Canada Elections Act (S.C. 2000, c. 9)
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Act current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2023-06-22. Previous Versions
PART 18Financial Administration (continued)
DIVISION 5Candidates (continued)
SUBDIVISION BFinancial Administration of Candidates (continued)
Supply and Use of Forms
Marginal note:Prescribed forms — Income Tax Act
477.86 A candidate and their official agent shall use the prescribed forms for official receipts to contributors for the purpose of subsection 127(3) of the Income Tax Act.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
Marginal note:Provision of forms to returning officers
477.87 The Chief Electoral Officer shall provide each returning officer with copies of prescribed forms.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
Marginal note:Provision of forms to candidates
477.88 (1) A returning officer shall provide each candidate in their electoral district with a reasonable number of copies of each prescribed form requested by the candidate or by their official agent.
Marginal note:Return of unused forms
(2) A candidate and their official agent shall return any unused forms referred to in section 477.86 within a month after polling day.
Marginal note:Designated forms
(3) The Chief Electoral Officer may, from among forms that are to be provided under subsection (1), designate those that may be provided only to the official agent of a candidate whose nomination has been confirmed under subsection 71(1).
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
SUBDIVISION CGifts and Other Advantages
Definition of candidate
477.89 For the purposes of sections 477.9 to 477.95, a candidate is deemed to have become a candidate on the earlier of
(a) the day on which they are selected at a nomination contest, and
(b) the day on which the writ is issued for the election.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
Marginal note:Prohibition
477.9 (1) No candidate shall accept any gift or other advantage that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence them in the performance of their duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if the candidate were to be elected, during the period that
(a) begins on the day on which they are deemed to have become a candidate; and
(b) ends on
(i) the day on which they withdraw, if they withdraw in accordance with subsection 74(1),
(ii) the day on which they become a member of the House of Commons, if they are elected, or
(iii) polling day, in any other case.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Despite subsection (1), a candidate may accept a gift or other advantage that is given by a relative or as a normal expression of courtesy or protocol.
Marginal note:Statement of candidate
(3) The candidate shall provide the Chief Electoral Officer with a statement in the prescribed form that discloses, in respect of all gifts or other advantages that the candidate accepted during the period referred to in subsection (1) whose benefit to the candidate exceeds $500 or, if accepted from the same person or entity in that period, exceeds a total of $500, other than gifts or other advantages given by relatives or made by way of an unconditional, non-discretionary testamentary disposition,
(a) the nature of each gift or other advantage, its commercial value and the cost, if any, to the candidate;
(b) the name and address of the person or entity giving the gift or other advantage; and
(c) the circumstances under which the gift or other advantage was given.
Marginal note:Clarification
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the benefit to a candidate of a gift or other advantage that is a service or property, or the use of property or money, is the difference between the commercial value of the service or property or the use of the property or money and the cost, if any, to the candidate.
Marginal note:Period for providing statement
(5) The candidate shall provide the statement to the Chief Electoral Officer within four months after polling day.
Marginal note:Definitions
(6) The following definitions apply in this section.
- common-law partnership
common-law partnership means the relationship between two persons who are cohabiting in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year. (union de fait)
- gift or other advantage
gift or other advantage means
(a) an amount of money if there is no obligation to repay it; and
(b) a service or property, or the use of property or money, that is provided without charge or at less than its commercial value.
It does not include a contribution made by an eligible individual under Division 1 of this Part to the official agent of a candidate that does not exceed the limits set out in that Division, or a provision of goods or services or a transfer of funds under section 364. (cadeau ou autre avantage)
- relative
relative, in respect of a candidate, means a person related to the candidate by marriage, common-law partnership, birth, adoption or affinity. (parent)
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
- 2018, c. 31, s. 308
Marginal note:Extensions — Chief Electoral Officer
477.91 (1) The Chief Electoral Officer, on the written application of a candidate, shall authorize the extension of the period referred to in subsection 477.9(5), unless he or she is satisfied that the candidate’s failure to make the statement was deliberate or was the result of the candidate’s failure to exercise due diligence.
Marginal note:Deadline
(2) The application may be made within the period referred to in subsection 477.9(5) or within two weeks after the end of that period.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
Marginal note:Corrections or revisions — Chief Electoral Officer
477.92 (1) The Chief Electoral Officer, on the written application of a candidate, shall authorize the correction or revision of the statement if he or she is satisfied by the evidence submitted by the candidate that the correction or revision is necessary in order for the requirements of this subdivision to be complied with.
Marginal note:Application made without delay
(2) The application shall be made immediately after the candidate becomes aware of the need for correction or revision.
Marginal note:Deadline for corrections or revisions
(3) The candidate shall provide the Chief Electoral Officer with the corrected or revised version of the statement within 30 days after the day on which the correction or revision is authorized or within any extension of that period authorized under subsection (4) or (5).
Marginal note:New deadline
(4) The Chief Electoral Officer, on the written application of the candidate made within two weeks after the end of the 30-day period referred to in subsection (3), shall authorize the extension of that period, unless he or she is satisfied that the candidate’s failure to provide the corrected or revised version of the statement was deliberate or was the result of the candidate’s failure to exercise due diligence.
Marginal note:Extension of new deadline
(5) The Chief Electoral Officer, on the written application of the candidate made within two weeks after the end of an extension authorized under subsection (4) or under this subsection, shall authorize the further extension of that period, unless he or she is satisfied that the candidate’s failure to provide the corrected or revised version of the statement was deliberate or was the result of the candidate’s failure to exercise due diligence.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
Marginal note:Extensions, corrections or revisions — judge
477.93 (1) A candidate may apply to a judge for an order
(a) authorizing an extension referred to in subsection 477.91(1); or
(b) authorizing a correction or revision referred to in subsection 477.92(1).
The candidate shall notify the Chief Electoral Officer that the application has been made.
Marginal note:Deadline
(2) The application may be made
(a) under paragraph (1)(a), within two weeks after, as the case may be,
(i) if an application for an extension is not made to the Chief Electoral Officer within the period referred to in subsection 477.91(2), the end of the two-week period referred to in that subsection,
(ii) the rejection of an application for an extension made in accordance with section 477.91, or
(iii) the end of the extended period referred to in subsection 477.91(1); or
(b) under paragraph (1)(b), within two weeks after the rejection of an application for a correction or revision made in accordance with section 477.92.
Marginal note:Grounds — extension
(3) The judge shall grant an order authorizing an extension unless the judge is satisfied that the candidate’s failure to provide the required statement was deliberate or was the result of their failure to exercise due diligence.
Marginal note:Grounds — corrections or revisions
(4) The judge shall grant an order authorizing a correction or revision if the judge is satisfied by the evidence submitted by the candidate that the correction or revision is necessary in order for the requirements of this subdivision to be complied with.
Marginal note:Contents of order
(5) An order under subsection (1) may require that the candidate satisfy any condition that the judge considers necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
Marginal note:Chief Electoral Officer to retain statements
477.94 (1) The Chief Electoral Officer shall retain in its possession the statements referred to in subsection 477.9(3) for at least one year after the return of the writ for the election.
Marginal note:Information to be kept confidential
(2) The Chief Electoral Officer shall keep the statements provided under subsection 477.9(3) confidential.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Subsection (2) does not prohibit the Commissioner from inspecting the statements referred to in that subsection, and any of those statements may be provided to the Director of Public Prosecutions and produced by the Director for the purpose of a prosecution for an offence under this Act.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
Marginal note:Prohibition — false, misleading or incomplete statement
477.95 No candidate shall provide the Chief Electoral Officer with a statement referred to in subsection 477.9(3) that
(a) the candidate knows or ought reasonably to know contains a material statement that is false or misleading; or
(b) does not substantially set out the information required under that subsection.
- 2014, c. 12, s. 86
DIVISION 6Leadership Contestants
478 [Repealed, 2018, c. 31, s. 309]
478.01 [Repealed, 2018, c. 31, s. 399]
478.02 [Repealed, 2018, c. 31, s. 399]
478.03 [Repealed, 2014, c. 12, s. 86]
478.04 [Repealed, 2014, c. 12, s. 86]
478.05 [Repealed, 2014, c. 12, s. 86]
478.06 [Repealed, 2014, c. 12, s. 86]
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