Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106)

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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2022-01-13. Previous Versions

FORM 146ARule 146Affidavit of Service

(General Heading — Use Form 66)

Affidavit of Service

I, (full name and occupation of deponent), of the (City, Town, etc.) of (name) in the (County, Regional Municipality, etc.) of (name), SWEAR (or AFFIRM) THAT:

(for personal service on an individual, corporation, etc.)

  • 1 On (date), at (time), I served (identify person served) with (identify document served) by leaving a copy with that person at (address where service was made).

(Where the Federal Courts Rules provide for personal service on a corporation, etc., by leaving a copy of the document with another person, substitute:)

by leaving a copy with (identify and give the position or function of the person served) at (address where service was made).

  • 2 I was able to identify the person by means of (state the means by which the person’s identity was ascertained).

(for personal service by leaving a copy with an adult person in the same household)

  • 1 I served (identify person served) with (identify document served) by leaving a copy on (date), at (time) with a person (insert name if known) who appeared to be an adult member of the same household in which (identify person served) is residing at (address where service was made), and by sending a copy by regular mail (or registered mail) on (date) to (identify person served) at the same address.

  • 2 I ascertained that the person was an adult member of the same household by means of (state how it was ascertained that the person was an adult member of the same household).

(for personal service by mail)

  • 1 On (date), at (time), I sent to (identify person served) by registered/ordinary mail a copy of (identify document served).

  • 2 On (date), I received the attached acknowledgement of receipt card/post office receipt bearing a signature that purports to be the signature of (identify person).

(for service by mail on solicitor)

  • 1 I served (identify party served) with (identify document served) by sending a copy by registered/ordinary mail on (date) to (name of solicitor), solicitor for the (identify party).

    • 2 (If service is by registered mail) The day of delivery indicated on the post office delivery receipt is (date).

(for service by fax on solicitor)

I served (identify party served) with (identify document served) by sending a copy by fax on (date) to (name of solicitor), solicitor for the (identify party), at (fax number).

(for electronic service on solicitor)

  • 1 I served (identify party served) with (identify document served) by sending a copy by electronic service on (date) to (name of solicitor), solicitor for the (identify party), at (electronic address).

  • 2 I confirm that (identify party served) has acknowledged that the document was received.

(for service by courier on solicitor)

  • 1 I served (identify party served) with (identify document served) by sending a copy by (name of courier), a courier, to (name of solicitor), solicitor for the (identify party), at (full address of place for delivery).

  • 2 The day of delivery indicated on the courier delivery receipt is (date).

(for service on party acting in person)

  • 1 I served (identify party served) with (identify document served) by sending a copy by (identify method of service) on (date) to (full mailing address, fax number or electronic address); (or if there is no known address for service, fax number or electronic address) the last known address of (identify party).

  • 2 (If service is by courier) The day of delivery indicated on the courier delivery receipt is (date).

  • 3 (If service is by electronic service) I confirm that (identify party served) has acknowledged that the document was received.

Sworn (or Affirmed) before me at the (City, Town, etc.) of (name) in the (County, Regional Municipality, etc.) of (name) on (date).
blank line
Commissioner for Taking Affidavits
(or as the case may be)
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(Signature of Deponent)
  • SOR/2004-283, s. 35
  • SOR/2015-21, s. 30

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