Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions
Part III — Aerodromes, Airports and Heliports (continued)
- SOR/2007-87, s. 4
Subpart 2 — Airports (continued)
- SOR/2007-87, s. 6
Division IV — Airport Winter Maintenance (continued)
- SOR/2007-290, s. 10
302.418 (1) The operator of an airport shall not assign duties in respect of its airport winter maintenance plan to a person unless that person has received training from the operator on those duties and on the matters set out in section 322.418 of the Airport Standards — Airport Winter Maintenance.
(2) The operator of the airport shall not assign supervisory duties in respect of its airport winter maintenance plan to a person unless that person has received training on those duties and on the content of the plan.
(3) Each year, before the start of winter maintenance operations, the operator of the airport shall provide persons who will be assigned duties in respect of its airport winter maintenance plan with training on any amendments that have been made to the plan since the previous winter.
(4) Training provided under this section shall be competency-based with an emphasis on performance, and shall include written or practical examinations.
Training Records
302.419 The operator of an airport shall keep a training record for each person who receives any training under section 302.418, and shall keep the record for five years after the day on which the latest training was received.
Division V — Safety Management System
302.500 (1) This Division applies to an applicant for, or a holder of, an airport certificate issued under section 302.03 in respect of the following airports:
(a) Calgary International;
(b) Edmonton International;
(c) Gander International;
(d) Halifax Robert L. Stanfield International;
(e) Montréal — Pierre Elliott Trudeau International;
(f) Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International;
(g) St. John’s International;
(h) Toronto / Lester B. Pearson International;
(i) Vancouver International; and
(j) Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International.
(2) On and after January 1, 2009, this Division applies to an applicant for, or a holder of, an airport certificate issued under section 302.03.
- SOR/2007-290, s. 10
302.501 The safety management system required under section 107.02 in respect of an applicant for, or a holder of, an airport certificate shall
(a) meet the requirements of Subpart 7 of Part I and section 302.502; and
(b) be under the control of the accountable executive appointed under paragraph 106.02(1)(a).
- SOR/2007-290, s. 10
Components of the Safety Management System
302.502 The safety management system shall include, among others, the following components:
(a) a safety management plan that includes
(i) a safety policy that the accountable executive has approved and communicated to all employees,
(ii) the roles and responsibilities of personnel assigned duties under the safety management system,
(iii) performance goals and a means of measuring attainment of those goals,
(iv) a policy for the internal reporting of hazards, incidents and accidents, including the conditions under which immunity from disciplinary action will be granted, and
(v) a process for reviewing the safety management system to determine its effectiveness;
(b) procedures for reporting hazards, incidents and accidents to the appropriate manager;
(c) procedures for the collection of data relating to hazards, incidents and accidents;
(d) procedures for the exchange of information in respect of hazards, incidents and accidents among the operators of aircraft and the provider of air traffic services at the airport and the airport operator;
(e) procedures for analysing data obtained under paragraph (c) and during an audit conducted under a quality assurance program required under paragraph 107.03(g) and for taking corrective actions;
(f) training requirements for the person managing the safety management system and for personnel assigned duties under the safety management system;
(g) procedures for making progress reports to the accountable executive at intervals determined by the accountable executive and other reports as needed in urgent cases; and
(h) procedures for involving employees in the implementation and ongoing development of the safety management system.
- SOR/2007-290, s. 10
Quality Assurance Program
302.503 (1) The quality assurance program required under paragraph 107.03(g) in respect of an applicant for, or a holder of, an airport certificate shall include a process for quality assurance that includes periodic reviews or audits of the activities authorized under a certificate and reviews or audits, for cause, of those activities.
(2) The holder of an airport certificate shall ensure that records relating to the findings resulting from the quality assurance program are distributed to the appropriate manager for corrective action and follow-up.
(3) The holder of an airport certificate shall establish an audit system in respect of the quality assurance program that consists of the following:
(a) an initial audit conducted within 12 months after
(i) in the case of an airport specified in subsection 302.500(1), the later of January 1, 2008 and the day on which the airport certificate is issued, and
(ii) in the case of any other airport, the later of January 1, 2009 and the day on which the airport certificate is issued;
(b) an audit of the entire quality assurance program carried out every three years, calculated from the initial audit, in one of the following ways:
(i) a complete audit, or
(ii) a series of audits conducted at intervals set out in the airport operations manual;
(c) checklists of all activities controlled by the airport operations manual;
(d) a record of each occurrence of compliance or non-compliance with the airport operations manual found during an audit referred to in paragraph (a) or (b);
(e) procedures for ensuring that each finding of an audit is communicated to the accountable executive;
(f) follow-up procedures for ensuring that corrective actions are effective; and
(g) a system for recording the findings of an audit referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), corrective actions and follow-ups.
(4) The records resulting from a system required under paragraph (3)(g) shall be retained for the greater of
(a) two audit cycles, and
(b) two years.
(5) The duties related to the quality assurance program that involve specific tasks or activities among the activities of an airport shall be fulfilled by persons who are not responsible for carrying out those tasks or activities unless
(a) the size, nature and complexity of the operations and activities authorized under the airport certificate justify the fulfilling of those duties by the person responsible for carrying out those tasks or activities;
(b) the holder of the airport certificate demonstrates to the Minister, by means of a risk analysis, that the fulfilling of those duties by the person responsible for carrying out those tasks or activities will not result in an unacceptable risk to aviation safety; and
(c) the holder of the airport certificate provides the Minister, in writing, with the information required under paragraphs (a) and (b).
- SOR/2007-290, s. 10
- SOR/2019-295, s. 7
Duties of the Certificate Holder
302.504 The holder of an airport certificate shall
(a) ensure that corrective actions are taken in respect of any findings resulting from the safety management system referred to in section 302.501;
(b) appoint a person to manage the safety management system; and
(c) ensure that the person managing the safety management system performs the duties required under section 302.505.
- SOR/2007-290, s. 10
Person Managing the Safety Management System
302.505 (1) The person managing the safety management system shall
(a) implement a reporting system to ensure the timely collection of information related to hazards, incidents and accidents that may adversely affect safety;
(b) identify hazards and carry out risk management analyses of those hazards;
(c) investigate, analyze and identify the cause or probable cause of all hazards, incidents and accidents identified under the safety management system;
(d) implement a safety data system, by either electronic or other means, to monitor and analyze trends in hazards, incidents and accidents;
(e) monitor and evaluate the results of corrective actions with respect to hazards, incidents and accidents;
(f) monitor the concerns of the civil aviation industry in respect of safety and their perceived effect on the holder of the airport certificate; and
(g) determine the adequacy of the training required by paragraph 302.502(f).
(2) The person managing the safety management system shall, if a finding resulting from the safety management system referred to in section 302.501 is reported to them,
(a) determine what, if any, corrective actions are required and carry out those actions;
(b) keep a record of any determination made under paragraph (a) and the reason for it;
(c) if management duties have been assigned to another person under subsection (3), communicate any determination regarding a corrective action to that person; and
(d) notify the certificate holder of any systemic deficiency and of the corrective action taken.
(3) The person managing the safety management system may assign the management functions for the safety management system referred to in section 302.501 to another person if the assignment and its scope are described in the airport operations manual.
(4) The person to whom management functions have been assigned under subsection (3) shall notify the person managing the safety management system of any systemic deficiency and of the corrective action taken.
(5) The responsibility and accountability of the accountable executive are not affected by the appointment of a person to manage the safety management system under paragraph 302.504(b) or the assignment of management functions to another person under subsection (3).
- SOR/2007-290, s. 10
- SOR/2019-119, s. 9(E)
- SOR/2019-122, s. 1
Division VI — Runway End Safety Area (RESA)
RESA — Obligations of Operator
302.600 (1) The operator of an airport shall ensure that a runway that is used for the take-off or landing of commercial aeroplanes engaged in a scheduled air service for the purpose of carrying passengers has a RESA that meets the requirements of section 302.602 if, according to the statistics referred to in subsection (2) or (3), the total of the number of passengers that are emplaned and the number of passengers that are deplaned at the airport is at least 325,000 per year during a period of two consecutive calendar years, the first period beginning the year in which this section comes into force.
(2) The statistics in respect of the number of passengers are as published by Statistics Canada in the Airport Activity Survey.
(3) If the statistics in respect of the number of passengers are not published or are incomplete, the statistics are those provided by Statistics Canada to the Minister.
(4) In the case referred to in subsection (3), if the threshold in respect of the number of passengers referred to in subsection (1) has been reached, the Minister shall notify the operator of the airport.
(5) The operator of an airport shall comply with the requirements of subsection (1)
(a) within three years of the day on which the statistics referred to in subsection (2) are published in respect of the last year of a period referred to in subsection (1); or
(b) within three years of the day on which the Minister notifies the operator under subsection (4).
(6) Despite subsection (5), if a new runway is first in operation after the threshold in respect of the number of passengers referred to in subsection (1) has been reached, the operator of an airport shall comply with the requirements of subsection (1) beginning on the day on which the runway is first in operation.
(7) If the total of the number of passengers that are emplaned and the number of passengers that are deplaned at the airport falls below 325,000 per year during any period of three consecutive calendar years after the day on which this section comes into force, the operator of an airport referred to in subsection (1) is no longer required to comply with the requirements of that subsection until the total of the number of passengers that are emplaned and the number of passengers that are deplaned at the airport is at least 325,000 per year during a period of two consecutive calendar years.
RESA — Obligations of Operator of a Listed Airport
302.601 (1) Despite subsection 302.600(1), the operator of an airport referred to in the table to this section shall ensure that a runway that is used for the take-off or landing of commercial aeroplanes engaged in a scheduled air service for the purpose of carrying passengers has a RESA that meets the requirements of section 302.602.
(2) The operator of an airport shall comply with the requirements of subsection (1) within three years of the day on which this section comes into force.
Airport ICAO Location Indicator Calgary International CYYC Edmonton International CYEG Halifax (Robert L. Stanfield International) CYHZ Kelowna International CYLW Montréal (Montréal — Pierre Elliott Trudeau International) CYUL Ottawa (Macdonald-Cartier International) CYOW Québec (Jean Lesage International) CYQB Saskatoon (John G. Diefenbaker International) CYXE Toronto (Lester B. Pearson International) CYYZ Vancouver International CYVR Victoria International CYYJ Winnipeg (James Armstrong Richardson International) CYWG
RESA — Requirements
302.602 (1) A RESA shall have a minimum length of 150 m and shall conform to the requirements respecting location, characteristics and objects in the runway end safety area set out in 3.2 of Chapter 3 of the document entitled Aerodrome Standards and Recommended Practices, TP 312E, published by the Department of Transport.
(2) The operator of an airport may reduce the length of the ASDA, LDA or TORA in order to obtain the minimum length referred to in subsection (1).
(3) The minimum length referred to in subsection (1) does not apply if the operator of an airport installs an arresting system that is designed to stop an aeroplane in the event that the aeroplane overruns a runway and that conforms to the requirements regarding such a system set out in 3.2 of Chapter 3 of TP 312E.
(4) A RESA is not required before the starting point of the LDA if
(a) the runway is equipped with a serviceable precision approach path indicator (PAPI) or abbreviated precision approach path indicator (APAPI); or
(b) an instrument approach procedure with approved vertical guidance that is not restricted by a special authorization or an operations specification is available in respect of the runway.
(5) For the purposes of paragraph (4)(b), approved vertical guidance means glide slope deviation information provided to a pilot until the decision height is reached to assist in the carrying out of a three-dimensional instrument approach without a missed approach point, but in respect of a missed approach segment that begins at the decision height.
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