Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Federal Courts Rules (SOR/98-106)

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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2022-01-13. Previous Versions

FORM 486BRule 486Notice of Bail

(General Heading — Use Form 477)

Notice of Bail

TAKE NOTICE that bail has been offered in the sum of $(amount) on behalf of the (insert name of party on whose behalf bail is to be given, and state whether plaintiff or defendant, or as the case may be) to answer judgment in this action by (name of surety), as shown on the guaranty or bail bond attached hereto.

AND TAKE NOTICE that unless a notice of objection to bail in Form 486C of the Federal Courts Rules is served and filed within 24 hours, bail will be given as provided in the attached document, and a request will be made to release the arrested property in accordance with rule 487 of those Rules.


blank line
(Signature of solicitor or party)
(Name, address, telephone and fax number of solicitor or party)

TO: (Name, address, telephone and fax number of solicitor or party on whom notice is served)

blank line

  • SOR/2004-283, s. 28

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