Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions

Part IV — Personnel Licensing and Training (continued)

Subpart 1 — Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Ratings (continued)

Division VII.1 — Multi-crew Pilot Licence

Aeroplanes — Privileges
  •  (1) The holder of a multi-crew pilot licence — aeroplane may act as co-pilot of a turbine-powered aeroplane that is operated day or night, under VFR, VFR OTT or IFR, if the aeroplane

    • (a) is a transport category aircraft;

    • (b) is an aeroplane for which a minimum flight crew document has been issued that specifies a minimum flight crew of two pilots;

    • (c) is of a type in respect of which the holder’s licence is endorsed with a rating; and

    • (d) is operated under subpart 4 of Part VI or under Part VII.

  • (2) The holder of a multi-crew pilot licence — aeroplane may act as pilot-in-command of any aircraft for the purpose of the holder’s flight training if the flight training is conducted in accordance with section 401.19.

  • SOR/2014-15, s. 13

[401.33 reserved]

Division VIII — Airline Transport Pilot Licence

Aeroplanes — Privileges
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the holder of an airline transport pilot licence — aeroplane may exercise the privileges of a private pilot licence — aeroplane and a commercial pilot licence — aeroplane.

  • (2) The holder of an airline transport pilot licence — aeroplane endorsed with a Group 1 instrument rating may, while engaged in providing a commercial air service by means of an aeroplane of a class and type in respect of which the licence is endorsed with a rating, act as

    • (a) pilot-in-command of the aeroplane, if the minimum flight crew document for that aeroplane specifies a minimum flight crew of two pilots; or

    • (b) co-pilot of the aeroplane.

  • SOR/2001-49, s. 20
Helicopters — Privileges
  •  (1) The holder of an airline transport pilot licence — helicopter may

    • (a) exercise the privileges of a private pilot licence — helicopter and a commercial pilot licence — helicopter; and

    • (b) while engaged in providing a commercial air service by means of a helicopter of a type for which the licence is endorsed with ratings, act as pilot-in-command or co-pilot of the helicopter.

  • (2) Where an applicant meets the requirements specified in the personnel licensing standards for an airline transport pilot licence — helicopter except the night and instrument flight time requirements, the Minister shall issue to the applicant an airline transport pilot licence — helicopter restricted to aerial work only.

  • SOR/2005-320, s. 7

[401.36 reserved]

Division IX — Flight Engineer Licence

  •  (1) The holder of a flight engineer licence may

    • (a) act as flight engineer in an aircraft of a type for which the licence is endorsed with a rating; and

    • (b) act as flight engineer in any aircraft for the sole purpose of the holder’s flight training or competency check if

      • (i) the flight training is conducted under the supervision of a person qualified to give flight engineer training, or

      • (ii) the competency check is conducted by a person qualified to conduct the check.

  • (2) A holder of a flight engineer licence who supervises other holders of flight engineer licences may conduct flight training and competency checks in respect of

    • (a) the issuance of a flight engineer licence;

    • (b) the endorsement of a flight engineer licence with an aircraft type rating;

    • (c) the endorsement of a commercial pilot licence — aeroplane or an airline transport pilot licence — aeroplane with a second officer rating; and

    • (d) the endorsement of a licence with an aircraft type rating for second officer privileges, if the licence has a second officer rating.

Division X — Aeroplane Class Ratings


 The Minister shall endorse the following permits and licences with an aeroplane class rating if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06:

  • (a) private pilot licence — aeroplane;

  • (b) commercial pilot licence — aeroplane;

  • (c) airline transport pilot licence — aeroplane; and

  • (d) pilot permit — recreational — aeroplane.


 The holder of a permit or licence that has been endorsed with an aeroplane class rating may exercise the privileges of the permit or licence in the class of aeroplane for which the permit or licence is endorsed.

  • SOR/2002-111, s. 1

Division XI — Aircraft Type Ratings

Blanket and Individual Type Ratings

 The Minister shall endorse the permits and licences specified in the personnel licensing standards with a blanket aircraft type rating or an individual type rating if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06.


 The holder of a permit or licence that has been endorsed with a blanket aircraft type rating or an individual type rating may exercise the privileges of the permit or licence in the blanket aircraft type or individual aircraft type for which the permit or licence is endorsed.

  • SOR/2002-111, s. 2

Division XII — Night Rating


 The Minister shall endorse the following permits and licences with a night rating if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06:

  • (a) private pilot licence — aeroplane;

  • (b) private pilot licence — helicopter;

  • (c) pilot licence — balloon; and

  • (d) pilot permit — gyroplane.


 The holder of a permit or licence that has been endorsed with a night rating may exercise the privileges of the permit or licence by night.

  • SOR/2002-111, s. 3

Division XIII — VFR Over-the-Top Rating


 The Minister shall endorse the following licences with a VFR OTT rating if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06:

  • (a) private pilot licence — aeroplane;

  • (b) private pilot licence — helicopter;

  • (c) commercial pilot licence — helicopter; and

  • (d) airline transport pilot licence — helicopter.


 The holder of a licence that has been endorsed with a VFR OTT rating may exercise the privileges of the licence in VFR OTT flight in accordance with section 602.116.

Division XIV — Instrument Rating

  •  (1) The Minister shall endorse the following licences with an instrument rating if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06:

    • (a) pilot licence — aeroplane; and

    • (b) pilot licence — helicopter.

  • (2) Where the Minister has endorsed a licence with an instrument rating, the Minister shall endorse the licence with the group of aircraft in respect of which the privileges may be exercised.


 The holder of a licence endorsed with an instrument rating may exercise

  • (a) the privileges of the licence under IFR in accordance with Part VI, Subpart 2, Division VII in respect of the group of aircraft endorsed on the licence; and

  • (b) the privileges accorded by a VFR OTT rating.

 [Reserved, SOR/2019-119, s. 16]

 [Reserved, SOR/2019-119, s. 16]

[401.48 to 401.51 reserved]

Division XV — Second Officer Rating


 The Minister shall endorse the following licences with a second officer rating if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06:

  • (a) commercial pilot licence — aeroplane;

  • (b) airline transport pilot licence — aeroplane; and

  • (c) multi-crew pilot licence — aeroplane.

  • SOR/2014-15, s. 14
  •  (1) The holder of a second officer rating may

    • (a) act as second officer in any aeroplane of a type to which the rating applies;

    • (b) act as second officer in any aeroplane for the sole purpose of the holder’s own flight training or competency check if

      • (i) the flight training is conducted under the supervision of a person qualified to give second officer training, or

      • (ii) the competency check is conducted by a person qualified to conduct the check; and

    • (c) act as a flight engineer in an aeroplane of a type to which the rating applies.

  • (2) A holder of a second officer rating who supervises other holders of second officer ratings may conduct flight training and competency checks in respect of

    • (a) the endorsement of a commercial pilot licence — aeroplane or an airline transport pilot licence — aeroplane with a second officer rating; and

    • (b) the endorsement of a licence with an aircraft type rating for second officer privileges, if the holder holds a second officer rating.

[401.54 reserved]

Division XVI — Passenger-Carrying Rating — Ultra-Light Aeroplane


 The Minister shall endorse a pilot permit — ultra-light aeroplane with a passenger-carrying rating if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06.

  • SOR/2005-319, s. 4
  • SOR/2011-284, s. 15

 The holder of a pilot permit — ultra-light aeroplane endorsed with a passenger-carrying rating may carry one other person on board an ultra-light aeroplane if it has no restrictions against carrying another person.

  • SOR/2005-319, s. 4

[401.57 to 401.60 reserved]

Division XVII — Flight Instructor Ratings — Aeroplane and Helicopter

  •  (1) The Minister shall endorse the following licences with a Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06:

    • (a) commercial pilot licence — aeroplane; and

    • (b) airline transport pilot licence — aeroplane.

  • (2) The Minister shall endorse the following licences with a Class 1, 2, 3, or 4 flight instructor rating — helicopter if the applicant for the rating meets the requirements referred to in section 401.06:

    • (a) commercial pilot licence — helicopter; and

    • (b) airline transport pilot licence — helicopter.

Class 4 Supervision Requirement

 Subject to paragraph 401.69(e), no holder of a Class 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane or a Class 4 flight instructor rating — helicopter shall exercise the privileges accorded by that rating unless the holder

  • (a) is conducting the training in accordance with a flight training unit operator certificate; and

  • (b) is under the supervision of a supervising instructor of the flight training unit.

  • SOR/2001-49, s. 22
Class 1 or 2 — Supervision of the Holder of a Class 4 Flight Instructor Rating — Aeroplane and Helicopter
  •  (1) Where the holder of a Class 1 or Class 2 flight instructor rating — aeroplane supervises the holder of a Class 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane, the holder of the Class 1 or Class 2 rating shall do so in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.

  • (2) Where the holder of a Class 1 or Class 2 flight instructor rating — helicopter supervises the holder of a Class 4 flight instructor rating — helicopter, the holder of the Class 1 or Class 2 rating shall do so in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.

Class 4 — Record Keeping

 The holder of a Class 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane or a Class 4 flight instructor rating — helicopter shall, in respect of the trainees under the supervision of the holder, keep records in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.

Period of Validity

 A Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane, a Class 1 or 2 flight instructor rating — aeroplane — aerobatic or a Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 flight instructor rating — helicopter is valid for the period specified on the licence in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.

Renewal of Flight Instructor Rating

 The Minister shall renew a flight instructor rating in accordance with the personnel licensing standards if the holder of the rating continues to meet the requirements for the endorsement of the rating referred to in section 401.06.

Flight Test Records
  •  (1) The Minister shall establish, maintain and evaluate a flight test record for each holder of a flight instructor rating — aeroplane, flight instructor rating — helicopter or flight instructor rating — aeroplane — aerobatic in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.

  • (2) Where the evaluation of a flight test record done pursuant to subsection (1) indicates that follow-up action is required, the Minister shall ensure that the follow-up action is carried out in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.

  • SOR/2006-352, s. 12

[401.68 reserved]

Division XVIII — Flight Instructor Rating — Aeroplane

Class 4 — Privileges

 The holder of a Class 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane may

  • (a) conduct dual flight instruction in respect of the issuance of a pilot permit — recreational — aeroplane or pilot licence — aeroplane or the endorsement of a night rating or a VFR OTT rating on a pilot licence — aeroplane;

  • (b) authorize a trainee to conduct a solo flight in an aeroplane;

  • (c) recommend a trainee for a flight test in respect of the issuance of a pilot permit — recreational — aeroplane or pilot licence — aeroplane;

  • (d) recommend a trainee for the endorsement of a night rating or a VFR OTT rating on the trainee’s pilot licence — aeroplane; and

  • (e) exercise the privileges of a flight instructor rating — ultra-light aeroplane without being under the supervision prescribed in paragraph 401.62(b).

  • SOR/2001-49, s. 23
Class 3 — Privileges

 The holder of a Class 3 flight instructor rating — aeroplane may

  • (a) exercise the privileges of a Class 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane; and

  • (b) act as chief flight instructor of a flight training unit where there is no other flight instructor for the flight training unit.

Class 2 — Privileges

 The holder of a Class 2 flight instructor rating — aeroplane may

  • (a) exercise the privileges of a Class 3 flight instructor rating — aeroplane;

  • (b) supervise the holder of a Class 4 flight instructor rating — aeroplane; and

  • (c) act as chief flight instructor of a flight training unit.

Class 1 — Privileges

 The holder of a Class 1 flight instructor rating — aeroplane may

  • (a) exercise the privileges of a Class 2 flight instructor rating — aeroplane; and

  • (b) conduct ground school instruction and flight training in respect of the endorsement of a flight instructor rating — aeroplane.


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