Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions
Part III — Aerodromes, Airports and Heliports (continued)
- SOR/2007-87, s. 4
Subpart 5 – Heliports (continued)
Division X — Visual Aids for Denoting Obstacles (continued)
Marking Obstacles
305.38 (1) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that a fixed obstacle or a mobile obstacle on the heliport is marked in accordance with the requirements of the applicable heliport standard.
(2) Obstacles required to be marked shall, in accordance with Standard 621, be
(a) coloured;
(b) marked by markers; or
(c) marked by flags.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
- SOR/2011-285, s. 7
Lighting Obstacles
305.39 (1) The operator of a heliport shall light a fixed obstacle in accordance with Standard 621.
(2) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that maintenance and service vehicles in use display lights in accordance with the requirements of the applicable heliport standard.
(3) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that emergency vehicles in use that are required to be lighted display the lights specified in the applicable heliport standard.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
- SOR/2011-285, s. 7
Division XI — Visual Aids for Denoting Restricted Use Areas
305.41 (1) When a FATO, helicopter parking position, taxiway, or any part of those areas is permanently closed, the operator of a heliport shall display a closed marking on the area that meets the requirements of the applicable heliport standard.
(2) When an area of a heliport is temporarily closed or an area is snow-covered, the heliport operator shall ensure that
(a) notice of the closure is
(i) included in the Canada Flight Supplement, or
(ii) reported in a NOTAM; or
(b) a closed marking referred to in subsection (1) is displayed on the affected area.
(3) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that non-load-bearing surfaces adjacent to a FATO, helicopter parking position or taxiway that cannot be visually distinguished from load-bearing surfaces are marked as set out in the applicable heliport standard.
(4) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that unserviceability markers consisting of flags, cones or marker boards that meet the requirements of the applicable heliport standard and are positioned in conformity with that standard are displayed on any part of a taxiway or apron that is unfit for the movement of aircraft.
(5) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that unserviceability lights that meet the requirements of the applicable heliport standard are displayed in conformity with that standard wherever any portion of a taxiway or apron at a heliport that is certified to be available for use at night is unfit for the movement of aircraft.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
Division XII — Equipment and Installations
305.43 (1) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that the lights of a visual approach slope indicator system, when required and installed as specified in subsection 305.33(4), are aligned by means of
(a) a daily inspection of alignment and, if necessary, a correction of any misalignment of more than 3 minutes of arc; or
(b) an automatic shut-off switch installed in the system.
(2) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that a fence or other barrier is installed on the heliport and that the fence or other barrier meets the requirements of the applicable heliport standard.
(3) The operator of a heliport or a person under the operator’s authority shall direct any vehicle that is operated on an apron or manoeuvring area of the heliport or, in the case of a vehicle in a manoeuvring area, shall ensure that the vehicle’s operation is under the direction of the air traffic services unit or the heliport operator or a person working under their authority, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable heliport standard.
(4) The operator of the heliport shall ensure that the drivers of vehicles on an apron or manoeuvring area are trained for the tasks to be performed and that they know they must comply with instructions issued by the air traffic services unit or the heliport operator or a person working under their authority.
(5) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that equipment required for air navigation purposes that is located on a safety area, a taxiway strip or within the separation distances specified in the applicable heliport standard is located, constructed and installed in accordance with that standard.
(6) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that visual aids, precision approach FATO lights and centre line lights on a taxiway are maintained in accordance with the applicable heliport standard.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
Division XIII — Emergency and Other Services
Emergency Response Plan
305.45 (1) The operator of a heliport shall have a heliport emergency response plan available at the heliport.
(2) The operator of a heliport shall identify in the emergency response plan those organizations that are capable of providing assistance in responding to an emergency at the heliport or in its vicinity.
(3) The operator of a heliport shall specify in the emergency response plan the procedures to be followed for
(a) an aircraft crash or other accident within the heliport perimeter;
(b) an aircraft crash outside the heliport perimeter; and
(c) any medical emergency.
(4) Where an approach and departure path at a heliport is located over water, the operator of the heliport shall specify in the emergency response plan
(a) the organization that is responsible for co-ordinating rescue in the event of an aircraft ditching; and
(b) how to contact that organization.
(5) The operator of a heliport shall include in the emergency response plan the information required in accordance with standard 325 — Heliport Standards.
(6) The operator of a heliport shall consult with all organizations identified in the emergency response plan concerning their role in it.
(7) The operator of a heliport shall annually review the emergency response plan and update the information.
(8) The operator of a heliport that provides a scheduled service for the transport of passengers shall carry out a test of the emergency response plan at intervals not exceeding three years.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
- SOR/2022-267, s. 17
Fire Protection Services
305.46 (1) The operator of a surface-level heliport or of a heliport over a parking garage or on an elevated structure that is not an occupied building shall ensure that fire protection services are provided at the heliport and that those services and the fire resistance of the structure meets the requirements of the applicable heliport standard.
(2) The operator of a rooftop heliport shall ensure that fire protection services are provided at the heliport and that those services and the fire resistance of the structure meets the requirements of the applicable heliport standard.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
Extinguishing Agents and Equipment
305.47 The operator of a heliport shall
(a) determine the requirements for extinguishing agents and equipment used for fire protection at the heliport based on the longest dimension helicopter for which the heliport has been certified;
(b) ensure that the agents and equipment are in accordance with the applicable heliport standard; and
(c) provide a fire extinguisher or fire fighting system that is protected from freezing.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
Safety Personnel for Rooftop Heliport
305.48 The operator of a rooftop heliport shall ensure that a minimum of one trained safety person is in attendance during helicopter operations.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
Training for Safety Personnel
305.49 The operator of a heliport shall provide initial and refresher training to safety personnel provided at the heliport in accordance with the applicable heliport standard.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
Division XIV — Heliport Operations Manual
305.53 (1) The provisions of this Subpart that specify the procedures for making a heliport operations manual also apply in respect of any amendment to the manual.
(2) The operator of a heliport shall set out in the heliport operations manual
(a) the heliport certification standards that were met for issuance of the heliport certificate; and
(b) the level and types of services to be provided by the operator of the heliport.
(3) [Repealed, SOR/2019-295, s. 9]
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
- SOR/2019-295, s. 9
Heliport Data
305.54 (1) The operator of a heliport shall determine and record in the heliport operations manual, the following data in respect of the heliport in accordance with the applicable heliport standard:
(a) geographic coordinates for
(i) the heliport reference point if
(A) the heliport is not located on an aerodrome that already has a reference point, and
(B) the heliport operator intends to submit to the Minister a request that a zoning regulation be made under the Aeronautics Act,
(ii) the heliport geometric centre,
(iii) the FATO coordinates,
(iv) the heliport elevation,
(v) the heliport magnetic variation, and
(vi) where installed, the electronic navigation aids; and
(b) information in respect of
(i) the heliport type,
(ii) the dimensions, slope and surface type of all TLOFs,
(iii) the length, width, slope, category, surface type and designation number of all FATOs,
(iv) the length, width and surface type of all safety areas,
(v) the designation, width and surface type of helicopter ground and air taxiways,
(vi) the apron surface type and description of helicopter parking positions, and
(vii) the declared distances for
(A) take-off distance available,
(B) rejected take-off distance available, and
(C) landing distance available.
(2) The operator of a heliport shall ensure that a heliport geometric centre is redetermined and recorded in the manual if the physical characteristics of the heliport change because
(a) an existing FATO is closed;
(b) the boundaries of an existing FATO are altered; or
(c) a new FATO is constructed.
(3) The operator of a heliport shall report the heliport data specified in paragraph (1)(a) to the Aeronautical Information Services of NAV Canada within 14 days after the Minister’s approval of certification.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
- SOR/2022-267, s. 18
305.55 The operator of a heliport shall ensure that the heliport operations manual contains
(a) a table of contents; and
(b) the following information relating to the administration of the heliport:
(i) a record of any amendments to the manual,
(ii) a list of holders of copies of the manual or of portions of it,
(iii) a description of a procedure for amending the manual,
(iv) a description of the organizational structure of the heliport management,
(v) a description of the operational procedures of the heliport,
(vi) a declaration, signed and dated by the operator, in which they agree to fulfill the obligations of the operator referred to in section 305.17,
(vii) a statement, signed and dated by the operator, certifying that their heliport operations manual is complete and accurate, and that the operator agrees to comply with all of the conditions and specifications set out in it,
(viii) a statement, signed by the Minister, that the heliport operations manual and any amendments to it have been approved,
(ix) a copy of any agreement or memorandum of understanding that affects the operation of the heliport, including the provision of emergency services at the heliport, and
(x) the information necessary to verify that the heliport meets the applicable heliport standard.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
- SOR/2015-160, s. 18(F)
- SOR/2022-267, s. 19
305.56 The operator of a heliport shall ensure that their heliport operations manual sets out the information specified in subsection 305.25(1).
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
305.57 The operator of a heliport shall ensure that the following are provided in accordance with the applicable heliport standard and recorded in their heliport operations manual:
(a) the applicable physical characteristics set out in section 305.25;
(b) the obstacle limitation surfaces set out in section 305.29;
(c) the visual aids for navigation set out in section 305.31;
(d) the lighting or marking of obstacles set out in section 305.37;
(e) the visual aids utilized for denoting restricted use areas set out in section 305.41;
(f) the equipment and installations set out in section 305.43; and
(g) the emergency response plan set out in section 305.45.
- SOR/2007-87, s. 8
Subpart 6 – [Reserved]
Subpart 7 — Aerodromes — Consultations
307.01 The following definitions apply in this Subpart.
- aerodrome work
aerodrome work means work, other than work necessary to comply with a new requirement imposed by or under the Act, carried out for any of the following purposes:
(a) building a new aerodrome; or
(b) at an existing aerodrome,
(i) building a new runway for aeroplanes, or
(ii) increasing the length of an existing runway for aeroplanes by more than 100 m or 10%, whichever is greater. (travaux d’aérodrome)
- proponent
proponent means a person who proposes to carry out aerodrome work. (promoteur)
- protected area
protected area means a natural area or habitat that is protected by or under federal legislation. (aire protégée)
- SOR/2016-261, s. 3
- SOR/2019-119, s. 12
- Date modified: