Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Output-Based Pricing System Regulations (SOR/2019-266)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-20 and last amended on 2024-01-01. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 2(Subsection 11(1))Content of Annual Report on Emissions and Production

  • 1 Information with respect to the person responsible for the covered facility:

    • (a) an indication as to whether they own or are otherwise responsible for the covered facility, including having the charge, management or control of the facility, or are the true decision maker with respect to the facility’s operations;

    • (b) their name (including any trade name or other name used by them) and civic address;

    • (c) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address of their authorized official;

    • (d) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address of a contact person, if different from the authorized official; and

    • (e) the federal Business Number assigned to them by the Canada Revenue Agency, if any.

  • 2 Information with respect to the covered facility:

    • (a) its name and the civic address of its physical location, if any;

    • (b) its latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees or degrees, minutes and seconds, except for a covered facility referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of facility in subsection 1(1) of these Regulations;

    • (c) its six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada code;

    • (d) the covered facility certificate number that was issued to it;

    • (e) if applicable, the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) identification number assigned to it for the purposes of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program identification number; and

    • (f) in the case of an electricity generation facility or a covered facility referred to in paragraph 11(1)(c) that is composed, in part, of a unit or a group of units,

      • (i) the unique name for each unit,

      • (ii) the unit’s registration number under the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity, if any, and

      • (iii) the unit’s registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, if any.

  • 3 The quantity of each GHG for the compliance period, expressed in tonnes, for each of the following emission types:

    • (a) stationary fuel combustion emissions;

    • (b) industrial process emissions;

    • (c) industrial product use emissions;

    • (d) venting emissions;

    • (e) flaring emissions;

    • (f) leakage emissions;

    • (g) on-site transportation emissions;

    • (h) waste emissions; and

    • (i) wastewater emissions.

  • 3.1 The global warming potential applicable for each GHG for the compliance period.

  • 4 The quantities of CH4 and N2O that are subtracted under subsection 17(5) or 20(6) of these Regulations from the total CH4and N2O, expressed in tonnes, separately.

  • 5 A list of the methods used to calculate, sample, measure and analyze each specified emission type and GHG for the compliance period.

  • 6 If a covered facility uses a continuous emissions monitoring system and has captured or stored CO2, the quantity of CO2 captured during the compliance period.

  • 7 If CO2 was captured, stored and deducted from the total quantity of GHGs under section 35 of these Regulations, the following information,

    • (a) a statement that indicates whether the CO2 was stored in accordance with the requirements set out in subsection 35(2) of these Regulations;

    • (b) the type of geological storage site used, among those set out in paragraph 35(2)(a) of these Regulations;

    • (c) the latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees or degrees, minutes and seconds, of the storage site; and

    • (d) the name and address of the owner or the operator of the storage site, if they are different than those of the person responsible for the covered facility.

  • 8 The output-based standard for each of the specified industrial activities engaged in at the covered facility.

  • 8.1 If an output-based standard must be calculated for a specified industrial activity engaged in at the covered facility or recalculated under to section 39 of these Regulations, the following information in the annual report for the compliance period for which the standard is calculated,

    • (a) the quantification, sampling, analysis and measurement methods and the data used to calculate that standard;

    • (b) if a determination is made under subsection 37(2.1) of these Regulations, the methods for the projections and the projections bearing the stamp and signature of an engineer; and

    • (c) the method used to attribute the quantity of GHGs to each specified industrial activity or to activities that are not specified industrial activities.

  • 9 The method used to determine the covered facility’s production from each of the specified industrial activities engaged in at the facility.

  • 10 With respect to thermal energy that is sold or bought, in addition to the information required in section 12 of these Regulations:

    • (a) the name of each covered facility from which thermal energy was bought and the covered facility certificate number that was issued to it; and

    • (b) the name of each covered facility to which thermal energy was sold and the covered facility certificate number that was issued to it.

  • 11 With respect to a facility that produces cement,

    • (a) in addition to the tonnes of grey cement, the tonnes of clinker, gypsum and limestone that the grey cement contains, separately; and

    • (b) in addition to the tonnes of white cement, the tonnes of clinker, gypsum and limestone that the white cement contains, separately.

  • 12 With respect to a facility that produces petrochemicals, the quantity of hydrogen gas produced during the compliance period, in tonnes, the quantity of hydrogen gas sold, in tonnes, and the concentration of the hydrogen gas sold, expressed in weight percentage.

  • 13 With respect to a facility that produces metal from the mining of ore

    • (a) in addition to the total quantity of silver, platinum and palladium, in kilograms, combined, each of those metals separately, and;

    • (b) in addition to the combined total of base metals, in tonnes combined, each of those base metals in ore concentrate, in tonnes, separately.

  • 14 With respect to an electricity generation facility composed of a unit referred to in subsection 41(2) of these Regulations, a statement indicating whether solid fuel was used by the unit to generate electricity in 2018 and whether additional liquid or gaseous fuel was used in that same year, if that information is available.

  • 15 With respect to a covered facility for which part or all of the electricity generated from fossil fuels is not quantified, a list of the units or equipment from which the electricity is generated but not quantified.

  • 16 With respect to a covered facility referred to in section 36.2 or 41.2 of these Regulations, with respect to the units or equipment whose electricity generation capacity has been increased during a compliance period,

    • (a) the total capacity and thermal energy to electricity ratio of the unit or equipment prior to its capacity being increased;

    • (b) the total capacity and thermal energy to electricity ratio of the unit or equipment subsequent to its capacity being increased; and

    • (c) the date of completion of any modifications made to the unit or equipment to increase its capacity.

  • 17 With respect to an electricity generation facility referred to in section 41.1 of these Regulations, the total capacity and thermal energy to electricity ratio of each unit within the facility that generates electricity from gaseous fuels.


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