Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations (SOR/2016-151)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-23 and last amended on 2023-01-01. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 5(Sections 4 and 41 and paragraph 43(1)(g))Classification Report (Boilers and Heaters) — Information Required

  • 1 The following information respecting the responsible person:

    • (a) an indication as to whether they are an owner or operator, or both, of the boiler or heater and their name and civic address;

    • (b) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number, email address and fax number, if any, of their authorized official; and

    • (c) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number, email address and fax number, if any, of a contact person, if different from the authorized official.

  • 2 The following information respecting the facility at which the boiler or heater is located:

    • (a) the civic address of the facility or, if there is no civic address, its latitude and longitude;

    • (b) its National Pollutant Release Inventory identification number assigned by the Minister for the purpose of section 48 of the Act and its provincial identification number, if any; and

    • (c) an indication as to which paragraph of subsection 5(2) of these Regulations describes it.

  • 3 The following information respecting the boiler or heater:

    • (a) for each responsible person for the boiler or heater, other than a responsible person mentioned in paragraph 1(a),

      • (i) their name and civic address, and

      • (ii) an indication as to whether they are an owner or operator, or both;

    • (b) an indication as to whether it is a boiler or a heater;

    • (c) the name of its manufacturer, along with its serial number, make and model;

    • (d) its rated capacity;

    • (e) its identifier, if any, within the facility where it is located;

    • (f) its commissioning date and recommissioning date, if any; and

    • (g) the date on which Part 1 first applied in respect of it;

    • (h) for a class 80 or a class 70 boiler or heater, the serial number of each of its burners; and

    • (i) for a class 80 or a class 70 boiler or heater, a document that indicates, with precision, where it is located in the facility.

  • 4 An indication as to which of the following provisions of these Regulations is the one under which the boiler’s or heater’s classification NOx emission intensity was determined:

    • (a) subparagraph 34(1)(a)(i);

    • (b) subparagraph 34(1)(a)(ii);

    • (c) clause 34(1)(b)(i)(A);

    • (d) subclauses 34(1)(b)(i)(B)(I) and (II);

    • (e) subclauses 34(1)(b)(i)(B)(I), (II) and (III);

    • (f) subparagraph 34(1)(b)(ii);

    • (g) subparagraph 34(1)(b)(iii);

    • (h) subparagraph 34(1)(b)(iv);

    • (i) subclause 34(1)(b)(v)(C)(I);

    • (j) subclause 34(1)(b)(v)(C)(II); or

    • (k) subparagraph 34(1)(b)(vi).

    • (l) [Repealed, SOR/2016-151, s. 145]

    • (m) [Repealed, SOR/2016-151, s. 145]

  • 5 The following information respecting a test on the boiler or heater referred to in paragraph 34(1)(a) of these Regulations conducted to determine its classification NOx emission intensity:

    • (a) for a stack test,

      • (i) the date on which the stack test was conducted,

      • (ii) confirmation that each test run of the stack test was conducted while the boiler or heater met the conditions set out in paragraphs 27(2)(a) to (e) of these Regulations,

      • (iii) an indication as to whether the type of gaseous fossil fuel that was combusted during that stack test was natural gas or alternative gas,

      • (iv) the method set out in subsection 28(1) of these Regulations that was used for the stack test to measure the concentration of NOx and, if an alternative rule as approved under subsection 113(1) of these Regulations to replace a rule set out in that method was used, an indication of that rule, as approved, and of rule it replaced, and

      • (v) the classification NOx emission intensity of the boiler or heater, as determined by means of the stack test; and

    • (b) for a CEMS test,

      • (i) for each averaging period in the reference period,

        • (A) the day and hour when the averaging period began,

        • (B) the number of hours in the averaging period,

        • (C) confirmation that at least 50% of the input energy in the boiler’s or heater’s combustion chamber resulted from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel for each of those hours,

        • (D) an indication as to whether the type of gaseous fossil fuel that was combusted was natural gas or alternative gas, and

        • (E) the greatest of the rolling hourly averages that were determined for the NOx emission intensity,

      • (ii) an indication as to whether the EC CEMS Code or the Alberta CEMS Code was used and, if an alternative rule as approved under subsection 113(1) of these Regulations to replace a rule set out in that CEMS Reference Method was used, an indication of that rule, as approved, and of the rule it replaced, and

      • (iii) the classification NOx emission intensity of the boiler or heater, as determined by means of the CEMS test in accordance with subparagraph 34(1)(a)(ii) of these Regulations.

  • 6 The following information respecting a stack test whose results are used to determine the boiler’s or heater’s classification NOx emission intensity under paragraph 34(1)(b) of these Regulations:

    • (a) for a stack test referred to in clause 34(1)(b)(i)(A) — or referred to in subclauses 34(1)(b)(i)(B)(I) and (II), if the stack test is on the boiler or heater in question referred to in clause 34(1)(b)(i)(B) — of these Regulations,

      • (i) the date on which the stack test was conducted,

      • (ii) confirmation that each test run of the stack test was conducted while the boiler or heater met the conditions set out in paragraphs 27(2)(a) to (e) of these Regulations,

      • (iii) an indication as to whether the type of gaseous fossil fuel that was combusted during that stack test was natural gas or alternative gas,

      • (iv) the method set out in subsection 28(1) of these Regulations used for the stack test to measure the concentration of NOx and, if an alternative rule as approved under subsection 113(1) of these Regulations to replace a rule set out in that method was used, an indication of that rule, as approved, and of the rule it replaced, and

      • (v) the NOx emission intensity of the boiler or heater, as determined by means of the stack test;

    • (b) for a stack test referred to in subclause 34(1)(b)(i)(B)(III) or clause 34(1)(b)(iii)(B) of these Regulations,

      • (i) the date on which the stack test was conducted,

      • (ii) the name of the manufacturer — along with the serial number, make and model and the identifier, if any, within the facility where it is located — of the other boiler or heater on which the stack test was conducted, and

      • (iii) the classification NOx emission intensity of that other boiler or heater, as determined by means of the stack test; and

    • (c) for a stack test referred to in subclause 34(1)(b)(v)(C)(I) of these Regulations,

      • (i) the date on which the stack test was conducted,

      • (ii) the name of the manufacturer — along with the serial number, make and model and the identifier, if any, within the facility where it is located — of each of the other boilers or heaters that share a common stack with the boiler or heater whose classification NOx emission intensity is determined under that subclause,

      • (iii) confirmation that each test run of the stack test was conducted while each of the boilers or heaters that share that common stack met the conditions set out in paragraphs 27(2)(a) to (e) of these Regulations,

      • (iv) an indication as to whether the type of gaseous fossil fuel that was combusted during that stack test was natural gas or alternative gas, and

      • (v) the NOx emission intensity at the common stack, as determined under subclause 34(1)(b)(v)(C)(I) of these Regulations.

  • 7 The following information respecting a CEMS test whose results are used to determine the boiler’s or heater’s classification NOx emission intensity under paragraph 34(1)(b) of these Regulations:

    • (a) for a CEMS test referred to in clause 34(1)(b)(iv)(B) of these Regulations,

      • (i) the name of the manufacturer — along with the serial number, make and model and the identifier, if any, within the facility where it is located — of the other boiler or heater on which the CEMS test was conducted, and

      • (ii) the classification NOx emission intensity of that other boiler or heater, as determined by means of the CEMS test; and

    • (b) for a CEMS test referred to in subclause 34(1)(b)(v)(C)(II) of these Regulations,

      • (i) the name of the manufacturer — along with the serial number, make and model and, if any, the identifier within the facility where it is located — of each of the other boilers or heaters that share a common stack with the boiler or heater whose classification NOx emission intensity is determined under subparagraph 34(1)(b)(v) of these Regulations,

      • (ii) for each averaging period in the reference period,

        • (A) the day and hour when the averaging period began,

        • (B) the number of hours in the averaging period,

        • (C) confirmation that at least 50% of the input energy in the boiler’s or heater’s combustion chamber resulted from the introduction of gaseous fossil fuel for each of those hours,

        • (D) an indication as to whether the type of gaseous fossil fuel that was combusted was natural gas or alternative gas, and

        • (E) the greatest of the rolling hourly averages that were determined for the NOx emission intensity,

      • (iii) an indication as to whether the EC CEMS Code or the Alberta CEMS Code was used and, if an alternative rule as approved under subsection 113(1) of these Regulations to replace a rule set out in that CEMS Reference Method was used, an indication of that rule, as approved, and of the rule it replaced, and

      • (iv) the NOx emission intensity, being the greatest of the rolling hourly averages for the NOx that were determined .

  • 8 The following information respecting a boiler or heater whose classification NOx emission intensity is determined under subparagraph 34(1)(b)(ii) of these Regulations:

    • (a) confirmation that there is no equipment installed on the boiler or heater that allows for a stack test or CEMS test to be conducted; and

    • (b) documents that establish that the boiler or heater is designed to have a NOx emission intensity of less than 40 g/GJ when the boiler or heater meets the conditions set out in paragraphs 27(2)(a) to (e) of these Regulations and combusts the same type of gaseous fossil fuel — natural gas or alternative gas — that was combusted when that determination was made.


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