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Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106)

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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2022-01-13. Previous Versions

Federal Courts Rules



Registration 1998-02-05

Rules for Regulating the Practice and Procedure in the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court

P.C. 1998-125 1998-02-05

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 46(4)Footnote a of the Federal Court Act, a copy of the proposed Federal Court Rules, 1998 was published in the Canada Gazette Part I on September 20, 1997 and interested persons were invited to make representations with respect to the proposed Rules;

Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, pursuant to subsection 46(1)Footnote b of the Federal Court Act, hereby approves the annexed Federal Court Rules, 1998, made by the rules committee of the Federal Court of Canada on January 26, 1998.

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 These Rules may be cited as the Federal Courts Rules.

  • SOR/2004-283, s. 2

PART 1Application and Interpretation


Marginal note:Application

  •  (1) These Rules apply to all proceedings in the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court unless otherwise provided by or under an Act of Parliament.

  • Marginal note:Inconsistency with Act

    (2) In the event of any inconsistency between these Rules and an Act of Parliament or a regulation made under such an Act, that Act or regulation prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.

  • SOR/2004-283, s. 2


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in these Rules.


Act means the Federal Courts Act. (Loi)


action means a proceeding referred to in rule 169. (action)

address for service

address for service means a party’s address for service under rule 126.1. (adresse aux fins de signification)


Administrator means the Chief Administrator appointed under section 5 of the Courts Administration Service Act, or a person acting on his or her behalf. (administrateur)

Admiralty action

Admiralty action means an action in which the Court exercises jurisdiction under section 22 of the Act. (action en matière d’amirauté)


appeal means a proceeding referred to in rule 335. (appel)



  • (a) except in the case of an application that has been certified as a class proceeding, includes a person on whose behalf an application is commenced; and

  • (b) in the case of an application that has been certified as a class proceeding, means

    • (i) in respect of the common questions of law or fact, the representative applicant, and

    • (ii) in respect of individual questions, the member to whom those questions apply. (demandeur)


application means a proceeding referred to in rule 300. (demande)

assessment officer

assessment officer means an officer of the Registry designated by an order of the Court, a judge or a prothonotary, and includes, in respect of a reference, the referee presiding in the reference. (officier taxateur)

business day

business day[Repealed, SOR/2015-21, s. 1]

case management judge

case management judge means a judge assigned under paragraph 383(a) or rule 383.1 and includes a prothonotary assigned under paragraph 383(b). (juge responsable de la gestion de l’instance)

certified copy

certified copy, in respect of a document in the custody of the Registry, means a copy of the document certified by an officer of the Registry. (copie certifiée conforme)

Christmas recess

Christmas recess[Repealed, SOR/2021-244, s. 1]


Court means, as the circumstances require,

  • (a) the Federal Court of Appeal, including, in respect of a motion, a single judge of that court; or

  • (b) the Federal Court, including a prothonotary acting within the jurisdiction conferred under these Rules. (Cour)

Court file

Court file means the file maintained pursuant to rule 23 or 24. (dossier de la Cour)

dispute resolution conference

dispute resolution conference means a conference ordered under rule 386. (conférence de règlement des litiges)


filed, in respect of a document, means accepted for filing under rule 72. (déposé)


garnishee means a person in respect of whom an order attaching a debt to a judgment debtor has been made under rule 449. (tiers saisi)

Hague Convention

Hague Convention means the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters signed at The Hague on November 15, 1965. (Convention de La Haye)


hearing includes a conference held under these Rules. (audience)


holiday means

  • (a) a Saturday;

  • (b) a holiday as defined in subsection 35(1) of the Interpretation Act;

  • (c) if New Year’s Day, Canada Day or Remembrance Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday;

  • (d) if Christmas Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday and Tuesday; and

  • (e) if Christmas Day falls on a Friday, the following Monday. (jour férié)


intervener means a person who has been granted status as an intervener under rule 109. (intervenant)


issued means

  • (a) in respect of an originating document, dated, signed, sealed with the seal of the Court and assigned a Court file number by the Administrator; and

  • (b) in respect of any other document, dated, signed and sealed with the seal of the Court by the Administrator. (délivré)

local office

local office means an office of the Registry of the Court established by the Administrator other than the principal office. (bureau local)


motion means a request to the Court under, or to enforce, these Rules. (requête)


oath includes a solemn affirmation within the meaning of subsection 14(1) of the Canada Evidence Act. (serment)


order includes

  • (a) a judgment;

  • (b) a decision or other disposition of a tribunal; and

  • (c) a determination of a reference under section 18.3 of the Act. (ordonnance)

originating document

originating document means a document referred to in rule 63. (acte introductif d’instance)


party means

  • (a) in respect of an action, a plaintiff, defendant or third party;

  • (b) in respect of an application,

    • (i) where a tribunal brings a reference under section 18.3 of the Act, a person who becomes a party in accordance with rule 323,

    • (ii) where the Attorney General of Canada brings a reference under section 18.3 of the Act, the Attorney General of Canada and any other person who becomes a party in accordance with rule 323, and

    • (iii) in any other case, an applicant or respondent;

  • (c) in respect of an appeal, an appellant or respondent; and

  • (d) in respect of a motion, the person bringing the motion or a respondent thereto. (parties)


person includes a tribunal, an unincorporated association and a partnership. (personne)



  • (a) except in the case of an action that has been certified as a class proceeding, includes a person on whose behalf an action is commenced; and

  • (b) in the case of an action that has been certified as a class proceeding, means

    • (i) in respect of the common questions of law or fact, the representative plaintiff, and

    • (ii) in respect of individual questions, the member to whom those questions apply. (demandeur)


pleading means a document in a proceeding in which a claim is initiated, defined, defended or answered. (acte de procédure)

principal office

principal office means the head office of the Registry of the Court established by the Administrator. (bureau principal)


referee means a person to whom a matter has been referred under rule 153. (arbitre)


Registry[Repealed, SOR/2004-283, s. 3]

seasonal recess

seasonal recess means the period beginning on December 21 in a year and ending on January 7 in the following year. (vacances judiciaires saisonnières)


sheriff includes a marshal, peace officer or other person to whom a writ, warrant or other process is directed and, in the Province of Quebec, a member of the Ordre professionnel des huissiers de justice du Québec. (shérif)

simplified action

simplified action means an action referred to in rule 292. (action simplifiée)


solicitor means a person referred to in subsection 11(3) of the Act. (avocat)

solicitor of record

solicitor of record means a solicitor of record as described in rule 123 or 124. (avocat inscrit au dossier)

specially managed proceeding

specially managed proceeding means a proceeding managed in accordance with rules 383 to 385. (instance à gestion spéciale)

statement of claim

statement of claim means a document by which an action is commenced. (déclaration)

summer recess

summer recess means the months of July and August in each year. (vacances judiciaires d’été)


swear, in respect of an oath, includes affirm. (Version anglaise seulement)

third party

third party includes a fourth or subsequent party. (tierce partie)


tribunal has the same meaning as federal board, commission or other tribunal in the Act. (Version anglaise seulement)

unincorporated association

unincorporated association means an organization of two or more persons, other than a partnership, that operates under a common name for a common purpose or undertaking. (association sans personnalité morale)

writ of execution

writ of execution includes a writ of seizure and sale, a writ of possession, a writ of delivery and a writ of sequestration, and any further writ in aid thereof. (bref d’exécution)


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