Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions
Part III — Aerodromes, Airports and Heliports (continued)
- SOR/2007-87, s. 4
Subpart 7 — Aerodromes — Consultations (continued)
307.02 This Subpart applies to existing and proposed aerodromes that are not
(a) military aerodromes;
(b) water aerodromes;
(c) aerodromes that are used primarily for agricultural operations;
(d) aerodromes, including heliports, that are used primarily for helicopter operations; and
(e) aerodromes that are used as temporary installations for the purpose of providing emergency services, such as forest fire suppression, law enforcement activities, and search and rescue operations, and responding to a medical emergency.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Requirement — Consultations
307.03 The proponent shall consult with the interested parties in accordance with the requirements of this Subpart.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Interested Parties
307.04 (1) For the purposes of this Subpart, the interested parties are the following:
(a) if a built-up area of a city or town is located within a radius of 4 000 m from the location of the proposed aerodrome work,
(i) the Minister,
(ii) the providers of air navigation services,
(iii) the operator of a certified or registered aerodrome located within a radius of 30 nautical miles from the location of the proposed aerodrome work,
(iv) the authority responsible for a protected area located within the radius of 4 000 m from the location of the proposed aerodrome work,
(v) any local land use authority where the proposed aerodrome work is to be carried out, and
(vi) members of the public who are within the radius of 4 000 m from the location of the proposed aerodrome work; or
(b) in any other case,
(i) the Minister,
(ii) the providers of air navigation services,
(iii) the operator of a certified or registered aerodrome located within a radius of 30 nautical miles from the location of the proposed aerodrome work,
(iv) the authority responsible for a protected area located within a radius of 4 000 m from the location of the proposed aerodrome work,
(v) any local land use authority where the proposed aerodrome work is to be carried out, and
(vi) the owner of any land bordering the land on which the proposed aerodrome work is to be carried out.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the radius of 4 000 m from the location of the proposed aerodrome work shall be measured from the outer perimeter of the site of that location.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Notice and Sign
307.05 The proponent shall, at least 75 days before the expected start date of the proposed aerodrome work,
(a) provide a notice of the proposed aerodrome work to the interested parties referred to in subparagraphs 307.04(1)(a)(i) to (v) or paragraph 307.04(1)(b), as applicable; and
(b) in the case referred to in paragraph 307.04(1)(a), place a sign, in plain view of the public, at the location where the proposed aerodrome work is to be carried out.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Content of Notice and Sign
307.06 The proponent shall include the following information on the notice and the sign:
(a) a drawing showing the location of the proposed aerodrome work;
(b) a description of the proposed aerodrome work and its purpose;
(c) the expected start date and completion date of the proposed aerodrome work;
(d) a statement that the interested parties may provide their comments or objections to the proponent with respect to the proposed aerodrome work;
(e) contact information, including the mailing address, phone number and email address, for the contact persons to whom the interested parties may provide their comments or objections; and
(f) the period, which shall be at least 45 days, during which the interested parties may provide their comments or objections.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Summary Report
307.07 At the end of the period referred to in paragraph 307.06(f), the proponent shall prepare a summary report that includes the following:
(a) a description of the proposed aerodrome work;
(b) a description of the measures taken by the proponent to comply with the requirements of this Subpart;
(c) the interested parties who were notified of the proposed aerodrome work; and
(d) a summary of the comments and objections received, the actions that the proponent proposes to take to address those comments and objections, and any objections that were not addressed, if applicable.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Communication of Summary Report
307.08 The proponent shall, as soon as practicable after the end of the period referred to in paragraph 307.06(f), provide the summary report to the Minister and make it available to the interested parties.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Availability of Summary Report
307.09 The proponent shall ensure that the summary report is available to the interested parties for at least five years after the date on which it is made available to them.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
Start of Aerodrome Work
307.10 (1) The proponent shall not start the proposed aerodrome work before the end of 30 days after the date on which the summary report is provided to the Minister.
(2) If the proponent does not start the proposed aerodrome work within five years after the date on which the summary report is provided to the Minister, the proponent shall once again comply with the requirements of this Subpart.
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
SUBPART 8[Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.01 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.02 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.03 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.04 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.05 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.06 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.07 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.08 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.09 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.10 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.12 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.13 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.14 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.15 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.16 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
308.17 [Repealed, SOR/2006-86, s. 9]
Part IV — Personnel Licensing and Training
Division I — General
400.01 (1) In this Part,
- aerobatic manoeuvre
aerobatic manoeuvre[Repealed, SOR/2001-49, s. 1]
- aeroplane
aeroplane does not include an ultra-light aeroplane; (avion)
- aviation document booklet
aviation document booklet means a booklet issued by the Minister in which certain documents issued under this Part can be affixed. (carnet de documents d’aviation)
- balloon
balloon includes any lighter-than-air aircraft; (ballon)
- booklet label
booklet label means a label that is intended to be affixed in an aviation document booklet. (étiquette de carnet)
- complex aeroplane
complex aeroplane means an aeroplane that has flaps and a constant-speed propeller and, except in the case of a seaplane, retractable landing gear; (avion complexe)
- dual instruction flight time
dual instruction flight time means the flight time during which a person is receiving flight instruction from a person qualified in accordance with section 425.21 of Standard 425 — Flight Training; (temps d’instruction de vol en double commande)
- employed on a full-time basis
employed on a full-time basis means working for a flight training unit on a continuous basis for at least the number of hours required to carry out the duties of the position intended to ensure the safe operation of the flight training service; (employé à temps plein)
- examination
examination means any written examination or written practical qualifications examination required by the personnel licensing standards for the issuance of a permit or licence or for the endorsement of a permit or licence with a rating; (examen)
- flight following
flight following[Repealed, SOR/2014-131, s. 8]
- flight instructor experience
flight instructor experience with respect to the experience requirements for a flight instructor rating for an aeroplane or helicopter, means the flight time accumulated in an aeroplane or helicopter
(a) by a holder of a flight instructor rating while providing dual flight instruction to applicants for
(i) a pilot permit — recreational,
(ii) a private or commercial pilot licence, or
(iii) a night rating, VFR OTT rating, flight instructor rating — aeroplane, flight instructor rating — helicopter or flight instructor rating — aeroplane — aerobatic,
(b) by a holder of a foreign flight instructor rating issued by a contracting state, while providing dual flight instruction to an applicant for a permit, licence or rating equivalent to one of those referred to in paragraph (a), and
(c) by a Canadian Armed Forces qualified flying instructor while providing dual flight instruction to persons undergoing initial flight training in the Canadian Armed Forces; (expérience d’instructeur de vol)
- flight watch
flight watch[Repealed, SOR/2014-131, s. 8]
- foreign licence validation certificate
foreign licence validation certificate means a certificate issued by the Minister pursuant to subsection 401.07(1); (certificat de validation de licence étrangère)
- glider
glider includes a powered glider; (planeur)
- ground school instruction
ground school instruction means classroom-type instruction generally given to one or more persons and covering an organized program of lectures, homework or self-paced study that adheres to an approved training program; (instruction théorique au sol)
- high-performance aeroplane
high-performance aeroplane, with respect to a rating, means
(a) an aeroplane that is specified in the minimum flight crew document as requiring only one pilot and that has a maximum speed (Vne) of 250 KIAS or greater or a stall speed (Vso) of 80 KIAS or greater, or
(b) an amateur-built aeroplane that has a wing loading greater than that specified in section 549.103 of the Airworthiness Manual; (avion à hautes performances)
- instrument time
instrument time[Repealed, SOR/2014-131, s. 8]
- integrated course
integrated course means a course of pilot training developed using the principles of instructional systems design, in which all instructional stages are completed as one continuous course and the flight training elements are interrelated and sequenced to provide for the efficient achievement of the learning objectives; (cours intégré)
- invigilator
invigilator means a person who is designated by the Minister to supervise a written examination; (surveillant)
- main base
main base means a location at which a flight training unit has personnel, aircraft and facilities for the operation of a flight training service and that is established as the principal place of business of the flight training unit; (base principale)
- minimum flight crew document
minimum flight crew document means a document, issued by the Minister, a contracting state or an aircraft manufacturer, that relates to an aircraft and that specifies the number of pilots required to operate the aircraft; (document relatif à l’équipage de conduite minimal)
- operational control
operational control means the exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight; (contrôle d’exploitation)
- operations specifications
operations specifications, in respect of a flight training unit, means the operations specifications set out in a flight training unit operator certificate, and includes any amendment to the conditions of operation; (spécifications d’exploitation)
- pilot’s self-dispatch
pilot’s self-dispatch[Repealed, SOR/2014-131, s. 8]
- pre-flight briefing
pre-flight briefing means a one-to-one practical briefing that is conducted just prior to a training flight for the purpose of ensuring that the trainee understands exactly what will take place during the flight; (exposé avant vol)
- preparatory ground instruction
preparatory ground instruction means classroom-type instruction, generally on a one-to-one basis but not excluding group instruction, that is based on lesson plans contained in or developed from the applicable flight instructor guide; (instruction au sol avant vol)
- satellite base
satellite base means a location at which a flight training unit has personnel, aircraft and facilities for the operation of a flight training service on a temporary basis; (base satellite)
- solo flight time
solo flight time means, with respect to the flight time necessary to acquire a permit, licence or rating,
(a) in the case of a pilot, the flight time during which the pilot is the sole flight crew member, and
(b) in the case of a student pilot permit holder, the flight time during which the holder is the sole occupant of an aircraft while under the direction and supervision of the holder of an instructor rating for the appropriate category of aircraft; (temps de vol en solo)
- sub-base
sub-base means a location at which a flight training unit positions aircraft and personnel and from which operational control is exercised in accordance with the flight training operations manual and operational control system; (base secondaire)
- training flight
training flight means a dual instruction flight or a solo practice flight that is conducted under the direction and supervision of a flight instructor; (vol d’entraînement)
- ultra-light aeroplane
ultra-light aeroplane includes a powered parachute and a powered para-glider. (avion ultra-léger)
(2) Any reference in this Part to a permit, licence, rating or foreign licence validation certificate is a reference to a valid Canadian permit, licence, rating or foreign licence validation certificate.
(3) Any reference in this Part to “military” is a reference to the Canadian Armed Forces.
- SOR/2001-49, s. 1
- SOR/2003-129, s. 2
- SOR/2005-320, s. 1
- SOR/2006-352, s. 4
- SOR/2010-26, s. 2
- SOR/2014-131, s. 8
- SOR/2019-119, s. 47
- SOR/2020-151, s. 4
- SOR/2021-152, s. 18
- Date modified: