foreign national available for examination but did not do so or the foreign national did not appear for examination; or
(b) the foreign national was the sponsor’s spouse, was living separate and apart from the sponsor and was not examined.
Definition of former Act
(12) In subsection (10), former Act has the same meaning as in section 187 of the Act.
- SOR/2004-59, s. 4
- SOR/2004-167, s. 41
- SOR/2005-61, s. 3
- SOR/2010-195, s. 11
- SOR/2010-208, s. 2
- SOR/2014-140, s. 7(F)
- SOR/2015-139, s. 2
- SOR/2019-212, s. 5
- SOR/2023-249, s. 6
Marginal note:Medical condition
118 A foreign national who is an adopted dependent child or is a person referred to in paragraph 117(1)(f) or (g) shall not be issued a permanent resident visa as a member of the family class unless the sponsor has provided a statement in writing confirming that they have obtained information about the medical condition of the child or of the foreign national.
- SOR/2005-61, s. 4
- SOR/2010-195, s. 12
Marginal note:Withdrawal of sponsorship application
119 A decision shall not be made on an application for a permanent resident visa by a member of the family class if the sponsor withdraws their sponsorship application in respect of that member.
Marginal note:Approved sponsorship application
120 For the purposes of Part 5,
(a) a permanent resident visa shall not be issued to a foreign national who makes an application as a member of the family class or to their accompanying family members unless a sponsorship undertaking in respect of the foreign national and those family members is in effect; and
(b) a foreign national who makes an application as a member of the family class and their accompanying family members shall not become permanent residents unless a sponsorship undertaking in respect of the foreign national and those family members is in effect and the sponsor who gave that undertaking still meets the requirements of section 133 and, if applicable, section 137.
Marginal note:Requirements
121 Subject to subsection 25.1(1), a person who is a member of the family class or a family member of a member of the family class who makes an application under Division 6 of Part 5 must be a family member of the applicant or of the sponsor both at the time the application is made and at the time of the determination of the application.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 42
- SOR/2014-133, s. 6
Marginal note:Requirements for accompanying family members
122 A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a person who makes an application as a member of the family class shall become a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the person who made the application has become a permanent resident; and
(b) the family member is not inadmissible.
- SOR/2008-202, s. 9(F)
DIVISION 2Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class
Marginal note:Class
123 For the purposes of subsection 12(1) of the Act, the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class is hereby prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of the requirements of this Division.
Marginal note:Member
124 A foreign national is a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class if they
(a) are the spouse or common-law partner of a sponsor and cohabit with that sponsor in Canada;
(b) have temporary resident status in Canada; and
(c) are the subject of a sponsorship application.
Marginal note:Excluded relationships
125 (1) A foreign national shall not be considered a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class by virtue of their relationship to the sponsor if
(a) [Repealed, SOR/2023-249, s. 7]
(b) the foreign national is the sponsor’s spouse or common-law partner, the sponsor has an existing sponsorship undertaking in respect of a spouse or common-law partner and the period referred to in subsection 132(1) in respect of that undertaking has not ended;
(c) the foreign national is the sponsor’s spouse and
(i) the sponsor or the spouse was, at the time of their marriage, the spouse of another person, or
(ii) the sponsor has lived separate and apart from the foreign national for at least one year and
(A) the sponsor is the common-law partner of another person or the sponsor has a conjugal partner, or
(B) the foreign national is the common-law partner of another person or the conjugal partner of another sponsor;
(c.1) the foreign national is the sponsor’s spouse and if at the time the marriage ceremony was conducted either one or both of the spouses were not physically present unless the foreign national was married to a person who was not physically present at the ceremony as a result of their service as a member of the Canadian Forces and the marriage is valid both under the laws of the jurisdiction where it took place and under Canadian law; or
(d) subject to subsection (2), the sponsor previously made an application for permanent residence and became a permanent resident and, at the time of that application, the foreign national was a non-accompanying family member of the sponsor and was not examined.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subject to subsection (3), paragraph (1)(d) does not apply in respect of a foreign national referred to in that paragraph who was not examined because an officer determined that they were not required by the Act or the former Act, as applicable, to be examined.
Marginal note:Application of par. (1)(d)
(3) Paragraph (1)(d) applies in respect of a foreign national referred to in subsection (2) if an officer determines that, at the time of the application referred to in that paragraph,
(a) the sponsor was informed that the foreign national could be examined and the sponsor was able to make the foreign national available for examination but did not do so or the foreign national did not appear for examination; or
(b) the foreign national was the sponsor’s spouse, was living separate and apart from the sponsor and was not examined.
Definition of former Act
(4) In subsection (2), former Act has the same meaning as in section 187 of the Act.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 43
- SOR/2010-195, s. 13
- SOR/2015-139, s. 3
- SOR/2023-249, s. 7
Marginal note:Withdrawal of sponsorship application
126 A decision shall not be made on an application for permanent residence by a foreign national as a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class if the sponsor withdraws their sponsorship application in respect of that foreign national.
Marginal note:Approved sponsorship application
127 For the purposes of Part 5, a foreign national who makes an application as a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class and their accompanying family members shall not become a permanent resident unless a sponsorship undertaking in respect of the foreign national and those family members is in effect and the sponsor who gave that undertaking still meets the requirements of section 133 and, if applicable, section 137.
Marginal note:Requirements — family member
128 The requirements with respect to a person who is a family member of a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class who makes an application under Division 6 of Part 5 are the following:
(a) subject to subsection 25.1(1), the person is a family member of the applicant both at the time the application is made and at the time of the determination of the application; and
(b) at the time it is made, the application includes a request for the family member to remain in Canada as a permanent resident.
- SOR/2014-133, s. 7
Marginal note:Requirements for accompanying family members
129 A foreign national who is an accompanying family member of a person who makes an application as a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class shall become a permanent resident if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the person who made the application has become a permanent resident; and
(b) the family member is not inadmissible.
- SOR/2008-202, s. 10(F)
DIVISION 3Sponsors
Marginal note:Sponsor
130 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a sponsor, for the purpose of sponsoring a foreign national who makes an application for a permanent resident visa as a member of the family class or an application to remain in Canada as a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class under subsection 13(1) of the Act, must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who
(a) is at least 18 years of age;
(b) resides in Canada; and
(c) has filed a sponsorship application in respect of a member of the family class or the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class in accordance with section 10.
Marginal note:Sponsor not residing in Canada
(2) A sponsor who is a Canadian citizen and does not reside in Canada may sponsor a foreign national who makes an application referred to in subsection (1) and is the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child who has no dependent children, if the sponsor will reside in Canada when the foreign national becomes a permanent resident.
Marginal note:Five-year requirement
(3) A sponsor who became a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen after being sponsored as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner under subsection 13(1) of the Act may not sponsor a foreign national referred to in subsection (1) as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, unless the sponsor has been a permanent resident, or a Canadian citizen, or a combination of the two, for a period of at least five years immediately preceding the day on which a sponsorship application referred to in paragraph (1)(c) is filed by the sponsor in respect of the foreign national.
- SOR/2012-20, s. 1
- SOR/2015-139, s. 4
Marginal note:Sponsorship undertaking
131 The sponsor’s undertaking shall be given
(a) to the Minister; or
(b) if the sponsor resides in a province that has entered into an agreement referred to in subsection 8(1) of the Act that enables the province to determine and apply financial criteria with respect to sponsorship undertakings and to administer sponsorship undertakings, to the competent authority of the province.
- SOR/2014-140, s. 8(E)
Marginal note:Undertaking — duration
132 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the sponsor’s undertaking obliges the sponsor to reimburse Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province for every benefit provided as social assistance to or on behalf of the sponsored foreign national and their family members during the period
(a) beginning
(i) if the foreign national enters Canada with a temporary resident permit, on the day of that entry,
(ii) if the foreign national is in Canada, on the day on which the foreign national obtains a temporary resident permit following an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, and
(iii) in any other case, on the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident; and
(b) ending
(i) if the foreign national is the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, on the last day of the period of three years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident,
(ii) if the foreign national is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, or is a person referred to in paragraph 117(1)(g), and is less than 22 years of age on the day on which he or she becomes a permanent resident, on the earlier of
(A) the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident, and
(B) the day on which the foreign national attains 25 years of age,
(iii) if the foreign national is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and is 22 years of age or older on the day on which he or she becomes a permanent resident, on the last day of the period of three years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident,
(iv) on the last day of the period of 20 years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident, if the foreign national is
(A) the sponsor’s mother or father,
(B) the mother or father of the sponsor’s mother or father, or
(C) an accompanying family member of the foreign national described in clause (A) or (B), and
(v) if the foreign national is a person other than a person referred to in subparagraph (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv), on the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident.
Marginal note:Undertaking to province — duration
(2) In the case of an undertaking to a competent authority of a province referred to in paragraph 131(b), the period referred to in subsection (1) shall end not later than
(a) if the foreign national is a sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, on the last day of the period of three years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident;
(b) if the foreign national is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, or is a person referred to in paragraph 117(1)(g), and is less than 22 years of age on the day on which he or she becomes a permanent resident, the later of
(i) the day on which the foreign national attains 22 years of age, and
(ii) the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident;
(c) if the foreign national is a dependent child of the sponsor or of the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and is 22 years of age or older on the day on which he or she becomes a permanent resident, on the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident;
(d) on the last day of the period of 20 years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident, if the foreign national is
(i) the sponsor’s mother or father,
(ii) the mother or father of the sponsor’s mother or father, or
(iii) an accompanying family member of the foreign national described in subparagraph (i) or (ii); and
(e) if the foreign national is a person other than a person referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d), on the last day of the period of 10 years following the day on which the foreign national becomes a permanent resident.
Marginal note:Undertaking to province — alternate duration
(3) Despite subsection (2), the period referred to in subsection (1) shall end not later than the day provided for by the laws of the province if that day is
(a) in the case of a foreign national referred to in paragraph (2)(a), earlier than the last day referred to in that paragraph;
(b) in the case of a foreign national referred to in paragraph (2)(b), earlier than the later of the days referred to in subparagraph (2)(b)(i) and (ii);
(c) in the case of a foreign national referred to in paragraph (2)(c), earlier than the last day referred to in that paragraph;
(d) in the case of a foreign national referred to in paragraph (2)(d), earlier than the last day referred to in that paragraph; and
(e) in the case of a foreign national referred to in paragraph (2)(e), earlier than the last day referred to in that paragraph.
Marginal note:Agreement
(4) Subject to paragraph 137(c), if the person is to be sponsored as a member of the family class or of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class and is 22 years of age or older, or is less than 22 years of age and is the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, the sponsor, the co-signer, if any, and the person must, before the sponsorship application is approved, enter into a written agreement that includes
(a) a statement by the sponsor and the co-signer, if any, that they will provide for the basic requirements of the person and their accompanying family members during the applicable period referred to in subsection (1);
(b) a declaration by the sponsor and the co-signer, if any, that their financial obligations do not prevent them from honouring their agreement with the person and their undertaking to the Minister in respect of the person’s application; and
(c) a statement by the person that they will make every reasonable effort to provide for their own basic requirements as well as those of their accompanying family members.
Marginal note:Co-signature — undertaking
(5) Subject to paragraph 137(c), the sponsor’s undertaking may be co-signed by the spouse or common-law partner of the sponsor if the spouse or common-law partner meets the requirements set out in subsection 130(1), except paragraph 130(1)(c), and those set out in subsection 133(1), except paragraph 133(1)(a), and, in that case,
(a) the sponsor’s income shall be calculated in accordance with paragraph 134(1)(b) or (c) or (1.1)(b), as applicable; and
(b) the co-signing spouse or common-law partner is jointly and severally or solidarily bound with the sponsor to perform the obligations in the undertaking and is jointly and severally or solidarily liable with the sponsor for any breach of those obligations.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 44
- SOR/2005-61, s. 5
- SOR/2013-246, s. 1
- SOR/2014-133, s. 8
- SOR/2014-140, s. 9
- SOR/2017-60, s. 3
Marginal note:Requirements for sponsor
133 (1) A sponsorship application shall only be approved by an officer if, on the day on which the application was filed and from that day until the day a decision is made with respect to the application, there is evidence that the sponsor
(a) is a sponsor as described in section 130;
(b) intends to fulfil the obligations in the sponsorship undertaking;
(c) is not subject to a removal order;
(d) is not detained in any penitentiary, jail, reformatory or prison;
(e) has not been convicted under the Criminal Code of
(i) an offence of a sexual nature, or an attempt or a threat to commit such an offence, against any person,
(i.1) an indictable offence involving the use of violence and punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years, or an attempt to commit such an offence, against any person, or
(ii) an offence that results in bodily harm, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, to any of the following persons or an attempt or a threat to commit such an offence against any of the following persons:
(A) a current or former family member of the sponsor,
(B) a relative of the sponsor, as well as a current or former family member of that relative,
(C) a relative of the family member of the sponsor, or a current or former family member of that relative,
(D) a current or former conjugal partner of the sponsor,
(E) a current or former family member of a family member or conjugal partner of the sponsor,
(F) a relative of the conjugal partner of the sponsor, or a current or former family member of that relative,
(G) a child under the current or former care and control of the sponsor, their current or former family member or conjugal partner,
(H) a child under the current or former care and control of a relative of the sponsor or a current or former family member of that relative, or
(I) someone the sponsor is dating or has dated, whether or not they have lived together, or a family member of that person;
(f) has not been convicted outside Canada of an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence referred to in paragraph (e);
(g) subject to paragraph 137(c), is not in default of
(i) any sponsorship undertaking, or
(ii) any support payment obligations ordered by a court;
(h) is not in default in respect of the repayment of any debt referred to in subsection 145(1) of the Act payable to Her Majesty in right of Canada;
(i) subject to paragraph 137(c), is not an undischarged bankrupt under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act;
(j) if the sponsor resides
(i) in a province other than a province referred to in paragraph 131(b),
(A) has a total income that is at least equal to the minimum necessary income, if the sponsorship application was filed in respect of a foreign national other than a foreign national referred to in clause (B), or
(B) has a total income that is at least equal to the minimum necessary income, plus 30%, for each of the three consecutive taxation years immediately preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application, if the sponsorship application was filed in respect of a foreign national who is
(I) the sponsor’s mother or father,
(II) the mother or father of the sponsor’s mother or father, or
(III) an accompanying family member of the foreign national described in subclause (I) or (II), and
(ii) in a province referred to in paragraph 131(b), is able, within the meaning of the laws of that province and as determined by the competent authority of that province, to fulfil the undertaking referred to in that paragraph; and
(k) is not in receipt of social assistance for a reason other than disability.
Marginal note:Exception — conviction in Canada
(2) Despite paragraph (1)(e), a sponsorship application may not be refused
(a) on the basis of a conviction in Canada in respect of which a pardon has been granted and has not ceased to have effect or been revoked under the Criminal Records Act, or in respect of which there has been a final determination of an acquittal; or
(b) if a period of five years or more has elapsed since the completion of the sentence imposed for an offence in Canada referred to in paragraph (1)(e).
Marginal note:Exception — conviction outside Canada
(3) Despite paragraph (1)(f), a sponsorship application may not be refused
(a) on the basis of a conviction outside Canada in respect of which there has been a final determination of an acquittal; or
(b) if a period of five years or more has elapsed since the completion of the sentence imposed for an offence outside Canada referred to in that paragraph and the sponsor has demonstrated that they have been rehabilitated.
Marginal note:Exception to minimum necessary income
(4) Paragraph (1)(j) does not apply if the sponsored person is
(a) the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and has no dependent children;
(b) the sponsor’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and has a dependent child who has no dependent children; or
(c) a dependent child of the sponsor who has no dependent children or a person referred to in paragraph 117(1)(g).
Marginal note:Adopted sponsor
(5) A person who is adopted outside Canada and whose adoption is subsequently revoked by a foreign authority or by a court in Canada of competent jurisdiction may sponsor an application for a permanent resident visa that is made by a member of the family class only if the revocation of the adoption was not obtained for the purpose of sponsoring that application.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 45
- SOR/2005-61, s. 6
- SOR/2011-262, s. 1
- SOR/2013-246, s. 2
- SOR/2014-140, s. 10(E)
Marginal note:Income calculation rules
134 (1) Subject to subsection (3), for the purpose of clause 133(1)(j)(i)(A), the sponsor’s total income shall be calculated in accordance with the following rules:
(a) the sponsor’s income shall be calculated on the basis of the last notice of assessment, or an equivalent document, issued by the Minister of National Revenue in respect of the most recent taxation year preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application;
(b) if the sponsor produces a document referred to in paragraph (a), the sponsor’s income is the income earned as reported in that document less the amounts referred to in subparagraphs (c)(i) to (v);
(c) if the sponsor does not produce a document referred to in paragraph (a), or if the sponsor’s income as calculated under paragraph (b) is less than their minimum necessary income, the sponsor’s income is the sponsor’s Canadian income earned during the 12-month period preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application not including
(i) any provincial allowance received by the sponsor for a program of instruction or training,
(ii) any social assistance received by the sponsor from a province,
(iii) any financial assistance received by the sponsor from the Government of Canada under a resettlement assistance program,
(iv) any amounts paid to the sponsor under the Employment Insurance Act, other than special benefits,
(v) any monthly guaranteed income supplement paid to the sponsor under the Old Age Security Act, and
(vi) any Canada child benefit paid to the sponsor under the Income Tax Act; and
(d) if there is a co-signer, the income of the co-signer, as calculated in accordance with paragraphs (a) to (c), with any modifications that the circumstances require, shall be included in the calculation of the sponsor’s income.
Marginal note:Exception
(1.1) Subject to subsection (3), for the purpose of clause 133(1)(j)(i)(B), the sponsor’s total income shall be calculated in accordance with the following rules:
(a) the sponsor’s income shall be calculated on the basis of the income earned as reported in the notices of assessment, or an equivalent document, issued by the Minister of National Revenue in respect of each of the three consecutive taxation years immediately preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application;
(b) the sponsor’s income is the income earned as reported in the documents referred to in paragraph (a), not including
(i) any provincial allowance received by the sponsor for a program of instruction or training,
(ii) any social assistance received by the sponsor from a province,
(iii) any financial assistance received by the sponsor from the Government of Canada under a resettlement assistance program,
(iv) any amounts paid to the sponsor under the Employment Insurance Act, other than special benefits,
(v) any monthly guaranteed income supplement paid to the sponsor under the Old Age Security Act, and
(vi) any Canada child benefit paid to the sponsor under the Income Tax Act; and
(c) if there is a co-signer, the income of the co-signer, as calculated in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b), with any modifications that the circumstances require, shall be included in the calculation of the sponsor’s income.
Marginal note:Updated evidence of income
(2) An officer may request from the sponsor, after the receipt of the sponsorship application but before a decision is made on an application for permanent residence, updated evidence of income if
(a) the officer receives information indicating that the sponsor is no longer able to fulfil the obligations of the sponsorship undertaking; or
(b) more than 12 months have elapsed since the receipt of the sponsorship application.
Marginal note:Modified income calculation rules
(3) When an officer receives the updated evidence of income requested under subsection (2), the sponsor’s total income shall be calculated in accordance with subsection (1) or (1.1), as applicable, except that
(a) in the case of paragraph (1)(a), the sponsor’s income shall be calculated on the basis of the last notice of assessment, or an equivalent document, issued by the Minister of National Revenue in respect of the most recent taxation year preceding the day on which the officer receives the updated evidence;
(b) in the case of paragraph (1)(c), the sponsor’s income is the sponsor’s Canadian income earned during the 12-month period preceding the day on which the officer receives the updated evidence; and
(c) in the case of paragraph (1.1)(a), the sponsor’s income shall be calculated on the basis of the income earned as reported in the notices of assessment, or an equivalent document, issued by the Minister of National Revenue in respect of each of the three consecutive taxation years immediately preceding the day on which the officer receives the updated evidence.
- SOR/2013-246, s. 3
- 2016, c. 12, s. 87
- SOR/2019-212, s. 6(E)
Marginal note:Default
135 For the purpose of subparagraph 133(1)(g)(i), the default of a sponsorship undertaking
(a) begins when
(i) a government makes a payment that the sponsor has in the undertaking promised to repay, or
(ii) an obligation set out in the undertaking is breached; and
(b) ends, as the case may be, when
(i) the sponsor reimburses the government concerned, in full or in accordance with an agreement with that government, for amounts paid by it, or
(ii) the sponsor ceases to be in breach of the obligation set out in the undertaking.
- SOR/2014-140, s. 11(F)
Marginal note:Suspension during proceedings against sponsor or co-signer
136 (1) If any of the following proceedings are brought against a sponsor or co-signer, the sponsorship application shall not be processed until there has been a final determination of the proceeding:
(a) the revocation of citizenship under the Citizenship Act;
(b) a report prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Act; or
(c) a charge alleging the commission of an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 10 years.
Marginal note:Suspension following proceeding
(2) In respect of a proceeding to which subsection 63(4) of the Act applies, the sponsorship application shall not be processed until the later of
(a) the period for making an appeal under that subsection has expired, and
(b) if an appeal is made, the final determination of the appeal.
- SOR/2014-140, s. 12
- SOR/2019-212, s. 7
Marginal note:Undertaking — Province of Quebec
137 If the sponsor resides in the Province of Quebec, the government of which has entered into an agreement referred to in paragraph 131(b),
(a) the sponsor’s undertaking, given in accordance with section 131, is the undertaking required by An Act respecting immigration to Québec, R.S.Q., c.I-0.2, as amended from time to time;
(b) an officer shall approve the sponsorship application only if there is evidence that the competent authority of the Province has determined that the sponsor, on the day the undertaking was given as well as on the day a decision was made with respect to the application, was able to fulfil the undertaking; and
(c) subsections 132(4) and (5) and paragraphs 133(1)(g) and (i) do not apply.
DIVISION 3.1Collection and Disclosure of Information
Marginal note:Collection of social insurance number
137.1 (1) The Minister may collect the social insurance numbers of a sponsor and a co-signer who have submitted an application to sponsor a person set out in clause 133(1)(j)(i)(B), in order to verify that they meet the requirements set out in clause 133(1)(j)(i)(B) and in paragraph 133(1)(k).
Marginal note:Disclosure of social insurance number
(2) The Minister may disclose the social insurance numbers of the sponsor and the co-signer to the Canada Revenue Agency for the purposes set out in subsection (1) if the Minister has entered into an arrangement with the Agency for the disclosure of that information.
- SOR/2015-138, s. 2
PART 8Refugee Classes
DIVISION 1Convention Refugees Abroad, Humanitarian-protected Persons Abroad and Protected Temporary Residents
- SOR/2011-222, s. 2
Marginal note:Definitions
138 The definitions in this section apply in this Division and in Division 2.
- group
group means
(a) five or more Canadian citizens or permanent residents, each of whom is at least 18 years of age, who are acting together for the purpose of sponsoring a Convention refugee or a person in similar circumstances; or
(b) one or more Canadian citizens or permanent residents, each of whom is at least 18 years of age, and a corporation or unincorporated organization or association referred to in subsection 13(2) of the Act, acting together for the purpose of sponsoring a Convention refugee or a person in similar circumstances. (groupe)
- referral organization
referral organization means
(a) the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; or
(b) any organization with which the Minister has entered into a memorandum of understanding under section 143. (organisation de recommandation)
- sponsor
sponsor means
(a) a group, a corporation or an unincorporated organization or association referred to in subsection 13(2) of the Act, or any combination of them, that is acting for the purpose of sponsoring a Convention refugee or a person in similar circumstances; or
(b) for the purposes of section 158, a sponsor as defined in section 1 of the Québec Immigration Regulation, CQLR, c. I-0.2.1, r. 3, as amended from time to time. (répondant)
- undertaking
undertaking means an undertaking in writing to the Minister to provide resettlement assistance, lodging and other basic necessities in Canada for a member of a class prescribed by this Division, the member’s accompanying family members and any of the member’s non-accompanying family members who meet the requirements of section 141, for the period determined in accordance with subsections 154(2) and (3). (engagement)
- urgent need of protection
urgent need of protection means, in respect of a member of the Convention refugee abroad or the country of asylum class, that their life, liberty or physical safety is under immediate threat and, if not protected, the person is likely to be
(a) killed;
(b) subjected to violence, torture, sexual assault or arbitrary imprisonment; or
(c) returned to their country of nationality or of their former habitual residence. (besoin urgent de protection)
- vulnerable
vulnerable means, in respect of a Convention refugee or a person in similar circumstances, that the person has a greater need of protection than other applicants for protection abroad because of the person’s particular circumstances that give rise to a heightened risk to their physical safety. (vulnérable)
- SOR/2009-163, s. 2(F)
- SOR/2011-222, s. 3
- SOR/2023-249, s. 8
Marginal note:General requirements
139 (1) A permanent resident visa shall be issued to a foreign national in need of refugee protection, and their accompanying family members, if following an examination it is established that
(a) the foreign national is outside Canada;
(b) the foreign national has submitted an application for a permanent resident visa under this Division in accordance with paragraphs 10(1)(a) to (c) and (2)(c.1) to (d) and sections 140.1 to 140.3;
(c) the foreign national is seeking to come to Canada to establish permanent residence;
(d) the foreign national is a person in respect of whom there is no reasonable prospect, within a reasonable period, of a durable solution in a country other than Canada, namely
(i) voluntary repatriation or resettlement in their country of nationality or habitual residence, or
(ii) resettlement or an offer of resettlement in another country;
(e) the foreign national is a member of one of the classes prescribed by this Division;
(f) one of the following is the case, namely
(i) the sponsor’s sponsorship application for the foreign national and their family members included in the application for protection has been approved under these Regulations,
(ii) in the case of a member of the Convention refugee abroad class, financial assistance in the form of funds from a governmental resettlement assistance program is available in Canada for the foreign national and their family members included in the application for protection, or
(iii) the foreign national has sufficient financial resources to provide for the lodging, care and maintenance, and for the resettlement in Canada, of themself and their family members included in the application for protection;
(g) if the foreign national intends to reside in a province other than the Province of Quebec, the foreign national and their family members included in the application for protection will be able to become successfully established in Canada, taking into account the following factors:
(i) their resourcefulness and other similar qualities that assist in integration in a new society,
(ii) the presence of their relatives, including the relatives of a spouse or a common-law partner, or their sponsor in the expected community of resettlement,
(iii) their potential for employment in Canada, given their education, work experience and skills, and
(iv) their ability to learn to communicate in one of the official languages of Canada;
(h) if the foreign national intends to reside in the Province of Quebec, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national and their family members included in the application for protection meet the selection criteria of the Province; and
(i) subject to subsections (3) and (4), the foreign national and their family members included in the application for protection are not inadmissible.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Paragraph (1)(g) does not apply to a foreign national, or their family members included in the application for protection, who has been determined by an officer to be vulnerable or in urgent need of protection.
Marginal note:Financial inadmissibility — exemption
(3) A foreign national who is a member of a class prescribed by this Division, and meets the applicable requirements of this Division, is exempted from the application of section 39 of the Act.
Marginal note:Health grounds — exception
(4) A foreign national who is a member of a class prescribed by this Division, and meets the applicable requirements of this Division, is exempted from the application of paragraph 38(1)(c) of the Act.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 80(F)
- SOR/2011-222, s. 4
- SOR/2012-225, s. 4
- SOR/2014-140, s. 13(F)
Marginal note:Class of family members
140 Family members of an applicant who is determined to be a member of a class under this Division are members of the applicant’s class.
Marginal note:Application
140.1 An application for a permanent resident visa submitted by a foreign national under this Division shall indicate that the foreign national is outside Canada and is making a claim for refugee protection and shall
(a) contain the name, address and country of birth of the applicant and of all their accompanying family members;
(b) contain the name and country of birth of all the applicant’s non-accompanying family members; and
(c) indicate whether the applicant or any of their accompanying or non-accompanying family members is the spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner of another person.
- SOR/2012-225, s. 5
Marginal note:Sponsorship of foreign national — requirement to attach applications
140.2 (1) If the foreign national making an application for a permanent resident visa under this Division is being sponsored, the application for a permanent resident visa shall
(a) be accompanied by a sponsorship application referred to in paragraph 153(1)(b) by which the foreign national is being sponsored; or
(b) be attached to the sponsorship application sent by the sponsor in accordance with subsection 153(1.2).
Marginal note:Place of application
(2) The foreign national who has chosen to have their application for a permanent resident visa accompanied by the sponsorship application shall send the application for a permanent resident visa and the sponsorship application to the Department’s Case Processing Centre in Canada for processing those applications.
- SOR/2012-225, s. 5
Marginal note:Referral requirement
140.3 (1) If the foreign national making an application for a permanent resident visa under this Division is not being sponsored, a foreign national making an application for a permanent resident visa under this Division shall submit their application with one of the following referrals, if the referral has not yet been submitted to the immigration office by its issuer:
(a) a referral from a referral organization;
(b) a referral resulting from an arrangement between the Minister and the government of a foreign state or any institution of such a government relating to resettlement; or
(c) a referral resulting from an agreement relating to resettlement entered into by the Government of Canada and an international organization or the government of a foreign state.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) A foreign national may submit the application without a referral if they reside in a geographic area as determined by the Minister in accordance with subsection (3).
Marginal note:Minister’s determination
(3) The Minister may determine on the basis of the following factors that a geographic area is an area in which circumstances justify the submission of permanent resident visa applications without a referral:
(a) advice from referral organizations with which the Minister has entered into a memorandum of understanding under section 143 that they are unable to make the number of referrals specified in their memorandum of understanding for the area;
(b) the inability of referral organizations to refer persons in the area;
(c) the resettlement needs in the area, after consultation with referral organizations that have substantial knowledge of the area; and
(d) the relative importance of resettlement needs in the area, within the context of resettlement needs globally.
Marginal note:Place of application
(4) If the foreign national who is being referred under any of paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) or if the foreign national resides in a geographic area as determined by the Minister in accordance with subsection (3), the foreign national shall submit their application to the immigration office outside Canada that serves the foreign national’s place of residence.
- SOR/2012-225, s. 5
Marginal note:Return of documents
140.4 An application for a permanent resident visa made under this Division, its related sponsorship application made under Division 2 of this Part and all documents submitted in support of the applications, except the information referred to in subparagraphs 12.3(b)(i) and (ii), shall be returned to the person who sent the applications as a result of the choice made under subsection 140.2(1) if
(a) in the case of an application for a permanent resident visa, the requirements set out in paragraph 139(1)(b) are not met; or
(b) in the case of a sponsorship application, the requirements set out in paragraph 153(1)(b) and subsections 153(1.2) and (2) are not met.
- SOR/2012-225, s. 5
- SOR/2018-128, s. 6
Marginal note:Non-accompanying family member
141 (1) A permanent resident visa shall be issued to a family member who does not accompany the applicant if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the family member was included in the applicant’s permanent resident visa application at the time that application was made, or was added to that application before the applicant’s departure for Canada;
(b) the family member submits their application to an officer outside Canada within one year from the day on which refugee protection is conferred on the applicant;
(c) the family member is not inadmissible;
(d) if the applicant is the subject of a sponsorship application referred to in paragraph 139(1)(f)(i), their sponsor has been notified of the family member’s application and an officer is satisfied that there are adequate financial arrangements for resettlement; and
(e) in the case of a family member who intends to reside in the Province of Quebec, the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that the foreign national meets the selection criteria of the Province.
Marginal note:Non-application of paragraph 139(1)(b)
(2) For greater certainty, the requirements set out in paragraph 139(1)(b) do not apply to the application of a non-accompanying family member.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 80(F)
- SOR/2012-225, s. 6
- SOR/2014-140, s. 14
Marginal note:Requirements — family members
142 Subject to subsections 25.1(1) and (6) to (8) and for the purposes of this Division, to be considered a family member of an applicant, a person must be a family member of the applicant
(a) at the time the application referred to in paragraph 139(1)(b) is made; and
(b) at the time of the determination of the application referred to in paragraph 141(1)(b).
- SOR/2012-225, s. 7
- SOR/2014-133, s. 9
Marginal note:Memorandum of understanding
143 (1) The Minister may enter into a memorandum of understanding with an organization for the purpose of locating and identifying Convention refugees and persons in similar circumstances if the organization demonstrates
(a) a working knowledge of the provisions of the Act relating to protection criteria; and
(b) an ability abroad to locate and identify Convention refugees and persons in similar circumstances.
Marginal note:Content of memorandum of understanding
(2) The memorandum of understanding shall include provisions with respect to
(a) the geographic area to be served by the organization;
(b) the number of referrals that may be made by the organization and the manner of referral;
(c) the training of members or employees of the organization; and
(d) the grounds for suspending or cancelling the memorandum of understanding.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 46(F)
- SOR/2009-163, s. 3(F)
Convention Refugees Abroad
Marginal note:Convention refugees abroad class
144 The Convention refugees abroad class is prescribed as a class of persons who may be issued a permanent resident visa on the basis of the requirements of this Division.
Marginal note:Member of Convention refugees abroad class
145 A foreign national is a Convention refugee abroad and a member of the Convention refugees abroad class if the foreign national has been determined, outside Canada, by an officer to be a Convention refugee.
Humanitarian-protected Persons Abroad
Marginal note:Person in similar circumstances to those of a Convention refugee
146 (1) For the purposes of subsection 12(3) of the Act, a person in similar circumstances to those of a Convention refugee is a member of the country of asylum class.
Marginal note:Humanitarian-protected persons abroad
(2) The country of asylum class is prescribed as a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class of persons who may be issued permanent resident visas on the basis of the requirements of this Division.
- SOR/2011-222, s. 5
Marginal note:Member of country of asylum class
147 A foreign national is a member of the country of asylum class if they have been determined by an officer to be in need of resettlement because
(a) they are outside all of their countries of nationality and habitual residence; and
(b) they have been, and continue to be, seriously and personally affected by civil war, armed conflict or massive violation of human rights in each of those countries.
148 [Repealed, SOR/2011-222, s. 6]
149 [Repealed, SOR/2011-222, s. 6]
150 [Repealed, SOR/2012-225, s. 8]
Marginal note:Travel document
151 An officer shall issue a temporary travel document to a foreign national who has been determined to be a member of a class prescribed by this Division and who
(a) holds a permanent resident visa or a temporary resident permit;
(b) does not hold a valid passport or travel document issued by their country of nationality or the country of their present or former habitual residence;
(c) does not hold a valid travel document issued by the United Nations or the International Committee of the Red Cross and is unable to obtain such a document within a reasonable time; and
(d) would be unable to travel to Canada if the temporary travel document were not issued.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 6(F)
Protected Temporary Residents
Marginal note:Protected temporary residents class
151.1 (1) The protected temporary residents class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of the requirements of this section.
Marginal note:Member of the class
(2) A foreign national is a protected temporary resident and a member of the protected temporary residents class if the foreign national holds a temporary resident permit and
(a) became a temporary resident under a temporary resident permit for protection reasons after making a claim for refugee protection outside Canada under section 99 of the Act; or
(b) was issued a Minister’s permit under section 37 of the former Act after seeking admission to Canada under section 7 of the former Regulations or section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations.
Marginal note:Application
(2.1) A foreign national destined for Quebec does not become a member of the protected temporary residents class described in paragraph (2)(a) if they have not received a selection certificate from the Province of Quebec.
Marginal note:Former Act and Regulations
(3) In subsection (2), former Act has the same meaning as in section 187 of the Act and former Regulations and Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations have the same meaning as in subsection 316(1) of these Regulations.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 48
- SOR/2009-163, s. 7(F)
DIVISION 2Sponsorship
Marginal note:Sponsorship agreements
152 (1) The Minister may enter into a sponsorship agreement with a sponsor for the purpose of facilitating the processing of sponsorship applications.
Marginal note:Contents of agreement
(2) A sponsorship agreement shall include provisions relating to
(a) settlement plans;
(b) financial requirements;
(c) assistance to be provided by the Department;
(d) the standard of conduct expected of the sponsor;
(e) reporting requirements; and
(f) the grounds for suspending or cancelling the agreement.
Marginal note:Sponsorship requirements
153 (1) In order to sponsor a foreign national and their family members who are members of a class prescribed by Division 1, a sponsor
(a) must reside or have representatives in the expected community of settlement;
(b) must make a sponsorship application that includes a settlement plan, an undertaking and, if the sponsor has not entered into a sponsorship agreement with the Minister, a document issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or a foreign state certifying the status of the foreign national as a refugee under the rules applicable to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or the applicable laws of the foreign state, as the case may be; and
(c) must not be — or include — an individual, a corporation or an unincorporated organization or association that was a party to a sponsorship in which they defaulted on an undertaking and remain in default.
Marginal note:Non-application of paragraphs 13(1)(a) and (b)
(1.1) Paragraphs 13(1)(a) and (b) do not apply to the document referred to in paragraph (1)(b) issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or a foreign state.
Marginal note:Place of application
(1.2) If the foreign national has chosen to have their application for a permanent resident visa attached to the sponsorship application in accordance with paragraph 140.2(1)(b), the sponsor must send the sponsorship application and the application for a permanent resident visa to the Department’s Case Processing Centre in Canada for processing those applications.
Marginal note:Undertaking
(2) The undertaking referred to in paragraph (1)(b) shall be signed by each party to the sponsorship.
Marginal note:Joint and several or solidary liability
(3) All parties to the undertaking are jointly and severally or solidarily liable.
Marginal note:End of default
(4) A party or a sponsor who defaults on an undertaking ceases to be in default
(a) in the case of a sponsor who defaults on a financial obligation, when the sponsor has reimbursed the government concerned, in full or in accordance with an agreement with that government, for amounts paid by the government;
(b) in the case of a party, other than an organization or association, who defaults on a financial obligation, when the defaulting party has reimbursed any other party to the sponsorship, in full or in accordance with an agreement with that party, for amounts paid by that party;
(c) in the case of a sponsor who defaults on a non-financial obligation, when the sponsor satisfies an officer that they are in compliance with the obligation; and
(d) in the case of an organization or association that was a party to a sponsorship and defaulted for any reason, when a period of five years has elapsed from the date of default.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 8(F)
- SOR/2012-225, s. 9
- SOR/2014-140, s. 15
Marginal note:Approval of application
154 (1) An officer shall approve an application referred to in paragraph 153(1)(b) if, on the basis of the documentation submitted with the application, the officer determines that
(a) the sponsor has the financial resources to fulfil the settlement plan for the duration of the undertaking, unless subsection 157(1) applies; and
(b) the sponsor has made adequate arrangements in anticipation of the arrival of the foreign national and their family members in the expected community of settlement.
Marginal note:Duration of sponsor’s undertaking
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the duration of an undertaking is one year.
Marginal note:Officer’s determination
(3) An officer may, on the basis of the assessment made under paragraph 139(1)(g), require that the duration of the undertaking be more than one year but not more than three years.
Marginal note:Revoking approval
155 An officer shall revoke an approval given in respect of an application under section 154 if the officer determines that the sponsor no longer meets the requirements of paragraph 154(1)(a) or (b) or is ineligible under subsection 156(1).
Marginal note:Ineligibility to be a party to a sponsorship
156 (1) The following persons are ineligible to be a party to a sponsorship:
(a) a person who has been convicted in Canada of the offence of murder or an offence set out in Schedule I or II to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, regardless of whether it was prosecuted by indictment, if a period of five years has not elapsed since the completion of the person’s sentence;
(b) a person who has been convicted of an offence outside Canada that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence referred to in paragraph (a), if a period of five years has not elapsed since the completion of the person’s sentence imposed under a foreign law;
(c) a person who is in default of any support payment obligations ordered by a court;
(d) a person who is subject to a removal order;
(e) a person who is subject to a revocation proceeding under the Citizenship Act; and
(f) a person who is detained in any penitentiary, jail, reformatory or prison.
Marginal note:Exception if pardoned
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), a sponsorship application may not be refused on the basis of a conviction in respect of which a pardon has been granted and has not ceased to have effect or been revoked under the Criminal Records Act, or in respect of which there has been a final determination of an acquittal.
- SOR/2010-195, s. 14
Marginal note:Joint assistance sponsorship
157 (1) If an officer determines that special needs exist in respect of a member of a class prescribed by Division 1, the Department shall endeavour to identify a sponsor in order to make the financial assistance of the Government of Canada available for the purpose of sponsorship. A sponsor identified by the Department is exempt from the financial requirements of paragraph 154(1)(a).
Marginal note:Definition of special needs
(2) In this section, special needs means that a person has greater need of settlement assistance than other applicants for protection abroad owing to personal circumstances, including
(a) a large number of family members;
(b) trauma resulting from violence or torture;
(c) medical disabilities; and
(d) the effects of systemic discrimination.
Marginal note:Settlement in the Province of Quebec
158 If the foreign national and their family members intend to reside in the province of Quebec, the sponsor must meet the requirements for sponsorship under the Québec Immigration Regulation, CQLR, c. I-0.2.1, r. 3, as amended from time to time. In such a case, the requirements of this Division, other than section 156, do not apply.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 80(F)
- SOR/2023-249, s. 9
DIVISION 3Determination of Eligibility of Claim
Marginal note:Working day
159 For the purposes of subsections 100(1) and (3) of the Act,
(a) a working day does not include Saturdays or holidays;
(b) a day that is not a working day is not included in the calculation of the three-day period; and
(c) the three-day period begins from the day on which the claim is received.
Marginal note:Definition of prior claim
159.01 For the purposes of paragraph 101(1)(c) of the Act, prior claim means a claim for refugee protection that was made under section 99 of the Act, other than a claim that was determined to be ineligible to be referred to the Refugee Protection Division under paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act if the foreign national who made that claim is subsequently seeking to re-enter Canada in circumstances where they have been refused entry to the United States without having a refugee claim adjudicated there.
Marginal note:Definitions
159.1 The following definitions apply in this section and sections 159.2 to 159.7.
- Agreement
Agreement means the Agreement done at Washington, D.C. on December 5, 2002 between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for Cooperation in the Examination of Refugee Status Claims from Nationals of Third Countries, including any modifications or additions made in accordance with its terms. (Accord)
- claimant
claimant means a claimant referred to in paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act. (demandeur)
- designated country
designated country means a country designated by section 159.3. (pays désigné)
- family member
family member, in respect of a claimant, means their spouse or common-law partner, their legal guardian, and any of the following persons, namely, their child, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece. (membre de la famille)
- legal guardian
legal guardian, in respect of a claimant who has not attained the age of 18 years, means a person who has custody of the claimant or who is empowered to act on the claimant’s behalf by virtue of a court order or written agreement or by operation of law. (tuteur légal)
- stateless person
stateless person means a person who is not considered a national by any state under the operation of its law. (apatride)
- United States
United States means the United States of America, but does not include Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam or any other United States of America possession or territory. (États-Unis)
- SOR/2004-217, s. 2
- SOR/2023-58, s. 2
Marginal note:Non-application — former habitual residence
159.2 .Paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act does not apply to a claimant who is a stateless person who comes directly or indirectly to Canada from a designated country that is their country of former habitual residence.
- SOR/2004-217, s. 2
Marginal note:Designation — United States
159.3 The United States is designated under paragraph 102(1)(a) of the Act as a country that complies with Article 33 of the Refugee Convention and Article 3 of the Convention Against Torture, and is a designated country for the purpose of the application of paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act.
- SOR/2004-217, s. 2
Marginal note:Non-application — ports of entry other than land ports of entry
159.4 (1) Paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act does not apply to a claimant who seeks to enter Canada at
(a) subject to subsection (1.1), a location that is not a port of entry;
(b) a port of entry that is a harbour port, including a ferry landing; or
(c) subject to subsection (2), a port of entry that is an airport.
Marginal note:Exception — land border other than ports of entry
(1.1) Paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act applies to a claimant who enters Canada at a location along the Canada – United States land border — including the waters along or across that border — that is not a port of entry and makes a claim for refugee protection less than 14 days after the day on which the claimant enters Canada unless the claimant establishes that any of paragraphs 159.5(a) to (h) applies to the claimant.
Marginal note:In transit exception
(2) Paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act applies to a claimant who has been ordered removed from the United States and who seeks to enter Canada at a port of entry that is an airport while they are in transit through Canada from the United States in the course of the enforcement of that order.
- SOR/2004-217, s. 2
- SOR/2023-58, s. 3
Marginal note:Non-application — claimants at land ports of entry
159.5 Paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act does not apply if a claimant who seeks to enter Canada at a location other than one identified in paragraphs 159.4(1)(a) to (c) establishes that
(a) a family member of the claimant is in Canada and is a Canadian citizen;
(b) a family member of the claimant is in Canada and is
(i) a protected person within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act,
(ii) a permanent resident under the Act, or
(iii) a person in favour of whom a removal order has been stayed in accordance with section 233;
(c) a family member of the claimant who has attained the age of 18 years is in Canada and has made a claim for refugee protection that has been referred to the Board for determination, unless
(i) the claim has been withdrawn by the family member,
(ii) the claim has been abandoned by the family member,
(iii) the claim has been rejected, or
(iv) any pending proceedings or proceedings respecting the claim have been terminated under subsection 104(2) of the Act or any decision respecting the claim has been nullified under that subsection;
(d) a family member of the claimant who has attained the age of 18 years is in Canada and is the holder of a work permit or study permit other than
(i) a work permit that was issued under paragraph 206(b) or that has become invalid as a result of the application of section 209, or
(ii) a study permit that has become invalid as a result of the application of section 222;
(e) the claimant is a person who
(i) has not attained the age of 18 years and is not accompanied by their mother, father or legal guardian,
(ii) has neither a spouse nor a common-law partner, and
(iii) has neither a mother or father nor a legal guardian in Canada or the United States;
(f) the claimant is the holder of any of the following documents, excluding any document issued for the sole purpose of transit through Canada, namely,
(i) a permanent resident visa or a temporary resident visa referred to in section 6 and subsection 7(1), respectively,
(ii) a temporary resident permit issued under subsection 24(1) of the Act,
(iii) a travel document referred to in subsection 31(3) of the Act,
(iv) refugee travel papers issued by the Minister, or
(v) a temporary travel document referred to in section 151;
(g) the claimant is a person
(i) who may, under the Act or these Regulations, enter Canada without being required to hold a visa, and
(ii) who would, if the claimant were entering the United States, be required to hold a visa; or
(h) the claimant is
(i) a foreign national who is seeking to re-enter Canada in circumstances where they have been refused entry to the United States without having a refugee claim adjudicated there, or
(ii) a permanent resident who has been ordered removed from the United States and is being returned to Canada.
- SOR/2004-217, s. 2
- SOR/2009-290, s. 2(E)
- SOR/2015-46, s. 1
- SOR/2023-58, s. 4
Marginal note:Non-application — claimants at land ports of entry and in transit
159.6 Paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act does not apply if a claimant establishes that the claimant
(a) is charged in the United States with, or has been convicted there of, an offence that is punishable with the death penalty in the United States; or
(b) is charged in a country other than the United States with, or has been convicted there of, an offence that is punishable with the death penalty in that country.
(c) [Repealed, SOR/2009-210, s. 1]
- SOR/2004-217, s. 2
- SOR/2009-210, s. 1
- SOR/2023-58, s. 5
Marginal note:Temporal operation
159.7 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 101(1)(e) of the Act, the application of all or part of sections 159.1 to 159.6 and this section is discontinued, in accordance with subsections (2) to (6), if
(a) a notice of suspension of the Agreement setting out the period of suspension is publicized broadly in the various regions of Canada by the Minister via information media and on the website of the Department;
(b) a notice of renewal of the suspension of the Agreement setting out the period of renewal of suspension is published in accordance with subsection (6);
(c) a notice of suspension of a part of the Agreement is issued by the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States; or
(d) a notice of termination of the Agreement is issued by the Government of Canada or the Government of the United States.
Marginal note:Paragraph (1)(a) — notice of suspension of Agreement
(2) Subject to subsection (3), if a notice of suspension of the Agreement is publicized under paragraph (1)(a), sections 159.2 to 159.6 are rendered inoperative for a period of up to three months that shall be set out in the notice, which period shall begin on the day after the day on which the notice is publicized.
Marginal note:Paragraph (1)(b) — notice of renewal of suspension of Agreement
(3) If a notice of renewal of the suspension of the Agreement is published under paragraph (1)(b), sections 159.2 to 159.6 are rendered inoperative for the further period of up to three months set out in the notice.
Marginal note:Paragraph (1)(c) — suspension of part of Agreement
(4) If a notice of suspension of part of the Agreement is issued under paragraph (1)(c), those provisions of these Regulations relating to the application of the Agreement that are referred to in the notice are rendered inoperative for a period that shall be set out in the notice. All other provisions of these Regulations continue to apply.
Marginal note:Paragraph (1)(d) — termination of Agreement
(5) If a notice of termination of the Agreement is issued under paragraph (1)(d), sections 159.1 to 159.6 and this section cease to have effect on the day set out in the notice.
Marginal note:Publication requirement — Canada Gazette
(6) Any notice referred to in paragraph (1)(b), (c) or (d) shall be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, not less than seven days before the day on which the renewal, suspension in part or termination provided for in the notice is effective.
- SOR/2004-217, s. 2
DIVISION 3.1Claim for Refugee Protection — Time Limits
Documents and Information
Marginal note:Time limit — provision of documents and information to officer
159.8 (1) For the purpose of subsection 99(3.1) of the Act, a person who makes a claim for refugee protection inside Canada other than at a port of entry must provide an officer with the documents and information referred to in that subsection not later than the day on which the officer determines the eligibility of their claim under subsection 100(1) of the Act.
Marginal note:Time limit — provision of documents and information to Refugee Protection Division
(2) Subject to subsection (3), for the purpose of subsection 100(4) of the Act, a person who makes a claim for refugee protection inside Canada at a port of entry must provide the Refugee Protection Division with the documents and information referred to in subsection 100(4) not later than 15 days after the day on which the claim is referred to that Division.
Marginal note:Extension
(3) If the documents and information cannot be provided within the time limit set out in subsection (2), the Refugee Protection Division may, for reasons of fairness and natural justice, extend that time limit by the number of days that is necessary in the circumstances.
- SOR/2012-252, s. 1
Hearing Before Refugee Protection Division
Marginal note:Time limits for hearing
159.9 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), for the purpose of subsection 100(4.1) of the Act, the date fixed for the hearing before the Refugee Protection Division must be not later than
(a) in the case of a claimant referred to in subsection 111.1(2) of the Act,
(i) 30 days after the day on which the claim is referred to the Refugee Protection Division, if the claim is made inside Canada other than at a port of entry, and
(ii) 45 days after the day on which the claim is referred to the Refugee Protection Division, if the claim is made inside Canada at a port of entry; and
(b) in the case of any other claimant, 60 days after the day on which the claim is referred to the Refugee Protection Division, whether the claim is made inside Canada at a port of entry or inside Canada other than at a port of entry.
Marginal note:Exclusion
(2) If the time limit set out in subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (ii) or paragraph (1)(b) ends on a Saturday, that time limit is extended to the next working day.
Marginal note:Exceptions
(3) If the hearing cannot be held within the time limit set out in subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (ii) or paragraph (1)(b) for any of the following reasons, the hearing must be held as soon as feasible after that time limit:
(a) for reasons of fairness and natural justice;
(b) because of a pending investigation or inquiry relating to any of sections 34 to 37 of the Act; or
(c) because of operational limitations of the Refugee Protection Division.
- SOR/2012-252, s. 1
Appeal to Refugee Appeal Division
Marginal note:Time limit for appeal
159.91 (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purpose of subsection 110(2.1) of the Act,
(a) the time limit for a person or the Minister to file an appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division against a decision of the Refugee Protection Division is 15 days after the day on which the person or the Minister receives written reasons for the decision; and
(b) the time limit for a person or the Minister to perfect such an appeal is 30 days after the day on which the person or the Minister receives written reasons for the decision.
Marginal note:Extension
(2) If the appeal cannot be filed within the time limit set out in paragraph 1)(a) or perfected within the time limit set out in paragraph (1)(b), the Refugee Appeal Division may, for reasons of fairness and natural justice, extend each of those time limits by the number of days that is necessary in the circumstances.
- SOR/2012-252, s. 1
Marginal note:Time limit for decision
159.92 (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purpose of subsection 110(3.1) of the Act, except when a hearing is held under subsection 110(6) of the Act, the time limit for the Refugee Appeal Division to make a decision on an appeal is 90 days after the day on which the appeal is perfected.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) If it is not possible for the Refugee Appeal Division to make a decision on an appeal within the time limit set out in subsection (1), the decision must be made as soon as feasible after that time limit.
- SOR/2012-252, s. 1
DIVISION 4Pre-Removal Risk Assessment
Marginal note:Application for protection
160 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and for the purposes of subsection 112(1) of the Act, a person may apply for protection after they are given notification to that effect by the Department.
Marginal note:No notification
(2) A person described in section 165 or 166 may apply for protection in accordance with that section without being given notification to that effect by the Department.
Marginal note:Notification
(3) Notification shall be given
(a) in the case of a person who is subject to a removal order that is in force, before removal from Canada; and
(b) in the case of a person named in a certificate described in subsection 77(1) of the Act, when the summary of information and other evidence is filed under subsection 77(2) of the Act.
Marginal note:When notification is given
(4) Notification is given
(a) when the person is given the application for protection form by hand; or
(b) if the application for protection form is sent by mail, seven days after the day on which it was sent to the person at the last address provided by them to the Department.
- SOR/2008-193, s. 1
- SOR/2009-290, s. 3(F)
Marginal note:Criterion — exemption from application of paragraphs 112(2)(b.1) or (c) of the Act
160.1 For the purposes of subsection 112(2.1) of the Act, the Minister must consider, when an exemption is made, any event having arisen in a country that could place all or some of its nationals or former habitual residents referred to in that subsection in a situation similar to those referred to in section 96 or 97 of the Act for which a person may be determined to be a Convention refugee or a person in need of protection.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 7
Marginal note:Submissions
161 (1) Subject to section 166, a person applying for protection may make written submissions in support of their application and for that purpose may be assisted, at their own expense, by a barrister or solicitor or other counsel.
Marginal note:New evidence
(2) A person who makes written submissions must identify the evidence presented that meets the requirements of paragraph 113(a) of the Act and indicate how that evidence relates to them.
- SOR/2014-139, s. 4
Marginal note:Application within 15-day period
162 An application received within 15 days after notification was given under section 160 shall not be decided until at least 30 days after notification was given. The removal order is stayed under section 232 until the earliest of the events referred to in paragraphs 232(c) to (f) occurs.
Marginal note:Applications after the 15-day period
163 A person who has remained in Canada since being given notification under section 160 may make an application after a period of 15 days has elapsed from notification being given under that section, but the application does not result in a stay of the removal order. Written submissions, if any, must accompany the application.
Marginal note:Application that must be received within 15-day period — certificate
164 Despite section 163, an application by a person who is named in a certificate described in subsection 77(1) of the Act must be received within 15 days after notification was given under section 160. An application received within that period shall not be decided until at least 30 days after notification was given.
- SOR/2009-290, s. 4(F)
Marginal note:Subsequent application
165 A person whose application for protection was rejected and who has remained in Canada since being given notification under section 160 may make another application. Written submissions, if any, must accompany the application. For greater certainty, the application does not result in a stay of the removal order.
Marginal note:Application at port of entry
166 An application for protection by a foreign national against whom a removal order is made at a port of entry as a result of a determination of inadmissibility on entry into Canada must, if the order is in force, be received as soon as the removal order is made. Written submissions, if any, must accompany the application. For greater certainty, the application does not result in a stay of the removal order.
Marginal note:Hearing — prescribed factors
167 For the purpose of determining whether a hearing is required under paragraph 113(b) of the Act, the factors are the following:
(a) whether there is evidence that raises a serious issue of the applicant’s credibility and is related to the factors set out in sections 96 and 97 of the Act;
(b) whether the evidence is central to the decision with respect to the application for protection; and
(c) whether the evidence, if accepted, would justify allowing the application for protection.
Marginal note:Hearing procedure
168 A hearing is subject to the following provisions:
(a) notice shall be provided to the applicant of the time and place of the hearing and the issues of fact that will be raised at the hearing;
(b) the hearing is restricted to matters relating to the issues of fact stated in the notice, unless the officer conducting the hearing considers that other issues of fact have been raised by statements made by the applicant during the hearing;
(c) the applicant must respond to the questions posed by the officer and may be assisted for that purpose, at their own expense, by a barrister or solicitor or other counsel; and
(d) any evidence of a person other than the applicant must be in writing and the officer may question the person for the purpose of verifying the evidence provided.
Marginal note:Abandonment
169 An application for protection is declared abandoned
(a) in the case of an applicant who fails to appear at a hearing, if the applicant is given notice of a subsequent hearing and fails to appear at that hearing; and
(b) in the case of an applicant who voluntarily departs Canada, when the applicant’s removal order is enforced under section 240 or the applicant otherwise departs Canada.
- SOR/2009-290, s. 5(F)
Marginal note:Withdrawal
170 An application for protection may be withdrawn by the applicant at any time by notifying the Minister in writing. The application is declared to be withdrawn on receipt of the notice.
Marginal note:Effect of abandonment and withdrawal
171 An application for protection is rejected when a decision is made not to allow the application or when the application is declared withdrawn or abandoned.
Marginal note:Applicant described in s. 112(3) of the Act
172 (1) Before making a decision to allow or reject the application of an applicant described in subsection 112(3) of the Act, the Minister shall consider the assessments referred to in subsection (2) and any written response of the applicant to the assessments that is received within 15 days after the applicant is given the assessments.
Marginal note:Assessments
(2) The following assessments shall be given to the applicant:
(a) a written assessment on the basis of the factors set out in section 97 of the Act; and
(b) a written assessment on the basis of the factors set out in subparagraph 113(d)(i) or (ii) of the Act, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Certificate
(2.1) Despite subsection (2), no assessments shall be given to an applicant who is named in a certificate until a judge under section 78 of the Act determines whether the certificate is reasonable.
Marginal note:When assessments given
(3) The assessments are given to an applicant when they are given by hand to the applicant or, if sent by mail, are deemed to be given to an applicant seven days after the day on which they are sent to the last address that the applicant provided to the Department.
Marginal note:Applicant not described in s. 97 of the Act
(4) Despite subsections (1) to (3), if the Minister decides on the basis of the factors set out in section 97 of the Act that the applicant is not described in that section,
(a) no written assessment on the basis of the factors set out in subparagraph 113(d)(i) or (ii) of the Act need be made; and
(b) the application is rejected.
- SOR/2008-193, s. 2
Marginal note:Re-examination of stay — procedure
173 (1) A person in respect of whom a stay of a removal order, with respect to a country or place, is being re-examined under subsection 114(2) of the Act shall be given
(a) a notice of re-examination;
(b) a written assessment on the basis of the factors set out in section 97 of the Act; and
(c) a written assessment on the basis of the factors set out in subparagraph 113(d)(i) or (ii) of the Act, as the case may be.
Marginal note:Assessments and response
(2) Before making a decision to cancel or maintain the stay of the removal order, the Minister shall consider the assessments and any written response of the person in respect of whom the stay is being re-examined that is received within 15 days after the assessments are given to that person.
Marginal note:When assessments given
(3) The assessments are given to an applicant when they are given by hand to the applicant or, if sent by mail, are deemed to be given to an applicant seven days after the day on which they are sent to the last address that the applicant provided to the Department.
- SOR/2009-290, s. 6
Marginal note:Reasons for decision
174 On request, an applicant shall be given a copy of the file notes that record the justification for the decision on their application for protection.
DIVISION 4.1Designated Foreign National — Requirement to Report to an Officer
Marginal note:Regular reporting intervals
174.1 (1) For the purposes of subsection 98.1(1) of the Act, a designated foreign national referred to in that subsection who has not become a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Act must report to an officer as follows:
(a) in person, not more than 30 days after refugee protection is conferred on the designated foreign national under paragraph 95(1)(b) or (c) of the Act; and
(b) once a year in each year after the day on which the foreign national first reports to an officer under paragraph (a), on a date fixed by the officer.
Marginal note:Reporting on request
(2) The designated foreign national must also report to an officer if requested to do so by the officer because the officer has reason to believe that any of the circumstances referred to in paragraphs 108(1)(a) to (e) of the Act may apply in respect of the designated foreign national.
Marginal note:Additional reporting requirements
(3) In addition to meeting the requirements of subsections (1) and (2), the designated foreign national must report to an officer
(a) any change in
(i) their address, not more than 10 working days after the day on which the change occurs, and
(ii) their employment status, not more than 20 working days after the day on which the change occurs;
(b) any departure from Canada, not less than 10 working days before the day of their departure; and
(c) any return to Canada, not more than 10 working days after the day of their return.
Marginal note:Cessation of reporting requirements
(4) The reporting requirements in subsections (1) to (3) cease to apply to the designated foreign national on the day on which they become a permanent resident.
- SOR/2012-244, s. 1
DIVISION 5Protected Persons — Permanent Residence
Marginal note:Judicial review
175 (1) For the purposes of subsection 21(2) of the Act, an officer shall not be satisfied that an applicant meets the conditions of that subsection if the determination or decision is subject to judicial review or if the time limit for commencing judicial review has not elapsed.
(2) [Repealed, SOR/2012-154, s. 8]
Marginal note:Quebec
(3) For the purposes of subsection 21(2) of the Act, an applicant who makes an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident — and the family members included in the application — who intend to reside in the Province of Quebec as permanent residents and who are not persons whom the Board has determined to be Convention refugees, may become permanent residents only if it is established that the competent authority of that Province is of the opinion that they meet the selection criteria of the Province.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 8
Marginal note:Family members
176 (1) An applicant may include in their application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident any of their family members.
Marginal note:One-year time limit
(2) A family member who is included in an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident and who is outside Canada at the time the application is made shall be issued a permanent resident visa if
(a) the family member makes an application outside Canada to an officer within one year after the day on which the applicant becomes a permanent resident; and
(b) the family member is not inadmissible on the grounds referred to in subsection (3).
Marginal note:Inadmissibility
(3) A family member who is inadmissible on any of the grounds referred to in subsection 21(2) of the Act shall not be issued a permanent resident visa and shall not become a permanent resident.
Marginal note:Prescribed classes
177 For the purposes of subsection 21(2) of the Act, the following are prescribed as classes of persons who cannot become permanent residents:
(a) the class of persons who have been the subject of a decision under section 108 or 109 or subsection 114(3) of the Act resulting in the rejection of a claim for refugee protection or nullification of the decision that led to conferral of refugee protection;
(b) the class of persons who are permanent residents at the time of their application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident;
(c) the class of persons who have been recognized by any country, other than Canada, as Convention refugees and who, if removed from Canada, would be allowed to return to that country;
(d) the class of nationals or citizens of a country, other than the country that the person left, or outside of which the person remains, by reason of fear of persecution; and
(e) the class of persons who have permanently resided in a country, other than the country that the person left, or outside of which the person remains, by reason of fear of persecution, and who, if removed from Canada, would be allowed to return to that country.
- SOR/2014-140, s. 16(E)
Marginal note:Identity documents
178 (1) An applicant who does not hold a document described in any of paragraphs 50(1)(a) to (h) may submit with their application
(a) any identity document issued outside Canada before the person’s entry into Canada; or
(b) if there is a reasonable and objectively verifiable explanation related to circumstances in the applicant’s country of nationality or former habitual residence for the applicant’s inability to obtain any identity documents, a statutory declaration made by the applicant attesting to their identity, accompanied by
(i) a statutory declaration attesting to the applicant’s identity made by a person who, before the applicant’s entry into Canada, knew the applicant, a family member of the applicant or the applicant’s father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather or grandmother, or
(ii) a statutory declaration attesting to the applicant’s identity made by an official of an organization representing nationals of the applicant’s country of nationality or former habitual residence.
Marginal note:Alternative documents
(2) A document submitted under subsection (1) shall be accepted in lieu of a document described in any of paragraphs 50(1)(a) to (h) if
(a) in the case of an identity document, the identity document
(i) is genuine,
(ii) identifies the applicant, and
(iii) constitutes credible evidence of the applicant’s identity; and
(b) in the case of a statutory declaration, the declaration
(i) is consistent with any information previously provided by the applicant to the Department or the Board, and
(ii) constitutes credible evidence of the applicant’s identity.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 49
- SOR/2011-126, s. 1
PART 9Temporary Residents
DIVISION 1Temporary Resident Visa
Marginal note:Issuance
179 An officer shall issue a temporary resident visa to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national
(a) has applied in accordance with these Regulations for a temporary resident visa as a member of the visitor, worker or student class;
(b) will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2;
(c) holds a passport or other document that they may use to enter the country that issued it or another country;
(d) meets the requirements applicable to that class;
(e) is not inadmissible;
(f) meets the requirements of subsections 30(2) and (3), if they must submit to a medical examination under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act; and
(g) is not the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 9
- SOR/2013-210, s. 1
Holders of Temporary Resident Visas
Marginal note:Authorization
180 A foreign national who holds a temporary resident visa is not authorized to enter and remain in Canada as a temporary resident unless, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national and their accompanying family members
(a) met the requirements for issuance of their temporary resident visa at the time it was issued; and
(b) continue to meet these requirements at the time of the examination on entry into Canada.
Cancellation — Temporary Resident Visa
Marginal note:Cancellation
180.1 An officer may cancel a temporary resident visa that was issued to a foreign national if
(a) the foreign national is inadmissible;
(b) the foreign national did not meet one or more of the requirements under section 179 at the time the temporary resident visa was issued or no longer meets one or more of those requirements;
(c) the foreign national was issued, after the issuance of the temporary resident visa, a temporary resident permit under subsection 24(1) of the Act;
(d) the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the foreign national will not leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2;
(e) the foreign national was refused, after the issuance of the temporary resident visa, an electronic travel authorization, work permit or study permit or another temporary resident visa;
(f) the foreign national is the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act; or
(g) the officer is satisfied that the temporary resident visa was issued based on an administrative error.
Marginal note:Cancellation
180.2 A temporary resident visa that was issued to a foreign national is cancelled if
(a) the foreign national becomes a permanent resident;
(b) the passport or other travel document in respect of which the temporary resident visa was issued is lost, stolen or destroyed;
(c) the passport or other travel document in respect of which the temporary resident visa was issued is abandoned by the foreign national; or
(d) the foreign national is deceased.
Applications for Extension of Authorization to Remain in Canada as a Temporary Resident
Marginal note:Circumstances
181 (1) A foreign national may apply for an extension of their authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident if
(a) the application is made by the end of the period authorized for their stay; and
(b) they have complied with all conditions imposed on their entry into Canada.
Marginal note:Extension
(2) An officer shall extend the foreign national’s authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national continues to meet the requirements of section 179.
Restoration of Temporary Resident Status
Marginal note:Restoration
182 (1) On application made by a visitor, worker or student within 90 days after losing temporary resident status as a result of failing to comply with a condition imposed under paragraph 185(a), any of subparagraphs 185(b)(i) to (iii) or paragraph 185(c), an officer shall restore that status if, following an examination, it is established that the visitor, worker or student meets the initial requirements for their stay, has not failed to comply with any other conditions imposed and is not the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Despite subsection (1), an officer shall not restore the status of a student who is not in compliance with a condition set out in subsection 220.1(1).
- SOR/2013-210, s. 2
- SOR/2014-14, s. 3
DIVISION 1.1Declaration Under Subsection 22.1(1) of the Act
Marginal note:Notice
182.1 If the Minister makes a declaration under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act in respect of a foreign national, the foreign national is considered to have been given notice of the declaration if
(a) notice is sent by mail to their last known address;
(b) notice is sent to their last known email address;
(c) notice is provided to them by hand, including at a port of entry; or
(d) notice is sent or provided by other reasonable means, if it is not possible to give notice by one of the means referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c).
- SOR/2013-210, s. 2
Marginal note:Written submissions
182.2 (1) A foreign national who is the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act may make written submissions to the Minister as to why the declaration should be revoked or why its effective period should be shortened.
Marginal note:Time limit
(2) The written submissions must be made within 60 days after the day on which the notice of the declaration is sent or provided to the foreign national, as the case may be.
- SOR/2013-210, s. 2
DIVISION 2Conditions on Temporary Residents
Marginal note:General conditions
183 (1) Subject to section 185, the following conditions are imposed on all temporary residents:
(a) to leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay;
(b) to not work, unless authorized by this Part or Part 11;
(b.1) if authorized to work by this Part or Part 11, to not enter into an employment agreement, or extend the term of an employment agreement, with an employer who, on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages;
(b.2) if authorized to work by this Part or Part 11, to not enter into an employment agreement, or extend the term of an employment agreement, with an employer who is referred to in subparagraph 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii);
(c) to not study, unless authorized by the Act, this Part or Part 12; and
(d) to comply with all requirements imposed on them by an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act.
Marginal note:Authorized period of stay
(2) Subject to subsections (3) to (5), the period authorized for the stay of a temporary resident is six months or any other period that is fixed by an officer on the basis of
(a) the temporary resident’s means of support in Canada;
(b) the period for which the temporary resident applies to stay; and
(c) the expiry of the temporary resident’s passport or other travel document.
Marginal note:Authorized period begins
(3) The period authorized for the stay of a temporary resident begins on
(a) if they are authorized to enter and remain in Canada on a temporary basis, the day on which they first enter Canada after they are so authorized;
(a.1) if they have become a temporary resident in accordance with subsection 46(1.1) of the Act, the day on which their application to renounce their permanent resident status is approved; and
(b) in any other case, the day on which they enter Canada.
Marginal note:Authorized period ends
(4) The period authorized for a temporary resident’s stay ends on the earliest of
(a) the day on which the temporary resident leaves Canada without obtaining prior authorization to re-enter Canada;
(b) the day on which their permit becomes invalid, in the case of a temporary resident who has been issued either a work permit or a study permit;
(b.1) the day on which the second of their permits becomes invalid, in the case of a temporary resident who has been issued a work permit and a study permit;
(c) the day on which any temporary resident permit issued to the temporary resident is no longer valid under section 63;
(c.1) in the case of a person who is required by section 10.01 of the Act to provide their biometric information, the day on which the period of 10 years following the latest day on which the person provided their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act ends; or
(d) the day on which the period authorized under subsection (2) ends, if paragraphs (a) to (c) do not apply.
Marginal note:Extension of period authorized for stay
(5) Subject to subsection (5.1), if a temporary resident has applied for an extension of the period authorized for their stay and a decision is not made on the application by the end of the period authorized for their stay, the period is extended until
(a) the day on which a decision is made, if the application is refused; or
(b) the end of the new period authorized for their stay, if the application is allowed.
Marginal note:Non-application
(5.1) Subsection (5) does not apply in respect of a foreign national who is the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act.
Marginal note:Continuation of status and conditions
(6) If the period authorized for the stay of a temporary resident is extended by operation of paragraph (5)(a) or extended under paragraph (5)(b), the temporary resident retains their status, subject to any other conditions imposed, during the extended period.
- SOR/2010-172, s. 1
- SOR/2013-210, s. 3
- SOR/2013-245, s. 3
- SOR/2014-14, s. 4
- SOR/2014-269, s. 3
- SOR/2015-144, s. 3
- SOR/2018-128, s. 7
- SOR/2020-91, s. 4
- SOR/2022-142, s. 3
Marginal note:Condition imposed on members of a crew
184 (1) A foreign national who enters Canada as a member of a crew must leave Canada within 72 hours after they cease to be a member of a crew.
Marginal note:Conditions imposed on foreign nationals who enter to become members of a crew
(2) The following conditions are imposed on a foreign national who enters Canada to become a member of a crew:
(a) [Repealed, SOR/2004-167, s. 50]
(b) to join the means of transportation within the period imposed as a condition of entry or, if no period is imposed, within 48 hours after they enter Canada; and
(c) to leave Canada within 72 hours after they cease to be a member of a crew.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 50
Marginal note:Specific conditions
185 An officer may impose, vary or cancel the following specific conditions on a temporary resident:
(a) the period authorized for their stay;
(b) the work that they are permitted to engage in, or are prohibited from engaging in, in Canada, including
(i) the type of work,
(ii) the employer,
(ii.1) the duration of the work for any one employer,
(iii) the location of the work,
(iv) the times and periods of the work, and
(v) in the case of a member of a crew, the period within which they must join the means of transportation;
(c) the studies that they are permitted to engage in, or are prohibited from engaging in, in Canada, including
(i) the type of studies or course,
(ii) the educational institution,
(iii) the location of the studies, and
(iv) the times and periods of the studies;
(d) the area within which they are permitted to travel or are prohibited from travelling in Canada; and
(e) the times and places at which they must report for
(i) medical examination, surveillance or treatment, or
(ii) the presentation of evidence of compliance with applicable conditions.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 51(F)
- SOR/2024-240, s. 1
DIVISION 3Work Without a Permit
Marginal note:No permit required
186 A foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit
(a) as a business visitor to Canada within the meaning of section 187;
(b) as a foreign representative, if they are properly accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and are in Canada to carry out official duties as a diplomatic agent, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any international organization of which Canada is a member;
(c) if the foreign national is a family member of a foreign representative in Canada who is accredited with diplomatic status by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and that Department has stated in writing that it does not object to the foreign national working in Canada;
(d) as a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, including a person who has been designated as a civilian component of those armed forces;
(e) as an officer of a foreign government sent, under an exchange agreement between Canada and one or more countries, to take up duties with a federal or provincial agency;
(e.1) as a cross-border maritime law enforcement officer designated by the United States under the Framework Agreement on Integrated Cross-Border Maritime Law Enforcement Operations between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America, signed on May 26, 2009;
(e.2) as an in-flight security officer employed by a foreign government with which Canada has concluded an arrangement in respect of commercial passenger aircraft security;
(f) if they are a full-time student, on the campus of the university or college at which they are a full-time student, for the period for which they hold a study permit to study at that university or college;
(g) as a performing artist appearing alone or in a group in an artistic performance — other than a performance that is primarily for a film production or a television or radio broadcast — or as a member of the staff of such a performing artist or group who is integral to the artistic performance, if
(i) they are part of a foreign production or group, or are a guest artist in a Canadian production or group, performing a time-limited engagement, and
(ii) they are not in an employment relationship with the organization or business in Canada that is contracting for their services;
(h) as a participant in sports activities or events, in Canada, either as an individual participant or as a member of a foreign-based team or Canadian amateur team;
(i) as an employee of a foreign news company for the purpose of reporting on events in Canada;
(j) as a guest speaker for the sole purpose of making a speech or delivering a paper at a dinner, graduation, convention or similar function, or as a commercial speaker or seminar leader delivering a seminar that lasts no longer than five days;
(k) as a member of the executive of a committee that is organizing a convention or meeting in Canada or as a member of the administrative support staff of such a committee;
(l) as a person who is responsible for assisting a congregation or group in the achievement of its spiritual goals and whose main duties are to preach doctrine, perform functions related to gatherings of the congregation or group or provide spiritual counselling;
(m) as a judge, referee or similar official at an international amateur sports competition, an international cultural or artistic event or competition or an animal or agricultural competition;
(n) as an examiner or evaluator of research proposals or university projects, programs or theses;
(o) as an expert who conducts surveys or analyses that are to be used as evidence before a federal or provincial regulatory body, a tribunal or a court of law or as an expert witness before such a body, tribunal or court of law;
(p) as a student in a health field, including as a medical elective or clinical clerk at a medical teaching institution in Canada, for the primary purpose of acquiring training, if they have written approval from the body that regulates that field;
(q) as a civil aviation inspector of a national aeronautical authority conducting inspections of the flight operation procedures or cabin safety of a commercial air carrier operating international flights;
(r) as an accredited representative or adviser participating in an aviation accident or incident investigation conducted under the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act;
(s) as a member of a crew who is employed by a foreign company aboard a means of transportation that
(i) is foreign-owned and not registered in Canada, and
(ii) is engaged primarily in international transportation;
(t) as a provider of emergency services, including medical services, for the protection or preservation of life or property;
(u) until a decision is made on an application made by them under subsection 201(1), if they have remained in Canada after the expiry of their work permit and they have continued to comply with the conditions set out on the expired work permit, other than the expiry date;
(v) if they are the holder of a study permit and
(i) they are a full-time student enrolled at a designated learning institution as defined in section 211.1,
(ii) the program in which they are enrolled is a post-secondary academic, vocational or professional training program, or a vocational training program at the secondary level offered in Quebec, in each case, of a duration of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate, and
(iii) although they are permitted to engage in full-time work during a regularly scheduled break between academic sessions, they work no more than 24 hours per week during a regular academic session;
(w) if they are or were the holder of a study permit who has completed their program of study and
(i) they met the requirements set out in paragraph (v), and
(ii) they applied for a work permit before the expiry of that study permit and a decision has not yet been made in respect of their application; or
(x) if they are an Indian.
- SOR/2010-253, s. 3
- SOR/2011-126, s. 2
- SOR/2014-14, s. 5
- SOR/2014-170, s. 1
- SOR/2018-249, s. 1
- SOR/2019-212, s. 9(F)
- SOR/2024-219, s. 1
Marginal note:Business visitors
187 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 186(a), a business visitor to Canada is a foreign national who is described in subsection (2) or who seeks to engage in international business activities in Canada without directly entering the Canadian labour market.
Marginal note:Specific cases
(2) The following foreign nationals are business visitors:
(a) foreign nationals purchasing Canadian goods or services for a foreign business or government, or receiving training or familiarization in respect of such goods or services;
(b) foreign nationals receiving or giving training within a Canadian parent or subsidiary of the corporation that employs them outside Canada, if any production of goods or services that results from the training is incidental; and
(c) foreign nationals representing a foreign business or government for the purpose of selling goods for that business or government, if the foreign national is not engaged in making sales to the general public in Canada.
Marginal note:Factors
(3) For the purpose of subsection (1), a foreign national seeks to engage in international business activities in Canada without directly entering the Canadian labour market only if
(a) the primary source of remuneration for the business activities is outside Canada; and
(b) the principal place of business and actual place of accrual of profits remain predominately outside Canada.
DIVISION 4Study Without a Permit
Marginal note:No permit required
188 (1) A foreign national may study in Canada without a study permit
(a) if they are a family member or a member of the private staff of a foreign representative who is properly accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and who is in Canada to carry out official duties as a diplomatic agent, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any international organization of which Canada is a member;
(b) as a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, including a person who has been designated as a civilian component of those armed forces;
(c) if the duration of their course or program of studies is six months or less and will be completed within the period for their stay authorized upon entry into Canada; or
(d) if they are an Indian.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Despite paragraph (1)(c), a foreign national may apply for a study permit before entering Canada for a course or program of studies of a duration of six months or less.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 52(F)
- SOR/2014-14, s. 6
Marginal note:Expired study permits
189 A foreign national who has made an application under subsection 217(1) is authorized to study without a study permit until a decision is made on the application if they have remained in Canada since the expiry of their study permit and continue to comply with the conditions, other than the expiry date, set out on the expired study permit.
Marginal note:New study permit application
189.1 A foreign national who has submitted an application for a new study permit in accordance with section 217.1 is authorized to study at the designated learning institution, as defined in section 211.1, that is named in that application until a decision is made on the application if
(a) the foreign national has remained in Canada since they received their letter of acceptance from the designated learning institution named in the application;
(b) the foreign national continues to comply with the conditions set out in their previous study permit, other than the condition that they remain enrolled at the designated learning institution named in that permit; and
(c) before the foreign national completed their course or program of study, the designated learning institution named in the previous study permit
(i) closed,
(ii) discontinued the course or program of study in question,
(iii) was placed on the suspension list referred to in subsection 222.6(1), or
(iv) lost its designated status.
DIVISION 5Temporary Resident Visa Exemptions
Marginal note:Visa exemption — nationality
190 (1) A foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa if they
(a) are a citizen of a country listed in Schedule 1.1;
(b) are
(i) a British citizen,
(ii) a British overseas citizen who is re-admissible to the United Kingdom, or
(iii) a citizen of a British overseas territory who derives that citizenship through birth, descent, naturalization or registration in one of the British overseas territories of Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Island, Saint Helena or Turks and Caicos Islands; or
(c) are a national of the United States or a person who has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence.
Marginal note:Visa exemption — documents
(2) A foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa if they
(a) hold a passport that contains a diplomatic acceptance, a consular acceptance or an official acceptance issued by the Chief of Protocol for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade on behalf of the Government of Canada and are a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies, or of any international organization of which Canada is a member;
(b) hold a passport or travel document issued by the Holy See;
(c) hold a national Israeli passport;
(d) hold a passport issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China;
(e) hold a passport issued by the United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas), as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong;
(e.1) hold a passport issued by the United Kingdom to a British Subject which contains the observation that the holder has the right of abode in the United Kingdom; or
(f) hold an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes the personal identification number of the individual.
Marginal note:Visa exemption — holders of certain Romanian passports
(2.1) A foreign national who is a citizen of Romania is exempt from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa if they hold a machine-readable passport that contains a contactless integrated circuit chip and that is issued by Romania.
Marginal note:Visa exemption — purpose of entry
(3) A foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa if they are seeking to enter and remain in Canada solely
(a) subject to an agreement between Canada and one or more foreign countries respecting the obligation to hold such a visa,
(i) as a member of a crew of a means of transportation other than a vessel or to become a member of a crew of a means of transportation other than a vessel, or
(ii) to transit through Canada after working, or to work, as a member of a crew of a means of transportation other than a vessel, if they possess a ticket for departure from Canada within 24 hours after their arrival in Canada;
(b) to transit through Canada as a passenger on a flight stopping in Canada for the sole purpose of refuelling and
(i) they are in possession of the documents required in order to enter the United States and their flight is bound for that country, or
(ii) they were lawfully admitted to the United States and their flight originated in that country;
(b.1) to transit through Canada as a passenger on a flight that, owing to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstances, makes an unscheduled stop in Canada;
(c) to transit through Canada as a passenger on a flight if the foreign national
(i) is transported by a commercial transporter and there is a memorandum of understanding referred to in subsection (4) in effect between the Minister and the commercial transporter concerning the transit of passengers through Canada without a Canadian visa,
(ii) holds a passport or travel document that was issued by the country of which the foreign national is a citizen or national and that country is listed in the memorandum of understanding, and
(iii) is in possession of any visa required to enter the country of destination;
(d) to carry out official duties as a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, unless they have been designated under that Act as a civilian component of those armed forces;
(e) [Repealed, SOR/2015-77, s. 6]
(f) to re-enter Canada following a visit solely to the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon, if they
(i) held a study permit or a work permit that was issued before they left Canada on such a visit or were authorized to enter and remain in Canada as a temporary resident, and
(ii) return to Canada by the end of the period initially authorized for their stay or any extension to it;
(g) to conduct inspections of the flight operation procedures or cabin safety of a commercial air carrier operating international flights, if they are a civil aviation inspector of a national aeronautical authority and possess valid documentation to that effect; or
(h) to participate as an accredited representative or as an adviser to an aviation accident or incident investigation conducted under the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, if they possess valid documentation to that effect.
Marginal note:Visa exemption — crew member
(3.1) A foreign national who is a member of a crew and who is carried to Canada by a vessel is exempt from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa if they are seeking
(a) to enter Canada as a member of the crew of the vessel; and
(b) to remain in Canada solely as a member of the crew of that vessel or any other vessel.
Marginal note:Content of memorandum of understanding
(4) A memorandum of understanding referred to in paragraph (3)(c) shall include provisions respecting
(a) the countries to which the memorandum of understanding applies;
(b) the scheduled flights to which the memorandum of understanding applies; and
(c) the commercial transporter’s obligation to control the movement of in-transit passengers.
- SOR/2002-326, s. 1
- SOR/2002-332, s. 1
- SOR/2003-197, s. 2
- SOR/2003-260, s. 2
- SOR/2004-111, s. 1
- SOR/2004-167, s. 53(E)
- SOR/2006-228, s. 1
- SOR/2007-238, s. 1
- SOR/2008-54, s. 1
- SOR/2008-308, s. 1
- SOR/2009-105, s. 1
- SOR/2009-163, s. 9(F)
- SOR/2009-207, s. 1
- SOR/2009-208, s. 1
- SOR/2010-265, s. 1
- SOR/2011-125, s. 3
- SOR/2011-126, s. 3
- SOR/2012-171, s. 1
- SOR/2013-201, s. 1
- SOR/2014-267, s. 1
- SOR/2015-77, s. 6
- SOR/2016-293, s. 1
- SOR/2017-147, s. 2
- SOR/2017-246, s. 3
- SOR/2018-109, s. 4
- SOR/2019-212, s. 10(F)
- SOR/2023-249, s. 10(F)
PART 10Visitors
Marginal note:Class
191 The visitor class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become temporary residents.
Marginal note:Visitor
192 A foreign national is a visitor and a member of the visitor class if the foreign national has been authorized to enter and remain in Canada as a visitor.
- SOR/2011-126, s. 4(F)
Marginal note:Conditions
193 A visitor is subject to the conditions imposed under Part 9.
PART 10.1[Repealed, SOR/2014-185, s. 2]
193.1 [Repealed, SOR/2014-185, s. 2]
193.2 [Repealed, SOR/2014-185, s. 2]
193.3 [Repealed, SOR/2014-185, s. 2]
193.4 [Repealed, SOR/2014-185, s. 2]
193.5 [Repealed, SOR/2008-309, s. 2]
PART 11Workers
DIVISION 1General Rules
Marginal note:Class
194 The worker class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become temporary residents.
Marginal note:Worker
195 A foreign national is a worker and a member of the worker class if the foreign national has been authorized to enter and remain in Canada as a worker.
Marginal note:Work permit required
196 A foreign national must not work in Canada unless authorized to do so by a work permit or these Regulations.
Marginal note:Restrictions
196.1 A foreign national must not enter into an employment agreement, or extend the term of an employment agreement, with an employer
(a) who, on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages; or
(b) referred to in subparagraph 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii).
- SOR/2013-245, s. 4
- SOR/2015-144, s. 4
- SOR/2022-142, s. 4
Marginal note:Abuse
196.2 (1) For the purpose of this Part abuse consists of any of the following:
(a) physical abuse, including assault and forcible confinement;
(b) sexual abuse, including sexual contact without consent;
(c) psychological abuse, including threats and intimidation;
(d) financial abuse, including fraud and extortion; and
(e) reprisals.
Marginal note:Reprisal
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1) reprisal consists of any measure, including the following, that is taken by or on behalf of an employer against a foreign national referred to in subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1) or (iii) – and that adversely affects the foreign national’s employment or working conditions – because the foreign national has reported that the conditions set out in section 209.2 or 209.3 have not been complied with or has in good faith cooperated with an inspection conducted under section 209.7, 209.8 or 209.9:
(a) a disciplinary measure;
(b) a demotion;
(c) a dismissal; or
(d) any threat to take any of the measures mentioned above.
- SOR/2017-56, s. 2
- SOR/2022-142, s. 5
DIVISION 2Application for Work Permit
Marginal note:Application before entry
197 A foreign national may apply for a work permit at any time before entering Canada.
Marginal note:Application on entry
198 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a foreign national may apply for a work permit when entering Canada if the foreign national is exempt under Division 5 of Part 9 from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa.
Marginal note:Exceptions
(2) A foreign national may not apply for a work permit when entering Canada if
(a) a determination under section 203 is required, unless
(i) the Department of Employment and Social Development has provided an assessment under paragraph 203(2)(a) in respect of an offer of employment — other than seasonal agricultural employment — to the foreign national, or
(ii) the foreign national is a national or permanent resident of the United States or is a resident of Greenland or St. Pierre and Miquelon;
(b) the foreign national does not hold a medical certificate that they are required to hold under subsection 30(3); or
(c) the foreign national is a participant in an international youth exchange program, unless they are a national or permanent resident of the United States or their application for a work permit was approved before their entry into Canada.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 54
- SOR/2010-172, s. 5
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2015-147, s. 1
- SOR/2016-136, s. 4
- SOR/2017-78, s. 7
- SOR/2019-212, s. 11(F)
Marginal note:Application after entry
199 A foreign national may apply for a work permit after entering Canada if they
(a) hold a work permit;
(b) are working in Canada under the authority of section 186 and are not a business visitor within the meaning of section 187;
(c) hold a study permit;
(d) hold a temporary resident permit issued under subsection 24(1) of the Act that is valid for at least six months;
(e) are a family member of a person described in any of paragraphs (a) to (d);
(f) are in a situation described in section 206 or 207;
(g) applied for a work permit before entering Canada and the application was approved in writing but they have not been issued the permit;
(h) are applying as a trader or investor, intra-company transferee or professional, as described in Section B, C or D of Annex 1603 of the Agreement, within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, and their country of citizenship — being a country party to that Agreement — grants to Canadian citizens who submit a similar application within that country treatment equivalent to that accorded by Canada to citizens of that country who submit an application within Canada, including treatment in respect of an authorization for multiple entries based on a single application; or
(i) hold a written statement from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade stating that it has no objection to the foreign national working at a foreign mission in Canada.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 55
DIVISION 3Issuance of Work Permits
Marginal note:Work permits
200 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) — and, in respect of a foreign national who makes an application for a work permit before entering Canada, subject to section 87.3 of the Act — an officer shall issue a work permit to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that
(a) the foreign national applied for it in accordance with Division 2;
(b) the foreign national will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2 of Part 9;
(c) the foreign national
(i) is described in section 206 or 208,
(ii) intends to perform work described in section 204 or 205 but does not have an offer of employment to perform that work or is described in section 207 or 207.1 but does not have an offer of employment,
(ii.1) intends to perform work described in section 204 or 205 and has an offer of employment to perform that work or is described in section 207 and has an offer of employment, and an officer has determined, on the basis of any information provided on the officer’s request by the employer making the offer and any other relevant information, that the offer is genuine under subsection (5), or
(iii) has been offered employment, and an officer has made a positive determination under paragraphs 203(1)(a) to (g); and
(d) [Repealed, SOR/2004-167, s. 56]
(e) the requirements of subsections 30(2) and (3) are met, if they must submit to a medical examination under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act.
Marginal note:Non-application of par. (1)(b)
(2) Paragraph (1)(b) does not apply to a foreign national who satisfies the criteria set out in section 206 or paragraph 207(c) or (d).
Marginal note:Exceptions
(3) An officer shall not issue a work permit to a foreign national if
(a) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the foreign national is unable to perform the work sought;
(b) in the case of a foreign national who intends to work in the Province of Quebec and does not hold a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec, a determination under section 203 is required and the laws of that Province require that the foreign national hold a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec;
(c) the work that the foreign national intends to perform is likely to adversely affect the settlement of any labour dispute in progress or the employment of any person involved in the dispute;
(d) [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 8]
(e) the foreign national has engaged in unauthorized study or work in Canada or has failed to comply with a condition of a previous permit or authorization unless
(i) a period of six months has elapsed since the cessation of the unauthorized work or study or failure to comply with a condition,
(ii) the study or work was unauthorized by reason only that the foreign national did not comply with conditions imposed under paragraph 185(a), any of subparagraphs 185(b)(i) to (iii) or paragraph 185(c);
(iii) section 206 applies to them; or
(iv) the foreign national was subsequently issued a temporary resident permit under subsection 24(1) of the Act;
(f) in the case of a foreign national referred to in subparagraphs (1)(c)(i) to (iii), the issuance of a work permit would be inconsistent with the terms of a federal-provincial agreement that apply to the employment of foreign nationals;
(f.1) in the case of a foreign national referred to in subparagraph (1)(c)(ii.1), the fee referred to in section 303.1 has not been paid or the information referred to in section 209.11 has not been provided before the foreign national makes an application for a work permit;
(g) [Repealed, SOR/2018-61, s. 1]
(g.1) the foreign national intends to work for an employer who, on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages; or
(h) the foreign national intends to work for an employer who is
(i) [Repealed, SOR/2022-142, s. 6]
(ii) ineligible under paragraph 209.95(1)(b), or
(iii) in default of any amount payable in respect of an administrative monetary penalty, including if the employer fails to comply with a payment agreement for the payment of that amount.
Marginal note:Non-application of paragraph (3)(e)
(3.1) Paragraph (3)(e) does not apply to a foreign national referred to in subsection 207.1(1) who engaged in unauthorized work in Canada or failed to comply with a condition of a previous permit or authorization.
(4) [Repealed, SOR/2018-61, s. 1]
Marginal note:Genuineness of job offer
(5) A determination of whether an offer of employment is genuine shall be based on the following factors:
(a) whether the offer is made by an employer that is actively engaged in the business in respect of which the offer is made, unless the offer is made for employment as a live-in caregiver;
(b) whether the offer is consistent with the reasonable employment needs of the employer;
(c) whether the terms of the offer are terms that the employer is reasonably able to fulfil; and
(d) the past compliance of the employer, or any person who recruits the foreign national for the employer, with the federal or provincial laws that regulate the employment or recruitment of employees, including foreign nationals, in the province in which it is intended that the foreign national will work.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 56
- SOR/2010-172, s. 2
- SOR/2012-154, s. 10
- SOR/2013-245, s. 5
- SOR/2014-139, s. 5(F)
- SOR/2015-25, s. 1
- SOR/2015-144, s. 5
- SOR/2017-78, s. 8
- SOR/2018-26, s. 1
- SOR/2018-61, s. 1
- SOR/2019-148, s. 1
- SOR/2022-142, s. 6
Marginal note:Application for renewal
201 (1) A foreign national may apply for the renewal of their work permit if
(a) the application is made before their work permit expires; and
(b) they have complied with all conditions imposed on their entry into Canada.
Marginal note:Renewal
(2) An officer shall renew the foreign national’s work permit if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national continues to meet the requirements of section 200.
- SOR/2010-172, s. 3
Marginal note:Temporary resident status
202 A foreign national who is issued a work permit under section 206 or paragraph 207(c) or (d) does not, by reason only of being issued a work permit, become a temporary resident.
Marginal note:Assessment of employment offered
203 (1) On application under Division 2 for a work permit made by a foreign national other than a foreign national referred to in subparagraphs 200(1)(c)(i) to (ii.1), an officer must determine, on the basis of an assessment provided by the Department of Employment and Social Development, of any information provided on the officer’s request by the employer making the offer and of any other relevant information, if
(a) the job offer is genuine under subsection 200(5);
(b) the employment of the foreign national is likely to have a neutral or positive effect on the labour market in Canada;
(c) the issuance of a work permit would not be inconsistent with the terms of any federal-provincial agreement that apply to the employers of foreign nationals;
(d) in the case of a foreign national who seeks to enter Canada as a live-in caregiver,
(i) the foreign national will reside in a private household in Canada and provide child care, senior home support care or care of a disabled person in that household without supervision,
(ii) the employer will provide the foreign national with adequate furnished and private accommodations in the household, and
(iii) the employer has sufficient financial resources to pay the foreign national the wages that are offered to the foreign national;
(e) the employer
(i) has not, directly or indirectly, charged or recovered from the foreign national the fees referred to in subsection 315.2(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1) and fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national that are authorized to be charged or recovered under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers,
(ii) ensured that any person who recruits the foreign national for the employer did not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fees referred to in subsection 315.2(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1) and fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national that are authorized to be charged or recovered under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers;
(f) in the case where the employer has not employed a foreign national referred to in subparagraph 200(1)(c)(iii) during the six years before the day on which the request for an assessment made under subsection (2) is received by the Department of Employment and Social Development, during the period beginning two years before the day on which the request for an assessment is received and ending on the day that an assessment is provided, when the employer was actively engaged in the business for which the employer has provided information under this subsection and subsection (2.1), the employer
(i) made reasonable efforts to provide a workplace that is free of abuse, and
(ii) was not an affiliate of an employer referred to in subparagraphs 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii); and
(g) the employer committed
(i) to conclude with the foreign national, on or before the first day of work of the foreign national that is during the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to them, an employment agreement that
(A) provides for employment in the same occupation and the same wages and working conditions as those set out in the offer of employment,
(B) is drafted in the foreign national’s chosen official language of Canada, and
(C) is signed by both the employer and the foreign national,
(ii) to provide the foreign national, on or before the first day of work of the foreign national that is during the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to them, a copy of the employment agreement referred to in subparagraph (i),
(iii) to not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fees referred to in subsection 315.2(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1) and fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national that are authorized to be charged or recovered under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers, and
(iv) to ensure that any person who recruits the foreign national for the employer does not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fees referred to in subsection 315.2(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1) and fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national that are authorized to be charged or recovered under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers.
Marginal note:Effect on labour market — language
(1.01) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the employment of a foreign national is unlikely to have a positive or neutral effect on the labour market in Canada if the offer of employment requires the ability to communicate in a language other than English or French, unless
(a) the employer or group of employers demonstrates that the ability to communicate in the other language is a bona fide requirement for performing the duties associated with the employment;
(b) the offer of employment relates to work to be performed under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers; or
(c) the offer of employment relates to other work to be performed in the primary agriculture sector, within the meaning of subsection 315.2(4).
Marginal note:Effect on labour market
(1.1) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), the employment of the foreign national is unlikely to have a positive or neutral effect on the labour market in Canada if
(a) the wages set out in the offer of employment are not consistent with the prevailing wage rate for the occupation; or
(b) the employment of the foreign national is likely to adversely affect the settlement of any labour dispute in progress or the employment of any person involved in the dispute.
Marginal note:Assessment on request
(2) Subject to subsection (2.02), the Department of Employment and Social Development must provide the assessment referred to in subsection (1) on the request of an officer or an employer or group of employers, none of whom is an employer who
(a) on a regular basis, offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services or erotic massages; or
(b) is referred to in subparagraph 200(3)(h)(ii) or (iii).
Marginal note:Offer of employment
(2.01) A request may be made in respect of
(a) an offer of employment to a foreign national; and
(b) offers of employment made, or anticipated to be made, by an employer or group of employers.
Marginal note:Suspension of processing of requests
(2.02) If any of the circumstances set out in section 209.5 exist, the processing of a request for an assessment under subsection (2) is suspended so long as the Department of Employment and Social Development has a reason to suspect that
(a) the employer who made the request is not complying with or has not complied with any of the conditions set out in subparagraph 209.3(1)(a)(i), 209.3(1)(a)(iv) with regard to the working conditions referred to in that subparagraph, 209.3(1)(a)(v) or 209.3(1)(a)(vii) to 209.3(1)(a)(xii); and
(b) the employer’s failure to comply with any of the conditions referred to in paragraph (a) would put at serious risk the health or safety of the foreign national, if the work permit was issued.
Marginal note:Basis of Assessment
(2.1) The assessment provided by the Department of Employment and Social Development on the matters set out in paragraphs (1)(a) to (g) must be based on any information provided by the employer making the offer and any other relevant information.
Marginal note:Factors — effect on labour market
(3) An assessment provided by the Department of Employment and Social Development with respect to the matters referred to in paragraph (1)(b) must, unless the employment of the foreign national is unlikely to have a positive or neutral effect on the labour market in Canada as a result of the application of subsection (1.01) or (1.1) be based on the following factors:
(a) whether the employment of the foreign national will or is likely to result in direct job creation or job retention for Canadian citizens or permanent residents;
(b) whether the employment of the foreign national will or is likely to result in the development or transfer of skills and knowledge for the benefit of Canadian citizens or permanent residents;
(c) whether the employment of the foreign national is likely to fill a labour shortage;
(d) whether the working conditions offered to the foreign national meet generally accepted Canadian standards;
(e) whether the employer will hire or train Canadian citizens or permanent residents or has made, or has agreed to make, reasonable efforts to do so;
(f) [Repealed, SOR/2022-142, s. 7]
(g) whether the employer has fulfilled or has made reasonable efforts to fulfill any commitments made, in the context of any assessment that was previously provided under subsection (2), with respect to the matters referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (e).
Marginal note:Period of validity of assessment
(3.1) An assessment provided by the Department of Employment and Social Development shall indicate the period during which the assessment is in effect for the purposes of subsection (1).
Marginal note:Province of Quebec
(4) In the case of a foreign national who intends to work in the Province of Quebec, the assessment provided by the Department of Employment and Social Development shall be made in concert with the competent authority of that Province.
Marginal note:Affiliate
(5) For the purposes of this section, an affiliate includes
(a) an employer that is controlled by another employer;
(b) two employers that are under common control; or
(c) employers that are not operated at arm’s length.
Marginal note:Control
(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), control, whether direct or indirect, exercised or not, includes
(a) common ownership;
(b) common management;
(c) common interests;
(d) shared facilities or equipment; or
(e) common use of services of employees.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 57
- SOR/2010-172, ss. 4, 5
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2013-150, s. 1
- SOR/2013-245, s. 6
- SOR/2014-84, s. 1
- SOR/2015-144, s. 6
- SOR/2015-147, s. 1
- SOR/2020-91, s. 5
- SOR/2022-142, s. 7
Marginal note:Agreements or arrangements
204 A work permit may be issued under section 200 to a foreign national who intends to perform work under
(a) an agreement or arrangement between Canada and the government of a foreign state or an international organization, other than an agreement or arrangement concerning seasonal agricultural workers;
(b) an agreement entered into by one or more countries and by or on behalf of one or more provinces;
(c) an agreement entered into by the Minister with a province or group of provinces under subsection 8(1) of the Act; or
(d) a youth mobility agreement or arrangement between Canada and the government of a foreign state or the competent authority of any other foreign territory, or between Canada and an international or domestic organization, that would create or maintain reciprocal employment for Canadian citizens in a foreign state or territory.
- SOR/2018-26, s. 2
- SOR/2024-240, s. 2
Marginal note:Canadian interests
205 A work permit may be issued under section 200 to a foreign national who intends to perform work that
(a) would create or maintain significant social, cultural or economic benefits or opportunities for Canadian citizens or permanent residents;
(b) would create or maintain reciprocal employment of Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada in other countries;
(c) is designated by the Minister as being work that can be performed by a foreign national on the basis of the following criteria, namely,
(i) the work is related to a research program,
(i.1) the work is an essential part of a post-secondary academic, vocational or professional training program offered by a designated learning institution as defined in section 211.1,
(i.2) the work is an essential part of a program at the secondary level
(A) that is a vocational training program offered by a designated learning institution in Quebec, or
(B) that is a program offered by a designated learning institution that requires students to work in order to obtain their secondary or high school diploma or certificate of graduation, or
(ii) limited access to the Canadian labour market is necessary for reasons of public policy relating to the competitiveness of Canada’s academic institutions or economy; or
(d) is of a religious or charitable nature.
- SOR/2014-14, s. 7
Marginal note:No other means of support
206 (1) A work permit may be issued under section 200 to a foreign national in Canada who cannot support themself without working, if the foreign national
(a) has made a claim for refugee protection that has been referred to the Refugee Protection Division but has not been determined; or
(b) is subject to an unenforceable removal order.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Despite subsection (1), a work permit must not be issued to a claimant referred to in subsection 111.1(2) of the Act unless at least 180 days have elapsed since their claim was referred to the Refugee Protection Division.
- SOR/2012-252, s. 2
- SOR/2014-139, s. 6(F)
Marginal note:Applicants in Canada
207 A work permit may be issued under section 200 to a foreign national in Canada who
(a) [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 9]
(b) is a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class set out in Division 2 of Part 7;
(c) is a protected person within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act;
(d) has applied to become a permanent resident and the Minister has granted them an exemption under subsection 25(1), 25.1(1) or 25.2(1) of the Act; or
(e) is a family member of a person described in any of paragraphs (a) to (d).
- SOR/2010-252, s. 3
- SOR/2017-78, s. 9
Marginal note:Vulnerable workers
207.1 (1) A work permit may be issued under section 200 to a foreign national in Canada if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the foreign national is experiencing or is at risk of experiencing abuse in the context of their employment in Canada and if they
(a) hold a work permit issued under subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1) or (iii); or
(b) previously held a work permit issued under subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1) or (iii), have applied for a renewal of that permit under subsection 201(1) and are authorized to work in Canada under paragraph 186(u).
Marginal note:Family member of vulnerable worker
(2) A work permit may be issued under section 200 to a foreign national in Canada who is a family member of a person described in paragraph (1)(a) or (b).
Marginal note:Humanitarian reasons
208 A work permit may be issued under section 200 to a foreign national in Canada who cannot support themself without working, if the foreign national
(a) holds a study permit and has become temporarily destitute through circumstances beyond their control and beyond the control of any person on whom that person is dependent for the financial support to complete their term of study; or
(b) holds a temporary resident permit issued under subsection 24(1) of the Act that is valid for at least six months.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 58
Marginal note:Invalidity
209 A work permit becomes invalid when it expires or when it is cancelled under section 209.01, 209.02 or 243.2.
Marginal note:Cancellation due to error
209.01 An officer may cancel a work permit that was issued to a foreign national if the officer is satisfied that the work permit was issued based on an administrative error.
Marginal note:Cancellation
209.02 A work permit that was issued to a foreign national is cancelled if
(a) the foreign national becomes a permanent resident; or
(b) the foreign national is deceased.
DIVISION 4Conditions Imposed on Employers
Definition of document
209.1 For the purposes of this Division, document means anything on which information that is capable of being understood by a person, or read by a computer or other device, is recorded or marked.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
Marginal note:Foreign national — subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1)
209.11 (1) An employer who has made an offer of employment to a foreign national referred to in subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1) must, before the foreign national makes an application for a work permit in respect of that employment, provide the following information to the Minister using the electronic means that is made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose:
(a) their name, address and telephone number and their fax number and electronic mail address, if any;
(b) the business number assigned to the employer by the Minister of National Revenue, if applicable;
(c) information that demonstrates that the foreign national will be performing work described in section 204 or 205 or is a foreign national described in section 207;
(d) a copy of the offer of employment made in the form made available by the Department; and
(e) an attestation that
(i) the employer has entered into an employment agreement with the foreign national that
(A) provides for employment in the same occupation and the same wages and working conditions as those set out in the offer of employment,
(B) is drafted in the foreign national’s chosen official language of Canada, and
(C) is signed by both the employer and the foreign national,
(ii) the employer has provided a copy of the employment agreement referred to in subparagraph (i) to the foreign national,
(iii) the employer has not, directly or indirectly, charged or recovered from the foreign national the fee referred to in subsection 303.1(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1), and
(iv) the employer has ensured that any person who recruited the foreign national for the employer did not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fee referred to in subsection 303.1(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1).
(2) [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 9]
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 9]
- SOR/2015-25, s. 2
- SOR/2019-174, s. 9
- SOR/2022-142, s. 8
Marginal note:Foreign national referred to in subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1)
209.2 (1) An employer who has made an offer of employment to a foreign national referred to in subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1) must comply with the following conditions:
(a) during the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to the foreign national,
(i) the employer must be actively engaged in the business in respect of which the offer of employment was made, unless the offer was made for employment as a live-in caregiver,
(ii) the employer must comply with the federal or provincial laws that regulate the employment or recruitment of employees, including foreign nationals, in the province in which the foreign national works,
(ii.1) the employer must make available to the foreign national, in both official languages of Canada, the information referred to in paragraph (a.1),
(iii) subject to subparagraph (vii), the employer must provide the foreign national with employment in the same occupation as that set out in the foreign national’s offer of employment and with wages and working conditions that are substantially the same as — but not less favourable than — those set out in that offer,
(iv) the employer must make reasonable efforts to provide a workplace that is free of abuse;
(v) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national who is subject to an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act, must not do anything that prevents the foreign national from complying with the requirements of the order or regulation, including requiring the foreign national to do anything that is contrary to those requirements,
(vi) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national who is subject to a provincial law that governs public health in response to COVID-19, must not do anything that prevents the foreign national from complying with the requirements of the law, including requiring the foreign national to do anything that is contrary to the law,
(vii) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national who, in accordance with an order made under section 58 of the Quarantine Act, is required to isolate or quarantine themselves for a period on entry into Canada, must provide the foreign national with wages during that period that are substantially the same as those set out in the offer of employment; and
(viii) the employer must make reasonable efforts to provide access to health care services when the foreign national is injured or becomes ill at the workplace,
(ix) the employer must not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fee referred to in subsection 303.1(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1), and
(x) the employer must ensure that any person who recruited the foreign national for the employer does not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fee referred to in subsection 303.1(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1); and
(a.1) on or before the foreign national’s first day of work that is during the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to the foreign national, the employer must provide the foreign national with a copy in their chosen official language of Canada of the most recent information with respect to the foreign national’s rights in Canada that is made available by the Government of Canada for that purpose; and
(b) during a period of six years beginning on the first day of the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to the foreign national, the employer must
(i) be able to demonstrate that any information they provided under subparagraph 200(1)(c)(ii.1) or section 209.11 was accurate, and
(ii) retain any document that relates to compliance with the conditions set out in paragraph (a).
Marginal note:Period of employment
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the period of employment for which the work permit is issued includes any period during which
(a) the foreign national may, under paragraph 186(u), work in Canada without a permit after the expiry of their work permit; and
(b) the foreign national is required to isolate or quarantine themselves on entry into Canada in accordance with an order made under the Quarantine Act.
Marginal note:Justification
(3) A failure to comply with any of the conditions set out in subparagraphs (1)(a)(i) to (viii) and paragraph (1)(a.1) is justified if it results from
(a) a change in federal or provincial law;
(b) a change to the provisions of a collective agreement;
(c) the implementation of measures by the employer in response to a dramatic change in economic conditions that directly affected the business of the employer, provided that the measures were not directed disproportionately at foreign nationals employed by the employer;
(d) an error in interpretation made in good faith by the employer with respect to its obligations to a foreign national, if the employer subsequently provided compensation — or if it was not possible to provide compensation, made sufficient efforts to do so — to all foreign nationals who suffered a disadvantage as a result of the error;
(e) an accounting or administrative error made by the employer, if the employer subsequently provided compensation — or if it was not possible to provide compensation, made sufficient efforts to do so — to all foreign nationals who suffered a disadvantage as a result of the error;
(f) circumstances similar to those set out in paragraphs (a) to (e);
(g) superior force; or
(h) an error in interpretation made in good faith by the employer with respect to its compliance with the conditions set out in any of subparagraphs (1)(a)(v) and (vi).
Marginal note:Justification
(3.1) A failure to comply with any of the conditions set out in subparagraphs (1)(a)(ix) and (x) is justified if the employer
a) made all reasonable efforts to comply with the conditions; and
b) subsequently provided full compensation to the foreign national for the fees incorrectly charged or recovered.
Marginal note:Justification
(4) A failure to comply with either of the conditions set out in paragraph (1)(b) is justified if the employer made all reasonable efforts to comply with the condition.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2015-25, s. 3
- SOR/2017-56, s. 3
- SOR/2020-91, s. 6
- SOR/2022-142, s. 9
Marginal note:Foreign national referred to in subparagraph 200(1)(c)(iii)
209.3 (1) An employer who has made an offer of employment to a foreign national referred to in subparagraph 200(1)(c)(iii) must comply with the following conditions:
(a) during the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to the foreign national,
(i) the employer must be actively engaged in the business in respect of which the offer of employment was made, unless the offer was made for employment as a live-in caregiver,
(ii) the employer must comply with the federal or provincial laws that regulate the employment or recruitment of employees, including foreign nationals, in the province in which the foreign national works,
(ii.1) the employer must make available to the foreign national, in both official languages of Canada, the information referred to in paragraph (a.1),
(iii) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national as a live-in caregiver, must
(A) ensure that the foreign national resides in a private household in Canada and provides child care, senior home support care or care of a disabled person in that household without supervision,
(B) provide the foreign national with adequate furnished and private accommodations in the household, and
(C) have sufficient financial resources to pay the foreign national the wages that were offered to the foreign national,
(iv) subject to subparagraph (xii), the employer must provide the foreign national with employment in the same occupation as that set out in the foreign national’s offer of employment and with wages and working conditions that are substantially the same as — but not less favourable than — those set out in that offer,
(v) the employer must make reasonable efforts to provide a workplace that is free of abuse,
(vi) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national to perform work under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers, must provide the foreign national with adequate accommodations,
(vii) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national who is subject to an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act, must not do anything that prevents the foreign national from complying with the requirements of the order or regulation, including requiring the foreign national to do anything that is contrary to those requirements,
(viii) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national who is subject to a provincial law that governs public health in response to COVID-19, must not do anything that prevents the foreign national from complying with the requirements of the law, including requiring the foreign national to do anything that is contrary to the law,
(ix) the employer, in the case of an employer who provides accommodations to a foreign national, must — during any period that the foreign national is required to quarantine themselves in accordance with an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act — provide the foreign national with accommodations that are separate from those provided to persons who are not in quarantine and that permit the foreign worker to remain at least two metres away from any other person,
(x) the employer, in the case of an employer who provides accommodations to a foreign national who is subject to an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act, must provide the foreign national with cleaning products for the purposes of cleaning and disinfecting the accommodations regularly,
(xi) the employer, in the case of an employer who provides accommodations to a foreign national who becomes infected with or develops any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, must provide the foreign national with accommodations that have a bedroom and a bathroom that are solely for the use of the foreign national while they isolate themselves,
(xii) the employer, in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national who, in accordance with an order made under section 58 of the Quarantine Act, is required to isolate or quarantine themselves for a period on entry into Canada, must provide the foreign national with wages during that period that are substantially the same as those set out in the offer of employment,
(xiii) the employer, except in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national to perform work under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers and the agreement includes health insurance, must obtain and pay for private health insurance that covers emergency medical care, for any period during which the foreign national is not covered by the applicable provincial health insurance system,
(xiv) the employer must make reasonable efforts to provide access to health care services when the foreign national is injured or becomes ill at the workplace,
(xv) the employer must not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fees referred to in subparagraph (xiii) or subsection 315.2(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1) and fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national that are authorized to be charged or recovered under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers, and
(xvi) the employer must ensure that any person who recruited the foreign national for the employer does not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fees referred to in subparagraph (xiii), subsection 315.2(1) or any fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national, with the exception of the fees referred to in subsections 296(1), 298(1) and 299(1) and fees related to the recruitment of the foreign national that are authorized to be charged or recovered under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers;
(a.1) on or before the foreign national’s first day of work that is during the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to the foreign national, the employer must provide the foreign national with a copy in their chosen official language of Canada of the most recent information with respect to the foreign national’s rights in Canada that is made available by the Government of Canada for that purpose; and
(b) during the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to the foreign national or any other period that was agreed on by the employer and the Department of Employment and Social Development at the time the assessment referred to in subsection 203(2) was provided,
(i) the employer must ensure that the employment of the foreign national will result in direct job creation or job retention for Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was one of the factors that led to the issuance of the work permit,
(ii) the employer must ensure that the employment of the foreign national will result in the development or transfer of skills and knowledge for the benefit of Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was one of the factors that led to the issuance of the work permit,
(iii) the employer must hire or train Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was one of the factors that led to the issuance of the work permit, and
(iv) the employer must make reasonable efforts to hire or train Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was one of the factors that led to the issuance of the work permit; and
(c) during a period of six years beginning on the first day of the period of employment for which the work permit is issued to the foreign national, the employer must
(i) be able to demonstrate that any information they provided under subsections 203(1) and (2.1) was accurate, and
(ii) retain any document that relates to compliance with the conditions set out in paragraphs (a) and (b).
Marginal note:Period of employment
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the period of employment for which the work permit is issued includes any period during which
(a) the foreign national may, under paragraph 186(u), work in Canada without a permit after the expiry of their work permit; and
(b) the foreign national is required to isolate or quarantine themselves on entry into Canada in accordance with an order made under the Quarantine Act.
Marginal note:Justification
(3) A failure to comply with any of the conditions set out in subparagraphs (1)(a)(i) to (xiv) and paragraphs (1)(a.1) and (b) is justified if it results from a:
(a) a change in federal or provincial law;
(b) a change to the provisions of a collective agreement;
(c) the implementation of measures by the employer in response to a dramatic change in economic conditions that directly affected the business of the employer, provided that the measures were not directed disproportionately at foreign nationals employed by the employer;
(d) an error in interpretation made in good faith by the employer with respect to its obligations to a foreign national, if the employer subsequently provided compensation — or if it was not possible to provide compensation, made sufficient efforts to do so — to all foreign nationals who suffered a disadvantage as a result of the error;
(e) an accounting or administrative error made by the employer, if the employer subsequently provided compensation — or if it was not possible to provide compensation, made sufficient efforts to do so — to all foreign nationals who suffered a disadvantage as a result of the error;
(f) circumstances similar to those set out in paragraphs (a) to (e);
(g) superior force; or
(h) an error in interpretation made in good faith by the employer with respect to its compliance with the conditions set out in any of subparagraphs (1)(a)(vii) to (xi).
Marginal note:Justification
(4) A failure to comply with either of the conditions set out in paragraph (1)(c) is justified if the employer made all reasonable efforts to comply with the condition.
Marginal note:Justification
(5) A failure to comply with any of the conditions set out in subparagraphs (1)(a)(xv) and (xvi) is justified if the employer
(a) made all reasonable efforts to comply with the condition; and
(b) subsequently provided full compensation to the foreign national for the fees that were incorrectly charged or recovered.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2014-84, s. 1
- SOR/2015-147, s. 1
- SOR/2017-56, s. 4
- SOR/2020-91, s. 7
- SOR/2022-142, s. 10
Marginal note:Conditions imposed on all employers
209.4 (1) An employer referred to in section 209.2 or 209.3 must
(a) report at any specified time and place to answer questions and provide documents, in accordance with section 209.6;
(b) provide any documents that are required under paragraphs 209.7(1)(a) and (b); and
(c) attend any inspection referred to in section 209.8 or 209.9, unless the employer was not notified of it, give all reasonable assistance to the person conducting that inspection and provide that person with any document or information that the person requires.
Marginal note:Justification
(2) A failure to comply with any of the conditions set out in subsection (1) is justified if the employer made all reasonable efforts to comply with the condition or if it results from anything done or omitted to be done by the employer in good faith.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2022-142, s. 11
Marginal note:Circumstances for exercise of powers – sections 209.6 to 209.9
209.5 The powers set out in sections 209.6 to 209.9 may be exercised in the following circumstances:
(a) an officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development has a reason to suspect that the employer is not complying or has not complied with any of the conditions set out in section 209.2 or 209.3;
(b) the employer has not complied with any of the conditions set out in section 209.2 or 209.3 in the past;
(c) the employer is chosen as part of a random verification of compliance with the conditions set out in sections 209.2 or 209.3;
(d) an officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development is notified that there has been the introduction or spread of a communicable disease, as defined in section 2 of the Quarantine Act, at any premises or place in which a foreign national performs work; or
(e) the employer employs a foreign national who is or was subject to an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2014-84, s. 2
- SOR/2020-91, s. 8
- SOR/2022-142, s. 12
Marginal note:Answering questions and providing documents
209.6 (1) If any of the circumstances set out in section 209.5 exists,
(a) an officer may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.2, require an employer to report at any specified time and place to answer questions and provide documents that relate to compliance with those conditions; and
(b) the Minister of Employment and Social Development may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.3, require an employer to report at any specified time and place to answer questions and provide documents that relate to compliance with those conditions.
Marginal note:Minister of Employment and Social Development
(2) The Minister of Employment and Social Development may exercise the powers set out in paragraph (1)(a) on the request of an officer.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2014-84, s. 2
Marginal note:Examination of documents
209.7 (1) If any of the circumstances set out in section 209.5 exists,
(a) an officer may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.2, require an employer to provide them with any document that relates to compliance with those conditions;
(b) the Minister of Employment and Social Development may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.3, require an employer to provide him or her with any document that relates to compliance with those conditions; and
(c) an officer may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.2, require any individual or entity to provide them with any document in their possession that relates to the employer’s compliance with those conditions; and
(d) the Minister of Employment and Social Development may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.3, require any individual or entity to provide them with any document in their possession that relates to the employer’s compliance with those conditions.
Marginal note:Minister of Employment and Social Development
(2) The Minister of Employment and Social Development may exercise the powers set out in paragraphs (1)(a) and (c) on the request of an officer.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2014-84, s. 2
- SOR/2022-142, s. 13
Marginal note:Entry to verify compliance with section 209.2
209.8 (1) Subject to subsection (5), if any of the circumstances set out in section 209.5 exists, an officer may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.2, enter and inspect any premises or place in which a foreign national referred to in that section performs work.
Marginal note:Powers on entry
(2) The officer may, for that purpose,
(a) ask the employer and any person employed by the employer any relevant questions;
(b) require from the employer, for examination, any documents found in the premises or place;
(c) use copying equipment in the premises or place, or require the employer to make copies of documents, and remove the copies for examination or, if it is not possible to make copies in the premises or place, remove the documents to make copies;
(d) take photographs and make video or audio recordings;
(e) examine anything in the premises or place;
(f) require the employer to use any computer or other electronic device in the premises or place to allow the officer to examine any relevant document contained in or available to it; and
(g) be accompanied or assisted in the premises or place by any person required by the officer.
Marginal note:Entering private property
(3) An officer and any person accompanying the officer may enter on and pass through private property, other than a dwelling-house, to gain entry to a premises or place referred to in subsection (1). For greater certainty, they are not liable for doing so.
Marginal note:Person accompanying officer
(4) A person may, at an officer’s request, accompany the officer to assist them to access the premises or place referred to in subsection (1) and is not liable for doing so.
Marginal note:Dwelling-house
(5) In the case of a dwelling-house, an officer may enter it without the occupant’s consent only under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (6).
Marginal note:Issuance of warrant
(6) On ex parte application, a justice of the peace may issue a warrant authorizing an officer who is named in it or the Minister of Employment and Social Development, as the case may be, to enter a dwelling-house, subject to any conditions specified in the warrant, if the justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath that
(a) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the dwelling-house is a premises or place referred to in subsection (1);
(b) entry into the dwelling-house is necessary to verify compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.2; and
(c) entry was refused by the occupant or there are reasonable grounds to believe that entry will be refused or that consent to entry cannot be obtained from the occupant.
Marginal note:Minister of Employment and Social Development
(7) The Minister of Employment and Social Development may exercise the powers set out in this section on the request of an officer.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2014-84, s. 2
Marginal note:Entry to verify compliance with section 209.3
209.9 (1) Subject to subsection (5), if any of the circumstances set out in section 209.5 exists, the Minister of Employment and Social Development may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.3, enter and inspect any premises or place in which a foreign national referred to in that section performs work and any premises or place that the employer has provided to the foreign national as accommodation.
Marginal note:Powers on entry
(2) The Minister of Employment and Social Development may, for that purpose,
(a) ask the employer and any person employed by the employer any relevant questions;
(b) require from the employer, for examination, any documents found in the premises or place;
(c) use copying equipment in the premises or place, or require the employer to make copies of documents, and remove the copies for examination or, if it is not possible to make copies in the premises or place, remove the documents to make copies;
(d) take photographs and make video or audio recordings;
(e) examine anything in the premises or place;
(f) require the employer to use any computer or other electronic device in the premises or place to allow that Minister to examine any relevant document contained in or available to it; and
(g) be accompanied or assisted in the premises or place by any person required by that Minister.
Marginal note:Entering private property
(3) The Minister of Employment and Social Development and any person accompanying him or her may enter on and pass through private property, other than a dwelling-house, to gain entry to a premises or place referred to in subsection (1). For greater certainty, they are not liable for doing so.
Marginal note:Person accompanying Minister of Employment and Social Development
(4) A person may, at the Minister of Employment and Social Development’s request, accompany that Minister to assist him or her to access the premises or place referred to in subsection (1) and is not liable for doing so.
Marginal note:Dwelling-house
(5) In the case of a dwelling-house, the Minister of Employment and Social Development may enter it without the occupant’s consent only under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (6).
Marginal note:Issuance of warrant
(6) On ex parte application, a justice of the peace may issue a warrant authorizing the Minister of Employment and Social Development to enter a dwelling-house, subject to any conditions specified in the warrant, if the justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath that
(a) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the dwelling-house is a premises or place referred to in subsection (1);
(b) entry into the dwelling-house is necessary to verify compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.3; and
(c) entry was refused by the occupant or there are reasonable grounds to believe that entry will be refused or that consent to entry cannot be obtained from the occupant.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2014-84, ss. 2, 3(E)
Marginal note:Exemption from certain conditions
209.91 The following employers are exempt from the application of sections 209.11 and 209.2:
(a) the government of a foreign state that makes an offer of employment to a foreign national in respect of the performance of duties as an official of that state;
(b) the office of a political subdivision of a foreign state that enjoys privileges and immunities granted under subsection 6(1) of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act;
(c) a foreign diplomatic mission or consular post referred to in Part I of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act or an international organization or accredited mission as defined in subsection 2(1) of that Act; and
(d) the owner or operator of an international bridge or tunnel, as defined in section 2 of the International Bridges and Tunnels Act.
- SOR/2018-26, s. 3
DIVISION 5Collection and Disclosure of Information
Marginal note:Collection of information
209.911 The Minister of Employment and Social Development may collect information related to an employer’s compliance with the conditions set out in section 209.2.
Marginal note:Disclosure of information
209.92 An officer may, for the purposes of determining whether a work permit is to be issued to a foreign national under subsection 200(1), of making a determination under paragraphs 203(1)(a) to (g), if applicable, or of verifying compliance with the conditions set out in sections 209.2 to 209.4, disclose to the Minister of Employment and Social Development and to the competent authorities of the provinces concerned information that relates to an application for a work permit or to an employer’s compliance with the conditions set out in sections 209.2 to 209.4.
- SOR/2013-245, s. 7
- SOR/2014-84, s. 2
- SOR/2022-142, s. 14
DIVISION 6Administrative Monetary Penalties and Other Consequences for Failure To Comply with Conditions Imposed on Employers
Marginal note:Definitions
209.93 The following definitions apply in this Division.
- large business
large business means any business that is not a small business. (grande entreprise)
- small business
small business means any business, including its affiliates, that has fewer than 100 employees or less than $5 million in annual gross revenues at the time a request for an assessment under subsection 203(2) is received, or if no such request is made, at the time a copy of an offer of employment for a work permit application is provided to the Minister under paragraph 209.11(1)(d). (petite entreprise)
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
Marginal note:Purpose of Division
209.94 The purpose of this Division is to encourage compliance with the provisions of the Act and these Regulations and not to punish.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
Marginal note:Violations
209.95 (1) An employer referred to in subsection 209.2(1) or 209.3(1) who fails to comply with one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 — if the failure to do so is not justified under subsection 209.2(3), (3.1) or (4), 209.3(3), (4) or (5), or 209.4(2) — commits a violation and
(a) is liable to an administrative monetary penalty of an amount that is determined in accordance with section 209.98 or if it is determined under that section that there is no penalty, is issued a warning informing the employer that there is no administrative monetary penalty for the violation but that the violation will be considered in the calculation of the total number of points under subparagraph 209.991(1)(a)(i) for any subsequent violation; and
(b) if applicable, is ineligible to employ a foreign national for whom a work permit is required for the period determined in accordance with section 209.99.
Marginal note:Discrepancy
(2) In the event of a discrepancy between the short-form description in column 2 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 and the provision to which it pertains, the provision prevails.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
- SOR/2022-142, s. 15
Rules Applicable to Violations
Marginal note:Separate violation — multiple foreign nationals
209.96 (1) A failure to comply — that is not justified under subsection 209.2(3), (4) or (5), 209.3(3), (4) or (5) or 209.4(2) — with a condition that affects more than one foreign national constitutes a separate violation for each foreign national affected.
Marginal note:Separate violation — occupation, wages or working conditions
(2) A failure to comply — that is not justified under subsection 209.2(3) or 209.3(3) — with any one of the following elements of the condition set out in item 9 of Table 1 of Schedule 2, constitutes a separate violation:
(a) to provide the foreign national with employment in the same occupation as the occupation that is set out in the foreign national’s offer of employment;
(b) to provide the foreign national with wages that are substantially the same as — but not less favourable than — those set out in the foreign national’s offer of employment; and
(c) to provide the foreign national with working conditions that are substantially the same as — but not less favourable than — those set out in the foreign national’s offer of employment.
Marginal note:Separate violation — live-in caregivers
(3) With respect to employers who employ foreign nationals as live-in caregivers, a failure to comply — that is not justified under subsection 209.3(3) — with either one of the following elements of the condition set out in item 10 of Table 1 of Schedule 2, constitutes a separate violation:
(a) to ensure that the foreign national resides in a private household in Canada,
(b) to ensure that the foreign national provides child care, senior home support care or care of a disabled person in that household without supervision.
Marginal note:Separate violation — abuse
(4) A failure to comply — that is not justified under subsection 209.2(3) or 209.3(3) — with the condition set out in item 17 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 with respect to any one of the elements set out in paragraphs 196.2(1)(a) to (e) constitutes a separate violation.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
- SOR/2017-56, s. 5
- SOR/2022-142, s. 16
Marginal note:Provisions
209.97 A failure to comply — that is not justified under subsection 209.2(3), (4) or (5), 209.3(3), (4) or (5) or 209.4(2) — with a condition that is set out in one of the provisions listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 is classified as a violation of Type A, Type B or Type C as set out in column 3 of that Table.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
- SOR/2022-142, s. 17
Administrative Monetary Penalty Amount
Marginal note:Administrative monetary penalty amount
209.98 The administrative monetary penalty for a violation is the amount set out in column 2, 3 or 4 of Table 2 of Schedule 2 opposite the total number of points determined under section 209.991 as set out in column 1, depending on the type of violation and whether it is committed by an individual or small business, or a large business.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
Period of Ineligibility
Marginal note:Period of ineligibility
209.99 (1) The period of ineligibility for a violation is the period set out in column 2, 3 or 4 of Table 3 of Schedule 2 opposite the total number of points determined under section 209.991 as set out in column 1 depending on the type of violation.
Marginal note:Beginning of period
(2) The period referred to in subsection (1) begins on the day on which the determination referred to in subsection 209.996(1) or (2) is made in respect of the employer.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
Total Number of Points
Marginal note:Calculation
209.991 (1) The total number of points in respect of each violation is determined by
(a) considering
(i) the compliance history of the employer who committed the violation set out in column 1 of Table 4 of Schedule 2, and
(ii) the severity criteria set out in column 1 of Table 5 of Schedule 2;
(b) ascribing
(i) for the criterion described in subparagraph (a)(i), the applicable number of points set out in column 2 of Table 4 of Schedule 2,
(ii) for the criteria described in subparagraph (a)(ii), the applicable number of points set out in column 2 of Table 5 of Schedule 2 having regard to the severity or the impact of the violation, as the case may be,
(c) adding the values obtained under paragraph (b); and
(d) if the employer made an acceptable voluntary disclosure in accordance with subsections (2) and (3) and the value obtained under paragraph (c)
(i) is four or more, subtracting four points from the value obtained under that paragraph , or
(ii) is less than four, replacing that value with a value of zero.
Marginal note:Voluntary disclosure — criteria of acceptability
(2) The voluntary disclosure made by an employer with respect to the commission of a violation by the employer is acceptable if
(a) the disclosure is complete; and
(b) at the time the voluntary disclosure is made, the powers set out in sections 209.6 to 209.9 are not being exercised in respect of the employer nor is any enforcement action related to an offence arising out of the contravention of a provision of the Act being undertaken in respect of the employer.
Marginal note:Voluntary disclosure — considerations
(3) Despite subsection (2), an officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development may consider that the voluntary disclosure is not acceptable after considering
(a) the severity of the impact of the violation on the foreign national;
(b) in the case of an employer described in subsection 209.2(1), the severity of the impact of the violation on the Canadian economy, or in the case of an employer described in subsection 209.3(1), the severity of the impact of the violation on the Canadian labour market;
(c) whether the disclosure was made in a timely manner;
(d) the number of times an acceptable voluntary disclosure is made by the employer; and
(e) the nature of the condition with which the employer failed to comply.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
Multiple Violations
Marginal note:Cumulative amounts
209.992 (1) If a notice of preliminary finding under section 209.993 or a notice of final determination under section 209.996 that is issued to an employer lists more than one violation, the administrative monetary penalty amounts are cumulative but the total must not exceed $1 million.
Marginal note:Applicable period of ineligibility
(2) If a notice of preliminary finding or a notice of final determination that is issued to an employer includes more than one period of ineligibility, the longest period of ineligibility applies.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
Notice of Preliminary Finding
Marginal note:Notice — issuance by officer
209.993 (1) If an officer assesses, on the basis of information obtained by any officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development during the exercise of the powers set out in sections 209.6 to 209.8 and any other relevant information, that an employer has committed a violation because that employer failed to comply with one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 and the failure to do so was not justified under subsection 209.2(3), (4) or (5) or 209.4(2), the officer must issue a notice of preliminary finding to the employer.
Marginal note:Notice — issuance by Minister
(2) If the Minister of Employment and Social Development assesses, on the basis of information obtained during the exercise of the powers set out in sections 209.6, 209.7 and 209.9 and any other relevant information, that an employer has committed a violation because that employer failed to comply with one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 and the failure to do so was not justified under subsection 209.3(3), (4) or (5) or 209.4(2), that Minister must issue a notice of preliminary finding to the employer.
Marginal note:Content of notice
(3) The notice of preliminary finding must include the following information:
(a) the name of the employer referred to in subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be;
(b) the condition with which the employer failed to comply as well as the provision listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2, the relevant facts surrounding the violation and the reasons for the preliminary finding;
(c) if applicable, the administrative monetary penalty amount and the period of ineligibility for the violation as well as the statement that the violation will be considered in the calculation of the total number of points under subparagraph 209.991(1)(a)(i) for any subsequent violation;
(d) if applicable, the statement that a warning may be issued to the employer informing them that there is no administrative monetary penalty for the violation but that the violation will be considered in the calculation of the total number of points under subparagraph 209.991(1)(a)(i) for any subsequent violation; and
(e) the statement that the employer may make written submissions within the period set out in section 209.994 with respect to the information referred to in paragraphs (b) to (d).
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
- SOR/2022-142, s. 18
Marginal note:Submissions by employer — period
209.994 (1) An employer to whom a notice of preliminary finding under section 209.993 or a corrected notice of preliminary finding under section 209.995 is issued may, within 30 days after the day on which it is received,
(a) make written submissions with respect to the information referred to in paragraphs 209.993(3)(b) to (d); or
(b) request an extension of that period.
Marginal note:Reduced period
(1.1) Despite subsection (1), if the notice of preliminary finding or the corrected notice of preliminary finding is solely in respect of a failure to comply with any one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in items 18 to 23 of Table 1 of Schedule 2, the employer may make a written submission or request referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) within five days after the day on which the notice or corrected notice is received.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt
(2) Despite section 9.3(2) of these Regulations and section 3 of the Electronic Documents and Electronic Information Regulations, a notice of preliminary finding or a corrected or cancelled notice of preliminary finding is deemed to have been received 10 days after the day on which it is sent.
Marginal note:Reduced period
(2.1) Despite subsection (2), if the notice of preliminary finding or the corrected notice of preliminary finding is solely in respect of a failure to comply with any one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in items 18 to 23 of Table 1 of Schedule 2, the notice or corrected notice is deemed to have been received five days after the day on which it is sent.
Marginal note:Submissions by employer — extension of period
(3) An officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development may extend the period referred to in subsection (1) if there is a reasonable explanation justifying its extension.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
- SOR/2019-174, s. 10
- SOR/2020-91, s. 9
Marginal note:Correction or cancellation of notice
209.995 An officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development may correct any information in a notice of preliminary finding that is issued under subsection 209.993(1) or (2), or cancel one, at any time before a notice of final determination is issued under section 209.996.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
Notice of Final Determination
Marginal note:Notice — issuance by officer
209.996 (1) Subject to subsection (3), if an officer determines, on the basis of information obtained by any officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development during the exercise of the powers set out in sections 209.6 to 209.8 and any other relevant information, that an employer has committed a violation because that employer failed to comply with one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 and the failure to do so was not justified under subsection 209.2(3), (4) or (5) or 209.4(2), the officer must issue a notice of final determination to the employer.
Marginal note:Notice — issuance by Minister
(2) Subject to subsection (3), if the Minister of Employment and Social Development determines, on the basis of information obtained during the exercise of the powers set out in sections 209.6, 209.7 and 209.9 and any other relevant information, that an employer has committed a violation because that employer failed to comply with one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 and the failure to do so was not justified under subsection 209.3(3), (4) or (5) or 209.4(2), that Minister must issue a notice of final determination to the employer.
Marginal note:Period
(3) An officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development must not make a determination before the expiry of the period set out in subsection 209.994(1) or the period extended under subsection 209.994(3) as the case may be.
Marginal note:Content of notice
(4) The notice of final determination must include the following information:
(a) the name of the employer referred to in subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be;
(b) the condition with which the employer failed to comply as well as the provision listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2, the relevant facts surrounding the violation and the reasons for the determination;
(c) if applicable, the administrative monetary penalty amount and the period of ineligibility for the violation as well as the statement indicating that the violation will be considered in the calculation of the total number of points under subparagraph 209.991(1)(a)(i) for any subsequent violation;
(d) if applicable, a warning informing the employer that there is no administrative monetary penalty for the violation but that the violation will be considered in the calculation of the total number of points under subparagraph 209.991(1)(a)(i) for any subsequent violation;
(e) if applicable, a statement that the administrative monetary penalty amount must be paid within 30 days after the day on which the notice of final determination is received by the employer, unless a payment agreement for the payment of amount and interest has been reached within that period; and
(f) how the administrative monetary penalty is to be paid.
Marginal note:Maximum amount within 12 months
(5) If the sum of the administrative monetary penalty amount described in paragraph (4)(c) and all previous administrative monetary penalty amounts provided for in notices of final determination issued to the employer in question within 12 months before the day on which the determination is made exceeds $1 million, then the amount of the penalty must be reduced by that excess.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt
(6) Despite section 9.3(2) of these Regulations and section 3 of the Electronic Documents and Electronic Information Regulations, a notice of final determination is deemed to have been received 10 days after the day on which it is sent.
Marginal note:Reduced period
(7) Despite subsection (6), if the notice of final determination is solely in respect of a failure to comply with any one of the conditions set out in the provisions listed in items 18 to 23 of Table 1 of Schedule 2, the notice is deemed to have been received five days after the day on which it is sent.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
- SOR/2019-174, s. 11
- SOR/2020-91, s. 10
- SOR/2022-142, s. 19
List of Employers
Marginal note:Publication of employer’s information
209.997 (1) If an officer or the Minister of Employment and Social Development makes a determination under subsection 209.996(1) or (2) in respect of an employer, the Department or that Minister, as the case may be, must add the information referred to in subsection (2) to the list referred to in that subsection, except if the officer or that Minister issues a warning to the employer in accordance with paragraph 209.996(4)(d).
Marginal note:Content of list
(2) A list is posted on one or more Government of Canada websites and includes the following information:
(a) the employer’s name;
(b) the employer’s address;
(c) the conditions set out in the provisions listed in column 1 of Table 1 of Schedule 2 with which the employer failed to comply;
(d) the day on which the determination was made;
(e) the eligibility status of the employer;
(f) if applicable,
(i) the administrative monetary penalty amount, and
(ii) the ineligibility period of the employer.
- SOR/2015-144, s. 8
- SOR/2022-142, s. 20
PART 12Students
DIVISION 1General Rules
Marginal note:Class
210 The student class is prescribed as a class of persons who may become temporary residents.
Marginal note:Student
211 A foreign national is a student and a member of the student class if the foreign national has been authorized to enter and remain in Canada as a student.
Marginal note:Definition of designated learning institution
211.1 In this Part, designated learning institution means
(a) the following learning institutions:
(i) a learning institution that is administered by a federal department or agency,
(ii) if a province has entered into an agreement or arrangement with the Minister in respect of post-secondary learning institutions in Canada that host international students, a post-secondary learning institution located in the province that is designated by the province for the purposes of these Regulations on the basis that the institution meets provincial requirements in respect of the delivery of education,
(iii) if a province has entered into an agreement or arrangement with the Minister in respect of primary or secondary learning institutions in Canada that host international students, a primary or secondary learning institution located in the province that is designated by the province for the purposes of these Regulations on the basis that the institution meets provincial requirements in respect of the delivery of education, and
(iv) if a province has not entered into an agreement or arrangement with the Minister in respect of primary or secondary learning institutions in Canada that host international students, any primary or secondary level learning institution in the province; and
(b) in the case of Quebec, the following additional learning institutions:
(i) any educational institution within the meaning of section 36 of the Education Act of Quebec, R.S.Q. c. I-13.3,
(ii) any college established in accordance with section 2 of the General and Vocational Colleges Act of Quebec, R.S.Q. c. 29,
(iii) any private educational institution for which a permit is issued under section 10 of the Act respecting private education of Quebec, R.S.Q. c. E-9.1,
(iv) any educational institution operated under an Act of Quebec by a government department or a body that is a mandatary of the province,
(v) the Conservatoire de musique et d’art dramatique du Québec established by the Act respecting the Conservatoire de musique et d’art dramatique du Québec of Quebec, R.S.Q. c. C-62.1, and
(vi) any educational institution at the university level referred to in section 1 of the Act respecting educational institutions at the university level, R.S.Q. c. E-14.1.
- SOR/2014-14, s. 8
Marginal note:List of provinces
211.2 The Minister shall publish a list of those provinces with which the Minister has entered into an agreement or arrangement in respect of learning institutions that host international students.
- SOR/2014-14, s. 8
Marginal note:Authorization
212 A foreign national may not study in Canada unless authorized to do so by the Act, a study permit or these Regulations.
- SOR/2014-14, s. 9
DIVISION 2Application for Study Permit
Marginal note:Application before entry
213 Subject to sections 214 and 215, in order to study in Canada, a foreign national shall apply for a study permit before entering Canada.
Marginal note:Application on entry
214 A foreign national may apply for a study permit when entering Canada if they are
(a) a national or a permanent resident of the United States;
(b) a person who has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence;
(c) a resident of Greenland; or
(d) a resident of St. Pierre and Miquelon.
(e) [Repealed, SOR/2014-14, s. 10]
- SOR/2014-14, s. 10
- SOR/2019-212, s. 11(F)
Marginal note:Application after entry
215 (1) A foreign national may apply for a study permit after entering Canada if they
(a) hold a study permit;
(b) apply within the period beginning 90 days before the expiry of their authorization to engage in studies in Canada under subsection 30(2) of the Act, or paragraph 188(1)(a) of these Regulations, and ending 90 days after that expiry;
(c) hold a work permit;
(d) are subject to an unenforceable removal order;
(e) hold a temporary resident permit issued under subsection 24(1) of the Act that is valid for at least six months;
(f) are a temporary resident who
(i) is studying at the preschool, primary or secondary level,
(ii) is a visiting or exchange student who is studying at a designated learning institution, or
(iii) has completed a course or program of study that is a prerequisite to their enrolling at a designated learning institution; or
(g) are in a situation described in section 207.
Marginal note:Family members
(2) A family member of a foreign national may apply for a study permit after entering Canada if the foreign national resides in Canada and the foreign national
(a) holds a study permit;
(b) holds a work permit;
(c) holds a temporary resident permit issued under subsection 24(1) of the Act that is valid for at least six months;
(d) is subject to an unenforceable removal order;
(e) is a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state described in paragraph 186(d);
(f) is an officer of a foreign government described in paragraph 186(e);
(g) is a participant in sports activities or events, as described in paragraph 186(h);
(h) is an employee of a foreign news company as described in paragraph 186(i); or
(i) is a person who is responsible for assisting a congregation or group, as described in paragraph 186(l).
- SOR/2014-14, s. 11
Marginal note:Requirement — post-secondary institution
215.1 An application for a study permit that names a designated learning institution that is a post-secondary institution must be returned to the applicant without being processed, along with all documents submitted in support of the application and the fee for processing it, if that designated learning institution does not provide the confirmation referred to in paragraph 222.1(1)(a) to the Minister in accordance with that paragraph, subject to any extension granted under subsection 222.1(2).
DIVISION 3Issuance of Study Permits
Marginal note:Study permits
216 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), an officer shall issue a study permit to a foreign national if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national
(a) applied for it in accordance with this Part;
(b) will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay under Division 2 of Part 9;
(c) meets the requirements of this Part;
(d) meets the requirements of subsections 30(2) and (3), if they must submit to a medical examination under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act; and
(e) has been accepted to undertake a course or program of study at a designated learning institution and, in the case of a designated learning institution that is a post-secondary institution, that designated learning institution has provided the confirmation referred to in paragraph 222.1(1)(a) to the Minister in accordance with that paragraph, subject to any extension granted under subsection 222.1(2).
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Paragraph (1)(b) does not apply to persons described in section 206 and paragraphs 207(c) and (d).
Marginal note:Study in Quebec
(3) An officer shall not issue a study permit to a foreign national who intends to study in the Province of Quebec — other than under a federal assistance program for developing countries — and does not hold a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec, if the laws of that Province require that the foreign national hold a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 59
- SOR/2012-154, s. 11
- SOR/2014-14, s. 12
- SOR/2024-219, s. 4
Marginal note:Application for renewal
217 (1) A foreign national may apply for the renewal of their study permit if
(a) the application is made before the expiry of their study permit; and
(b) they have complied with all conditions imposed on their entry into Canada.
(c) [Repealed, SOR/2014-14, s. 13]
Marginal note:Renewal
(2) An officer shall renew the foreign national’s study permit if, following an examination, it is established that the foreign national continues to meet the requirements of section 216.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 60
- SOR/2014-14, s. 13
Marginal note:Change of designated learning institution
217.1 If the holder of a study permit in Canada whose permit names a designated learning institution is accepted to undertake a course or program of study at a different designated learning institution and intends to attend that new institution, they must submit an application for a new study permit that names the new designated learning institution.
Marginal note:Temporary resident status
218 A foreign national referred to in paragraph 215(1)(d) and their family members do not, by reason only of being issued a study permit, become temporary residents.
DIVISION 4Restrictions on Studying in Canada
Marginal note:Confirmation of acceptance
219 (1) A study permit must not be issued to a foreign national unless
(a) in the case of an application for a study permit that names a designated learning institution that is a post-secondary institution, that designated learning institution has provided confirmation to the Minister in accordance with paragraph 222.1(1)(a), subject to any extension granted under subsection 222.1(2), that the designated learning institution has accepted the foreign national to the course or program of study that is indicated in the application for the study permit; and
(b) in any other case, the foreign national has provided written documentation from the designated learning institution where they intend to study that states that they have been accepted to study there.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a foreign national who applies for a study permit before entering Canada if they are an accompanying family member of a foreign national whose application for a work permit or a study permit is approved in writing before their entry into Canada.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 61
- SOR/2014-14, s. 14
- SOR/2024-219, s. 6
Marginal note:Financial resources
220 An officer shall not issue a study permit to a foreign national, other than one described in paragraph 215(1)(d) or (e), unless they have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to
(a) pay the tuition fees for the course or program of studies that they intend to pursue;
(b) maintain themself and any family members who are accompanying them during their proposed period of study; and
(c) pay the costs of transporting themself and the family members referred to in paragraph (b) to and from Canada.
Marginal note:Conditions — study permit holder
220.1 (1) The holder of a study permit in Canada is subject to the following conditions:
(a) they shall enroll at the designated learning institution that is named in their permit and remain enrolled there until they complete their studies; and
(b) they shall actively pursue their course or program of study.
Marginal note:Loss of designation
(2) In the event that the learning institution at which the holder of a study permit is enrolled loses its designated status after the issuance of the permit by virtue of any of the following events, subsection (1) shall apply to that holder for the duration of their permit as if the learning institution at which they are enrolled continues to be a designated learning institution:
(a) termination of an agreement or arrangement between the province and the Minister in respect of learning institutions that host international students under which the learning institution had been designated;
(b) the coming into force of an agreement or arrangement between the province and the Minister in respect of learning institutions that host international students under which the learning institution no longer qualifies for designation; or
(c) revocation of the designation by the province.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to
(a) a person described in any of paragraphs 300(2)(a) to (i); or
(b) a family member of a foreign national who resides in Canada and is described in any of paragraphs 215(2)(a) to (i).
Marginal note:Evidence of compliance with conditions
(4) The holder of a study permit must provide evidence to an officer of their compliance with the conditions set out in subsection (1) if
(a) the officer requests the evidence because the officer has reason to believe that the permit holder is not complying or has not complied with one or more of the conditions; or
(b) the officer requests the evidence as part of a random assessment of the overall level of compliance with those conditions by permit holders who are or were subject to them.
- SOR/2014-14, s. 15
- SOR/2024-219, s. 7
Marginal note:Failure to comply with conditions
221 Despite Division 2, a study permit shall not be issued to a foreign national who has engaged in unauthorized work or study in Canada or who has failed to comply with a condition of a permit unless
(a) a period of six months has elapsed since the cessation of the unauthorized work or study or failure to comply with a condition;
(b) the work or study was unauthorized by reason only that the foreign national did not comply with conditions imposed under paragraph 185(a), any of subparagraphs 185(b)(i) to (iii) or paragraph 185(c); or
(c) the foreign national was subsequently issued a temporary resident permit under subsection 24(1) of the Act.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 62
DIVISION 5Validity and Expiry of Study Permits
Marginal note:Invalidity
222 (1) A study permit becomes invalid upon the first to occur of the following days:
(a) the day that is 90 days after the day on which the permit holder completes their studies,
(a.1) the day on which the permit holder is no longer enrolled at the designated learning institution that is named in the permit, other than as a result of completing their studies;
(b) the day on which the study permit is cancelled under section 222.7, 222.8 or 243.2; or
(c) the day on which the permit expires.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to
(a) a person described in any of paragraphs 300(2)(a) to (i); or
(b) a family member of a foreign national who resides in Canada and is described in any of paragraphs 215(2)(a) to (i).
- SOR/2014-14, s. 16
- SOR/2024-11, s. 3
- SOR/2024-219, s. 8
- SOR/2025-11, s. 6
DIVISION 6Conditions Imposed on Post-Secondary Designated Learning Institutions
Marginal note:Conditions
222.1 (1) A designated learning institution that is a post-secondary institution must comply with the following conditions:
(a) it must, using the electronic means that are made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose, within 10 days after the day on which it is requested to do so by the Minister, confirm whether the designated learning institution has accepted a foreign national to the course or program of study that is indicated in their application for a study permit;
(b) it must, using the electronic means that are made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose, within 60 days after the day on which it is requested to do so by the Minister, provide a compliance report that sets out the enrolment status of each foreign national who has been accepted to the designated learning institution;
(c) it must, using the electronic means that are made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose, within 10 days after the day on which it is requested to do so by the Minister, provide any additions or corrections to the information in the compliance report; and
(d) it must, using the electronic means that are made available or specified by the Minister for that purpose, within 10 days after the day on which it is requested to do so by the Minister, provide any further information that the Minister requires in relation to study permits or applications for study permits that name the designated learning institution, or otherwise in relation to the administration of this Part.
Marginal note:Extension of time
(2) The Minister may, on request from a designated learning institution or on their own initiative, extend the time within which a confirmation, a report or information must be provided under this section if
(a) in the case of a confirmation required under paragraph (1)(a), the Minister determines that the designated learning institution’s provision of that confirmation has been prevented or impeded by
(i) a prolonged failure of power, communications or other infrastructure systems,
(ii) a natural disaster,
(iii) a public health emergency, or
(iv) a labour dispute; or
(b) in the case of a report required under paragraph (1)(b) or information required under paragraph (1)(c) or (d), the Minister determines that the designated learning institution’s provision of the report or information has been prevented or impeded by exceptional circumstances.
Marginal note:Verification of compliance with conditions
222.2 (1) An officer may verify a designated learning institution’s compliance with the conditions set out in subsection 222.1(1) in the following circumstances:
(a) the officer has a reason to suspect that the designated learning institution is not complying or has not complied with those conditions, including by providing inaccurate information;
(b) the officer has a reason to suspect that a letter of acceptance that purports to be from the designated learning institution was improperly issued;
(c) the designated learning institution is chosen as part of a random verification of compliance with the conditions; or
(d) the designated learning institution has not complied with those conditions in the past.
Marginal note:Documents and questions
(2) The officer may, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the conditions, require the designated learning institution to
(a) provide any relevant documents; and
(b) make a representative available to respond to questions at a time and by a means specified by the officer.
Marginal note:Justification
(3) A failure to comply with a condition is justified if the designated learning institution made all reasonable efforts to comply with it or if the failure results from anything done or omitted to be done by the designated learning institution in good faith.
Marginal note:Notice of preliminary finding
222.3 (1) An officer who determines that a designated learning institution has failed to comply with a condition set out in subsection 222.1(1) must, unless they are satisfied that the failure is justified, issue to the designated learning institution a notice of preliminary finding that sets out
(a) the name of the designated learning institution;
(b) the condition with which the designated learning institution failed to comply;
(c) the details of the designated learning institution’s failure to comply with the condition;
(d) the period for which the officer recommends that the designated learning institution be placed on the suspension list referred to in subsection 222.6(1);
(e) the reasons for the determination and for the recommended period of placement on the suspension list; and
(f) an indication that the designated learning institution may make written submissions with respect to the information referred to in paragraphs (b) to (e) or any justification under subsection 222.2(3) within 30 days after the day on which it receives the notice.
Marginal note:Receipt of notice
(2) Despite subsection 9.3(2), the notice of preliminary finding is deemed to have been received 10 days after the day on which it is sent.
Marginal note:Correction or cancellation of notice
(3) The officer may, at any time before the notice of final determination is issued, cancel a notice of preliminary finding or issue a corrected notice of preliminary finding.
Marginal note:Written submissions
222.4 (1) A designated learning institution to which is issued a notice of preliminary finding under subsection 222.3(1) or a corrected notice of preliminary finding under subsection 222.3(3) may, within 30 days after the day on which it receives the notice, make written submissions with respect to the information referred to in paragraphs 222.3(1)(b) to (e) or any justification under subsection 222.2(3) and include with those submissions any relevant document.
Marginal note:Extension of time
(2) The Minister may, on the request of a designated learning institution, grant a single extension of not more than 30 days for the designated learning institution to make written submissions under subsection (1) if the Minister determines that exceptional circumstances have prevented or impeded the designated learning institution from making those submissions.
Marginal note:Notice of final determination
222.5 (1) If, after the time for making written submissions has elapsed, the Minister determines that a designated learning institution has failed to comply with a condition set out in subsection 222.1(1) and that the failure is not justified, they must issue to the designated learning institution a notice of final determination that sets out
(a) the name of the designated learning institution;
(b) the condition with which the designated learning institution failed to comply;
(c) either
(i) the period for which the designated learning institution is to be placed on the suspension list referred to in subsection 222.6(1), or
(ii) a warning advising the designated learning institution that it is not to be placed on the suspension list but that the determination of non-compliance may be considered in determining whether, in the event of any subsequent failure to comply with a condition set out in subsection 222.1(1), the designated learning institution is to be placed on the list; and
(d) the reasons for the determination and, if applicable, for the designated learning institution’s placement on the suspension list.
Marginal note:Considerations — suspension
(2) In determining whether the designated learning institution is to be placed on the suspension list referred to in subsection 222.6(1) and, if applicable, the period for which it is to be placed on that list, the Minister must consider
(a) the frequency with which the designated learning institution has failed to comply with the conditions set out in subsection 222.1(1), including any such failures for which a warning was issued;
(b) the seriousness of the designated learning institution’s failure to comply with the conditions;
(c) the designated learning institution’s efforts to comply with the conditions;
(d) the designated learning institution’s cooperation during the verification referred to in subsection 222.2(2); and
(e) any written submissions made by the designated learning institution under subsection 222.4(1).
Marginal note:Maximum period of suspension
(3) The maximum period for which a designated learning institution may remain on the suspension list is 12 consecutive months.
Marginal note:Suspension list
222.6 (1) The Minister must publish and maintain a suspension list that is accessible to the public and that sets out, for each designated learning institution that received a notice of final determination indicating that it was to be placed on the list,
(a) the designated learning institution’s name, mailing address and website;
(b) the conditions set out in subsection 222.1(1) with which the designated learning institution failed to comply;
(c) the date on which the designated learning institution was placed on the list; and
(d) the period for which the designated learning institution is to remain on the list.
Marginal note:Application not to be processed
(2) An application for a study permit that names a designated learning institution and that is received during a period in which that designated learning institution is on the suspension list must be returned to the applicant without being processed, along with all documents submitted in support of the application and the fee for processing it.
Marginal note:Clarification
(3) For greater certainty, subsection (2) does not apply to an application for the renewal of a study permit to allow the applicant to complete their course or program of study.
DIVISION 7Cancellation — Study Permits
Marginal note:Cancellation due to error
222.7 An officer may cancel a study permit that was issued to a foreign national if the officer is satisfied that the study permit was issued based on an administrative error.
Marginal note:Cancellation
222.8 A study permit that was issued to a foreign national is cancelled if
(a) the foreign national becomes a permanent resident; or
(b) the foreign national is deceased.
PART 13Removal
DIVISION 1Removal Orders
Marginal note:Types of removal order
223 There are three types of removal orders, namely, departure orders, exclusion orders and deportation orders.
Marginal note:Departure order
224 (1) For the purposes of subsection 52(1) of the Act, an enforced departure order is a circumstance in which the foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain an authorization in order to return to Canada.
Marginal note:Requirement
(2) A foreign national who is issued a departure order must meet the requirements set out in paragraphs 240(1)(a) to (c) within 30 days after the order becomes enforceable, failing which the departure order becomes a deportation order.
Marginal note:Exception — stay of removal and detention
(3) If the foreign national is detained within the 30-day period or the removal order against them is stayed, the 30-day period is suspended until the foreign national’s release or the removal order becomes enforceable.
- SOR/2011-126, s. 5
Marginal note:Exclusion order
225 (1) For the purposes of subsection 52(1) of the Act, and subject to subsections (3) and (4), an exclusion order obliges the foreign national to obtain a written authorization in order to return to Canada during the one-year period after the exclusion order was enforced.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) For the purposes of subsection 52(1) of the Act, the expiry of a one-year period following the enforcement of an exclusion order, or a five-year period if subsection (3) applies, is a circumstance in which the foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain an authorization in order to return to Canada.
Marginal note:Misrepresentation
(3) A foreign national who is issued an exclusion order as a result of the application of paragraph 40(2)(a) of the Act must obtain a written authorization in order to return to Canada within the five-year period after the exclusion order was enforced.
Marginal note:Application of par. 42(1)(b) of the Act
(4) For the purposes of subsection 52(1) of the Act, the making of an exclusion order against a foreign national on the basis of inadmissibility under paragraph 42(1)(b) of the Act is a circumstance in which the foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain an authorization in order to return to Canada.
- SOR/2011-126, s. 6
- SOR/2014-269, ss. 4, 7
Marginal note:Deportation order
226 (1) For the purposes of subsection 52(1) of the Act, and subject to subsection (2), a deportation order obliges the foreign national to obtain a written authorization in order to return to Canada at any time after the deportation order was enforced.
Marginal note:Application of par. 42(1)(b) of the Act
(2) For the purposes of subsection 52(1) of the Act, the making of a deportation order against a foreign national on the basis of inadmissibility under paragraph 42(1)(b) of the Act is a circumstance in which the foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain an authorization in order to return to Canada.
Marginal note:Removal order — certificate
(3) For the purposes of subsection 52(1) of the Act, a removal order referred to in section 80 of the Act obliges the foreign national to obtain a written authorization in order to return to Canada at any time after the removal order was enforced.
- SOR/2011-126, s. 7
- SOR/2014-269, s. 7
- SOR/2016-136, s. 5
Marginal note:Report — family members
227 (1) For the purposes of section 42 of the Act, a report prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Act against a foreign national is also a report against the foreign national’s family members in Canada.
Marginal note:Removal — family members
(2) A removal order made by the Immigration Division against a foreign national is also a removal order against their family members in Canada to whom subsection (1) applies if
(a) an officer informed the family members of the report, that they are the subject of an admissibility hearing and of their right to make submissions and be represented, at their own expense, at the admissibility hearing; and
(b) the family members are subject to a decision of the Immigration Division that they are inadmissible under section 42 of the Act on grounds of the inadmissibility of the foreign national.
- SOR/2016-136, s. 6(E)
DIVISION 2Specified Removal Order
Marginal note:Subsection 44(2) of the Act — foreign nationals
228 (1) For the purposes of subsection 44(2) of the Act, and subject to subsections (3) and (4), if a report in respect of a foreign national does not include any grounds of inadmissibility other than those set out in the following circumstances, the report shall not be referred to the Immigration Division and any removal order made shall be
(a) if the foreign national is inadmissible under paragraph 36(1)(a) or (2)(a) of the Act on grounds of serious criminality or criminality, a deportation order;
(a.01) if the foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of transborder criminality under subsection 36(2.1) of the Act for having committed one of the following offences on their entry into Canada, a deportation order:
(i) an offence under section 86, 87, 90, 91, 95 or 104 or subsection 320.15(1) of the Criminal Code,
(ii) an offence under paragraph 124(1)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,
(iii) an offence under section 110 of the Firearms Act,
(iv) an offence under subsection 159(1) of the Customs Act with respect to goods referred to in subparagraph 19(1)(d)(ii) of these Regulations,
(v) an offence under subsection 160(1) of the Customs Act that is one of the following contraventions:
(A) a contravention of section 12 of that Act, with respect to goods referred to in clause 19(1)(e)(i)(B) of these Regulations, or
(B) a contravention of section 156 of that Act;
(a.1) if the foreign national is inadmissible under paragraph 40(1)(a) of the Act on grounds of misrepresentation relating to their exemption from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa when applying for an electronic travel authorization, an exclusion order;
(b) if the foreign national is inadmissible under paragraph 40(1)(c) of the Act on grounds of misrepresentation, a deportation order;
(b.1) if the foreign national is inadmissible under subsection 40.1(1) of the Act on grounds of the cessation of refugee protection, a departure order;
(c) if the foreign national is inadmissible under section 41 of the Act on grounds of
(i) failing to appear for further examination or an admissibility hearing under Part 1 of the Act, an exclusion order,
(ii) failing to obtain the authorization of an officer required by subsection 52(1) of the Act, a deportation order,
(iii) failing to establish that they hold the visa or other document as required under section 20 of the Act, an exclusion order,
(iv) failing to leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay as required by subsection 29(2) of the Act, an exclusion order,
(v) failing to comply with subsection 29(2) of the Act as a result of non-compliance with any condition set out in paragraph 183(1)(d), section 184 or subsection 220.1(1), an exclusion order,
(vi) failing to comply with the requirement under subsection 20(1.1) of the Act to not seek to enter or remain in Canada as a temporary resident while being the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act, an exclusion order,
(vii) failing to comply with the condition set out in paragraph 43(1)(e), an exclusion order,
(viii) failing to submit to a medical examination as required by paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act, an exclusion order, or
(ix) failing to appear for examination as required by subsection 18(1) of the Act when seeking to enter Canada at a port of entry, an exclusion order;
(d) subject to paragraph (e), if the foreign national is inadmissible under section 42 of the Act on grounds of an inadmissible family member, the same removal order as was made in respect of the inadmissible family member;
(e) if the foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of an inadmissible family member in accordance with paragraph 42(2)(a) of the Act, a deportation order; and
(f) if the foreign national is inadmissible under subsection 35.1(1) of the Act on grounds of sanctions, a deportation order.
Marginal note:Direct back
(1.1) For the purposes of subsection 44(2) of the Act, and subject to subsection (4), if a foreign national is the subject of a report and the following circumstances apply, the report shall not be referred to the Immigration Division and the removal order made shall be an exclusion order:
(a) an officer directed the foreign national to return temporarily to the United States under section 41; and
(b) the foreign national is inadmissible under paragraph 41(a) of the Act for failing to establish that they will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay.
Marginal note:Subsection 44(2) of the Act — permanent residents
(2) For the purposes of subsection 44(2) of the Act, if a removal order is made against a permanent resident who fails to comply with the residency obligation under section 28 of the Act, the order shall be a departure order.
Marginal note:Eligible claim for refugee protection
(3) If a claim for refugee protection is made and the claim has been determined to be eligible to be referred to the Refugee Protection Division or no determination has been made, a departure order is the applicable removal order in the circumstances set out in paragraph (1)(a.1) or any of subparagraphs (1)(c)(i), (iii) to (v), (viii) and (ix).
Marginal note:Reports in respect of certain foreign nationals
(4) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (1.1), a report in respect of a foreign national does not include a report in respect of a foreign national who
(a) is under 18 years of age and not accompanied by a parent or an adult legally responsible for them; or
(b) is unable, in the opinion of the Minister, to appreciate the nature of the proceedings and is not accompanied by a parent or an adult legally responsible for them.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 63
- SOR/2013-210, s. 4
- SOR/2014-14, s. 17
- SOR/2014-237, s. 1
- SOR/2014-269, s. 5
- SOR/2019-200, s. 1
- SOR/2020-55, s. 5
- SOR/2020-91, s. 11
- 2023, c. 19, s. 19
- SOR/2024-86, s. 1
- SOR/2024-128, s. 2
Marginal note:Paragraph 45(d) of the Act — applicable removal order
229 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 45(d) of the Act, the applicable removal order to be made by the Immigration Division against a person is
(a) a deportation order, if they are inadmissible under subsection 34(1) of the Act on security grounds;
(b) a deportation order, if they are inadmissible under subsection 35(1) of the Act on grounds of violating human or international rights;
(c) a deportation order, in the case of a permanent resident inadmissible under subsection 36(1) of the Act on grounds of serious criminality or a foreign national inadmissible under paragraph 36(1)(b) or (c) of the Act on grounds of serious criminality;
(d) a deportation order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 36(2)(b) or (c) of the Act on grounds of criminality;
(d.1) a deportation order, if they are inadmissible under subsection 36(2.1) of the Act on grounds of transborder criminality for having committed, on their entry into Canada, an offence other than one referred to in any of subparagraphs 228(1)(a.01)(i) to (v);
(e) a deportation order, if they are inadmissible under subsection 37(1) of the Act on grounds of organized criminality;
(f) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under subsection 38(1) of the Act on health grounds, unless subsection (2) or (3) applies;
(g) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under section 39 of the Act for financial reasons, unless subsection (2) or (3) applies;
(h) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 40(1)(a) or (b) of the Act for misrepresentation, unless subsection (3) applies;
(i) a deportation order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 40(1)(d) of the Act for misrepresentation;
(j) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 41(a) of the Act for failing to comply with the requirement to appear for examination, unless subsection (2) or (3) applies;
(k) a departure order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 41(b) of the Act;
(l) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 41(a) of the Act for failing to establish that they have come to Canada in order to establish permanent residence, unless subsection (3) applies;
(m) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 41(a) of the Act for failing to establish that they will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay, unless subsection (2) applies; and
(n) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 41(a) of the Act for any other failure to comply with the Act, unless subsection (2) or (3) applies.
Marginal note:Eligible claim for refugee protection
(2) If a claim for refugee protection is made and the claim has been determined to be eligible to be referred to the Refugee Protection Division or no determination has been made, a departure order is the applicable removal order in the circumstances set out in paragraph (1)(f), (g), (j), (m) or (n).
Marginal note:Exception
(3) The applicable removal order in the circumstances set out in paragraph (1)(f), (g), (h), (j), (l) or (n) is a deportation order if the person
(a) was previously subject to a removal order and they are inadmissible on the same grounds as in that order;
(b) has failed to comply with any condition or obligation imposed under the Act or the Immigration Act, chapter I-2 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, unless the failure is the basis for the removal order; or
(c) has been convicted in Canada of an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by way of indictment or of two offences under any Act of Parliament not arising out of a single occurrence, unless the conviction or convictions are the grounds for the removal order.
Marginal note:Punishable by way of indictment
(3.1) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(c), an offence that may be prosecuted either summarily or by way of indictment is deemed to be an offence punishable by way of indictment, even if it has been prosecuted summarily.
Marginal note:Section 228 circumstances
(4) If the Immigration Division makes a removal order against a foreign national with respect to any grounds of inadmissibility that are circumstances set out in section 228, the Immigration Division shall make
(a) the removal order that would have been applicable under subsection 228(1) or (3) if the report had not been referred to the Immigration Division under subsection 44(2) of the Act; or
(b) in the case of a foreign national described in paragraph 228(4)(a) or (b), the removal order that would have been applicable under subsection 228(1) or (3) if the foreign national had not been described in that paragraph.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 64
- SOR/2016-136, s. 7
- SOR/2019-200, s. 2
- 2023, c. 19, s. 20
- 2023, c. 32, s. 68
- SOR/2024-128, s. 3
DIVISION 3Stay of Removal Orders
Marginal note:Considerations
230 (1) The Minister may impose a stay on removal orders with respect to a country or a place if the circumstances in that country or place pose a generalized risk to the entire civilian population as a result of
(a) an armed conflict within the country or place;
(b) an environmental disaster resulting in a substantial temporary disruption of living conditions; or
(c) any situation that is temporary and generalized.
Marginal note:Cancellation
(2) The Minister may cancel the stay if the circumstances referred to in subsection (1) no longer pose a generalized risk to the entire civilian population.
Marginal note:Exceptions
(3) The stay does not apply to a person who
(a) is inadmissible under subsection 34(1) of the Act on security grounds;
(b) is inadmissible under subsection 35(1) of the Act on grounds of violating human or international rights;
(b.1) is inadmissible under subsection 35.1(1) of the Act on grounds of sanctions;
(c) is inadmissible under subsection 36(1) of the Act on grounds of serious criminality, under subsection 36(2) of the Act on grounds of criminality or under subsection 36(2.1) of the Act on grounds of transborder criminality;
(d) is inadmissible under subsection 37(1) of the Act on grounds of organized criminality;
(e) is a person referred to in section F of Article 1 of the Refugee Convention; or
(f) informs the Minister in writing that they consent to their removal to a country or place to which a stay of removal applies.
- SOR/2016-136, s. 8(F)
- 2023, c. 19, s. 21
- 2023, c. 32, s. 69
Marginal note:Stay of removal — judicial review
231 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4), a removal order is stayed if the subject of the order makes an application for leave for judicial review in accordance with section 72 of the Act with respect to a decision of the Refugee Appeal Division that rejects, or confirms the rejection of, a claim for refugee protection, and the stay is effective until the earliest of the following:
(a) the application for leave is refused,
(b) the application for leave is granted, the application for judicial review is refused and no question is certified for the Federal Court of Appeal,
(c) if a question is certified by the Federal Court,
(i) the appeal is not filed within the time limit, or
(ii) the Federal Court of Appeal decides to dismiss the appeal, and the time limit in which an application to the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal from that decision expires without an application being made,
(d) if an application for leave to appeal is made to the Supreme Court of Canada from a decision of the Federal Court of Appeal referred to in paragraph (c), the application is refused, and
(e) if the application referred to in paragraph (d) is granted, the appeal is not filed within the time limit or the Supreme Court of Canada dismisses the appeal.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if, when leave is applied for, the subject of the removal order is a designated foreign national.
Marginal note:Other exceptions
(3) There is no stay of removal if
(a) the person is subject to a removal order because they are inadmissible on grounds of serious criminality; or
(b) the subject of the removal order resides or sojourns in the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon and is the subject of a report prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Act on their entry into Canada.
Marginal note:Non-application
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply if the person applies for an extension of time to file an application referred to in that subsection.
- 2002, c. 8, s. 183
- SOR/2012-272, s. 1
- SOR/2016-136, s. 9(F)
- SOR/2022-113, s. 1
Marginal note:Stay of removal — pre-removal risk assessment
232 A removal order is stayed when a person is notified by the Department under subsection 160(3) that they may make an application under subsection 112(1) of the Act, and the stay is effective until the earliest of the following events occurs:
(a) the Department receives confirmation in writing from the person that they do not intend to make an application;
(b) the person does not make an application within the period provided under section 162;
(c) the application for protection is rejected;
(d) [Repealed, SOR/2012-154, s. 12]
(e) if a decision to allow the application for protection is made under paragraph 114(1)(a) of the Act, the decision with respect to the person’s application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident is made; and
(f) in the case of a person to whom subsection 112(3) of the Act applies, the stay is cancelled under subsection 114(2) of the Act.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 12
Marginal note:Stay of removal — humanitarian and compassionate or public policy considerations
233 A removal order made against a foreign national, and any family member of the foreign national, is stayed if the Minister is of the opinion that the stay is justified by humanitarian and compassionate considerations, under subsection 25(1) or 25.1(1) of the Act, or by public policy considerations, under subsection 25.2(1) of the Act. The stay is effective until a decision is made to grant, or not grant, permanent resident status.
- SOR/2010-252, s. 1
Marginal note:Application of par. 50(a) of the Act
234 For greater certainty and for the purposes of paragraph 50(a) of the Act, a decision made in a judicial proceeding would not be directly contravened by the enforcement of a removal order if
(a) there is an agreement between the Canada Border Services Agency and the Attorney General of Canada or the attorney general of a province that criminal charges will be withdrawn or stayed on the removal of the person from Canada; or
(b) there is an agreement between the Canada Border Services Agency and the Attorney General of Canada or the attorney general of a province to withdraw or cancel any summons or subpoena on the removal of the person from Canada.
- SOR/2016-136, s. 10(E)
- SOR/2017-214, s. 4
DIVISION 4Enforcement of Removal Orders
Marginal note:Not void
235 For greater certainty, and subject to section 51 of the Act, a removal order does not become void by reason of any lapse of time.
Marginal note:Providing copies
236 A person against whom a removal order is made shall be provided with a copy of the order when it is made.
Marginal note:Modality of enforcement
237 A removal order is enforced by the voluntary compliance of a foreign national with the removal order or by the removal of the foreign national by the Minister.
- SOR/2016-136, s. 11(F)
Marginal note:Voluntary compliance
238 (1) A foreign national who wants to voluntarily comply with a removal order must appear before an officer who shall determine if
(a) the foreign national has sufficient means to effect their departure to a country that they will be authorized to enter; and
(b) the foreign national intends to voluntarily comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs 240(1)(a) to (c) and will be able to act on that intention.
Marginal note:Choice of country
(2) Following the appearance referred to in subsection (1), the foreign national must submit their choice of destination to the officer who shall approve the choice unless the foreign national is
(a) a danger to the public;
(b) a fugitive from justice in Canada or another country; or
(c) seeking to evade or frustrate the cause of justice in Canada or another country.
Marginal note:Removal by Minister
239 If a foreign national does not voluntarily comply with a removal order, a negative determination is made under subsection 238(1) or the foreign national’s choice of destination is not approved under subsection 238(2), the removal order shall be enforced by the Minister.
Marginal note:When removal order is enforced
240 (1) A removal order against a foreign national, whether it is enforced by voluntary compliance or by the Minister, is enforced when the foreign national
(a) appears before an officer at a port of entry to verify their departure from Canada;
(b) obtains a certificate of departure from the Canada Border Services Agency;
(c) departs from Canada; and
(d) is authorized to enter, other than for purposes of transit, their country of destination.
Marginal note:When removal order is enforced by officer outside Canada
(2) If a foreign national against whom a removal order has not been enforced has departed from Canada and applies outside Canada for a visa, an electronic travel authorization or an authorization to return to Canada, an officer shall enforce the order if, following an examination, the foreign national establishes that they are the person described in the order.
Marginal note:When removal order is enforced by officer in Canada
(3) A removal order against a foreign national is enforced by an officer in Canada when the officer confirms that the foreign national has departed from Canada.
Marginal note:Application of subsections (2) and (3)
(4) For greater certainty, subsections (2) and (3) apply in respect of any removal order made before the day on which those subsections come into force.
- SOR/2015-77, s. 7
- SOR/2016-136, s. 12(F)
- SOR/2017-214, s. 5
- SOR/2018-232, s. 1
Marginal note:Country of removal
241 (1) If a removal order is enforced under section 239, the foreign national shall be removed to
(a) the country from which they came to Canada;
(b) the country in which they last permanently resided before coming to Canada;
(c) a country of which they are a national or citizen; or
(d) the country of their birth.
Marginal note:Removal to another country
(2) If none of the countries referred to in subsection (1) is willing to authorize the foreign national to enter, the Minister shall select any country that will authorize entry within a reasonable time and shall remove the foreign national to that country.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Despite section 238 and subsection (1), the Minister shall remove a person who is subject to a removal order on the grounds of inadmissibility referred to in paragraph 35(1)(a) of the Act to a country that the Minister determines will authorize the person to enter.
Marginal note:Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act
242 A person transferred under an order made under the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act is not, for the purposes of paragraph 240(1)(d), a person who has been authorized to enter their country of destination.
Marginal note:Payment of removal costs
243 Unless expenses incurred by Her Majesty in right of Canada have been recovered from a transporter, a foreign national who is removed from Canada at Her Majesty’s expense shall not return to Canada if the foreign national has not paid to Her Majesty the removal costs of
(a) $750 for removal to the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon; and
(b) $1,500 for removal to any other country.
DIVISION 5Cancellation of Immigration Documents
Marginal note:Making of a removal order
243.1 The following documents, held by a foreign national, are cancelled when a removal order is made against that foreign national :
(a) a temporary resident visa;
(b) an electronic travel authorization; and
(c) a temporary resident permit.
Marginal note:Enforceable removal order
243.2 The following documents, held by a foreign national, are cancelled when a removal order made against that foreign national becomes enforceable:
(a) a work permit; and
(b) a study permit.
PART 14Detention and Release
Marginal note:Factors to be considered
244 For the purposes of Division 6 of Part 1 of the Act, the factors set out in this Part shall be taken into consideration when assessing whether a person
(a) is unlikely to appear for examination, an admissibility hearing, removal from Canada, or at a proceeding that could lead to the making of a removal order by the Minister under subsection 44(2) of the Act;
(b) is a danger to the public; or
(c) is a foreign national whose identity has not been established.
Marginal note:Flight risk
245 For the purposes of paragraph 244(a), the factors are the following:
(a) being a fugitive from justice in a foreign jurisdiction in relation to an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament;
(b) voluntary compliance with any previous departure order;
(c) voluntary compliance with any previously required appearance at an immigration or criminal proceeding;
(d) previous compliance with any conditions imposed in respect of entry, release or a stay of removal;
(e) any previous avoidance of examination or escape from custody, or any previous attempt to do so;
(f) involvement with a people smuggling or trafficking in persons operation that would likely lead the person to not appear for a measure referred to in paragraph 244(a) or to be vulnerable to being influenced or coerced by an organization involved in such an operation to not appear for such a measure; and
(g) the existence of strong ties to a community in Canada.
Marginal note:Danger to the public
246 For the purposes of paragraph 244(b), the factors are the following:
(a) the fact that the person constitutes, in the opinion of the Minister, a danger to the public in Canada or a danger to the security of Canada under paragraph 101(2)(b), subparagraph 113(d)(i) or (ii) or paragraph 115(2)(a) or (b) of the Act;
(b) association with a criminal organization within the meaning of subsection 121(2) of the Act;
(c) engagement in people smuggling or trafficking in persons;
(d) conviction in Canada under an Act of Parliament for
(i) a sexual offence, or
(ii) an offence involving violence or weapons;
(e) conviction for an offence in Canada under any of the following provisions of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, namely,
(i) section 5 (trafficking),
(ii) section 6 (importing and exporting), and
(iii) section 7 (production);
(f) conviction outside Canada, or the existence of pending charges outside Canada, for an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament for
(i) a sexual offence, or
(ii) an offence involving violence or weapons;
(g) conviction outside Canada, or the existence of pending charges outside Canada, for an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under any of the following provisions of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, namely,
(i) section 5 (trafficking),
(ii) section 6 (importing and exporting), and
(iii) section 7 (production);
(h) conviction for an offence in Canada under any of the following provisions of the Cannabis Act, namely,
(i) section 9 (distribution),
(ii) section 10 (selling),
(iii) section 11 (importing and exporting), and
(iv) section 12 (production); and
(i) conviction outside Canada, or the existence of pending charges outside Canada, for an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under any of the following provisions of the Cannabis Act, namely,
(i) section 9 (distribution),
(ii) section 10 (selling),
(iii) section 11 (importing and exporting), and
(iv) section 12 (production).
- SOR/2016-136, s. 13(F)
- SOR/2018-170, s. 2
Marginal note:Identity not established
247 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 244(c), the factors are the following:
(a) the foreign national’s cooperation in providing evidence of their identity or assisting the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency in obtaining evidence of their identity, in providing the date and place of their birth as well as the names of their mother and father, in providing detailed information on the itinerary they followed in travelling to Canada or in completing an application for a travel document;
(b) in the case of a foreign national who makes a claim for refugee protection, the possibility of obtaining identity documents or information without divulging personal information to government officials of their country of nationality or, if there is no country of nationality, their country of former habitual residence;
(c) the foreign national’s destruction of their identity or travel documents, or the use of fraudulent documents by the foreign national in order to mislead the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency, and the circumstances under which the foreign national acted;
(d) the provision of contradictory information by the foreign national with respect to their identity during the processing of an application by the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency; and
(e) the existence of documents that contradict information provided by the foreign national with respect to their identity.
Marginal note:Non-application to minors
(2) Consideration of the factors set out in paragraph (1)(a) shall not have an adverse impact with respect to minor children referred to in section 249.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 65(E)
- SOR/2016-136, s. 14(E)
- SOR/2017-214, s. 6
Marginal note:Other factors
248 If it is determined that there are grounds for detention, the following factors shall be considered before a decision is made on detention or release:
(a) the reason for detention;
(b) the length of time in detention;
(c) whether there are any elements that can assist in determining the length of time that detention is likely to continue and, if so, that length of time;
(d) any unexplained delays or unexplained lack of diligence caused by the Department, the Canada Border Services Agency or the person concerned;
(e) the existence of alternatives to detention; and
(f) the best interests of a directly affected child who is under 18 years of age.
- SOR/2017-214, s. 7
- SOR/2019-213, s. 1
Marginal note:Best interests of the child
248.1 (1) For the purpose of paragraph 248(f) and for the application, in respect of children who are under 18 years of age, of the principle affirmed in section 60 of the Act, that a minor child shall be detained only as a measure of last resort, the following factors must be considered when determining the best interests of the child:
(a) the child’s physical, emotional and psychological well-being;
(b) the child’s healthcare and educational needs;
(c) the importance of maintaining relationships and the stability of the family environment, and the possible effect on the child of disrupting those relationships or that stability;
(d) the care, protection and safety needs of the child; and
(e) the child’s views and preferences, provided the child is capable of forming their own views or expressing their preferences, taking into consideration the child’s age and maturity.
Marginal note:Degree of dependence
(2) For the purpose of paragraph 248(f), the level of dependency of the child on the person for whom there are grounds to detain shall also be considered when determining the best interests of the child.
Marginal note:Special considerations for minor children
249 For the application of the principle affirmed in section 60 of the Act that a minor child shall be detained only as a measure of last resort, the special considerations that apply in relation to the detention of minor children who are less than 18 years of age are
(a) the availability of alternative arrangements with local child-care agencies or child protection services for the care and protection of the minor children;
(b) the anticipated length of detention;
(c) the risk of continued control by the human smugglers or traffickers who brought the children to Canada;
(d) the type of detention facility envisaged and the conditions of detention;
(e) the availability of accommodation that allows for the segregation of the minor children from adult detainees who are not the parent of or the adult legally responsible for the detained minor children; and
(f) the availability of services in the detention facility, including education, counselling and recreation.
Marginal note:Applications for travel documents
250 If a completed application for a passport or travel document must be provided as a condition of release from detention, any completed application provided by a foreign national who makes a claim for refugee protection shall not be divulged to government officials of their country of nationality or, if there is no country of nationality, their country of previous habitual residence, as long as the removal order to which the foreign national is subject is not enforceable.
PART 15Prescribed Conditions
Marginal note:Inadmissibility on grounds of security — conditions
250.1 For the purposes of subsections 44(4), 56(3), 58(5), 58.1(4), 77.1(1) and 82(6) of the Act, the conditions that must be imposed on a foreign national or permanent resident are the following:
(a) to inform the Canada Border Services Agency in writing of their address and, in advance, of any change in that address;
(b) to inform the Canada Border Services Agency in writing of their employer’s name and the address of their place of employment and, in advance, of any change in that information;
(c) unless they are otherwise required to report to the Canada Border Services Agency because of a condition imposed under subsection 44(3), 56(1), 58(3) or 58.1(3) or paragraph 82(5)(b) of the Act, to report once each month to the Agency;
(d) to present themselves at the time and place that an officer, the Immigration Division, the Minister or the Federal Court requires them to appear to comply with any obligation imposed on them under the Act;
(e) to produce to the Canada Border Services Agency without delay the original of any passport and travel and identity documents that they hold, or that they obtain, in order to permit the Agency to make copies of those documents;
(f) if a removal order made against them comes into force, to surrender to the Canada Border Services Agency without delay any passport and travel document that they hold;
(g) if a removal order made against them comes into force and they do not hold a document that is required to remove them from Canada, to take without delay any action that is necessary to ensure that the document is provided to the Canada Border Services Agency, such as by producing an application or producing evidence verifying their identity;
(h) to not commit an offence under an Act of Parliament or an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament;
(i) if they are charged with an offence under an Act of Parliament or an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament, to inform the Canada Border Services Agency of that charge in writing and without delay;
(j) if they are convicted of an offence under an Act of Parliament or an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament, to inform the Canada Border Services Agency of that conviction in writing and without delay; and
(k) if they intend to leave Canada, to inform the Canada Border Services Agency in writing of the date on which they intend to leave Canada.
- SOR/2017-214, s. 8
Marginal note:Immigration Appeal Division — conditions
251 For the purposes of subsection 68(2) of the Act, the conditions that must be imposed on a foreign national or permanent resident by the Immigration Appeal Division are the following:
(a) to inform the Canada Border Services Agency and the Immigration Appeal Division in writing, in advance, of any change in their address;
(b) to provide to the Canada Border Services Agency a copy of any passport and travel document that they hold and, if they do not hold any such documents, to complete an application for a passport or travel document and provide that application to the Agency;
(c) to apply for an extension of the validity period of any passport and travel document that they hold before it expires and to provide a copy of the extended document to the Canada Border Services Agency;
(d) to not commit an offence under an Act of Parliament or an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament;
(e) if they are charged with an offence under an Act of Parliament or an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament, to inform the Canada Border Services Agency of that charge in writing and without delay; and
(f) if they are convicted of an offence under an Act of Parliament or an offence that, if committed in Canada, would constitute an offence under an Act of Parliament, to inform the Canada Border Services Agency and the Immigration Appeal Division of that conviction in writing and without delay.
- SOR/2014-140, s. 17(F)
- SOR/2017-214, s. 8
PART 16Seizure
Marginal note:Custody of seized thing
252 A thing seized under subsection 140(1) of the Act shall be placed without delay in the custody of the Department or the Canada Border Services Agency.
- SOR/2017-214, s. 9
Marginal note:Notice of seizure — person from whom seized
253 (1) An officer who seizes a thing under subsection 140(1) of the Act shall provide written notice to the person from whom it was seized, including the grounds for the seizure.
Marginal note:Notice of seizure — lawful owner
(2) If the person from whom the thing was seized is not the lawful owner, the officer shall make reasonable efforts to identify the lawful owner and to give the lawful owner written notice of, and the grounds for, the seizure. If the notice is provided by mail, notification is deemed to have been provided on the seventh day after the day on which the notice was mailed.
Marginal note:Application for return — person from whom seized
254 (1) If a thing was seized on the ground that it was fraudulently or improperly obtained or used, or that the seizure was necessary to prevent its fraudulent or improper use, the person from whom it was seized may apply for its return in writing within 60 days after the day on which the notification referred to in subsection 253(1) was provided.
Marginal note:Return — improperly or fraudulently obtained
(2) If the application is in respect of a thing seized on the ground that it was fraudulently or improperly obtained, in order to have the thing returned, the applicant shall demonstrate that they were entitled to have that thing in their possession at the time of the seizure and that they are still entitled to it.
Marginal note:Return — improperly or fraudulently used
(3) If the application is in respect of a thing seized on the ground that it was fraudulently or improperly used, in order to have it returned, the applicant shall demonstrate that they did not participate in the fraudulent or improper use of the thing, that at the time of the seizure they were entitled to have that thing in their possession and that they are still entitled to it.
Marginal note:Return — prevention of improper or fraudulent use
(4) If the application is in respect of a thing seized on the ground that the seizure was necessary to prevent its fraudulent or improper use, in order to have it returned, the applicant shall demonstrate that the seizure is no longer necessary to prevent its fraudulent or improper use, that at the time of the seizure they were entitled to have that thing in their possession and that they are still entitled to it.
Marginal note:Application for return — lawful owner
255 (1) If a thing was seized on the ground that it was fraudulently or improperly obtained or used, or that the seizure was necessary to prevent its fraudulent or improper use, the lawful owner may apply for its return in writing within 60 days after the day on which the notification referred to in subsection 253(2) was provided.
Marginal note:Return to lawful owner — improperly or fraudulently obtained
(2) If the application is in respect of a thing seized on the ground that it was fraudulently or improperly obtained, in order to have the thing returned, the applicant shall demonstrate that at the time of the seizure they were the lawful owner and that they are still the lawful owner.
Marginal note:Return to lawful owner — improperly or fraudulently used
(3) If the application is in respect of a thing seized on the ground that it was fraudulently or improperly used, in order to have it returned, the applicant shall demonstrate that
(a) they did not participate in the fraudulent or improper use of the thing, that at the time of the seizure they were the lawful owner and that they are still the lawful owner.
(b) they exercised all reasonable care to satisfy themselves that the person to whom they gave possession of the thing was not likely to fraudulently or improperly use it.
Marginal note:Return to lawful owner — prevention of improper or fraudulent use
(4) If the application is in respect of a thing seized on the ground that the seizure was necessary to prevent its fraudulent or improper use, the thing shall be returned to the applicant if they demonstrate that the seizure is no longer necessary to prevent its fraudulent or improper use, that at the time of the seizure they were the lawful owner and that they are still the lawful owner.
Marginal note:Concurrent applications
256 If the person from whom a thing was seized makes an application under section 254 for the return of the thing and the lawful owner makes an application under section 255 for the same thing, the application of the lawful owner will be processed first. If the application of the lawful owner is granted, the application of the person from whom the thing was seized shall not be processed.
Marginal note:Notice of decision
257 The decision on the application under section 254 or 255 and the reasons for it shall be given in writing and provided to the applicant as soon as feasible. If the applicant is notified by mail, notification is deemed to have been provided on the seventh day after the day on which the notice was mailed.
Marginal note:Automatic return
257.1 (1) If the seizure of a thing was necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act, the thing shall be returned to its lawful owner without delay if the seizure is no longer necessary for those purposes.
Marginal note:Return — seizure in error
(2) If the seizure of a thing was made in error, the thing shall be returned without delay to the person from whom the thing was seized or, if that is not possible, to its lawful owner.
Marginal note:Conditional return
257.2 A thing seized shall be returned only if its return would not be contrary to the purposes of the Act.
Marginal note:Sale or destruction of seized thing
258 (1) If a thing seized, other than a document, is not returned to its lawful owner or the person from whom it was seized, the thing shall be sold unless the costs of the sale would exceed the monetary value of the thing, in which case the thing shall be destroyed.
Marginal note:Sale or destruction suspended
(2) A thing seized shall not be sold or destroyed
(a) within the 15 days after the day on which the notification of a decision not to return it was provided; or
(b) before a final decision is made in any judicial proceeding in Canada affecting the seizure or the return of the thing seized.
Marginal note:Return or disposal of documents
(3) If a document is not returned to its lawful owner or the person from whom it was seized, the document shall be held for as long as is necessary for the administration of the laws of Canada, after which it will either be returned to the authority that issued it or disposed of in accordance with the laws of Canada.
PART 17Transportation
Marginal note:Prescribed persons
258.1 For the purposes of paragraph 148(1)(a) of the Act, the following persons are prescribed:
(a) any foreign national who is the subject of a declaration made under subsection 22.1(1) of the Act, unless they hold a temporary resident permit issued under section 24 of the Act;
(b) any foreign national who is not authorized under subsection 52(1) of the Act to return to Canada; and
(c) any foreign national who is prohibited from entering Canada by an order or regulation made by the Governor in Council under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act.
- SOR/2013-210, s. 5
- SOR/2016-37, s. 3
- SOR/2020-55, s. 6
Marginal note:Prescribed documents
259 For the purposes of subsection 148(1) of the Act, the following documents that a person requires under the Act to enter Canada are prescribed:
(a) a travel document referred to in subsection 31(3) of the Act;
(b) refugee travel papers issued by the Minister;
(c) a document referred to in subsection 50(1) or 52(1);
(d) a temporary travel document referred to in section 151;
(e) a visa referred to in section 6 or subsection 7(1);
(f) a permanent resident card; and
(g) an electronic travel authorization referred to in section 7.01 or 7.1.
- SOR/2015-46, s. 1
- SOR/2016-37, ss. 4(F), 14
- SOR/2017-53, s. 7
Marginal note:Holding prescribed documentation
260 (1) If a commercial transporter has reasonable grounds to believe that the prescribed documents of a person whom it carries to Canada may not be available for examination at a port of entry, the commercial transporter must give the person a receipt for the documents and hold the documents until examination.
Marginal note:Presenting documents
(2) A commercial transporter that holds the documents of a person must, when presenting the person for examination under paragraph 148(1)(b) of the Act, present the documents and a copy of the receipt.
- SOR/2016-37, s. 5
Marginal note:Obligation to hold a person
261 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 148(1)(b) of the Act, a transporter has complied with the obligation to hold a person until the examination is completed when
(a) an officer informs the transporter that the examination of the person is completed;
(b) the person is authorized to enter Canada under section 23 of the Act; or
(c) the person is detained under any Canadian law.
Marginal note:Notification
(2) A transporter must notify an officer without delay if a person whose examination has not been completed leaves or attempts to leave the transporter’s vehicle for any other purpose than examination.
Marginal note:Stowaway notification
262 On the arrival of a vessel at its first port of call in Canada, the transporter must notify an officer at the nearest port of entry of the presence of any stowaway and, on request of the officer, must without delay provide a written report concerning the stowaway.
Marginal note:Medical examination and treatment
263 (1) A commercial transporter must arrange for the medical examination of a foreign national who is required to submit to one under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act and for any medical examination, surveillance or treatment that is imposed under section 32.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if
(a) the foreign national holds a temporary or permanent resident visa at the time of their examination and the foreign national’s health condition is not a result of the commercial transporter’s negligence; or
(b) the foreign national has been authorized to enter and remain in Canada and is not a member of the crew.
Marginal note:Prescribed medical costs
(3) For the purposes of paragraph 148(1)(g) of the Act, any medical costs incurred with respect to the foreign national are prescribed costs and are to be calculated on the basis of the applicable provincial health insurance system.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 13
- SOR/2016-37, s. 6
Marginal note:Prescribed information
264 A transporter must provide without delay any of the following documents that are requested by an officer within 72 hours after the presentation for examination of a person carried by the transporter to Canada:
(a) a copy of any ticket issued to the person;
(b) a document specifying the person’s itinerary, including the place of embarkation and dates of travel; and
(c) a document identifying the document number and type of passport, travel document or identity document carried by the person, the country of issue and the name of the person to whom it was issued.
Marginal note:Crew list
265 (1) On arrival at the first port of call in Canada of a vessel registered in a foreign country, the transporter must provide an officer at the nearest port of entry with a list of all members of the crew.
Marginal note:Amended crew list
(2) The transporter must maintain on board a current list of all members of the crew while the vessel is in Canada.
Marginal note:Final crew list
(3) Before the vessel’s departure from its final port of call in Canada, the transporter must provide an officer with a copy of the list referred to in subsection (1) that includes any changes made while the vessel was in Canada.
Marginal note:Assembly
266 On the request of an officer, a transporter must assemble without delay aboard the vessel all members of the crew.
Marginal note:Canadian registered vessels
267 On the arrival of a vessel registered in Canada at its first port of call in Canada, the transporter must notify an officer at the nearest port of entry of all members of the crew who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents and, on request, provide the officer with a list of all crew members.
Marginal note:Reporting obligation
268 (1) A transporter must, without delay, notify an officer at the nearest port of entry of any foreign national who ceases to be a member of the crew for a reason listed in paragraph 3(1)(b). The transporter must record that information and provide it in writing on the request of the officer.
Marginal note:Failure to join means of transportation
(2) A transporter must, without delay, notify an officer at the nearest port of entry when a foreign national who entered Canada to become a member of the crew of the transporter’s vessel fails to join the means of transportation within the period provided in paragraph 184(2)(b).
- SOR/2004-167, s. 66
- SOR/2016-37, s. 7(E)
Marginal note:Prescribed information
269 (1) On the request of an official of the Canada Border Services Agency, a commercial transporter that carries or expects to carry persons to Canada on board its commercial vehicle must provide the Canada Border Services Agency with the following information about each person whom it expects to carry:
(a) their surname, first name and any middle names, their date of birth, their citizenship or nationality and their gender;
(b) the type and number of each passport or other travel document that identifies them and the name of the country or entity that issued it;
(c) their reservation record locator number, if any;
(d) the unique passenger reference assigned to them by the commercial transporter, if any, or, in the case of a crew member who has not been assigned one, notice of their status as a crew member;
(e) any information about the person that is in a reservation system of the commercial transporter or its agent; and
(f) the following information about their carriage on board the commercial vehicle:
(i) if the person is carried or is expected to be carried on board the commercial vehicle by air, the date and time of take-off from the last point of embarkation of persons before the commercial vehicle arrives in Canada or, if the person is carried or is expected to be carried on board the vehicle by water or land, the date and time of departure from the last point of embarkation of persons before the commercial vehicle arrives in Canada,
(ii) the last point of embarkation of persons before the commercial vehicle arrives in Canada,
(iii) the date and time of arrival of the commercial vehicle at the first point of disembarkation of persons in Canada,
(iv) the first point of disembarkation of persons in Canada, and
(v) in the case of a commercial vehicle that carries persons or goods by air, the flight code identifying the commercial transporter and the flight number.
Marginal note:Electronic means
(2) The information referred to in subsection (1) must be provided by electronic means in accordance with the technical requirements, specifications and procedures for electronic data interchange set out in the document entitled CBSA Carrier Messaging Requirements issued by the Canada Border Services Agency, as amended from time to time.
Marginal note:Time of transmission — paragraphs (1)(a) to (d)
(3) The information referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (d) must be provided
(a) not later than one hour before the time of departure, if the information relates to a member of the crew; and
(b) not later than the time of check-in, if the information relates to any other person who is expected to be on board the commercial vehicle.
Marginal note:Time of transmission — paragraph (1)(e)
(4) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(e) must be provided not later than at the time of departure.
Marginal note:Time of transmission — paragraph (1)(d)
(5) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(d) must also be provided, for each passenger who is on board the commercial vehicle at the time of departure, not later than 30 minutes after the time of departure.
Marginal note:Incomplete or inaccurate information
(6) A commercial transporter that becomes aware before or at the time of departure that information they have provided under paragraph 148(1)(d) of the Act is incomplete or inaccurate must, in the manner described in subsection (2) and without delay, provide the Canada Border Services Agency with the missing or accurate information.
Marginal note:Exception — paragraph (1)(e)
(7) Subsection (6) does not apply in respect of information referred to in paragraph (1)(e).
Marginal note:Time of transmission — paragraph (1)(f)
(8) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(f) must be provided at the same time that any information referred to in subsections (3) to (7) is provided.
Marginal note:Maximum retention period
(9) The Canada Border Services Agency may retain information referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (d) about a person for up to three years and six months after the day of departure of the commercial vehicle that carried or was to carry the person to Canada.
Marginal note:Retention period — investigation
(10) After the period referred to in subsection (9), the Canada Border Services Agency may retain the information referred to in that subsection about a person for as long as it is required as part of an investigation, but in no case longer than six years after the day of departure of the commercial vehicle that carried or was to carry the person to Canada.
- SOR/2016-37, s. 8
Marginal note:Notice by Canada Border Services Agency
270 (1) The Canada Border Services Agency may notify a commercial transporter that a person whom it expects to carry to Canada may be a person who is prescribed under section 258.1 or may be a person who does not hold the necessary documents prescribed under section 259.
Marginal note:Obligations unchanged
(2) For greater certainty, subsection (1) does not relieve a commercial transporter of its obligation to comply with any requirement imposed by the Act or these Regulations.
- SOR/2016-37, s. 8
Marginal note:Facilities for holding and examination
271 (1) A commercial transporter, and a transporter who operates an airport or an international bridge or tunnel, must without cost to Her Majesty in right of Canada provide and maintain facilities, including areas, offices and laboratories, that are adequate for the proper holding and examination of persons being carried to Canada.
Marginal note:Criteria
(2) The facilities referred to in subsection (1) are adequate if they satisfy the applicable requirements of Part II of the Canada Labour Code, are secure and, if necessary, sterile, and include equipment and furnishings that permit officers to discharge their duties under the Act.
Marginal note:Examination on vessels
272 A commercial transporter carrying persons to Canada aboard its vessel must provide facilities aboard the vessel that permit an officer to conduct examinations.
Marginal note:Obligation to carry from Canada
273 (1) A commercial transporter that has carried a foreign national referred to in this subsection to Canada or caused such a foreign national to be carried to Canada must, without delay, carry the foreign national from Canada
(a) to any other country, in the case of a foreign national directed to leave under subsection 40(1);
(b) to the United States, in the case of a foreign national directed back to that country under section 41;
(c) to any other country, in the case of a foreign national allowed to withdraw their application under section 42; or
(d) to the country to which the foreign national is removed under section 241, in the case of a foreign national who is subject to an enforceable removal order.
Marginal note:Conveyance to vehicle
(2) The transporter must transport a foreign national who is subject to an enforceable removal order from wherever the foreign national is situated in Canada to the vehicle in which they will be carried to another country.
- SOR/2016-37, s. 9
Marginal note:Members of a crew
274 (1) If a transporter carries, or causes to be carried, a foreign national to Canada as a member of its crew or to become a member of its crew, and the foreign national is subject to an enforceable removal order, the transporter must carry that foreign national from Canada to the applicable country as determined under Division 4 of Part 13.
Marginal note:Conveyance to vehicle
(2) The transporter must transport the foreign national referred to in subsection (1) from wherever the foreign national is situated in Canada to the vehicle in which they will be carried to another country.
Marginal note:Notification
275 A transporter must notify an officer without delay if a foreign national referred to in section 273 or 274 whom they are carrying from Canada leaves or attempts to leave a vehicle before they are carried from Canada.
Marginal note:Notifying commercial transporter
276 (1) When a foreign national who seeks to enter Canada is made subject to a removal order and a commercial transporter is or may be required under the Act to carry that foreign national from Canada, an officer must
(a) notify the commercial transporter that it is or may be required to carry the foreign national from Canada; and
(b) when the removal order is enforceable, notify the commercial transporter of its obligation to carry the foreign national from Canada and, if an escort is necessary, request the commercial transporter to provide an escort or to make arrangements for the carriage of an escort assigned by the Minister.
Marginal note:Arrangements and notice
(2) After being notified under paragraph (1)(b), the commercial transporter must, without delay,
(a) make arrangements to carry the foreign national from Canada and notify an officer of those arrangements; or
(b) notify an officer that it is unable to make such arrangements.
Marginal note:Time period
(3) The commercial transporter must carry the foreign national from Canada within 48 hours after giving the notice required by paragraph (2)(a).
Marginal note:Non-compliance
(4) If a commercial transporter does not comply with paragraph 2(a) or subsection (3) or notifies an officer that it is unable to comply with those provisions, or if an officer notifies the commercial transporter in writing that the proposed arrangements are not acceptable, an officer must cause the foreign national to be carried from Canada and the commercial transporter must pay the costs referred to in section 278.
Marginal note:Requirements for acceptance of arrangements
(5) To be acceptable, the arrangements referred to in subsection (2) must meet the following requirements:
(a) the itinerary must begin where the foreign national is situated in Canada and end in the country and city to which the foreign national is to be removed, following the most direct routing possible;
(b) the itinerary must not include a country through which transit has not been approved; and
(c) the period of time between any connections must not exceed 12 hours.
Marginal note:Requirements for escort
(6) A commercial transporter that has been notified under paragraph 1(b) must comply with any request by an officer to provide an escort or to arrange for the carriage of the escort assigned by the Minister.
- SOR/2016-37, s. 10
Marginal note:Relief from obligations
277 Despite sections 273 and 276, a commercial transporter is relieved of its obligation to carry a foreign national from Canada, except for a member of its crew or a foreign national who entered Canada to become a member of its crew, if the foreign national at the time of their examination
(a) was authorized to enter and remain in Canada on a temporary basis;
(b) held a temporary or permanent resident visa; or
(c) was a person prescribed under section 258.1 and the commercial transporter was not, before the person was carried to Canada, notified under section 270 that the person may have been a prescribed person.
- SOR/2016-37, ss. 10, 15
Marginal note:Removal costs
278 A transporter that is required under the Act to carry a foreign national from Canada must pay the following costs of removal and, if applicable, attempted removal:
(a) expenses incurred within or outside Canada with respect to the foreign national’s accommodation and transport, including penalties for changes of date or routing;
(b) accommodation and travel expenses incurred by any escorts provided to accompany the foreign national;
(c) fees paid in obtaining passports, travel documents and visas for the foreign national and any escorts;
(d) the cost of meals, incidentals and other expenses as calculated in accordance with the rates set out in the Travel Directive published by the Treasury Board Secretariat, as amended from time to time;
(e) any wages paid to escorts and other personnel; and
(f) the costs or expenses incurred with respect to interpreters and medical and other personnel engaged for the removal.
Marginal note:Assessment of administration fee
279 (1) Subject to subsection (2), an administration fee must be assessed against a commercial transporter in respect of any of the following foreign nationals it carried or caused to be carried to Canada:
(a) a foreign national who is inadmissible under section 41 of the Act for failing to meet the requirements of section 6, subsection 7(1), section 7.01 or 7.1 or subsection 50(1) or 52(1);
(b) a foreign national who is prescribed under section 258.1 or whom the commercial transporter has been directed under paragraph 148(1)(a) of the Act not to carry to Canada;
(c) a foreign national who is exempt, under subsection 52(2), from the requirement to hold a passport or travel document but who fails to produce sufficient evidence of their identity;
(d) a foreign national who failed to appear for an examination on entry into Canada;
(e) a foreign national who entered Canada as a member of a crew or to become a member of a crew and is inadmissible; and
(f) a foreign national who is subject to a removal order, or is allowed under section 42 to withdraw their application to enter Canada, and who fails to leave Canada immediately.
Marginal note:Exceptions
(2) An administration fee shall not be assessed against a commercial transporter in respect of
(a) a person referred to in section 39;
(b) a foreign national who is prescribed under section 258.1 and in respect of whom notice under section 270 was not given before the foreign national was carried to Canada but who holds the necessary documents prescribed under section 259;
(c) a foreign national who does not hold an electronic travel authorization when one is required under section 7.01 or 7.1 and in respect of whom the Canada Border Services Agency did not give notice under section 270 to the commercial transporter before the foreign national was carried to Canada, but who holds one of the required prescribed documents set out in paragraphs 259(a) to (f); or
(d) a foreign national, other than a foreign national referred to in paragraph 190(3)(c), who seeks to enter Canada to obtain permanent residence and is inadmissible under paragraph 41(a) of the Act for failing to obtain a permanent resident visa as required under section 6, but who is exempted under Division 1 of Part 2 from the requirement to obtain an electronic travel authorization required under section 7.01 or 7.1 or exempted under Division 5 of Part 9 from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa.
(e) [Repealed, SOR/2016-37, s. 11]
- SOR/2004-167, s. 68
- SOR/2016-37, ss. 11, 16
- SOR/2017-53, s. 8
Marginal note:Administration fee
280 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the administration fee assessed under section 279 is $3,200.
Marginal note:Memorandum of understanding
(2) If a memorandum of understanding in accordance with subsection (3) is in effect between the commercial transporter and the Minister, the administration fee assessed is
(a) $3,200, if the commercial transporter does not demonstrate that it complies with the memorandum of understanding, if the commercial transporter carried to Canada a foreign national who is prescribed under section 258.1 or whom the commercial transporter has been directed under paragraph 148(1)(a) of the Act not to carry to Canada, or if the administration fee is assessed in respect of a member of the crew of the transporter;
(b) $2,400, if the commercial transporter demonstrates that it complies with the memorandum of understanding;
(c) $1,600, if the commercial transporter demonstrates that it complies with the memorandum of understanding and has a number of administration fee assessments that is equal to or less than the number specified in the memorandum, for the period specified in the memorandum, for reducing the administration fee by 50%;
(d) $800, if the commercial transporter demonstrates that it complies with the memorandum of understanding and has a number of administration fee assessments that is equal to or less than the number specified in the memorandum, for the period specified in the memorandum, for reducing the administration fee by 75%; and
(e) $0, if the commercial transporter demonstrates that it complies with the memorandum of understanding and has a number of administration fee assessments that is equal to or less than the number specified in the memorandum, for the period specified in the memorandum, for reducing the administration fee by 100%.
Marginal note:Content of memorandum of understanding
(3) A memorandum of understanding referred to in subsection (2) shall include provisions respecting
(a) document screening;
(b) the training of personnel in document screening;
(c) the use of technological aids;
(d) fraud prevention;
(e) gate checks;
(f) information exchange;
(g) performance standards and administration fee assessments;
(h) compliance monitoring of the provisions of the memorandum of understanding;
(i) holding documents under section 260;
(j) providing information referred to in subsections 269(1) and (2);
(k) stowaways; and
(l) security screening of members of a crew.
- SOR/2016-37, s. 12
Marginal note:Notice of assessment
281 (1) The assessment of an administration fee shall be served personally, by registered mail, by facsimile with acknowledgement of receipt or by electronic transmission on a representative of the commercial transporter.
Marginal note:Service effected
(2) Service of the assessment by registered mail is deemed to have been effected on the seventh day after the day on which the assessment was mailed.
Marginal note:Submissions concerning assessment
282 (1) The commercial transporter may submit written submissions to the Minister within 30 days after being served with an assessment of an administration fee.
Marginal note:Final decision and notice
(2) If submissions are made, the Minister must consider the submissions, confirm, vary or cancel the assessment and give written notice of the final decision to the commercial transporter.
Marginal note:Elements considered
(2.1) In considering the submissions, the Minister must take into account whether the commercial transporter was, before the foreign national was carried to Canada, notified under section 270 that the foreign national may have been a person prescribed under section 258.1 or a person who did not hold an electronic travel authorization when one was required under section 7.01 or 7.1.
Marginal note:Liability
(3) If no submissions are made within the 30-day period, the assessment is final and the commercial transporter is liable for the assessment at the end of that period.
Marginal note:Liability
(4) If the Minister confirms an assessment under subsection (2), the commercial transporter is liable for the assessment on the date the notice is sent.
- SOR/2016-37, ss. 13, 17
- SOR/2017-53, s. 9
Marginal note:Security
283 (1) The Minister may, on the basis of the following factors, require a commercial transporter to provide security for compliance with its obligations under paragraphs 148(1)(a) to (g) of the Act:
(a) the frequency and regularity of arrival, or anticipated arrival, of the transporter’s vehicles carrying persons to Canada;
(b) the number of persons carried, or anticipated to be carried, to Canada aboard the transporter’s vehicles;
(c) whether the transporter has carried an inadmissible foreign national to Canada; and
(d) the anticipated risk of inadmissible foreign nationals being carried to Canada by the transporter.
Marginal note:Amount of security
(2) If the Minister requires security to be provided, the Minister shall determine the amount of security on the basis of the following factors:
(a) the commercial transporter’s record of compliance with the Act; and
(b) the anticipated risk of inadmissible foreign nationals being carried to Canada by the transporter and the estimated removal costs.
Marginal note:Form of security
(3) A commercial transporter who is required to provide security must provide it in the form of a cash deposit unless
(a) the transporter has entered into a memorandum of understanding referred to in subsection 280(2) that provides for another form of security; and
(b) the transporter demonstrates that there is no significant risk of a debt not being paid if they were to provide another form of security.
Marginal note:Return of security
(4) If the Minister determines on the basis of the factors set out in subsection (1) that security is no longer required, the Minister shall return the security to the commercial transporter.
Marginal note:Application of s. 148(2) of the Act
284 For the purposes of subsection 148(2) of the Act, a prescribed good is a good that is not land, a building or a transportation facility.
Marginal note:Object detained or seized
285 If an object is detained or seized under subsection 148(2) of the Act, that object shall remain detained or seized until
(a) the transporter complies with its obligations under section 148 of the Act; or
(b) the transporter’s obligations are discharged by another person.
Marginal note:Notice of seizure
286 (1) Following a seizure under subsection 148(2) of the Act, an officer shall make reasonable efforts to
(a) identify the lawful owner of the object seized; and
(b) give notice of the seizure to that person.
Marginal note:Disposition after seizure
(2) A thing seized under subsection 148(2) of the Act shall be disposed of by
(a) returning the object to the transporter on receipt of
(i) an amount equal to the value of the object at the time of seizure and any expenses incurred in the seizure and, if applicable, detention,
(ii) the security required under the Act or any costs and fees for which the transporter is liable, as well as an amount equal to any expenses incurred in the seizure and, if applicable, detention, or
(iii) evidence that the transporter is in compliance with its obligations under subsection 148(1) of the Act and has reimbursed Her Majesty in right of Canada for any expenses incurred in the seizure and, if applicable, detention; or
(b) disposing of the object under section 287.
Marginal note:Sale of a seized object
287 (1) If a transporter does not comply with paragraph 286(2)(a) within a reasonable time, an officer shall give notice to the transporter that the object will be sold. The object shall then be sold for the benefit of Her Majesty in right of Canada and the proceeds of the sale shall be applied to the transporter’s outstanding debt to Her Majesty under the Act. Any surplus shall be returned to the transporter.
Marginal note:Costs incurred in seizure
(2) Any expenses incurred by Her Majesty in right of Canada in selling the object, and any expenses incurred in the seizure or, if applicable, detention of the object, shall be deducted from the proceeds of the sale.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 69(E)
PART 18Loans
Marginal note:Definition of beneficiary
288 In this Part, beneficiary, in respect of a person, means
(a) the person’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner;
(b) a dependent child of the person or of the person’s spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner; and
(c) any other person who, at the time of their application for a permanent resident visa or their application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, is in a relationship of dependency with the person by virtue of being cared for by or receiving emotional and financial support from the person.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 10(F)
Marginal note:Types of loans
289 The Minister may make loans to the following persons for the following purposes:
(a) to a foreign national referred to in Part 1 of the Act for the purpose of
(i) defraying the cost to the foreign national and their beneficiaries of transportation from their point of departure outside Canada to their point of destination in Canada, and related administrative charges,
(ii) assisting the foreign national and their beneficiaries to become established in Canada, or
(iii) defraying the fee, referred to in subsection 303(1), payable for the acquisition by the foreign national and their beneficiaries of permanent resident status;
(b) to a foreign national referred to in Part 2 of the Act for the purpose of
(i) defraying the cost to the foreign national and their beneficiaries of transportation from their point of departure outside Canada to their point of destination in Canada, and related administrative charges,
(ii) defraying the cost to the foreign national and their beneficiaries of transportation to attend any interview relating to their application, and related administrative charges,
(iii) defraying the cost to the foreign national and their beneficiaries of a medical examination under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act, and related costs and administrative charges, or
(iv) assisting the foreign national and their beneficiaries to become established in Canada; and
(c) to a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen for the purpose of
(i) defraying the cost to their beneficiaries of transportation from their point of departure outside Canada to their point of destination in Canada, and related administrative charges,
(ii) defraying the cost to their beneficiaries of a medical examination under paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Act, and related costs and administrative charges, if the beneficiaries are protected persons within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act, or
(iii) defraying the fee, referred to in subsection 303(1), payable for the acquisition by their beneficiaries of permanent resident status.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 11(F)
- SOR/2012-154, s. 14
Marginal note:Maximum amount
290 (1) The maximum amount of advances that may be made under subsection 88(1) of the Act is $400 million.
Marginal note:Total loans
(2) The total amount of all loans made under this Part plus accrued interest on those loans shall not at any time exceed the maximum amount of advances prescribed by subsection (1).
- SOR/2018-22, s. 1
- SOR/2022-149, s. 1
- SOR/2023-279, s. 1
- SOR/2024-127, s. 1
Marginal note:Repayment
291 (1) Subject to section 292, a loan made under section 289 becomes payable
(a) in the case of a loan for the purpose of defraying transportation costs, one year after the day on which the person for whose benefit the loan was made enters Canada; and
(b) in the case of a loan for any other purpose, one year after the day on which the loan was made.
Marginal note:Repayment terms
(2) Subject to section 292, a loan made under section 289, together with all accrued interest, if applicable, must be repaid in full, in consecutive monthly instalments, within
(a) 36 months after the day on which the loan becomes payable, if the amount of the loan is not more than $1,200;
(b) 48 months after the day on which the loan becomes payable, if the amount of the loan is more than $1,200 but not more than $2,400;
(c) 60 months after the day on which the loan becomes payable, if the amount of the loan is more than $2,400 but not more than $3,600;
(d) 72 months after the day on which the loan becomes payable, if the amount of the loan is more than $3,600 but not more than $4,800; and
(e) 96 months after the day on which the loan becomes payable, if the amount of the loan is more than $4,800.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 12(F)
- SOR/2018-22, s. 2
Marginal note:Deferred repayment
292 (1) If repaying a loan, in accordance with the requirements of section 291, that was made to a person under section 289 would, by reason of the person’s income, assets and liabilities, cause the person financial hardship, an officer may, to the extent necessary to relieve that hardship but subject to subsection (2), defer the commencement of the repayment of the loan, defer payments on the loan, vary the amount of the payments or extend the repayment period.
Marginal note:Maximum extension
(2) A repayment period shall not be extended beyond
(a) an additional 24 months, in the case of a loan referred to in paragraph 289(b); and
(b) an additional six months, in the case of any other loan.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 13(F)
Marginal note:No interest on loan
293 (1) A loan made under this Part bears no interest as of the day on which this section comes into force.
Marginal note:Unpaid loan
(2) The interest on any loan that has not been repaid before that day continues to accrue until the day preceding that day.
- SOR/2006-116, s. 1
- SOR/2018-22, s. 3
PART 19Fees
Marginal note:Interpretation
294 In this Part,
(a) a fee payable under this Part is payable not per application but for each person in respect of whom an application is made;
(b) subject to subsections 295(3), 301(2), 304(2) and 314(3), a fee payable under this Part for processing an application is payable at the time the application is made;
(c) subject to subsections 295(4) and 301(3), if the requirement to pay a fee depends on a person’s age or the amount of a fee is calculated in accordance with their age, the age of the person shall be determined as of the day the application in respect of which the fee is payable is made; and
(d) the fees set out in subsections 295(1) and 301(1), section 302, subsection 304(1) and section 307 shall be indexed at 09:00:00 a.m. Eastern daylight time on April 30, 2022, and every two years after that on April 30 at that same time, in accordance with the cumulative percentage increase to the Consumer Price Index for Canada, published by Statistics Canada, for the two previous years, rounded to the nearest five dollars.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 14
- SOR/2013-73, s. 3
- SOR/2014-19, s. 1
- SOR/2020-45, s. 1
DIVISION 2Fees for Applications for Authorizations, Visas and Permits
Electronic Travel Authorizations
Marginal note:Fee — $7
294.1 (1) A fee of $7 is payable for processing an application for an electronic travel authorization.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) A person whose application for a work permit or study permit or for renewal of a work permit or study permit is considered, as the case may be, under subsection 12.04(5) or (6), to constitute an application for an electronic travel authorization is not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1).
- SOR/2015-77, s. 8
- SOR/2017-53, s. 10
Permanent Resident Visas
Marginal note:Permanent resident visa
295 (1) The following fees are payable for processing an application for a permanent resident visa:
(a) if the application is made by a person as a member of the family class
(i) in respect of a principal applicant, other than a principal applicant referred to in subparagraph (ii), $475,
(ii) in respect of a principal applicant who is a foreign national referred to in any of paragraphs 117(1)(b), (f), (g) or (h), is less than 22 years of age and is not a spouse or common-law partner, $75,
(iii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a spouse or common-law partner, $550, and
(iv) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a dependent child, $150;
(b) if the application is made by a person as a member of the Quebec investor class, the Quebec entrepreneur class, the start-up business class, the self-employed persons class or the Quebec self-employed persons class
(i) in respect of a principal applicant, $1,575,
(ii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a spouse or common-law partner, $825, and
(iii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a dependent child, $225; and
(c) if the application is made by a person as a member of any other class or by a person referred to in section 71
(i) in respect of a principal applicant, $825,
(ii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a spouse or common-law partner, $825, and
(iii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a dependent child, $225.
Marginal note:Exception — refugees
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fees referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a person who makes an application as a member of the Convention refugees abroad class and the family members included in the member’s application; and
(b) a person who makes an application as a member of a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class and the family members included in the member’s application.
(2.1) [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 12]
(2.2) [Repealed, SOR/2016-316, s. 14]
Marginal note:Payment by sponsor
(3) A fee payable under subsection (1) in respect of a person who makes an application as a member of the family class or their family members
(a) is payable, together with the fee payable under subsection 304(1), at the time the sponsor files the sponsorship application; and
(b) shall be repaid in accordance with regulations referred to in subsection 20(2) of the Financial Administration Act if, before the processing of the application for a permanent resident visa has begun, the sponsorship application is withdrawn by the sponsor.
Marginal note:Age
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), the age of the person in respect of whom the application is made shall be determined as of the day the sponsorship application is filed.
- SOR/2003-383, s. 6
- SOR/2005-61, s. 7
- SOR/2009-163, s. 15
- SOR/2011-222, s. 7
- SOR/2014-133, s. 10
- SOR/2016-316, s. 14
- SOR/2017-60, s. 4
- SOR/2018-72, s. 7
- SOR/2019-174, s. 12
- SOR/2020-45, s. 2
Temporary Resident Visas
Marginal note:Single or multiple entry — $100
296 (1) A fee of $100 is payable for processing an application for a temporary resident visa to enter Canada one or more times.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member, the members of the suite of such a person and the family members of such a person;
(b) a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, including a person who has been designated as a civilian component of that visiting force under paragraph 4(c) of that Act, and their family members;
(c) a person who is a member of the clergy, a member of a religious order or a lay person who is to assist a congregation or a group in the achievement of its spiritual goals, if the duties to be performed by the person are to consist mainly of preaching doctrine, presiding at liturgical functions or spiritual counselling, and their family members;
(d) persons, other than a group of performing artists and their staff, who apply at the same time and place for a work permit or a study permit;
(e) a person who is seeking to enter Canada
(i) for the purpose of attending a meeting hosted by the Government of Canada, an organization of the United Nations or the Organization of American States, as a participant,
(ii) for the purpose of attending a meeting as a representative of the Organization of American States or the Caribbean Development Bank, or
(iii) for the purpose of attending a meeting hosted by the Government of Canada, an organization of the United Nations or the Organization of American States, at the invitation of the Government of Canada;
(f) a person who is seeking to enter Canada as a competitor, coach, judge, team official, medical staff member or member of a national or international sports organizing body participating in the Pan-American Games, when held in Canada, or as a performer participating in a festival associated with any of those Games; and
(g) a person who is seeking to enter Canada for a period of less than 48 hours and who is
(i) travelling by transporter’s vehicle to a destination other than Canada, or
(ii) transiting through or stopping over in Canada for refuelling or for the continuation of their journey in another transporter’s vehicle.
(h) [Repealed, SOR/2014-19, s. 2]
Marginal note:Maximum fee — family
(3) The total amount of fees payable under subsection (1) by an applicant and their family members who apply together and at the same time must not exceed $500.
- SOR/2005-63, s. 1
- SOR/2010-121, s. 1
- SOR/2014-19, s. 2
- SOR/2019-174, s. 13
297 [Repealed, SOR/2014-19, s. 3]
Temporary Resident Permits
Marginal note:Fee — $200
298 (1) A fee of $200 is payable for processing an application for a temporary resident permit.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a person referred to in subsection 295(2) or any of paragraphs 296(2)(c) and (d), 299(2)(a), (b), (d) to (f) and (h) to (k) and 300(2)(f) to (i);
(a.1) a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member, the members of the suite of such a person and the family members of such a person;
(a.2) a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, including a person who has been designated as a civilian component of that visiting force under paragraph 4(c) of that Act, and their family members;
(a.3) a person whose work in Canada would create or maintain reciprocal employment for Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada in other countries and who is a family member of a person referred to in subparagraph 299(2)(g)(iii);
(b) a person in respect of whom an application for a permanent resident visa, an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, or an application under subsection 25(1) of the Act is pending, or in respect of whom a decision under subsection 25.1(1) or 25.2(1) of the Act is pending;
(c) a citizen of Costa Rica seeking to enter and remain in Canada during the period beginning on May 11, 2004 and ending on May 12, 2004, if the person does not hold a temporary resident visa but is not otherwise inadmissible;
(d) a person who is seeking to enter Canada
(i) for the purpose of attending a meeting hosted by the Government of Canada, an organization of the United Nations or the Organization of American States, as a participant,
(ii) for the purpose of attending a meeting as a representative of the Organization of American States or the Caribbean Development Bank, or
(iii) for the purpose of attending a meeting hosted by the Government of Canada, an organization of the United Nations or the Organization of American States, at the invitation of the Government of Canada; and
(e) a person who, while they are in transit to Canada, ceases to be exempt under paragraph 190(1)(a) from the requirement for a temporary resident visa, if, during the first 48 hours after they cease to be exempt from that requirement, they seek to enter and remain in Canada and are inadmissible to Canada for the sole reason that they do not have a temporary resident visa.
- SOR/2003-197, s. 3
- SOR/2004-111, s. 2
- SOR/2004-167, s. 71
- SOR/2010-121, s. 2
- SOR/2010-252, s. 2
Work Permits
Marginal note:Fee — $155
299 (1) A fee of $155 is payable for processing an application for a work permit.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a person in Canada who has made a refugee claim that has not yet been determined by the Refugee Protection Division, and their family members;
(b) a person in Canada on whom refugee protection has been conferred, and their family members;
(c) a person who is a member of the Convention refugees abroad class or a member of a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class, and their family members;
(d) a person who holds a study permit and is temporarily destitute, as described in paragraph 208(a);
(e) a person whose work in Canada is designated under subparagraph 205(c)(i);
(f) a person who works in Canada for a Canadian religious or charitable organization, without remuneration;
(g) a person whose work in Canada would create or maintain reciprocal employment for Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada in other countries and who is a family member of
(i) a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member,
(ii) a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, including a person who has been designated as a civilian component of that visiting force under paragraph 4(c) of that Act, or
(iii) an officer of a foreign government sent, under an exchange agreement between Canada and one or more countries, to take up duties with a federal or provincial agency;
(h) a person who works in Canada under an agreement entered into with a country by Canada or by or on behalf of a province, that provides for reciprocal employment opportunities of an artistic, cultural or educational nature;
(i) a person whose work in Canada is pursuant to an international student or young workers reciprocal employment program;
(j) a person who works in Canada as an officer of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service or of United States Customs carrying out pre-inspection duties, as an American member of the International Joint Commission or as a United States grain inspector, and their family members;
(k) a United States Government official in possession of an official United States passport who is assigned to a temporary posting in Canada, and their family members; and
(l) a person described in section 207.1.
Marginal note:Maximum fee — group
(3) The total amount of fees payable under subsection (1) by a group of three or more persons consisting of performing artists and their staff who apply together and at the same time for a work permit is $465.
- SOR/2010-121, s. 3(F)
- SOR/2011-222, s. 8
- SOR/2014-19, s. 4
- SOR/2015-25, s. 4(E)
- SOR/2019-148, s. 3
- SOR/2019-174, s. 14
Study Permits
Marginal note:Fee — $150
300 (1) A fee of $150 is payable for processing an application for a study permit.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a person in Canada who has made a refugee claim that has not yet been determined by the Refugee Protection Division, and their family members;
(b) a person in Canada on whom refugee protection has been conferred, and their family members;
(c) a person who is a member of the Convention refugees abroad class or a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class, and their family members;
(d) a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member, the members of the suite of such a person and the family members of such a person;
(e) a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, including a person who has been designated as a civilian component of that visiting force under paragraph 4(c) of that Act, and their family members;
(f) a person who holds a study permit and is temporarily destitute, as described in paragraph 208(a);
(g) a person whose study in Canada is under an agreement or arrangement between Canada and another country that provides for reciprocity of student exchange programs;
(h) a person who works in Canada as an officer of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service or of United States Customs carrying out pre-inspection duties, as an American member of the International Joint Commission or as a United States grain inspector, and their family members; and
(i) a United States Government official in possession of an official United States passport who is assigned to a temporary posting in Canada, and their family members.
- SOR/2011-222, s. 9
- SOR/2014-19, s. 5
- SOR/2015-25, s. 5(E)
DIVISION 3Fees for Applications to Remain in Canada as a Permanent Resident
Marginal note:Fee
301 (1) The following fees are payable for processing an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident:
(a) if the application is made by a person as a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class
(i) in respect of a principal applicant, $475,
(ii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a spouse or common-law partner, $550, and
(iii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a dependent child, $150; and
(b) if the application is made by a person as a protected person referred to in subsection 21(2) of the Act
(i) in respect of a principal applicant, $550,
(ii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a spouse or common-law partner, $550, and
(iii) in respect of a family member of the principal applicant who is a dependent child, $150.
Marginal note:Exception
(1.1) A person who is a member of the protected temporary residents class and the family members included in their application are not required to pay the fees referred to in subsection (1).
Marginal note:Payment by sponsor
(2) The fee payable under subsection (1) in respect of a person who makes an application as a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class or their family members
(a) is payable, together with the fee payable under subsection 304(1), at the time the sponsor files the sponsorship application; and
(b) shall be repaid in accordance with regulations referred to in subsection 20(2) of the Financial Administration Act if, before the processing of the application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident has begun, the sponsorship application is withdrawn by the sponsor.
Marginal note:Age
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), the age of the person in respect of whom the application is made shall be determined as of the day the sponsorship application is filed.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 72
- SOR/2009-163, s. 16
- SOR/2012-154, s. 15
- SOR/2014-133, s. 11
- SOR/2017-78, s. 10
Marginal note:Fee — $325
302 A fee of $325 is payable for processing an application by a person as a member of the permit holder class to remain in Canada as a permanent resident.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 73(E)
DIVISION 4Right of Permanent Residence
Marginal note:Fee — $500
303 (1) A fee of $500 is payable by a person for the acquisition of permanent resident status.
Marginal note:Indexation
(1.1) The fee set out in subsection (1) shall be indexed at 09:00:00 a.m. Eastern daylight time on April 30, 2022, and every two years after that on April 30 at that same time, in accordance with the cumulative percentage increase to the Consumer Price Index for Canada, published by Statistics Canada, for the two previous years, rounded to the nearest five dollars.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a person who is a family member of a principal applicant and is a dependent child referred to in paragraph (b) or (c) of the definition family member in subsection 1(3);
(b) a principal applicant who is a foreign national referred to in paragraph 117(1)(b), (f) or (g);
(b.1) a principal applicant in Canada who has made an application in accordance with section 66 and is a dependent child of a permanent resident or of a Canadian citizen;
(b.2) a member of the permit holder class who is a dependent child of
(i) a member of the permit holder class who has made an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, or
(ii) a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen;
(c) a protected person within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act who has applied to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, and their family members;
(c.1) a person who is a member of the protected temporary residents class and is described in paragraph 151.1(2)(b) and the family members included in their application;
(d) a person who is a member of the Convention refugees abroad class, and the family members included in their application; and
(e) a person who is a member of a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class, and the family members included in their application.
Marginal note:Payment
(3) The fee referred to in subsection (1) is payable
(a) in the case of an application by or on behalf of a person for a permanent resident visa, before the visa is issued; and
(b) in the case of an application by or on behalf of a foreign national to remain in Canada as a permanent resident, before the foreign national becomes a permanent resident.
Marginal note:Remission
(4) The fee referred to in subsection (1) is remitted if the person does not acquire permanent resident status, in which case the fee shall be repaid by the Minister to the person who paid it.
Marginal note:Transitional — subsection (4)
(5) For the purpose of subsection (4), if the fee was paid before the day on which this subsection comes into force, the amount to be remitted and repaid — except to the extent otherwise remitted — is $975.
Marginal note:Transitional — remission
(6) Despite subsections (4) and (5), in the case where the fee of $975 was paid in accordance with paragraph (3)(a), a portion of that fee in the amount of $485 is remitted and shall be repaid — except to the extent otherwise remitted — by the Minister to the person who paid the fee if
(a) the person in respect of whom the fee was paid has, on or before the day on which this subsection comes into force, not yet acquired permanent resident status and they are a person referred to in any of paragraphs 117(1)(a), (c), (d) or (h); or
(b) the person in respect of whom the fee was paid acquires permanent resident status on or after the day on which this subsection comes into force and they are not a person referred to in any of paragraphs 117(1)(a), (c), (d) or (h).
- SOR/2004-167, s. 74
- SOR/2005-61, s. 8
- SOR/2006-89, s. 1
- SOR/2011-222, s. 10
- SOR/2020-45, s. 3
DIVISION 4.1Other Fees in Respect of Work Permits
Compliance Regime — Employer Fee
Marginal note:Fee — $230
303.1 (1) A fee of $230 is payable by an employer who has made an offer of employment to
(a) a foreign national in respect of work described in section 204 or 205;
(b) a foreign national described in section 207; or
(c) a foreign national referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) who makes an application for renewal of a work permit.
Marginal note:Payment of fees
(2) The fee referred to in subsection (1) is payable before the foreign national to whom the offer of employment is made makes an application for a work permit or an application for renewal of the work permit.
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 15]
(4) [Repealed, SOR/2019-174, s. 15]
Marginal note:Exception
(4.1) An employer who is exempt from the application of sections 209.11 and 209.2 under section 209.91 is not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1).
Marginal note:Exception
(5) An employer is not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1) if the offer of employment is made to a foreign national — other than a person referred to in paragraph 299(2)(i) — who under subsection 299(2) is not required to pay a fee for processing an application for a work permit.
Marginal note:Remission
(6) The fee referred to in subsection (1) is remitted, and must be repaid by the Minister to the person who paid it, if
(a) the work permit is refused; or
(b) the employer withdraws the offer of employment and requests a remission before the work permit is issued.
Marginal note:Maximum fee
(7) The total amount of fees payable under subsection (1) by an employer who has made offers of employment to a group of three or more foreign nationals, consisting of performing artists and their staff, is $690, if those offers are made at the same time.
- SOR/2015-25, s. 6
- SOR/2018-26, s. 4
- SOR/2019-174, s. 15
Rights and Privileges
Marginal note:Fee — $100
303.2 (1) A fee of $100 is payable by a person for the rights and privileges conferred by means of a work permit if that person is
(a) a foreign national who intends to perform work described in section 204 or 205 but does not have an offer of employment to perform that work;
(b) a foreign national described in paragraph 207(b) who does not have an offer of employment; or
(c) a family member of a foreign national referred to in paragraph (b).
Marginal note:Exceptions
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a person — other than a person referred to in paragraph 299(2)(i) — who under subsection 299(2) is not required to pay a fee for processing an application for a work permit;
(b) a person referred to in paragraph 299(2)(i) who intends to perform work under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries, if the agreement
(i) prohibits the payment of a fee other than a participation fee, and
(ii) is in force at the time that the person makes an application for a work permit or for renewal of the work permit; and
(c) [Repealed, SOR/2017-78, s. 11]
Marginal note:Remission
(3) The fee referred to in subsection (1) is remitted, and must be repaid by the Minister to the person who paid it, if
(a) the work permit is refused; or
(b) the foreign national withdraws their application and requests a remission before the work permit is issued.
- SOR/2015-25, s. 6
- SOR/2017-78, s. 11
DIVISION 5Fees for Other Applications and Services
Sponsorship Application for Family Classes
Marginal note:Fee — $75
304 (1) A fee of $75 is payable for processing a sponsorship application under Part 7.
Marginal note:Payment
(2) The fee referred to in subsection (1) is payable at the time the application is filed.
Extension of Authorization to Remain in Canada as a Temporary Resident
Marginal note:Fee — $100
305 (1) A fee of $100 is payable for processing an application under subsection 181(1).
Marginal note:Exception
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a person who makes an application for a work permit or a study permit at the same time as they make the application referred to in subsection (1);
(b) a person who has made a claim for refugee protection that has not yet been determined by the Refugee Protection Division;
(c) a person on whom refugee protection has been conferred;
(d) a person who is a member of the Convention refugees abroad class or a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class;
(e) a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member, the members of the suite of such a person and the family members of such a person;
(f) a member of the armed forces of a country that is a designated state for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act, including a person who has been designated as a civilian component of that visiting force under paragraph 4(c) of that Act, and their family members;
(g) a person who is a member of the clergy, a member of a religious order or a lay person who is to assist a congregation or a group in the achievement of its spiritual goals, if the duties to be performed by the person are to consist mainly of preaching doctrine, presiding at liturgical functions or spiritual counselling, and their family members;
(h) an officer of a foreign government sent, under an exchange agreement between Canada and one or more countries, to take up duties with a federal or provincial agency; and
(i) a family member of any of the following persons, namely,
(i) a person who holds a study permit and is temporarily destitute, as described in paragraph 208(a),
(ii) a person whose work is designated under subparagraph 205(c)(i),
(iii) a person whose work in Canada is for a Canadian religious or charitable organization, without remuneration,
(iv) a person whose presence in Canada is as a participant in a program sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency, or
(v) a person whose presence in Canada is as a recipient of a Government of Canada scholarship or fellowship.
- SOR/2011-222, s. 11
- SOR/2014-19, s. 6
Restoration of Temporary Resident Status
Marginal note:Fee — $200
306 (1) A fee of $200 is payable for processing an application under section 182.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) A person who holds an unexpired temporary resident permit is not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1).
Fees for a Request under Section 25 of the Act or an Examination of Circumstances under Section 25.2 of the Act
- SOR/2015-95, s. 1
Marginal note:Fees
307 The following fees are payable for processing an application made in accordance with section 66 or for examining the circumstances under subsection 25.2(1) of the Act of a foreign national who applies for permanent resident status or for a permanent resident visa, if no fees are payable in respect of the same applicant for processing an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident or an application for a permanent resident visa:
(a) in the case of a principal applicant, $550;
(b) in the case of a family member of the principal applicant who is a spouse or common-law partner, $550; and
(c) in the case of a family member of the principal applicant who is a dependent child, $150.
- SOR/2014-133, s. 12
- SOR/2015-95, s. 2
Permanent Resident Cards
Marginal note:Fee — $50
308 (1) A fee of $50 is payable for processing an application made under paragraph 53(1)(b) for a permanent resident card.
Marginal note:Renewal or replacement fee
(2) A fee of $50 is payable for processing an application for the renewal of a permanent resident card or for the replacement of a lost, stolen or destroyed permanent resident card.
Marginal note:Replacement due to error
(3) No fee is payable for the replacement of a permanent resident card containing an error that is not attributable to the permanent resident.
Determination of Rehabilitation
Marginal note:Fees
309 The following fees are payable for processing an application for a determination of rehabilitation under paragraph 36(3)(c) of the Act:
(a) in the case of a foreign national inadmissible on grounds of serious criminality under paragraph 36(1)(b) or (c) of the Act, $1,000; and
(b) in the case of a foreign national inadmissible on grounds of criminality under paragraph 36(2)(b) or (c) of the Act, $200.
Authorization to Return to Canada
Marginal note:Fee — $400
310 A fee of $400 is payable for processing an application for authorization to return to Canada under subsection 52(1) of the Act.
Certification and Replacement of Immigration Document
Marginal note:Certification — $30
311 (1) A fee of $30 is payable for processing an application for the certification of an immigration document, other than a permanent resident card, confirming the date on which a person became a permanent resident.
Marginal note:Replacement — $30
(2) A fee of $30 is payable for processing an application to replace any immigration document, other than a permanent resident card, that is issued by the Department.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) a federal, provincial or municipal government agency;
(b) a person in receipt of provincial social assistance payments; and
(c) a person in receipt of assistance under the Resettlement Assistance Program.
After-hours Examination
Marginal note:Fee — $100
312 (1) The following fees are payable for an examination for the purpose of entering Canada that is made outside the applicable service hours of the port of entry where the officer who conducts the examination is based:
(a) a fee of $100 for the first four hours of examination; and
(b) a fee of $30 for each additional hour or part of an hour of examination.
Marginal note:Payment
(2) The fees are payable at the time of the examination
(a) if the transporter’s vehicle carrying the person to be examined arrives unscheduled at a port of entry outside service hours, by the transporter; and
(b) in any other case, by the person who requests that the examination take place outside service hours.
Alternative Means of Examination
Marginal note:Fee — $30
313 (1) A fee of $30 is payable for processing an application to enroll in a program for an alternative means of examination that is administered solely by the Minister.
Marginal note:Payment
(2) The fee is payable in respect of each person to be examined by an alternative means referred to in subsection (1).
Immigration Statistical Data
Marginal note:Fee for statistical data
314 (1) The following fees are payable for processing an application for immigration statistical data that have not been published by the Department:
(a) $100 for the first 10 minutes or less of access to the Department’s database in order to respond to such an application; and
(b) $30 for each additional minute or less of such access.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fees referred to in subsection (1):
(a) an employee of the Department; and
(b) an employee of the Data Development Division of the Department of Employment and Social Development.
Marginal note:Payment
(3) The fee referred to in subsection (1)(b) is payable at the time the service is rendered.
- SOR/2009-163, s. 17
- SOR/2010-172, s. 5
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
Marginal note:Travel document
315 A fee of $50 is payable for processing an application for a travel document issued under subsection 31(3) of the Act.
Services in Relation to Collection of Biometric Information
- SOR/2018-128, s. 8
Marginal note:Fee — $85
315.1 (1) A fee of $85 is payable for the provision of services in relation to the collection of biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act.
Marginal note:Exemptions
(2) The following persons are not required to pay the fee referred to in subsection (1):
(a) with respect to an application referred to in paragraph 12.1(a), a person who applied for refugee protection outside Canada and their family members;
(b) with respect to a request referred to in paragraph 12.1(f),
(i) a person referred to in paragraph 12.2(1)(h), if the 48-hour period has elapsed and the person ceases to be exempt under that paragraph, and
(ii) a person who, while they are in transit to Canada, ceases to be exempt under paragraph 190(1)(a) from the requirement for a temporary resident visa, if, during the first 48 hours after they cease to be exempt from that requirement, they seek to enter and remain in Canada and are inadmissible to Canada for the sole reason that they do not have a temporary resident visa;
(c) with respect to an application referred to in paragraph 12.1(j), protected persons, within the meaning of subsection 95(2) of the Act, who are in Canada;
(d) with respect to an application or request referred to in paragraphs 12.1(d) to (i),
(i) a properly accredited diplomat, consular officer, representative or official of a country other than Canada, of the United Nations or any of its agencies or of any intergovernmental organization of which Canada is a member,
(ii) a person who is a family member of a person referred to in subparagraph (i),
(iii) a person who seeks to enter Canada in the course of official duties as a member of the suite of a person referred to in subparagraph (i),
(iv) a member of a visiting force as defined in section 2 of the Visiting Forces Act and their family members,
(v) a person whose work in Canada would create or maintain reciprocal employment of Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada in other countries and who is a family member of an officer of a foreign government sent, under an exchange agreement between Canada and one or more countries, to take up duties with a federal or provincial agency,
(vi) a foreign national who belongs to the category of protected temporary residents and any family member included by that foreign national in the application or request,
(vii) a person who makes a claim for refugee protection in Canada,
(viii) a person referred to in section 12.9 who provides their biometric information under section 10.01 of the Act, before the end of the 10-year period referred to in paragraph 12.7(1)(b), and
(ix) a person who is a member of the clergy, a member of a religious order or a lay person who is to assist a congregation or a group in the achievement of its spiritual goals, if the duties to be performed by the person are to consist mainly of spiritual counselling, preaching doctrine or presiding at liturgical functions, and their family members;
(e) with respect to an application or request referred to in paragraphs 12.1(d) to (g),
(i) a person who is seeking to enter Canada for a period of less than 48 hours and who is
(A) travelling by transporter’s vehicle to a destination other than Canada, or
(B) transiting through or stopping over in Canada for refuelling or for the continuation of their journey in another vehicle of a transporter, or
(ii) a foreign national who is transiting through Canada as a passenger on a flight that, owing to an emergency or other unforeseen circumstances, makes an unscheduled stop in Canada;
(f) with respect to an application or request referred to in paragraphs 12.1(d) to (h),
(i) a person seeking to enter Canada
(A) for the purpose of attending a meeting hosted by the Government of Canada, an organization of the United Nations or the Organization of American States, as a participant,
(B) for the purpose of attending a meeting as a representative of the Organization of American States or the Caribbean Development Bank, or
(C) for the purpose of attending a meeting hosted by the Government of Canada, an organization of the United Nations or the Organization of American States, at the invitation of the Government of Canada,
(ii) a person seeking to enter Canada as a competitor, coach, judge, team official, medical staff member or member of a national or international sports organizing body participating in the Pan-American Games, when held in Canada, or as a performer participating in a festival associated with any of those Games,
(iii) a person seeking to work in Canada if the work is designated by the Minister under subparagraph 205(c)(i),
(iv) a person seeking to work in Canada for a religious or charitable organization, without remuneration, or
(v) a person seeking to work in Canada under an agreement entered into with a country by Canada, or by or on behalf of a province, that provides for reciprocal employment opportunities of an artistic, cultural or educational nature;
(g) with respect to an application or request referred to in paragraphs 12.1(d) to (g) and (i), a person seeking to study in Canada under an agreement or arrangement entered into with a country by Canada that provides for reciprocal opportunities with respect to student exchange programs;
(h) with respect to an application referred to in paragraph 12.1(h), a person who holds a study permit and is temporarily destitute, as described in paragraph 208(a);
(i) with respect to an application referred to in paragraphs 12.1(h) and (i),
(i) the family members of a person in Canada whose claim for refugee protection has not yet been determined by the Refugee Protection Division,
(ii) the family members of a person in Canada who has been granted refugee protection, or
(iii) the family members of a person who is a member of the Convention refugees abroad class or a member of a humanitarian-protected persons abroad class; and
(j) with respect to an application referred to in paragraph 12.1(m), the person referred to in that paragraph.
Marginal note:Maximum fee
(3) The total amount of fees payable under subsection (1) is
(a) if an applicant and their family members make their applications or requests referred to in any of paragraphs 12.1(a),(b) and (d) to (i) at the same time, $170 for all applications and requests together; and
(b) if three or more persons who are part of the same group of performing artists or that group’s staff make their applications for a work permit at the same time, $255 for all applications together.
- SOR/2013-73, s. 4
- SOR/2018-128, s. 9
Services in Relation to an Assessment from the Department of Employment and Social Development
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2015-147, s.1
Marginal note:Fee — $1,000
315.2 (1) A fee of $1,000 is payable for the provision of services in relation to an assessment from the Department of Employment and Social Development that is requested by an employer or group of employers under subsection 203(2) for each offer of employment in respect of which the request is made.
Marginal note:Payment
(2) The fee must be paid at the time the request is made.
Marginal note:Exceptions — agricultural work
(3) No fee is payable if the request is made in respect of an offer of employment that relates to
(a) work to be performed under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers; or
(b) any other work in the primary agriculture sector.
Marginal note:Primary agriculture sector
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3)(b), work in the primary agriculture sector means, subject to subsection (5), work that is performed within the boundaries of a farm, nursery or greenhouse and involves
(a) the operation of agricultural machinery;
(b) the boarding, care, breeding, sanitation or other handling of animals, other than fish, for the purpose of obtaining animal products for market, or activities relating to the collection, handling and assessment of those products; or
(c) the planting, care, harvesting or preparation of crops, trees, sod or other plants for market.
Marginal note:Exclusions
(5) Work in the primary agriculture sector does not include work involving
(a) the activities of agronomists or agricultural economists;
(b) landscape architecture;
(c) [Repealed, SOR/2014-169, s. 1]
(d) the preparation of vegetable fibres for textile use;
(e) activities related to commercial hunting and trapping; or
(f) veterinary activities.
Marginal note:Exception — care for medical needs
(6) No fee is payable if
(a) the request is made in respect of an offer of employment that relates to work performed in a private household providing care to a person who is incapable of caring for themselves without assistance due to a physical or mental condition and who has a medical certificate from a medical practitioner entitled to practice medicine under the laws of a province, attesting to their incapacity; and
(b) the employer is the person receiving care or is
(i) that person’s spouse or common-law partner,
(ii) that person’s relative,
(iii) the child or grandchild of that person’s spouse or common-law partner,
(iv) any person legally authorized to act on behalf of that person such as a guardian, a tutor, a curator or a person acting under a power of attorney or protective mandate, or
(v) any person living with that person.
Marginal note:Exception — care for children
(7) No fee is payable if the request is made in respect of an offer of employment that relates to work performed in a private household providing care to children under 13 years of age, by an employer who meets the following conditions:
(a) the employer lives with the child; and
(b) the total annual gross income of the employer and, if applicable, of their spouse or common-law partner, living in the same private household does not exceed $150,000 for the taxation year ending before the date of the request.
- 2013, c. 40, s. 237
- SOR/2013-149, s. 1
- SOR/2014-169, s. 1
- SOR/2015-147, s. 1
- SOR/2017-279, s. 1
PART 19.1Information Sharing Between Countries
DIVISION 1Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for the Sharing of Visa and Immigration Information
- SOR/2024-257, s. 1(E)
Marginal note:Interpretation
315.21 The definitions in this section apply in this Division.
- Agreement
Agreement means the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for the Sharing of Visa and Immigration Information, signed on December 13, 2012, as amended by the Agreement to Amend the Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for the Sharing of Visa and Immigration Information, signed on July 19, 2024. (Accord)
- national of a third country
national of a third country means a person who is neither a Canadian citizen nor a citizen or national of the United States. (ressortissant d’un pays tiers)
- parties
parties means the parties to the Agreement, namely the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States. (parties)
- query
query means a request that triggers an electronic search process requiring minimal human intervention. (requête)
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2024-257, s. 2
Marginal note:Purpose
315.22 The purpose of this Division is to implement the Agreement, the objectives of which, as elaborated more specifically through its provisions, are to specify the terms, relationships, responsibilities and conditions for the parties to share information by means of a query to assist in the administration and enforcement of the parties’ respective immigration laws.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
Marginal note:Authority to disclose information
315.23 (1) The Minister may disclose information to the Government of the United States in making a query to that Government, or in response to a query made by that Government, only for the following purposes:
(a) to support an examination following an application made by a national of a third country to obtain a permanent or temporary resident visa, an electronic travel authorization, a work permit, a study permit, protected person status or another immigration benefit under federal immigration legislation;
(b) to support an examination or determination as to whether a national of a third country is authorized or not authorized to travel to, enter or remain in Canada or the United States, as the case may be;
(c) to ensure the accuracy and reliability of biographic data or other immigration-related data.
Marginal note:Response to query — limitation
(2) In the case of a response to a query made by the Government of the United States, the Minister may disclose information only in respect of any of the following nationals of a third country:
(a) those who were previously determined to be inadmissible under the Act;
(b) those who did not meet the requirements under the Act;
(c) those in respect of whom a fingerprint match is established; or
(d) those who have been issued or denied a document required to enter Canada as a temporary or permanent resident.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-53, s. 11
- SOR/2017-79, s. 1(F)
- SOR/2024-257, s. 3
Marginal note:Necessary, relevant and proportionate information
315.24 Only information that is necessary, relevant and proportionate to achieving the purposes of this Division may be disclosed.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 2(F)
Marginal note:Information categories
315.25 (1) Only information belonging to the following information categories in respect of a national of a third country may be disclosed:
(a) biographic data to be used for the purposes of identity verification, such as name, alias, date of birth, country of birth, gender, citizenship and travel document number;
(b) biometric data consisting of a photograph, fingerprints or both to be used for the purposes of identity verification; and
(c) in the case of a response to a query made by the Government of the United States, other immigration-related data, including the immigration status of the national of a third country, a previous determination that the national of a third country failed to meet the requirements of Canada’s immigration laws, a previous admissibility decision or determination and data relevant to the admissibility of the national of a third country if
(i) a match is established in respect of the biographic data referred to in paragraph (a); or
(ii) a match is established in respect of the biometric data referred to in paragraph (b).
Marginal note:Refugee claim — limitation on disclosure of data
(2) In the case of a response to a query made by the Government of the United States in respect of a national of a third country making a refugee claim in the United States, only information related to an application for a permanent or temporary resident visa, a work or study permit or another immigration benefit under federal immigration legislation may be disclosed.
Marginal note:Accuracy and reliability
(3) The disclosure must be made in a manner that ensures the accuracy and reliability of the information in question.
Marginal note:Refusal to disclose
(4) If the Minister determines that disclosing information in response to a query would be inconsistent with domestic law or detrimental to national sovereignty, national security, public policy, or other important national interests, the Minister may refuse to provide all or part of the available information or offer to provide all or part of the information subject to any terms and conditions that he or she may specify.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 3(F)
Marginal note:Destruction of information
315.26 Any information collected by the Minister that is determined not to be relevant to a query and that was not used for an administrative purpose, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act, must be destroyed as soon as feasible.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
Marginal note:Correction of previously disclosed information
315.27 (1) If the Minister is made aware that previously disclosed information is inaccurate, the Minister must notify the Government of the United States and provide correcting information.
Marginal note:Notification of correction and destruction of inaccurate information
(2) If the Minister receives correcting information from the Government of the United States, the Minister must notify that Government once the necessary corrections have been made and, unless the information was used for an administrative purpose, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act, any inaccurate information and any information derived from that inaccurate information must be destroyed as soon as feasible.
Marginal note:Note to file
(3) If inaccurate information has been used for an administrative purpose, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act, a note must be placed in the file to that effect.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 4(F)
DIVISION 2Annex Regarding the Sharing of Information on Asylum and Refugee Status Claims to the Statement of Mutual Understanding on Information Sharing
Marginal note:Interpretation
315.28 The definitions in this section apply in this Division.
- Asylum Annex
Asylum Annex means the Annex Regarding the Sharing of Information on Asylum and Refugee Status Claims to the Statement of Mutual Understanding on Information Sharing, signed on behalf of Canada on August 22, 2003, as amended from time to time. (Annexe sur l’asile)
- participants
participants means the participants to the Asylum Annex, taking into account their successors, namely the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency and the Department of Homeland Security of the United States. (participants)
- refugee status claimant
refugee status claimant means a person who has made a claim for refugee protection in Canada or at a port of entry. (demandeur du statut de réfugié)
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
Marginal note:Purpose
315.29 The purpose of this Division is to implement the Asylum Annex, the objectives of which, as elaborated more specifically through its provisions, are to
(a) preserve and protect the participants’ refugee status determination systems;
(b) enhance the participants’ abilities to assist those who qualify for protection from persecution or from torture;
(c) support efforts to share responsibility between the participants in providing protection to qualified refugee status claimants;
(d) identify and prevent abuse of the participants’ refugee status determination systems and citizenship and immigration laws; and
(e) identify those who are excluded from protection or denied protection according to the Refugee Convention, as implemented in the participants’ domestic legislation or whose refugee protection may be subject to termination, cancellation or revocation.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
Marginal note:Authority to disclose information
315.3 The Minister may only disclose information to the Department of Homeland Security of the United States in respect of a refugee status claimant other than a refugee status claimant who is alleging persecution in the United States.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 5(F)
Marginal note:Necessary, relevant and proportionate information
315.31 Only information that is necessary, relevant and proportionate to achieving the purposes of this Division may be disclosed.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 5(F)
Marginal note:Method of disclosure
315.32 (1) The disclosure of information must be made in accordance with article 6 of the Asylum Annex.
Marginal note:Accuracy and reliability
(2) The disclosure must be made in a manner that ensures the accuracy and reliability of the information in question.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 5(F)
Marginal note:Data elements to be disclosed
315.33 Only information belonging to the following information categories may be disclosed:
(a) information relating to the identity of a refugee status claimant;
(b) information relating to the processing of a refugee status claimant’s claim;
(c) information relevant to a decision to deny a refugee status claimant access to or to exclude such a claimant from the protection of the refugee status determination system or to cease, vacate or nullify a refugee status claimant’s refugee protection; and
(d) information regarding the substance or history of a previous claim made by a refugee status claimant that will assist in determining a subsequent claim.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 6(F)
Marginal note:Destruction of information
315.34 Any information collected by the Minister that is determined not to be relevant to the purposes of this Division and that was not used for an administrative purpose, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act, must be destroyed as soon as feasible.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
Marginal note:Correction of previously disclosed information
315.35 (1) If the Minister is made aware that previously disclosed information is inaccurate, the Minister must notify the Department of Homeland Security of the United States and provide correcting information.
Marginal note:Notification of correction and destruction of inaccurate information
(2) If the Minister receives correcting information from the Department of Homeland Security of the United States, the Minister must notify that Department once the necessary corrections have been made and, unless the information was used for an administrative purpose, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act, any inaccurate information and any information derived from that inaccurate information must be destroyed as soon as feasible.
Marginal note:Note to file
(3) If inaccurate information has been used for an administrative purpose, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act, a note must be placed in the file to that effect.
- SOR/2014-6, s. 1
- SOR/2017-79, s. 7(F)
DIVISION 3Information Sharing Between the Government of Canada and the Governments of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom
Marginal note:Interpretation
315.36 The following definitions apply in this Division.
- national of a third country
national of a third country means a foreign national other than a national or citizen of the country of the party making or receiving a query. (ressortissant d’un pays tiers)
- party
party means
(a) the Minister; or
(b) any of the following government departments or their successors that have entered into an arrangement with the Department and the Canada Border Services Agency for the purpose of facilitating information sharing to assist in the administration and enforcement of their respective countries’ immigration and citizenship laws:
(i) Australia’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection,
(ii) New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment,
(iii) the United Kingdom’s Home Office. (partie)
- query
query means an automated request for information made by one party to another for the purposes of this Division. (requête)
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
Marginal note:Purpose
315.37 The purpose of this Division is to define the parameters for the sharing of information, by means of a query, between parties in support of the administration and enforcement of Canada’s laws in respect of immigration and other parties’ laws in respect of citizenship and immigration.
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
Marginal note:Making of query
315.38 A query in respect of a person must be made by submitting to another party either the person’s fingerprints accompanied by a unique transaction number or the unique transaction number assigned to a previous query received in respect of the person.
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
Marginal note:Disclosure of information — query or response
315.39 Disclosure in relation to the making of or a response to a query is limited to information that is necessary, relevant and proportionate to achieving the purposes of this Division and must be made in a manner that ensures the accuracy and reliability of the information.
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
Marginal note:Making of query — permitted purposes
315.4 (1) The Minister may make a query to another party only for the following purposes:
(a) to support an examination or determination following an application or claim made by a national of a third country for a permanent or temporary resident visa, a work or study permit, protection, refugee protection or any other immigration benefit under Canada’s immigration laws; or
(b) to support an examination or determination as to whether a national of a third country is authorized to travel to, enter or remain in Canada.
Marginal note:Limitation
(2) The Minister must not make a query to another party in respect of a person who has made a claim for refugee protection or an application for protection if the person has alleged persecution in that party’s country.
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
Marginal note:Disclosure of information — permitted purposes
315.41 (1) The Minister may disclose information in response to a query made by another party only for the following purposes:
(a) to support an examination or determination by that party following an application or claim made by a national of a third country for a visa or immigration-related permit, status or benefit;
(b) to support an examination or determination by that party as to whether a national of a third country is authorized to travel to, enter or remain in that party’s territory;
(c) to support an examination or determination by that party following an application made by a national of a third country for citizenship; or
(d) to support an examination or determination by that party following an application or claim made by a permanent resident of Canada for refugee status.
Marginal note:Contents of disclosure
(2) The Minister may disclose to the requesting party the following information in relation to the national of a third country or the permanent resident of Canada:
(a) their biographic data, such as last name, first name, date of birth, gender and country of birth;
(b) their photograph; and
(c) information in relation to the administration and enforcement of Canada’s immigration laws, including the issuing country of the person’s passport, their immigration status, information relevant to — and any previous decision or determination relating to — their admissibility, and any decision or determination relating to a claim for refugee protection or an application for protection.
Marginal note:Refusal to disclose
(3) If the Minister determines that the disclosure of information to another party in response to a query would be inconsistent with domestic law or would be detrimental to national sovereignty, national security, public policy or other important national interests, the Minister must refuse to provide all or part of the available information.
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
Marginal note:Correction of previously disclosed information
315.42 (1) If the Minister becomes aware that information that he or she disclosed in response to a query is inaccurate, the Minister must, as soon as feasible, notify the party to which he or she disclosed the information of the error and provide correcting information.
Marginal note:Correction of inaccurate information
(2) If the Minister receives information from another party correcting information previously disclosed by that party in response to a query, the Minister must, as soon as feasible, make the necessary correction and notify the other party once it has been made.
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
Marginal note:Retention and disposal of information
315.43 (1) The Minister must retain or dispose of any information obtained in response to a query in accordance with the laws of Canada.
Marginal note:Destruction of fingerprints
(2) The Minister must, immediately after completion of the information search triggered by the receipt of a query, destroy any fingerprints submitted as part of the query, regardless of whether a match is identified.
- SOR/2017-79, s. 8
PART 20Transitional Provisions
DIVISION 1Interpretation
Marginal note:Definitions
316 (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.
- former Regulations
former Regulations means the Immigration Regulations, 1978, as enacted by Order in Council P.C. 1978-486 dated February 23, 1978 and registered as SOR/78-172. (ancien règlement)
- Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations
Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations means the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations , as enacted by Order in Council P.C. 1997-477 dated April 8, 1997 and registered as SOR/97-183. (Règlement sur les catégories d’immigrants précisées pour des motifs d’ordre humanitaire)
- Immigration Act Fees Regulations
Immigration Act Fees Regulations means the Immigration Act Fees Regulations, as enacted by Order in Council P.C. 1996-2003 dated December 19, 1996 and registered as SOR/97-22. (Règlement sur les prix à payer — Loi sur l’immigration)
- Refugee Claimants Designated Class Regulations
Refugee Claimants Designated Class Regulations means the Refugee Claimants Designated Class Regulations, as enacted by Order in Council P.C. 1989-2517 dated December 21, 1989 and registered as SOR/90-40. (Règlement sur la catégorie admissible de demandeurs du statut de réfugié)
Interpretation — former Act
(2) For greater certainty, in this Part former Act has the same meaning as in section 187 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Interpretation — Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
(3) A reference in this Part to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act includes the regulations and rules made under it.
DIVISION 2General Provisions
Marginal note:Decisions and orders made under former Act
317 (1) A decision or order made under the former Act that is in effect immediately before the coming into force of this section continues in effect after that coming into force.
Marginal note:Documents issued under former Act
(2) A document, including a visa, that is issued under the former Act and is valid immediately before the coming into force of this section continues to be valid after that coming into force.
DIVISION 3Enforcement
Marginal note:Terms and conditions
318 Terms and conditions imposed under the former Act become conditions imposed under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Removal order
319 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a removal order made under the former Act that was unexecuted on the coming into force of this section continues in force and is subject to the provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Stay of removal
(2) The execution of a removal order that had been stayed on the coming into force of this section under paragraphs 49(1)(c) to (f) of the former Act continues to be stayed until the earliest of the events described in paragraphs 231(1)(a) to (e).
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if
(a) the subject of the removal order was determined by the Convention Refugee Determination Division not to have a credible basis for their claim; or
(b) the subject of the removal order
(i) is subject to a removal order because they are inadmissible on grounds of serious criminality, or
(ii) resides or sojourns in the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon and is the subject of a report prepared under subsection 44(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on their entry into Canada.
Marginal note:Conditional removal order
(4) A conditional removal order made under the former Act continues in force and is subject to subsection 49(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Executed removal order
(5) Section 52 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies to a person who immediately before the coming into force of this section was outside Canada after a removal order was executed against them.
Marginal note:Inadmissibility — security grounds
320 (1) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on security grounds if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of an inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(e), (f), (g) or (k) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Violating human or international rights
(2) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of violating human or international rights if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of an inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(j) or (l) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Paragraph 19(1)(l) of the former Act
(2.1) For greater certainty, an opinion of the Minister under paragraph 19(1)(l) of the former Act continues as an opinion of the Minister under paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Serious criminality
(3) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of serious criminality if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of an inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(c) or (c.1) of the former Act or had been determined to be inadmissible on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(a.1) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Criminality
(4) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of criminality if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of an inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(2)(a), (a.1) or (b) of the former Act, or had been determined to be inadmissible on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(a.2) or (a.3) or (2)(d) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Paragraph 27(1)(d) of former Act
(5) A person who on the coming into force of this section had been determined to be inadmissible on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(d) of the former Act is
(a) inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of serious criminality if the person was convicted of an offence and a term of imprisonment of more than six months has been imposed or a term of imprisonment of 10 years or more could have been imposed; or
(b) inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of criminality if the offence was punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of five years or more but less than 10 years.
Marginal note:Organized crime
(6) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of organized criminality if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of an inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(c.2) or subparagraph 19(1)(d)(ii) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Health grounds
(7) A person — other than an applicant described in section 7 of the former Regulations or section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations who made an application for admission under the former Act — is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on health grounds if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of the inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(a) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Financial reasons
(8) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for financial reasons if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of the inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(b) of the former Act or had been determined to be inadmissible on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(f) or (2)(l) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Misrepresentation
(9) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for misrepresentation if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be inadmissible on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(e) or (2)(g) or (i) of the former Act.
Marginal note:Failing to comply
(10) A person is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for failing to comply with that Act if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of an inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(h) or (i) or (2)(c) or (d) of the former Act, or had been determined to be inadmissible on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(b) or (2)(b), (e), (f), (h), (i) or (k) of the former Act.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 75
Marginal note:Reports
321 (1) A report made under section 20 or 27 of the former Act is a report under subsection 44(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Equivalency
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1)
(a) inadmissibility as a member of a class described in paragraph 19(1)(e), (f), (g) or (k) of the former Act is inadmissibility on security grounds under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
(b) inadmissibility as a member of a class described in paragraph 19(1)(j) or (l) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of violating human or international rights;
(c) inadmissibility as a member of a class described in paragraph 19(1)(c) or (c.1) of the former Act or inadmissibility on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(a.1) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of serious criminality;
(d) inadmissibility as a member of a class described in paragraph 19(2)(a), (a.1) or (b) of the former Act or inadmissibility on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(a.2) or (a.3) or (2)(d) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of criminality;
(e) inadmissibility on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(d) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of
(i) serious criminality, if the person was convicted of an offence and a term of imprisonment of more than six months has been imposed or a term of imprisonment of 10 years or more could have been imposed, or
(ii) criminality if the offence was punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of five years or more but less than 10 years;
(f) inadmissibility as a member of a class described in paragraph 19(1)(c.2) or subparagraph 19(1)(d)(ii) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on grounds of organized criminality;
(g) inadmissibility as a member of the inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(a) of the former Act — other than an applicant described in section 7 of the former Regulations or section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations who made an application for admission under the former Act — is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Acton health grounds if, on the coming into force of this section, the person had been determined to be a member of the inadmissible class described in paragraph 19(1)(a) of the former Act;
(h) inadmissibility as a member of a class described in paragraph 19(1)(b) of the former Act or inadmissibility on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(f) or (2)(l) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for financial reasons;
(i) inadmissibility on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(e) or (2)(g) or (i) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for misrepresentation; and
(j) inadmissibility as a member of a class described in paragraph 19(1)(h) or (i) or (2)(c) or (d) of the former Act or inadmissibility on the basis of paragraph 27(1)(b) or (2)(b), (e), (f), (h), (i) or (k) of the former Act is inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for failing to comply with the Act.
Marginal note:Reports forwarded to a senior immigration officer
(3) A report that was forwarded to a senior immigration officer under the former Act and in respect of which a decision has not been made on the coming into force of this section is a report transmitted to the Minister.
Marginal note:Inquiry
(4) The causing by a senior immigration officer of an inquiry to be held under the former Act is the referring by the Minister of a report to the Immigration Division under subsection 44(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act unless that subsection allows the Minister to make a removal order.
Marginal note:No substantive evidence
(5) If no substantive evidence was adduced before the Adjudication Division, the causing by a senior immigration officer of an inquiry to be held under the former Act is, if subsection 44(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act allows the Minister to make a removal order, a report on the basis of which the Minister may make a removal order.
Marginal note:Detention
322 (1) The first review of reasons, after the coming into force of this section, for the continued detention of a person detained under the former Act shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the former Act.
Marginal note:Period of detention
(2) If the review referred to in subsection (1) was the first review in respect of a person’s detention, the period of detention at the end of which that review was made shall be considered the period referred to in subsection 57(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Subsequent review
(3) If a review of reasons for continued detention follows the review referred to in subsection (1), that review shall be made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Order issued by Deputy Minister
323 An order issued by a Deputy Minister under subsection 105(1) of the former Act continues in force and the review of reasons for continued detention shall be made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Release
324 A release from detention under the former Act is the ordering of release from detention under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and any terms and conditions imposed under the former Act become conditions imposed under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Warrants
325 (1) A warrant for arrest and detention made under the former Act is a warrant for arrest and detention made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Detention orders
(2) An order for the detention of a person made under the former Act is an order to detain made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Danger to the public
326 (1) A claim to be a Convention refugee made by a person described in subparagraph 19(1)(c.1)(i) of the former Act in respect of whom the Minister was of the opinion under subparagraph 46.01(1)(e)(i) of the former Act that the person constitutes a danger to the public in Canada is deemed, if no determination was made by a senior immigration officer under section 45 of the former Act, to be a claim for refugee protection made by a person described in paragraph 101(2)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act who is inadmissible and in respect of whom the Minister is of the opinion that the person is a danger to the public.
Marginal note:Appeals
(2) A person in respect of whom subsection 70(5) or paragraph 77(3.01)(b) of the former Act applied on the coming into force of this section is a person in respect of whom subsection 64(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies.
Marginal note:Removal not prohibited
(3) A person whose removal on the coming into force of this section was allowed by the application of paragraphs 53(1)(a) to (d) of the former Act is a person referred to in subsection 115(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Certificates
327 A certificate determined to be reasonable under paragraph 40.1(4)(d) of the former Act is deemed to be a certificate determined to be reasonable under subsection 80(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Permanent residents
328 (1) A person who was a permanent resident immediately before the coming into force of this section is a permanent resident under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Returning resident permit
(2) Any period spent outside Canada within the five years preceding the coming into force of this section by a permanent resident holding a returning resident permit is considered to be a period spent in Canada for the purpose of satisfying the residency obligation under section 28 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act if that period is included in the five-year period referred to in that section.
Marginal note:Returning resident permit
(3) Any period spent outside Canada within the two years immediately following the coming into force of this section by a permanent resident holding a returning resident permit is considered to be a period spent in Canada for the purpose of satisfying the residency obligation under section 28 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act if that period is included in the five-year period referred to in that section.
Marginal note:Visitors and permit holders
329 (1) Any of the following persons who were in Canada immediately before the coming into force of this section are temporary residents under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and are subject to its provisions:
(a) a visitor under the former Act; and
(b) a person issued a permit under section 37 of the former Act.
Marginal note:Permits
(2) A permit issued by the Minister under section 37 of the former Act is deemed to be a temporary resident permit referred to in section 24 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Examination
330 Any of the following persons who were in Canada immediately before the coming into force of this section are deemed to have been authorized under section 23 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to enter Canada:
(a) a person in respect of whom an examination remains incomplete and whose examination was adjourned and referred to another immigration officer for completion under subsection 12(3) of the former Act;
(b) a person in respect of whom an examination remains incomplete and whose examination was deferred under paragraph 13(1)(a) of the former Act;
(c) a person in respect of whom an examination remains incomplete and who was authorized to come into Canada for further examination under paragraph 14(2)(b) of the former Act;
(d) a person in respect of whom an examination remains incomplete and who was authorized to come into Canada for further examination under paragraph 23(1)(b) of the former Act; and
(e) a person who has made a claim to be a Convention refugee in respect of which a determination of eligibility was not made before the coming into force of this section.
Marginal note:Performance bonds and security deposits
331 A performance bond posted or security deposited under the former Act that remains posted or deposited immediately before the coming into force of this section continues as a deposit or a guarantee under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and is governed by its provisions.
Marginal note:Seizures
332 A thing seized under the former Act continues to be seized on the coming into force of this section, and the seizure is governed by the provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Debts
333 Any debt under subsection 118(3) of the former Act continues as a debt on the coming into force of this section and is governed by the provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
DIVISION 4Refugee and Humanitarian Resettlement Program
Marginal note:Applications for protection abroad
334 With the exception of subsection 140.3(1) of these Regulations, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies to an applicant described in section 7 of the former Regulations or section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations, who made an application for admission under the former Act if the application is pending on the day on which this section comes into force and no visa has been issued to the applicant.
- SOR/2012-225, s. 10
Marginal note:Family member
335 An applicant described in section 7 of the former Regulations or section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations who made an application for admission under the former Act that has not been refused may add to their application at any time prior to their departure for Canada a person included in the definition family member in subsection 1(3).
Marginal note:Sponsorship agreements
336 A sponsorship agreement with the Minister made under the former Act and former Regulations does not cease to have effect for the sole reason of section 152 coming into force.
Marginal note:Sponsors
337 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a sponsor who made an undertaking within the meaning of paragraph (b) of the definition undertaking in subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations, or of the definition undertaking in subsection 1(1) of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations, and in respect of whom an immigration officer was satisfied that the requirements of paragraph 7.1(2)(d) or 5(2)(d) of those Regulations, respectively, were met is deemed to be a sponsor whose application has been approved by an officer under section 154.
Marginal note:Additional persons sponsored
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a sponsor who requests that a person be added to their undertaking.
Marginal note:Ineligibility to sponsor
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a sponsor who is ineligible to be a party to a sponsorship under section 156.
DIVISION 5Refugee Protection
Marginal note:Refugee protection
338 Refugee protection is conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on a person who
(a) has been determined in Canada before the coming into force of this section to be a Convention refugee and
(i) no determination was made to vacate that determination, or
(ii) no determination was made that the person ceased to be a Convention refugee;
(b) as an applicant or an accompanying dependant was granted landing before the coming into force of this section after being issued a visa under
(i) section 7 of the former Regulations, or
(ii) section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations; or
(c) was determined to be a member of the post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class before the coming into force of this section and was granted landing under section 11.4 of the former Regulations or who becomes a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Rejection of a claim for refugee protection
339 A determination made in Canada before the coming into force of this section that a person is not a Convention refugee is deemed to be a claim for refugee protection rejected by the Board.
Marginal note:Ineligibility
340 A determination made before the coming into force of this section that a person is not eligible to have their Convention refugee claim determined by the Convention Refugee Determination Division is deemed to be a determination that the claim is ineligible to be referred to the Refugee Protection Division.
Marginal note:Withdrawal and abandonment
341 A claim to be a Convention refugee that was withdrawn or declared to be abandoned before the coming into force of this section is deemed to be a claim determined to be withdrawn or abandoned under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Eligibility
342 A claim made in Canada to be a Convention refugee in respect of which a determination of eligibility was not made before the coming into force of this section is deemed to be a claim for refugee protection made in Canada that is received on the day on which this section comes into force.
Marginal note:Redetermination of eligibility
343 Subject to section 191 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, a claim of a person who was determined eligible before the coming into force of this section to have a claim to be a Convention refugee determined by the Convention Refugee Determination Division, and in respect of which no determination was made by that Division, is a claim that
(a) is referred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to the Refugee Protection Division unless an officer gives notice under subsection 104(1) of that Act; and
(b) is subject to the provisions of that Act.
Marginal note:Cessation of refugee protection
344 A determination made in Canada before the coming into force of this section that a person has ceased to be a Convention refugee is deemed to be a determination by the Board that refugee protection has ceased.
Marginal note:Vacation
345 A decision made in Canada before the coming into force of this section to approve an application to reconsider and vacate a determination that a person is a Convention refugee is deemed to be a determination by the Board to vacate a decision to allow a claim for refugee protection.
Marginal note:Post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class
346 (1) An application for landing as a member of the post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class in respect of which no determination of whether the applicant is a member of that class was made before the coming into force of this section is an application for protection under sections 112 to 114 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and those sections apply to the application.
Marginal note:Notification re additional submissions
(2) Before a decision is made on the application, the applicant shall be notified that they may make additional submissions in support of their application.
Marginal note:Decision
(3) A decision on the application shall not be made until 30 days after notification is given to the applicant.
Marginal note:Giving notification
(4) Notification is given
(a) when it is given by hand to the applicant; or
(b) if it is sent by mail, seven days after the day on which it was sent to the applicant at the last address provided by them to the Department.
Marginal note:Stay of removal
(5) For greater certainty, the execution of a removal order made under the former Act against an applicant referred to in subsection (1) is stayed, and the stay is effective until the earliest of the applicable events described in section 232 occurs.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 76
Marginal note:Application for landing — Convention refugees
347 (1) If landing was not granted before the coming into force of this section, an application for landing submitted under section 46.04 of the former Act is an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Application for landing — undocumented Convention refugee in Canada class
(2) If landing was not granted before June 28, 2002, an application for landing as a member of the undocumented Convention refugee in Canada class is an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Application for landing — post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class
(3) If landing was not granted before the coming into force of this section, an application for landing submitted by a person pursuant to a determination that the person is a member of the post-determination refugee claimants in Canada class is an application to remain in Canada as a permanent resident under subsection 21(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 16
DIVISION 6Court Proceedings
Marginal note:Judicial review
348 (1) On the coming into force of this section, any application for leave to commence an application for judicial review and any application for judicial review or appeal from an application that was brought under the former Act that is pending before the Federal Court or the Supreme Court of Canada is deemed to have been commenced under Division 8 of Part 1 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and is governed by the provisions of that Division and section 87.
Marginal note:Application for non-disclosure
(2) On the coming into force of this section, any application under subsection 82.1(10) of the former Act that is pending before the Federal Court is deemed to be an application under section 87 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Where no leave required
(3) Despite subsection (1), an application for judicial review that was not subject to the requirement of an application for leave under the former Act and was pending on the coming into force of this section does not require such an application under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Judicial review after coming into force
(4) Any judicial review proceeding brought in respect of any decision or order made or any matter arising under the former Act after the coming into force of this section is governed by Division 8 of Part 1 and section 87 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Time for filing
(5) A person in respect of whom the 30-day period provided by section 18.1 of the Federal Courts Act for making an application for judicial review from a decision or matter referred to in subsection 82.1(2) of the former Act has not elapsed on the coming into force of this section and who has not made such an application has 60 days from the coming into force of this section to file an application for leave under section 72 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Validity or lawfulness of a decision or act
(6) The validity or lawfulness of a decision or act made under the former Act that is the subject of a judicial review procedure or appeal referred to in subsection (1) is determined in accordance with the provisions of the former Act.
- 2002, c. 8, s. 182
- SOR/2009-163, s. 18(F)
Marginal note:Other court proceedings
349 On the coming into force of this section, an appeal made under section 102.17 of the former Act or an application for an order made under section 102.2 of the former Act that is pending remains governed by the provisions of the former Act.
Marginal note:Decisions referred back
350 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), if a decision or an act of the Minister or an immigration officer under the former Act is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before this section comes into force, the determination shall be made in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Decisions or acts not provided for by Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
(2) If the decision or act referred to in subsection (1) was made under paragraph 46.01(1)(e), subsection 70(5) or paragraph 77(3.01)(b) of the former Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act makes no provision for the decision or act, no determination shall be made.
Marginal note:Skilled workers and self-employed persons
(3) If a decision or an act of the Minister or an immigration officer under the former Act in respect of a person described in subparagraph 9(1)(b)(i) or paragraph 10(1)(b) of the former Regulations is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before December 1, 2003, the determination shall be made in accordance with subsections 361(4) and (5.2) of these Regulations.
Marginal note:Investors, entrepreneurs and provincial nominees
(4) If a decision or an act of the Minister or an immigration officer under the former Act in respect of a person described in subparagraph 9(1)(b)(ii) or (iii) of the former Regulations is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before December 1, 2003, the determination shall be made in accordance with subsections 361(5), (5.1) and (6) of these Regulations.
Marginal note:Immigration Appeal Division decisions
(5) If a decision of the Immigration Appeal Division made under the former Act is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before the date of the coming into force of this section, the Immigration Appeal Division shall dispose of the matter in accordance with the former Act.
Marginal note:Adjudication Division decisions
(6) If a decision of the Adjudication Division made under the former Act is referred back by the Federal Court or Supreme Court of Canada for determination and the determination is not made before the date of the coming into force of this section, the Immigration Division shall dispose of the matter in accordance with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
- SOR/2003-383, s. 7
DIVISION 7Undertakings
Marginal note:Application of the Act to existing undertakings
351 (1) Subject to subsection (2), an undertaking referred to in section 118 of the former Act that was given before the day on which this section comes into force is governed by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Recovery of social assistance payments
(2) Payments that are made to or for the benefit of a person as social assistance or as financial assistance in the form of funds from a government resettlement assistance program referred to in subparagraph 139(1)(f)(ii) as a result of the breach of an undertaking, within the meaning of subparagraph (a)(ii) or paragraph (b) of the definition “undertaking” in subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations or of the definition “undertaking” in subsection 1(1) of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations, that was given before the day on which this section comes into force, may be recovered from the person or organization that gave the undertaking as a debt due to Her Majesty in right of Canada or in right of a province.
Marginal note:Duration
(3) For greater certainty, the duration of an undertaking referred to in section 118 of the former Act that was given to the Minister before the day on which this section comes into force is not affected by these Regulations.
Marginal note:Duration and terms
(4) For greater certainty, if an immigrant visa was issued to a person described in section 7 of the former Regulations or section 4 of the Humanitarian Designated Classes Regulations before the day on which this section comes into force, the duration and terms of an undertaking, referred to in section 118 of the former Act, relating to that person are not affected by these Regulations.
DIVISION 8Non-Accompanying Family Members
Marginal note:Not required to be included
352 A person is not required to include in an application a non-accompanying common-law partner or a non-accompanying child who is not a dependent son or a dependent daughter within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations and is a dependent child as defined in section 2 of these Regulations if the application was made under the former Act before the day on which this section comes into force.
Marginal note:Requirements not applicable
353 If a person has made an application under the former Act before the day on which this section comes into force, the following provisions do not apply to the person in respect of any of their non-accompanying dependent children, referred to in section 352, or their non-accompanying common-law partner:
(a) paragraph 70(1)(e);
(b) subparagraph 72(1)(e)(i); and
(c) paragraph 108(1)(a).
Marginal note:Requirements not applicable
354 If a person makes an application under the former Act before June 28, 2002, their non-accompanying dependent children, referred to in section 352, and their non-accompanying common-law partner shall not, for the purposes of that application, be considered inadmissible non-accompanying family members, referred to in paragraph 42(1)(a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, and are not subject to the requirements of paragraph 16(2)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or 51(b) of these Regulations.
- SOR/2012-154, s. 17
- SOR/2014-269, s. 6
Marginal note:Family members not excluded from family class
355 If a person who made an application under the former Act before June 28, 2002 sponsors a non-accompanying dependent child, referred to in section 352, who makes an application as a member of the family class or the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, or sponsors a non-accompanying common-law partner who makes such an application, paragraph 117(9)(d) does not apply in respect of that dependent child or common-law partner.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 77
Marginal note:Pending applications
356 If a person referred to in paragraph (f) of the definition member of the family class in subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations made an application under those Regulations for a permanent resident visa, or their sponsor submitted a sponsorship application under those Regulations, before June 28, 2002, the person’s application or the sponsorship application, as the case may be, is governed by the former Act.
- SOR/2004-167, s. 78
Marginal note:Remission — right of landing fee
357 The fee set out in column III of item 19 of the schedule to the Immigration Act Fees Regulations is remitted and shall be repaid by the Minister to the person who paid it if the fee is paid in respect of a person before they become a permanent resident under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the person, at the time they made an application for landing under the former Regulations, was
(a) a member of the family class and 19 years of age or older and, on the day on which this section comes into force, is a foreign national referred to in paragraph 117(1)(b) or (e) of these Regulations; or
(b) an accompanying dependant of an immigrant, within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations, 19 years of age or older and not a spouse of the principal applicant.
Marginal note:Fees to be reapplied
358 (1) A fee paid for processing an application in respect of which no decision has been made before the day on which this section comes into force or an application that has been refused but the refusal has not been communicated to the applicant before that day shall be applied to the cost of completing the processing of the application under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of an application for a returning resident permit.
Marginal note:Remission — returning resident permit fee
359 The fee for a returning resident permit set out in column III of item 3 of the schedule to the Immigration Act Fees Regulations is remitted if, before the day on which this section comes into force, no decision has been made on the application for the permit or the application has been refused and the refusal has not been communicated to the applicant. If the fee is remitted, it shall be repaid by the Minister to the person who paid it.
Marginal note:Remission — fee for review of family business employment offer
360 The fee set out in column III of item 16 of the schedule to the Immigration Act Fees Regulations for the review of an offer of employment made to an applicant in respect of a family business is remitted if, before the day on which this section comes into force, no determination has been made on the family business application or the application has been refused and the refusal has not been communicated to the applicant. If the fee is remitted, it shall be repaid by the Minister to the person who paid it.
DIVISION 11Economic Classes
Marginal note:Equivalent assessment
361 (1) If, before the day on which this section comes into force, a foreign national referred to in subsection (2) has been assessed by a visa officer and awarded the number of units of assessment required by the former Regulations, that assessment is, for the purpose of these Regulations, an award of points equal or superior to the minimum number of points required of
(a) a skilled worker, in the case of a foreign national described in paragraph (2)(a);
(b) an investor, in the case of a foreign national described in paragraph (2)(b);
(c) an entrepreneur, in the case of a foreign national described in paragraph (2)(c); or
(d) a self-employed person, in the case of a foreign national described in paragraph (2)(d).
Marginal note:Applicant for immigrant visa
(2) Subsection (1) applies in respect of a foreign national who submitted an application under the former Regulations, as one of the following, for an immigrant visa that is pending immediately before the day on which this section comes into force:
(a) a person described in subparagraph 9(1)(b)(i) or paragraph 10(1)(b) of the former Regulations;
(b) an investor; or
(c) an entrepreneur.
Marginal note:Application before January 1, 2002
(3) During the period beginning on the day on which this section comes into force and ending on March 31, 2003, units of assessment shall be awarded to a foreign national, in accordance with the former Regulations, if the foreign national is an immigrant who,
(a) is referred to in subsection 8(1) of those Regulations, other than a provincial nominee, and
(b) before January 1, 2002, made an application for an immigrant visa under those Regulations that is still pending on the day on which this section comes into force and has not, before that day, been awarded units of assessment under those Regulations.
Marginal note:Pending applications — skilled workers
(4) Beginning on December 1, 2003, a foreign national who is an immigrant who made an application under the former Regulations before January 1, 2002 for an immigrant visa as a person described in subparagraph 9(1)(b)(i) or paragraph 10(1)(b) of those Regulations, other than a self-employed person within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of those Regulations, and whose application is still pending on December 1, 2003 and who has not, before that day, been awarded units of assessment under those Regulations must, in order to become a permanent resident as a member of the federal skilled worker class,
(a) be awarded at least the minimum number of units of assessment required by those Regulations for a person described in subparagraph 9(1)(b)(i) or paragraph 10(1)(b) of those Regulations, other than a self-employed person within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of those Regulations; or
(b) meet the requirements of subsection 75(2) and paragraph 76(1)(b) of these Regulations and obtain a minimum of 67 points based on the factors set out in paragraph 76(1)(a) of these Regulations.
Marginal note:Pending applications — investors
(5) Beginning on December 1, 2003, a foreign national who is an immigrant who made an application under the former Regulations before January 1, 2002 for an immigrant visa as an investor and whose application is still pending on December 1, 2003 and who has not, before that day, been awarded units of assessment under those Regulations must, in order to become a permanent resident as a member of the investor class,
(a) be determined to be an investor within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of those Regulations and be awarded at least the minimum number of units of assessment required by those Regulations for an investor; or
(b) be an investor within the meaning of subsection 88(1) of these Regulations and obtain a minimum of 35 points based on the factors set out in subsection 102(1) of these Regulations.
Marginal note:Pending applications — entrepreneurs
(5.1) Beginning on December 1, 2003, a foreign national who is an immigrant who made an application under the former Regulations before January 1, 2002 for an immigrant visa as an entrepreneur and whose application is still pending on December 1, 2003 and who has not, before that day, been awarded units of assessment under those Regulations must, in order to become a permanent resident as a member of the entrepreneur class,
(a) be determined to be an entrepreneur within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of those Regulations and be awarded at least the minimum number of units of assessment required by those Regulations for an entrepreneur; or
(b) be an entrepreneur within the meaning of subsection 88(1) of these Regulations and obtain a minimum of 35 points based on the factors set out in subsection 102(1) of these Regulations.
Marginal note:Pending applications — self-employed persons
(5.2) Beginning on December 1, 2003, a foreign national who is an immigrant who made an application under the former Regulations before January 1, 2002 for an immigrant visa as a self-employed person and whose application is still pending on December 1, 2003 and who has not, before that day, been awarded units of assessment under those Regulations must, in order to become a permanent resident as a member of the self-employed persons class,
(a) be determined to be a self-employed person within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of those Regulations and be awarded at least the minimum number of units of assessment required by those Regulations for a self-employed person; or
(b) be a self-employed person within the meaning of subsection 88(1) of these Regulations and obtain a minimum of 35 points based on the factors set out in subsection 102(1) of these Regulations.
Marginal note:Provincial nominees
(6) If, before the day on which this section comes into force, a foreign national who was a provincial nominee submitted an application for a permanent resident visa under the former Regulations that is pending immediately before that day, the foreign national shall be assessed, and units of assessment shall be awarded to them, in accordance with those Regulations.
- SOR/2003-383, s. 8
- SOR/2010-195, s. 15(F)
Marginal note:Investors
362 If, before April 1, 1999, a foreign national made an application for an immigrant visa as an investor and signed any document referred to in clause 1(v)(iii)(A) of Schedule X to the former Regulations, as that Schedule read immediately before that date, or, in the case of an investor in a province, either applied for a selection certificate under section 3.1 of An Act respecting immigration to Québec, R.S.Q., c.I-0.2, as amended from time to time, or applied for an immigrant visa as an investor, and signed an investment agreement in accordance with the law of that province, the relevant provisions of the former Regulations respecting an applicant for an immigrant visa as an investor, an approved business, an investor in a province, a fund manager, an eligible business, an approved fund, a fund, an escrow agent, a privately administered venture capital fund or a government-administered venture capital fund continue to apply as they read immediately before April 1, 1999 to all persons governed by their application before that date.
- SOR/2014-140, s. 18(F)
Marginal note:Entrepreneurs
363 For greater certainty, section 98 does not apply in respect of an entrepreneur within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the former Regulations who was issued an immigrant visa under subparagraph 9(1)(b)(ii) or (c)(i) of those Regulations.
PART 21Repeals and Coming into Force
Marginal note:Regulations repealed
364 The following Regulations are repealed:
(a) the Immigration Regulations, 1978Footnote 1;
(b) the Refugee Claimants Designated Class RegulationsFootnote 2;
(c) the Immigration Act Fees RegulationsFootnote 3; and
(d) the Humanitarian Designated Classes RegulationsFootnote 4.
Return to footnote 1SOR/78-172
Return to footnote 2SOR/90-40
Return to footnote 3SOR/97-22
Return to footnote 4SOR/97-183
Coming into Force
Marginal note:Coming into force
365 (1) These Regulations, except paragraph 117(1)(e), subsection 117(5) and paragraphs 259(a) and (f) come into force on June 28, 2002.
(2) [Repealed, SOR/2005-61, s. 9]
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Paragraphs 259(a) and (f) come into force on December 31, 2003.
- SOR/2003-97, s. 1
- SOR/2004-34, s. 1
- SOR/2005-61, s. 9
SCHEDULE 1.1(Subsection 12.05(1.1) and paragraph 190(1)(a))Country
- Andorra
- Australia
- Austria
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belgium
- Brunei Darussalam
- Bulgaria
- Chile
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Finland
- France
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Monaco
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Papua New Guinea
- Poland
- Portugal
- Republic of Korea
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Arab Emirates
- SOR/2017-246, s. 4
- SOR/2018-107, s. 1
- SOR/2018-109, s. 5
- SOR/2022-80, s. 3
- SOR/2024-34, s. 3
SCHEDULE 2(Section 209.95, subsections 209.96(2), (3) and (4), sections 209.97 and 209.98, subsections 209.99(1) and 209.991(1), section 209.993, subsections 209.996(1), (2) and (4) and paragraph 209.997(2)(c))Violations
Employer Conditions
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Item | Provision | Short-form Description | Classification |
1 | 209.2(1)(b)(i) | Be able to demonstrate that any information provided in respect of a work permit application was accurate during a period of six years, beginning on the first day of the foreign national’s employment | Type A |
2 | 209.2(1)(b)(ii) and 209.3(1)(c)(ii) | Retain any document that relates to compliance with cited conditions during a period of six years, beginning on the first day of the foreign national’s employment | Type A |
3 | 209.3(1)(a)(iii)(C) | For employers of a live-in caregiver: have sufficient financial resources to pay wages that were offered | Type A |
4 | 209.3(1)(c)(i) | Be able to demonstrate that any information provided for the assessment was accurate during a period of six years, beginning on the first day of the foreign national’s employment | Type A |
5 | 209.4(1)(a) | Report at any time and place specified to answer questions and provide documents | Type C |
6 | 209.4(1)(b) | Provide required documents | Type C |
7 | 209.4(1)(c) | Attend any inspection, unless the employer was not notified, give all reasonable assistance to the person conducting the inspection and provide that person with any required document or information | Type C |
8 | 209.2(1)(a)(ii) and 209.3(1)(a)(ii) | Comply with the federal or provincial laws that regulate the employment or recruitment of employees, including foreign nationals, in the province in which the foreign national works | Type B |
9 | 209.2(1)(a)(iii) and 209.3(1)(a)(iv) | Provide the foreign national with employment in the same occupation and substantially the same, but not less favourable, wages and working conditions as outlined in the foreign national’s offer of employment | Type B |
10 | 209.3(1)(a)(iii)(A) | For employers of a live-in caregiver: ensure that foreign national resides in a private household in Canada and provides child care, senior home support care or care of a disabled person in that household without supervision | Type B |
11 | 209.3(1)(b)(i) | Ensure that the employment of the foreign national will result in direct job creation or retention for Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was a factor that led to the issuance of the work permit | Type B |
12 | 209.3(1)(b)(ii) | Ensure that the employment of the foreign national will result in the development or transfer of skills and knowledge for the benefit of Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was a factor that led to the issuance of the work permit | Type B |
13 | 209.3(1)(b)(iii) | Hire or train Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was a factor that led to the issuance of the work permit | Type B |
14 | 209.3(1)(b)(iv) | Make reasonable efforts to hire or train Canadian citizens or permanent residents, if that was a factor that led to the issuance of the work permit | Type B |
15 | 209.2(1)(a)(i) and 209.3(1)(a)(i) | Be actively engaged in the business in which the offer of employment was made, unless the offer was made for employment as a live-in caregiver | Type C |
16 | 209.3(1)(a)(iii)(B) | For employers of a live-in caregiver: provide the foreign national with adequate furnished private accommodation in the household | Type C |
17 | 209.2(1)(a)(iv) and 209.3(1)(a)(v) | Make reasonable efforts to provide a workplace that is free of abuse | Type C |
18 | 209.2(1)(a)(v) and 209.3(1)(a)(vii) | Not do anything that prevents the foreign national from complying with an order or regulation made under the Emergencies Act or the Quarantine Act | Type C |
19 | 209.2(1)(a)(vi) and 209.3(1)(a)(viii) | Not do anything that prevents the foreign national from complying with a provincial law that governs public health in response to COVID-19 | Type C |
20 | 209.2(1)(a)(vii) and 209.3(1)(a)(xii) | Provide, during the period the foreign national must isolate or quarantine themselves on entry into Canada, wages to the foreign national that are substantially the same as those set out in the offer of employment | Type C |
21 | 209.3(1)(a)(ix) | Provide the foreign national with accommodations that are separate from those provided to persons who are not in quarantine and that permit the foreign worker to remain at least two metres away from any other person | Type C |
22 | 209.3(1)(a)(x) | Provide the foreign national with cleaning products for the purposes of cleaning and disinfecting the accommodations regularly | Type C |
23 | 209.3(1)(a)(xi) | Provide a foreign national who becomes infected with or develops any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 with accommodations that have a bedroom and a bathroom that are solely for the use of the foreign national while they isolate themselves | Type C |
24 | 209.3(1)(a)(vi) | Provide adequate accommodations to a foreign national employed to perform work under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers | Type B |
25 | 209.2(1)(a.1) and 209.3(1)(a.1) | Provide the foreign national, with a copy in their chosen official language of Canada, of the most recent information with respect to the foreign national’s rights in Canada that is made available by the Government of Canada for that purpose | Type B |
26 | 209.2(1)(a)(ii.1) and 209.3(1)(a)(ii.1) | Make available to the foreign national the information referred to in paragraph 209.2(1)(a.1) or paragraph 209.3(1)(a.1), as the case may be, in both official languages of Canada | Type B |
27 | 209.2(1)(a)(ix) and 209.3(1)(a)(xv) | Not directly or indirectly charge or recover from the foreign national the fees indicated | Type C |
28 | 209.2(1)(a)(x) and 209.3(1)(a)(xvi) | Ensure that any person who recruited the foreign national for the employer does not, directly or indirectly, charge or recover from the foreign national the fees indicated | Type C |
29 | 209.3(1)(a)(xiii) | Except in the case of an employer who employs a foreign national to perform work under an international agreement between Canada and one or more countries concerning seasonal agricultural workers and the agreement includes health insurance, must obtain and pay for private health insurance from a Canadian insurance provider that covers emergency medical care for any period during which the foreign national is not covered by the applicable provincial health insurance system | Type C |
30 | 209.2(1)(a)(viii) and 209.3(1)(a)(xiv) | Make reasonable efforts to provide to the foreign national access to health care services when the foreign national is injured or becomes ill at the workplace | Type C |
Administrative Monetary Penalty Amounts
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | ||||
Type A Violation | Type B Violation | Type C Violation | |||||
Item | Total Number of Points | Individual or Small Business ($) | Large Business ($) | Individual or Small Business ($) | Large Business ($) | Individual or Small Business ($) | Large Business ($) |
1 | 0 or 1 | none | none | none | none | none | none |
2 | 2 | 500 | 750 | 750 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
3 | 3 | 750 | 1,000 | 1,250 | 2,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 |
4 | 4 | 1,000 | 2,000 | 3,000 | 7,000 | 10,000 | 20,000 |
5 | 5 | 4,000 | 6,000 | 7,000 | 12,000 | 15,000 | 30,000 |
6 | 6 | 8,000 | 10,000 | 12,000 | 20,000 | 20,000 | 40,000 |
7 | 7 | 12,000 | 20,000 | 20,000 | 30,000 | 35,000 | 50,000 |
8 | 8 | 20,000 | 30,000 | 35,000 | 45,000 | 45,000 | 60,000 |
9 | 9 or 10 | 30,000 | 45,000 | 50,000 | 60,000 | 60,000 | 70,000 |
10 | 11 or 12 | 40,000 | 60,000 | 60,000 | 70,000 | 70,000 | 80,000 |
11 | 13 or 14 | 50,000 | 70,000 | 70,000 | 80,000 | 80,000 | 90,000 |
12 | 15 or more | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Period of Ineligibility
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | |
Item | Total Number of Points | Type A Violation | Type B Violation | Type C Violation |
1 | 0 to 5 | none | none | none |
2 | 6 | none | none | 1 year |
3 | 7 | none | 1 year | 2 years |
4 | 8 | 1 year | 2 years | 5 years |
5 | 9 or 10 | 2 years | 5 years | 10 years |
6 | 11 or 12 | 5 years | 10 years | 10 years |
7 | 13 or 14 | 10 years | 10 years | 10 years |
8 | 15 or more | permanent | permanent | permanent |
Compliance History
Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Item | Criterion | Points |
1 | For Type A and Type B violations — first violation | 1 |
2 | For Type A violations — second or subsequent violation | 2 |
3 | For Type B violations — second violation | 2 |
4 | For Type C violations — first violation | 2 |
5 | For Type B violations — third or subsequent violation | 3 |
6 | For Type C violations — second violation | 3 |
7 | For Type C violations — third or subsequent violation | 4 |
Severity of the Violation
Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Item | Criterion | Points |
1 | The employer derived competitive or economic benefit from the violation | 0 to 6 |
2 | The violation involved abuse of a foreign national (physical, psychological, sexual or financial) | 0 to 10 |
3 | The violation negatively affected the Canadian labour market or the Canadian economy | 0 to 6 |
4 | The employer did not make reasonable efforts to minimize or remediate the effects of the violation | 0 to 3 |
5 | The employer did not make reasonable efforts to prevent recurrence of the violation | 0 to 3 |
6 | The violation put the foreign national’s health or safety at risk in relation to a communicable disease as defined in section 2 of the Quarantine Act | 0 to 10 |
7 | The violation put the public’s health or safety at risk in relation a communicable disease as defined in section 2 of the Quarantine Act | 0 to 10 |
- SOR/2015-144, s. 9
- SOR/2017-56, s. 6
- SOR/2020-91, s. 12
- SOR/2020-91, s. 13
- SOR/2020-91, s. 14
- SOR/2022-142, s. 21
- SOR/2023-249, s. 11(E)
— SOR/2016-37, s. 18
18 (1) Paragraph 269(1)(e) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
(e) any information about the person that is referred to in Schedule 3 and is in a reservation system of the commercial transporter or its agent;
(2) Subsections 269(4) to (10) are replaced by the following:
Time of transmission — paragraph (1)(e)
(4) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(e) must be provided, for each person who is expected to be on board the commercial vehicle, not later than 72 hours before the time of departure.
Time of transmission — paragraph (1)(d)
(5) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(d) must also be provided, for each passenger who is on board the commercial vehicle at the time of departure, not later than 30 minutes after the time of departure.
Incomplete or inaccurate information
(6) A commercial transporter that becomes aware before or at the time of departure that information it has provided under paragraph 148(1)(d) of the Act is incomplete or inaccurate must, in the manner described in subsection (2) and without delay, provide the Canada Border Services Agency with the missing or accurate information.
Exception — paragraph (1)(e)
(7) Subsection (6) does not apply in respect of information referred to in paragraph (1)(e).
(8) If information referred to in paragraph (1)(e) about a person in relation to a particular carriage is added to a reservation system or changed in the system less than 72 hours before the time of departure, the commercial transporter must, in the manner described in subsection (2) and at the following times, provide the Canada Border Services Agency with all the information referred to in paragraph (1)(e) about the person in relation to that carriage:
(a) if the addition or change is made more than 24 hours before the time of departure, not later than 24 hours before the time of departure;
(b) if the addition or change is made during the period beginning 24 hours before the time of departure and ending eight hours before that time, not later than eight hours before the time of departure; and
(c) if the addition or change is made less than eight hours before the time of departure, not later than the time of departure.
Time of transmission — paragraph (1)(f)
(9) The information referred to in paragraph (1)(f) must be provided at the same time that any information referred to in subsections (3) to (8) is provided.
Retention period
(10) The Canada Border Services Agency may retain information referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (d) about a person for up to three years and six months after the day of departure of the commercial vehicle that carried or was to carry the person to Canada.
Retention period — investigation
(11) After the period referred to in subsection (10), the Canada Border Services Agency may retain the information referred to in that subsection about a person for as long as it is required as part of an investigation, but in no case longer than six years after the day of departure of the commercial vehicle that carried or was to carry the person to Canada.
— SOR/2016-37, s. 19
19 The Regulations are amended by adding, after Schedule 2, the Schedule 3 set out in the schedule to these Regulations.
SCHEDULE 3(Paragraph 269(1)(e))Information About Persons in a Reservation System
1 Their surname, first name and any middle names
2 Their reservation record locator number
3 The date of their reservation and date their ticket was issued
4 Their itinerary, including the dates of departure and arrival for each segment of carriage
5 Information about their participation in a loyalty program and the benefits earned under the program, such as free tickets or upgrades
6 The number of the other passengers included in the reservation record and their surname, first name and any middle names
7 Contact information for each person mentioned in the reservation record, including the person who made the reservation
8 Billing and payment information, including credit card number and billing address
9 Information about the travel agent or agency, including the name and contact information
10 Code share information
11 Information about whether the reservation record has been divided into several records or is linked to another record
12 Their travel status, including travel confirmation and check-in status
13 Ticketing information, including the ticket number, automated ticket fare quote and whether a one-way ticket was purchased
14 Their baggage information, including the number and weight of their bags
15 Their seating information, including seat number
16 General remarks about the person in the reservation record, including other supplementary information, special service information and special service request information
17 The information referred to in paragraphs 269(1)(a) and (b) of these Regulations
18 The history of any changes to the information referred toin items 1 to 17 of this Schedule
— SOR/2024-284, s. 1
1 Section 243 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection RegulationsFootnote 1 is replaced by the following:
Return to footnote 1SOR/2002-227
Payment of removal costs
243 (1) Unless expenses incurred by His Majesty in right of Canada have been recovered from a transporter, a foreign national who is removed from Canada at His Majesty’s expense shall not return to Canada if the foreign national has not paid to His Majesty the removal costs of
(a) $3,840 for removal without escort or under escort other than by air; and
(b) $12,880 for removal under escort by air.
Exception — medical escort
(2) Despite paragraph 1(b), a foreign national who is removed by air under medical escort is subject to the removal cost set out in paragraph (1)(a).
Non-application — under 18
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to a foreign national who is under 18 years of age at the time the removal order is made.
— SOR/2024-284, s. 2
2 Section 243 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, as it read immediately before the day on which these Regulations come into force, continues to apply with respect to a foreign national who was 18 years of age or older at the time the removal order was made and who was removed before the day on which these Regulations come into force.
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